What awaits the future of planet earth. What will a person look like in a couple of million years?

So, what will happen in 100 years? The following chronology will describe not only the events that await us in the future, but also the inventions that are about to appear.

Earth in 100 years

2013 – Wall Street faces another stock market crash, which will mark the beginning of a new global crisis.

2014 – China deploys its missiles in Sudan, causing unrest in international society.

2015 – The year will be very eventful. Russia will report that the country's natural resources (oil, uranium, copper, gold) have reached a critical minimum. The Algerian-German concern Desertec will begin construction of a solar power station in North Africa. Scientists will be able to find a cure for autism. Bangladesh will claim a catastrophic shortage of fresh water due to rising sea levels and will ask the World Bank for a $9 billion subsidy to purchase desalination plants.

2016 – Cultured meat goes on sale. For the first time in the American presidential election, it will be possible to cast your vote online.

2017 – The first experiment was conducted to create artificial seminal fluid from a woman’s stem cells and subsequent conception without a man.

2018 – Withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan. Each country considers itself a winner. Afghanistan's sovereignty remains unshakable. In parallel with this event, the lunar program is being resumed. The four-person crew will spend about a month on the lunar surface. The goal of the project is to prove that living on the Earth’s natural satellite using only its resources is quite possible. This same year, a new high-speed railway will be built, crossing 17 countries and designed to connect Europe and Asia. The first train along it will run from Beijing to Paris, its speed will be 300 km/h. The global crisis that began in 2013 will end this year.

2019 – There will be an acute shortage of women in China. The government will allow same-sex marriage. The first prototype of a flying car will also be tested in America.

2020 – Active development of space tourism. The first private spacecraft will send everyone into Earth orbit for a day. Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic's first spaceship will land with tourists on the surface of the Moon. The cost of such a tour will cost about 200 million dollars. The first manned expedition to Mars will also be formed. In the same year, permission will be issued to carry out autonomous work that destroys cancer cells in the human body. Megacorporations will undermine the authority of the governments of leading countries and ultimately deprive them of many powers. State borders in our usual sense will be erased. Cultural differences will still remain in people's memories.

2021-2024 – It becomes possible to implant microchips into the brain that can give their owner the ability to telepathy, increased memory reserves, and it will also be possible to introduce various kinds of controllers into the body that signal the state of a person, and give some kind of bonuses in the form of built-in mobile communications, etc. .d.

2025 - The population will increase to 8 billion people. The globalization of the economy will allow many enterprising people to become rich. The number of dollar millionaires will be 1 billion people, while everyone else will not even have enough fresh water.

2026 – Chips will be implanted up to the skin of all US residents, storing all biometric data and allowing the location of an individual to be determined.

2027 – First successful human cloning. Scientists will be able to understand how genetics influences a person’s character.

2028 – The total number of deaths from AIDS will reach 600 million. A cure has never been found. AIDS becomes the deadliest epidemic in history.

2029 – The appearance of computers 1000 times more powerful than today’s. New chips are also appearing on the market, by implanting which you can have a direct connection with a computer and the Internet.

2030 – All trains, planes, cars and yachts are controlled by a robotic autopilot. Human intervention in their work is required only in extreme cases. Thanks to this technology, it was possible to reduce the number of accidents involving these vehicles to almost a minimum.

2031 – Sex becomes just a form of leisure time. The function of procreation has been simplified to artificial insemination and cloning. Pregnancy will be the lot of the poor and uncultured, as well as third world citizens.

2032 – The appearance of lenses capable of giving a person not only excellent vision, but also eliminating the need to know additional languages. Lenses will be implanted for everyone. They will have built-in face and speech recognition technology, due to which a person will see a translation from any unfamiliar language in the form of text right before his eyes. They will also have built-in zoom, memory of faces, the ability to access the Internet, etc.

2033 – America switches to a fundamentally new type of fuel, getting rid of oil dependence. Oil prices are falling sharply. The Middle East is suffering widespread losses. Russia enters into an alliance with Iran and China and squeezes the EU.

