Study of the characteristics of male and female speech at the phonetic and lexical levels of language. In the mirror of oral speech

Series: "Studia philologica"

The book is dedicated to the study of speech life modern city. The authors focus on the everyday speech practices of metropolitan residents, i.e., their linguistic existence. Authentic recordings of live speech are a kind of “speech chaos”, a speech continuum that requires systematization. The authors chose the principle of situational-genre stratification of everyday speech. The focus of researchers is on the speech genre as a type of text, distinguished on the basis of a complex communication parameters situations. Within the framework of the proposed model for describing the speech genre, the book analyzes whole line current situations urban communication ("Street", "Transport", "Shop", "Pharmacy", etc.). Description of everyday speech practices the city dweller is presented in the context of his surrounding speech environment. This is not only oral speech, but also various kinds written texts- posters, signs, announcements, etc.
Recordings of everyday urban speech, which the authors conducted over the past two decades, made it possible to see the dynamics of the linguistic existence of city residents, notice the “old” and “new” in the life of the city and present the speech world of everyday life in a sociocultural context.
The book is addressed to Russian philologists, specialists in the field of sociolinguistics, theory speech communication; it can be useful to representatives of “allied” humanities - anthropologists, sociologists, cultural scientists who study the world of everyday life, as well as anyone interested in the problems of modern urban speech.

Introduction...... 9 Everyday life as an object of study in modern humanities...... 9 The city in the context of everyday life: the main directions in the study of the language of the city...... 18 Research objectives and work structure...... 33 Research material...... 36 Legend...... 37 CHAPTER 1. The city dweller and his speech environment...... 40 The city as communication space: trends towards differentiation and integration...... 40 Modern urban communication: development trends...... 50 Old and new in urban communication: types of communication, types of situations and their genre embodiment...... 50 Varieties communication in the mirror of oppositions...... 62 Oral / written communication...... 62 Polite / rude communication...... 71 Neutral / playful communication...... 92 City nomination: fragments of description...... 119 CHAPTER 2. Linguistic existence and problems of situational-genre stratification of urban speech...... 146 Issues in the study of communicative-genre structure oral speech V modern research...... 146 Situational-genre structure of urban communication...... 181 Types of urban communication situations...... 181 Communicative characteristics of urban communication...... 184 Role structure of situations of modern urban communication.. .... 198 Principles of identifying genres of speech...... 200 Genres of everyday communication...... 218 Practical communication...... 221 Phatic communication...... 242 Genres in the speech continuum.. .... 252 Features of genre embodiment of typical situations: urban stereotypes...... 258 Speech stereotypes and behavioral stereotypes: properties and functions...... 258 Speech template and deviations from it...... 261 Illocutionary potential of a stereotype...... 262 About some features of the textual organization of stereotypes...... 270 What does the study of stereotypes provide, speech clichés?...... 273 CHAPTER 3. Linguistic existence of a modern city dweller in situations and genres...... 278 Transport...... 279 Minibus...... 280 Ground transportation: bus, trolleybus, tram...... 294 Street...... 311 Shop...... 328 Pharmacy...... 355 Market...... 362 CHAPTER 4. Linguistic existence city ​​dweller in sociocultural aspect...... 381 Urban characters and their texts: speech works of urban beggars...... 381 Cemetery...... 408 Recent history: “gone nature” in records of oral urban speech...... 426 Queue...... 426 Microdialogues of the time of commodity shortages and the introduction of free prices (late 1991 - early 1992)....... 438 Exchange of large banknotes: "Pavlovian reform"....... 443 Long-standing history: voices of Moscow streets at the beginning of the 20th century (based on materials from the archive of E. Z. Baranov)....... 453 Conclusion...... 474 Literature...... 477

Publisher: "Languages ​​of Slavic Cultures" (2010)


Gender differences manifest themselves not only in physiological characteristics human, but also in speech communication. This article presents the research data obtained at the phonetic and lexical level of the language.

