Newspaper article in journalistic style. Newspaper and journalistic style. Newspaper and journalistic style functions in the socio-political sphere and

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    The end of the Second Chechen War did not bring peace to the Caucasus

    No Caucasian war there's no smell there. (V.V. Putin)

    Federal Center There is a desperate need for calm in the North Caucasus. And because as much as possible. And because we need to prepare for the Olympics, which are four years away. And because the economy is not going smoothly and is growing social tension. No one hides the fact that unreconciled militants continue to run through the mountains. But it seems like this is no longer a war. The second Chechen war lasted almost ten years and was officially completed in April 2009.

    At the end of March, Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov said that in a few days the end of the counter-terrorist operation in Chechnya, which had lasted since 1999, would be announced. This meant an increase in his political capital, and the withdrawal of a significant part of the federal troops from the republic, and a decrease in Moscow’s control over cash flows. However, senior comrades corrected Kadyrov, explaining that not everything is so simple. After reflection and agreement, a political decision was made to consider the Second Chechen War over.

    The number of militants in the North Caucasus has not changed much since then. Security forces estimate their number at several hundred. At the same time, Kadyrov adheres to the figure of 70 people. But this applies only to the territory under his control. At the same time, at the end of 2009, the director of the FSB and the head of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee, Alexander Bortnikov, reported on the capture of 782 militants. It seems that the self-reproduction of members of illegal armed groups remains at a stable level.

    The main bogeyman remains the self-proclaimed emir of the Caucasus, Doku Umarov, whom according to good tradition destroyed several times this year. And the number of reports of his serious injuries apparently reaches a dozen. Even for readers of news agency reports, it is not difficult to localize its location: this is a mountainous forest area, or forest, in the area of ​​​​the administrative border of Chechnya and Ingushetia - this area is approximately equal in area to Moscow.

    It seems that, apart from Umarov, there are no influential people left in the Caucasus field commanders. In any case, the security forces call almost every killed militant the leader of armed gangs. It would seem that with such pressure from the outside law enforcement about meaningful, even if guerrilla warfare out of the question. Apparently, the militants themselves understand this, since their main trump card now is terror. First of all, regarding representatives security forces and officials.

    Fighting in the North Caucasus occurs at any time of the year, but militants are most active in the summer. This year the tradition has not changed, and August turned out to be the bloodiest month.

    An important factor is not only military, but also legal and economic support for measures to maintain stability in the region. It is obvious that for calm in the Caucasus, what is needed is not so much bayonets (their number, as past years have shown, does not correlate at all with the activity of militants), but money, preferably a lot of money. However, in post-crisis conditions, when the government is directing all efforts to preserve the living standards and productivity of the electorate, it would be unwise to throw money at North Caucasus, which in this sense is still a black hole - worse than Agriculture and automotive industry.

    Newspaper Article Analysis Sample

    The article “War Without a Smell” formulated the problem and described the situation in the North Caucasus so clearly and simply that the material became one of the most discussed and cited in the media and the Internet.

    The author proves an idea that is obvious to him, but seems controversial for politicians - the war in Chechnya has not ended, and the abolition of the CTO (counter-terrorism operation) regime is premature. the main idea expressed compactly in the first paragraph. Type of speech - reasoning. The text is written in journalistic style. First of all, I define this by the informative and social-evaluative functions of the material. The author describes the situation in Chechen Republic and negatively evaluates the results of the government’s activities, speaking from the position of ordinary citizens of Russia; also in the text you can see an attempt to analyze the situation. The purpose of the author's speech is propaganda. Since the text was distributed through the information site, the text is publicly available. This is another sign of a journalistic style.

    The text’s belonging to the journalistic style is also emphasized by its following features: the presence of a subtitle, an epigraph, the presence of means expressing social assessment(irony, direct assessment), the presence of standard elements (abbreviations, cliches, terms) and the presence of expressive means (creating a comic effect, creating abbreviated and bookish vocabulary, using lexical means expressiveness and means of oratorical syntax), giving dates, numbers, exact names, geographical names, mention of specific events reality. Let's take a closer look at these tools.

    In the epigraph of the article, the author takes Vladimir Putin’s statement “There is no smell of any Caucasian war there” and builds the material on a refutation of this statement. According to the Prime Minister, there is no smell of war, but in fact it exists. That’s why the material is called “War Without Smell.” There is obvious irony and even sarcasm in the title. Then the journalist begins to reflect in the same ironic manner (“However, senior comrades corrected Kadyrov, explaining that not everything is so simple. After reflection and agreement, a political decision was made to consider the Second Chechen war over.” “The main bogeyman remains the self-proclaimed emir of the Caucasus, Doku Umarov, whom according to good tradition, they were destroyed several times this year." "The self-reproduction of members of illegal armed groups remains at a stable level"). Despite the complexity of the topic, the author maintains a light, ironic, semi-conversational style to the end. Here is an example: “Federal Center desperately we need calm in the North Caucasus. And because as much as possible. And because we need to prepare for the Olympics, which are four years away. And because not everything is going smoothly with the economy and social tension is growing. Nobody hides that unreconciled militants continue to run through the mountains. But sort of This is no longer a war." One of the features of the article is the use of colloquial vocabulary. Thanks to this, the author increases the degree of trust of the reader; the author is recognized as “one of our own,” one of the readers, only with a little more information. In addition, the use of colloquial vocabulary helps to very clearly explain to readers the author’s position. And its combination with elements of journalistic and scientific styles also gives a comic effect. Elements of journalistic style on lexical level are newspaper stamps (“calm in the North Caucasus”, “military clashes in the North Caucasus”, “social tension is growing”, “Moscow’s control is decreasing”, “remains at a stable level”, “in the area of ​​the administrative border”, “representatives of security forces and officials ", "an important factor is", "measures to maintain stability in the region", "preserving the living standards of the electorate"), abbreviations (KTO, FSB, NVF). Elements of the scientific style are terms (“mountainous forest area, or forest area”, “their number does not correlate with activity”, “in post-crisis conditions”, “localize its location”, “automotive industry”), the use of large quantities abstract nouns, especially the use of process nouns, and short participles, instead of verbs (“withdrawal of troops”, “control of flows”, “reflection and agreement”, “support of measures to maintain stability”, “was completed”, “was accepted”, etc.).

    Thus, the main means of expressiveness at the lexical level is a mixture of styles, which gives a comic effect. Irony is also widely used, there are metaphors (“bloody month”, “black hole”), transformation of phraseological units (“throwing money into the North Caucasus” - cf. “throwing money down the drain”).

    At the syntactic level of language, the following means of expressiveness are used: anaphora (“ And because as much as possible. And because we need to prepare for the Olympics, which is four years away. And because not everything is going smoothly with the economy and social tension is growing”), gradation (“money, preferably a lot of money”), multi-union (“This meant And increase in his political capital, And withdrawal of a significant part of federal troops from the republic, And reducing Moscow's control over cash flows"). Expressiveness at the syntactic level is given by the use of one-part sentences, introductory words, indicating the author’s attitude to the subject of speech. The author does not use long sentences, tries to convey the idea in detail, often divides sentences into separate simple ones, complex sentences consist of no more than 3 simple ones, repeatedly uses double conjunctions.

    Tags: stylistics, text analysis, journalistic style, functional styles of language, media
    Yulia Fishman
    Certificate of publication No. 890396 dated November 18, 2016

    Newspaper-journalistic style functions in the socio-political sphere and is used in oratory speeches, in various newspaper genres(editorial article, reportage), in journalistic articles in periodicals. It is implemented both in written and in orally.

