Kharmsa's are funny. All poems by Daniil Kharms


Malanya's children

Little people

The game is played with a subgroup of children. Its content is based on a poem by D. Kharms. The teacher asks the children to think in advance which uncle and which aunt they will portray, then invites them, while listening to the text, to act out small sketches reflecting certain moods.

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta

The gates opened

And from there, from the gate,

A small crowd came out.

One uncle - like this!

Another uncle - like this!

The third uncle is like this!

And the fourth one is like this!

One aunt - like this!

And the second one is like this!

The third aunt is like that!

And the fourth one is like this...

D. Kharms

The game is played in the same way as the previous one. Children use imitative movements to convey the content of the folk nursery rhyme read by the teacher:

At Malanya's, at the old lady's,

Lived in a small hut

Seven daughters

Seven sons

All without eyebrows.

With eyes like these

With ears like these

With such noses

With such a mustache

With such a head

With such a beard...

Didn't eat anything

We sat all day

They looked at her

They did it like this...

The game is played with a subgroup of children. The teacher invites the children to “turn into balloons.” To do this, approaching each child, he imitates the process of pumping up balls, then “twists” various animals from each “ball” (for example, Sasha becomes a horse, Vika becomes a hare, Olya becomes a monkey, etc.). The teacher invites the children to depict “balloons” flying across the sky and reads poetry:


They fly across the sky.


They look like animals.

Multi-colored balls

Very bright, look!

Children strive to convey the features of the shape of their ball with their movements. When repeating the game, the teacher changes the shape of the “balls”.

The game is played individually or with a subgroup of children. The teacher asks the children to pronounce sentences with different intonations, expressing joy, surprise, fear, anger, sadness, resentment, pleasure, etc. For example: “Katya was given a puppy,” “Children are playing with a ball,” “Mom saw her son’s drawing,” “We are going to the park,” etc.

The teacher divides the children into two teams: one is “spectators”, the other is “animals” from different countries. The teacher, in the role of the host of a television program, invites the “spectators” to watch the “animals”.

Teacher. Dear TV viewers! We are starting the program “In the Animal World”. Let's see who lives in hot countries.

Here is an Indian elephant. This is a large animal that feeds on leaves. In hot weather it likes to pour water on itself from its trunk. This gives him a lot of pleasure. He carefully guards his children, and when they are in danger, he becomes furious and angry.

A child from the “animals” team portrays an elephant: how it feeds, how it is doused with water, how it rests in hot weather, how it takes care of its calves.

But the monkey is a fast, agile animal. Look how she boldly jumps from one tree to another! Her long tail helps her a lot in this. Pay attention to the monkey's cheerful, mischievous disposition. She can make everyone laugh, look how! The monkey is upset by the appearance of predators: a tiger, a panther, etc. It begins to worry and tries to quickly hide.

Another child depicts the habits of a monkey, its methods of movement, etc.

In this way, a wide variety of animals are represented.

Daniil Kharms

Russian literature does not deserve Kharms...
in the Heavenly Office they planned...
another gift to some Englishmen
Max Fry

The eccentricities of this man began to appear at school, when instead of the surname Yuvachev, he took for himself a strange pseudonym - Kharms, which the poet constantly varied. His amazing, bright image was complemented by his extraordinary appearance: a top hat, a monocle, and an unusual red jacket were his constant attributes. This image once again emphasized Kharms’s strong desire for experimentation. The poet considered himself to be a member of the Oberiuts (Union of Real Art), whose goal is to “cleanse an object from the husks of literary concepts” and look at it “with bare eyes.” The poet created a lot of non-children's poetry. Turning to his biography, we involuntarily ask ourselves the question: why did a schizophrenic, a man who had no children and never had love for them, begin to write poetry for children? Perhaps it was a harsh necessity dictated by the inability to publish openly, that is, the desire to hide one’s poetry under the guise of “children’s”. Is it possible to offer his poetry to children? The choice remains with parents and teachers. Turn to Kharms’ work yourself, try to understand him, read and think about his poems. You will definitely find several masterpieces that are rightfully included in the treasury of world children's literature, and you may not want to return to some of the poet's works.

His children's poetry is full of surprises and mysterious accidents. Surely you yourself remember “Ivan Ivanovich Samovar”, “Plikh and Plyukh”. What distinguishes Kharms' poetry? Firstly, dynamism and movement. Kharms himself, of all human activities, loved walking and running. The life of the heroes of his poems is unthinkable without movement: the cat is unhappy because it “sits and cannot take a single step.” Movement in his poetry is opposed to “thinking,” which ultimately turns out to be meaningless. Another interesting thought: all life, reality, is an optical illusion, and even glasses and telescopes cannot lift the veil of secrecy. Numbers and their Pythagorean essence occupy a special place in the work of Daniil Kharms. Many of his works resemble arithmetic problems or mathematics textbooks (“Million”, “Jolly Siskins”, etc.). Kharms is fascinated by addition: “one hundred cows, two hundred beavers, four hundred and twenty learned mosquitoes,” the numbers are constructed and intricately transformed: forty-four swifts are “united” into apartment 44, etc. In his books you will find many substances: kerosene, tobacco, boiling water, ink.

But the most important thing in Kharms’s poetry in general, and in his work for children, is the absurdity, the break with reality, which is directly related to “minimalism of action.” His amazing hero in the poem “What was that?” surprisingly similar to himself: “In galoshes, a hat and glasses...”. How does Kharms see salvation in someone else’s cruel world? In charm, in what a person is crowned with, like a hat. Kharms himself was well aware of the close connection that exists between charm and harm, which he emphasized in his pseudonym. Today, the theme of useful and charming harm is continued in the children's poetry of Grigory Oster. The roots of “Bad Advice”, without a doubt, are in Kharms’s poems.

By the way, pay attention to the geographical space of his works:

I walked along the swamp in winter...
Suddenly someone rushed along the river...

What is the most important item in the whimsical world of Kharms? Of course, this is a balloon, after which people wave household items: sticks, rolls, chairs. They are the faithful helpers of a cat in trouble (see the recipe in the poem “The Amazing Cat”). Every person must certainly have some kind of kinship with a ball full of air, celebration, life.

On Tuesdays above the pavement
the balloon was flying empty.
He floated quietly in the air,
someone was smoking a pipe in it,
looked at the squares, gardens...

Kharms’s poems are full of humor and irony, for example, “How Volodya quickly flew downhill,” in which we see an endless play of form, which is probably most interesting for children who themselves love to engage in word creation, verbal and sound games, and come up with onomatopoeic words. What will even the most inexperienced reader find in his poetry? Simplicity of external form, instantly emerging meanings, dominance of chance. These properties of poetry attracted S.Ya. Marshak, who saw in the child-hater Kharms a potential children's favorite.

As was already mentioned at the beginning, not everyone agrees with S. Marshak. On forums and blogs, concerned parents are afraid to read Kharms to their children; some may even find his poems bloody. Like, for example, his famous “About How Dad Shot My Ferret,” at the end of which the following quatrain sounds:

I was glad, I clapped my hands,
I stuffed myself from a ferret,
Stuffed a stuffed animal with shavings,
And again he clapped his hands.

Schizophrenia and rejection of children also gave rise to “black” stories in his work with an innocent, childish beginning. It is unlikely that you will want to read to your child the story “The Cashier” with the innocent beginning “Masha found a mushroom...”, in which the green corpse of the cashier sits behind the counter. Or the story “Father and Daughter” with a less touching beginning “Natasha had two candies...” ends with an account of the sudden deaths, resurrections and funerals of father and daughter.

Whether or not to introduce your child to the poetry of Daniil Kharms is the choice of every parent. This may need to be done selectively and take into account the age of the child. Then your little one will definitely appreciate “The Amazing Cat,” or “The Liar,” or “The Cheerful Old Man,” after all, the poet himself is a child at heart, playing with words, images, rhymes, and rhythm. His poetry mixes form and content, words and sounds, resulting in a bizarre meaning based on intricate nonsense.

A very scary story

Finishing a bun with butter,
The brothers walked along the alley.
Suddenly at them from a back street
The big dog barked loudly.

The younger one said: “Here’s a misfortune,
He wants to attack us.
So that we don't get into trouble,
We'll throw a bun into the dog's mouth."

Everything ended well.
It immediately became clear to the brothers
What for every walk
You need to take... a bun with you.

Cheerful old man

There lived an old man
Small in stature,
And the old man laughed
Extremely simple:
"Ha ha ha
Yes hehehe
Hee hee hee
Yes, bang-bang!
Yes be-be-be,
Yes, trick, trick! "

Once, seeing a spider,
I was terribly scared.
But, clutching my sides,
Laughed loudly:
"Hee hee hee
Yes ha ha ha
Yes gul-gul!
Yes ha-ha-ha,
Go Go go
Yes, blah blah!"

And seeing a dragonfly,
I got terribly angry
But from laughter to the grass
And so he fell:
Yes gu-gu-gu,
Go Go go
Yes bang bang!
Oh, guys, I can’t!
Oh guys

How Volodya quickly flew downhill

Volodya on a sled
He flew quickly downhill.