  • Constructions of the subjunctive mood in the American election discourse: “Supra-reality of the project”
  • Constructions of the subjunctive mood in the American election discourse: “The suprareality of retrospect”
  • Constructions of the subjunctive mood in the American election discourse: “Suprareality of projection”

Target of this work- definition speech features, distinguishing between men and women at the studied levels of language. Identification of the speech characteristics of men and women complements and clarifies the results of research in the field of genderology. The relevance of the topic is dictated by interest modern linguistics to the problems of gender differences in language variants in the studies of such scientists as Khaleeva, I.I., Zemskaya E.A., Kitaigorodskaya M.A., Rozanova N.N., Gorodnikova M.D., who pay attention to the characteristics of male and female speech communication. Achieving the goal involves solving the following tasks:

    Based on review scientific literature study the history of the emergence of the concept of “gender”.

    Carry out a sociolinguistic study at the level of phonetics and vocabulary using methods of participant observation and a survey of university students aged 18-25 years.

    Establish the types of differences between male and female communication in phonetic and lexical levels language.

The concept of “gender” refers to the set of social and cultural norms that society requires people to follow based on their biological sex. The gender category was introduced in conceptual apparatus science in the late 60s - early 70s of the 20th century and was used first in history, historiography, sociology and psychology, and then was adopted in linguistics. Initial work on studying gender characteristics speeches originated in the West and were the first system descriptions men's and female characteristics speeches were made based on languages ​​from Germanic and Romance language groups. As for domestic linguistics, the first regular research on this topic began to be carried out only in the late 80s and early 90s. And already from the mid-90s they began to develop at a rapid pace. Term gender, thus, was used to describe social, cultural, psychological aspects“feminine” in comparison with “male”, that is, “when highlighting everything that forms the traits, norms, stereotypes, roles, typical and desirable for those whom society defines as women and men” [N. L. Pushkareva 1999: 16 ]. At the same time, it is noted that in science before today there is no single view on the nature of gender, since some scientists attribute this concept to models developed to more clearly scientific description problems of gender and the distinction between its biological and sociocultural functions. Other scholars view gender as a social construct, created by society, including through language. A person's gender can be reflected in their language and speech. “Men and women speak differently, and these options do not depend on the situation: there are almost no “female situations” and “male situations” when the same person would choose one or another option at will. A woman speaks differently than a man, and the listener knows how to distinguish the speech of women from the speech of men not only by the timbre of their voice.” [N. B. Vakhtin, E. V. Golovko 2004:76]. Of course, the speech of men and women differs, but this can only be said about certain trends in speech, since gender oppositions manifest themselves in different areas of language.

Researchers claim that in the field of phonetics, speech features appear in the following way: women are characterized by a predominance of vowel sounds over consonants, men are characterized by a predominance of consonants over vowel sounds. Female emotional speech the use of melodic modulations is typical, while men are characterized by a special use of lexical and grammatical means.

In the sphere of vocabulary, there is a clear difference in the topics of conversations; this is explained by the fact that men and women have different areas activities that influence the choice of one or another topic of conversation. In the field of grammar, women's greater tendency to use interjections is clearly expressed. Among the features in the field of syntax, the use by men stands out introductory structures with meaning high degree confidence, while women use these constructions with the meaning of uncertainty. Researchers of gender differences in speech have come to the conclusion that the communicative behavior of men is aimed at self-affirmation, fulfillment social tasks, concentration and purposefulness. And the communicative behavior of women, on the contrary, is aimed at inner world, comfort of communication, carefreeness and expression own feelings and emotions. A woman strives to adapt to the conditions that are dictated speech situation, and men actively influence environment and try to change certain circumstances exactly as they plan. It is undeniably obvious that men and women speak different languages because they perceive things completely differently the world and build their speech behavior in accordance with this perception.

In the course of this work, a study was conducted of the characteristics of male and female speech at two levels of the modern Russian language - phonetic and lexical. Our goal was to establish the types of differences that prevail in socio-gender communication at the studied levels of language. The number of respondents was 40 people: 20 men and 20 women. The experiment involved men and women aged 18 to 25 years, students of Siberian universities federal district. They were presented with pictures depicting modern kitchen utensils used in almost every family (mixer, blender, garlic press, colander). Also, for a certain time, the method of participant observation was used to identify speech features at the phonetic level. The linguistic material of the study included etiquette words often used in verbal communication. These are words such as: thank you, please, hello, goodbye. After analyzing the data obtained, we obtained the following results presented in Table 1:

    There is a tendency for women to stretch vowel sounds [SpΛs’i:b], while men try to speak briefly percussion sound And [SpΛsib].