    A characteristic feature of the newspaper-journalistic style is a combination of two trends - tendencies towards expressiveness and tendencies towards standard .

    This is due to the functions that journalism performs: information-content function and persuasion function, emotional impact . They have special character in a journalistic style. Information in this area social activities addressed to all native speakers and members of a given society (and not just specialists, as in scientific field). For the relevance of information, the time factor is very important: information must be transmitted and become generally known in the shortest possible time, which is not at all important, for example, in an official business style. In the newspaper-journalistic style, persuasion is carried out through an emotional impact on the reader or listener. The author not only expresses his attitude to the information reported, but also expresses the opinion of a certain social group people - parties, movements, etc. So, such a feature of the newspaper-journalistic style as its emotionally expressive nature is associated with the function of influencing the mass reader or listener, and with the speed of transmission of social meaningful information associated standard of this style.

    The tendency towards a standard means the desire of journalism for rigor and information content, which are characteristic of scientific and official business styles. For example, standard expressions for newspaper-journalistic style include: steady growth, temporary support, wide scope, friendly environment, official visit, etc.

    The tendency towards expressiveness is expressed in the desire for accessibility and figurativeness of the form of expression, which is characteristic of artistic style And colloquial speech- V journalistic speech The features of these styles are intertwined.

    Here's a short excerpt from the article: “In any society there are a number of problems directly related to the social functioning of women. It is these problems that feminism has long been preoccupied with, insisting not on equality, but on the otherness of women and men. Education and medicine, the rights of children and the disabled, military duty and the code of punishments - this is the field of social activity in which women's gentleness, the ability to compromise, the preference for the private over the public should have served their purpose. In essence, it doesn’t matter who combines all this into one program - a man or a woman. But it’s still more convenient for a woman. As my grandmother used to say, “Why talk to men - they don’t even know how to dress for the weather.”

    Here we use words and phrases characteristic of scientific style(a number of problems, social functioning of women, preference for private over public, etc.), official business(rights of children and disabled people, military service, punishment codes), as well as colloquial, even colloquial expressions(handy, to do a service, as my grandmother used to say).

    Newspaper and journalistic style possesses both conservatism and mobility. On the one hand, journalistic speech contains a sufficient number of cliches, socio-political and other terms. On the other hand, the desire to convince readers requires more and more new linguistic means to influence them. All the riches of artistic and colloquial speech serve precisely this purpose.
    Vocabulary of newspaper and journalistic style has a pronounced emotional-expressive coloring, includes colloquial, colloquial and even slang elements, uses phrases that combine functional and expressive-evaluative connotations: duping, yellow press, accomplice, etc., which show belonging to the newspaper-journalistic style of speech and contain a negative assessment.
    Many words acquire a newspaper-journalistic coloring if they are used in figurative meaning. For example, the word " signal"has figurative meanings: 1) - serve as an impetus for the beginning of some action ( This article served as a signal for discussion." and 2) - a warning, a message about something unwanted that may happen ( "More than one signal has been received about an unfavorable situation at the plant..)

    Newspaper and journalistic speech actively uses foreign words and elements of words, in particular prefixes: a-, anti-, pro-, neo-. ultra -(anti-constitutional, ultra-right, etc.). It is thanks to the means mass media V Lately significantly replenished active dictionary foreign words, which are part of the Russian language - privatization, electorate, denomination, etc.
    The style in question attracts the entire stock of emotionally expressive and evaluative words, including in the sphere of evaluation even proper names, titles literary works (Plyushkin, Derzhimorda, Man in a Case). The desire for expressiveness, imagery and, at the same time, brevity is also realized with the help of precedent texts (texts familiar to anyone), which is integral part journalistic speech. For example: “And yet, Soviet intellectuals continue to bet on youth. A new generation of Russian boys will appear, they believe, who will not want to put up with the meanness of their fathers.”.

    Last phrase is a precedent, “Russian boys” by F.M. Dostoevsky was confronted with the world's unsolvable questions. Thus, the author of the article very expressively characterizes the type of “Soviet intellectual”, well-read, knowledgeable about Dostoevsky, striving to remake the world.

    Syntax of newspaper and journalistic style of speech also has its own characteristics associated with active use emotionally and expressively colored constructions: exclamatory and interrogative sentences, sentences with appeal, rhetorical questions, repetitions, dismembered constructions, etc. The desire for expression determines the use of constructions with conversational coloring: particles, interjections, inversions, non-union proposals, omission of one or another member of the sentence, etc.

    Art style

    The artistic style is used in fiction, which performs a figurative-cognitive and ideological-aesthetic function.

    The artistic style of speech is characterized by attention to the particular and random, followed by the typical and general. Remember" Dead Souls"N.V. Gogol, where each of the shown landowners personified certain specific human qualities, expressed a certain type, and all together they were the “face” of the author’s contemporary Russia.

    World fiction this is a “recreated” world, the depicted reality is, to a certain extent, the author’s fiction, which means that in the artistic style of speech the subjective moment plays the most important role. The entire surrounding reality is presented through the author's vision. But in literary text we see not only the world of the writer, but also the writer in this world: his preferences, condemnations, admiration, rejection, etc. This is associated with emotionality and expressiveness, metaphor, and meaningful diversity of the artistic style of speech.
    The basis of the artistic style of speech is the literary Russian language. The word performs a nominative-figurative function.
    Lexical composition The artistic style of speech has its own characteristics. The words that form the basis and create the imagery of this style include figurative means Russian literary language, as well as words that realize their meaning in context. These are words with a wide range of usage. Highly specialized words are used to a small extent, only to create artistic authenticity when describing certain aspects of life.
    In the artistic style of speech, the verbal ambiguity of the word is very widely used, revealing semantic shades in it, as well as synonymy in all language levels, making it possible to emphasize the subtlest shades of meaning. This is explained by the fact that the author strives to use all the riches of the language, to create his own unique language and style, to create a bright, expressive, figurative text. The author uses not only the vocabulary of the codified literary language, but also a variety of visual arts from colloquial speech and vernacular.
    The emotionality and expressiveness of the image come to the fore in a literary text. Many words that appear in scientific speech as clearly defined abstract concepts, in newspaper and journalistic speech - as socially generalized concepts, in artistic speech carry concrete sensory representations. Thus, the styles are complementary to each other. For example, the adjective “lead” in scientific speech realizes its direct meaning- “lead ore”, “lead bullet”, in fiction forms an expressive metaphor - “lead clouds”, “lead night”. Therefore, in artistic speech important role play phrases that create a certain figurative representation.

    Syntactic structure artistic speech reflects the flow of figurative and emotional impressions of the author, so here you can find a whole variety of syntactic structures. Each author subordinates linguistic means to the fulfillment of his ideological and aesthetic tasks. Artistic speech, especially poetic speech, is characterized by inversion, i.e. changing the usual order of words in a sentence in order to enhance the semantic significance of the word or give the entire phrase a special stylistic coloring.

    In artistic speech, deviations from the norm are also possible in order for the author to highlight some thought or feature that is important for the meaning of the work. They can be expressed in violation of phonetic, lexical and grammatical features.

    Conversational style

    Conversational style functions in the sphere of everyday communication.

    Colloquial speech is used only in the private sphere of communication, in everyday life, among friends, family, etc. In the field of mass communication, colloquial speech is not applicable. However, this does not mean that the colloquial style is limited to everyday topics. Conversational speech can also touch on other topics, for example, a conversation within a family circle or a conversation between people in informal relationships about art, science, politics, sports, etc.; conversation between friends at work related to the speaker's profession, conversations in public institutions, for example, clinics, schools, etc.