To the hunter Volodya
It came at full speed.

Here's a hunter
And Volodya
They sit on a sled,
They fly quickly downhill.
They flew quickly downhill -
They ran into the dog.

Here's the dog
And the hunter
And Volodya
They sit on a sled,
They fly quickly downhill.
They flew quickly downhill -
They ran into a fox.

Here's a fox
And the dog
And the hunter
And Volodya
They sit on a sled,
They fly quickly downhill.
They flew quickly downhill -
And they ran into a hare.

Here comes the hare
And the fox,
And the dog
And the hunter
And Volodya
They sit on a sled,
They fly quickly downhill.
They flew quickly downhill -
We ran into a bear!

And Volodya from then on
Doesn't slide down the mountain.


A boat is sailing along the river.
He swims from afar.
There are four on the boat
A very brave sailor.

They have ears on top of their heads,
They have long tails
And only cats are scary to them,
Only cats and cats!


Once upon a time along the path
I was walking to my home.
I look and see: cats
They sit with their backs to me.

I shouted: - Hey, you cats!
Come with me
Let's go along the path
Let's go home.

Let's go quickly, cats,
I'll bring you lunch
From onions and potatoes
I'll make a vinaigrette.

Oh, no! - said the cats. -
We'll stay here!
Sit down on the path
And they don't go any further.

Very very tasty pie

I wanted to throw a ball
And I'm visiting myself...

I bought flour, I bought cottage cheese,
Baked crumbly...

Pie, knives and forks are here -
But there are some guests...

I waited until I had enough strength
Then a piece...

Then he pulled up a chair and sat down
And the whole pie in a minute...

When the guests arrived,
Even crumbs...

A man left the house

A man left the house
With a baton and a bag
And on a long journey,
And on a long journey
I set off on foot.

He walked straight and forward
And he kept looking forward.
Didn't sleep, didn't drink,
Didn't drink, didn't sleep,
Didn't sleep, didn't drink, didn't eat.

And then one day at dawn
He entered the dark forest.
And from then on,
And from then on,
And from then on he disappeared.

But if somehow he
I'll happen to meet you
Then hurry up
Then hurry up
Tell us quickly.

Amazing cat

The unfortunate cat cut her paw -
He sits and cannot take a single step.

Hurry up to heal the cat's paw
You need to buy balloons!

And immediately people crowded on the road -
He makes noise and screams and looks at the cat.

And the cat is partly walking along the road,
Partly flies smoothly through the air!


You know?
You know?
You know?
You know?
Well, of course you do!
It's clear that you know!
Surely you do!

No! No! No! No!
We don't know anything
Haven't heard anything
Haven't heard, haven't seen
And we don't know

Do you know what U?
Do you know what PA is?
Do you know what PY?
What's my dad's
Were there forty sons?
There were forty hefty ones -
And not twenty
And not thirty, -
Exactly forty sons!

Well! Well! Well! Well!
You're lying! You're lying! You're lying! You're lying!
Twenty more
Thirty more
Well, back and forth,
And forty
Exactly forty,-
This is just nonsense!

Do you know what CO is?
Do you know what BA is?
Do you know what CI is?
That dogs are empty-headed
Have you learned to fly?
Like birds have learned, -
Not like animals
Not like fish -
Like hawks flying!

Well! Well! Well! Well!
You're lying! You're lying! You're lying! You're lying!
Well, like animals,
Well, like fish
Well, back and forth,
And like hawks,
Like birds -
This is just nonsense!

Do you know what is ON?
Do you know what NOT?
Do you know what BE is?
What's in the sky
Instead of the sun
Will there be a wheel soon?
Soon there will be gold -
Not a plate
Not a cake, -
And the big wheel!

Well! Well! Well! Well!
You're lying! You're lying! You're lying! You're lying!
Well, a plate,
Well, flatbread,
Well, back and forth,
And if the wheel -
This is just nonsense!

Do you know what is UNDER?
Do you know what MO?
Do you know what REM is?
What's under the sea-ocean
Is there a sentry with a gun?

Well! Well! Well! Well!
You're lying! You're lying! You're lying! You're lying!
Well, with a baton,
Well, with a broom,
Well, back and forth,
And with a loaded gun -
This is just nonsense!

Do you know what's BEFORE?
Do you know what BUT?
Do you know what SA is?
As for the nose
Neither with your hands,
Not with your feet
Can't get it
As for the nose
Neither with your hands,
Not with your feet
Can't get there
Don't jump
As for the nose
Can't get it!

Well! Well! Well! Well!
You're lying! You're lying! You're lying! You're lying!
Well, get there
Well, jump
Well, back and forth,
And to get it with your hands -

Ivan Toporyshkin

The poodle went with him, jumping over the fence.
Ivan, like a log, fell into a swamp,
And the poodle drowned in the river like an axe.

Ivan Toporyshkin went hunting,
With him the poodle started skipping like an axe.
Ivan fell like a log into the swamp,
And the poodle in the river jumped over the fence.

Ivan Toporyshkin went hunting,
With him, the poodle fell into the fence in the river.
Ivan, like a log, jumped over the swamp,
And the poodle jumped onto the axe.

Class: 2 b

Educational system "School of Russia"

Subject: “Independent reading. D. Kharms “The Cheerful Old Man”, “Neverbelievable””.

Type: lesson of generalization and systematization.

Target: developing students' reading independence and reading skills; improving diction and analysis skills of a work of art; development of children's creative abilities; instilling an interest in literary creativity and reading children's literature.


Educational: introduce the works of the author D. Kharms “The Jolly Old Man”, “The Never-Never”; learn to predict the content of a work; improve skills consolidate the skill

Educational: develop students’ oral speech, imagination, develop thinking: the ability to predict, analyze, generalize, compare, draw conclusions.

Educational: to cultivate interest in children's literature, organization, perseverance, curiosity, hard work, sensitivity towards comrades and their opinions.

Planned results:


speech development;

improving diction;

exercise self-control;

give self-assessment of the results of the success of your activities;

the opportunity to develop creative abilities in the classroom;

development of physical health.


Cognitive UUD:

master the ability to understand the educational task of the lesson;

answer questions asked;

generalize your own ideas;

Regulatory UUD:

independently plan and control educational activities in accordance with the set goal;

accept the learning task and follow the teacher’s instructions;

listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue;

Communication UUD:

engage in verbal communication;

control your actions when working in a group;

be able to negotiate and come to a common joint decision.


predict the content of the work;

plan work in the lesson;

come up with your own questions based on the content;

select a title in accordance with the content and main idea;

distinguish genres of oral folk art.

Equipment : Literary reading. Textbook. 2nd grade. Part 1. L. F. Klimanova, L. A. Vinogradskaya, V. G. Goretsky; exhibition of books and portrait of D. Kharms; cards (text of speech warm-up); audio recording.

During the classes

Hello guys! Sit down please.

Today I will teach you a literary reading lesson. My name is Tatyana Valerievna.

Guys, I will smile at you, and you will smile at me. And let’s give each other a good mood throughout the lesson. I wish you to always be in a good mood.

Please put your work places in order. Check your readiness for the lesson. Are all the necessary items located at your work stations?

Well done.

Children greet the teacher while standing, sit down and take their places.

Children check at their workplaces for the availability of necessary items.


the internal position of schoolchildren at the level of a positive attitude towards literary reading lessons;

exercise self-control.


Regulatory UUD:

carry out step-by-step control yourself.

II. Speech warm-up

We will begin our lesson with you with a speech warm-up. Today we will work with Elena Blaginina's tongue twister. It is constructed in the same way as a folk tongue twister. But it is copyrighted because it has an author.

First, I will read the tongue twister to you.

"At Varya's on the boulevard

The mittens are gone.

Varya returned

In the evening from the boulevard,

And found it in my pocket

Varvara mittens"

– … Please read the tongue twister to us slowly.

Well done.

Well done, thanks.

He will read to us with an intonation of surprise...

Well done!

Guys, what sounds are repeated in this tongue twister?

Children listen to a tongue twister.

Children read one by one.

Sounds [v], and [r].


speech development;

improving diction;

exercise self-control.

III. Updating basic knowledge and methods of action

Now let's think about the task you did at home.

What were you asked?


– …, please read what you have prepared.

– …, what have you prepared?

Okay, well done.

Students read what they have prepared for the lesson (funny poems, fables, shifters).


Cognitive UUD:

highlight known knowledge and skills from the lesson content;

answer the questions asked.


distinguish genres of oral folk art.

IV. Integrated application and systematization of knowledge

IV. I. Dynamic pause

Work on the topic of the lesson

Guys, the topic of our lesson is: “Independent reading. Daniil Ivanovich Kharms “The Cheerful Old Man”, “Neverbelievable””.

Open your textbooks to page 102.

Who will read the title of the poem?

OK, thank you.

Guys, look at the illustration for the poem. What do you think it's about?

