Teachers' council modern technologies of speech development in preschool. Pedagogical Council "Speech Communication and Development of Speech Activity in Preschool Children"

Pedagogical Council “Features of modern forms, methods of work in preschool educational institutions on the development of speech of preschoolers”


Plan for the teachers' meeting

1. Theoretical part:

1.1. Speech by the Deputy Head of Education and Science "Relevance of the problem of speech development of preschool children."

1.2. Analytical information on the results of the thematic control "Fulfillment of program requirements for the section “speech development”. Attendance at classes, analysis of plans. Intermediate diagnostics. Level of speech development of children" - Deputy Head of Educational Management

1.3. Consultation for teachers "Modern educational technologies for the development of coherent speech in preschoolers."

2. Practical part:

Business game for teachers.

3. Development of decisions of the teachers' council.

Progress of the teachers' council

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Exercise for teachers "Gift"

Now we will give gifts to each other. Starting with the leader, each person takes turns using pantomime to depict an object and passes it to his neighbor on the right (ice cream, hedgehog, weight, flower, etc.).

Theoretical part.

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Activation of forms of advanced training for preschool teachers.

Systematization of teachers’ knowledge about the features of modern forms and methods of work on the development of speech in preschool children.

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Relevance of the problem of speech development

Almost everyone can speak, but only a few of us can speak correctly. When talking with others, we use speech as a means of conveying our thoughts. Speech is one of the main human needs and functions for us. It is through communication with other people that a person realizes himself as an individual.

It is impossible to judge the beginning of the personality development of a preschool child without assessing his speech development. In the mental development of a child, speech is of exceptional importance. The development of speech is associated with the formation of both the personality as a whole and all mental processes. Therefore, determining the directions and conditions for the development of speech in children are among the most important pedagogical tasks. The problem of speech development is one of the most pressing.

The teacher’s speech culture also plays a very important role in the development of speech. Staff give children examples of correct literary speech:

The teacher’s speech is clear, clear, complete, and grammatically correct;

The speech includes various examples of speech etiquette.

Parents do not understand their function - communication with the child should begin from birth and before his birth, in the prenatal period.

In African countries, up to three years of age, children are ahead of European children in speech development, because they are behind their mother, attached to her - a comfortable stay contributes to successful development.

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Conditions for successful speech development.

1.B preschool institution conditions must be created for the development of children’s speech in communication with adults and peers:

Employees encourage children to turn to adults with questions, judgments, and statements;

Staff encourage children to communicate verbally with each other.

2. Staff give children examples of correct literary speech:

Employees' speech is clear, clear, colorful, complete, and grammatically correct;

The speech includes various examples of speech etiquette.

3. Employees ensure development sound culture speech from children in accordance with their age characteristics:

They monitor correct pronunciation, correct and exercise children if necessary (organize onomatopoeic games, conduct classes on sound analysis words, use tongue twisters, riddles, poems);

Observe the pace and volume of children’s speech and, if necessary, gently correct them.

4. Employees provide children with conditions to enrich their vocabulary, taking into account age-related characteristics:

Employees provide children with conditions for children to include named objects and phenomena in play and object-based activities;

Help the child master the names of objects and phenomena, their properties, and talk about them;

Ensures the development of the figurative side of speech ( figurative sense words);

Children are introduced to synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms.

5. Employees create conditions for children to master grammatical structure speeches:

They learn to correctly connect words in case, number, tense, gender, and use suffixes;

They learn to formulate questions and answer them, build sentences.

6. Employees develop coherent speech in children, taking into account their age characteristics:

Encourage children to tell stories and present specific content in detail;

Organize dialogues between children and with adults.

7. They pay special attention to the development of children's understanding of speech, training children in following verbal instructions.

8. Employees create conditions for the development of the planning and regulating functions of children’s speech in accordance with their age characteristics:

Encourage children to comment on their speech;

Practice the ability to plan your activities.

9. Introduces children to the culture of reading fiction.

10. Staff encourage children's word creativity.

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Modern educational technologies

Mother tongue plays a unique role in the development of a person’s personality. Speech is traditionally viewed in pedagogy and psychology as the center where different sides mental development: thinking, imagination, memory, emotions. The development of oral monologue speech in preschool age lays the foundation successful learning At school.

Health-saving technologies(physical exercises, outdoor games, mood moments; finger gymnastics; some self-massage techniques (acupressure), etc.).

Gaming technologies (nastol-printed games, plot-didactic dramatization games,games With educational toys motor nature (games with inserts, collapsible balls, turrets), d educational games with objects, word games, theatrical play activities, finger theater)

Visual modeling method

Sdayd 6

Visual modeling methods include mnemonics.

Vorobyova Valentina Konstantinovna calls this technique sensory-graphic schemes,

Tkachenko Tatyana Aleksandrovna – subject-schematic models,

Glukhov V.P. - square blocks,

Bolsheva T.V. – collage,

Efimenkova L. N - a scheme for compiling a story.

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Mnemonics helps develop:

ü associative thinking

ü visual and auditory memory

ü visual and auditory attention

ü imagination

Mnemonics is a set of rules and techniques that facilitate the process of memorizing information.

An example is the familiar phrase “Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits,” which helps to remember the colors of the rainbow.

The use of mnemonics in preschool age occupies a large place. In order to develop in children from the very beginning early age certain skills and abilities, so-called mnemonic tables (diagrams) are introduced into the learning process. For example, in kindergartens algorithms for the processes of washing, dressing, etc. are often used.

Mnemonic tables are especially effective when learning poems. The bottom line is this: for each word or small phrase, a picture (image) is created; Thus, the entire poem is sketched schematically. After this, the child from memory, using graphic image, reproduces the poem in its entirety. On initial stage the adult offers a ready-made plan - diagram, and as the child learns, he is also actively involved in the process of creating his own diagram.

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Example of a mnemonic table

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Try to find out what kind of poem is encoded on the slide.

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The methodology for developing the skills of coherent speech by V.K. Vorobyova includes sections:

ü Formation of indicative skills for identifying the essential features of a story.

ü Familiarity with the rules of story structure (rule semantic connection offers; rule of lexical-syntactic connection of a sentence).

ü Consolidation of learned rules in independent speech children.

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Compose a story according to the outline

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T.A. Tkachenko, the process of formation and development of coherent speech using visualization and modeling of the utterance plan is divided into several stages:

ü Reproduction of a story based on the action being demonstrated.

ü Compiling a story based on the demonstrated action.

ü Retelling the text using a magnetic board.

ü Retelling the text with visual support from a series of plot paintings.

ü Compilation of a story based on a series of plot pictures.

ü Retelling the text with visual support for one plot picture.

ü Compiling a story based on one plot picture.

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Collage technique T.V. Bolsheva

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Mnemonics helps:

ü Enrich vocabulary.

ü Teach writing stories.

ü Retell fiction.

ü Guess and make riddles.

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Name the forms of speech. (dialogue and monologue)

What skills are developed in dialogue. (listen to the interlocutor, ask a question, answer depending on the context)

What forms of work are used when teaching children coherent speech. (retelling, description of toys and story pictures, storytelling from experience, creative storytelling)

Name the structure of the story. (commencement, climax, denouement)

A conversation between two or more people on a topic related to some situation. (dialogue)

Speech by one interlocutor addressed to the audience. (monologue)

The story is a plot that unfolds over time. (story narration)

At what age group does work on teaching children monologue speech begin? (middle group)

A leading technique for activating speech and thinking. (sample teacher)

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Assignment: Translate proverbs into Russian

The son of a leopard is also a leopard (Africa). /The apple never falls far from the tree/

You can’t hide a camel under a bridge (Afghanistan) /you can’t hide an awl in a sack/

Fear the quiet river, not the noisy one. (Greece) /B still waters there are devils /

A silent mouth is a golden mouth (Germany) /Words are silver and silence is gold/

He who asks will not get lost. (Finland) /Language will bring you to Kyiv/

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Assignment: explain expressions

In our language there are stable expressions called idioms; they are not determined by the meanings of the words they contain. For example, the expression “keep your mouth shut” means to keep quiet.

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Enrich and revitalize the Russian language folk proverbs and sayings. They are excellent examples of Russian speech, imitation of which allows a child to more successfully master his native language. They are short, clear, full of deep wisdom developed over centuries. The proverb can be used in any situation.