    The conversational style is contrasted with book styles, since they are realized in the form of casual speech (monologue or dialogue) on everyday topics, as well as in the form of private, informal correspondence.

    Ease of communication is understood as the absence of an attitude towards a message that is of an official nature (lecture, speech, answer to an exam, etc.); informal relationships between speakers and the absence of facts that violate the informality of communication, for example, strangers.

    Linguistic characteristics conversational style are determined by a number of features.

    Thus, colloquial speech includes not only specific linguistic means, but also neutral ones, which are the basis of the literary language. Therefore, this style is associated with other styles that also use neutral language means.

    Within a literary language, colloquial speech is contrasted with codified language. ( Codified language called because work is being done towards it to preserve its norms, its purity). But codified literary language and colloquial speech are two subsystems within the literary language. As a rule, every native speaker of a literary language speaks both of these varieties of speech.

    The main features of the everyday conversational style are the already mentioned relaxed and informal nature of communication, as well as the emotionally expressive coloring of speech. Therefore, in colloquial speech all the riches of intonation, facial expressions, and gestures are used. One of her the most important features is the reliance on the extra-linguistic situation, i.e. the immediate context of speech in which communication takes place. For example: A woman before leaving home: What should I wear?(about the coat): Is this what it is?(about the jacket): Or that? Won't I freeze?

    Listening to these statements and not knowing the specific situation, it is impossible to guess what we're talking about. Thus, in colloquial speech the extra-linguistic situation becomes integral part act of communication.
    Everyday conversational style of speech has its own lexical and grammatical features. A characteristic feature of colloquial speech is its lexical heterogeneity. Here you can find the most diverse groups of vocabulary, both thematically and stylistically: common vocabulary, terms, foreign language borrowings, words of high stylistic connotation, as well as facts of vernacular, dialects, jargons. This is explained, firstly, thematic diversity colloquial speech that is not limited to everyday topics, everyday remarks; secondly, the implementation of colloquial speech in two tones - serious and playful, and in the latter case It is possible to use a variety of elements.

    Syntactic constructions also have their own characteristics. For colloquial speech, constructions with particles, with interjections, and phraseological constructions are typical: “ They tell you and tell you, but it’s all to no avail!”, “Where are you going? There’s dirt there!” and so on.
    Conversational speech is characterized by emotionally expressive assessments of a subjective nature, since the speaker acts as a private person and expresses his personal opinion and attitude. Very often this or that situation is assessed in a hyperbolic way: " Wow price! Go crazy!”, “There’s a sea of ​​flowers in the garden!”, “I’m thirsty! I'll die!"The use of words in a figurative meaning is typical, for example: "Your head is a mess!" .

    The word order in spoken language is different from that used in written language. Here the main information is concentrated at the beginning of the statement. The speaker begins his speech with the main, essential element of the message: “ Lecture tomorrow.. Which pair?» To focus listeners’ attention on main information, use intonation emphasis. In general, word order in colloquial speech has great variability in the use of syntactic means.

    Expressive styles

    Modern science about language, along with functional styles, he distinguishes expressive styles, which are classified depending on the content contained in language elements expression. For these styles, the most important function is the impact. First theoretical information about the expressive capabilities of language appeared in XVII century, when in the “Rhetoric” of Macarius and M.N. Usachev the theory of three styles, or, as they were expressed then, three types of verbs, was developed. A detailed substantiation of this problem was carried out by M. V. Lomonosov in his theory of three calm The scientist attempted to classify lexical and other means of language based on “ promotion and demotion style from mediocre (average) to high and low.” This classification essentially exists to this day.

    Wherein expressive styles considered: high (solemn, rhetorical, official) and low (familiar, intimately affectionate, playful (ironic), mocking (satirical).

    These styles are opposed neutral , that is, devoid of expression.

    The main means of achieving the desired expressive coloring of speech is evaluative vocabulary. Three varieties can be distinguished in its composition.

    1. Words with brightness estimated value. These include the words “characteristics” ( forerunner, herald, pioneer, grumbler, idle talker, sycophant, slob, etc.), as well as words containing an assessment of a fact, phenomenon, sign, action ( purpose, destiny, businessmanship, fraud; wondrous, miraculous, irresponsible, antediluvian; dare, inspire, defame, mischief).

    We received sharply negative assessments of words such as fascism, separatism, corruption, hitman, mafia. Behind the words progressive, law and order, sovereignty, publicity and so on. positive coloring is fixed.

    2. Ambiguous words, usually neutral in basic meaning, but receiving a bright emotional coloring when used metaphorically. Thus, they say about a person: hat, rag, mattress, oak, elephant, bear, snake, eagle, crow; Verbs are used in a figurative meaning: sing, hiss, saw, gnaw, dig, yawn, blink and so on.

    Various meanings of the same word can differ noticeably in stylistic coloring: in one case, the use of a word can be solemn (Wait, prince. Finally, I hear the speech not of a boy, but husband.- Pushkin), in another - the same word receives an ironic connotation (G. Polevoy proved that the venerable editor enjoys the fame of a scientist husband, so to speak, honestly. - Pushkin.)

    3. Words with suffixes of subjective assessment, conveying various shades of feeling: positive emotions -son, sunshine, granny, neatly, close and negative - beard, fellow, officialdom and so on.

    The Russian language is rich in lexical synonyms, which contrast in their expressive coloring. For example:

    The context ultimately determines the expressive coloring: neutral words may be perceived as lofty (solemn); high vocabulary in other conditions it takes on a mockingly ironic tone; sometimes even expletive may sound affectionate, and affectionate may sound contemptuous.

    Emotionally expressive words are distributed between book, colloquial and colloquial vocabulary.

    TO book vocabulary belong to high words that give solemnity to speech, as well as emotionally expressive words that express both positive and negative assessments of the named concepts. IN book styles ironic vocabulary is used ( beauty, words, quixoticism), disapproving ( pedantic, mannerism), contemptuous ( disguise, corrupt).

    TO colloquial vocabulary include words of endearment ( daughter, darling), humorous ( butuz, funny), as well as words expressing a negative assessment of the named concepts ( small fry, zealous, giggle, boast).

    IN vernacular reduced words are used that are outside the literary vocabulary. Among them there may be words expressing positive assessment called concept ( hard worker, brainy, awesome), And words expressing negative attitude speaker to the concepts they denote ( go crazy, flimsy, stupid and so on.).

    IN expressive styles widely used and syntactic means, enhancing the emotionality of speech . Russian syntax has enormous expressive possibilities. This:

    Different types one-piece and incomplete sentences, and special word order, and insertions and introductory structures, and words that are grammatically unrelated to the members of the sentence. Among them, appeals stand out especially; they are capable of conveying great intensity of passions, and in other cases - emphasizing the official nature of the speech. Compare Pushkin’s lines: “ Pets of windy Fate, Tyrants of the world! tremble! And you, take courage and listen, Arise, fallen slaves!» -

    Or the appeal of V. Mayakovsky: “ Citizen financial inspector! I'm sorry to trouble you..."

    Direct and improperly direct speech, exclamatory and interrogative sentences, especially rhetorical questions.

    The rhetorical question is one of the most common stylistic figures, characterized by remarkable brightness and a variety of emotionally expressive shades. Rhetorical questions contain a statement (or denial) framed as a question that does not require an answer: “ Wasn’t it you who at first so viciously persecuted His free, bold gift And for fun fanned the Slightly hidden fire?".. (Lermontov.).