2034 – Micro sensors appear that can record the behavior of the nervous system. Thus, a market for the sale of feelings is organized. Orgasms, happiness, grief, inspiration, etc.

2035 – Firms appear offering artificial cultivation of human organs based on the client’s DNA.

2040 – People monitor their health through genetic therapy. Shower cabins scan the general condition of internal organs, toilets collect tests. The average life expectancy in developed countries reaches 90 years.

2041 – The ban on geological exploration activities in Antarctica will be lifted. World powers will immediately begin to develop the deposits. As a result, the ecology of the White Continent will be destroyed. Next up is the Arctic.

2042 – Humanity crosses the 9 billion mark.

2048 – The number of ocean inhabitants declines sharply. People don't have enough fish.

2049 – “Programmable matter” technologies appear. Millions of microscopic devices will gather into a swarm that will take the desired shape, color, density and texture of any object.

2050 – The world population will reach 10.1 billion. The average life expectancy will be 100 years.

2060 – 95% of the world's population will use only three types of currency. In the struggle for primacy, they will fight, offering better and better conditions, as banks, pension funds and plastic card systems do now.

2070 – The glaciers and permafrost of the North Pole will finally melt, and the Arctic Ocean will become fully navigable. Active development of a new habitable territory will begin. In the same year, many animals that became extinct many thousands of years ago will be cloned from DNA.

2075 – Average life expectancy is 150 years. Humanity is on the verge of a discovery that can give people immortality.

2080 – Due to global warming, the level of the Ocean will rise to such limits that 70 million people in Africa will be inundated.

2090 – The emergence of a new generation network. Now, instead of a computer, the human body acts as a client. All information goes directly to the brain.

2095 – Thanks to the advent of new technology, it is possible to copy a person’s personality onto a chip, which in turn is integrated into any cybernetic shell of one’s choice. Man acquired immortality.

2100 – Due to global warming, a third of the land has become desert. Fresh water is now as valuable as oil once was. Russia, as always, is on horseback - its climate will only benefit from warming, and there is more than enough water here. Due to the huge amount of carbon dioxide. The oceans will have increased acidity, making it unsuitable for the existence of a huge number of microorganisms, which, in turn, serve as food for larger animals. The population will increase from 10 to 15 billion people. Active space exploration will begin. A cure for cancer will be found. Artificial Intelligence will appear. Due to the development of cybernetic technologies, people will look like robots, and those, in turn, will look like people.

Of course, these are just forecasts and the exact answer is what will happen in 100 years It’s difficult, but many have already begun to think - if the outcome of events is exactly this, then does humanity need such a future. On the other hand, people once did not trust cars and computers in the same way, and cinema and radio were generally considered almost magic. Nevertheless, today they are firmly embedded in our lives and are an integral part of it. Therefore, as they say, wait and see what will happen in 100 years.

The approximate age of humanity is 200 thousand years, and during this time it has faced a huge number of changes. Since our emergence on the African continent, we have managed to colonize the entire world and even reached the Moon. Beringia, which once connected Asia with North America, has long gone under water. What changes or events might we expect if humanity continues to exist for another billion years?

Well, let's start with the future in 10 thousand years. We will face the problem of the year 10,000. Software that encodes the AD calendar will no longer be able to encode dates from this point on. This will be a real problem, and furthermore, if current globalization trends continue, human genetic variation will no longer be regionally organized by that point. This means that all human genetic traits, such as skin and hair color, will be distributed evenly across the planet.

In 20 thousand years, the world's languages ​​will contain only one in a hundred vocabulary words of their modern counterparts. In fact, all modern languages ​​will lose recognition.

In 50 thousand years, the Earth will begin a second ice age, despite the current effects of global warming. Niagara Falls will be completely washed away by the Erie River and disappear. Due to glacial uplift and erosion, numerous lakes on the Canadian Shield will also cease to exist. In addition, the day on Earth will increase by one second, as a result of which an adjustment second will have to be added to each day.