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Words with opposite meanings are called antonyms.

Task: replace each word with its opposite and get the name of the fairy tales

Dog without a hat - Puss in Boots

Red mustache – Blue beard

Beautiful Chicken – Ugly Duckling

Silver Hen – Golden Cockerel

Black Shoe – Little Red Riding Hood

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Didactic syncwine developed in the practice of the American school. In this genre, the text is based not on syllabic dependence, but on the content and syntactic specificity of each line.

Strict adherence to the rules for writing syncwine is not necessary. For example, to improve the text, you can use three or five words in the fourth line, and two words in the fifth line. It is possible to use other parts of speech.

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On the topic of love:

Fabulous, fantastic.

He comes, inspires, runs away.

Only a few can hold it.

On the topic of life:

Active, stormy.

Educates, develops, teaches.

Gives you the opportunity to realize yourself.


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Compose a syncwine on the topic of the teachers' council

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Summing up and awarding the winners

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Rules for brave and persistent teachers

ü If you have difficulty working on speech development, then plan this type of activity not sometimes, not often, but very often. In 5 years it will become easier.

ü Never answer your own question. Be patient, and you will wait for your children to answer it. You can only help with one more question, or two, or ten... But know: the number of questions is inversely proportional to the level of skill.

ü Never ask a question that can be answered “yes” or “no.” It does not make sense.

ü After the lesson, look through the notes again, remember all the questions you asked the children, and replace it with one more accurate one.

ü If the story didn’t work out or turned out with difficulty, smile, because it’s great, because success is ahead.

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Decision of the teachers' council.

1. Continue to create conditions in preschool educational institutions for the development of children’s speech:

Enrich the groups with didactic games for speech development (responsible group educators, within school year)

Set up stands for parents “Development of coherent speech of preschoolers” (responsible group teachers for the month of April).

Use in practice models and diagrams for the development of coherent speech in preschoolers.

2. Reflect in calendar plans individual work on the development of coherent speech in children. (responsible deputy head for water management, analysis calendar plans monthly)

3. To increase the level of development of coherent speech, use effective forms of work. (responsible head of d/s, deputy head of water management - visiting NOD in groups)

4. Conduct parent meetings in groups on the topic “Speech development of a preschooler”


1. Golitsina N.S. "System methodological work with personnel in preschool educational institutions" - Publishing house Scriptorium: Moscow 2006

2. Elzhova N.V. "Teaching councils, seminars, methodological associations in preschool education" - 2nd edition - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2008

3. Magazine “Preschool Education” 6/ 2009

4. Magazine “Preschool Education” 11/ 2009

5. Child in kindergarten No. 3, 2010



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Slide captions:

Pedagogical council “Features of modern forms, methods of work in preschool educational institutions on the development of speech of preschoolers”

The purpose of the teachers' council: Activation of forms of advanced training for preschool teachers. Systematization of teachers’ knowledge about the features of modern forms and methods of work on the development of speech in preschool children.

Relevance of the problem of speech development The problem of speech development of preschool children is very relevant today, because percentage of preschoolers with various speech disorders remains consistently high. Mastery of the native language is one of the important acquisitions of a child in preschool childhood. In modern preschool education, speech is considered as one of the foundations of raising and educating children. Speech is a tool for the development of higher parts of the psyche. The development of speech is associated with the formation of both personality as a whole and all basic mental processes. Preschool education native language should be one of the main tasks in preparing children for school. The main task The development of coherent speech of a child in preschool age is the improvement of monologue speech. All the above types speech activity relevant when working on the development of coherent speech in children.

Conditions for successful speech development. 1.Creating conditions for the development of children’s speech in communication with adults and peers. 2. The teacher’s knowledge of the correct literary speech. 3. Ensuring the development of sound culture of speech on the part of children in accordance with their age characteristics. 4. Provide children with conditions to enrich their vocabulary, taking into account age-related characteristics. 5. Creating conditions for children to master the grammatical structure of speech. 6. Development of coherent speech in children, taking into account their age characteristics. 7. Developing children's understanding of speech by training children in following verbal instructions. 8. Creating conditions for the development of the planning and regulating functions of children’s speech in accordance with their age characteristics. 9. Introducing children to the culture of reading fiction. 10. Encouraging children's word creation.

Modern educational technologies

Mnemonics in preschool pedagogy called differently

Mnemonics (Greek) - “the art of memorization” - is a system of methods and techniques that ensure successful memorization, preservation and reproduction of information. The use of mnemonics in teaching preschoolers allows us to solve such problems as: 1. Development of coherent speech; 2. Converting abstract symbols into images (transcoding information); 3. Development fine motor skills hands; 4. Development of basic mental processes - memory, attention, imaginative thinking; Mastering the techniques of working with mnemonic tables helps and reduces training time. www.themegallery.com

MEMIC TABLES Drops are ringing in the yard, a stream is running through the fields, there are puddles on the roads. The ants will come out soon after winter cold. A bear makes its way through the dead wood. The birds began to sing songs, and the snowdrop began to bloom. "Spring"

“New Year” The girls stood in a circle, stood up and fell silent. Santa Claus lit the lights on the tall tree. At the top there is a star and beads in two rows. Let the Christmas tree never go out, let it always burn!

Methods for developing coherent speech V.K. Vorobyova (cartographic diagram) Auditory, visual, associative memory is used. Objects are selected from the text and become reference points for the story. A subject-graphic diagram or plan is drawn up. Arrows indicate actions. The retelling is compiled based on this subject-graphic plan. To enrich the retelling with features, new designations are introduced into the plan: noun - adverb - www.themegallery.com

The story “Winter” (according to the method of V.K. Vorobyova) www.themegallery.com

Subject-schematic models T.A. Tkachenko www.themegallery.com Scheme for describing and comparing tableware

Collage technique T.V. Bolsheva www.themegallery.com

“Chatterbox” http://www.boltun-spb.ru/mnemo_all_name.html Mnemonics www.themegallery.com

Practical part www.themegallery.com Assignment: game test to determine the knowledge, skills and abilities of educators Name the forms of speech. What skills are developed in dialogue. What forms of work are used when teaching children coherent speech. Name the structure of the story. A conversation between two or more people on a topic related to some situation. Speech by one interlocutor addressed to the audience. The story is a plot that unfolds over time. At what age group does work on teaching children monologue speech begin? A leading technique for activating speech and thinking.

Assignment: Translate the proverbs into Russian. The son of a leopard is also a leopard. (Africa) The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. You can't hide a camel under a bridge. (Afghanistan) You can’t hide an awl in a sack. Fear the quiet river, not the noisy one. (Greece) There are devils in still waters. A silent mouth is a golden mouth (Germany) Words are silver and silence is gold. He who asks will not get lost. (Finland) Language will bring you to Kyiv.

Assignment: explain the expressions It's in the bag Everything is fine Dancing to someone else's tune Act not of your own free will As if on pins and needles A state of extreme excitement, anxiety Scratching your tongue Chatting in vain Fooling your head Distracting from the main task with empty talk

Assignment: name the proverb in full (based on 2 given words) Family is the soul The whole family is together, and the soul is in place. Walls in the house The walls also help in your house. By feather - by learning The bird is red by the feather, and man by the learning. Feeds - spoils Labor feeds, but laziness spoils. Time is an hour Time for business, time for fun. Warmth is good When the sun is warm, when mother is around it is good.

Task: replace each word with its opposite and get the name of fairy tales Dog without a hat Red mustache Beautiful chicken Silver chicken Black shoe

Examples of syncwine On the theme of love: Love. Fabulous, fantastic. He comes, inspires, runs away. Only a few can hold it. Dream. On the topic of life: Life. Active, stormy. Educates, develops, teaches. Gives you the opportunity to realize yourself. Art.

