Summary of an integrated educational activity for children of the senior group “Excursion to the Zoo. Outline of a lesson on the surrounding world (senior group) on the topic: Summary of an excursion into nature for children of the senior group

Spring excursion “The spring day has cleared up...” for children of senior preschool age

Target— clarification and expansion of primary natural scientific concepts (seasons. Early spring. Signs of early spring).

Equipment: secateurs.

Preliminary work

Learning outdoor games “Oh, trouble!” and “At the Edge”, poems “Early Spring” and “Willow”.

Conducting conversations “Trees in early spring”, “Our feathered friends in spring”, “Wild animals in spring”.

Excursion progress

The teacher invites the children for a walk to the nearest park or square, to a grove or to the edge of a forest. On the way, he draws the children’s attention to the fact that the sun is shining brightly and is beginning to warm up, the snow has begun to melt, and long icicles have appeared on the roofs.

In the park, the teacher gathers the children around him and invites one of the children to read a previously learned poem.

Early spring

There are slanting shadows on the snow.

The spring day has cleared up.

Shadows with long strides

They walk through the snowdrifts with us.

Suddenly deep traces

They became full of water.

The sun melts the snow and ice,

And the icicle sheds tears.

The cold is over. Hooray!

It's time for us to welcome spring.

Teacher. What signs of early spring are mentioned in the poem?

Children. The poem says that the sun is shining. It melts snow and ice. Water collected in the tracks in the snow. There are long shadows in the snow. Drops are falling from the icicles, the drops have begun.

Teacher. Right. Which of these signs can we observe today?

Children. Today the sun is shining brightly and warming. In the snow we see shadows from trees and bushes. Round thawed patches formed around the tree trunks. There is water in them. When we walked to the park, we saw icicles on the roofs of houses and heard droplets ringing.

Teacher. Everything is correct, but how can we check that the sun not only shines brightly, but also warms?

Children. You can turn your face to the sun, raise your head and close your eyes. We will feel the warmth of the sun on our face.

Teacher. Let's try to do this.

The teacher and children conduct an experiment.

Teacher. Did you feel the sun warming up?

Children. Yes, the sun warmed my face.

Teacher. Have you noticed that thawed patches have appeared in the snow, for example these circles near the tree trunks. Why did they appear?

Children. These circles indicate that the trees are beginning to wake up after their winter sleep. Soon the sap will begin to move along the trunks and branches, the buds will swell, and then the leaves will appear.

The teacher leads the children to one of the thawed patches.

Teacher. This is the thawed patch that appeared on the hillock. What word do you think the word “thawed patch” is derived from?

Children. The word "thawed patch" is derived from the word "melt".

Teacher. Right. Sit down and watch the snow melt around the thawed patch. What kind of snow is there on the edges of the thawed patch?

Children. The snow around the thawed patch is gray, wet, and full of holes.

Teacher. This kind of snow is referred to as “spongy”. What do you see in the thawed patch?

Children. There are many dry blades of grass in the thawed patch, but the first green blades of grass have already appeared. The first coltsfoot flowers appeared from the ground. They have not yet risen, have not opened. So far only their heads have appeared.

Teacher. Touch the soil in the thawed patch. What is she like?

Children touch the ground with their hands.

Children. The ground is wet and warm.

Teacher. Smell what the thawed patch smells like?

Children sniff the soil.

Children. The thawed patch smells of dampness, freshness, and wet earth.

Teacher. This is the smell of early spring. Now let's do an exercise.

Exercise “Oh, trouble!”

Oh, trouble! Oh, trouble!

(Children run in a circle, hands on their belts.)

The snow is melting, there is water all around.

You won’t put on felt boots,

(Walk in a circle, raising their knees high, hands on their belts.)

There are thawed patches in the snow.

A stream ran in the garden,

(Run on tiptoes, hands on waist.)

A hundred rooks have arrived,

(They run on their toes. They flap their arms like wings.)

And the snowdrifts are melting, melting,

(They stand facing in a circle. Slowly squat.)

And the flowers grow.

(They get up slowly. Raise their arms, stretch upward.)

Teacher. Let's continue our tour and look at the tree that grows in that clearing.

The teacher leads the children to the tree.

Teacher. Do you know what this tree is called?

Children. This is a willow.

Teacher. Remember the poem about the willow.


The very first day of spring,

The very, very first.

At the edge of a pine tree

The willow blossomed.

Teacher. Tell us what a willow looks like.

Children. Willow is a tree. The willow has a thick, curved trunk and branches that bend toward the ground. The branches are dark burgundy. On the branches we see silver-white oval lambs. They bloom on the willow at the very beginning of spring.

Teacher. Let's carefully cut off a few thin branches, put them in water and watch how the lambs change and how the leaves appear. And when the branches give roots, we will plant them in the ground and grow several young trees.

