Summary of the GCD for teaching literacy “Sound, letter A. Summary of the lesson for teaching literacy “Sound and letter U”

Target: Sound [and], learn to isolate sound from a stream of vowel sounds. Reading and typing words with a given letter. Strengthen the ability to analyze a read syllable. Repeat the ability to conduct sound analysis of studied syllables and words. Repeat the concepts of “sound”, “letter”, “vowel, consonant”, “soft, hard sound”, “voiced, dull sound”. Printing these syllables, words.

  • Learn to isolate the stressed vowel sound from the beginning of a word.
  • Learn to correlate sound with symbol.
  • Consolidating knowledge about the sound [and] and the letter I.
  • Teach sound analysis and synthesis of combinations of vowel sounds, based on diagrams.
  • Develop phonemic processes, fine motor skills, and logical thinking.
  • Cultivate accuracy and determination.

Equipment: subject pictures, symbols, letters I, T, K, Y, N, L, Sh, R, X.

Progress of the lesson:

I. Organizing time:

Game “Recognize sound by articulation.”

U, I, O, U, A, I, U, O, U.

II. Introducing a new topic:

1. Articulation gymnastics.

1. Smile;

2. Tube;

3. Alternating a smile and a pipe.

2. Breathing exercises “Conductor”.

We raise our hands and take a deep breath.

We lower our hands - exhale.

Exhale slowly, smoothly.

3. The game “Clap - Knock” for the development of phonemic hearing.

When you hear the sound [a], clap your hands when you hear [and] knock on the desk.

U, A, I, A, U, O, I, O, U, I, A, U, O, O, I, U, Y, E.

4. Repetition of material.

1. Sound [and] what?

2. Why vowel?

3. What color do we use to indicate this sound?

4. Remember the words that begin with the sound [and].

5. What letter denotes the sound [and].

6. What do we say and hear? What do we see and write?

Say it. What position are your lips in? Where and how does the air stream come from?

The lips are open, the air stream goes through the mouth without meeting any obstacles. The sound is vowel. We denote it in red and the letter I.

If a consonant sound is followed by a vowel I, then the consonant sound will be soft. We told you that after Ш we never write the letter Y. We always write I after Ш, but it will be read as Y.

Read the syllables:




To the clearing, to the meadow,

A snowball is falling quietly.

The snowflakes have settled down,

White fluff.

But suddenly a breeze blew,

Our snowball started spinning.

Snowflakes are spinning

White fluff.

5. Game “Read the words”:



6. Game “Locate the sound.”

Toy, power, sofa, street, frost, bullfinches, lanterns, blue, spark, tit, doors, etc.

7. Reading syllables:






8. Working with sticks.

Make the letter I from sticks. What elements does this letter consist of?

9. Work in notebooks:

Write the syllables from dictation:


Read the written syllables.

10. Laying out syllables and words under dictation:



III. Bottom line.

What letter did you learn about in class today?

What sounds are represented by this letter?

What elements does this letter consist of?

Remember the words that begin with the sound [I].

Remember the words that end with the sound [I].


  1. Lopukhina I.S. Speech therapy, 550 entertaining exercises for speech development: a manual for teachers and parents. – M.: “Aquarium”, 1995.
  2. Lopukhina I.S. Speech therapy - speech, rhythm, movement: a manual for teachers and parents. – St. Petersburg: “Delta”, 1997.
  3. Entertaining alphabet learning: materials for classes with children of preschool and primary school age. Author – compiler G.P. Popova, V.I. Usacheva. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2005.
  4. Pozhilenko E.A. The magical world of sounds and words: a manual for teachers. – M.: Humanitarian Publishing Center VLADOS, 2003.
  5. Entertaining learning to read: comprehensive activities, game tasks, split alphabet for children 6 - 7 years old. Author – compiler T.E. Kovrigina, R.E. Sheremet. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.

Tikhonenkova Elena Pavlovna

Speech therapist teacher, MBDOU general developmental kindergarten No. 62 "Zhemchuzhinka, Mytishchi, Moscow

Tikhonenkova E.P. Summary of a lesson in preparation for learning to read and write: “Sounds M, M and the letter M”// Owl. 2016. N4(6)..02.2019).