Sinkwine The first line - the theme of the syncwine, contains one word (usually a noun or pronoun) that denotes the object or subject about which we'll talk. The second line is two words (most often adjectives or participles), they describe the characteristics and properties of the item or object selected in the syncwine. The third line is formed by three verbs or gerunds that describe the characteristic actions of the object. The fourth line is a phrase from four words, expressing personal attitude the author of the syncwine to the described item or object. The fifth line is a one-word summary that characterizes the essence of the subject or object. Strict adherence to the rules for writing syncwine is not necessary. For example, to improve the text, you can use three or five words in the fourth line, and two words in the fifth line. It is possible to use other parts of speech. www.themegallery.com

Summing up and awarding the winners

Rules for brave and persistent teachers www.themegallery.com If you are experiencing difficulties in working on speech development, then plan this type of activity not sometimes, not often, but very often. In 5 years it will become easier. Never answer your own question. Be patient, and you will wait for your children to answer it. You can only help with one more question, or two, or ten... But know: the number of questions is inversely proportional to the level of skill. Never ask a question that can be answered with “yes” or “no”. It does not make sense. After the lesson, look through the notes again, remember all the questions you asked the children, and replace it with one more accurate one. If the story didn’t work out or turned out with difficulty, smile, because it’s great, because success is ahead.

Decision of the teachers' council To continue to create conditions for the development of children's speech in preschool educational institutions: - replenish groups with didactic games on speech development (responsible group teachers, period during the school year) - arrange stands for parents "Development of coherent speech of a preschooler" (responsible group teachers period - April ). 2. Reflect in calendar plans individual work on the development of coherent speech in children. (responsible deputy head of HR, analysis of calendar plans monthly) 3. To increase the level of development of coherent speech, use effective forms of work. (responsible head of the kindergarten, deputy head of education and management - visiting educational activities in groups) 4. Conduct parent meetings in groups on the topic "Speech development of a preschooler"

Thank you for your attention!


Subject: « Speech development of preschool children in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard»

Form: business game

Target: improving work in preschool educational institutions on the speech development of preschool children.


1) to make teachers aware of the need to expand their knowledge in the field of speech development in children;

2) develop the ability to design and construct speech development processes in preschoolers;

3) create an atmosphere in the team for a creative search for the most effective forms and methods in working with children;

Progress of the teachers' council.

Tikhomirova I.V.

I am glad to welcome you to the next meeting of the Pedagogical Council.

The topic of our meeting is “Speech development of preschool children in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.”


    Implementation of decisions of the previous Pedagogical Council

    The relevance of the problem of speech development in preschool children

    Main directions and means of speech development of preschool children

    Results speech therapy examination

    Results of thematic control

    Business game

    Implementation of decisions of the previous Pedagogical Council.

In the course of implementing the decisions of the Pedagogical Council No. 2 in kindergarten as part of the methodological week, Smirnova V.P. conducted a methodological seminar "Technology of cooperation in direct educational activities", a master class "Organization of joint - individual activities in the classroom" and "Joint - consistent activities in teaching children cooperation skills." Shipulina A.S. organized and conducted psychological seminar"Active Listening Techniques"

To familiarize yourself with the forms of work of educators in developing cooperation skills in preschool children, a repeated thematic control will be organized in April.

2. Relevance of the problem of speech development of preschool children:

Everyone can speak, but only a few of us can speak correctly. When talking with others, we use speech as a means of conveying human functions. It is through communication with other people that a person realizes himself as an individual.

It is impossible to judge the beginning of the personality development of a preschool child without assessing his speech development. Speech development is the main indicator of mental development. The main goal of speech development is to bring it to the norm defined for each age stage, although individual differences speech level children can be exceptionally large.

Smirnova V.P.

In January, a speech therapy examination of children aged 3-7 years took place in kindergarten, the purpose of which was to determine the level of speech development of children.

Results of speech therapy examination (certificate)

Tikhomirova I.V.

The results, so to speak, are disappointing. Children who did not receive appropriate speech development in preschool age have great difficulty catching up; in the future, this gap in development affects their further development. Timely and complete speech formation in preschool childhood is the main condition normal development and further his successful studies at school.

The main tasks of speech development are the education of sound culture of speech, vocabulary work, formation grammatical structure speech, its coherence when constructing a detailed statement - are decided on each age stage. However, from age to age there is a gradual complication of each task, and teaching methods change. The specific weight of a particular task also changes when moving from group to group. The teacher needs to present the main lines of continuity of speech development tasks that are solved in the previous and subsequent age groups and complex nature solutions to each problem.

In addition, the development of speech and verbal communication of preschoolers in kindergarten should be carried out in all types of activities, in different forms, both in special speech classes, both in partner and independent activities.

Smirnova V.P.

3.Game “Clever guys and smart girls”

Now I offer you the game “Clever and Clever.”

Rules of the game:

All teachers play

The time to think about one question is no more than 10 seconds.

If the teacher believes that he knows the answer to a question, he raises a signal.

If the answer is incorrect, other teachers can give their answer, but also on a signal.

For each correct answer to a question, the teacher receives a medal.

If the teacher collects 5 medals, an exchange is made for 1 order

In the end, whoever collects the most orders will become"A wise teacher."

Subject our game “Methods of speech development for preschool children”


1.Name the main tasks for the development of speech in preschoolers.

1. Vocabulary development.

    Formation of the grammatical side of speech.

    Education of sound culture of speech.

    Formation of conversational (dialogical) speech.

    Teaching storytelling (monologue speech).

    Familiarization with fiction.

    Preparing children to learn to read and write.

2.Name the types of coherent speech.

(monologue and dialogic speech)

3. What forms of dialogic speech do you know?

(conversation, conversation)

4. Name the techniques for developing speaking skills

Unplanned short conversations during security moments

Specially organized scheduled conversations: individual and collective

Verbal instructions

Joint examination of pictures, children's drawings, books

Children's Association different ages

Organizing a visit to another group

Story-based role-playing games

Labor activity

5. Name the structural components of a conversation and describe the content of each

Structural Components:

1.Getting started

2. Main part

3. End

Starting a conversation.

Its purpose is to revive the impressions received in the children’s memory with the help of a question - a reminder, asking a riddle, reading an excerpt from a poem, showing a painting, a photo, an object. It is also necessary to formulate the topic and purpose of the upcoming conversation.

Main part

It is divided into micro-topics or stages. Each stage corresponds to a significant, complete section of the topic, i.e. The topic is analyzed at key points. During each stage, the teacher final phrase summarizes the children's statements and moves on to the next micro-topic.

End of conversation

It is short in time. This part of the conversation can be practically effective: looking at handouts, performing game exercises, reading a literary text, singing.

6. What technique is considered leading when organizing a conversation?


7.What types of questions does the teacher use when organizing a conversation?

Questions of a search and problematic nature (Why? Why? Because of what? How are they similar? How to find out? How? For what?)

General questions

Reproductive issues (What? Where? How much?)

    In what sequence should the different types of questions be placed in each complete part of the conversation (micro-topic)?

1.Reproductive issues

2.Search questions

3. General questions

9. What types of monologue speech exist?

1. Retelling

2. Storytelling from a picture

3. Talking about the toy

4. Children's storytelling from experience

5.Creative stories

10. Name the means of speech development.

1. About communication between adults and children;

2. Cultural language environment, teacher’s speech;

3. Developmental subject environment;

4. Training native speech and language in the classroom;


6.Various types of art (fine, music, theater);

7. Labor activity;

8.Children's parties

11.Name the basic didactic principles of organizing the educational process focused on speech development.

1. Development of dynamic perception (tasks with gradually increasing difficulty, various types of tasks, changing types of activities)

2. Productivity of information processing (organization of dosed step-by-step assistance from the teacher, training in transferring the proposed method of information processing to the task being performed, creating conditions for independent information processing)

3. Development and correction of higher mental functions (performing tasks based on several analyzers and including in the lesson special exercises for correction of higher mental functions)

4. Providing motivation for learning (ensuring the child’s constant interest in what he is asked to complete in the form of an educational task with the help of various instructions, problem situations, a system of rewards, prizes, detailed verbal assessment)

12. Which means of speech development is the leading one?


13. What techniques are aimed at developing communication?

1. Plot - role-playing game

2. Household activities

3. Verbal instruction

4. Conversation

5. Interview about paintings, drawings, books.

14.Name verbal methods and speech development techniques.


