Summary of an individual lesson "Automation of sound in syllables and words" outline of a speech therapy lesson on the topic. Lesson summary “Automation of sound C Individual lesson automation of sound C in sentences

Summary of individual speech therapy classes in 4th grade.

Topic: Sound automation [C].

Goal: Automation of the sound [S] in syllables, words, sentences, phrases and coherent speech using the lexical and grammatical material “Winter”

    Automation of the sound [S] in syllables, words, sentences, phrases, coherent speech.

    Develop speech breathing, articulatory motor skills, fine motor skills, attention, memory.

    Develop phonemic awareness, enrich vocabulary, form grammatical skills, develop coherent speech.

    Cultivate hard work.

Equipment: mirror, subject and subject pictures, symbol pictures, computer, task cards.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

We always speak beautifully

Loud and leisurely

We speak clearly

Because we're in no hurry.

2. Breathing exercises.

    Inhale through the nose, exhale through the nose.

    Inhale through the mouth and exhale through the nose.

    Inhale through the mouth and exhale through the mouth.

    Inhale through the mouth and exhale through the nose. Blowing on a snowflake.

3. Articulation gymnastics.

"Visiting the tongue."

4.Message about the topic of the lesson.

Guess a riddle:

White flakes are flying
They fall quietly and circle.
Everything turned white.
What covered the paths? (Snow.)

What sound did you hear at the beginning of the word “snow”?

Today in class we will pronounce the sounds [S] in syllables, words and sentences.

5. Description of sound articulation

Make the sound [C] (The child makes the sound in front of the mirror.)

Clarify the articulation of sound.

How are the lips positioned when pronouncing the sounds [C]?

Where was the tongue when we pronounced the sounds [S]?

When we pronounce the sounds [S] what kind of air comes out?

6. Automation of the sound [S] in syllables, words, phrases.

Read the syllables and pronounce them

Conjugate-reflected speech.

Speak 2 times

Icicle, snowfall, descent, pine, condition, snowflake.

Sa-sa-sa where does the fox live?

Su-su-su saw a fox in the forest

Sy-sy-sy the fox has a long tail.

Remember and tell a simple poem about a wasp.

Sa-sa-sa there is a wasp in the garden,

Sa-sa-sa a wasp is flying towards me,

Sy-sy-sy the wasp has a mustache,

Sy-sy-sy there is no wasp in the garden.

7. Finger gymnastics.

One day the mice came out (we moved the fingers of both hands on the table).

See what time it is (pull back the sleeve on your left arm with your right hand)

One, two, three, four (put your elbows on the table and bend four fingers in turn)

The mice pulled the weights (we clench and unclench our fists)

One, two, three, four, five (bend five fingers one by one)

And we went for a walk again (we move the fingers of both hands on the table).

8. Give a complete answer to the question.

When does the snow melt?

What does lemon taste like?

What can a magician do?

Who's sitting on the bitch?

What's on the table?

What is the last sound in the word "forest"?

9. Game "1-5"

Count from 1 to 5 the word icicle, snowflake.

10. Conjugate verbs according to the pattern

I'm sledding.

You, he, she, we, you, they.

11. Game "Confusion".

Read the words and make a beautiful sentence.

Sonya, Sanya, sled, ride, on, and

Pine trees, forest, snow, covered in

Fox, winter, fluffy, fur, o

12. Physical training

13. Game “On the contrary”

The onions are bitter, and the sugar...

The lion is strong, and the kitten...

The bush is low, and the tree...

Katya has dark hair, and Valya...

Vitya has a new bag, and Taras...

Slava was hungry before lunch, and after lunch...

The laundry is wet after washing, and then...

14. Replace the letter in the middle of the word with C.
What new word did you get?

paw - weasel bear - bowl

brand - modeling - _____

15. Working with text.

Read the text, instead of dots, insert words that suit their meaning.

It was cold and snowy.