Target: clarifying knowledge about the sounds [M], [M"]


  • Educational: Introduce the sound [M] and the graphic image of the letter, teach children to correctly give acoustic-articulatory characteristics, and develop sound analysis skills.
  • Developmental: develop skills in word formation of adjectives from nouns, develop fine and gross motor skills, speech breathing and voice strength, phonemic hearing, attention, thinking, spatial perception;
  • Educational: Cultivate respect for your friend’s answers.


Demo material: a beautiful envelope with the indicated group address, pieces of light paper, “stones” - letters, a “river” carpet, a large labyrinth with “minks”, a toy mouse, a drawing of a house, a sample letter, sample tasks from the worksheet, three boxes of different types quantities.

Handout: cut-out pictures for a subgroup of children, worksheet with tasks, pencils, trays with letter elements, word strips, circles (green, red, blue).

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment

Children are greeted at the entrance to the group. "Good morning, guys! Many of you came to kindergarten very early, but did you remember to wash your face and brush your teeth? Let's remember how we do it"

- Self-massage and articulation gymnastics

Water, water, wash my face ( We move the palms of our hands along the forehead from the center to the temples)

To make your eyes sparkle ( from the corners of the eyes along the cheekbones to the temples)

To make your cheeks blush (Rub your cheeks with your palms in a circular motion)

To make your mouth laugh (index fingers from the center above the upper lip, and then under the lower lip, lead to the edges of the lips)

The tooth was clean and white (smile, show teeth and hold for a long time)

Speech therapist: Today a message from the land of sounds and letters arrived for you in kindergarten! (Shows the envelope) “Dear guys! We invite you to visit our country, get acquainted with a new sound and learn to write the letter representing this sound.”

- work on the strength of speech breathing

When the children give their consent and set off, the road is blocked by a “fast river”. But there is no crossing.

The speech therapist asks the children what time of year it is outside and asks them to justify their answer. (Children name the signs of winter.)

Speech therapist: And our snowflakes covered everything on the tray. Let's all take a deep breath together through our noses and blow hard on the snowflakes, pursing our lips into a tube.

Children blow off the leaves and see “stones” with the letters A, O, U, E, I.

Speech therapist: We use these stones to cross the river.

Stones are placed across the river, and each child, following the example of the teacher, jumps from stone to stone, calling the letter loudly and clearly with a firm attack.

Having crossed to the other side, the children see a house. “Who lives in the house?” Children guess the riddle:

In the underground, in the closet

She lives in a hole

Gray baby

Who is this?... (Mouse)

3. Subject message.

- Work on word formation of an adjective from a noun

The speech therapist takes out the owner mouse. “There are different types of mice. What do you call a mouse that lives in a person's house? (house mouse). Mouse on the computer? (computer). What about the mouse that lives in the field?” (field mouse) Mila the field mouse has prepared tasks for you today.

- Work on orientation on a sheet of paper and the development of auditory attention.

A tablet appears in front of the children - a labyrinth.

Speech therapist: The field mouse has many storerooms and they are all connected by underground passages. At my prompting, let's go to the first storeroom and find out what sound they want to introduce us to.

The speech therapist tells the route, and the child moves the mouse along it: “We go from the arrow up, turn right, down, past the flower.” The mink is removed from the tablet, turned over and you see “?” (question). The teacher shows a card with objects: flowers, table, chair, bed. Asks to list the items: “What is extra on the card? (Machine. Why? (children’s answers) This extra picture will help us in revealing the topic of the lesson. Let’s say the word “machine” again and call the first sound “(mmmashina).

Children highlight the sound [M].

Here’s another task: who’s the odd one out on this card?

Let’s say the word “bear” again and name the first sound” (mmbear).

Children highlight the sound [Мь].

Name the first sounds of these words again.

Mmmachine. [M]

Mmmbear. [My]

Speech therapist: Yes, and it is these sounds that we will talk about today.