1.Reading and telling works of fiction


3. Retelling

4. Conversation

5.Telling from a picture, about a toy, from experience

6. Creative storytelling


1 question

2. Repetition

3. Explanation

4.Speech sample

15.Name visual methods speech development




3. Inspections of the premises

4. Examination of natural objects.

5.Looking at toys, paintings, photographs,



Showing a picture, toy, movement or action

Showing the position of the organs of articulation when pronouncing sounds

16. Name practical methods speech development

Didactic game

Game - dramatization

Labor activity

17.What is the essence of planning work on speech development?

(designing the formation and development of children’s speech, predicting the dynamics of pedagogical influence on speech and its effectiveness).

18.Name the main tasks for the development of speech in children aged 1 year and older. 6 months up to 2 years.

1. Significantly expand the child’s vocabulary

2.Teach children to speak in simple phrases

3. Develop the ability to answer simple questions

19.Name the main tasks for the development of speech in children aged 2 to 3 years.

1. Expand your child’s vocabulary

2. Learn to use all parts of speech

3. Learn to speak in sentences, giving words grammatically correct endings

4. Learn to pronounce words clearly (correct articulation)

5.Teach your child to listen carefully complex speech adult

20.Name the main ones methodological techniques speech development of toddlers.

1. Display with naming

2. "Roll Call"

3. Request “say” and “repeat”

4. Prompting the right word

5. Orders

6. Questions

6. “Live” pictures

7. "Children's cinema"

8. Shadow theater

9. An adult’s story without reinforcement by demonstration (from 2 years old 6 months to 3 years)

21. What is the task of introducing children to literary works?

(Formation of the ability to elementary analyze the content and form of a work)

22. What method of familiarizing yourself with fiction is used when discussing the content of a work?


23. What should be avoided when introducing children to a literary work that is not divided into parts?

(showing illustrations while reading the work)

24. What types of speech development activities can be used in the work of a teacher?

(introductory, generalizing, classes devoted to learning new material)

25. Describe the methodology for teaching children how to write a story - descriptions

Step by step training:

    Preparatory exercises for describing objects (game exercises for recognizing an object by its description - thematic lotto, comparing objects according to basic characteristics - “Object and image”, for composing phrases and sentences taking into account visual and tactile perception subject)

    Description of objects according to basic characteristics (with the help of a teacher on questions)

Toys with pronounced characteristics are selected. A simple description - 4-5 sentences, including its name, a listing of the main external features (shape, color, size, material) and some of its distinctive properties. The child’s writing of the description is preceded by a sample given by the teacher.

If there is difficulty, use the technique of completing the sentence started by the teacher.

    Teaching a detailed description of the subject (according to a preliminary plan - diagram). As such a scheme, it is proposed to use a three-part compositional scheme for describing objects.

    Define description object

    Listing the characteristics of an object in a certain sequence

    An indication of whether an item belongs to a particular group and its purpose and usefulness.

If there is difficulty, techniques are used - gestural instructions, verbal instructions, description based on individual drawings, conventional visual symbols, parallel description by the teacher and the child of two similar objects, collective drawing up of a plan

The description can be of a directly perceived object, a description of the object from memory (objects of the home environment, animals, plants), from one’s own drawing, or the inclusion of descriptions in game situations.

    Consolidation of acquired skills in writing a story - description takes place on play activities, including exercises for recognizing objects by description, comparing them, reproducing a sample description given by the teacher, and children independently compiling a story - description.

    Mastering initial skills comparative description items. Game exercises are used: supplementing sentences started by the teacher with the necessary word denoting a feature of an object (A goose has a long neck, and a duck...), making sentences on questions (What do lemon and orange taste like?), highlighting and designating contrasting features of two objects ( the orange is large, and the tangerine is small), the consistent identification of a number of characteristics that distinguish objects of any one group (spruce and birch, porcini mushroom and fly agaric). The technique of parallel description of two objects is used - by the teacher and the child.

26. Describe the method of teaching children to compose a story based on a picture

In the younger group, preparation for storytelling based on the picture is carried out. This is looking at the picture and answering the teacher’s reproductive questions about the picture.

For viewing, paintings are used that depict individual objects and simple plots that are close to the personal experience of children.

During the classes, riddles, nursery rhymes, sayings, poems, as well as game techniques are used (show a picture to your favorite toy, introduce a picture to a guest).

Co middle group Direct teaching of children to tell a story based on a picture begins (story telling based on a question, a model).

Lesson structure:

    Preparation for the emotional perception of the picture (poems, sayings, riddles on the topic, presence fairy-tale heroes, all types of theaters)

    Questions for the teacher's picture

    Sample story based on the teacher's painting

    Children's stories

The teacher helps children talk with supporting questions, suggests words and phrases.

At the end of the year, a story plan is introduced and visual modeling is used.

In senior and preparatory group It is possible to use not only plot paintings, but also a series of plot paintings to compose a story with a plot, climax, and denouement. We teach children to see not only what is depicted in the foreground, but also the background of the picture in detail at the present moment, but also what preceded and subsequent events.

Lesson structure:

    Preparing for the emotional perception of the picture

    Lexical and grammar exercises on the topic of the lesson

    Looking at the big picture

    Questions from the teacher about the content of the picture

    Drawing up a story plan by the teacher together with the children

    A story based on a picture of a strong child, as an example

    Stories from 4-5 children

    Evaluation of each story by children with comments from the teacher

In the preparatory group, it is possible to learn storytelling from a landscape painting.

27. Describe the method of teaching children to compose a story from memory

Learning stories from memory begins with the older group. In this age group, children are offered light topics from common, collective experience, which leave a vivid mark on the child’s consciousness and feelings. In the preparatory group, topics of a more general nature are proposed, requiring a generalization of experience, moral judgments. Narration from memory from a shared collective experience.

There are 2 types of classes for teaching storytelling:

    General topic It is advisable to divide it into small subtopics and compose the story in parts. The same subtopic can be offered to several children sequentially.

    Writing a letter

Narration from memory from individual (personal) experience

In the older group, they are asked to talk about isolated facts (describe a favorite toy, etc.), then the topics become more complex: describe some event (how your birthday went). In the preparatory group, ethical topics are added. (my friend, etc.).

28. Name the leading forms, methods and techniques for the formation of sound culture of speech

Frontal forms:


Game - dramatization

Round dances



Speech gymnastics

Group forms:

Didactic games

Jokes are pure talk


Didactic game

Moving and round dancing games with text

Didactic stories with inclusion educational assignments for children (in nursery, junior, and middle groups, the story is accompanied by a display of pictures on a flannelograph or a demonstration of toys).


Memorizing poems

Learning and repeating familiar tongue twisters

Game exercises


A sample of correct pronunciation with a brief or detailed explanation of the demonstrated qualities of speech or movements of the speech-motor apparatus

Exaggeration (with emphasized diction) pronunciation or intonation of sound

Figurative naming of sounds (in younger groups)

Showing and explaining articulation

Quiet pronunciation of sounds and sound combinations

Justification of the need to complete the teacher’s task

Individual motivation for the task

Individual instructions before the child answers

Joint speech between child and teacher

- Reflected speech (immediate repetition by the child of a speech sample)

- Evaluating the response or action and correcting it

- Figurative physical education break

- Show articulatory movements

29. What method of developing the monologue form of coherent speech is most often used when teaching children of primary preschool age?

(composing a story in parts with visual support)

30. Name the methods and techniques of work, types of exercises for the development of coherent speech in the process of working on a proposal.

For exercises, two types of pictures are used:

    Pictures in which you can highlight the subject and the action he performs

    Pictures showing one or more characters and a clearly defined location

Using them, children practice sequentially composing sentences of various structures.

Based on pictures of the first type, sentences are made:

subject – action (expressed intransitive verb), for example, Boy is running

subject - action (expressed by an undivided group of the predicate), for example, The girl is riding a bicycle.

subject – action – object, for example, A girl is reading a book.

subject - action - object - instrument of action, for example, A boy hammers a nail.

Based on pictures of the second type, sentences are made:

- subject – action – place of action (tool, means of action), for example, The guys are playing in the sandbox

When teaching children to compose sentences, they use appropriate questions for pictures and a sample answer. The latter is used at the beginning of working with this type of pictures, and also later in case of difficulties.

