Summary of a lesson on speech development. Summary of a lesson on speech development with children of a compensatory group preparatory to school for children with speech disorders “Who is needed most? Development of active speech

Program content:

Continue teaching children how to write short narrative stories;

Continue to learn to use different types of sentences in a story, to tell with intonation and expressiveness;

Develop emotional attitude to works of art, to teach empathy, to understand heroes;

Develop creative imagination;

Individual work.

Preliminary work:

Exercise children in composing (inventing) various fairy tales and stories;

Memorization of a fairy tale by 2 children;

Learning the words of Little Red Riding Hood


Red box, Toothbrush, toothpaste, flower;

Little Red Riding Hood costume, basket, sweets;

Materials for the games “Fairy Tale Get Together” and “Fairy Tale Heroes”;

Audio recording – “Song of Little Red Riding Hood”, “Birdsong”.

Slides on a laptop.

Progress of the lesson.

Children greet guests and sit down on chairs.

Educator: Guys, listen carefully and guess the riddle.

The grandmother loved the girl very much.

I gave her a red cap.

The girl forgot her name.

Well, tell me her name.

(after the correct answer a slide is shown)

The music “Song of Little Red Riding Hood” plays. A girl appears with a basket in her hand. He approaches the teacher and greets everyone present.

Educator: Little Red Riding Hood, what do you have in your basket?

Little Red Riding Hood:

I ran away from my grandmother

And I saw the box.

She stood under a bush,

And there was a note:

“Who will find this box-

Take it to the children’s kindergarten.”

Educator: Guys, let's see what's in this beautiful box?

The teacher takes out a toothbrush, toothpaste and a flower from the box.

Educator: I know whose items these are! They belong to a toothy wolf from a funny fairy tale called “Once a Week,” written by Valery Shulzhik. The toothy wolf uses these items once a week. What else would you like to know about him?

Children's questions are heard.

Educator: To find out how the toothy wolf uses these objects, you need to listen to a fairy tale. Mark, please tell us the beginning of the fairy tale.

Once a week a toothy wolf

Cleans teeth with mint paste.

Cleans the windows, whitewashes the stove,

Laying a rug on the porch

And with a flower at the door

Waiting for animals to visit.

Educator: Guys, let's come up with a continuation of this fairy tale. We will now find ourselves in the forest where the toothy wolf lives. And while the birds sing, imagine what will happen to the main character. Who can come to visit him? What will they do? Or maybe the toothy wolf will get into trouble?

To the music of “Birdsong”, children “go to the fairy forest” (walk around the group), and independently come up with a continuation of the fairy tale.

We listen to 3-5 stories. The teacher evaluates the stories together with the children, noting the child’s creativity and who came up with the most interesting story.

Educator: Little Red Riding Hood, what else do you have in your basket?

Little Red Riding Hood: I brought a game for the guys. And I want us all to play together.

Educator: Guys, look carefully at the pictures. Heroes of which fairy tales are depicted here. (Heroes from the fairy tales "Geese and Swans", "The Three Little Pigs", "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats")

We are now going to play the game “Fairy Tale”. Take one hero each. When the music starts, you will run in all directions, and when it stops, you must “collect stories”, gather in three groups.

The game is repeated 3-4 times to the music “Song of Little Red Riding Hood.”

Then the children sit down on the chairs.

Educator: Guys, let's listen to the beginning of the fairy tale “Once a week” again.

Mark tells the beginning of the tale.

Now listen to what the author Valery Shulzhik came up with at the end. Sasha, please tell us the end of the fairy tale.

But, alas! Forest animals

Don't knock

To the wolf at the door.

High, of course, the honor,

But it's dangerous -

They can eat it!

Educator: Guys, Little Red Riding Hood just told me that something bad happened to some fairy tale heroes. The evil witch bewitched them and cut up pictures with their images. To save these heroes, you need to assemble the whole picture from parts. And then you will find out which hero you saved.

The children sit at the tables. The game “Fairytale Heroes” is played to the music. Having collected a cut-out picture of the hero, the children come up with a riddle about him and riddle them to each other.

The children return to their seats.

Little Red Riding Hood: Guys, for saving my friends, fairy-tale heroes, I want to treat you to fabulous sweets.

Little Red Riding Hood: Guys, I have to go home. My mother is waiting for me. Goodbye.

To the music of “Little Red Riding Hood’s Song,” the girl says goodbye and leaves the group.

Lesson on developing coherent speech

V middle group

Topic: “Retelling of E. Charushin’s story “Cat”



R.p. North Yenisei

Program content.

Educational objectives:

learn to retell previously unfamiliar text; strive to convey its content without omissions or distortions; encourage the use of copyright words and phrases; encourage expressive speech; practice matching the names of animals and their babies

Developmental tasks:

Educational tasks:

develop the ability to listen to your comrades, and provide assistance if there are difficulties in retelling; cultivate a friendly attitude towards animals.

Enrichment of vocabulary: snorts, puffs up, puffs up

Activation of the dictionary: closet, purrs, well-fed, satisfied.

Visual material: pictures of animals with babies (cat, kittens, dog, puppies, hen, chicks, duck, ducklings, magpie). Cards are diagrams for a sequential story.

Progress of the lesson.

Children enter the group and greet those present. The teacher invites them to sit on the chairs.

Educator: Let's play with you guys. Remember the gymnastics for fingers “Claws”

Finger gymnastics.

The cat's daughter

There are claws on the paws.

Don't rush to hide them,

Let the kids watch!

(Bend fingers one by one right hand, pressing tightly to the palm of your hand. Thumb pressed against the index finger. After last sentence, forcefully open your palm and say “Meow!”