4. Characteristics of sounds according to articulatory and acoustic characteristics.

Speech therapist: Look in the mirror and first say the sound [M]. And now the sound [Мь]. (in chorus, then individually)

Questions according to the scheme:

Are your lips open or closed? (They first close and then open.)

Where is the tongue? (it lies at the bottom of the mouth)

Is there anything blocking the flow of air from your mouth? (yes, lips)

Conclusion: What do we call sounds, during the pronunciation of which an air stream encounters an obstacle? (consonants) So, what are the sounds [M] and [Мь]? (consonants).

Speech therapist: And we know that consonant sounds can be voiced or unvoiced. Let's determine which of our sounds are voiced or unvoiced. To do this, put your palm to your throat and pronounce the sounds [M] and [M]. ... Do you feel the voice ringing? So what are the sounds [M] and [M]? (voiced).

Speech therapist: Yes, and consonant sounds can be soft and hard. What color do we denote solid sounds with? (blue). What about soft ones? (green).

5. Development of phonemic awareness.

The speech therapist offers another child with a mouse to go to the second hole. (We go up, turn left, up, past the bell, past the boletus mushroom) On the other side of the mink there is an ear drawn.

Speech therapist: Let's play the game “Catch the Sound.” I will name different sounds. If you hear [M], clap your hands, and if [Мь], stamp your foot... (With a small screen, the speech therapist covers his mouth from the children’s eyes and pronounces sounds) O-v-m-u-m-y-m-m -sh-n-n-m-m-m-m. (Then the syllables) Ma-so-we-mi-you-om-im-no-but-not. Then the words: spoon, fish, honey, cats, smoke, tomato, raspberry, skis, pen, peace, bull, smoke...

And now for a physical minute.


6. Pronunciation of sounds in words. Determining the position of a sound in a word

Children work on tables with cut-out pictures for each child: on the 1st row there are 5 cut-out pictures: raspberries, carrots, honey, lemon, ice cream, tomatoes.

On the 2nd row there are cut-out pictures: airplane, car, tram, dump truck, motorcycle, metro.

Speech therapist: Name the collected pictures in one word. (products (food), transport)

Each child once again names the collected picture, highlighting the sound [m] or [m] in his voice, and explains where he heard the given sound. (At the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the word). And places the circle in the right place.

7. Designation of sounds [M] and [Мь] by the letter “EM”.

One of the children approaches the maze again and follows the instructions to the hole. On the back of the mink there is a pencil drawing. “Guys, what do you think we will do now?” (learn to write the letter M).

Guys, we were talking about the sounds M and M. We heard them, pronounced them, and what to do to see them. What do we need for this? (Letter).

Speech therapist: Yes, we need a letter that represents these sounds. Here she is.

Children sit at tables to do written work. The teacher shows the letter M on the card. How many elements are in the letter? Which? (four vertical sticks),

Speech therapist: Assemble the letter M using a sample of 4 elements that are on everyone’s table.

- Development of visual perception.

Speech therapist: The pencil decided to test you and almost completely covered the letter from our eyes, hid it behind the drawing (shows the card and directs the children’s attention to their worksheet) (Appendix)

Find the letter behind the lines and color it in with half blue and half green pencil. To make the letter beautiful, you need to stretch your fingers.

- Finger gymnastics.

In our little house

There are gray mice

So they snoop around

Everything in the kitchen is upside down

Circular movements with fingers

They're stomping under the table

Enjoying milk

They want to sit on the bench

And they scare the guys there


Then mice will climb into the closet

Then there are naughty girls on the chair

I really want to catch it

And they scurry under the bed

They quickly hide the mice

Then the children color the letter.

Speech therapist: Now let’s write the letter in the air: (Speech therapist explains and shows)

Stick and stick,

There is a tick between them.

And it’s clear to everyone at once:

The result is the letter M.

Several times the children, together with the speech therapist, “write” a letter in the air. Then the speech therapist puts a sample of the following task on the board. The children have the task printed on their worksheet. The children learn to write a letter with a simple pencil along the dotted lines. Children trace the letter on pieces of paper, then write the letter themselves according to the model.