If necessary, the first word of the phrase or its initial syllable is suggested. Can be applied

- and joint composing of a sentence by 2-3 children (one makes the beginning of a phrase, the others continue)

- and making proposals based on pictures using chips.

In older preschool age, there is a transition to composing sentences more complex structure:

- offers with homogeneous predicates(Grandfather sits in a chair and reads a newspaper)

- complex structures of two symmetrical parts, where the second part duplicates the first in structure (The hare loves carrots, and the squirrel loves nuts).

Next, from composing a sentence based on a separate situational picture, you can subsequently move on to composing a phrase based on several subject pictures (first 3-4, then 2).

31. Describe the method of teaching children to retell

In the younger group - preparation for learning retelling.

Methodology for teaching retelling to children 3-4 years old:

1. Reproduction by the teacher of well-known fairy tales based on repetition of actions

2. Do children remember the sequence of appearance of fairy-tale characters and their actions using visual aids? Tabletop or puppet theater

3. The child repeats after the teacher each sentence from the test or 1-2 words from the sentence.

Methodology for teaching retelling to children 4-6 years old:

1. Introductory conversation, setting up the perception of the work, reading poetry, looking at illustrations on the topic

2. Expressive reading of the text by the teacher without the mindset of memorization

3. Conversation on the content and form of the text

4. Drawing up a retelling plan. The plan can be oral, pictorial, pictorial-verbal and symbolic. In the middle and senior groups, the plan is drawn up by the teacher together with the children, in the preparatory group - by the children.

5.Re-reading the text with the intention of memorizing

6.Retelling the text by children

7. Evaluation of children's retelling In the middle and senior groups, the teacher gives it together with the children, in the preparatory group - the children.

Short text retold in full, long - in a chain.

In the preparatory group, more complex shapes retelling:

- from several texts, children choose one, at will

- children come up with a continuation to an unfinished story by analogy

- children's dramatization of a literary work.

32. Name the techniques vocabulary work

- Excursions

- Examination and examination of objects

- Observation

- Name (or pronunciation sample) of a new or difficult word

- Naming accompanied by showing the object

- Naming accompanied by interpretation

- Incorporating a word into a sentence

- Repetition (repeatedly) of a word by the teacher, individual children, or choir during the lesson

- Explanation of the origin of the word (senior groups)

- Question

- Game exercises in word selection

- Didactic games

- Word games for classifying objects

- Puzzles

- Item comparison

33.Name the methods and techniques for teaching children grammar correct speech

- Game exercises

- Didactic games

- Verbal exercises

- Plot didactic story

- Game characters when repeating material

- Sample speech of the teacher

- Comparison

- Conjugate speech

- Correction

- Prompting questions - riddles

(At the end of the game, medals are counted, exchanged for orders, and the winner is determined)

Tikhomirova I.V.

Well done. So, the “wise teacher” became ………………. Congratulations! (we present a certificate).

The game showed your knowledge of the methods of speech development for preschool children. You have the theory. Now let's see how things work in practice. A thematic control was carried out in our kindergarten"Speech development in kindergarten"

Smirnova V.P.

Results of thematic control (reference).

Tikhomirova I.V.

Thus, we see that for our kindergarten this problem of speech development is relevant. I propose to discuss this problem and find ways to solve it.

Smirnova V.P.


Think and say what problems in the field of speech development should be noted.

(Practical part)

(Ineffective organization of development environment for speech development

Lack of methodological base

Not efficient system work of kindergarten teachers on development phonemic awareness and pronunciation of phonemes)

Smirnova V.P.

I propose to unite in pairs, choose one of the directions and determine ways to solve the problems. You are given 5 minutes to work.

Practical part


Smirnova V.P.

Time has come to an end. Let's finish. And I will ask you to present your work.

Presentation of the plan

Each pair of teachers tells those present what ways of improvement they have found.

Tikhomirova I.V.

Our meeting of the Pedagogical Council is coming to an end. Today we recalled the methodology for developing the speech of preschool children, and outlined the main ways of speech development for the children of our kindergarten.

In conclusion, I would like to know:

- What will you personally change in your work to improve the speech development of the children in your group?

Write down your answer. And the second question:

- What forms of work need to be introduced into the kindergarten system for the effective development of pupils’ speech?

Draft decision of the Pedagogical Council (discussed and approved).

    Improving the subject-development environment in groups in accordance with the age of children

A) organizing a consultation for teachers “Creating speech center in the group" until April 15, 2016.

B) organizing a review-competition “Center for Speech Development” until May 15, 2016.

    Optimization methodological support speech development of pupils until January 2017.

Responsible: senior teacher

A) Replenishment of methodological literature

B) Creation of a library of children's fiction

B) Selection didactic games on speech development

D) Updating visual material

    Implementation of E.V. Kolesnikova’s program into the work practice of teachers until 09/01/2016.

Responsible: Smirnova V.P., Zabrodina T.G.

A) Purchasing a set of teaching materials

B) Study methodological recommendations

    Study of modern educational technologies for speech development in kindergarten students.

Responsible: educators, senior educator

A) Organization of the series methodological seminars“Teaching preschoolers to compose a story-description”, “Teaching preschoolers creative storytelling based on a picture”, “Methodology for teaching preschoolers to work with a series of pictures” until 04/15/2016.

B) Organization of a master class “Game exercises for the development of the grammatical structure of speech of preschoolers”, “Development of phonemic perception of children”, “Activation of children’s vocabulary” until 04/15/2016.

Pedagogical Council

"Speech communication and development of children's speech activity

preschool age"

and Usacheva Elena Vladimirovna

MDOU "Kindergarten No. 5 "Olympia", Volgograd

Type of teachers' council: thematic.

Form: interactive game(flying on an airplane)

Goal: Promotion professional level teachers in working with children to develop their speech activity, the need for verbal communication through familiarization with fiction.

1. Summarize and systematize the knowledge of teachers about the basics of a culture of communication, compliance ethical standards speech behavior; systematize methods and techniques for the formation of speech etiquette.

2. To improve the work on artistic and speech development of preschoolers in kindergarten.

3. Create in the team an atmosphere of creative search, initiative and increased activity of teachers.


I. Theoretical part

1.1. Opening speech by the head of “Speech development and verbal communication children through works of fiction"

Responsible: Head of Municipal Educational Institution

1.3 Warm-up “Brainstorm”

Responsible: teacher of group No. 5

1.4. Information message “Features of organizing a unified speech space in preschool educational institutions.”

Responsible: speech therapist

II. Practical part

2.1. Task 1. “Translate the proverb into Russian”

Task 2. “Explain the expression”

Task 3. “Guess the name of the fairy tale”

Responsible: teacher of group No. 5

2.2. Homework: “The use of educational technologies in the implementation of the educational field “Speech development.”

Responsible: teachers of all groups

Progress of the pedagogical council

I Theoretical part

Presenter: A team of teachers was sent on a business trip to familiarize themselves with modern educational technologies in the implementation of the educational field “Speech Development”.

To do this, all crew members will need a “portfolio” of information, professional, and communication competencies in order to make rational, creative decisions and use these forms of work in joint educational activities with children.

Group teacher No. 5 (pilot) reports:

Dear ladies, we are pleased to welcome you on board the Olympia liner. The crew wishes you a pleasant flight, I ask you to sit comfortably in your seats, our airliner is ready for flight, we are gaining altitude (AIRPLANE NOISE).

Our plane reached the required altitude, the flight time was 1 hour 50 minutes.

Listen to useful information: during the flight you will be offered “Chatterbox” soft drinks, a light “Intellectual” lunch, and during the flight you will be able to read the latest press.

Dear ladies, the captain of our crew (manager) welcomes you.

1.1. Opening speech by the director: “Development of speech and verbal communication of children through works of fiction.

One of the annual tasks that our team is working on is as follows: “Improving psychological and pedagogical conditions for expanding children’s speech practice, developing their speech activity, the need for speech communication through familiarization with fiction” is one of the annual tasks of the Children’s Educational Institution Garden No. 5 "Olympia"

Work on the development of children's speech is one of the central places in preschool educational institution, this is explained by the importance of the preschool period in the child’s speech development. The importance of speech development of preschool children is confirmed by the Federal State educational standard preschool education, which highlights educational field"Speech development".