The teacher cuts willow branches with pruning shears. Next, the excursionists head to the reservoir.

Teacher. What's going on at the pond? Take a look and tell us.

Children. The ice on the pond begins to melt. He darkened. There is water on the ice near the shores.

Teacher. Is it possible to go out on such ice?

Children. No. You can't go out on such ice. You can fall through and drown.

Teacher. I hope that you will never go out on such spring ice. Now let's listen to the spring forest. What do you hear?

Children. We hear birds singing.

Teacher. What kind of singing?

Children. The singing of birds is loud, joyful, cheerful.

Teacher. Why do birds sing so joyfully?

Children. They returned home from warm countries where they spent the winter.

Teacher. What are they doing now?

Children. They build nests and then hatch chicks.

If possible, the teacher organizes observation of the arriving rooks.

Teacher. What happens to wild animals in the spring?

Children. The bear wakes up and comes out of the den, the hedgehogs wake up, all the animals begin to molt - changing their warm winter coat for a light summer coat. A mother bear comes out of her den with cubs that were born in winter; other animals will soon have cubs.

Teacher. Great! You know a lot about wild animals. Now let's play the game "At the Edge".

Game "At the Edge"

The goal is to develop the grammatical structure of speech (prepositional-case constructions).

Preliminary work: learning the text of the game.

The teacher invites the children to form a circle and play a new game.

At the edge of the Christmas tree,

(Children stand facing in a circle. Show palms.)

And behind them are the ears.

(Show “ears” from the index and middle fingers on both hands.)

The bunnies hid

In the fir trees at the edge.

(They jump on their toes, making “ears” from their palms on their heads.)

At the edge of the Christmas tree,

(Show palms.)

And under them there is a hedgehog -

(They make a “hedgehog” from intertwined palms.)

sharp needles,

(They stomp while standing still. Hands on the belt.)

The clatter of quick feet.

Christmas tree at the edge,

(Show palms.)

And there’s a squirrel on the Christmas tree -

Tassels on ears

(They show the “squirrel” by folding their palms and making “ears” from their thumbs.)

The arrow flies up.

(Stand on tiptoes and stretch upward.)

There's a Christmas tree at the edge,

(Show palms.)

In front of her are fox cubs.

(Perform rhythmic squats.)

Came out of the hole

Red-haired guys.

Christmas tree at the edge,

(Show palms.)

And above the tree is the sky,

(They throw back their heads. They spread their arms to the sides.)

Pillow clouds

(Place palms under cheeks.)

Teacher. Where do bunny ears stick out? (Because of the Christmas trees.)

Where are the bunnies hiding? (Behind the Christmas trees.)

Where is the hedgehog hiding? (Under the tree.)

Where is the squirrel hiding? (On the Christmas tree.)

Where do the little foxes play? (In front of the Christmas tree.)

Where did they come from? (From mink.)

Where is the sky? (Above the Christmas tree.)

After the game, the teacher asks the children generalizing questions.

Teacher. You and I saw a lot today, learned to observe spring changes in nature. What do you know about nature in spring?

Children. In spring, the sun shines brightly and warms. Snow and ice begin to melt. Icicles appear on the roofs. Spring drops begin. Thawed patches appear in the snow, and the first grass appears on the thawed patches, and coltsfoot appears. The willow is blooming. The trees are waking up. Soon the buds will begin to swell on them. Migratory birds arrived and began building nests. Wild animals begin to shed.

Teacher. Amazing. I am proud of you!

The teacher and children return to kindergarten.

If suddenly a fire occurs

Target: introduce children of senior preschool age to the fire rescue unit, its purpose, the profession of a fire rescuer, special equipment used to extinguish fires, and special clothing; establish fire safety rules, .

Material: red signal flags, “certificates” of fire rescuers.

Excursion to the fire department

1. Introductory part.

Educator (V.). Guys, today we are going on an excursion to the fire station. Who do you think we'll meet there? (With rescue firefighters.)
Clarify with children the rules of behavior on the road and the rules for crossing the street without a traffic light.

2. Main part.

IN. You and I are at the entrance to the fire station. You all know that fires are very dangerous. What exactly? (Children's answers.) In a fire, things, an apartment, and even a whole house can burn. But the most dangerous thing is that people may die.
What needs to be done immediately as soon as a fire is discovered so that a big disaster does not happen? (Call the firefighters.)
How to do this correctly, by what phone number? (101.)
Every citizen knows
This number is 101.
If trouble comes to you,
Call there quickly.
And if you don't have a phone,
Call people from the balcony.

As soon as you call the firefighters, a fire truck will come out to put out the fire. .

Conversation with a rescue firefighter.