8. Development of phonemic representations and work on sound analysis and the scheme of the word “house”.

Our invitation envelope contains sounds: we cannot see them, but we can hear them. If you name the sounds quickly in the order you caught them, you will recognize the word from the envelope.

The speech therapist takes out and “throws” the sounds [d] (Masha, what sound did you catch?), [o] (Ivan, what sound did you catch?), [m]. What word was in the envelope? (house). Well done, you did a good job.

Children have envelopes with circles on their tables for sound analysis. They need to make the correct diagram from the circles.

Now come up with beautiful sentences with this word.

9. Organization of the end of the lesson.

Our lesson has come to an end.

What sounds did you become familiar with?

Which task did you like the most?

Speech therapist: I liked traveling with you, so I have prepared a surprise for you as a souvenir. It is not in the first and not in the high box.

Children guess. This is a picture of the last task from the worksheet. Children are invited to complete the task - guide the mouse through the maze to the cheese - on their own or with their parents at home.

Abdulova Dzhume Sirazhutdinovna

Target: introduce children to the sound [u] and the letter U. Mushrooms (edible, inedible)

Material: demonstration material, pictures with sound AND, workbooks Elena Astafieva: “We play, read, write” 1 part, tumblers, pens, colored pencils,

Progress of the lesson:

1. Introductory part.

Organizing time.

Guys, in the last lesson, what sound did we study? (sound [a]) So, let's play - the one who can name any word with the sound [a] will sit down.

2. Main part.

Guys, today a doll came to visit us. Her name is Ulya. What sound does her name start with? (sound [u]) Ulya has prepared a task for you. Listen carefully.

Introducing the sound [u]:

Guys, look we have pictures: duck, ear, fishing rod. What is the same first sound you heard in all these words? (sound [y])

Sound characteristics [y]:

Guys, let's help Ole pronounce the sound [u].

When we pronounce the sound [U], then:

the lips are stretched forward like a tube - “We’ll stretch our lips like a tube and won’t get tired at all.”

teeth do not close together;

the sound can be sung, pulled - ooooh

air comes out of the mouth freely.

What sound is this? (vowel) Why did they decide this? (vowel sounds - sing, dance, do not meet obstacles)

Phonetic exercises:

a) say after the adult on a smooth, long exhalation:

The wolf howls: oooooooooooo.

The train is moving: oooooooooo.

b) say after an adult with a gradual strengthening and weakening of the voice:

the train is approaching: oooooooooooooooooooooooooo

The train moves away: UUUUUUUU.

c) pronounce the sound [y] yourself abruptly as many times as Roma claps (children’s answers) I suggest you learn to print the letter U

1. Game exercise “Your place”

Goal: learn to find the place of sound in a word; draw pictures with sound, determine its place in a word, write the letter.

2. Game exercise “The letter is lost”

Goals: consolidate knowledge about the letter. Training a child's visual memory

3. Exercise “Graphic dictation”

Goal: develop visual memory

Progress of the game: continue according to the example

4. Exercise “Complete the picture”

Goal: learn to find the image of the letter and trace the dots of the picture.

5. Game “Collect mushrooms in a basket”

Goals. We reinforce the names of the mushrooms: boletus (red mushroom, russula, boletus (white mushroom, fly agaric). We teach to recognize these mushrooms in a contour image, we reinforce the concepts: edible and inedible mushrooms. We train the child in identifying the sound U and its place in a word.

Progress of the game. The child names the mushrooms drawn in the picture; finds and names an extra mushroom; explains why it is superfluous (fly agaric is an inedible mushroom). Using arrows from the mushrooms to the basket, the child indicates which mushrooms can be collected; colors mushrooms and basket. You can invite your child to draw in the basket and name other edible mushrooms.

The child points and names a mushroom whose name contains the sound [y]; determines the place of this sound in the word (fly agaric - [u] in the middle of the word). We invite the child to remember which other mushrooms have [y] in their names; determine the place of this sound in each name (gorushka, milk mushroom, volushka); say what kind of mushrooms they are (edible).