What do you think?

– …, what can you say about the content of the poem by looking at the illustrations for it?

Okay, well done.

And now we will listen to an audio recording of the poem “The Cheerful Old Man.”

An audio recording of the song “Jolly Old Man” is played.

Guys, what impression did the poem make on you?

Fine. What will ... tell us?

Read the poem again, on your own. And show your readiness with your eyes.

Great. Now...he will read the poem aloud to us. Please start.

– …, please read again.

Did you like this piece? Why?


Guys, why was the old man cheerful?

Guys, think about it and ask questions about the content of the poem.

Can this poem be called a fable?

Why do you think so? (Tall tale orincredible - a genre of oral folk art, a short prose or poetic narrative, usually of comic content, the plot of which is based on an image of a deliberately distorted reality).

And what do you think, …?

What do we think...?

Guys, now we will rest a little and do a little warm-up. Get up from your chairs, stand freely, legs wide apart, and repeat after me.

« A is the beginning of the alphabet,

That's why she's famous.

And it's easy to recognize:

He puts his legs wide"

Let's repeat our warm-up, speed up the pace a little.

Well done! Please take your seats.

Have you warmed up? Then let's continue our lesson. Guys, what do you know about the author of the poems, Daniil Ivanovich Kharms?

I'll tell you.

Material for teachers

Daniil Ivanovich Kharms (Yuvachev) (1905-1942) - poet, prose writer, playwright, children's writer.

Born in St. Petersburg into the family of a nobleman who was a member of the People's Will. The future poet spoke and read fluently in German and English. He was educated at an educational institution in St. Petersburg, where teaching was conducted in foreign languages.

In his youth, the poet was attracted by such human qualities as charm and charisma. And in 1922 he signed a comic poem by Charms. Gradually the pseudonym Kharms took hold.

In the mid-1920s. D. Kharms and his friends - Alexander Vvedensky, Yuri Vladimirov, Nikolai Zabolotsky - united in the literary and poetic group OBERIU. It stood for Real Art Association.

Poets have often been asked: why is there a U at the end? “Because, because it ends in U!” - they answered. For fun. All members of this group considered themselves jesters, and their poetry was clownish. They composed fables, counting rhymes, invented new words, wrote nonsense poems, and experimented. This group of poets made the magazines “Chizh” and “Ezh” the most popular in those years.

Guys, now we will read a poem by Daniil Ivanovich on page 103.

Tell me, what is it called?


First, I will read a poem to you, and you listen carefully and follow the text.

Now read the poem to yourself. And show your readiness with your eyes.

Have you read it? ..., please read the poem out loud.

Thank you, well done.

And... now he will read to us in such a way as to convey, when reading, the surprise of the unexpectedness of what is happening. Please start.

Well done.

Guys, how do you understand the meaning of the word?unprecedented ?

What does he think...?

What do you think?


Guys, what is so unusual about it? What might this poem be about?

Guys, did you like this piece?


Which lines made you laugh?

Guys, nName the main characters of the poem.

That's right, well done!

Children open the textbook to page 102 and read the title of the poem.

Children's answers (D. Kharms).

Children look at the illustration.

Children's answers according to content.

Listening to an audio recording.

Children's answers.

Children read a poem.

Read by well-prepared students.

Children's answers.

Children's answers(Cheerful old man, spider, dragonfly).

Children's answers(Because he laughed).

Questions from children.

Children's answers(Yes).

Children's answers (Because the poem is small in volume and has comic content).

Children should stand with their feet wide apart:

Hands on the belt

hands on shoulders

hands up,

two claps.

The pace quickens.

The children are seated at their work stations.

Children's answers.

Children listen to the story.

Children's answers(“Neverbelievable”).

reads the poem aloud.

reads the poem aloud.

Children's answers.

Children's answers.

Children's answers(Bear, pig, piglets).


Cognitive UUD:

master the ability to understand the educational task of the lesson.

Regulatory UUD:

accept the learning task and follow the teacher's instructions.

Communication UUD:

understand the essence and content of the questions posed;

observe the rules of politeness when communicating;

allow for the existence of different points of view;


come up with your own questions based on the content.


development of physical health;

exercise self-control.

V. Checking, correcting and assessing knowledge and methods of activity.

Guys, now we will have a small creative task. Try with your desk neighbor to compose a short poem similar to “Neverbelievable”, replacing one or two heroes in it.

Happened? Please read how your poem turned out.

Well done, you did a great job!

Children try to write a short essay.

Two or three students read the resulting poems.


opportunity to develop creative abilities in the classroom.


Regulatory UUD:

listen to your interlocutor and conduct a dialogue.

Communication UUD:

engage in verbal communication;

be able to negotiate and come to a common joint decision;

control your actions when working in a group.


select a title in accordance with the content and main idea.

VI. Summing up the lesson

Guys, let's remember which poet's poems were heard in today's lesson?

Where can you find them?

What poems did you guys learn about today?

Okay, well done.

Children's answers (Daniil Ivanovich Kharms ).

Children's answers(In books, in magazines).

Children's answers(“The Cheerful Old Man”, “Neverbelievable”).


Cognitive UUD:

generalize your own ideas.

VII. Homework information

Guys, now let's write down our homework. Open your diaries. Your task will be: to prepare for an expressive reading of the poems “The Jolly Old Man” and “Neverbelievable”; and also find other poems by Daniil Ivanovich Kharms in magazines or books and get ready to read them in class.

Have you written everything down? Well done. You can close your diaries.

Children open their diaries and write down their homework.


exercise self-control.


Cognitive UUD:

use the information received in lessons in everyday life.

VIII. Reflection on learning activities

Guys, what would you praise yourself for today?

What did you do especially well in the lesson?

Guys, pay attention, you, each of you, have signals on your tables, two small pictures - a happy and a sad emoticon. If you liked everything in the lesson and coped with everything, then show a cheerful emoticon. If you think that you failed at something, then show a sad emoticon.

Think a little, remember what you did in class today and decide.

Ready? Show me.

Okay, well done.

What did you like?

And you?

What did you do?

What do you think you failed to cope with?

And you?

Fine. Well done!

Today you worked actively in class and showed your initiative. Well done boys!

Our lesson has come to an end. I thank everyone for their work in class.

Stand up please. The lesson is over. Goodbye.

Children's answers.

Children showing signals.

Children's answers.


give self-assessment of the results of the success of your activities.


Regulatory UUD:

evaluate your achievements in class.

Place in the lesson system: lesson No. 6 in the section “Merry round dance” (10 hours).

Resources and equipment:

  • Literary reading. Textbook. 2nd grade. Part 1.
  • Literary reading. Creative notebook. 2nd grade.
  • Books with works of oral folk art.
  • Interactive board for working with text and assignments. Microphone, video camera.
  • Audio recording of the song “Jolly Old Man”. Cartoon "Cheerful old man."
  • Cards with words of small forms of oral folk art. Pictures of the “Jolly Old Man”.
  • Cards for working in pairs. (Picture of a keyboard. Table - collect a proverb).
  • Sheets with text for group work. Illustrations for the text for group and individual work.

Lesson type: a lesson in “discovering” new knowledge using the method of problem technology, ICT.

Lesson objectives aimed at achieving subject learning outcomes:

  • introduce students to the works of D. Kharms “The Jolly Old Man”, “The Never-Never”, arranged by K. Chukovsky;
  • learn to compare original and folk works;
  • form a correct, expressive reading of a poetic work;
  • prepare for conscious independent reading, the ability to express your attitude to what you read and hear, determine the main idea of ​​the text, choose a title.

Objectives aimed at achieving meta-subject learning outcomes:

  • development of students' cognitive abilities;
  • expansion and enrichment of the reader's vocabulary;
  • exercising mutual control in joint activities;
  • developing the skill of relating elements of a work to illustrations;
  • developing the skill of performing educational actions in accordance with the assigned task;
  • use of speech means, ICT.

Objectives aimed at achieving personal learning outcomes:

  • instilling a love for Russian literature;
  • development of skills of independence, goodwill, cooperation with peers;
  • developing the ability to work in pairs and groups, without creating conflicts, to find a way out of controversial situations;
  • the use of speech to present the result of an activity;
  • development of creative potential.

Forms of work:

  • Frontal, individual;
  • Work in pairs, in a group.

Lesson script:

Lesson steps

Teacher activities

Student activity

(Formable UUD)

1. Organizational moment

Goal: to prepare students for inclusion in cognitive activities.

– After the cheerful round dance of exercises, we continue our work in the literary reading lesson in the “Merry round dance” section.

We will open a wonderland,
And we will meet the heroes.

Greeting from the teacher. Emotional attitude to work.

Personal: show attention and a positive attitude towards the cognitive process.
Regulatory: targeting positive activities.

2. Updating knowledge

Goal: developing abilities for different methods of action, cooperation in pairs.

– To learn something new and interesting in class today, we need a very important subject. But what will help us? Try to guess!