In 100 thousand years, the stars and constellations visible from Earth will be strikingly different from today. In addition, according to preliminary calculations, this is exactly how long it will take to completely transform Mars into a habitable planet like Earth.

In 250 thousand years, the Lo'ihi volcano will rise above the surface, forming a new island in the Hawaiian island chain.

In 500 thousand years, it is very likely that an asteroid with a diameter of 1 km will crash into the Earth, unless humanity somehow prevents this. And Badlands National Park in South Dakota will completely disappear by this point.

In 950,000 years, the Arizona meteorite crater, considered the best-preserved meteorite impact crater on the planet, will be completely eroded.

In 1 million years, a monstrous volcanic eruption will most likely occur on Earth, during which 3 thousand 200 cubic meters of ash will be released. This will be reminiscent of the Toba super eruption 70,000 years ago, which nearly caused the extinction of humanity. In addition, the star Betelgeuse will explode as a supernova, and this can be observed from Earth even during the daytime.


BBC Russian Service 12/06/2016 In 2 million years, the Grand Canyon will collapse even further, deepen a little and expand to the size of a large valley. If humanity by then colonizes various planets in the solar system and universe, and the populations of each of them evolve separately from each other, humanity will likely evolve into different species. They adapt to the conditions of their planets and, perhaps, will not even know about the existence of other species of their own kind in the Universe.

In 10 million years, much of western Africa will separate from the rest of the continent. A new ocean basin will form between them, and Africa will split into two separate pieces of land.

In 50 million years, Mars' satellite Phobos will crash into its planet, causing widespread destruction. And on Earth, the rest of Africa will collide with Eurasia and “close” the Mediterranean Sea forever. Between the two merging layers, a new mountain range is formed, similar in size to the Himalayas, one of the peaks of which may be higher than Everest.

In 60 million years, the Canadian Rockies will be leveled, becoming a flat plain.

In 80 million years, the entire Hawaiian Islands will have sunk, and in 100 million years, the Earth will likely be hit by an asteroid similar to the one that wiped out the dinosaurs 66 million years ago, unless disaster is prevented artificially. By this point, among other things, the rings around Saturn will disappear.

In 240 million years, the Earth will finally complete a full revolution around the center of the galaxy from its current position.

In 250 million years, all the continents of our planet will merge into one, like Pangea. One of the options for its name is Pangea Ultima, and it will look something like the picture.

Then, after 400-500 million years, the supercontinent will again split into parts.

In 500-600 million years, at a distance of 6 thousand 500 light years from Earth, a deadly gamma-ray burst will occur. If the calculations are correct, this explosion could seriously damage the Earth's ozone layer, causing mass extinction of species.

In 600 million years, the Moon will be far enough away from the Sun to cancel the phenomenon of a total solar eclipse once and for all. In addition, the growing luminosity of the Sun will have serious consequences for our planet. The movements of tectonic plates will stop, and carbon dioxide levels will greatly decrease. C3 photosynthesis will no longer occur, and 99% of the earth's flora will die.

After 800 million years, CO2 levels will continue to fall until C4 photosynthesis stops. Free oxygen and ozone will disappear from the atmosphere, as a result of which all life on Earth will die.

And finally, in 1 billion years, the Sun's luminosity will increase by 10% compared to its current state. The Earth's surface temperature will rise to an average of 47 degrees Celsius. The atmosphere will turn into a humid greenhouse, and the world's oceans will simply evaporate. "Pockets" of liquid water will continue to exist at the Earth's poles, which means that they will likely become the last stronghold of life on our planet.

A lot will change during this time, but a lot has changed over the past billion years. In addition to what we talked about in this video, who knows what could happen in such a long time?

InoSMI materials contain assessments exclusively of foreign media and do not reflect the position of the InoSMI editorial staff.