Repeat with left hand, then both hands)

Educator. And now I'll tell you a riddle. To guess it correctly, you need to listen carefully and think before giving an answer.

Although velvet paws,

But they call me “scratchy”.

I catch mice deftly,

I drink milk from a saucer.

(children's answers)

How did you guess that it was a cat? (children's answers are summed up)

I suggest you listen new story about the cat. It's called "Cat". The author of the story is a writer you already know, Evgeniy Charushin. (draw the children’s attention to the writer’s portrait)

Evgeny Charushin

This is the cat Maruska. She caught a mouse in the closet, for which the owner fed her milk. Maruska is sitting on the rug, well-fed and contented. She sings songs and purrs, but her little kitten is not interested in purring. He plays with himself - he catches himself by the tail, snorts at everyone, puffs up, puffs up.

What words do you not understand?

What is a closet?

Second reading

Who is the story talking about?

During the conversation, the content is carried out vocabulary work, the words are repeated individually: closet, housewife, well-fed, satisfied, purrs, snorts, puffs up, puffs up; phrases: sings songs, little kitten.

The teacher displays pictures - diagrams.

Installation. Guys, I'll read the story again. Listen carefully, try to remember everything in order. Pay attention to the intonation with which I read, because you will later retell it yourself.

Third reading.

After reading, there is a short pause to prepare the children for the retelling. 3 - 4 children retell the story.

The first two retellings are evaluated. It is necessary to indicate 1 - 2 qualities positive character, involve children in the assessment?

If the children find it difficult, the teacher prompts difficult words, invites the chorus to repeat the phrase or word again.


Educator. And now I invite you to play. Stand in a circle.

I will be the mother cat, and you will be my kittens. With the help of your magic wand and spells, I will turn you into real kittens. Close your eyes and extend your hand: “Meow - meow - meow - kitty, you become a kitten!”

(Touch the children’s hands with a stick)

Oh, my dear kittens, you have been sleeping for so long, but now the sun has risen and it’s time for you to wake up. Open your eyes. Wake up, wipe your eyes with your paws. Stretch up, (get on your knees), paws up, head up, bend your backs, and now lower your paws, tilt your head down, round your backs. They sat down, brushed the fur with their paws, and wiped their face. What clean kittens!

They wanted to eat. They meowed: “Meow - meow, give us some milk, mom!” (Children repeat the sentence)

Drink to your health!

We've eaten, now we can play. Kittens love to play with each other (jumping in pairs) and with their tails (wagging).

We've played enough, we're tired, it's time to rest. It's time for you to turn into children. Close your eyes and stretch out your paw. “Meow - meow - meow - kitty, you become a child!”

After physical exercise, the children sit on chairs.


Reading a story with showing pictures and children's agreement.

The girl Varya had a cat with kittens, a dog with puppies, a chicken with chickens, a duck with ducklings.

One day the kids ran to the river. The ducklings began to dive and swim, and the kittens, puppies, and chickens looked at them. When suddenly “Tra-ta-ta-tah!” The kids got scared and ran to their mothers: kittens to the cat, puppies to the dog, chickens to the hen, ducklings to the duck. The mothers calmed their children and they ran to the river again. Kittens run from a cat, puppies from a dog, chickens from a hen, ducklings from a duck. As soon as they ran to the river, they said again: “Tra-ta-ta-tah!” The kids were even more frightened than before and ran back to their mothers. Kittens run to a cat, puppies to a dog, chickens to a hen, and ducklings to a duck. They came running and asked: “Who is that cracking so terribly?” They look and a bird rushes towards the forest: it is black, its sides are white, its tail is long. She crackled: “Tra-ta-ta-tah!” - and disappeared.

If the children do not name it, show a picture of a magpie.

Do you know now?

And the kids recognized the magpie and calmed down and each went about their business - some to look for worms, some to play.

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“Lesson on speech development”


Lesson on developing coherent speech

in the middle group

Subject:“Retelling of E. Charushin’s story “Cat”



R.p. North Yenisei

Program content.

Educational objectives:

    learn to retell previously unfamiliar text;

    strive to convey its content without omissions or distortions;

    encourage expressive speech;

    practice matching the names of animals and their babies

Developmental tasks:

    develop coherent speech through the reproduction of a work of art.

Educational tasks:

    develop the ability to listen to your comrades, and provide assistance if there are difficulties in retelling;

    cultivate a friendly attitude towards animals.

Dictionary enrichment: snorts, puffs up, puffs up

Activating the dictionary: closet, purring, well-fed, contented.

Visual material: pictures of animals with babies (cat, kittens, dog, puppies, hen, chicks, duck, ducklings, magpie). Cards are diagrams for a sequential story.

Progress of the lesson.

Children enter the group and greet those present. The teacher invites them to sit on the chairs.

Educator: Let's play with you guys. Remember the gymnastics for fingers “Claws”

Finger gymnastics.

The cat's daughter

There are claws on the paws.

Don't rush to hide them,

Let the kids watch!

(Bend the fingers of the right hand one by one, pressing it firmly to the palm. The thumb is pressed to the index finger. After the last phrase, forcefully open your palm and say “Meow!”

Repeat with left hand, then both hands)

Educator. And now I'll tell you a riddle. To guess it correctly, you need to listen carefully and think before giving an answer.

Although velvet paws,

But they call me “scratchy”.

I catch mice deftly,

I drink milk from a saucer.