  • Show us the car, please.
  • What does the car have?
  • Where are the firefighters stationed?
  • What are they wearing? (Examining special clothing.)
  • Why do firefighters wear helmets and fireproof suits?
  • What can be used to evacuate people? (Staircase, awning.)
  • Show us what you use to put out the fire.
  • How many seconds does it take for a fire brigade to respond to a fire?
  • What if there is a red light on the way to the car?
  • What needs to be done to prevent fires?
  • Can children play with matches?
  • What about lighting fires in the forest?
  • Is it possible to turn on electrical appliances without adult permission?
  • Light the gas?
  • What qualities should a firefighter have?
  • What do our guys need to do to become firefighters? (Do sports, exercise, exercise.)

IN.. We learned a lot of useful and interesting things.
Monitoring the actions of firefighters according to the scheme.
A signal arrives at the remote control, an emergency button calls the firefighters, puts on fireproof suits, the crew takes their seats in the car, and the car leaves the fire station gate with the siren on.

Game "Add words".

A representative of the Ministry of Emergency Situations reads lines of poetry, and children must add the missing word.
1. A coal fell on the floor and lit the wooden floor.
Don’t look, don’t wait, don’t stand, but fill it with... water.
2. If little sisters light matches at home, what should you do?
Immediately... take away the matches.
3. If suddenly a fire breaks out, you must immediately call the fire department and report the fire...
4. Those who are not careful with fire may experience a fire.
Children, remember that you can’t joke... with fire.
5. This is a dark house, a hundred sisters live in it;
and any of the sisters can flare up like a fire.
Dangerous sisters are thin... matches.

III. Summarizing.

Representative of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Guys, I present the “Young Rescue Firefighter” certificate to everyone who was attentive and learned the fire safety rules. Now you must strictly follow fire safety rules and teach others to do the same.

A summary of the excursion to the fire department was prepared by L. Tukach

State budgetary preschool educational institution of the city of Sevastopol Kindergarten “No. 124”

GCD in the senior group

Prepared by:


Kryuchkina I.Yu.


201 6

GCD in the senior group

Lesson summary “Excursion to the Museum of Russian Folk Toys”


    to form in children the “image of a museum”, as a temple of art in which art collections are stored;

    clarify and expand children’s ideas about Russian folk toys, develop knowledge about folk art;

    consolidate preschoolers’ knowledge about the Russian folk wooden toy – Matryoshka (Semyonovskaya, Polkhov-Maidanskaya);

    introduce the history of the Bogorodsk craft;

    expand children's knowledge about Dymkovo and Filimonov toys;

    develop speech, the ability to answer questions, attention, memory;

    instill spiritual and moral values ​​in the younger generation;

    to cultivate a caring attitude towards toys, a respectful attitude towards the work of folk craftsmen.

Materials for the lesson:

Exhibition of toys - Dymkovo, Filimonovsky, Bogorodsky, Semyonovsky, Easter-Maidansky nesting dolls.

Preliminary work: conversation, looking at Russian folk toys.

Vocabulary work: activate children's speech with the words guide, matryoshka, folk craft, Dymkovo, Filimonovskaya, Bogorodskaya toys.

Progress of the lesson

Guys, look how many guests came to our lesson, let's say hello to the guests (they say hello)

Now let's greet each other

All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other

Today I invite you to take a virtual tour of the Russian Folk Toy Museum

Who knows what a MUSEUM is (children's answers)

A museum is an institution that collects, studies, and preserves objects.

Tell me, what professions do people work in the museum (children's answers) and what role do they perform?

1. What is the name of the profession of a person who works in a museum and talks about surrounding objects? (guide)

Who is a tour guide? - a guide is someone who conducts excursions.

2. Who else works at the museum?

Researcher + collects material on the exhibition (in the archive, library, Internet, documents).

3. Who is a caretaker? Monitors order and behavior, checks tickets from visitors.

4. Restorer - a person who repairs items that are in the museum.

5. Security guard - a person who guards the museum

6. Cleaner – the one who cleans the museum (washes, etc.)

But before we start our excursion, we need to decide who will be the guide.

Guys, will you allow me to be a tour guide? Then let's start our tour

But first, let's remember the rules of behavior in the museum

    don't shout or make noise,

    Do not touch the exhibits with your hands.

    Do not interrupt the guide, ask questions with your hand raised

    You should move silently through the halls of the museum.

    Talking loudly is unacceptable

    At the end of the event, you must thank the guide for the excursion.

We have repeated the rules, now you can start the tour.

Turn around and you will find yourself in a museum

Russian folk toy, why is it called that?

(folk toy is a toy made by human hands, it is original, interesting for its uniqueness, warmth, made with love)

1 table - let's go to the first table

(children look at the toys. The teacher draws attention to the Dymkovo toys)

What is the name of this toy? (Dymkovskaya)

Do you know why it is called that?