In accordance with the standard (Federal State Educational Standard for Education), the speech development of preschool children includes mastering speech as a means of communication and culture; enrichment of the active vocabulary; development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monologue speech; development speech creativity; development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing; acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature; formation of sound analytical-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning to read and write.

Using a variety of materials (game, didactic), children learn to correctly use words and sentences in communication with adults and peers, speak coherently and expressively, and learn a lot of interesting things about the world around them.

Preschool age is a period active absorption child spoken language, formation and development of all aspects of speech - phonetic, lexical, grammatical. Full command of the native language in preschool childhood is a necessary condition for solving the problems of mental, aesthetic and moral education of children in the most sensitive period of development. The earlier learning of the native language begins, the more freely the child will use it in the future; this is the foundation for the subsequent systematic study of the native language.

Children's love for fairy tales and fiction is well known, so the teacher must have a wealth of knowledge on this issue. Today we will deal with the acquisition of new and development of old luggage.

1.2. Summing up the implementation of the first annual task.

Certificate on the results of the implementation of the first annual task “Improving psychological and pedagogical conditions for expanding the speech practice of children, the development of their speech activity, the need for speech communication through familiarization with fiction” for the kindergarten “Olympia”

1.3. Warm-up "Brainstorm"

Dear ladies, you will now be offered “Chatterbox” soft drinks. You will be offered cocktails that consist of the following ingredients:

Component No. 1. Name the means of transmitting thoughts (speech).

Oral speech is always determined by the speech situation. There are:

Unprepared oral speech (conversation, interview, speech in a discussion) and prepared oral speech (lecture, report, performance, report);

Component #2: Name one of the forms as unprepared. oral speech(conversation)

Component No. 3. Type of speech addressed to one or a group of listeners, sometimes to oneself (monologue).

Component No. 4. A set of rules and techniques that facilitate the process of memorizing information (Mnemonics).

Component No. 5. For work with children of what age group the following works are used:

1. A. Barto. “Toys”, “Turnip”, “Kolobok”, “Teremok”, “Belobok’s Magpie”, K. Chukovsky. “Chicken”, S. Marshak “The Tale of the Stupid Mouse”

(1st junior group)

2. Aleksandrova “My Teddy Bear”, A. Barto “Roaring Girl”, S. Marshak “Mustachioed and Striped”, “Cockerel and the Bean Seed”, “Masha and the Bear”, “Dereza Goat”, “Visiting the Sun” ", E. Charushin "Wolf"

(2nd junior group)

3. “Fox with a rolling pin”, “Geese-Swans”, “Two greedy little bear", "Winter Move", Y. Taits "For Mushrooms", K. Chukovsky "Fedorino's Mountain", Alexandrova "Wind on the River", "Dandelion".

(middle group)

  1. N. Nosov “Living Hat”, “Ayoga”, “Havroshechka”, “Silver Hoof”, H.K. Andersen “The Ugly Duckling”, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, “Sleeping Beauty” (senior, preparatory group)

1.4. Information message “Features of organizing a unified speech space in preschool educational institutions”

Group teacher No. 5 reports:

Our flight is proceeding normally, now you will be offered the latest press “Features of organizing a unified speech space in a preschool educational institution.

II. Practical part

Group teacher No. 5 reports:

Dear passengers, we ask you to put the backs of your seats in an upright position, now we would like to offer you a light lunch “Intellectual”, consisting of three courses: salad, appetizer and compote.

Salad. “Translate the proverb into Russian”

Translate proverbs into Russian

The son of a leopard is also a leopard (Africa). - The apple never falls far from the tree.

You can't hide a camel under a bridge (Afghanistan) - You can't hide an awl in a sack.

Fear the quiet river, not the noisy one. (Greece) - There are devils in still waters

A silent mouth is a golden mouth (Germany) - Words are silver and silence is gold

He who asks will not get lost. (Finland) - Language will bring you to Kyiv

Snack. "Explain the expression."

In our language there are stable expressions called idioms; they are not determined by the meanings of the words they contain. For example, the expression “keep your mouth shut” means to keep quiet.

It's all in the bag (everything is fine);

Dancing to someone else's tune (acting not of one's own free will);

As if on pins and needles (state of extreme excitement, anxiety);

Scratch your tongue (chatter in vain);

Fool your head (distract from the main task with empty talk).

Compote. "Guess the name of the fairy tale"

Words with opposite meanings are called antonyms.

Task: replace each word with its opposite and get the name of the fairy tales

Dog without a hat - Puss in Boots;

Red mustache – Blue beard;

Beautiful Chicken - Ugly Duckling;

Silver chicken - Golden cockerel;

Black Shoe – Red Riding Hood.

2.2. Homepage.

Group teacher No. 5 reports:

Dear ladies and gentlemen, our flight is coming to an end, in a few minutes our plane will land in the city of Noyabrsk, after which you will be asked to go into the green corridor to go through customs control. To confirm your identity, you need to provide “Educational technologies used in the implementation of the educational field “Speech Development”.


“The use of educational technologies in the implementation of the educational field “Speech development”.

Teachers of all groups present didactic material to their colleagues, which they use in their work in the implementation of the educational field “Speech Development”.

Summing up the results of the teachers' meeting.

Teacher of group No. 5 reports:

Your business trip was successful. You will become familiar with educational technologies that can be used in the implementation of the educational field “Speech Development”.

The Olympia Aeroliny company offers you gifts in the form of a bonus.

Memo for teachers “Rules for brave and persistent teachers.”

· If you have difficulty working on speech development, then plan this type of activity not sometimes, not often, but very often. In 5 years it will become easier.

· Never answer your own question. Be patient, and you will wait for your children to answer it. You can only help with one more question, or two, or ten... But know: the number of questions is inversely proportional to the level of skill.

· Never ask a question that can be answered with “yes” or “no”. It does not make sense.

· After the lesson, look through the notes again, remember all the questions you asked the children, and replace it with one more accurate one.

· If the story didn’t work out or turned out with difficulty, smile, because it’s great, because success is ahead.

2.3. Making a decision of the pedagogical council.

And now we invite you to get your luggage and familiarize yourself with further recommendations.

2. Continue to create conditions in preschool educational institutions for the development of children’s speech.

Duration: permanent

3. Continue work on the annual task in close cooperation with parents: in all groups, organize interaction with parents to create thematic albums with their own hands; creative books containing fairy tales, poems, riddles, stories of one’s own composition and illustrations; made together with parents and children.

Deadline: 10/10/1017
Responsible: educators.

4. Conduct parent meetings in groups on the topic “Development of speech and verbal communication of children through works of fiction”

Deadline: 10.10.1017
Responsible: educators.

5. Educators should pay attention when planning the reading of fiction for every day: it is necessary to select literary works in accordance with the age group; use a variety of genres for reading.

Duration: permanent
Responsible: teacher of group No. 5, educators.


1. Golitsina N.S. “The system of methodological work with personnel in preschool educational institutions” - Ed. Scriptorium: Moscow 2006

2. Elzhova N.V. “Teacher councils, seminars, methodological associations in preschool educational institutions” - Ed. 2nd - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2008

3. Magazine “Preschool Education” No. 6, 2009

4. Magazine “Preschool Education” No. 11, 2009

5. Novotortseva N.V. Children's speech development. – Yaroslavl: “Academy of Development”, 1998.

6. Ushakova O.S. Methods of speech development for preschool children / O.S. Ushakova, E.M. Strunina. – M.: Humanitarian. ed. VLADOS center, 2008

7. Tseitlin S.N., Pogosyan V.A., Elivanova E.A., Shapiro E.I. "Language. Speech. Communication" - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2006.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational
institution child development center kindergarten No. 7 Buzdyak village
municipal district Buzdyaksky district of the Republic
Pedagogical Council No. 2
“An integrated approach to organizing work on speech development
preschool child in a preschool educational institution"
Prepared by: senior teacher
MADO CRR kindergarten
No. 7 Buzdyak village
Galimova Sh.R.

Target. Finding effective forms of interaction with preschoolers
when organizing the speech environment in preschool educational institutions.
1. To increase teachers’ competence in the field of “Speech
2. Analyze the level of organization of work on speech development
at the preschool educational institution.
3. Improve teachers’ ability to discuss and speak.
4. Activate skills in generating didactic ideas
games for children's speech development.
5. Develop personal professional quality teachers.