(children's answers)

How did you guess that it was a cat? (children's answers are summed up)

I invite you to listen to a new story about a cat. It's called "Cat". The author of the story is a writer you already know, Evgeniy Charushin. ( draw children's attention to the portrait of the writer)


Evgeny Charushin

This is the cat Maruska. She caught a mouse in the closet, for which the owner fed her milk. Maruska is sitting on the rug, well-fed and contented. She sings songs and purrs, but her little kitten is not interested in purring. He plays with himself - he catches himself by the tail, at everyone snorts, puffs up, puffs up.

What words do you not understand?

How do you understand the words - snorts, puffs up, puffs up?

What is a closet?

Second reading

Who is the story talking about?

What happened to the cat Maruska?

What kind of kitten did Maruska have?

During the conversation, vocabulary work is carried out on the content, the words are repeated individually: closet, housewife, well-fed, satisfied, purrs, snorts, puffs up, puffs up; phrases: sings songs, little kitten.

The teacher displays pictures - diagrams.

Installation. Guys, I'll read the story again. Listen carefully, try to remember everything in order. Pay attention to the intonation with which I read, because you will later retell it yourself.

Third reading.

After reading, there is a short pause to prepare the children for the retelling. 3-4 children retell the story.

The first two retellings are evaluated. Is it necessary to point out 1–2 positive qualities and involve children in the assessment?

How did Polina tell it loudly or quietly?

Do you think she told everything? Did you miss anything? Did you tell everything in order?

If the children find it difficult, the teacher suggests difficult words and invites them to repeat the phrase or word again in chorus.

Did you like retelling it yourself?


Educator. And now I invite you to play. Stand in a circle.

I will be the mother cat, and you will be my kittens. With the help of my magic wand and a spell, I will turn you into real kittens. Close your eyes and stretch out your hand: “Meow - meow - meow - kitty, you become a kitten!”

(Touch the children’s hands with a stick)

Oh, my dear kittens, you have been sleeping for so long, but now the sun has risen and it’s time for you to wake up. Open your eyes. Wake up, wipe your eyes with your paws. Stretch up ( get on your knees) paws up, head up, bend your backs, and now lower your paws, tilt your head down, round your backs. They sat down, brushed the fur with their paws, and wiped their face. What clean kittens!

They wanted to eat. They meowed: “Meow - meow, give us some milk, mom!” (Children repeat the sentence)

Drink to your health!

We've eaten, now we can play. Kittens love to play with each other ( jumping in pairs) and with their tails (wiggle).

We've played enough, we're tired, it's time to rest. It's time for you to turn into children. Close your eyes and stretch out your paw. “Meow - meow - meow - kitty, you become a child!”

After physical exercise, the children sit on chairs.


I have another interesting story for you. But I will need your help, you will tell me.

Reading a story with showing pictures and children's agreement.

The girl Varya had a cat with kittens, dog with puppies, kritsa s chickens, duck with ducklings.

One day the kids ran to the river. The ducklings began to dive and swim, and the kittens, puppies, and chickens looked at them. When suddenly “Tra-ta-ta-tah!” The kids got scared and ran to their mothers: the kittens to cat, puppies to dog, chickens to chicken, ducklings to duck. The mothers calmed their children and they ran to the river again. Kittens are running away from cats, puppies from dogs, chicks from Chicken, ducklings from ducks. As soon as they ran to the river, they said again: “Tra-ta-ta-tah!” The kids were even more frightened than before and ran back to their mothers. Running to the cat kittens, to the dog puppies, to the chicken chickens, to the duck ducklings. They came running and asked: “Who is that cracking so terribly?” They look and a bird rushes towards the forest: it is black, its sides are white, its tail is long. She crackled: “Tra-ta-ta-tah!” - and disappeared.

Have you guys guessed what kind of bird this is?

If the children do not name it, show a picture of a magpie.

Do you know now?

And the kids recognized the magpie and calmed down and each went about their business - some to look for worms, some to play.

It's time for you and me to relax too.

1. To develop the ability to generalize and classify.

2. Expand lexicon through participation in verbal and speech games.

3. Practice dividing words into syllables, selecting antonyms and synonyms.

4. form an idea of ​​fantasy, develop a holistic perception folk tales, figurative representation, emotional sphere children.

5. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other and initiative.



Municipal budget preschool educational institution“Kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities for physical development children No. 34 “Krepysh” of the city of Novocheboksarsk, Chuvash Republic

Open lesson on speech development in senior group: “Journey to the Land of Beautiful Speech”


MBDOU teacher

"Kindergarten No. 34 "Krepysh"

Efimova Natalia Evgenievna

Novocheboksarsk - 2015


1. To develop the ability to generalize and classify.

2. Expand your vocabulary through participation in verbal and speech games.

3. Practice dividing words into syllables, selecting antonyms and synonyms.

4. form an idea of ​​fantasy, develop a holistic perception of folk tales, imaginative representation, and the emotional sphere of children.

5. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other and initiative.

Vocabulary work: fantasy, sun: bright, radiant, light, hot.

Materials and equipment: sun with rays, recording the melody of “magic music”

"Wonderful bag."

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.


Today in class we will go on a trip to the fabulous city of Beautiful Speech. Once in this fabulous city, people change a little. Want to know how? Then let's go. Since the city is unusual, we will go on a trip in an unusual way: with the help of imagination.

What is fantasy? (fantasy is our dreams, when we dream about something, invent something that doesn’t actually exist.

Before we set off on this journey, let's remember the rules:

1. Every day always, everywhere,

During the lessons in the game,

We speak loudly, clearly,

We're not in a hurry.

2. If you want to answer, don’t make noise,

Just raise your hand.

So, let's go to the city of Beautiful Speech. (Fairytale music starts)

Please close your eyes. Imagine that we are flying on hot-air balloon through the clouds. From above we see the houses, factories, forests, fields that surround it, we hear the murmur of the river, we smell fresh air after the rain.