    Coinciding in external grammatical design with ordinary interrogative sentences, rhetorical questions are distinguished by a bright exclamatory intonation, expressing amazement and extreme tension of feelings. It is no coincidence that authors sometimes put at the end of rhetorical questions Exclamation point or two marks - a question mark and an exclamation mark:

    Shouldn't a woman's mind, brought up in seclusion, doomed to alienation from real life, know how dangerous such aspirations are and how they end?!(Belinsky.)

    And how come you still don’t understand and don’t know that love, like friendship, like a salary, like fame, like everything in the world, must be deserved and supported?!(Dobrolyubov.)

    The emotional intensity of speech is conveyed by connecting structures, that is, those in which phrases do not immediately fit into one semantic plane, but form an associative chain of attachment. For example:

    (R. Rozhdestvensky.).

    I recognize the role of the individual in history. Especially if it's the president. Moreover, the President of Russia (Chernomyrdin V. // Izvestia. - 1997. - January 29).

    Look... It's already dawn. Dawn is like a fire in the snow... It reminds me of something... But what?.. I can’t understand... Ah!.. Yes... It was in childhood... Different... Not an autumn dawn ... You and I were sitting together... We are sixteen years old...

    Paths (gr. tropos - turn, turn, image) - words used in a figurative meaning: metaphors ( The earth is a ship. But someone suddenly... He majestically directed her into the thick of storms and blizzards.- Yesenin.); comparisons ( I was like a horse driven into soap. Spurred by a brave rider.- Yesenin); epithets (. The golden grove dissuaded me with Birch's cheerful language.- Yesenin.); metonymy ( Let the pencil whisper about many things ineptly to the paper.- Yesenin.); allegories ( My white linden tree has faded. The nightingale dawn rang.- Yesenin) and other figurative expressions.

    The lexical riches of the Russian language, tropes and emotional syntax create inexhaustible possibilities for expressive styles.

    Emotionally expressive coloring can be layered on the functional one, complementing it stylistic characteristics. Emotionally neutral words usually refer to to common vocabulary.

    Types of speech

    Types of speech or ways of presentation - these are methods of semantic organization of the text.

    The text, from the point of view of semantic organization, represents a hierarchy (the order of subordination of lower units to higher ones) of semantic parts varying degrees significance and complexity within the topic. The topic of the text is reflected in the title, and aspects of the topic are reflected in its title. semantic parts, i.e. subtopics

    Each text has its own internal organization. However, there are standard models for constructing texts. Such standard models usually include texts like description, narration, reasoning and proof .

    Description - this is a method of presentation with the help of which an image of an object, a phenomenon of reality is achieved by listing and revealing its main features. So, for example, for a landscape it would be appearance trees, grass, sky, river; when describing a machine, this will be a message about its purpose, principle of operation, and operations performed by it. The purpose of the description is for the reader (listener) to see the subject of speech and imagine it in his mind.

    A feature of the composition of the description text is the presence general idea about the subject, description of individual features, author's assessment, conclusion, conclusion.

    When describing an object, the unity of the image and the absence of dynamics must be ensured. This is why adjectives and nouns are important in descriptions. In this case, verbs play an auxiliary role. Verbs are most often used in imperfect form present or future tense.

    Narration- this is a method of presentation with the help of which a story is created, a message about some event in its time sequence. The order of the action and the development of the plot come to the fore here.

    All narrative texts have in common the presence of a beginning (the beginning of an event), a climax (the development of an event), and a denouement (the end of an event).

    A feature of the composition of a narrative text is that it can begin immediately with the beginning (excluding exposition) and even with the denouement of the action, i.e. the event can be transmitted directly chronological sequence or in reverse.

    Characteristic storytelling lies primarily in visual representation actions, movements of phenomena in space. This is why verbs play an important role in storytelling, especially the forms perfect form past tense

    Reasoning This is a method of presentation, the purpose of which is to show the process of obtaining knowledge, the birth of thoughts and report this in the form of a logical conclusion.

    Reasoning differs from narration and description by composition. The structure of the text includes a premise (any problematic issue, actual topic), arguments (the reasoning itself) and conclusion. Arguments must be convincing, they must be sufficient, they must be accompanied concrete examples. That is why in texts such as reasoning, a large role is given to linguistic means that ensure coherence, logic and sequence of sentences (let us suppose, consider, firstly, secondly, thus, therefore, consequently).

    Proof - This is a method of presentation, the purpose of which is to confirm (or refute) the truth of a person’s knowledge about the world around him.

    The proof text has following structure: thesis – argument – ​​conclusion. A thesis is any statement that requires logical justification. An argument is actually reasoning, justification. A conclusion is a conclusion that is obtained as a result of reasoning.

    Texts - evidence are built on emphasized logic. Big role they are given over to linguistic means expressing objectivity and logical consistency in reasoning ( it is known, let’s say that, let’s assume we do an experiment, and now let’s see, the conclusion follows from here, it turns out.) In texts of this type there are few adjectives; verbs play an important role here. These verbs are often repeated in texts with different contents and act as predicates of one-part sentences.

    The journalistic style is also called newspaper-journalistic, because its texts are published primarily in newspapers. This style is also presented in magazines addressed to the mass reader, journalistic speeches on radio and television, and in the speeches of social and political figures at rallies, congresses, and meetings. In this case, it is presented orally. Journalism covers important problems of society - political, social, everyday, philosophical, economic, moral and ethical, issues of education, culture, art, etc. Its subject matter is not limited in any way, as is the genre diversity presented in informational genres (note, report, report, interview, chronicle, review), analytical (article, correspondence, commentary, review, review) and artistic and journalistic (essay, feuilleton, pamphlet).

    The journalistic style combines two most important functions of language - informational and influencing. The journalist is called upon to actively intervene in what is happening, to create public opinion, persuade, agitate. This determines such important style-forming features of the journalistic style as evaluativeness, passion, and emotionality. The questions raised by journalists concern millions of people ( economic policy states, ethnic conflicts, human rights, etc.), and it is impossible to write about this in dry bookish language. Thus, the influence function of the journalistic style requires the use valuation means expressions.

    The information function of the journalistic style determines its other style-forming features: accuracy, logic, formality, standardization. In conditions quick preparation newspaper publications, the interest in which is especially heightened in the wake of events, journalists use special journalistic techniques, linguistic means, and stable speech patterns (clichés). This determines the standardization of the newspaper's language, which ensures speed in preparing information, saves the reporter's efforts and makes it easier for readers to assimilate new information. Thus, the combination of expression and standard is the most important feature of the journalistic style.

    Since works of a journalistic nature are addressed to a wide range of readers, main criterion selection of linguistic means - their accessibility. Journalism should not use highly specialized terms that are incomprehensible to readers, dialect, slang words, foreign language vocabulary, complicated syntactic structures. At the same time, the journalistic style is not closed, but open system linguistic means, which allows journalists to refer to elements of other functional styles and, depending on the content of the publication, to use a variety of vocabulary, including extraliterary words and expressions necessary for a reliable depiction of events.

    Great importance in journalistic works it has the author's style, the manner of writing characteristic of a particular journalist. In the newspaper-journalistic style, the narration is always conducted in the first person; journalism is characterized by the coincidence of the author and the narrator, who directly addresses the reader with his thoughts, feelings, and assessments. At the same time, in each specific work, the journalist creates an image of the author, through which he expresses his attitude to reality. This reveals the influencing function of journalism.