6. Game exercise “Who is screaming?”

Goals. We teach the child sound analysis and synthesis of the words Au and Ua. We learn to write (“print”) these words and create their sound pattern.

Progress of the game. The child looks at the pictures and determines what each of the children drawn is screaming.

We perform a sound analysis of the word Au.

We lay out a word from the cut alphabet (if the lesson is held in a group, we lay it out, then write it on the board). Below the word we lay out its sound diagram (next to it are two red squares indicating vowel sounds). Tasks with the word Ua are performed in the same way.

The child traces the dotted letters under the pictures; pronounces the words that should be written under each picture (Ay, Ua); completes them independently; draws their sound patterns under the words; colors pictures.

7. Game “Circle the correct letter”

Goals. We fix the image of the letter Uy. We teach the child to recognize a familiar letter written in dots. We learn to comment on the process of writing a letter.

Progress of the game. The child selects and circles a correctly written letter, names it and independently writes in the empty cells, while commenting on the writing process.

Publications on the topic:

Objectives of the lesson: correctional and educational: - to give children an understanding of the mechanism of sound formation (C, based on various types of control;.

Summary of a literacy lesson “Consonant and hard sound [C]. Letter "C" Summary of a literacy lesson “Consonant, hard sound [C]. Letter (C)" Purpose: To introduce the sound [C] with the letter (C). Tasks: Secure.

Summary of a literacy lesson “Consonant sound [P]-[P’]. Letter P" Summary of a literacy lesson “Consonant sound P (P’). Letter R" Purpose: To introduce the sound (Ri R`) and the letter (R, r). Tasks: Secure.

Summary of the literacy lesson “Visiting a fairy tale.” Sound [C] and letter C" Age group: preparatory Form of educational activities: lesson Form of organization: subgroup Program objectives: 1. Correctional and educational:.

Summary of a literacy lesson in the preparatory group “Sound and letter [ts]” Summary of a lesson in preparatory literacy training “Sound and letter C” Sound and letter C. Prepared by speech therapist teacher: Veselova T.V. Objectives:.

Program content:



Notes on teaching literacy: “Sound A, letter A.”

(preparatory group)

Program content:clarification of sound articulation; strengthening the skills of clear pronunciation of the sound [a]; familiarization with the letter “A”; development of speech breathing, attention, phonemic hearing and phonemic perception; arouse your child's interest in learning sounds and letters.

GCD move:

  1. Organizing time

V.: Children, today we will meet Slysh and Bukovka.

2. Main part

Getting to know the sound of A.

V.: Children, today we will get acquainted with the sound A and the letter A.

First of all, listen to me carefully. I’ll name the words now, and you’ll have to guess which one. the same sound is heard at the beginning of all these words.

Words: August, stork, address, asters, album.

Q: What sound did you hear at the beginning of the words? That's right, that's the sound A!

Zlata, show how a girl rocks a doll: A – A – A

So, when the doctor looks at our neck, what sound does he ask us to make? Dima: A – A – A.

Clarification of articulation.

V.: Now let’s take the mirrors in our hands. Look how I pronounce the sound A.

Sponges in a calm state;

The mouth is open wide;

The tongue lies quietly in the mouth;

The neck "works".

Q: Say the sound A. Does everyone’s neck work? Place your hand on the neck, make sure it works!

V.: Yes, well done! Place mirrors on the edge of the table.

V.: The sound A is a vowel, it can be sung because the air passes freely and does not meet an obstacle.

Exercises in pronouncing the sound A.

Game "Long - short"

V.: I have two strips: one long, the other short. If I show the length of the strip, then you need to sing the sound A for a long time, and if I show you a short one, you need to sing it briefly.

Game "Echo"

Q: Guys, have you ever heard about echo? Most often it lives in the forest and in the mountains, but no one has ever seen it, you can only hear it. The echo always repeats exactly what it hears. Let's play a game with you. Where each of you in turn will be an echo. I will speak loudly, and the echo will repeat quietly. Is everyone clear? Let's begin!