2. Main part.

Here we are. Look guys, what is this? Gates. - And there is a lock on the gate. Let's open it. And finger gymnastics “Castle” will help us. Children stand in a circle and perform finger gymnastics.

There is a lock on the door.

Who could open it?

They knocked (on this word, rhythmically tap the bases of your palms against each other, without releasing your fingers)

Twisted (without releasing your fingers, pull one hand towards you, the other away from you, alternating them.0

Pulled (pull the handles in different sides, straightening your fingers, but not releasing the lock completely.)

And they opened ! (Releasing your arms sharply, spread them wide to the sides.)

We opened the castle, well done!

Oh, guys, here's a letter!

Our dear beloved guys, help us! Evil wizards have bewitched our city:

Everything we have: houses, fields, forests, paths, rivers and sun.

Help us break the spell on our city!

We need to help the residents of this city. Shall we help? Yes.

Then guess the riddle:

Among the blue field, the bright shine of a large fire

Slowly the fire walks, the earth goes around mother,

There is a cheerful light shining in the window. You guessed it... The sun.

But for some reason it's sad? It has no rays.

Evil wizards bewitched him too, and scattered the rays in different directions. Let's find them all together!

To disenchant the rays you need to complete tasks.

The teacher reads out the tasks written on the rays and, having completed the tasks, attaches the rays to the sun.

1 task.

Magic light, help,

Show us the way. (V. shines a small flashlight, the light falls on a picture of animals)

“Call it affectionately” The teacher, throwing the ball to the child, calls the word, and he calls it affectionately.

Sample words. Monkey, hippopotamus, fox, hare, wild boar, bear, squirrel

2 task

Magic light, help,

Show us the way. (V. shines a small flashlight, the light falls on a picture depicting a garden and vegetable garden)

“Call it in one word”

Pear, apple, peach, plum (fruit)

Tulip, iris, aster, rose (flowers)

Tomato, cucumber, carrot, beet (vegetables)

Strawberries, raspberries, cherries, gooseberries (berries)

Dill, parsley, lettuce, sorrel (greens)

Game "Clappers"

(The child learns to clap words, dividing them into syllables

Gru-sha, sli-va, li-mon , per – sik, ab – ri – braid,

a – pel – sin, man – da – rin, yab – lo – ko.

“Words are relatives”

Where do fruits grow? ( In the garden ) Who takes care of the garden? ( gardener)

What are the names of the plants that grow in the garden? ( garden)

Tell me what words - relatives - you and I said.

3 task.

Magic light, help,

Show us the way. (V. shines a small flashlight, the light falls on a picture of a garage with vehicles)

“What's too much? »

Airplane, helicopter, fighter, tree

Orange, speedboat, motor ship, boat

Car, motorcycle, grasshopper,

Bicycle, scooter, moped, ATV, table.

Physical exercise “Flowers grow in the meadow”

Flowers grow in the meadow

Unprecedented beauty.

Flowers reach for the sun. Stretch with them too.

The wind will blow sometimes

But that's not a problem.

The flowers bend down and their petals drop.

And then they get up again

AND still are blooming.

Magic light, help,

Show us the way. (V. shines a small flashlight, the light falls on the river)

Guys, tell me what the river is doing?

Children. The river flows, runs, murmurs, makes noise, splashes, seethes, worries, hisses, etc.

My children are great. They said a lot of words. Now play with the pebbles, roll them in your palms. (After a minute, he collects pebbles.) Let’s return the pebbles to the river and say “thank you” to it for the game (The audio recording “Sounds of the River” plays),

As soon as the river says the magic word, the crayfish fall asleep, forgetting about the fight.

What do you think, children, who else could live in the river?

Children. Fish can live in the river.

4 task

Oh, children, children, the residents of the city have a problem - the fish in the river have been bewitched. They can't do it without your help. In order for fish to get into the river, they need to be named.

The teacher opens the pictures attached to the easel. Children call them a choir or individually. Children assign correctly named pictures to the river.

What fish do we have left?

Children. Dolphin, stingray, hammerhead fish.

Why can't they live in the river?

The teacher leads the children to the fact that sea fish live in the sea or ocean.

Well done boys! You were very helpful. Pisces cannot talk, but they love to smile, and they have different smiles. (Reads the beginning of the poem line by line, children finish the last words).

If it's a fish, it has a smile, if it's a fish, it has... (smile)

If it's a fish, it has... (smile), if it's a fish, it has... (smile),

If it’s a fish, she has... (smile)

These are the smiling, cheerful fish that live in our magical river.

Task 5.

Magic light, help,

Show us the way. (V. shines a small flashlight, the light falls on a picture of a factory)

“Name the signs”

In the land of Beautiful Speech there live amazing words that can call different signs items:

Matryoshka made of wood...

Leather bag…

If the handle is made of plastic, then...

A boy with broad shoulders...

Brick house...

Porcelain saucer…

Task 6

Magic light, help

Show us the way. (V. shines on a poster with pictures of trees)

Q: - What did this ray fall on?

D: - On a tree

Q: And look what’s on the tree? Are there any leaves?

D: - No, there are no leaves.

Q: - Guys, should we give our tree green leaves? To do this, we will play the game “Say the other way around”

Didactic game"Say it the other way around"

Day Night

Sugar - salt

Cleanliness - dirt

Winter summer

Ceiling - floor

narrow – wide /skirt/

long – short /dress/

strong – weak /athlete/

cheerful – sad /girl/

tall – short /person/

Laughs - cries /child/

Lying - sitting /man/

Close – open /book/

Takes off - lands /plane/

Puts on - takes off /sweater/

(A word is written on each piece of paper - the children name its opposite and the teacher sticks the piece of paper on the tree)

Guys, what are words made of? From sounds.