It goes often in winter.

It shines, but does not heat.


The children took it and went outside.

Sonya and Slava were blinding.

In winter you can find...

The kids have fun in winter.

Retelling the text.

16. Summary of the lesson.

What sound did we learn to pronounce correctly?

Name words with these sounds.

Assessment of the child's activity.

Summary of individual lessons

Topic: Automation [c]

Target: automate the sound [s] in phrases and sentences.

Tasks: - develop articulatory and fine motor skills;

Develop phonemic hearing and phonemic perception;

To consolidate the correct pronunciation of the delivered sound [s] in syllables, words, phrases, sentences and rhyming texts;

Develop attention, memory, thinking, imagination;

Develop the skill of self-control over your own speech.

Equipment: mirrors, diagrams, object pictures.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizing time

Guys, today I will tell you a story about “The Pump”.

Once upon a time there was a Pump. Every morning he did exercises.

Let's show you (Breathing exercise.)

Articulation gymnastics

“Smile”, “fence”, “proboscis”, “donut”, “knead the dough”, “brush our teeth”, “slide”, “reel”.

II. Work on the topic of the lesson.

More than anything else, he loved inflating tires. When the Pump was working, he “sang” his favorite song: ssss.

    Articulation of sound

You have to smile and keep your lips smiling all the time. Press the tip of your tongue behind your lower teeth; the back is arched. Bring your teeth together, but do not close them. Blow softly: ssss.

What sound is this?

What color will we use? Show.

2. D/game “Bicycle”

Let's help Pump inflate his bike's tires! (Imitation of inflating bicycle tires.)

Well done!

3. D/game “Traps”.

Pump has a favorite game, and he invites us to play it.

I will name different sounds, if you hear the sound [s], then catch it by clapping your hands.



4. Automation [s] in syllables.

The pump is tired. Let him rest, and we will sing him a song with his favorite sound.

sa-sa-sa as-as-as

sy-sy-sy ys-ys-ys

so-so-so os-os-os

su-su-su us-us-us

5. Automation of the sound [s] in words.

I’ll tell you a secret: Pump loves gifts, not simple ones, but those with the sound [s] in the name.

(On the board there are subject pictures: dog, elephant bus, cat, pineapple, wasp. Students name the pictures in chorus, individually.)

Which picture is the odd one out? Why?

Here's the problem, the pump doesn't know where the sound [s] is hiding. (Determining the place of a sound in a word.)

What's happened? Wasps surrounded the Pump. How many are there? Let's count?

6. Automation sound [s] in phrases.

D/game “1-2-3-4-5”

(One wasp, two wasps, three wasps, four wasps, five wasps.)

Let's drive them away by saying our favorite Pump sound. (Ssss)

7 . Automation sound [s] in sentences.

Guys, who is this? (This is an elephant.)

What is the elephant doing? (The elephant is sleeping.)

The old elephant sleeps peacefully

He can sleep standing up. (Learning by heart.)

III. Lesson summary

Who did you play with during the lesson?

What is Pump's favorite sound?

Individual lessons with a speech therapist are necessary to establish and automate correct sound pronunciation. This method of work is necessary for children with speech pathologies and physiological disorders of the articulatory apparatus.

Classes are devoted to the production and automation of groups of phonemes or individual sounds. The topic of today's lesson: “Sound [S]”. During the lesson we use methods of sound production [С] and [Ш], developed for correctional work with preschoolers.


  1. Staging and automation of sound [C].
  2. Fixing sounds in isolated positions, in syllables, in words and sentences.
  3. Production of whistling sounds, their differentiation.



  • Setting and assigning the phoneme [C] in reflected repetition to the teacher, independently.
  • Enrichment of the dictionary.


  • Formation of syllabic analysis skills.
  • Fixing the sound [S] in isolation, in syllables, words, sentences.
  • Development of thinking, memory, attention.
  • Development .
  • Development of motor skills of articulation organs and fingers.