Smoke comes out of the chimneys in a column

It’s like everything is in a haze

Blue distances and a large village 1 slide

They called it Dymkovo.

Teacher's story

In ancient times, residents of this settlement, young and old, sculpted a clay toy for the fair. In winter. The whole settlement is in smoke, because the stoves are heated, toys are burned, on cloudy days the fog from the stove spreads like a light haze. Perhaps this is where the name “Dymkovo” arose, and the toys began to be called “Dymkovo”.

Misha, tell us the technology for making the Dymkovo toy.

(toys were made from red clay, then dried for 20-25 days, and then fired in an oven. The finished figures were covered with chalk diluted with cow's milk, painted with egg paints, and supplemented with diamonds. Traditional colors: bright red, yellow, blue, green , orange)

What kind of toys are these? let's consider

Look how good she is

this girl is a soul

Scarlet cheeks are burning,

amazing outfit

The kokoshnik sits proudly

And the young lady is so beautiful!

water bearer

Behind the icy water

Young water-bearer,

How a swan floats

He carries red buckets

Slowly on the yoke

Look how good she is

This girl is beautiful.

Here's a smart turkey

He's so foldable

At the big turkey

All sides are painted.

Look at the bushy tail

It’s not easy for him at all!

Just like a sunny flower

And a high comb

Clay horses are racing

On stands as much as you can!

And you can’t hold on to your tail

If you missed the mane.

Duck – Marfutochka

It goes by the coast.

Duck – Marfutochok

Leads to swim.

Through the mountain spurs

Through the rooftops of villages

Red-footed yellowhorn

A clay deer rushes.

Educator. - All toys are not simple,

And magically painted

Snow-white like birches

Circles, squares, stripes -

A seemingly simple pattern

But I can’t look away.

What color paints did the masters use when painting the Dymkovo toy? (red, yellow, blue, green, orange)

How can you say about these colors in one word?

(bright, elegant, festive, cheerful, rainbow, beautiful)

2 table - let's move on to the second table

And they settled nearby Filimonov toys

So bright, cheerful, kind and noisy. How they can whistle and whistle

And you ask, what are these toys for? Yes, it’s clear that our people have such a soul that they not only love to work, but also know how to have fun. And what is fun without toys, without fun? (children listen to the whistling of whistles)

The Filimonovskaya toy is the oldest folk art craft in Russia. The birthplace of the fishery is the village of Filimonovo. There is a legend that grandfather Philemon lived and made toys from clay:

    Of people: soldier, ladies, boy on a rooster, rider on a horse, soldier with a goose

    Animals: deer, cow, horse, ram, goat, dog, cat, ram

    Birds: rooster, hen with chicks, peacock, ducks

    Multi-figure compositions: tea party, troika, carousel, etc.

What are the traditional colors?

(yellow, orange, red, white, blue, beige)

The Filimonovskaya toy is painted not with a brush, but with a goose feather. Unlike Dymkovo's, all Filimonov's toys are whistles, even young ladies and gentlemen. All these figures have short or long legs, small heads, and elongated necks. Because of the many colors of the rainbow, fans call Filimonov whistles “sun” or “little rainbow.”

The Russian people are rich in their love for their native land and their children. It was for them, for children, that folk craftsmen came up with all sorts of toys and amusements, and made them from different materials.

Game “What is the toy made of?” (word formation game)

A toy made of clay - what is it? (clay)

The teacher throws the ball to the child and asks:

A toy made of wood - the child throws the ball back and says “wooden”

From straw - straw

Made of stone - stone

Made of paper - paper

Made of rubber - rubber

Made of plastic - plastic

Made of metal - metal

Made of glass - glass

From rags - rag

3 table. But on this table there are toys from the village of Bogorodskoye, Moscow region. These toys are made of linden.

The master takes a linden block of wood and looks at it carefully, as if he is figuring out something. And then he uses a sharp knife to cut out round ears and a short nose, a furry belly in the middle, and thick bear paws at the bottom. And now Mikhail Potapych is ready for people’s amusement.

Bogorodsk craftsmen especially love to make bears. And they don’t have any kind of bears - here’s a bear enjoying honey, here’s chopping wood. The Bogorodsk craftsmen came up with such a trick that their toys can move: you pull two bars and now the bear is drumming, the bear and a man are working in the forge - they are knocking with hammers.

And on this board the chickens peck the grain very quickly

Wonderful toys, right? They bring a lot of joy to people and they say a big thank you to the Bogorodsky masters

4 table. And what is covered here under the scarf you will find out if you guess the riddle

She's steep-sided like a turnip

And under the scarlet scarf on us

Looks fun, smart, wide

A pair of black currants - eyes.