What two groups are all the sounds of the Russian language divided into? For vowels and consonants.

How are vowel sounds pronounced? Easily, freely, sing, stretch.

Let's name them. A, O, U, I, Y, E

What obstacles does the air in the mouth encounter when we pronounce consonants?

Name them B C D E F Z, etc.

Now prepare your ears, listen carefully to the words, determine what sound is repeated in all the words?

cancer, mountain, heat, rainbow, giraffe, shell, parade, joy.

Linden, ice, leaf, deer, fishing line, cart, clearing.

Vase, mimosa, birch, thunderstorm, toothpaste, music.


Guys, the sun is shining in this wonderful city. What is it like? .

Close your eyes and imagine how the rays warm our cheeks, nose, hands, and fingers. It became completely warm, and you yourself became warm and affectionate. The rays ran across the clouds, across the fields, through the forests, through the flowers and cast a spell on everything

Bottom line.

Well done, the residents of this extraordinary city tell you: “Thank you so much! »

Let's go home, close our eyes and imagine that we are flying in a hot air balloon through the clouds. From above we see forests and fields, hear the murmur of the river, smell the fresh air after the rain. Music is playing.

So we arrived at kindergarten and our lesson was over.

What did you like most?

What was especially difficult O?


  • What is communication and what does it consist of?
  • 3 main components of communication
  • There is contact! What's next?
  • 9 games to help your child develop speech
  • What to do if a child refuses to study?
  • The face and movements are the center of speech development.

What is communication and what does it consist of?

In academic terms, communication is the interaction of people, during which information is transmitted, feelings, emotions and value judgments are expressed.

In addition, during communication, people express their attitude both to their interlocutors and to the subject of speech. It has been scientifically proven that people feel the need to communicate. During this process, the need for public recognition occurs.

Communication means mean methods of encoding and decoding information, that is, transmitting and receiving it. Since all communication can be divided into verbal and non-verbal, the means of communication also obey this classification.

When verbal, that is verbal communication, the main means by which communication is carried out is the word. Sounds, syllables, words, phrases and sentences are speech devices that are used in verbal communication.

The second type of communication is non-verbal. In this case, the means of communication are:

  • facial expressions and gestures are reflective emotional reactions person;
  • actions and movements;
  • features of pronunciation, volume and timbre of voice, tempo of speech.

During communication, all means are used (both verbal and non-verbal). Nonverbal means are auxiliary, but at the same time they play important role in the process of communication.

From them you can understand the mood of the interlocutor, his emotions and thoughts, through non-verbal means communication often reveals what a person hides in words.

3 main components of communication

Communication occurs in stages and includes three main components:

  • Contact - between the interlocutors there should be an interest or interest in communication, a desire to receive information/opinion/advice. There are points of contact that become a strong foundation for further communication.
  • Understanding speech on both sides. When communication occurs using speech means, then you can’t do without understanding. IN otherwise the interlocutors will not understand each other or will misunderstand, and this can lead to disagreements in the future. The second scenario is that communication will not fulfill its functions.
  • Active speech - allows you to fully express your thoughts, formulating them in accordance with the situation and participants in communication.

Contact, speech understanding and active speech are the components of communication that ensure its completeness and effectiveness.

I wrote about contact and speech understanding in one of my previous articles “”.

Therefore, in this article I propose to do next step and dwell in more detail on the question of how to increase the number of sounds and words.

There is contact! What's next?

When there is contact between the child and the parent. The initiative in the game passes to the parent, and the child supports this initiative and plays for a long time and with pleasure. Time to move from contact to speech understanding and development active speech.

The main task at this stage is to create conditions in which the child independently uses words and sentences to interact in the game. To do this, you need to find a common point of contact in which both want to be together, most often this is a game.

Joint games between children and parents, or speech development classes themselves, organized in game form. For example, many exercises can be suitable for this purpose.

The second point is the order in the game and repetition. Interesting games must be repeated. You can start playing them several times, and the child begins to look forward to these games. If you start to like the games, then even just their repetition can allow you to begin to complicate these games.

By repeating the same games, you can add variations to them. This will add an element of surprise. Allow you to maintain interest in the game and evoke vivid emotions! All together allows for significant progress in terms of increasing the complexity of game content.

For example, you can play building a blanket house using a table/chairs. Then you can develop the game - climb inside and have a tea party, real or fictitious. Of course, after a while the house will become boring and you will want to add some variety.

Then you can go to the “shop” or invite friends - soft toys. They can come to the house, knock on the door and ask who lives in the house, etc.. This is very good way communicate and establish contact.

Joint contact established, found exciting games with objects or with plots. Now speech development classes are fun and playful. Parents and children want to play together, rejoice together, have fun together.

Here ideal conditions for the development of active speech, there is everything necessary components– mutual interest of the participants, physical activity child, dynamics, involvement of the senses, vivid emotions, unexpected turns in the game.

Every component is important. If there is no contact, then the interaction will be in vain. The parent will address the child, but the child will simply not hear him or will ignore him. If there is no interest or no emotions, then there will be a familiar, standard interaction, without the child’s motivation to learn and apply something new.

This is very easy to recognize - in this case, he is simply serving time in class and waiting to be left alone. He is bored in class. In such a situation, it is difficult to expect any development of speech or movement forward. This is where you have to use ingenuity, cunning, and creativity in the game.

What does surprise and curiosity have to do with it?

A necessary condition for the transition from speech understanding to active speech is surprise. It generates surprise, emotions, awakens interest and the desire to take an unexpected step yourself.