In our world, nothing can exist forever. Someday we will face some kind of catastrophe on a planetary scale, which may well make our planet uninhabitable. At various times, prophets predicted the fate of the Earth, and often their predictions were sad. In the past, our planet has experienced terrible disasters many times: bombardment by asteroids, meteorites, floods and droughts, climate change, and so on. In this article we will look at several disasters that threatened us in the past, and try to find out what awaits us in the future.

Comet "Typhon", born in Tartarus

In 1972 (August), a giant asteroid swept over the earth, the approach of which could not be predicted. A huge space object almost hit the Earth. If this had happened, the collision with him would not have fit into the Richter scale. Before this, our planet was subjected to space bombardment many times. On its surface there are at least 170 giant craters, for example, the “Arizona Crater”, the diameter of which is equal to 1270 m, and the depth is at least 180 m. At one time, the great astronomer Kepler noticed that there are no asteroids and comets in the sky more than fish in the world's oceans. In the future, his words came true.

In 1972, as it turned out later, the comet Typhon, whose name was given by the Greeks, swept over the Earth. In addition, the Greeks called her “born in Tartarus (in the abyss, which is located under the kingdom of Hades).” Modern astronomers have found that Typhon repeatedly flew into our planetary system. The Bible predicts that in the future the heavens will “roll up into a scroll,” and this will not be the first time this will happen. It can be assumed that the Bible described the capture and destruction of the atmosphere, which supposedly should “collapse” when the “old age of the world” comes, after which, as the biblical stories said, “the sky and the air will be so numb that the birds will not be able to fly.”

Babylonian mythology indicates that during the last visit of "Typhon" to our planetary system, this comet took away a satellite from Jupiter, which supposedly happened 26,000 years ago. By the way, this satellite later became ours - the Moon. Thus, in Babylon they believed that the earth’s companion appeared in the sky for the first time 26,000 years ago. The people who lived on the planet up to this point began to be called in Babylon “pre-lunars,” or, to be more precise, “proto-Selinites” (the Moon in Greek is “Selene”).

The theory described above is believed by a modern Indian shaman, who is called “Elk Earring.” He lives in the Sio-Sio tribe and has been predicting the future for many years. The shaman claims that thousands of years ago our companion was “dragged” from another place and “installed” in her current place in a special way in order to improve the climate on Earth after another disastrous cataclysm.

By the way, modern astronomers predict that in the near future the comet Typhon will fly into our system again. It is impossible to predict its current location and trajectory, since it was not followed in 1972, when it was first noticed.

The sun used to rise from the opposite side...

Some planetary scientists suggest that the Earth's poles shifted in the distant past. This theory is supported by the works of Plato. He argued that in ancient times the luminary “rose” from the side in which it now “goes to bed.”

Modern psychic R. Montgomery predicts that in the future “the luminary will one day rise from the opposite side of the horizon,” and people will not immediately notice the changes. In science, such a process is considered and called potentially possible. It even has an official name - instantaneous gyroscope precession. The earth's core also moves along a special trajectory, which is influenced by the gravity of the Earth's satellite and the luminary. If the trajectory of the core is disrupted even slightly, it will move closer to the surface, which will end in its contact with the earth's mantle. After the center of gravity shifts, the planet will make a somersault. By the way, Mother Shipton (the Yorkshire Witch) spoke about this at one time, about whom there is a separate story on this site.

During the reign of Emperor Yao, the Chinese observed a unique phenomenon: the luminary did not move across the sky for several days (it stood motionless at one point). On the opposite side of the planet it was then night for several days.

Herodotus once quoted ancient Egyptian priests who wrote that one day the Sun rose and never set again. The Egyptians then predicted that a new race would soon appear on the planet, which was still in the “spiritual world.” By the way, the epic also indicates that when the planet “tumbles”, the most ancient mechanisms that worked on solar energy will start working. Perhaps these mechanisms are the pyramids, which can still be observed to this day in Egypt and beyond.

The whole planet will become an ocean

George Washington, it turns out, had a unique ability: he periodically predicted the future. One day in a dream he saw that our planet was covered with giant waves. Another predictor, a pirate by profession, Duguay-Trowan, saw this.