Scarlet silk handkerchief,

Bright sundress with flowers,

The hand rests on the wooden sides.

And there are secrets inside

Maybe three, maybe six

Got a little flushed

Our Russian… matryoshka

Mystery: Girlfriends are different heights

But they look alike

They all sit next to each other

And only one toy (matryoshka)

The teacher opens the scarf - there are nesting dolls under the scarf.

That's right, the most favorite toys among children were nesting dolls. This is a real Russian beauty. A doll with a secret. What is the secret of the nesting doll? (children's answers)

Educator: I’ll break it in half:

I wonder what's there?

There's another matryoshka

Smiles, laughs

Girlfriends are different heights

And they look alike

Russian beauties

You guys like it.

Look how many nesting dolls there are

Let's take a rest first before we get acquainted with these toys.


Educator: Well, guys, don't yawn

And everyone stand in a circle

Do you want to play a little?

Then dress up as a matryoshka

(three nesting dolls are chosen from the children, scarves are tied on their heads, they squat in the center of the circle that the other children form. The children walk in a circle and sing the song “Matryoshka” to the tune of the Russian folk song “Cap”)

Eh, Matryoshka, Matryoshka,

Scarlet scarf, floral sundress!

We fed you, we gave you water

They put me on my feet and made me dance!

Dance as much as you want, choose whoever you want

After the game, the children sit on chairs. The teacher continues the story about the nesting dolls, accompanied by a show of the nesting dolls.

Matryoshka doll figures are carved from a wooden block. Choose linden, alder, birch. First, the smallest one-piece figure is made. Then the figurine is sanded and painted, sometimes varnished.

What types of nesting dolls are on the table? (Semyonovskaya, Polkhov-Maidanskaya)

Let's put the Semyonov nesting dolls in one direction, and the Polkhov-Maidan dolls in the other direction.

In the city of Semyonov, the Semyonovskaya matryoshka doll is made and painted. It is distinguished by a large bouquet of flowers, which brightly decorates the entire figure of the toy, occupying almost the entire apron. The edge of the scarf is a chain of small buds; the border with flower buds is a distinctive feature of the Semyonovskaya nesting doll.

The influence of traditional Golden Khokhloma painting can be discerned in the manner of painting. The basis of the composition in the painting of the Semenovskaya nesting doll is an apron, on which a bouquet of lush flowers is depicted - red, blue and yellow.

Polkhov-Maidan nesting dolls

They are elongated in shape, with a small head. On their heads they have bright scarves - shawls with flowers, on top of their sundress - an apron, but not a simple one

(showing a matryoshka doll)

Take a look and tell us what patterns the Polkhov-Maidan artists decorate their aprons with? (flowers, berries, leaves, buds)

That's right, the pattern consists of bright flowers, leaves, and berries. The masters of Polkhov-Maidan have a secret: first they draw the outlines of flowers, leaves, and berries in black ink, and arrange them beautifully throughout the entire apron of the nesting doll - large flowers in the center, and around there are branches with buds, berries and leaves.

Lastly, blades of grass, stems, and tendrils are painted on.

It seems that Matryoshka came to us from the world of legends and fairy tales. But, in fact, it is a little over 100 years old - in 2000, 2016, the nesting doll turned 116 years old. In any case, neither Vasily Petrovich Zvezdochkin, the famous turner who carved the Matryoshka, nor Sergei Malyutin, the famous artist, had any idea that they were creating a masterpiece - a Russian souvenir - Matryoshka

Affectionate, how can you say? Matryona, Matryoshechka, Matryonushka.

Additionally, it is known that the prototype was the brightly colored Easter eggs, which have long been carved from wood and painted by Russian craftsmen. These eggs were hollow inside; a small one was put into a large one. This is where the Russian matryoshka came from; its shape resembles an egg.

Well, did you like the toys in our museum?

And what you especially liked and remembered, you can draw

Thank you for your attention!

A girl dressed in a nesting doll with a treat enters to the music:

This children's toy

I've already traveled halfway around the world

So not much and not little

It has become a symbol of Russia!

The children leave the hall to the music.

OD summary with senior children on a walk.

The summary is intended for teachers of the senior group. Useful for the development of creativity, motor activity and cognition.

Subject: Walk to the garden.

Program content:

Cognition: Deepen and concretize children's knowledge about vegetable crops;

To develop the ability to establish cause and effect relationships about the conditions necessary for plant growth; teach the simplest skills of caring for vegetable crops.

To cultivate a love for the nature of the native land and hard work.

Physical Culture: Improve the ability and skills of motor activity.

Artistic creativity: Continue teaching children to make crafts from natural materials.


