How to get preschool teacher education. Distance learning teacher preschool education

Do you feel your teaching calling and want to realize yourself in such an area as working with young children? Do you believe that you can contribute to the formation of the next generation, but do not know how to put your desire into practice? To fully reveal your teaching talent, enroll in courses for preschool teachers remotely and receive a profession that is honorable at all times. Affordable online education will open up the prospect of professional demand for you and will be the main step towards the speedy implementation of your life plan.

The high-quality educational programs of the Russian Synergy University are structured in such a way that online learning will allow you not only to receive the coveted diploma, but also to acquire knowledge and skills that will make you a valuable specialist in the field of preschool education. The benefits of modern education at home include full control over your time, the ability to fit your studies around your work schedule, and no need to travel to lectures and exams. Thus, you will personally manage the process of acquiring knowledge, because it is not only convenient and harmless to the quality of education, but also very modern!

Distance learning: preschool teacher

If you expect to receive an up-to-date higher education and such a noble specialization as a preschool teacher without interrupting your work activity, distance learning is one of the best options to achieve your desired goal. You will study the features and specifics of conducting educational work with children of early and young age, learn the patterns of development at this age, learn how to organize and implement educational, cognitive, educational and play activities for your students, as well as plan and analyze its results.

By providing you with a full-fledged diploma with a specialization in “preschool education teacher,” distance education will help unlock your potential in the field of pedagogy. As part of the specialization, you will also master such disciplines as “social psychology”, “multicultural education”, “personality psychology”, “preschool pedagogy”, “fundamentals of psychogenetics”, “fundamentals of pedagogical skills” and others.

You will be able to apply the acquired knowledge when working with preschool children in children's educational institutions for the little ones, be it a private or public kindergarten, a children's club, an early development center, a children's creativity center, or find a job as a tutor. You will be among those who help to reveal the abilities of children, consolidate successes in their development, and establish relationships between parents and children. And it is important that you can apply the experience gained in your own family if necessary. A specialist in the field of preschool education is more than just a profession!

Distance teacher education

Pedagogy is a constantly expanding and updating professional field. At the Center for Distance Education in the Central Federal District, you can get help in choosing a specialty that is in demand. If you want to become an advanced teacher who knows how to use modern professional tools and gain a competitive advantage in the labor market, contact us, we will tell you how to do this.

Why should you contact us?

Having worked in the field for 20 years, we have created a model of higher pedagogical education, which, through remote interaction, allows you to spend minimal time, effort and money without losing the volume and level of knowledge. Correspondence higher pedagogical education, organized according to standard patterns, cannot offer the flexibility that the pace of today's life requires from universities. With us you can:

  • easily obtain higher education without the Unified State Exam: first you will study to become a teacher in secondary vocational programs, and then, also remotely, in master’s or bachelor’s degrees;
  • study at an accredited university in Moscow or another city in the Central Federal District in a sought-after specialty - preschool teacher, primary school teacher, psychologist;
  • obtain a higher pedagogical education by passing exams and defending a diploma remotely - via video conference;
  • master a new profession by receiving a second higher education in correspondence - we help representatives of any profession (teachers, economists, lawyers).

Distance pedagogical education is an opportunity to study while working, doing family and household affairs. You make your own schedule, focusing on your own rhythm of life.

What do we offer?

Citizens and non-residents of the Russian Federation can receive fundamental distance pedagogical education. We will help you choose a suitable university and accompany the student until graduation. To provide a package of documents, it is not necessary to come in person. Copies of your passport, existing diplomas, and photographs can be sent electronically, and exams can be taken remotely. Thanks to the distance learning form, it is possible to simultaneously supplement pedagogical education with practical experience while working fully. This is the most efficient use of time. There is no need to worry that when studying to become a teacher, your higher education will be incomplete due to the fact that you do not attend classes, but learn the material remotely. Students will have access to all lectures, and you will communicate with teachers during webinars and video conferences. After defense you will receive a diploma.

Preschool teacher

You will studypatterns of development of children of early and preschool age and features of educational work with them. You will be able to organize the activities of preschoolers, plan and adjust educational tasks, taking into account the individual developmental characteristics of each child.

You will be able to workteacher, methodologist-organizer, organizer of clubs for preschool children in the system of preschool and additional education. In addition to public and private organizations, you will be able to work in someone's family, becoming the second “Mary Poppins”.

Primary school teacher

This profession is suitableYou, if you love children and want to work with them, have a desire for self-development, resourcefulness, versatility, are tactful, responsible, demanding of yourself and patient with others.

You will mastermodern teaching methods, learn to organize your own activities, determine methods for solving professional problems, evaluate their effectiveness and quality, organize and control the activities of students, and carry out classroom management.

And here modern technologies come to the rescue -. Pedagogical preschool education can be obtained without interrupting work and your children.

– it’s convenient, practical and profitable. The future certified specialist has the opportunity to immediately use the acquired knowledge in practice at his workplace - in a preschool institution. Having a job in your specialty, you have resolved the issue of internship and any practical classes. You have everything you need to collect data, conduct research and conduct topical activities during the learning process.

All the same roads are open to you as full-time students, for example, you have the opportunity to get one of the additional specialties - speech therapist, psychologist. The latest techniques, access to educational databases, research work - all this is available if you choose distance learning. In this way, both those who have already studied at a university and those who have just graduated from school can receive it.

As a rule, a passport, photo and Unified State Exam results are required for enrollment. In addition, you need to write an application form. But this form of training may be of interest not only to those who want to receive a specialized higher education. Working professionals are increasingly choosing distance learning. Pedagogical preschool education is an extremely changing area in today’s education system, new methods and directions of teaching are appearing, and curricula are being adjusted.

Given the current workload of teachers, it can be difficult to find time to travel to the university. And you can study at any time, for example, during quiet time for the kids.