Consistent subordination of subordinate clauses - what is it?
An IPP is a sentence, the parts of which are connected by subordinating conjunctions. Subordinating conjunctions - what, because, if, although, so that, how, when, in order to, so...
Use in everyday life and at work
There were no flowers at home, I wanted to buy everything, but I was sorry for the money, and yesterday they brought flowers to work for 150 rubles, so I bought them, chose 2, and the third (in the middle) was my son...
Moscow State University of Technology and Management
Fahrenheit 451 epub
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury (ratings: 2, average: 5.00 out of 5) Title: Fahrenheit 451 About the book Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury...
Why is today the 21st century and not the 20th?
I. ENGELHARDT. If we rely on the decree of Peter I, the new century should begin in 2000. A vessel with the image of calendar signs. XVIII century BC uh....
Purpose and scope of application What is a reactor in electrical engineering
Reactors with natural or forced air cooling are designed to limit short circuit currents in electrical networks and preserve...
Measuring background gamma in open areas
For some people, just the word radiation is terrifying! Let us immediately note that it is everywhere, there is even the concept of natural background radiation and this is part of our life!...
Second open recruitment to the cosmonaut corps Open recruitment to astronauts
According to information published on May 4, more than 30 people have already sent all the necessary documents to qualify for cosmonaut selection in 2017. Until July 14, the last...