    The vocabulary of the journalistic style is distinguished by its thematic diversity and stylistic richness. Common, neutral vocabulary and phraseology, as well as book and colloquial vocabulary, are widely represented here. The choice of verbal material is determined by the topic. When discussing socio-political problems, words such as, for example, are used privatization, cooperator, marketing, management, stock exchange, business, democracy, openness, liberalism; when resolving issues Everyday life- others: pension, salary, consumer basket, unemployment, standard of living, birth rate and so on.

    Against a general neutral background, evaluative lexical and phraseological means attract attention. Among them you can find not only colloquial words and expressions ( mayhem, party, cool), but also book ( power, homeland, agony, triumph, accomplish, bring down, scapegoat economic reform, shock therapy, Babel, Solomon's solution and etc.). Publicists often use terms in figurative meaning (epidemic of chatter, virus of indifference, round of negotiations, Shah of government, political farce, parody of democracy, home stretch, line of fire, chromosomes of bureaucracy), which does not, however, exclude their use in exact value in the appropriate context.

    The journalistic style is open to the use of international political vocabulary. Its circle especially expanded in the last decade of the 20th century ( parliament, electorate, inauguration, speaker, impeachment, department, municipality, legitimate, consensus, rating, exclusive, corruption, conversion, presentation and etc.). The dictionary is updated and scientific terminology, quickly going beyond the scope of highly specialized use ( internet, printer, virtual world, stagnation, default, holding, investment, dealer, sponsor and etc.).

    The journalistic style instantly assimilates new concepts and corresponding words and phrases that reflect social and political processes in society ( financial recovery, alternative elections, economic space, balance of interests, new political thinking, policy of dialogue, decommunization of society etc.). Unusual combinations are fixed in which evaluative adjectives characterize social and political processes ( velvet revolution, fragile truce, supporter of the silk road).

    The journalistic style is characterized by a combination of words that are contrasting in stylistic coloring: bookish and colloquial vocabulary, high and low. However, the use of diverse vocabulary and phraseology depends on the genre and should be subject to the principle of aesthetic expediency. In a feuilleton, for example, it is possible to use vernacular language, mixing different styles of vocabulary, which serves to achieve a comic sound of speech. In information genres, such diversity of linguistic means is not justified.

    Special attention deserves to be used in journalistic style speech standards, cliche. These include, for example, such expressions that have become stable: public sector workers, employment services, international humanitarian aid, commercial structures, law enforcement agencies, branches Russian authorities, according to informed sources; phrases like “household service” (food, health, recreation) etc.

    It is necessary to distinguish from speech standards established in the journalistic style speech stamps- template figures of speech that have a clerical flavor. Among the speech cliches that arose as a result of the influence formal business style, we can distinguish template figures of speech: on at this stage, V this segment time, today, emphasized with all its severity and so on. As a rule, they do not contribute anything to the content of the statement, but only clog up the sentences. For example, in the newspapers we read: In this period of time a difficult situation has arisen with the liquidation of debt by supplier enterprises; Currently payment taken under control wages miners; At this stage, the spawning of the crucian carp is proceeding normally etc. Excluding the highlighted words will not change anything in the information. Among speech stamps, paired words (satellite words) also stand out; the use of one of them necessarily suggests the use of the other: problem - unresolved, urgent, event - completed etc. Becoming cliches, such combinations lose their expressive and evaluative sound, depriving speech of living colors.

    The set of speech cliches changes over the years: some are gradually forgotten, others become “fashionable”, so it is impossible to list and describe all cases of their use. It is important to understand the essence of this phenomenon and prevent the emergence and spread of cliches.

    As for language standards and clichéd figures of speech, they will always be used in a journalistic style, since they have certain semantics and succinctly express an idea, which contributes to the speed of information transfer.

    The journalistic style is characterized by some features in word formation. There is greater activity of suffixes here than in other styles. foreign language origin. They are characteristic of nouns ( socialism, utopianism, cosmization, provocation, production). The formation of new words according to these models is especially indicative: Stalinism, naturalization- justification of the legal right to citizenship in Lithuania; departmentization(CPSU) - termination of the functioning of primary party organizations, deministerization, commercialization, couponization(Ukraine), decouponization, de-Sovietization, farming.

    Adjectives formed with the help of foreign language suffixes receive book coloring - biogenic, volcanogenic, telegenic, photogenic, dissertation, communicative. Adjectives are also characterized by Russian and Old Church Slavonic prefixes: non-departmental, intra-atomic, interdepartmental, intercontinental, pro-Western, illegal, co-author, co-owner. Some Old Church Slavonic prefixes give words a “high” sound: omnipotent, replenish, recreate, reunite.

    The following are productive foreign language prefixes: anti perestroika, archi reactionary, de mask, des inform, fast communist, trans National, counter measures, hyper inflation.

    Often used Difficult words type mutually beneficial, pan-European, multilateral, commercial and industrial and etc.; abbreviated words: federal, cash(availability), exclusive; abbreviation: PE, State Emergency Committee, JSC, CIS, OMON.

    Publicistic speech also has its own specific morphology. Although preference is given to book variants of inflection, colloquial endings are often used to create a relaxed, confidential sound of speech. This is especially typical for artistic and journalistic genres, where colloquial endings ( in the workshop, tractor) can serve to individualize the speech of the characters in the essays.

    In analytical genres, attention is drawn to the frequent use of the most abstract and generalized linguistic units. Here singular nouns usually take on a collective meaning ( reader, pensioner, voter). Of the pronouns not used me, my; instead they are used in a generalized sense we, our. For the verb, preference for the present tense form is indicative ( Militants are trained abroad; Even babies are kidnapped). In artistic and journalistic genres, on the contrary, the number of language units that are most specific in meaning is increasing - these are both pronouns and verbs in the first person form singular: I asked; My interlocutor answers immediately... I will never forget those eyes...

    The syntax of journalistic works is distinguished by the correctness and clarity of the construction of sentences, their simplicity and clarity. Monologue speech (mainly in analytical genres), dialogue (for example, in interviews), and direct speech are used. Various syntactic expression techniques are used: unusual word order (inversion), rhetorical questions, appeals, imperative and exclamatory sentences. In the journalistic style, all types of one-part sentences are presented - nominative, indefinite and generalized personal, impersonal ( We are told; The note says). Distinctive feature journalistic syntax – nominative, connecting and parceled constructions that give fragmentation to speech. Their goal is to create the illusion of a free, relaxed conversation, which helps to establish contact.

    An important style-forming function is performed by headings that are unique in their syntactic design, as well as the beginnings of texts. They perform, among other things, an advertising function. After all, the title and the beginning largely determine whether the reader will read the publication or not pay attention to it. They activate the novelty of expression, in particular, those types of phrases and syntactic constructions, which are not common in other styles. Here are examples of catchy headlines and openings. Headings: Why does America need a conflict in Transcaucasia? Helped... mollusks. Beginning: Is it possible to plan for the past?

    Thus, the originality of the journalistic style is most clearly expressed precisely in expressive means at all levels of the language system.

    Advertising - the term comes from Latin word“reklamare” - “to shout loudly” or “to notify”. Advertising is a striking phenomenon of our time: all-pervasive, omnipresent, professional. It includes a set of means and techniques aimed at achieving ultimate goal– sales of goods and services. Comprehensive information about the consumer properties and methods of using goods is the most important task modern advertising.

    In the literature, there are a number of classifications that differ in the main criteria by which advertising media are divided into groups, subgroups and types.