Stork, Anya, Alik, Orange, Watermelon...

Development of phonemic hearing

Game "Catch the Sound"

V.: So, children, you will need to catch the sound A. When you hear it, clap your hands.

Among sounds, among syllables, among words

Physical education minute

Grisha walked - walked - walked, (We walk in place.)
I found a white mushroom. (Clap your hands.)
One-shroom, (Bends forward.)
Two - fungus, (Bends forward.)
Three - mushroom, (Bends forward.)
I put them in the box. (We walk in place.)

Working with demonstrated material

The teacher displays pictures of a boy and a girl. The boy's name is Kolya, the girl's name is Varya.

V.: Guys, give pictures in which the sound A is at the beginning of the word, we will give it to the boy Kolya, and in which the sound A is in the middle of the word, we will give it to the girl Varya.

Introducing the letter A.

V.: Guys, look what I have drawn. This is the letter A. Guys, remember, the sound A in writing is indicated by the letter A.

The letter A is tall and slender.

It looks very much like an arch.

What else does the letter A look like? (On a rocket, on the roof of a house...)

V.: Let's try to make the letter A from our fingers.

Letter A from fingers: the index and middle fingers of the right hand are lowered down, the rest are clenched into a fist, and the index finger of the left hand forms a “belt”.

V.: So, now let's write the letter A with your finger in the air, on the table.

Summing up the GCD.

Q: What sound was there in class today? What letter? What were the names of the boy and girl? Finish the word to the end: os...a, kos...a, fox...a, moon...a, spoon...a.

Literacy lesson notes.

Subject. Sound [a] and letter A.

Correctional educational goals . Consolidation of the concept of “vowel sound”. Forming the idea that vowel sounds are indicated by red color (chip). Introducing the letter A.

Corrective and developmental goals . Development of phonemic awareness, the skill of linguistic analysis of words with a new sound. Development of visual and auditory attention. Development of general, fine and articulatory motor skills.

Correctional and educational goals . Cultivating children's attention and interest in the activity by including playful and entertaining moments in it. Development of self-control over children's speech.

Equipment. Toy Mrs. ABC.Manual "City of Vowels and Consonants". Schemes for the number of children for sound analysis, red chips. Object pictures starting with the sound [a]. Object pictures, in the name of which the sound [a] is in different phonetic positions. A picture for pronouncing a simple phrase. Letter A. A picture depicting objects similar to the letter A. “My ABC book”, “Literacy game” and notebook No. 1 on teaching literacy by N.V. Nishcheva. Manual "Alphabet of body movements." Sticks for laying out letters.

Preliminary work . Children repeat the concepts of “speech sound” and “vowel sound”. They learn to distinguish speech sounds from other sounds made by animals and objects; pronounce sounds in different vocal registers (whispering and loud), long and abruptly. Exercises: “Listen to the silence”, “Rock the doll”, “Train”, “Ladder”, “Echo”. Repeat the rules about sounds and letters.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizing time . Self-monitoring of speech. Game moment.

The speech therapist invites children to the group, organizes a greeting, invites them to stand near the chairs .

Speech therapist.Guys, let's repeat what we learned in the last lesson.

Children. We talked about sounds and letters.

Speech therapist. How are sounds and letters different?

Children. We hear and speak sounds, but we see and write letters.

Speech therapist. What are the names of the sounds that we can sing?

Children. Vowel sounds.

Speech therapist.Guys, how will we try to speak in class?

Children. He will speak clearly, clearly, so that everyone can understand!

Speech therapist. Today we have a guest. Lady ABC herself came to us - the queen of all sounds and letters. She brought us many interesting tasks and introduced us to new sounds and letters.

2. Announcement of the topic.

Speech therapist. Look at the board (pictures are attached to the board, the names of which have the sound [a] at the beginning of the word: stork, aster, album, pineapple, orange). What sound do you think Mrs. ABC wants to introduce us to?