  • Maintaining interest in learning and working with a speech therapist.
  • Cultivating hard work.
  • Developing the skill of controlling sound pronunciation.

To conduct the lesson in a fun way, you will need a toy (for example, a bear, an elephant), a mirror, a sound ruler, cards with letters and images of objects, and syllable diagrams.

Progress of the lesson

Organizing time

Good afternoon, Zakhar (child’s name). Today we will meet a guest. He came to us to see what you were doing in class, to help you do exercises and play.

Come on, let's meet him. The elephant's name is Semyon. How are you?

We got acquainted, now we’ll tell the elephant what we’ll do today.

Let's learn how to pronounce the sound [C] correctly and repeat exercises to warm up the face, fingers, and tongue. Let's look at interesting pictures from fairy tales and come up with our own story. And Semyon will help us and learn too. What sound does the elephant's name begin with? (the child answers), and your name is Well done.

Game “Hear and Clap”

Goal: to develop phonemic awareness.

  • Let's play a game. I will name the words, and you will clap your hands if you hear the sound [C].

Sledge, broom, elephant, owl, cat, bag.

  • Well done. The elephant praises you too. He is proud of you, wants to be just as smart and attentive.

Now let's get ready to warm up.

Articulation gymnastics

To produce the sound [C], articulatory gymnastics must be used. Completing tasks helps to relax the muscles, feel the position of the organs of the oral cavity, and set them up for work. This stage cannot be excluded from speech therapy sessions.

Repeat the steps after me. Rub your palms and fingers. Stroke yourself on the cheeks, forehead (3-4 times). Move your hands to your ears, rub the earlobes (3-4 times). Rub over the lips, under the chin (3-4 times).

Articulation exercises:
Performed in front of a mirror or without it, the child repeats the movements after the teacher.

  • Smile

We stretch the sponges as far as possible to the sides. We hold the smile for a few seconds, then relax the muscles. 2-3 repetitions.

  • Spatula

We smile, open our mouth, and place our tongue on our lower teeth. We slap our tongue on our lips and say: “Bya, five, five, bya.”

  • Jam

We lick our lips as if they were smeared with a sweet treat.

  • Needle

Stick out your sharp tongue, pull it out as far as possible, and now hide it back. Repeat.

Well done. Our tongue and lips are ready for the lesson.

Breathing exercises

Helps the child relax, take a break from articulations, and get ready for further work. Do 2-3 breathing exercises with your preschooler.

  • Puffing out our cheeks

Come on, let's make Semyon laugh. Let's show him how a fish breathes underwater. Take air into your mouth and puff out your cheeks. Try not to release it right away, hold it. Then puff up one cheek, then the other.

  • Trumpeter

Pull the sponges into a tube. Take air into your lungs and blow it out through a thin slit in your mouth, as if you were blowing out a candle.

Finger gymnastics

Now let's stretch our fingers. Let's make a “Lock”, “Ring Fist”.

Sound production

The main part of the lesson. The sound [C] is produced using a mirror. The child must follow the movements of the articulatory apparatus. Fix the correct positions of the lips and tongue. These exercises and methods can be used as ways to create whistling sounds in future classes.

  • First, let's tell the elephant how we pronounce the sound [C]. Show what the tongue, lips, teeth do, how the air passes. Let's remember together.
  • Fold your lips into a smile, clench your teeth, relax your tongue and place it at the bottom of your mouth. Its tip should rest against the lower teeth. Exhale into your palm. Do you feel the cold air coming out in a thin stream? Well done. Let's do it again.
  • Remember that the consonant C can be hard or soft, it is always unvoiced. Can you name a few words where C is soft. I call the word Sema. Try to come up with it.
  • And now words where C is hard. I call the word, dream. It's your turn.
  • Let's look at the pictures. They depict fruits. Name those that begin with S.
  • The child is offered color images: plum, pineapple, currant, cucumber, tomato, peach, etc.
  • Now let's talk for a long, long time. Ssssssss. Let's sing a song to Semyon, as if we were inflating the tires with a pump. S-S-S.