    Of the many criteria, let’s consider the main ones:

    · depending on the sponsor and subject of communication;

    · by the method of influencing the human senses;

    · By technical feature;

    · at the place of application;

    · by the nature of the impact on the addressee;

    All of the above criteria for the classification of advertising media are not always applicable for practical use, since in some cases the advertising object itself may act as a carrier of advertising information, in others, the advertising information carrier is separated from the advertising object in time and space.

    2. Evidence-based, logically structured and intelligible.

    3. Brief and concise. It should not contain words that do not carry meaning.

    4. Original, unique, interesting, entertaining, witty.

    Compare two texts:

    “What helps you stay cheerful and energetic even in old age?” And “Yesterday grandma returned home again at eleven.”

    What reaction will these texts evoke in you? The first one is most likely a yawn. And second? Notice how your imagination immediately turns on, how your face breaks into a smile, how interest appears.

    The semantic and communicative task of the advertising text is a call to action, which determines the preferential use of the verb compared to other parts of speech. The verb is the only part of speech that has the form of an imperative. Verbs make up about 50% of the words in advertising text. The construction of an invitation to joint action is also used.

    As for syntax, the most pronounced features are the brevity and telegraphic style of advertising texts. Another noticed syntactic feature is the use of elliptical structures, where the theme is trimmed - already known part sentences and is brought to the foreground of the rheme - new information, attracting attention with its imagery. This sentence abbreviation in no way interferes with understanding the meaning of the text, but on the contrary makes a clear impression with its concentration. For example: ideal for family...(about the washing machine).

    Rarely used here negative forms, since they create a negative impression about the product or service, which the advertising text should avoid by creating a positive image.

    Advertising text must be extremely literate. Errors and shortcomings in advertising reduce its information content and effectiveness, interfere with perception, and cause negative reaction readers. The most important problem is improving the language and style of advertising text in print and on television, which should help increase the information content and effectiveness of mass communication, improve the culture of oral and written speech.

    Press advertising includes a variety of promotional materials published in periodicals. They are conventionally divided into advertisements and publications of a figurative advertising nature, which include various articles, reports, reviews, sometimes carrying direct and sometimes indirect advertising.

    One of the most common types of advertising text is an advertisement, which includes a job seeker’s resume when applying for a job. How is an advertisement constructed? The main text part of the advertisement is typed over small print than the headline, highlights the useful properties of the item or service for consumers and their advantages, then the address for applying for the advertised item is placed.

    It should be noted that advertisements, in our opinion, are replete with a lot of errors. If we group errors in advertising according to linguistic grounds, we can observe that the most a large number of errors is that the text contains logical contradictions, many grammatical and lexical errors, and stylistic defects.

    For example, grammatical errors. In the newspaper "Arguments and Facts" in one issue on the first page there are two advertisements in which the plural form of the word tractor is used in one case as "tractors", in the other - "tractors". Example lexical errors is: a) real Italian tiles made in Russia(a combination of incompatible words “real Italian” and “in Russia”), etc. b) 3 days for humiliation prices(advertising by the Va-Bank newspaper for Eldorado household appliances).

    However, these mistakes are often made intentionally in order to attract the buyer’s attention to the product. It should be admitted that intentional mistakes do attract the attention of literate people, but where is the confidence that they will not lead to massive diseases of the language and will not affect the speech pattern of society.

    Advertising in modern business is one of the most effective means of communication. Consequently, any advertising text must be considered, first of all, from the point of view of its communicative value. It is important to take into account not only the peculiarities of the impact of advertising language on the rational and emotional sphere consciousness of the potential consumer, but also on linguistic and cultural-ethnic barriers between communicants. You cannot hope for the success of an advertising campaign if, for example, the name of a trademark or an individual product evokes responses from speakers of a particular language that the manufacturer did not rely on. It is possible that the consumer will have some positive associations with the product that the manufacturer did not expect. However, much more often we encounter directly opposite situations. For example, the world famous automobile company Ford can “boast” of extensive experience in this matter. So, Fierra is an inexpensive truck designed for developing countries, sold poorly in Latin America. The fact is that the Spanish fierra means “old woman.”

    The problem of learning the language of advertising is becoming especially relevant in our time. Manufacturers are entering the markets of the CIS countries with rich history and the established image of brands, the advertising slogans of which can already be considered as the cultural realities of a particular country. At the same time, domestic manufacturers are increasingly trying to find a place for their products in the already established consumer markets of non-CIS countries. Advertising, being one of the main means of marketing communication, must therefore effectively fulfill its role as the language of communication between the manufacturer and its target audience.

    The journalistic style of speech is a functional type of literary language and is widely used in various fields public life: in newspapers and magazines, on television and radio, in public political speeches, in the activities of parties and public associations. You should also add here political literature for the general reader and documentary films.

    In various textbooks on stylistics, the journalistic style was also called newspaper-journalistic, newspaper style, and socio-political style. The name “journalistic style” seems more accurate, since other versions of the name more narrowly define the scope of its functioning. The name "newspaper style" is explained by the history of its formation of this style: his speech features took shape precisely in periodic printed publications and above all in newspapers. However, today this style functions not only in print, but also in electronic means mass media: it would also be fair to call it a “television” style. Another name - socio-political style - more accurately indicates the close connection of the style under discussion with social and political life, but here it is worth remembering that this style also serves non-political spheres of communication: culture, sports, activity public organizations(environmental, human rights and others).

    The name of the journalistic style is closely related to the concept of journalism, which is no longer linguistic, but literary, since it characterizes the substantive features of the works attributed to it.

    Journalism is a type of literature and journalism; examines current political, economic, literary, legal, philosophical and other problems of modern life in order to influence public opinion and existing political institutions, strengthen or change them in accordance with a certain class interest (in a class society) or social and moral ideal. The subject of the publicist is everything modern life in its greatness and smallness, private and public, real or reflected in the press, art, document." This definition is given in the "Brief literary encyclopedia"(M., 1971, vol. 6 Stb. 72). If we omit the mention of class interest, then this definition quite accurately reflects the place and role of journalism among works of literature and journalism, and will also allow us to further understand the stylistic features of journalistic works.

    In another encyclopedic publication we find the following definition:

    Journalism is a type of work dedicated to current problems and phenomena of the current life of society. Plays an important political and ideological role and influences the activities of social institutions, serves as a means public education, agitation and propaganda, the way of organizing and transmitting social information. Journalism exists

    • verbal (written and oral),
    • graphically (poster, caricature),
    • photo and cinematography (documentaries, television),
    • theatrical and dramatic
    • and verbal and musical forms.

    Journalism is often used in artistic and scientific works". ("Soviet encyclopedic Dictionary"M., 1990 P. 1091). The concepts of journalism and journalistic style, as can be seen from these definitions, do not completely coincide. Journalism is a type of literature, journalistic style is functional variety language. Works of other styles may differ in their journalistic orientation, for example, science articles dedicated to current economic problems. On the other hand, a text that is journalistic in style may not belong to this type of literature due to its purely informational nature or the irrelevance of the problems being discussed.

    Journalistic works are distinguished by an extraordinary breadth of topics; they can touch on any topic that has come to the center of public attention, for example, diving technology. This undoubtedly affects linguistic features given style: there is a need to include special vocabulary, requiring explanations and sometimes detailed comments.