Cards with numbers from 1 to 10 on a blue and yellow background;

For sand painting:

A) shoulder blades;

B) trays;

D) cardboard;

D) simple pencils;

E) PVA glue;

Cards by G. Doman on the theme “Vegetables” - answers to riddles;

Demonstration map “Structure of plants”;

Watering cans, a bucket of water, sticks for loosening;

Cards with TRIZ examples;

Equipment for role-playing games “Family”, “Drivers”, “Supermarket”, “Fishing”.

Progress of the walk.

    Introductory part.

Ball game “Question and answer”. Children give a complete answer to the question.

- what day of the week is it today?

- what day of the week was yesterday?

- What day of the week will be tomorrow?

- What time of year is it now?

- what is the weather today? Etc.

Division into subgroups: Children take a card with a number and line up by color in two groups in order. They check each other, count in forward order, in reverse order, in Kazakh.

The teacher explains the plan for the walk and sets tasks.

    1st subgroup (blue numbers) – sand application.

Children sift sand onto trays (prepared for application). They draw a landscape on cardboard with a pencil, spread it with glue, and sprinkle it with sand. After waiting for the glue to dry, shake off excess sand onto a tray. To achieve more voluminous images, sprinkle sand several times. Works are hung on a remote stand.

2nd subgroup (yellow numbers)- a walk in the garden.

A) Guessing riddles about vegetables. Children read and solve the riddle. Find the card you need and read the name:

“Countless clothes, and all without fastenings,”

“No windows, no doors - a room full of people”

“The beautiful maiden sits in prison, and the braid is on the street,”

“A red mouse with a white tail sits in a hole under a green bush,”

“It dried up in the hot sun and breaks out of the pod....”,

“He never offended anyone in the world. Why do both adults and children cry from him?”

“I grow in the garden, and when I ripen, they boil me into a tomato, put it in cabbage soup and eat it like that,”

“What did they dig out of the ground, fry, cook? What did we bake in ashes, eat and praise?”

How to call all these plants in one word?

Where do vegetables grow?

After this, the teacher invites the children to the garden.

B) Observation of vegetables. Children look at the vegetables growing in the garden and name the parts of the plant. Check if all the parts have been named by checking the demonstration card.

C) Didactic game “Tops and Roots”.

Are all parts of the plant edible? Remember the fairy tale “The Man and the Bear”.

Children take a card with a picture of a part of a root vegetable (top or spine), run around the playground to music or a tambourine, the music stops, children must quickly find their pair and name the vegetable they got.

D) Labor in nature.

What conditions are needed for vegetables to grow? (Sun, air, water).

The teacher shows how to properly water the plants without getting them on the leaves and loosen the soil. Children work under the supervision of a teacher. Remove weeds.

D) Examples of TRIZ.

What are vegetables for?

Children read the example and name a dish that can be prepared from these products.

“Potatoes + vegetable oil” - French fries, fried potatoes, chips,

"Tomato + cucumber" salad,

“Cabbage + salt” sauerkraut,

“Tomato + garlic + pepper” seasoning, etc.

E) Result.

Where have we been?

What did you consider?

How should you care for vegetables?

We return to the site. We look at children's paintings.

    P/I “The third wheel” with hoops. First, repeat what a pair is.

    S/R game "Family".

The games “Family”, “Drivers”, “Supermarket”, “Fishing” are combined into one plot.

    Individual work. Practicing reading skills.

Prepared by Borovikova E.A.

Author information

Antonova Nadezhda Nikolaevna

Place of work, position:

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 5 "Fairy Tale"

Tambov Region

Characteristics of the lesson (lesson)

The level of education:

Preschool education

The level of education:

Primary general education

The level of education:

Additional education for children

The level of education:

Boarding schools, orphanages

The target audience:


The target audience:

Classroom teacher

The target audience:


The target audience:

Additional education teacher

The target audience:



Extracurricular activities

The purpose of the lesson:

Continue to form in children the idea that a clearing is a community of medicinal plants;

Lesson type:

Lesson of studying and primary consolidation of new knowledge

Short description:

Introduction to medicinal plants.