Not a bush, but with leaves,
Not a shirt, but sewn,
Not a person, but a storyteller.

- Get some advice. If you guessed it, take a pencil. - What word did you get?
Explain the meaning of the words in this riddle: leaves, shirt, tells. Are the words used in a literal or figurative sense? – What about the word “book”?

Work in pairs.
On their desks, the children have a yellow pencil, a piece of paper with a computer keyboard, and a table for working with proverbs.
They guess the riddle.
Color in the letters with a yellow pencil.
Children's answers. (Book).
Students' answers: leaves - leaves of the book; shirt - cover, binding, tells - gives information. In a figurative sense.

Cognitive: carry out a mental operation, highlight the necessary information, compare the meaning of words.
Regulatory: focus on knowledge of the keyboard and its use when performing a task, be able to see the linguistic means used in the riddle.
Communicative: cooperate by arguing your position.

3. Preparation for the main perception of educational material

Goal: control and self-control of learned concepts.

Statement of a problematic question.
– Who guessed what needs to be done in the table? Match the beginning and end of the proverb that says about the book. Examination. – Which proverbs are not suitable for guessing the word “book”?
– What other forms of oral folk art, besides proverbs, have we studied? (Hangs out signs with words on the board).
Teacher information about folklore.

Work in pairs.
Collect proverbs.
The children have a task on a piece of paper, given in the table.
The rest of the proverbs are about reading, not about the book.

Children's answers:
sayings, nursery rhymes, chants, fables.

Cognitive: be able to find correspondence between the beginning and end of a proverb, develop creative abilities.
Regulatory: understand the meaning of the semantic parts of the proverb and supplement them.
Communicative: Show initiative and cooperation when working in pairs.

4. Checking homework

Goal: creating a situation of success, assessing the actual preparation and progress of each student.

The teacher films the students' story on a video camera.
Supports and encourages students, creates psychological comfort.

Three students recite nursery rhymes by heart.
One student records the children's response to the audio recording.
The rest of the students listen to evaluate the answers.

Personal: develop individual style and independence.
Cognitive: ability to listen, analyze the correctness of the text.
Regulatory: the ability to correctly and expressively convey the meaning of a nursery rhyme.
Communicative: justify your opinion when assessing children’s answers.


"Two cheerful girlfriends..."

Do the exercises.

Personal: development of physical health.

5. Determining the topic and purpose of the lesson

Goal: learn to determine the intended topic and purpose of the lesson, accept one’s own student position, compare works.

Formulation of the problem.
– What are we going to study today? To answer this question, you need to collect the scattered syllables.
What do you think we learn from a work with this title?
Working with the textbook p.103. Were you surprised while reading? What is unusual about the name? Can we say that this is fiction?
Do these works have an author?
What is the purpose of the lesson? Try to formulate it! Help from the teacher in case of difficulty. Vocabulary work.

Solving a problematic issue.
Children form the word “Unprecedented”.
Answers and opinions of children.
Do not interfere with reading, respect the one who is reading.
1 student reads aloud. The work on p. 103 “Neverbelievable”, arranged by K. Chukovsky.
It can not be so.
This is fiction.
These works are copyrighted. Comparing them with oral folk art.
They try to explain the meaning of unfamiliar words.

Cognitive: engage in the search process to achieve a result, be able to isolate the necessary information, analyze it, answer problematic questions, and develop creative imagination.
Regulatory: be able to understand, accept and maintain the educational goal and task.
Communicative: be able to answer questions posed, explain the meaning of individual words and expressions.

6. Introduction to the topic. Getting to know the author's works

Goal: expanding the conceptual base, including new elements. Emotional orientation of the stage.

1.Teacher information. Biography of Daniil Kharms.
Working with D. Kharms’ poem “The Cheerful Old Man.” Textbook p.102-103.
Read the title of the poem. What makes it so unusual? What might this poem be about?
An audio recording of the song “Jolly Old Man” is played.
Did you like this piece? Why? What lines made you laugh? Did everything match?
Name the main characters of the poem.

Listen to information.

Student answers.

Children listen and follow the text in the book.
Repeated listening and independent reading. Children sing along while reading the text in the textbook.
Old man, insects.

Cognitive: be able to see the linguistic means used in the text and highlight the essential.
Regulatory: be able to listen in accordance with the target setting, form a meaningful and expressive reading of works.
Communicative: creating an internal need for inclusion in educational activities, to be active in collective singing and reading of a work.
Personal: the ability to show an emotional reaction and express one’s feelings.

7. Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition

Goal: automation of mental actions according to learned norms, introduction of new methods, work on perception, development of logic, speech, attention.

Now you will learn new and interesting things about other insects and see what they look like. Curious?
The text is given on the interactive board.
Repeated reading by the teacher. You were given the text on a piece of paper. Consult and decide: what phrase from the text can be the title? Which sentence expresses the main idea?
Now let's compose a picture text.
Match the sentence and the picture. Determine the number of sentences and your picture.

Work in groups.
Independent reading. Assignment to the text.
1 student completes the task on the board with the mouse.
Children have sheets with text. Teamwork. A delegate from the group comes to the board and answers. Self-test using the interactive whiteboard.
Children reread the text. They decide and find a place for their picture in the text. Delegates from the groups come to the board to compose a painting. If difficulties or errors arise, they enter into dialogue. Examination.

Cognitive: be able to understand the content, the sequence of semantic parts of the text, find information given explicitly, explain and evaluate what you read, find a correspondence. Getting real results when composing picture text.
Regulatory: accept and maintain the educational goal and task, establish the correspondence of the obtained result to the set goal. Communicative: conducting dialogue, creating an atmosphere of cooperation, co-creation, socialization.

8. Reflection on learning activities

Goal: new content is recorded, reflection and self-assessment of educational work is organized, correlation of goals and objectives, correction of concepts.

Do you think our lesson achieved its goal? What new did you learn in this lesson? What did they repeat? What type of work did you enjoy the most? Did we manage to follow the rules of cooperation? Get a picture of a cheerful old man as a souvenir. The audio recording can be listened to in space.
Show cartoon: “Cheerful little man.”

The teacher corrects grades if there are any discrepancies and involves other students.

The lesson has achieved its goal. I liked the song about the “Jolly Old Man”.
They get a picture of the “Cheerful Old Man” as a keepsake, for a good mood.

Watching the cartoon “Cheerful Old Man.”

Students evaluate their work in class and give a mark using a 10-point system.

Cognitive: developing in students the ability to reflect, the ability to work according to the rules and creatively, to understand the criteria for the effectiveness of the lesson.
Regulatory: understanding the learning situation, awareness of the quality and level of learning material.
Communicative: mastery of dialogue technology, distribution of roles, active cooperation with the teacher and children.
Personal: evaluate one's own and collective activities, record difficulties, identify causes, create a situation of success.

9. Homework

Goal: to continue working on the fable in the author’s translation.

Complete the task in the “Creative Notebook” p. 42-44.
Give recommendations for implementation.

Children receive an assignment and write it down in a diary.

Cognitive: repeat the text of the work after listening to the work of D. Kharms.
Personal: to create motivation for creative work, to work to obtain results.

Used sources.

1. Dusavitsky A.K., Kondratyuk E.M., Tolmacheva I.N., Shilkunova Z.I. Lesson in developmental education: A book for teachers. – M.:VITA-PRESS, 2008.
2. Matveeva E.I., Patrikeeva I.E. Activity-based approach to teaching in primary school: a lesson in literary reading (from work experience)//Series “New Educational Standards”. – M.:VITA-PRESS, 2011.
3. Peterson L.G., Kubysheva M.A., Kudryashova T.G. Requirements for drawing up a lesson plan according to the didactic system of the activity method. – Moscow, 2006
4. Shubina T.I. Activity method at school
5. L.A. Efrosinina. Literary reading lesson.
6. “Perspective” for teachers. Planned results of studying the course “Literary Reading”, 2nd grade.

Anton and Maria

Anton Bobrov knocked on the door.

Behind the door, looking at the wall,

Maria was sitting in a hat.

A Caucasian knife glittered in his hand,

the clock showed noon.

Leaving crazy dreams behind,

Maria counted her days

and I felt a trembling in my heart.

Anton Bobrov stood confused,

without receiving an answer to the knock.

It prevented me from sneaking a peek behind the door

there is a handkerchief in the keyhole.

The clock showed midnight.

Anton was killed with a pistol.

Maria was pierced by a knife. And a lamp

no longer shines on the ceiling.

Bulldog and taxi

A bulldog sits over a bone,

Tied to a pole.

A small taxi approaches,

With wrinkles on the forehead.

“Listen, bulldog, bulldog!”

Said the uninvited guest.-

Let me, bulldog, bulldog,

Finish this bone."

The bulldog growls at the taxi driver:

“I won’t give you anything!”

A bulldog runs after a taxi,

And the taxi is from him.

They run around the pillar.

Like a lion, the bulldog roars.

And the chain rattles around the post,

There is knocking around the pillar.

Now give the bulldog a bone

There's no way to take it anymore.