The production of the C sound in dysarthria is accompanied by vowel sounds. We pronounce the syllables su, sa, then the small words soup, dog. We sing not a separate phoneme, but syllables with vowels.

The production of the sound C is similar to the correction of the pronunciation of the phoneme Ш. The tongue takes the same position, the lips stretch to the sides.

Mechanical method

If a preschooler cannot cope with pronunciation on his own, use the production of the sound C with the help of a teacher and a spatula, toothpick, and fingers. The mechanical method of extracting a phoneme helps the child feel. Understand the correct positions of the cheeks and tongue, control the process of exhaling air during articulation.

Sound production:

  1. Place the toothpick on the child's tongue. It is immersed in the oral cavity by 1.5 - 2 cm.
  2. The child forms a groove on his elongated tongue and blows air along it. You can press on the toothpick, lowering your tongue to the lower palate. You will hear whistling sounds when you exhale.
  3. Place your tongue and toothpick in different positions, look for the right position for the clearest phonation.

Sound Automation

Pay special attention to sound automation. This stage of work is important for consolidating the norms of sound pronunciation in free speech. We automate sound in syllables, words, sentences, stories.

To automate the sound [S], syllable patterns will be required. The sound [S] should be hard, soft, and in different positions. After pronunciation, be sure to analyze the pairs, compare them by sound and meaning.

  • in syllables

Come on, let's read the cards with you. Repeat after me, look in the mirror at the movements of your lips and tongue. Tighten them up.

Sa-sa-sa - what a beauty.
Si-si-si, don't miss it.
Se-se-se, don’t go to your place.

The set of syllables may differ from the one given, use open, closed isolated syllables to set the sound s, use the same cards, phonemic sets for consolidation.

  • in words

Now let's move on to the words. Pronounce it correctly, don't rush.

Automation of the sound [S] in words at the end, in the middle, at the beginning of a word.

Look at the cards. What is shown in the pictures?

  • in sentences

You can use plot pictures from books and collections of fairy tales. The child is asked to repeat sentences and phrases after the teacher. Then compose your own text based on the proposed vocabulary.

  • in the texts

Look at the picture. What do you see?

This is Boris and Slava. The boys gathered in the forest. I will tell you them too, and you will repeat them.

Slava and Boris gathered in the forest. They want to see the pine trees and listen to the nightingale sing. They took their dog Strelka with them.

The child repeats the story. Correcting irregularities in sound pronunciation. Focus on the problematic sound.

Now come up with a short story about our guest, the elephant Semyon. I will offer you a few words to use in the text: elephant, scooter and pump.

The preschooler is given a few minutes to think about it at will. The text is being compiled. The teacher monitors phonetics, grammar, and syntax.

Do you like to solve crosswords? I have prepared a crossword puzzle for you with words with the sound [S]. Try to guess it.

Lesson summary

Today you and I learned a lot of new things, we learned to pronounce the sound [S] better. Say it again. Well done!

At home, repeat the tongue twisters: “Robin Bobbin eats all day, and he is not too lazy to chew. He ate a whole apricot, he began to peel the coconut,” “Took Sanya with him to the sleigh hill,” “Mow, scythe, while the dew is on.”

Let's say goodbye to Semyon and invite him to the next lesson.