Remember yourself on your first trip to the sea or to some other country. The first impression is always the brightest, the most exciting.

Curiosity and interest are what push us to research, to experiment. We are curious and want to touch, smell, try it ourselves... This is exactly what you need to achieve from a child. Motivation to make him want to do it or say it himself!

As soon as activity appears from the child, you need to immediately support it or cause it to repeat. If a child says a new word once, it means he knows how to pronounce it and understands the situation in which it is applicable.

This means that in the next similar situation, the parent, already knowing about new opportunities, will create a similar situation and encourage the child to say this word again.

It is important to achieve repetition of sounds or words not at the expense of what the child can do. And due to the fact that the activity itself is interesting to the child, the situation itself pushes him towards it. The speech should be spontaneous, delivered not at the request, but according to the situation.

The child is interested in playing with you. In this case, the goal is the development of speech, it seems to be out of focus. The focus is on you being interested in playing with your child, and making sure that he is interested in coming to speech development classes and playing there. The child’s desire to repeat the game, interaction in the game, causes communication.

Speech is not the main thing in this process, but the main thing is to play with the child. Make playing with you a value for him, important part his life. Then his attention will be brought to it. And he himself will try to prolong and complicate the game process.

And for this you need speech, you can’t do without it. And since there is no emphasis specifically on active speech, the child begins to use it, master it as a tool for play, like any other attribute of the game.

This is similar to the situation when a child plays basketball or football, but at the same time learns to control his body, feel it, and acquire agility and speed. The ability to quickly accelerate and stop, change directions of movement, and make deceptive feints.

The child wants to learn how to play football well, and as training progresses, he learns to run fast, jump high, play in a team, and interact with other people. The goal is beyond the activity. In this case, there are two points: speech for a child is not a drill, but an element of a game, which means it is a positively colored part of his life.

And the second point is that the game stimulates work sensory systems and the child learns to use them and respond to external changes timely and quickly. In this way, the normal functioning of the child’s sensory systems is restored.

9 games to help your child develop speech

It is important for a child to evaluate his success and hear his own speech. Literally hear it! To do this, you can bring and use different sound devices to speech development classes - an audio recording on your phone, etc.

It is important that parents must respond to the child’s speech so that he understands that this is a convenient tool and can be used. Then further development speech will be under the child's control. Then he will develop it himself, and the quality of speech will improve on its own.

The child appreciated the success and heard his speech, you can rejoice. The criterion for success is the emergence of the need to communicate using sounds, due to an increase in the number of sounds and the ability to hear one’s own speech.

Below is a list of some sensory games for baby's language development.

  1. Speech therapy massage, passive articulation gymnastics

A great way to understand and feel your sensations, your body. Many people are afraid to do harm with a massage, but in the previous steps you have already done everything so that everything will be in the best possible way. If contact is lost, the child does not like it, then take a step back.

  1. Sensory games

Tickling and funny Games, will allow you to increase activity. This game brings out a lot of emotions and a lot of sounds.

  1. Games - provocations

Games with provocations by unexpected sounds, for example, playing with a ball and hiding it under a T-shirt. Or playing with toys and hiding the toy, playing with animals in the house game, etc. New twists in the game are always emotions, always a transition to speech.

  1. Unusual sound toys

An echo microphone, repeating toys are an opportunity for a child to hear his voice from the outside, an opportunity to experiment a lot with it.

  1. Nature and environment

Scream in the well yard, in the forest, in the mountains, on the lake. Hear your echo, hear the sound of your voice.

  1. Singing

Joint singing of children's songs, favorite songs from cartoons. It's always pleasant, fun and challenging positive emotions. In addition, it allows you to better learn how to handle your voice - singing is not just for you))) Especially children's songs!

  1. Outdoor games

Outdoor games with change of direction and unexpected turns– jumping ropes, catching up, building a hut, bowling, storming a game fortress, pillow fights, etc.

  1. Games with products

Playing with foods of different flavors and textures. You can cut your favorite foods in an unusual way, you can grind them into a paste and try to guess, you can hide pieces of fruit in the room - find them and eat them if the child likes fruits

  1. Sounds of early ontogenesis

The priority for development is those that come out best: “a”, “o”, “u”, “i”, “e”, “s”, “m”, “v” (“f”), “t” (“ d"), "n", "p" ("b"), "k" ("d"), "x"

What to do if a child refuses to study?

Not everything goes smoothly; sometimes the child refuses the request. The child’s refusal of the initial request, including speech development classes, occurs for two reasons. The first reason is that the task is very difficult, and the child cannot solve it.

What does it mean? Him on this moment The combinations of sounds that we are asked to repeat and say on our own are very complex. Therefore, no matter how much he solves this problem, he simply abandons it and moves on to another. This is one of the reasons.

The second reason is that it is difficult for the child to maintain a communication situation for a long time. What does it mean? If we take this example: when you ask for the word “kAnfeta” - “ka” and expect the child to repeat “ka” - in this case he needs time for this. If it is difficult for a child to hold this, in this case he simply abandons this task and switches to another.

The first problem is solved by working out articulatory apparatus. In your speech development classes, you include playing with the sounds you have highlighted. You know the sounds he can make. You yourself specifically stimulate an increase in the number of pronunciations of these sounds.

This leads to training of the articulatory apparatus, on the one hand. On the other hand, it makes the child happy when he starts saying them, and it makes you happy. And thus the question is resolved: he begins to succeed, and he stops refusing.

The second task is that during outdoor games you can come up with different variants. For example, “catching up on the street”, “painting at home”, etc....

If you deliberately play games longer than you usually play. This will increase your attention span. In this case, a communicative situation is created; the child will be able to go further in holding time than usual.