And the taxi driver, taking the bone,

Told the bulldog this:

"It's time for me to go on a date,

It's already eight minutes to five.

How late! Goodbye!

Sit on the chain!

The storm is rushing. Snow is flying.

The wind howls and whistles.

A terrible storm is roaring,

The storm tears the roof off the house.

The roof bends and rumbles.

The storm cries and laughs.

The storm is angry like a beast,

Climbing through the windows, climbing into the door.


Mouse me for a cup of tea

She invited me to a new home.

For a long time I could not enter the house,

Still, it was difficult to get into it.

Now you tell me:

Why and wherefore

There is no home and no tea,

There is literally nothing!


Among the guests, in one shirt

Petrov stood thoughtfully.

The guests were silent. Above the fireplace

An iron thermometer hung.

The guests were silent. Above the fireplace

There was a hunting horn hanging.

Petrov stood. The clock was knocking.

The fire crackled in the fireplace.

And the gloomy guests were silent.

Petrov stood. The fireplace crackled.

The clock showed eight.

The iron thermometer sparkled.

Among the guests, in one shirt

Petrov stood thoughtfully.

The guests were silent. Above the fireplace

The hunting horn hung.

The clock was mysteriously silent.

A light danced in the fireplace.

Petrov sat down thoughtfully

On a stool. Suddenly a call

In the hallway he burst into madness,

And the English lock clicked.

Petrov jumped up, and so did the guests.

The hunting horn blows.

Petrov shouts: “Oh God, God!”

And he falls to the floor, killed.

And the guests are rushing about and crying.

The iron thermometer is being shaken.

They jump over Petrov screaming

And a terrible coffin is carried through the door.

And sealing Petrov in the coffin,

They leave shouting: “ready.”

Lead me blindfolded...

Lead me blindfolded.

I won't go blindfolded.

Untie my eyes and I will go on my own.

Don't hold my hands

I want to give my hands free rein.

Make way, stupid spectators,

I’ll kick my feet now.

I will walk along one floorboard and not stagger,

I can run along the cornice and not collapse.

Don't contradict me. You will regret it.

Your cowardly eyes are unpleasant to the gods.

Your mouths drop open inappropriately.

Your noses do not know vibrating smells.

Eat is your occupation.

Sweep your rooms - this is for you

laid down from time immemorial.

But take off my bandages and belly pads,

I eat salt, and you eat sugar.

I have my own gardens and my own vegetable gardens.

I have my own goat grazing in my garden.

I have a fur hat in my chest.

Don't contradict me, I'm on my own, and you are for me

only a quarter smoke.

Funny siskins

Lived in an apartment

Forty four

Forty four

Merry siskin:

Siskin dishwasher,

Siskin scrubber,

Siskin gardener,

Siskin water carrier,

Chizh for the cook,

Chizh for the hostess,

Chizh on parcels,

Siskin chimney sweep.

The stove was heated,

The porridge was cooked

Forty four

Merry siskin:

Siskin with a ladle,

Siskin with a stalk,

Siskin with a rocker,

Siskin with a sieve,

Siskin covers

Chizh convenes,

Siskin spills,

Chizh distributes.

Having finished work,

We went hunting

Forty four

Merry siskin:

Siskin on a bear

Chizh on the fox,

Siskin on the grouse,

Siskin on a hedgehog

Siskin for turkey,

Siskin to the cuckoo

Siskin on a frog,

Siskin for snake.

After the hunt

Picked up the notes

Forty four

Merry siskin:

They played together:

Siskin on the piano,

Siskin on the dulcimer,

Siskin on the pipe,

Chizh on the trombone,

Chizh on the accordion,

Siskin on the comb

Siskin on the lip!

The whole house went

To the finches we know

Forty four

Merry siskin:

Chizh on the tram,

Chizh on the motor,

Siskin on a cart,

Siskin on a cart,

Siskin in a bowl,

Siskin on the heels,

Siskin on the shaft,

Siskin on the arc!

Wanted to sleep

Making the beds

Forty four

Merry siskin:

Siskin on the bed

Chizh on the sofa,

Siskin on a basket,

Siskin on the bench

Siskin on the box

Siskin on a reel

Siskin on a piece of paper

Siskin on the floor.

Lying in bed

They whistled together

Forty four

Merry siskin:

Siskin - triti-titi,

Siskin - tirli-tirli,

Chizh - dili-dili,

Chizh - ti-ti-ti,

Chizh - tiki-tiki,

Chizh - tiki-ricki,

Chizh - tyuti-lyuti,

Chizh - bye-bye-bye!

Cheerful old man

There lived an old man

Small in stature,

And the old man laughed

Extremely simple:

"Ha ha ha

Yes hehehe

Yes, bang-bang!

Yes be-be-be,


Yes, trick, trick!

Once, seeing a spider,

I was terribly scared.

But, clutching my sides,

Laughed loudly:

"Hee hee hee

Yes ha ha ha

Yes gul-gul!

Yes ha-ha-ha,

Yes, blah blah!”

And seeing a dragonfly,

I got terribly angry

But from laughter to the grass

And so he fell:


Yes gu-gu-gu,

Yes bang bang!

Oh, guys, I can’t!

Oh guys

The wind blew. Water was flowing...

The wind blew. Water was flowing.

The birds were singing. The years passed.

And from the clouds to us on earth

It rained sometimes.

A wolf woke up in the forest

snorted, shouted and fell silent

and then came out of the forest

a huge regiment of evil wolves.

Elder wolf with terrible eye

looks hungrily from the bushes

To sacrifice a tooth at once

tear into a hundred pieces.

Dark evening in the forest

I caught a fox in a trap

I thought: I’ll come home

I'll bring the fox skin.

A quiet evening is coming...

A quiet evening is coming.

The round lamp is on.

Nobody barks behind the wall

And no one speaks.

The ringing pendulum swings

Divides time into pieces

And my wife, despairing of me,

Dozing darning socks.

I'm lying with my legs up,

Feeling a count in my thoughts.

Help me, oh Gods!

Quickly get up and sit at the table.

Vlas and Mishka

On our collective farm

There is a collective farmer Vlas

And the lazy Mishka -

Everyone has a workbook.

Let's look at their workbooks

Let's see what they do:

Vlas sowed and plowed,

The bear was just resting.

Vlas will be rewarded in the fall,

Bear - a fig.

That's how it should be!

How will collective farmers divide

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit

yesterday I sat by the window with my ear out

the earth said to the tree: grow

the tree grew slowly - but still noticeable to the eye

either standing naked or hiding the trunk in a green vase

in the sun reading the icon of your joy

planets sometimes moved between the stars

and the tree bent, flapping bird's nests

seven rainbows rose above the tree

I've seen angel eyes boards

they looked down at us

reading years good numbers


You know?

You know?

You know?

You know?

Well, of course you do!

It's clear that you know!



Surely you do!

No! No! No! No!

We don't know anything

Haven't heard anything

Haven't heard, haven't seen

And we don't know

Do you know what U?

Do you know what PA is?

Do you know what PY?

What's my dad's

Were there forty sons?

There were forty hefty ones -

And not twenty

And not thirty, -

Exactly forty sons!

Well! Well! Well! Well!

You're lying! You're lying! You're lying! You're lying!

Twenty more

Thirty more

Well, back and forth,

And forty

Exactly forty, -

This is just nonsense!

Do you know what CO is?

Do you know what BA is?

Do you know what CI is?

That dogs are empty-headed

Have you learned to fly?

Like birds have learned, -

Not like animals

Not like fish -

Like hawks flying!

Well! Well! Well! Well!

You're lying! You're lying! You're lying! You're lying!

Well, like animals,

Well, like fish

Well, back and forth,

And like hawks,

Like birds -

This is just nonsense!

Do you know what is ON?

Do you know what NOT?

Do you know what BE is?

What's in the sky

Instead of the sun

Will there be a wheel soon?

Soon there will be gold -

Not a plate

Not a cake, -

And the big wheel!

Well! Well! Well! Well!

You're lying! You're lying! You're lying! You're lying!

Well, a plate,

Well, flatbread,

Well, back and forth,

And if the wheel -

This is just nonsense!

Do you know what is UNDER?

Do you know what MO?

Do you know what REM is?

What's under the sea-ocean

Is there a sentry with a gun?

Well! Well! Well! Well!

You're lying! You're lying! You're lying! You're lying!

Well, with a baton,

Well, with a broom,

Well, back and forth,

And with a loaded gun -

This is just nonsense!

Do you know what's BEFORE?

Do you know what BUT?

Do you know what SA is?

As for the nose

Neither with your hands,

Not with your feet

Can't get it

As for the nose

Neither with your hands,

Not with your feet

Can't get there

Don't jump

As for the nose

Can't get it!

Well! Well! Well! Well!

You're lying! You're lying! You're lying! You're lying!

Well, get there

Well, jump

Well, back and forth,

And to get it with your hands -

“Lord, awaken Your flame in my soul.