Many people predicted the “World Flood.” Today, we can observe a rise in the level of the World Ocean, which already indicates its gradual onset. Global warming is doing its job - melting permafrost, which flows into the super-scale reservoirs of our planet. Scientists have already become convinced that our planet was once covered by a flood, perhaps completely all of it. On the Pacific coast (South America), traces left by huge tidal waves, the height of which reached 740 meters, were recently discovered.

No one has yet been able to accurately determine the future of our planet. We may not live to see something catastrophic happen to her. We would like to hope that catastrophes on a planetary scale will bypass our Earth.

The world didn't end in 2012, but it was just one of many prophecies that don't end with 2012. What awaits us in the coming years and what threats await us?

2014 - Cloud wreaking havoc

According to astronomers, a cloud of dust is approaching the Earth, erasing everything in its path. It emerged from a black hole - 28,000 light years from our planet. Astronomers observing the celestial body say that they have discovered a strange clot, which has already been dubbed a “cloud wreaking havoc” - it destroys everything in its path: comets, asteroids, planets and stars. Now he is heading towards Earth.

The 10-million-mile-long object was discovered by NASA's Chandra Observatory in April this year and is classified as "acid fog," according to scientists. The mysterious cloud is expected to reach Earth by 2014. The only positive news surrounding this discovery is that thanks to it, a number of previously stated assumptions in physics are being confirmed. "The bad news is that the complete destruction of our solar system is inevitable," said Albert Shervinsky, an astrophysicist at the University of Cambridge.

According to Shervinsky, information about the approaching threat is kept secret, and NASA, trying to avoid panic, is in no hurry to disclose its find. At the same time, the astrophysicist is convinced that if the cloud does not turn away from its trajectory, then our galaxy will shrink to its previous size, i.e. to the primordial state of the birth of the universe.

2015 - End of the 9576-year cycle

In the early 90s of the last century, professor of the National University "Kiev-Mohyla Academy" Nikolai Chmykhov (1953-1994) came up with a theory according to which natural and social upheavals on Earth are caused by cosmic phenomena, in particular crises in the relative positions of the planets of the solar system.

Using modern data from archeology, history, astronomy, geophysics, ethnography and many other sciences, he actually laid the foundations for a new worldview concept - cosmoarchaeological.

All this happens through severe interepochal natural shocks: floods, fires, changes in the tilt of the earth's axis, and for people - through wars, invasions, mutual destruction, etc.

The year 2015, which marks the turning point of as many as three - 1596 -, 7980 - and 9576 - year cycles (and many smaller ones included in these large and significant cycles), should mark the beginning of a qualitatively new era both in the life of the cosmic organism of planet Earth and in the existence human community.

2016 - Global Flood

In 1988, the director of NASA's Space Science Institute, James Hansen, first announced the influence of human activity on the rise in temperature of the planetary atmosphere. This took a lot of courage.

Speaking to reporters recently in Washington, Hansen emphasized that the world has long crossed the dangerous line of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere:

“We have reached a point where the emergency has reached planetary proportions. We are approaching a tipping point in the entire global climate system. If we miss it, systemic changes will begin on a huge scale, and the process will spin out of control. We have already reached one point of no return, and during the summer season we may lose the entire Arctic ice cover. This will happen due to an imbalance in the energy balance of the planet,” says Hansen.

According to him, in 2016 the Arctic ice will completely melt in one summer season, which will lead to the flooding of vast areas.

2017 - Death of the world according to the prophecy of Saint Matrona

In conversations with her loved ones, Saint Matrona said: “How sorry I am for you, you will live to see the last times. Life will get worse and worse. Heavy. The time will come when they will put a cross and bread in front of you and say - choose!” Mother Matrona was always surrounded by people of faith, they knew what they would choose - of course, the cross. But they asked Mother Matrona - how will we live without food? Saint Matrona said: “And we will pray, take land, roll balls, pray to God, eat and be full!”