    On the other hand, a number of topics are constantly in the center of public attention, and vocabulary related to these topics takes on a journalistic connotation. Thus, a circle is formed as part of the language dictionary linguistic phenomena and units that, being widely used in this particular area, are at the same time little or almost not used in other speech areas and thus bear the stamp of “newspaperness”. Such linguistic means are usually called newspaperisms.

    Among the constantly covered topics, first of all, one should name politics, information about the activities of the government and parliament, elections, party events, statements political leaders. In texts on this topic, words and phrases such as:

    faction, coalition, candidate, leader, bill, democrats, opposition, federalism, conservatism, radicals, election campaign, parliamentary hearings, lively discussion, second round, election headquarters, politician rating, lower house, voter confidence, parliamentary inquiry, parliamentary investigation, public consent.

    Economic topics are also important for journalistic style and its coverage is impossible without words such as

    budget, investment, inflation, auction, arbitration, audit, raw materials, licensing, bankruptcy, monopoly, Joint-Stock Company, natural monopolies, labor market, customs duties, stock price.

    In materials on the topics of education, healthcare, social protection of the population, a journalist may need the following phrases:

    o variability of education, government support, teacher salaries, Remote education, unloading school curriculum, student exchange, agreement on scientific cooperation, informatization of education;

    o mandatory health insurance, medical insurance, benefits for medications, diagnostic center;

    o living wage, child benefits, consumer basket, standard of living, pension calculation, working pensioner.

    Status Information public order cannot be conveyed without phrases such as:

    fight against crime, protection of citizens' rights, crime scene, prosecutor's inspection, trial, recognizance not to leave, fight against drug trafficking.

    In incident reports, natural disasters, in accidents the following words are often found:

    hurricane, typhoon, earthquake, flood, hostage taking, terrorist attack, shooting on guard, collision between a car and a train, rescue operation, firefighting, environmental disaster.

    Reports from war correspondents contain the words:

    action, explosives, land mine, mining, sniper, clash, shelling, bombing, sortie, seriously injured, civilian casualties, destruction of residential buildings.

    Messages on international themes easy to distinguish by the following words and combinations:

    peace negotiations, official visit, multilateral consultations, international community, tense situation, strategic partnership, European integration, peacekeeping forces, territorial integrity, global problems.

    The vocabulary mentioned above is also used in other styles (scientific, official and business). In a journalistic style she acquires special function- create real picture events and convey to the addressee the journalist’s impressions of these events and attitude towards them. The same words sound differently in scientific monograph, police report and television report.

    The purpose of this work is to study the language of materials on sports topics in the modern Russian press using the example of the newspaper “Arguments and Facts”. It should be noted that in post-Soviet capitalist society, sport is closely intertwined with other aspects of life and, above all, with economics and politics. This is reflected in the vocabulary of sports publications, in which examples of words and phrases characteristic of the above-mentioned areas of activity are increasingly found:

    market, corruption, bribe, investigation, slander, officials, work force, import, discussion, finance, industry, prize fund, promote, sponsors, etc.

    At the same time, reports about sports competitions, matches, interviews with representatives of the world of sports cannot do without the following words and expressions typical only for this kind of publication:

    lose, fans, club, premier league, regular season, teammates, football team, decisive match, award, true skill, starting number, head coach, lose points, refereeing, standings, national championship, replay, penalty area, goalkeeper, championship title, etc.

    The journalistic style is characterized by the use of evaluative vocabulary that has a strong emotional connotation, for example:

    positive changes, energetic start, irresponsible statement, firm position, behind-the-scenes fighting, breakthrough in negotiations, dirty election technologies, villainous murder, vile fabrications, impressive spectacle , a severe crisis, an unprecedented flood, a crazy adventure, a brazen raid, a political performance, a biased press, galloping inflation, barracks communism, an ideological bulldozer, moral cholera.

    The assessment is expressed either by a definition to a noun or by a metaphorical name for a phenomenon.

    Prof. Yu.V. Rozhdestvensky identifies two groups of stylistic means in the language of the media and names what is recognized and what is rejected. “The semantic sphere of the recognized includes all objects of thought (i.e. persons, documents, organizations, events, etc.) that are considered positive from the point of view of the organ of information and the rhetorical position of the mass media text. The semantic sphere of the rejected includes all objects thoughts that are considered negative."

    The thematic unlimitedness of the newspaper-journalistic style determines the extraordinary breadth and diversity of its vocabulary. From this point of view, journalism is the richest type of literature.

    The number of words used, although indicative of general characteristics vocabulary, but does not indicate its internal qualities, about its richness and expressiveness. Quantity does not always translate into quality. In order to understand the uniqueness of vocabulary, it is necessary to determine the nature and features of the use of a word in a particular type of speech.

    Each style uses words in its own way. So, scientific speech seeks to limit the meaning of a word to a concept - clear, delineated, stable, highlight, emphasize the conceptual. Colloquial speech is characterized by the greatest mobility of words, which have a broad, poorly differentiated, vague meaning. The word in fiction is characterized by its exposure internal form, the imagery inherent in it. It is no less mobile and flexible than in colloquial speech, but the mobility of the word appears as a result creative activity an artist who consciously uses the possibilities of vocabulary.

    The fundamental difference between the journalistic word is big role it is emotional, acquiring an evaluative character within the framework of the newspaper-journalistic style. Journalism is literature on socio-political issues of our time. The subject of journalism - life in society, politics, economics - concerns the interests of every person. And where there is interest, there cannot be indifference, indifference. It is impossible to write dispassionately about something that worries millions of people, such as ethnic conflicts, prices and inflation. Limp expressions and streamlined formulations are simply unacceptable and impossible here. An assessment of social political phenomena, trends and processes. By its very essence, journalism is called upon to actively intervene in life and shape public opinion. The publicist is not a passive recorder of events, but an active participant in them, passionately and openly defending the ideas to which he is committed.

    Let us recall that the newspaper-journalistic style performs the functions of influence and communication (informing). A journalist reports facts and evaluates them. The interaction of these two functions determines the use of words in journalism. Compared to other functional styles (of course, except for artistic and colloquial styles), the share of means and methods for achieving expressiveness in journalistic speech as a whole is very high. It is no coincidence that the description of journalistic style is usually limited to the description of specifically expressive means.

    Expression of newspaper speech can be carried out in different forms, of course, not only ready-made non-contextual language expressive means. Sometimes they emphasize the intellectuality of a modern newspaper, as opposed to direct “head-on” propaganda, expressed in open verbal expressiveness. It is not entirely correct to contrast these two properties. It should be remembered that the form of restrained, calm evidence can be expressive, that is, expressive, and turn out to be the embodiment of the same influencing function. This is the stylistic skill of the writer, so that, based on the requirements of specific communication, he chooses the best linguistic means of influencing the reader in a given context.

    The stylistic eclecticism of the newspaper’s language calls into question the application of the very concept of “functional style” to this area of ​​human communication.

    It is noted that the newspaper combines articles that differ in both genre and style. However general system extralinguistic factors that determine the specificity of the language of the media, as well as linguistic research, allows us to talk about the existence of a single functional style newspapers. Considering the stylistic side of the newspaper language as an integral set of stylistic and functional phenomena, V.G. Kostomarov identifies a single stylistic constructive principle of the newspaper - the dialectical unification of its leading features of expression and standard, understood in in a broad sense words as evaluative and intellectualized principles in opposition to each other. These features correlate with the interaction of two leading functions of a newspaper: informational and influencing, which are unevenly distributed across newspaper genres and are in accordance with the dual nature of the newspaper, designed to both inform and persuade and influence.