    There is a loss of vowel sounds in the use of the word by men [pzhalst] in comparison with women’s [PΛzhalust].

    The increase in the length of the pronunciation of consonant sounds is clearly expressed in men’s use of the word [Дъ с’в’и е диан’:ja], while among women there is a noticeable assimilation in softness [Дъ с’в’и е дн’ь].

For research at the lexical level, respondents had to give names to the items of kitchen utensils presented to them, in accordance with how they use them in everyday life. The obtained data are presented in table 2:

The study allows us to draw a number of conclusions:

    There is a difference in the correctness and accuracy of the name of the object. (Male respondents name the items most accurately; women confuse items such as a mixer and a blender).

    In the word colander, both women and men are characterized by metathesis, that is, the replacement of letters in the syllable –DUR with –DRU.

Researchers of the gender factor in speech note that it is impossible to identify typical features of male and female speech, since there is no difference between them. sharp boundaries, at the same time, it is possible to identify certain trends that are characteristic of female and male speech. Comparing representatives of the two gender groups, we identified the following trends:

    Women are characterized by the phenomenon of vocalism with subsequent stretching of vowels [SpΛs'i:b], and men try to briefly pronounce the stressed sound [SpΛsibʹ].

    In women, assimilation in softness is noticeable

[Дъ с'в'и е дн'ь], and among men the longitude of consonant sounds predominates

[D sv’i e dan’:ja].

    The loss of vowel sounds in the syllable by men [Pzhalst] is observed in comparison with the female one [PΛzhalust].

    There is a greater variety of options for the names of objects among women, for example, the word blender was designated as a mixer, juicer, coffee grinder.

    There is a difference in the correctness and accuracy of the name of the object: the most accurate name is given by men.

Studying the connection of language in a gender aspect requires taking into account other factors influencing the communicative behavior of men and women, such as age, education, profession, and there is also the possibility further development research at other levels of language.


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The collective monograph “Food in Russian in the mirror of language” was written by researchers from different countries(Austria, Russia, Switzerland) and is devoted to the analysis of Russian food discourse. The study was conducted on the basis of a corpus of texts of different functional genres: colloquial speech, street language, written journalistic texts, food advertising, texts on product packaging, etc. Modern “food texts” are compared with speech materials the recent past - in particular, the role of the topic of nutrition in the political propaganda of the Soviet era is explored. In the book, the concept sphere of food is analyzed in different aspects. Common point The reference point is the linguistic approach. However, the study is also focused on considering “related” sociolinguistic, linguocultural, and ethnocultural problems in the study of food discourse.
For Slavic philologists, specialists working in the field of sociolinguistics, cognitive linguistics, and speech communication. The book may also be of interest to anthropologists, sociologists, cultural experts, and advertising specialists.

The object of this study was Russian discourse about food. The material for the analysis was all kinds of “texts on the topic of food” related to different functional and stylistic areas of the modern Russian language: food advertising, texts on packaging food products, city signs, newspaper publications, everyday speech. Modern texts that reflect our everyday life, and new “food myths” that emerged in post-Soviet times are compared with speech materials of the recent past - Soviet propaganda advertising. The appeal to such heterogeneous texts in terms of genre is explained by main task researchers - to present as fully as possible the modern Russian food discourse and its culture-forming potential. It is quite clear that the solution to such a voluminous task involves going beyond the linguistic issues proper and turning to related - sociolinguistic, linguocultural, ethnocultural - aspects of the study of food discourse.

The content of the monograph opens with a historical section. This is Chapter 1, “Soviet Discourse on Food.” It provides a lingo-semiotic analysis of communicatively diverse texts on the topic of food - advertising posters and propaganda slogans of the Soviet era. Such an analysis requires taking into account the historical background and ideological foundations of Soviet food policy. The section materials reflect different stages development of Soviet society - from the 1920s. and the time of NEP to the period of Khrushchev’s “thaw” and Brezhnev’s “stagnation”.

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