Mother said - “The people are under hypnosis, not themselves, a terrible force lives in the air, penetrates everywhere, before swamps and dense forests were the habitat of this force, since people went to churches, wore crosses and houses were protected by images, lamps and consecration, and demons flew past such houses, and now people are also inhabited by demons due to unbelief and rejection of God.

And also, apparently, about the last times, mother said this: There will be no war, without war you will all die, there will be many victims, you will all lie dead on the ground. In the evening everything will be on the earth, and in the morning you will rise - everything will go into the earth. Without war, war goes on!"

2018-2019 - Nuclear and bacteriological warfare

This is the prediction of astrologer Michel Nostradamus. Quatrain 41 Centuries II.

“The Big Star will boil for seven days.
Such a cloud will rise from it that the sun will double.
The big dog will howl that night
When will the Pope change his residence?

According to the prophecies of Nostradamus, we are threatened with famine on such a scale that many will be forced to eat forest roots, and some will even become cannibals. We are threatened with wars using chemical, bacteriological and nuclear weapons, as well as the worst inflation that humanity has ever known. We will suffer the economic and social consequences of religious conflicts caused by fanatics. In other words, an era of monstrous terror and endless fear is coming.

However, not everything is so gloomy, since the same Nostradamus, having predicted disasters in the coming years, still believed that after some long period after such suffering, humanity would live happily and travel in interstellar space.

2060 - Apocalypse according to Newton

The manuscript of the great physicist Isaac Newton with a terrible prophecy was presented at an exhibition that opened at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Newton is the father of classical physics, the man who developed differential and integral calculus and built the first reflecting telescope.

At the exhibition entitled "Newton's Secrets" you can see a manuscript on which the specific date of the end of the world is written - 2060. It is known that the great physicist determined it by deciphering the Bible. It took him almost 50 years.

Experts learned that Newton indicated the exact date of Armageddon at the end of 2002, when a manuscript with notes was discovered. It, in turn, was kept for many years in the Jewish National Library in Jerusalem among the sheets of the undisassembled archive of the author of the law of universal gravitation.

To this day, great minds, politicians, and ordinary people listen to the predictions of the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga. Her predictions come true with incredible accuracy, but people do not always interpret her words correctly, since Vanga, as she herself claimed, simply conveyed the information coming to her.

After her death, Vanga left a large number of predictions. She described the future of humanity year by year. What awaits us in the coming years?

year 2014 - spread of skin diseases and skin cancer due to chemical warfare.

2016- European countries are gradually dying out due to diseases and natural disasters. Beginning of migration to Siberia.

2018- China is becoming the most powerful power in the world.

2023- The Earth’s orbit will begin to change, which will cause natural disasters and changes in climate conditions.

2028- Invention of a new energy source. Earthlings will fly to Venus.

2033- Active melting of glaciers, the level of the world's oceans is rising.

2043- Islam becomes the main religion of European countries.

2046- Scientists have learned to grow human organs.

2066- US attack on European countries. The use of a new type of weapon by the American army - climate.

2076- There will be no division into classes.

2084- The state of ecology on Earth will return to normal.

2088- The emergence of a new terrible disease - people will grow old in a few seconds.

In 2100 Vanga predicted the invention of an artificial sun.

In 2164, according to Vanga’s predictions for the future, animals will be turned into the likeness of people.

2167- The emergence of a new religion.

2221- Earthlings will actively search for life on other planets and will encounter something terrible.

2273- The emergence of a new human race.

2288- People will learn to travel in time.

2480- The sun will go out, the Earth will plunge into darkness.

3010- A meteorite will ram the moon, creating a cloud of dust and rocks around the Earth.

3797- The earth will die out, but people will have time to lay the seeds of a new civilization.

Vanga's predictions for the future are replete with incredible events that now seem to us on the verge of fantasy. But who knows what will actually happen to humanity in a few decades or centuries? We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

29.05.2014 09:15

Many people ask the following questions: why do some people have psychic abilities and others do not? How do they become...

The Bulgarian prophetess has long been dead. However, she left behind many unsolved mysteries...