Lighten me, Lord, with Your sun.

Scatter golden sand at my feet,

so that I may walk a clear path to Your House.

Reward me, Lord, with Your word,

so that it thunders, praising Your Palace.

Lord, turn the rut of my belly,

so that the locomotive of my might moves

Lord, release the brakes on my inspiration.

Calm me down Lord

and fill my heart with a source of wondrous words

Two students wandered in the forest

looked into the water when they reached the river

Bonfires were lit at night to scare away predators

slept alone, and the other was on duty

sat in a blue kamilavochka

and butterflies

they flew up to him

it's a breeze

threw the fluff of the warbler into the fire

the student sang as he stretched:

A star fell into the fire.

The bears stood around silently

breathing with furry chest

and the soul barely stirred

in their fixed gaze

but it's quiet behind

walked with soft paws stepping through the spruce forest

and dreamed of a lost miller in the forest

how all the animals standing on the hill looked into the heights

where there are no fumes

the fire was burning

and branches of playful flame

played with a sickle on the banner

and smoke and fumes dangling in the air like a scarf

hung with a black hammer.


And the fish flashes in the cool river,

And a small house stands in the distance,

And a dog barks at a herd of cows,

And Petrov rushes downhill in a cart,

And a small flag flutters on the house,

And nutritious grain ripens in the fields,

And dust glitters on every leaf,

And flies fly whistling everywhere,

And the girls, basking, lie in the sun,

And the bees in the garden are buzzing over the flowers,

And the geese dive in the shady ponds,

And the day passes in ordinary work.

The days fly by like swallows...

The days fly by like swallows

And we fly like sticks.

The clock is knocking on the shelf,

And I’m sitting in a yarmulke.

And the days fly by like glasses,

And we fly like swallows.

Light bulbs sparkle in the sky,

And we fly like stars.

Elizabeth played with fire

Elizabeth played with fire

shot fire down my back

shot fire down my back

Pyotr Palych looked around in admiration

and was breathing heavily

and was breathing heavily

and held his heart with his hand.

Once upon a time I lived in a house of thirty-three units...

Lived in a house of thirty-three units

man suffering from lower back pain.

As soon as he eats onions or dill,

it falls down instantly, like a sheaf.

Pain develops in the right side,

the man groans: “I can’t do it anymore!

Muscles die in an overwhelming struggle.

Refuse your relative the carabao...”

And so, without saying a word,

he died pointing his finger out the window.

Everyone present here and vice versa

stood in bewilderment, forgetting to close their mouths.

Doctor with freckles near his lip

rolled a bread ball on the table

help of a medical pipe.

Neighbor occupying a room near the restroom

stood in the doorway, absolutely fate


The one who owned the apartment

walked along the corridor from the hallway to the toilet.

The nephew of a dead man, wanting to cheer up

a bunch of guests gathered,

wound up the gramophone by turning the handle.

Janitor, thinking about decency

human condition,

wrapped the dead body in a table


Varvara Mikhailovna fumbled in

deceased's chest of drawers

not so much for myself, but for

his son Volodya.

The tenant who wrote in the restroom “gender is not

pulled out an iron iron from under the dead man

They carried out a dead man wrapped in paper,

laid the dead man on the grave


A coffin car drove up to the house.

Sounded a thunderous alarm in our hearts

Fall asleep and in a moment with an airy soul...

Fall asleep and in a moment your airy soul

Enter the carefree gardens.

And the body sleeps like soulless dust,

And the river sleeps on my chest.

And sleep with lazy fingers

It touches your eyelashes.

And I paper sheets

I don’t rustle my pages.

Ivan Ivanovich Samovar

Ivan Ivanovich Samovar

There was a pot-bellied samovar,

Three-bucket samovar.

Boiling water was swaying in it,

Boiling water was puffing with steam,

Angry boiling water;

Poured into a cup through the tap,

Through the hole straight into the tap,

Directly into the cup through the tap.

Came up early in the morning,

He approached the samovar,

Uncle Petya came up.

Uncle Petya says:

“Let me have a drink,” he says,

“I’ll have some tea,” he says.

I approached the samovar,

Aunt Katya came up

She came up with a glass.

Aunt Katya says:

"I, of course, says

I’ll have a drink too,” he says.

So grandpa came

A very old man came

Grandfather came wearing shoes.

He yawned and said:

“Should I have a drink,” he says,

“Is it tea,” he says.

So grandma came

A very old one has arrived

She even came with a stick.

And after thinking he says:

“What, a drink,” he says,

“What, some tea,” he says.

Suddenly a girl came running,

I ran to the samovar -

It was my granddaughter who came running.

“Pour it in!” he says,

A cup of tea, he says,

It’s sweeter for me,” he says.

Then the Bug came running,

She came running with the cat Murka,

I ran to the samovar,

To be given to them with milk,

Boiling water with milk

With boiled milk.

Suddenly Seryozha came,

He came later than everyone else

He came unwashed.

“Serve it!” he says.

A cup of tea, he says,

More for me,” he says.

They tilted, they tilted,

They tilted the samovar,

But I got out of there

Just steam, steam, steam.

They tilted the samovar,

It's like a wardrobe, a wardrobe, a wardrobe,

But from there it came out

Just drip, drip, drip.

Samovar Ivan Ivanovich!

Ivan Ivanovich is on the table!

Golden Ivan Ivanovich!

Doesn't give me boiling water

Does not give to those who are late,

Does not give to couch potatoes.

Ivan Taporyzhkin

The poodle went with him, jumping over the fence,

Ivan fell into a swamp like a log,

And the poodle drowned in the river like an axe.

Ivan Taporyzhkin went hunting,

With him the poodle started skipping like an axe.

Ivan fell like a log into the swamp,

And the poodle in the river jumped over the fence.

Ivan Taporyzhkin went hunting,

With him, the poodle fell into the fence in the river.

Ivan jumped over the swamp like a log,

And the poodle jumped onto the axe.

A game

Petka was running along the road,

on the way to,

on the panel,

Petka was running

by panel

and he shouted:


Now I’m no longer Petka,



Now I’m no longer Petka,

I am now a car."

And Vaska ran after Petka

on the way to,

on the panel,

Vaska was running

by panel

and he shouted:


Now I’m no longer Vaska,

stay away!

stay away!

Now I’m no longer Vaska,

I am a mail steamer."

And Mishka ran after Vaska

on the way to,

on the panel,

Mishka was running

by panel

and he shouted:


Now I'm no longer Mishka,



Now I'm no longer Mishka,

I am a Soviet plane."

A cow was walking along the road

on the way to,

on the panel,

a cow was walking

by panel

and mooed:


Real cow

with real

walked towards me along the road,

took up the whole road.

"Hey cow,

You are a cow,

don't come here, cow,

don't walk on the road

don’t go on the path.”

"Beware!" - Mishka shouted.

“Move aside!” - Vaska shouted.

“Scatter!” - Petka shouted -

and the cow walked away.

We got there,

got there

to the bench

with a car

and a Soviet plane,

with a car

and a mail boat.

Petka jumped onto the bench,

Vaska jumped onto the bench,

The bear jumped onto the bench

on the bench at the gate.

"I came!" - Petka shouted.

"Anchored!" - Vaska shouted.

“Sat down on the ground!” - Mishka shouted, -

and sat down to rest.

We sat down

sat down

on the bench

with a car

and mail boat

with a car

“Let's swim!” - Vaska answered.

"Let's fly!" - Mishka exclaimed, -

and let's go again.

And let's go, we rushed

on the way to,

on the panel,

just jumped and galloped

and shouted:


They just jumped and galloped

on the way to,

on the panel,

only their heels sparkled

and shouted:


Only their heels sparkled

on the way to,

on the panel,

they just threw hats

and shouted:


A man left the house

A man left the house

With a baton and a bag

And on a long journey,

And on a long journey

I set off on foot.

He walked straight and forward

And he kept looking forward.

Didn't sleep, didn't drink,

Didn't drink, didn't sleep,

Didn't sleep, didn't drink, didn't eat.

And then one day at dawn

He entered the dark forest.

And from then on,

And from then on,

And from then on he disappeared.

But if somehow he

I'll happen to meet you

Then hurry up

Then hurry up

Tell us quickly.

How Volodya quickly flew downhill

Volodya on a sled

He flew quickly downhill.

To the hunter Volodya

It came at full speed.

Here's a hunter

They sit on a sled,

They fly quickly downhill.

They flew quickly downhill -

They ran into the dog.

Here's the dog

And the hunter

They sit on a sled,

They fly quickly downhill.

They flew quickly downhill -

They ran into a fox.

Here's a fox

And the dog

And the hunter

They sit on a sled,

They fly quickly downhill.

They flew quickly downhill -

And they ran into a hare.

Here comes the hare

And the fox,

And the dog

And the hunter

They sit on a sled,

They fly quickly downhill.

They flew quickly downhill -

We ran into a bear!

And Volodya from then on

Doesn't slide down the mountain.