Summary of a lesson on conducting an excursion in the senior group “Spring Glade of Health”
: continue to form in children the idea that a clearing is a community of medicinal plants;
enrich children's vocabulary with the names of medicinal plants, form dialogical speech.
Introduce medicinal plants of your native land;
on the basis of the acquired knowledge, to form a desire for their rational use and protection;
Explain the rules of caring for medicinal plants.
Educational: develop the ability to notice and correctly name medicinal plants;
introduce the characteristics of coltsfoot, plantain, nettle, dandelion;
clarify where they grow and what their significance in nature is.
Tell the children that insects live in the clearing among the grass.
Educational: to cultivate a conscious, careful attitude towards medicinal herbs, to develop the ability to behave correctly in the “Meadow of Health”, and an aesthetic perception of nature.
Preliminary work. A conversation about medicinal plants and their importance in restoring health;
examination of illustrations on the topic “Medicinal plants”, “Insects”.
Reading M. Prishvin’s story “Golden Meadow”.
Making riddles about medicinal herbs and insects.
Progress of the excursion.
- Guys, look
on the screen and determine what time of year it is.
Children. Spring.
Educator. That's right, spring. By what signs did you determine this?
Children. Birds have flown in from warm regions and insects have woken up, the sun is shining brightly, the snow is melting and streams are flowing; thawed patches appeared.
Bright blue sky, the sun is shining.
Educator. Well done! Spring - the red one rules the earth!
The weather is beautiful outside today and I suggest you go on an excursion . Listen to the riddle and guess where we will go:
There is such a place in the forest,
Where grass and flowers grow,
Strawberries for jam
Where do you like to run?
Educator. What it is?
Children. Glade.
Educator. So where do we go?
Children. To the clearing.
Educator. Right. We will go to a spring meadow, where medicinal herbs grow, birds sing, grasshoppers and other insects jump.
Stand next to each other.
Fast legs, fast legs
Let's run along the path
Top-top, jump - jump.
Educator. Here we are in the clearing. Guys, look around, how beautiful it is!
The earth has thawed from the bright sun, there are a lot of puddles, streams are babbling, birds are chirping loudly - the messengers of spring, there is a lot of moisture.
Spring has come into its own.
And spring helped defeat winter...What do you think helped?
Children. Sun! Because in spring the sun shines brighter and warms up more strongly.
Educator. Right!
Playing with the sun.
Sunshine, sunshine,
Shine brighter!
(Stretch your arms up, stand on your toes.)
Bright rays
Reach out to us.
(Extend your arms forward, palms up.)
We will put our hands in your palms,
(Split into pairs, extend your hands to each other.)
Spin us around, lifting us off the ground.
(Spin in pairs.)
They came to the clearing with you.
(Line up in a chain, holding each other's hands).
What do you like about the clearing?
Children. Lots of flowers and grass.
Educator. Yes, we are surrounded by many medicinal plants and primroses. Some spring plants are blooming, while others have just emerged from the ground. There are so many sprouts all around! Some pierce the ground like sharp pegs with tightly rolled leaves, others with a bent stem. And there is a lot of strength in these sprouts. Every day new flowers bloom.
Educator. What does the clearing look like?
Children. On the carpet, on the tablecloth, on the scarf.
Educator. Guys, what color is the clearing?
Children. Yellow, green.
Educator. Remember which meadow I read you a story about?
Children. About the golden meadow.
Educator. Why is it called that?
Children. There were many yellow dandelions growing on it.
Educator. What does a dandelion look like?
Children. Dandelion looks like a golden ball.
Educator. Let's find a dandelion among the plants of our meadow and say hello to it. (Children find dandelions and examine it).
Look closely at the flower and see what it is like.
Dandelion- medicinal plant. It contains a large storehouse of vitamins.
Their use quickly restores a person’s strength.
Dandelion leaves are collected in a rosette and grow all summer. A very healthy salad is made from the leaves of young dandelion, and jam is even made from the inflorescences. In autumn, dandelion leaves do not dry out, but go under the snow; they begin to turn green in the spring when exposed to sunlight.
And a little later, yellow “lanterns” light up in the grass
Listen to the poem"Dandelion"
The sun dropped a golden ray.
The first dandelion grew, young.
It has a wonderful golden color,
A little hello from the big sun.