Try playing your favorite games for longer than usual, that is, you are deliberately stretching the time. You need to go through a situation of interest and go into a situation of some fatigue, then the contact time will begin to increase.

The contact time in the game will increase and the contact time during communication will increase. Accordingly, it will be possible to say your request at the moment in time when necessary. And then at that moment in time when it is necessary, there is a chance that he will not refuse it, but will repeat what you wanted.

That is, there are two solutions. This is a workout phonemic awareness, specially creating games with the sounds that the child pronounces. And secondly, this is an increase in contact time through active, sensory games, increasing play time. This all takes time and inclusion, but, nevertheless, it is justified and will have its effect.

The face and movements are the center of speech development.

The last point I wanted to dwell on is the concentration of attention during the work not on speech, but on sensations. The face and movements are the center of work on speech. A child’s ability to use information from a person’s face decisive view activities.

This means we need to learn how to do it in such a way that the child looks at your face and can understand from your face what state you are in. Are you ready to continue playing, or are you going to stop now, or are you already angry?

If you do this and teach a child to do it, then less problems and with behavior, and it is much easier to maintain contact. Therefore, you need to make sure that the face is the center of attention.

How to do it…? Start by simply looking at your child and smiling at him. Perhaps at first it will be difficult for him and he will turn away and feel embarrassed. But gradually he will begin to smile back and eye contact will occur. Now you can start speaking with your eyes. Showing emotions and thoughts with your face. Speech development classes require a little playfulness, a little mischief, a little imagination and a lot of patience and diligence, and your child will definitely start talking!

Introductory lesson on speech development for children aged 5-7 years


Purpose of the lesson


speech, memory, attention, imagination, phonemic

hearing, rhythm of movements.

Reinforce the concepts in children: "sound" , "letter" , know their differences.

1. Greeting, introduction

2. “Magic Ball”

3. Game for attention “Name your neighbor”

4.Dance sketch “Give movement”

5. The Tale of the Naughty Tongue and the Fairy correct speech. Briefing

6. Graphic dictation

7. Game "Needle and thread"

8. Finger gymnastics “Castle”

9. Ball game: "Give me back the vowel sound" . Identify the consonant

10. Outdoor game “Land-water”

11. Didactic game “Collect the word”

12. D/I “The syllables are mixed up”

13. Letter from the Fairy of Correct Speech

14. Application: creating magic flower Rechtsvetik

15. Repeat the secrets of correct and beautiful speech

16. Farewell, gratitude

17. “Warm palms”

Topic: Introductory lesson. Speech development.

Summary of an introductory lesson on speech development with children aged 5-7 years

Purpose of the lesson- attract children's attention to speech. Show children what role correct speech plays for a person and why it needs to be developed.

Tasks: - introduce children to each other

Create an atmosphere of group trust and acceptance

To form the concept of correct, beautiful speech

Develop attention dialogical speech, expressiveness

speech, memory, imagination, phonemic

hearing, rhythm of movements.

Cultivate kindness, responsiveness, the ability to listen and hear speech.

Reinforce the concepts in children: "sound" , "letter" , know their differences.

Practice composing syllables and words.

Develop common and fine motor skills and teach children to navigate in space.

Repeat the application.

1.Greetings, acquaintance (Allows you to unite children, create an atmosphere of group trust and acceptance.)

To make it easier for us to communicate, let's stand in a circle

Please tell me what is the first thing people do when they meet? CHILDREN'S RESPONSES.

That's right, BE HEALTHY! What does “HEALTH” mean? CHILDREN'S RESPONSES.

Saying hello means wishing you health! Let's wish everyone around the world good health! Repeat after me: (welcome ritual).

Hello, golden sun! (everyone raises their hands, then lowers them).

Hello, blue sky! (everyone raises their hands, then lowers them).

Hello world! (spread their arms wide)

And hello, me!

Hello my friends! (let's hold hands)

Children sit on chairs in a circle

2. "Magic Ball" . Starting from the teacher, everyone winds a string of a ball around their finger, pronounces their name as they like to be called, and passes the ball to the child standing (sitting) to their left, until the ball returns again to the teacher. (Focus children's attention on unity, cohesion, one team, WE ARE TOGETHER)

3. Name your neighbor

Say the name of the neighbor sitting to your right

4. Dance sketch “Give movement”

Participants stand in a circle. Cheerful music is playing. The leader begins the dance, performing some similar movements for 15-20 seconds. The rest repeat these movements. Then, with a nod of the head, the leader gives a sign to one of the children to continue moving to the beat of the music, who, in turn, passes this right on to the next one - and so on in a circle.

If you are good friend then do it like this (clap-clap)

If you're a good friend, if you're a good friend, if you're a good friend, then do this (Clap clap)

If you are a cheerful friend, then do this (the child shows a movement of his choice, the rest repeat)

5.Fairy tale. Guys, today I will tell you one interesting story. Sit comfortably and prepare to listen carefully. The fairy tale is called "The Tale of the Naughty Tongue."

Once upon a time there lived a girl Masha. She was a beautiful girl, kind and obedient. But the trouble is that the girl’s tongue did not obey her; she did not want to pronounce sounds and words correctly. And therefore, various troubles happened to the girl.

A girl goes out for a walk, the guys call her to play hide and seek: “Masha, come play with us.” And she told them: “Fefeas”, which means “now”. And the children think that the girl doesn’t want to play with them and run away. The girl’s mother calls: “Masha, let’s go to the circus.” The girl answers: “Coffee,” which means “of course.” And mom thinks that Masha is playing around and doesn’t take Masha to the circus.