Children name the pictures. They determine that they all begin with the same sound - the sound [a].

Speech therapist. The sound [a] came to visit us. Let's try to tell you what we know about him?

3.Sound characteristics (characteristic of sound [a], its designation with a red chip).

Speech therapist. Let's sing the sound [a].

Children perform the “Ladder” exercise.

Speech therapist. How does a mother rock her baby?

Children. Ah-ah-ah.

Speech therapist. What are the names of the sounds that we can sing?

Children. Vowels.

Speech therapist. Well done! The sound [a] is a vowel sound. We will denote it in red (showing a graphical representation of the sound).

4. Development of articulatory motor skills, auditory attention, phonemic hearing. P speaking pure words, highlighting words with a new sound, selecting words for a new sound.

Speech therapist. Guys, look at the picture. Listen to the plain language and repeat after me.

Alik was friends with Allochka,

I gave Alla asters.

Children pronounce the phrase slowly at first, then speeding up the pace.

Speech therapist. Tell me, what words begin with the sound [a]?

Children. Alik, Allochka, asters.

Speech therapist. Well done. Now name the words that begin with the sound [a].

Children name the words one by one.

Speech therapist. Well done!

5. Development of phonemic processes, general and fine motor skills. Game "Catch the Sound". Working with red diagrams and chips.

Speech therapist. Let's play with the new sound. I will say different sounds and words, and you will clap when you hear the vowel sound [a].

Children play the game "Catch the Sound".

Speech therapist. Well done, we learned to hear the sound [a].How to show it in words? Mrs. ABC brought us special houses for words. This is called a word scheme. Every word has a beginning, middle and end, as in this diagram. An asterisk will indicate the beginning of a word.

Now sit down at the tables. Look, each of you has a diagram and a red chip. Why do you think?

Children. We will denote the vowel sound [a] in red.

Speech therapist. Look what pictures ABC has prepared for you. In them, the sound [a] is at the beginning, middle or end of the word. You and I will name pictures and find where in the word the sound [a] is found - at the beginning, middle or end of the word. Words: stork, spinning top, cancer.

Children perform sound analysis of words. They say where the sound is in each word.

Speech therapist. Well done boys!

6. Introducing the letter . Analysis of the elements of a letter, “drawing” a letter in the air, on the body (the “dermolexia” technique), depicting the letter A in a body diagram (“Alphabet of Body Movements”), laying out a letter from sticks, working in a notebook. Development of general and fine motor skills.

Speech therapist. Guys, we have already told you that each sound has its own portrait - a letter. The sound [a] also has its own portrait - the letter A (showing a small and a capital letter). The letter A will “live” in a red house in the city of vowels and consonants. Why do you think?

Children. Because the letter A hides the sound [a], and it is a vowel. We denote vowel sounds in red.

Speech therapist.

A is the beginning of the alphabet – that’s why it’s famous.

And it’s easy to recognize her – she puts her feet wide.

Guys, look at what elements the letter A consists of.

Children. Three elements.

The speech therapist shows a picture with funny images of the letter A, a picture that shows objects similar to this letter.

Let's “take” our pencil fingers and write the letter A in the air.

Two pillars diagonally - a belt between them.

This is what it is, this letter A.

Children “write” the letter A in the air.

Speech therapist. Well done, now let's write the letter A on each other's backs. Get up like a train.

Children "write" the letter on each other's backs.

Speech therapist. Well done! You can also show the letter A using your arms and legs (“Alphabet of Body Movements”).

Children show the letter A.

Speech therapist. Guys, let's make the letter A out of sticks.

The children are posting.

Speech therapist. Well done! Guys, ABC is so pleased with you - she has prepared gifts for you - notebooks in which you will write all new letters. If we don’t have time to complete all the tasks in kindergarten, you will finish them at home. Let's circle the letter A by dots.

Children work in a notebook.

7. Summing up. Grade .

Speech therapist. Guys, we learned so many interesting things today. Let's remember.

Children repeat what they talked about in class. The speech therapist and Mrs. ABC evaluate the children’s work.