Educator. But a little time will pass - and the golden dandelion will not be recognized.
Golden and young
In a week he turned gray,
I'll hide it in my pocket
Former dandelion.
Game "Dandelion"
Children are divided into two teams and line up one after another.
Each participant holds some part of the flower: core, stem, petals.
A hoop is placed at a distance of 5-6m from the teams. At a signal, children take turns running up to the hoop and laying out a dandelion in it.
The team that collects the dandelion first wins.
Educator. Today the sun is shining brightly, it met you in the clearing and invites you to play with it.
Finger game “Ah! The sun is already clear"
Oh! The sun is already clear (they spread their arms to the sides)
It's hot, it's hot (hands raised up)
And there is gold everywhere (they gradually lower their hands down, clenching and unclenching their fists)
Spilled, spilled.
Streams on the street (use palms to depict wave-like movements)
Everything is murmuring, everything is murmuring.
The cranes are crowing (they bring their palms to their mouths, pretending to play the pipe)
And they fly and fly (arms to the sides - up - down).
Educator. Guys, guess the riddle about which plant that grows in the clearing will we be talking about?
Mystery. A green bush grows,
If you touch it, it will bite you,
It's not fire, it burns.
Children. Nettle.
Educator. Find nettles in the clearing.
Children find and examine.
Educator. Nettle contains so many vitamins that cabbage soup cooked from its leaves gives a person strength and vigor. People prepared cabbage soup from nettles during the difficult years of the war.
Educator. What other medicinal plants do you know? They are also called “green pharmacy” Why? (Children's answers.) That's right! Such medicines help get rid of diseases. They provide special assistance on a hike, at the dacha, or on a walk away from home. Since ancient times, people have noticed the unusual properties of some plants and used them to improve health. Animals also use herbal medicine.
Today we will also get acquainted with coltsfoot, this plant helps us on our walks.
This plant has two faces: spring and summer. “Spring face” - yellow inflorescences on short stems. Its mischievous yellow lights seem to warn, like a yellow traffic light: wait a little, and the green light will turn on - the meadows and forests will turn green. These yellow lights are called flowers, each containing many tiny flowers clustered together.
Let's find it and look at it.
The leaves are large and round.
Place the sheet on the cheek with the smooth side.
How will you feel?
Children. Cool.
Educator. Now apply it with the rough side.
How did you feel now?
Children. Warm.
Educator. Why is the plant so named? How do you think?
Children. Mother is the warm, affectionate, soft side of the leaf. And the stepmother is the cold, smooth side of him. People have always used this plant to treat colds and coughs.
Educator. What other plants grow in the clearing?
Guess the riddle. A modest, inconspicuous flower
It grows along the paths.
It just doesn't bloom at all.
Many of us are unaware
That a cure has been found
They can stop the bleeding.
What kind of weed? -
Children. Plantain. Why is it called that?
Children. You can find him along the road.
Educator. Right! Who knows in what cases this wonderful plant will help us. (Children's answer) A fresh plantain leaf needs to be crushed in your hands so that the juice appears, and applied to the wound or burn. Soon they will heal, the pain will go away.
Game "Connoisseurs"
I show the medicinal plant one by one. Children must name the part of the plant (root, leaf, fruit, flower) that is used for medicinal purposes.
For example: plantain - leaf, chamomile - flower, etc.
The game can be complicated by asking: What diseases does it help with? Where does it grow?

Educator. We got acquainted with medicinal plants. How should you handle them?
Children. Carefully and carefully.
Educator. Let's remember the rules for collecting medicinal plants.
1. It is necessary to collect plants in moderation, leaving some in nature for reproduction.
2. It is necessary to cut or collect only the part that is medicinal. Plants should not be pulled out by the roots.
3. Collection should be done only at certain times.
4. Unfamiliar plants should not be collected.
5. It is necessary to remember that some plants are poisonous, so you cannot pick them without adults, much less put beautiful berries in your mouth.
Educator. Guys, you can’t make noise in the clearing, you can’t pick too many flowers, you can’t catch insects... Why? (Children's answers.)
But look: a bumblebee landed on the yellow eye of the mother and stepmother. For what? (children's answer)
Educator. That's right, to collect nectar. In the flowers of the mother and stepmother, a wonderful table is laid for bees and bumblebees, and at a time when there are no other flowering plants yet. Pay attention to the color of the flowers. What is she like? (Children's answers.) Why such brightness?
Children. To attract the attention of insects.
Educator. Bumblebees and bees help primroses reproduce.
Children. Pollination. They carry pollen on their paws.
Listen to the riddle.
In the clearing, near the fir trees,
The house is built from needles.
He is not visible behind the grass,
And there are a million residents there.
Children. Anthill.
Educator. Everyone knows that the ant is the orderly of the forest. If there are a lot of anthills in the forest, then the forest is healthy. Anthills must not be destroyed, sticks must not be shoved into them, and ants must not be crushed. Look how the ants work: everyone is busy with their own business - some are dragging a straw, which is several times larger than an ant, and some are fighting with a beetle, driving the uninvited guest out of the anthill. The ant is a hard worker, the ant is the protector of the forest. This is why anthills should be protected.
Educator. Look, what other insects do you see? (Children's answer.)
Educator. Admire once again how beautiful our meadow is in the spring. We saw and learned a lot of interesting things. And most importantly, you didn't harm anyone.
You are true friends of nature.
I want to remind you that Nature generously gives us beauty. And beauty must be loved and appreciated. Look carefully and remember, and when we get to kindergarten, we’ll draw a spring meadow. Show your drawings to your parents and tell them how many interesting and unusual things you saw in the clearing today.
Let's say to the clearing: “Goodbye, see you again!”
Work after the excursion. Summarize the knowledge gained after the excursion through conversation, reading stories about medicinal plants, and conducting a quiz “In a forest clearing.” Make a panorama from the drawings.