When you realize that adults are similar to each other, and you are no more,

than they really want to hide in old grandfather’s hat...
In a huge velor coat, in a melted April puddle, hands in pockets,

by the pale spring sun setting on squinted eyelids...
And tell this life to hell?!...

Remember me: do neither this nor that. Don't do any of those things at all

which has already disappointed your loved ones, for everything that they created

They destroyed it...

And one more thing: take two words out of what I said: “everything” and “nothing.”

And having folded them, whisper to yourself on the path: Nothing...


A boat is sailing along the river.

He swims from afar.

There are four on the boat

A very brave sailor.

They have ears on top of their heads,

They have long tails

And only cats are scary to them,

Only cats and cats!


Once upon a time along the path

I was walking to my home.

I look and see: cats

They sit with their backs to me.

I shouted: - Hey, you cats!

Come with me

Let's go along the path

Let's go home.

Let's go quickly, cats,

I'll bring you lunch

From onions and potatoes

I'll make a vinaigrette.

Oh, no! - said the cats.

We'll stay here!

The formidable Pyotr Palych was swimming

closing his eyes he dived to the window

there was a bastard standing on the shore

throwing mother alone into the air

but only the drowned man is clean

the back of his head flashed above the water

people from somewhere broad-shouldered

ran to the throwing bridge

here Pyotr Palych even drowns

sharks sure walk there

there is nothing worse in the world

than wash the body in half.

April 1927


A squad was walking down the street -

forty boys in a row:

and four times

by four,

and then four more.

A squad was walking in the alley -

forty girls in a row:

three four,

and four times

by four,

and then four more.

Yes, how we suddenly met -

suddenly it became eighty!

by four,

by fourteen

and then four more.

And to the square


and on the square stands

not a company

not a crowd

not a battalion

and not forty,

and not a hundred,

but almost

One two three four,

and four times

one hundred four

by four,

one and a half hundred

by four,

two hundred thousand times four!

And then four more!

Prayer before bed

"Lord, in broad daylight

Laziness came over me.

Let me lie down and sleep, Lord,

And while I'm sleeping, pump me up Lord

By your strength.

I want to know a lot

But it is not books or people who will tell me this.

Only you enlighten me Lord

Through my poems.

Wake me strong for the battle with meanings,

quick to control words

and diligent in praising the name of God

forever and ever".

Well done baker

I'll mix flour in a bucket

Let me bake a cake.

I'll put some raisins in there

To make it tasty for everyone.

The guests arrived in the evening

They were served a flatbread.

Here you go, guests, eat, chew,

Pop the flatbread into your mouth quickly.

And quickly tell us:

Does our flatbread taste good to you?

The guests answered me in unison:

“There is no second cake like this,

Because that flatbread

Not bad, but delicious!”

That's how great I am!

That's what a baker I am!

(Composed for the editorial raffle

"Chizh", organized by D. Kharms and

N.V. Gernet.)


The rooster crows. It's morning.

The day is already rushing past the morning.

Already the nights of Bramaputra

Sends a good shadow to the fields.

The air is already blowing cool,

Dust is already swirling around.

An oak leaf flutters and flutters.

Thunder is already roaring above us.

Already the Neva is bubbling in St. Petersburg,

And the wind whistles around in the forests,

And thunderous Jupiter

The sword sparkles in the sky.

Already the heavenly stream is gushing,

The water is already making noise everywhere.

But the clouds shine less and less,

The sun is already shining like a ball

And heat rushes from the sky to the ground,

And raises the water with steam,

And the steam thickens into the clouds.

And again a terrible rain pours,

And again the ball of the sun shines -

The sky is crying, then laughing,

Sometimes he’s happy, sometimes he’s sad.

Unknown Natasha

Having fastened the glasses with a simple rope,

a gray-haired old man is reading a book.

A candle is burning, and the hazy air is

The wind rustles the pages.

The old man, sighing, strokes his hair and

stale loaf of bread,

Gnawing the teeth of the past with a remnant and loudly

jaw crunches.

The dawn is already lifting the stars and lanterns

Nevsky is extinguishing,

The conductress on the tram is already scolding

with a drunk for the fifth time,

The Neva cough has already woken up and

strangling an old man by the throat,

And I write poems to Natasha and don’t close

light eyes.

Not now

This is This.

That is That.

Everything is either this or not that.

What is not this and not that is not this and not that.

Something like this and that, like that itself.

What is itself, then maybe

Yes, not this, or this, but not that.

This went into this, and that went into that.

We say: God blew.

This went into this, and then went into that,

and we have nowhere to go and nowhere to come.

It went into this. We asked: where?

They sang to us: here.

This came out of Here. What is this? This is what.

This is that.

That is this.

There's this and that.

Here it went into this, it went into that,

and then it went into here.

We looked, but didn't see.

And there stood this and that.

There's no here.

But now there is this and that.

But now this and that are here too.

We yearn and think and languish.

Where now?

Now here, and now there, and now here,

and now here and there.

This be it.

Here to be there.

It's here to be there. Me. We. God.

About water zeros

Null floated on the water.

We said: this is a circle,

there must be someone

threw a stone into the water.

Here Petka Prokhorov walked -

here is the footprint of his boots with horseshoes.

He created this circle.

Let us hurry up

cardboard and paints,

we will sketch Petka's creation.

And Prokhorov will sound,

like Pushkin.

And many years later

descendants will think:

“Here is Prokhorov once,

must be

he was a nice artist."

And they will edify the children:

“Children, throw stones into the water.

The stone gives birth to a circle,

and the circle gives birth to thought.

And the thought caused by the circle,

zero calls from darkness to light.”

One day Mr. Kondratyev...

One day Mr. Kondratyev

got into the American dress closet

and spent four days there.

On the fifth all his relatives

I could barely stand on my feet.

But at this time, bang-bang-bang!

They rolled the wardrobe down the stairs and down the steps

and on the same day to America by boat

Villainy, you say? Agree.

But remember: a person in love is always

Please deny him the pleasure

Sit on the bench

Sit on the bench

Sit on the bench...

Deny him the pleasure

Sit on a bench and think about food,

Sit on a bench and think about food, meat certainly,

About vodka, about beer, about a fat Jewish woman.

A very scary story

Finishing a bun with butter,

The brothers walked along the alley.

Suddenly at them from a back street

The big dog barked loudly.

The younger one said: “This is a misfortune,

He wants to attack us.

So that we don't get into trouble,

We’ll throw a bun into the dog’s mouth.”

Everything ended well.

It immediately became clear to the brothers

What for every walk

You need to take... a bun with you.

Very very tasty pie

I wanted to throw a ball

And I'm visiting myself...

I bought flour, I bought cottage cheese,

Baked crumbly...

Pie, knives and forks are here -

But there are some guests...

I waited until I had enough strength

Then a piece...

Then he pulled up a chair and sat down

And the whole pie in a minute...

When the guests arrived,

Even crumbs...

Plikh and Plyukh

Chapter first

Kaspar Schlich, smoking tobacco,

He carried two dogs under his arm.

I’ll throw them straight into the river!”

Hop! the puppy took off in an arc,

Plih! and disappeared under water.

Hop! another one took off after him,

Plop! and also under water.

Shlikh left, smoking tobacco.

There is no spot, and there are no dogs.

Suddenly from the forest, like the wind,

Paul and Peter fly out

And immediately with my head

Disappears underwater.

Less than two minutes have passed

Both swim to the shore.

Climbing out of the river

And they have puppies in their hands.

Peter shouted: “It’s mine!”

Paul shouted: “It’s mine!”

“You be Plikh!”

“You be a Plump!”

“Now let’s run home!”

Peter, Paul, Plich and Plyuch

They rush to the house at full speed.

Chapter two

Papa Fittich next to mom,

Mom Fittich next to dad,

They sit on a bench,

They look into the distance thoughtfully.

Suddenly the boys came running

And they shouted with laughter:

“Meet: Plyukh and Plikh!

We saved them from death!”

“What are these other things?” —

Father Fittich shouted menacingly.

Mom, taking him by the hands,

He says: “Don’t hit them!”

And he leads the children to the table.

Plikh and Plyukh run forward.

What's happened?

What's happened?

Where's the stew?

Where's the roast?

Two dogs, Plyuh and Plikh,

We ate everything for four.

Kaspar Schlich, smoking tobacco,

I saw my dogs.

“Well!” exclaimed Kaspar Schlich, “

I got rid of them!

Threw them to the bottom of the river,

And now I don’t care.”

Chapter Three

The wind doesn't blow.

The leaves on the bushes will not tremble.

Sleeping in beds

Paul and Peter

Only audible

Snoring and whistling.

Plikh and Plyukh

We sat quietly

But after hearing

Whistling and snoring

They suddenly became

It's hard to itch

With a loud knock

Hind legs.

back teeth

And looking

with sadness all around,

On the bed

Under the feather beds

Plikh and Plyukh

They climbed up suddenly.

Then both brothers woke up

And the dogs were driven away.

Puppies are sitting on the floor.