    A study of the language means of the newspaper indicates a clear demarcation between informational and editorial articles on the implementation of the two named functions. The former, by the nature of their use of linguistic means, are close to the scientific and business style, possessing features of factuality and documentation in the transmission of information. The latter are openly evaluative, clearly journalistic in nature and aimed at propaganda impact, in certain respects coming close to literary prose.

    Information material consists of articles in which the presence of the author’s “I” is minimized, i.e. often the name of their creator is not even indicated. This may include materials related to impartial transmission various kinds internal and external events political life, short information messages, communiqués.

    In leading articles, on the contrary, factors of subjective assessment have a decisive influence on the use of linguistic means that implement communication tasks conviction, directiveness, critical understanding of current events, i.e. the language refracts the subjective desire of the group of authors to influence the political and ideological positions of the “general” reader. Linguistic means here acquire a pronounced expressive character, which is especially reflected in the syntax, which is aimed at the formation of speech that is logical, dissected, with sharply and clearly defined accents.

    As if an intermediate position in functional orientation is occupied in the newspaper by a large number of articles in which evaluative and intellectual principles are intertwined and coexist with each other, i.e. information is presented with varying degrees of presence author's position, as is the case in the report, comments. The alternation of expressive and standardized elements here, their transition into each other is intended to attract and maintain the reader’s interest.

    The contrast between informational and editorial articles does not mean that the former lack an element of expressiveness at all, while the latter represent a continuous stream of expressive speech units, theoretical nature There is also a contrast between the functions of influence and message (respectively, the styles of “influence” and the styles of “message”). In a broad communicative plan, these two functions, on the one hand, are opposed, on the other hand, they are compared and interact with each other. As typical example The “message” style is usually given in the scientific style of encyclopedic articles; an example of the “impact” style is the language of fiction. However, it is hardly possible to completely exclude the possibility of the appearance of expressive elements in encyclopedic articles, and intellectualized elements in the language of fiction.

    The contrast between the style divisions under consideration
    (information and editorials) is in to a certain extent relative also because the style of the editorial has common features not only with artistic language, but also with scientific language, characterized by the trait of analyticity.
    In turn, information messages are characterized by a certain dynamism in conveying the sequence of events, which brings them closer to the language of the author's artistic narration.

    At the same time, elements of influence (expressive-emotional-evaluative) in scientific style always act as contributions, just as the elements of a message in an artistic style are subordinated to the implementation of certain stylistic tasks, which in turn are associated with the implementation of a general aesthetically influencing function. The presence of elements of expression is not a determining factor in newspaper information, just as the “informativeness” of the editorial is subordinated to the implementation of the influencing function.

    Some researchers classify only information materials as newspaper style, which at one time served as the basis for the creation of the first newspapers. However, in the newspapers today Apparently, it is the assessment and impact factors that receive priority, as can be seen by reading, in particular, Soviet newspapers or newspapers of the communist press of capitalist countries, in which information materials of an objective nature are usually preceded by an expressive and emotionally rich, strictly journalistic editorial article - the “flag” of the issue. The functional focus on the impact of the language of editorials serves as a favorable factor for the disclosure here of linguistic-stylistic resources for creating expressiveness: the use of a contrasting combination of elements of book and colloquial speech, metaphors and other means of creating language figurativeness, as well as a wide variety of techniques of expressive syntax: inversion, antithesis, parallelism, repetition , ellipsis, etc. However, the main source of creating expressiveness in the broad sense of the word is the evaluative factor, which acted in opposition to the intellectual nature of the language of information messages.

    In contrast to the language of fiction, the expressiveness of the editorial is aimed at the mass reader and is characterized by social and communicative orientation of evaluativeness, and therefore the features of “openness”, “transparency”. In the language of artistic style, evaluation has an individualized focus both on the part of the author and on the part of the recipient of information. The leading role here is played by the factor of context, subtext, artistic design works. The influencing function of the artistic style has an aesthetic orientation.

    In information articles, elements of subjective assessment do not have a decisive influence on the use of language resources. Units of language are usually taken here in their direct form. nominative meaning, i.e. have only one level of understanding - semantic, while in leading articles the level of understanding is added to this substantive level of understanding additional meanings, “connotations” acquired in a broad context or syntagmatic environment, e.g. functional values directives, critical assessment, incentives to action, calls, etc. When choosing language means in newspaper information, the factors of finding the best way conveying information and stimulating the reader's interest in it. As in other newspaper genres, in information materials there is a need to present the message in an advantageous way the shortest possible time and, if possible, in a condensed form. The forms in which speech messages are presented no longer carry an expressive-impacting functional load, but must be convenient for perception and information-rich.

    Thus, two qualitatively different functional unities coexist in the newspaper: the texts of editorial articles focused on social impact, and texts of information messages aimed at transmitting unambiguous intellectual information. It seems, however, that the noted feature indicates not so much the diversity of the language of the newspaper, but rather its extra-linguistically “programmed” multifunctionality, ultimately aimed at achieving a single functional impact effect. A unique source of creating expression is the contrast of the expressively marked language of editorials against the background of the neutral intellectual language of information messages. Consequently, the principle of the dialectical unification of evaluative and intellectualized principles and the interaction of information and influencing functions in the style of a newspaper is realized in in this case due to the linguistic means of the two functionally and genre-heterogeneous text arrays described above. The most important functions of the journalistic style are informational and influencing. The informational function of texts belonging to this style is that the authors of such texts aim to inform the widest possible circle of readers, viewers, and listeners about problems that are significant to society and about the authors’ views on these problems.

    Information function is inherent in all speech styles. The specificity of the information function in the journalistic style lies in the nature of the information, its sources and recipients.

    Television programs, newspaper and magazine articles inform society about the most diverse aspects of its life: about parliamentary debates, economic programs government and parties, about incidents and crimes, about the state of environment, about the daily life of citizens.

    Information in journalistic texts not only describes facts, but also reflects opinions, sentiments, and contains comments and reflections of the authors. This distinguishes it from scientific information. Another difference is due to the fact that journalistic works are not tasked with a complete comprehensive description of a particular phenomenon; the publicist strives to write, first of all, about what is of interest to certain social groups, highlighting those aspects of life that are important to his potential audience .

    Informing citizens about the state of affairs in socially significant areas is accompanied in journalistic texts by the implementation of the second most important function this styles - functions impact. The goal of the publicist is not only to talk about the state of affairs in society, but also to convince the audience of the need for a certain attitude towards the facts presented and the need for certain behavior. The journalistic style is characterized by open bias, polemicism, and emotionality, which is precisely caused by the desire of the publicist to prove the correctness of his position.

    The function of influence is system-forming for the journalistic style; it is what distinguishes this style from other varieties of literary language. Although this function is also characteristic of the official business and colloquial style, it actively influences the selection of linguistic means in journalistic texts.

    Let us consider, as an example of the implementation of these functions, the article “Ours at the Olympics: 22 precious victories” in “Arguments and Facts” No. 9 dated March 1, 2006. The article informs about the results of the performances of Russian athletes at the Olympics in Turin. At the same time, the publication influences the reader, forming a certain attitude towards the position of high-ranking officials from the Olympic Committee, who did not even bother to create appropriate conditions for the training of future champions.

    In various journalistic genres, which will be discussed later, one of these functions can act as a leading one, and it is important that the influence function does not displace the information function: the promotion of ideas useful for society should be based on complete and reliable information to the audience.

    In addition to informational and influencing, journalistic style texts, of course, perform all other functions inherent in language:

    • communicative,
    • expressive,
    • aesthetic.