Agenda of the teachers' council.
1. Organizing time

3. Creative living room

D.K., Ulmaskulova R.F.

4. Business game.
PROGRESS of the teachers' council.
Good afternoon, dear colleagues, I am glad to welcome you to the next
meeting of the pedagogical council. First let's say hello friend
friend, a little in an unusual way, you need to introduce yourself and say personal
quality starting with the first letter of one's name, for example, “I am
Shakira and I are gorgeous.”...
I invite teachers to take their places according to the tokens they received.
(Red and yellow, which were received upon entering the hall)
Topic of the teachers' council: “An integrated approach to organizing work on
development of speech of a preschool child in a preschool educational institution"
1. Organizational moment

2. Opening speech by the manager. Relevance of the chosen topic.
3. Creative living room
Organization of subject development environment Khannanova S.Z.
The use of mnemonic tables in the development of coherent speech of children Sakaev
D.K., Ulmaskulova R.F.
Presentation of didactic games on speech development.
Speech development project "Speech Stream"
4. Business game.
Opening speech by the manager.
Speech is an amazingly powerful tool, but you need to have a lot
mind to use it.
G. Hegel
Almost everyone can speak, but only a few can speak correctly.
us. When talking with others, we use speech as a means of conveying
your thoughts. Speech is one of our main needs and
human functions. It is through communication with other people that a person
realizes himself as a person.
To judge the beginning of personality development of a preschool child without
it is impossible to assess his speech development. Associated with speech development
the formation of both the personality as a whole and all mental processes.
Therefore, determining the directions and conditions for the development of speech in children
are among the most important pedagogical tasks. Speech development problem
is one of the current ones.
In reality, non-interference in the process of formation
Children's speech almost always entails a developmental delay. Speech
shortcomings, fixed in childhood, are overcome with great difficulty in

2. Creativity to content selection based on integration, with
using a variety of methods and techniques.
3. Wide inclusion of a variety of games in the educational process,
gaming techniques and gaming situations.
4. Variability in the selection of topics, forms, means, methods (novelty and
5. Elimination of formalism, stereotypes, and excessive didacticism.
6. Attentive, tactful attitude towards the child and his capabilities.
Of course, you and I understand that solving these problems requires creating
certain conditions. About all conditions, means and methods of development
Of course, we won’t have time to talk about speeches, but I think we’ll discuss the most significant ones.
One of the most important conditions for full cognitive speech
child development involves providing subject-specific development
spatial environment in preschool educational institutions. About how to do it correctly in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard
Khannanova S.Z. will tell you how to build a PRS. teacher of the 2nd junior group.
Svetlana Zinurovna will show how she works in this direction.
Leading. Now let’s all rest a little, we all go out to the center and stand in
circle. One of the most important factors influencing the development of a child’s speech is
is the speech of the adults around him, for preschoolers it is the speech
educators, because preschooler most spends time in the nursery
garden. She told us about what a teacher’s speech should be like.
Gulnara Venerovna at the last teachers' meeting, but now, I offer you a sketch
"Magic ball" that helps improve expressiveness
speech. So here's the ball. Now we will pass it around, but not just, but
as if it were a baby. hot pot, 15 kg. kettlebell, live
We rested and sat down.

It can be difficult for children to construct a coherent story, even just to retell
text, although retelling is considered the simplest type of coherent
statements. They are distracted by minor details and may confuse
sequence of events. The task of adults is to teach children
highlight the most important thing in the story, consistently present the main
actions. To solve this problem, Dina Kamilievna and Regina Fanilevna
use MEMONIC TABLES. Over to you, colleagues!
Leading. Please answer the question. What is the leading activity
in kindergarten? And since in preschool childhood the leading activity is
is a game, then one of the conditions successful work on speech development will be
use of didactic games. Now we will find out what kind of games
Gulnara Venerovna uses for children's speech development.
Leading. Next we will talk about a method that promotes the development
free creative personality, which corresponds to the social order
on modern stage, on the one hand, makes the educational process
preschool institution open to the active participation of parents and
other family members. So, what method? we're talking about? Of course this is the method
projects. One of these speech development projects was developed and started by
Gulnaz Vazirovna will work for him.
Leading: Dear colleagues, I suggest you play, and as you know from
You can learn a lot of new, necessary and interesting things from playing games. For that
to Speaking children were well developed, the teacher needed
have a wealth of knowledge on speech formation. Purchasing new and
Today we will deal with the development of the old store of knowledge. . You have to

pass a series of difficult tests, I think that for you, experts in your field, this is
It won't be difficult, but I still wish you good luck!
Natalya Maratovna, Elmira Irikovna today you are members of the jury. Your task
evaluate the knowledge of each command for the correct answer
the team receives a token, at the end of the game these tokens will be counted, and
The winners of the game have been revealed.
1. So, the first express survey competition “Speech Development”
What are the forms of speech?
(dialogue and monologue)
What is the name of the text that lists the characteristics, properties,
qualities, actions? (description)
What forms of work are used to teach children coherent speech?
(retelling, description of toys and plot pictures, storytelling from experience,
creative storytelling)
Name the leading technique for activating speech and thinking (questions
2. Make a mnemonic table for the proposed agricultural
Autumn has come
The flowers have dried up,
And they look sad
Bare bushes.
A cloud covers the sky
The sun doesn't shine

The wind howls in the field,
The rain is drizzling.
3. Translate proverbs into Russian
The son of a leopard is also a leopard (Africa).
/The apple never falls far from the tree/
You can't hide a camel under a bridge (Afghanistan)
/murder will out/
Fear the quiet river, not the noisy one. (Greece)
/Still waters run deep/
Silent mouth golden mouth (Germany)
/Words are silver, and silence is golden/
4. The choice of word associations is limited; it is necessary as
word association use only adjectives. For example: table
round; The pond is big.

5. Develop short term project on speech development.
6. What type of creativity does this refer to?
“As it goes around, so it goes back” (proverb)
“There is grass in the yard - there is firewood on the grass” (Tongue Twister)
“A village was driving past a peasant, suddenly the gate barked from under the gate.”
(Tall tale.)
“Katya, Katya, Katyukha, saddled the rooster, and the rooster neighed and ran to the market.”
The jury's word. Announcement of game results, counting of tokens.
Awarding certificates for the "Autumn Koleidoscope" competition
Draft decision of the Pedagogical Council.
1. Improving the subject-development environment in groups in
according to the age of the children. Set up stands for parents "Development
coherent speech of a preschooler"
Duration: permanent
Responsible: educators, senior educator
2. Study of modern educational technologies for speech development in
kindergarten students.

Duration: permanent
Responsible: preschool teachers
a) Use in practice models and diagrams for the development of coherent speech
Duration: permanent
Responsible: educators, senior educator
b) To develop children’s speech activity, use excursions, games,
forms of elementary search activity, etc.
Duration: permanent
Responsible: preschool teachers
3. Organize a training organization for educators on problems of speech development in preschool educational institutions
"Organization of educational work on speech development in
Deadline: November 2016
Responsible: preschool teachers
4. Organize and conduct a theater week using different types
Deadline: January 2017
Responsible: preschool teachers

Reflection: mark on the “Feedback” target. Please leave a mark
on the target in four sectors. Where you place your mark depends on your score.
work according to four criteria: 1) activity of the presenter, 2) content
teachers' council, 3) participant's activities (self-esteem), 4) psychological
climate at the teachers' council.
Rules for brave and persistent teachers
If you are having difficulty working on
speech development, then plan this type of activity not
sometimes, not often, but very often. In 5 years it will become easier.
Never answer your own question.
Be patient and you will wait for someone to answer it.
your children. I can only help with one more question,
or two, or ten... But know: the number of questions
inversely proportional to skill level.
Never ask a question that can be answered
answer “yes” or “no”. It does not make sense.

After the lesson, review the notes
once again, remember all the questions you asked the children,
and replace it with one more accurate.
If the story did not work out or turned out with difficulty -
smile, it’s great, because success is ahead.

