Tank battle near Dubno - Lutsk - Brody Tank battle near Fords exactly 1941
Opponents of the USSR Germany Commanders M.P. Kirponos I.N. Muzychenko M.I. Potapov Gerd von Rundstedt Ewald von Kleist Forces of the 8th, 9th, 15th, 19th,...
South Korea remembers ferry passengers who died a year ago
STATE RADIO FREQUENCIES COMMISSION (SCRF) Decisions: At the SCRF meeting held on April 16, 2014 (Minutes No. 14-23),...
Accident at the station
On February 17, 1982, two grannies-cleaners were called. They covered the pools of blood with sawdust, then wiped it away....... It took the passengers a few seconds to...
Formation of cognitive skills in lessons of the surrounding world through the use of information and communication technologies Stages of the formation of cognitive skills in elementary school
Cognitive universal actions include general educational, logical, actions, posing and solving problems. General educational universal actions...
Is the land native to man? Our ancestors fly to earth
In Russian folk tales we have already heard this phrase: - Beyond distant lands in the thirtieth kingdom, beyond the fiery river lives Baba Yaga... (i.e. 3 to 9 = 27, i.e. three...
Caricatures of the Great Patriotic War View caricatures of Hitler
next on the topic previous on other topics………… next on other topics I would like to offer several cartoons by the Kukryniks (M.V. Kupriyanov,...
Einstein's theory of relativity turned out to be wrong
For a long time, not a single scientist in the world could compare with Isaac Newton in the influence that he had on humanity’s ideas about nature. Such...
International Space Station
Cosmonautics Day is coming on April 12th. And of course, it would be wrong to ignore this holiday. Moreover, this year the date will be special, 50 years since...