Oh, how long the night lasts!

It's boring to wander around uselessly

They are in the room again -

Gotta do something

To pass the time.

Plikh pulls his pants with his teeth,

Plump plays with his boot.

The sun will rise soon.

Everything brightened up.

“What kind of things are these!” —

In the morning Papa Fittich shouted.

Mom, taking him by the hands,

He says: “Don’t hit them!

Be good,

Do not be angry,

Better sit down and have breakfast!”

The sun is shining.

The wind blows.

Among the grass

We stood next to each other

Paul and Peter.

Admire what they are like!

Plyukh and Plikh howl sadly,

Their chains do not let them in.

Plikh and Plikh in the doghouse

Arrested for a day.

Kaspar Schlich, smoking tobacco,

I saw my dogs.

“Well!” exclaimed Kaspar Schlich, “

I got rid of them!

He threw them into the river, to the bottom,

And now I don’t care!”

Chapter Four

A mouse, a gray rogue,

Lured into a mousetrap.

Hey dogs

Plikh and Plikh,

Here's breakfast for two!

The dogs rush and bark loudly;

They catch a fast mouse,

But the little mouse doesn't give up

Rushing straight towards Paul.

Climbed his leg

And disappeared into his pants.

They are looking for the mouse Plyukh and Plikh,

The mouse hides from them.

Suddenly the dog howled in pain,

The mouse grabbed Plump's nose!

Plikh runs up to help,

And the mouse jumped back.

The bastard grabs you by the ear

And he rushes into the neighbor’s garden.

And follow the mouse with all your might

Plikh and Plyukh rush with barking.

The mouse runs

The dogs are behind her.

She can't get away from the dogs.


The dogs are growling

And howl loudly

They dig the earth,

They are digging a flowerbed,

And they howl loudly.

At this time Paulina

To light up the kitchen,

A mug of kerosene into the lamp

I was going to pour it.

Suddenly I looked out the window

And she turned pale with fear,

She turned pale


She screamed:

“Away, you brutes!

Everything died.

Everything is lost.

Oh, flowers, my flowers!

The rose is dying

The poppy is dying

Mignonette and dahlia!

Paulina on dogs

Pouring out kerosene.


Very caustic

And stinky!

The dogs howl pitifully

They scratch their backs

Roses are trampled,

The poppies are trampling,

The tobacco beds are growing.

The neighbor squealed loudly

And, sadly crying out “Oooh!”

Like a broken branch

She collapsed on the grass.

Kaspar Schlick, smoking tobacco,

I saw my dogs

And Kaspar Schlich exclaimed:

“I got rid of them!

I threw them away a long time ago

And now I don't care!

Chapter Five

Plikh and Plikh are back in the booth.

Everyone will tell you about them:

“Here are friends, so friends!

It’s impossible to imagine anything better!”

But it is known that dogs

They don't know how to live without a fight.

Here in the garden, under the old oak tree,

Plikh and Plyukh got into a fight.

And they rushed after each other

Straight to the house at full speed.

At this time Mama Fittich

She was baking pancakes on the stove.

Feed them before lunch

The naughty ones ask for their mother.

Suddenly out the door past them

Plikh and Plikh rush with barking.

There is not enough room to fight in the kitchen:

Stool, pot and dough

And a pot of milk

They went head over heels.

Paul waved his whip,

He lashed Plump with a whip.

Peter shouted:

Are you hurting mine?

What is the dog’s fault?”

And he hit his brother with a whip.

Paul got angry too

He quickly ran up to his brother,

Grabbed his hair

And he threw him to the ground.

Then dad Fittich rushed in

With a long stick in his hands.

“Well, now I’ll beat them!”

He shouted in a hurry.

“Yes,” said Kaspar Schlich, “

I would have beaten them long ago.

I would have beaten them long ago!

However, I don’t care!”

Papa Fittich on the go

Suddenly he grabbed a frying pan

And on Shlikh the damn thing is hot

He jammed it on the go.

“Well,” exclaimed Kaspar Schlich, “

I suffered from them too.

Even a pipe and tobacco

They were hurt by dogs!”

Chapter Six

Very, very, very, very

Papa Fittich is concerned...

"What should I do? - speaks.-

My head is on fire.

Peter is a cheeky little boy,

Paul is a terrible rude man,

I'll send the boys to school

Let Bockelman teach them!”

Bockelman taught the boys

He hit the table with a stick,

Bockelman scolded the boys

And he roared at them like a lion.

If anyone didn't know the lesson,

Couldn't conjugate a verb -

Bockelman is cruel

I flogged him with a thin rod.

However, this is very little

It didn't help at all,

Because from beating

You can't become smart.

Having somehow finished school,

Both boys began

Train your dogs

To all the sciences of Bockelman.

They beat, they beat, they beat, they beat,

They beat dogs with sticks,

And the dogs howled loudly,

But they didn’t listen at all.

“No,” thought the friends,

This is not how you teach dogs!

A stick won't help matters!

We throw the sticks away."

And dogs indeed

Wise in two weeks.

Chapter seven and final

Englishman Mr. Hopp

Looks through a long telescope.

Sees mountains and forests,

Clouds and skies.

But he doesn't see anything

What's under his nose?

Suddenly he tripped over a stone,

I plunged straight into the river.

Papa Fittich was coming from a walk,

He hears shouts: “Guard!”

“Hey,” he said, “look,

Someone drowned in the river.”

Plikh and Plyukh rushed off at once,

Barking and squealing loudly.

They see someone lanky

He climbs onto the shore trembling.

“Where is my helmet and telescope?”

Mr. Hopp exclaims.

And immediately Plikh and Plikh

On command, bang into the water!

Less than two minutes have passed

Both swim to the shore.

“Here is my helmet and telescope!”

Mr. Hopp shouted loudly.

And he added: “This is clever!

This is what training means!

I love dogs like this

I'll buy them right away.

One hundred rubles for dogs

Get it quickly!

“Oh!” exclaimed Papa Fittich,

Let me have them!”

"Goodbye! Goodbye!

Goodbye, Plyuh and Plikh!

Paul and Peter spoke,

Hugging them tightly.

"Right here in this very place

We once saved you

We lived together for a whole year,

But we’ll part now.”

Kaspar Schlich, smoking tobacco,

I saw my dogs.

“Well, well!” he exclaimed, “

Is this a dream or not a dream?

Really, how can this be?

One hundred rubles for two dogs!

I could become a rich man

But I had nothing to do with it.”

Kaspar Schlich stamped his foot,

He slammed his chubuk on the ground.

Kaspar Schlich waved his hand -

And he drowned in the river.

The old pipe is smoking,

A cloud of smoke swirls.

The tube finally goes out.

Here are the stories

On Tuesdays above the pavement

The balloon was flying empty.

He floated silently in the air;

Someone was smoking a pipe in it,

I looked at the squares, gardens,

I watched calmly until Wednesday,

And on Wednesday, after putting out the lamp,

He said: Well, the city is alive.

A constant of fun and filth

The water in the river murmurs cool,

and the shadow of the mountains falls on the field,

and the light goes out in the sky. And the birds

are already flying in dreams,

and a janitor with a black mustache

stands under the gate all night

and scratches with dirty hands

and a cheerful cry is heard through the windows

and the stamping of feet and the clinking of bottles.

A day passes, then a week,

then the years pass by,

and people in orderly rows

disappear in their graves,

and the janitor with a black mustache

worth a year under the gate

and scratches with dirty hands

the back of your head under a dirty hat.

And a cheerful cry is heard through the windows

and the stamping of feet and the clinking of bottles.

The moon and sun turned pale.

The constellations have changed shape.

The movement became viscous,

and time became like sand.

And the janitor with a black mustache

stands again under the gate

and scratches with dirty hands

the back of your head under a dirty hat,

and a cheerful cry is heard through the windows

and the stamping of feet and the clinking of bottles.

Order to the horses

For fast movement

through noisy squares

the order came

from God to horses:

always ride in position

war horse,

but if from the police

with fire

suspended on a rope

in a tin box

flashes in furious movement

lantern over the wall,

scaring with a red flash

walking crowd

run instantly with the mouse

to the lamppost

humbly and patiently

green wait for signal

struggling in my chest with beating,

where the blood runs into the canal

divergent from the heart

not in the form of those pieces

located in the museum,

and in the form of hairs,

and heart fluttering

successfully extorted,

go wandering again

as long as you are healthy.

"Rebekah, Valentina and Tamara

Beautiful and lazy

One two three four five six seven

Quite quite three graces at all

Fatty, Shorty and Skinny

One two three four five six seven

Quite three graces at all!

Oh, if they hugged, it would be

One two three four five six seven

Quite quite three graces at all

But even if they hadn’t hugged, even so

One two three four five six seven

Quite three graces at all.”


He looks at me with crazy eyes -

I have known your house and porch for a long time.

With dark red lips he kisses me -

Our ancestors went to war in steel

He brought me a bouquet of dark red

carnation -

Your stern face has been familiar to me for a long time.