Pedagogical advice on the topic: “Cognitive and speech development of preschool children”

Target: systematization and deepening of knowledge teaching staff on the issue of development cognitive processes and coherent speech in preschool children, improving pedagogical skills; creation of a permanent developmental environment in kindergarten for the speech development of children.
Form: business game
Participants: preschool teachers
Preliminary work:

  1. Design of the thematic exhibition “The Problem of Speech Development in Kindergarten” (both modern methodological developments and materials from the classics of domestic pedagogy in the field of speech development of children are offered to teachers for review);
  2. Questioning of teachers on the topic: “Features of the formation of speech of preschoolers”, “Teacher’s speech as a standard of literacy for children”;
  3. Organization of a review-competition in groups of preschool educational institutions“Center for Speech Development of Preschool Children”;
  4. Thematic test on the topic: “Cognitive and speech development of children in direct educational activities”;
  5. Preparation of two teams of teachers (inventing an emblem, motto, choosing a captain).


  1. An introductory speech by the head of the preschool educational institution, which briefly highlights the relevance of the topic of the pedagogical council and explains the rules of the business game.
  2. Report of the senior teacher of a preschool educational institution based on the results of the thematic control “Cognitive and speech development of children in direct educational activities”;
  3. Speech by a speech therapist on the topic: “Interaction between a teacher and a speech therapist in organizing the speech space of a preschool educational institution”;
  4. Business game “Speech is getting poorer - that’s the question - the Federal State Educational Standard will help us”;
  5. Decision of the pedagogical council.

Progress of the pedagogical council:

  1. Opening speech by the head of the preschool educational institution

The problem of speech development in preschool children at the present stage of social development is particularly significant.

The demand of the present century is the presence of certain technical skills, the need to know the language of machines.

Every decade, our speech becomes drier, duller, poorer, more monotonous and comes down to using a minimal vocabulary. An avalanche of technical innovations accelerates this sad process of impoverishment and deformation of speech. Question: how not to lose the beauty and imagery of speech? is in in this case key.

The sensitive period for the development of all mental processes is preschool age. However modern world and his technical “toys” replace the child’s need to receive educational information from communication with peers, adults, from favorite children's books. The child easily masters technical language, but at the same time live speech loses its significance and emotionality. Hence, the only way out One of the current problems is the need to maximize the enrichment of children’s speech in preschool and school settings.

A man who in childhood mastered expressive means language, is unlikely to be impoverished in life among technology and computers, among strict categories and concepts, and will always find a place for comparisons, metaphors, images and epithets. And the problem of forgetting the language will be partially solved.

And in complex process mastering the means of figurative speech and expressiveness of language will be helped by the child’s linguistic talent, characteristic of the period of childhood, his special linguistic flair for speech, something that many adults lack in our time. It is important for us as teachers to join forces to form a holistic system for the speech development of children in kindergarten using all possible technologies, methods and scientific developments.

  1. Report of the senior teacher of a preschool educational institution based on the results of the thematic control “Cognitive and speech development of children in direct educational activities.”

Our team implements an educational program based on the exemplary educational program “Childhood”. In it Special attention is given to the line of knowledge. “Feel, know, create” is the motto of the “Childhood” program. The main task of educational activities in preschool educational institutions is to promote the development cognitive activity, mental abilities and children's speeches.

Successful solution of these problems is possible only with an integrated approach to their consideration, as well as when creating necessary conditions for the speech development of children, with close cooperation of all participants in the educational process.

During the thematic audit, several factors were identified that negatively impact quality work on the development of coherent speech in children:

  • Insufficient equipment of groups with the necessary modern didactic materials and games for the development of coherent speech in children;
  • Insufficient competence of educators in planning, organizing and conducting classes in the speech direction of children's development;
  • Lack of coherence in work between narrow teams specialists of the preschool educational institution and educators on the problem of children's speech development;
  • Lack of mutual understanding between the teacher and parents of students on this issue; parents' reluctance to get involved working together on the development of their own children.

These are the main factors that make it difficult to work on the speech development of children.

  1. Speech by a speech therapist on the topic: “Interaction between a teacher and a speech therapist in organizing the speech space of a preschool educational institution.”
  1. Business game “Speech is getting poorer - that’s the question - the Federal State Educational Standard will help us.”

The game is carried out with the aim of deepening the knowledge of teachers, their competence in organizing educational activities in the area of ​​speech development; developing skills to discuss and agree collaboration; intensifying the attention of teachers to compliance with the norms of speech and culture of communication.

The game begins with a general greeting to all participants in the game and introduction of the teams.

The jury consists of the head of the preschool educational institution, a speech therapist, and a psychologist.

The game is played in four stages.

Stage 1 Teams represent homework(mini-scene), which reflects the topical problem of children's speech development. The opposing team is trying to unravel the meaning of what they saw, analyze the situation and find a solution.

Stage 2 Captains competition
Three balls are tied to the chairs, on which the inscriptions “Feel, Cognize, Create” are pasted. Captains are invited to connect the motto of the educational program of the preschool educational institution with the current problem, and give an example of the implementation of the motto in the practice of educational work of a teacher in the field of speech. (How and by what methods can you achieve the result?)
Stage 3 Speech colloquium

The teams take turns asking questions. The team whose answers are completed in less time wins.

1) What type of activity of a preschooler is most favorable for the development of speech and cognitive activity? (A game)
2) What does speech development include? (speech proficiency as a means of communication with peers and adults; development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monologue speech; enrichment of active vocabulary; development of speech creativity; development of sound culture of speech, etc. in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education).
3) What are the main areas of work in preschool educational institutions through which the educational field is implemented - speech development? (educational activities carried out with children in various types activities; educational activities organized during regime moments; independent activity children; cooperation with families of pupils)
4) What are the forms of work with children on speech development that you know? (GCD, conversation, excursion, reading competitions, special moments, etc.)
5) What are the main achievements in the speech development of older preschoolers? (manifestation of speech activity in communication with adults and peers; actively asks and answers questions; is proactive in coming up with stories, riddles, etc.; has a rich vocabulary; speech is clear, grammatically correct, expressive; masters the means sound-letter analysis words; knows how to convey a summary of the text; distinguishes between main genres (poem, fairy tale, story))
6) How are children introduced to book culture? (Through acquaintance with classical and modern literary works (poems, fairy tales, short stories, fables, riddles, nursery rhymes, sayings, etc.)
7) Name several works of fiction recommended for reading to children of middle preschool age? (Russians - folk tales; “Confusion” K.I. Chukovsky; “Uncle Styopa” S. Mikhalkov and many others)
8) Mark the most significant teachers for you working in the field of speech development of preschool children (V.V. Gerbova; E.A. Flerina; O.S. Ushakova)
9) Put the correct emphasis in the words: calls, catalog, cakes, bows, garbage chute, go deeper, scanty, lighten, pamper, more beautiful, took, scarves, plum, accepted, alcohol.

Stage 4 Creative crafts
Task: To come up with and make a manual from available materials for solving certain problems in speech development.
Teachers have 15 minutes and materials at their disposal: scissors, cardboard, pictures, threads, napkins, glue, tape, felt-tip pens, plasticine, gouache)

Final stage: summing up the results of the business game and awarding certificates to all teachers participating in the game. The winning team is awarded the right to visit open classes according to the speech direction of the members of the losing team.

Decision of the pedagogical council:

  1. For the development of cognitive and speech activity, use various forms work organized in all types of children's activities.

Duration: permanent
Responsible: preschool teachers

  1. To develop a model of interaction between participants in the educational process to improve the quality of work in the area of ​​speech development (teacher - speech therapist; teacher-psychologist; teacher - teacher; teacher - parent).

Term: _________________

  1. In order to increase professional competence The teaching staff of the preschool educational institution will conduct a series of consultations and seminars on the topic of the problem.

Term: _________________
Responsible: senior preschool teacher

  1. Preschool teachers can control their own speech and monitor the formation competent speech in preschoolers.

Duration: permanent
Responsible: preschool teachers

  1. Involve the parent community in the problem of speech development of children, organize events for them to improve their pedagogical knowledge.

Term: _________________
Responsible: senior preschool teacher

  1. Diversify speech development centers with various methodological and didactic materials.

Duration: permanent
Responsible: preschool teachers

Pedagogical Council “Cognitive and speech development of preschool children”