Dad suggests: “Would you like some chocolate?” the girl answers: “Osen hofu,” which means “I really want to,” and dad thinks that Masha has a runny nose and buys pills instead of chocolate.

The girl was very upset that her children and adults did not understand. I found out about this Fairy of correct speech and decided to help the girl - to reveal to her the secrets of how to learn to speak correctly. She gave her a magic flower, Rechetsvetik, on which the rules of beautiful speech are drawn and written.

Very soon, following the Fairy's advice, the girl learned to speak correctly. The children in the yard began to invite Masha to their games, and the adults began to understand what the girl was talking about. And Masha herself is now always joyful and cheerful, and never forgets about the Fairy’s secrets.

This is such a fairy tale. Fairy tale conversation:

Who is the story about? (Fairy of correct speech - clarify the definition of the word Speech)

What was the girl's name?

What was she like?

What was the girl's problem?

Who helped the girl?

What happened next?

6. Do you want to learn the secrets of correct speech? Then let's go on a journey to the land of Beautiful and Correct Speech.

What can you travel with?(children's answers) How can you call these objects in one word? But you will find out what we will go on our trip with if you guess the riddle:

My sail catches the wind
And the keel cuts the waves,
Won't stop me
Neither hurricane nor calm. (Sailing yacht)

7. Sit down at the table. Graphic dictation « sailing yacht» . (Development graphical representations and orientation on a piece of paper).

From the starting point 1 cell up, 1 left, 2 down, 1 right, 1 down, 10 right, 1 up, 1 right, 1 up, 1 right, 1 up. 2 left, 1 down, 3 left, 10 up, 1 left, 1 down, 2 left, 1 down, 2 right, 1 down, 3 left, 1 down, 1 left, 1 down, 1 left, 1 down, 1 left, 1 down, 1 left. 1down, 2right, 1down, 3right, 1down. 4 to the left.

Well done boys! Our sailing yacht is ready and now we will go on a trip. (fairytale music sounds)

8. Outdoor game “Needle and Thread”.

The children stand next to each other. The first of them - the “needle” - runs, changing direction. The rest - the “thread” - run after him, trying to keep up.

The first city on our way is Zvukograd. Which huge castle hangs on the gates of this city. Let's try to open it.

9. Finger gymnastics “Castle”

There's a lock on the door

(rhythmic joining of fingers in a lock),

Who could open it?


(arms stretch to the sides)


(circular movements fingers away from you)

They knocked

(the bases of the palms knock against each other)

And they opened

(opened fingers).

10. Who do you think lives in the city of Zvukograd? (sounds)

What sounds are there? (sounds are different: sounds of nature, music and speech sounds: vowels and consonants)

There are many sounds in the world:

The rustle of leaves, the splash of waves.

And there are speech sounds,

We need to know them for sure.

What sounds are called vowels? (sounds that do not meet an obstacle in the mouth, are stretched and sung, are called vowels).

Let's play with sounds:

Ball game: "Give me back the vowel sound" .

Catch the ball and throw the ball
Name the vowel in the word.

(words: onion, cheese, house, poppy, ball, world, mouse, cat, whale, smoke)

11. What are the consonant sounds? (soft and hard). What color indicates a hard consonant? (Blue) soft consonant (green).

Determine which consonant, hard or soft, the word begins with, and raise the signal.

(words: boat, car, hand, bear, broom, scooter, net, ice, river.)


The participants of the game stand in one line. When the leader says “land,” everyone jumps forward; when they say “water,” everyone jumps back. The competition is held at a fast pace. The presenter has the right to pronounce other words instead of the word “water,” for example: sea, river, bay, ocean; instead of the word "land" - shore, land, island.

13. Consolidating knowledge about letters.

Before us is Bukvograd. Who lives here? (letters) How do sounds differ from letters? (we hear and speak sounds, but we see and write letters)

The letters on the cards have scattered, and you collect them and read the word

(cards for each child: cake, ball, cancer, house, already). On back side Guess cards, test yourself.

14. Skill development syllabic analysis and synthesis.

We sailed with you to Slovograd. Who lives here? (words). What are words made of? (from syllables). Is it possible to measure a word? How? (claps - syllables). The more syllables a word has, the longer word.

15. D/I “The syllables are mixed up” (the syllables are written on cards). The task is to collect words

16. We are in the country of correct and beautiful speech. Where is the Fairy who gave the magic flower to the girl Masha from the fairy tale?

Look, there's a letter here.

« Dear Guys! I am glad to welcome you to my amazing, magical and very interesting country Beautiful and correct speech! Now I rush to the aid of children to teach them to speak correctly and beautifully. And for you I have prepared a gift - the magic flower Rechetsvetik, which helps to speak correctly, because the secrets of correct speech are drawn and written on its petals. You just need to collect it and remember my secret rules.”

15. Application. Each child has Rechetsvetika petals and a center. You need to glue the petals to the central circle.

    Always speak beautifully, boldly and slowly (center)

    Before you speak, think about what you want to say.

    Speak smoothly and clearly as you exhale. (I hand out airplanes to the children and read together: “We exhale smoothly, for a long time. We blow out the sound slowly.” Then the children blow on their airplanes.

    Hand - We play with fingers and we get massage.

    Ear - We always listen carefully

    Book - We read different books, we learn a lot in them.

Now each of you has a magic flower, Rechtsvetik, which helps to speak correctly, because the secrets of correct speech are drawn and written on its petals. Thanks to all the children.

Exercise “Warm palms”

The teacher extends his hand into the circle, palm up, and invites all children to place their palms on his palm. Then, with the other palm, the teacher covers the children’s palms from above and says that he feels the warmth of all palms, encourages the children to feel the warmth of their friends’ palms.