Summary of an individual speech therapy lesson on sound automation [Ш] for a child 5-6 years old

Ponomareva Tatyana Aleksandrovna, teacher-speech therapist, MDOU “Kindergarten No. 166 “Swallow”, Saratov

Summary of an individual speech therapy lesson on sound automation [SH] “The Road for Masha”

Description of material: I offer you a summary of a lesson on sound automation [Ш] for children of senior preschool age (5-6 years old). This material will be useful to kindergarten speech therapists. This summary is for the stage of sound automation in syllables, words, sentences and poems. Form of delivery: individual lesson.
Equipment: Masha doll, box, object pictures with sound [Ш], pictures with tasks, illustrations for poems.
Target: sound automation [Ш]
a) correctional: to develop clear and differentiated movements of the articulatory apparatus; learn to pronounce the sound [Ш] in isolation, in syllables, words, sentences, poems; clarify the acoustic and pronunciation image of the sound [Ш],
b) developmental: develop phonemic processes, memory, attention, motor skills; improve lexical and grammatical categories;
c) educational: to cultivate a desire to help a friend, a desire to speak beautifully and correctly, and to create positive motivation in class.

Progress of the lesson:
I. Organizational moment.

- On the way here, I met the doll Masha. She forgot the way home. Let's take her home to her mom? Okay, I just know which path we need to take. And to make it more fun, we will perform different tasks along the way.

II. Main part.
1. Articulation gymnastics.

- Let's teach Masha to do the following exercises:
“Fence/Tube” - 5 times.
“Delicious jam” - 5 times.
“Swing” - 10 times.
“Cup” - 10 seconds.
“Mushroom” - 5 seconds.
“Horse” - 5 times.

2. Repetition of articulation of sound [Ш]

- Look, it’s crawling along the path and hissing! Let's hiss just like him. Now move your finger along the path and hiss. Now move your pencil and don’t forget to hiss like a snake.
- Tell Masha how we pronounce the sound [Ш]. What do our tongue, lips, teeth do when pronouncing the sound [Ш]? (lips are rounded, teeth are closed with a small gap, the tongue looks like a “cup” and is raised by the tubercles behind the upper teeth).

3. Automation of sound in syllables.
- Look, there are footprints on this path. Let's read what it says there.
Seams, seams, seams

4. Finger gymnastics.
"Little Frog"
Ring finger, middle finger,
I'll connect you with the big one.
I’ll bend the other two back,
I'll show you the little frog.

5. Automation of sound in words.
a) “Name the word and determine the place of the sound.”
- What is this box on the path? Look what's in it.
- Name the words and arrange the pictures accordingly: with the sound [Ш] at the beginning of the word, in the middle and at the end of the word. (Subject pictures: fur coat, chamomile, scarf, shirt, shower, wardrobe, cat, mouse, reeds, chess).
b) “Count.”
-Who is this sleeping in the clearing? (Cat). Who does a cat see in her dream? (Mice). Count how many mice the cat saw in her dream. (One mouse, two mice, three mice...)

6. Automation of sound in sentences.
- Match the action words with matching pictures. Make up and speak sentences. Let's find out what Masha did. (Masha ate a chocolate bar. Masha ate a pear. Masha ate a cherry. Masha washed a pear. Masha saw a school. Masha went up to the school. Masha was embroidering a pillow. Masha bought a chocolate bar. Masha was hemming her shorts. Masha was ironing her shorts.)

7. Automation of sound in poems.

The cockerel found the bag.
And there was a pot in the bag.
And there are peas in the pot
And a few crumbs.

Reeds rustled in the darkness.
The cat thought it was a mouse.
She ran into the reeds -
There is not a soul in the reeds.

III. Summarizing.
- But I see whose house is hidden behind the reeds. Here we are. Masha says thank you. You took her home and taught her to pronounce the sound [Ш]. How do we pronounce the sound [Ш]? Remember who we met along the way? Well done! Today you tried and pronounced the sound correctly and helped the doll Masha find her way home.

Oksana Bulavskaya
Summary of an individual speech therapy lesson on sound automation [C]

Subject: « Audio automation [s]» .


Create conditions for the formation of correct articulation patterns sound"With"


Strengthen correct articulation sound [s].

Expand your child's vocabulary.

Develop phonemic hearing, attention, thinking,

Equipment: mirror, painting material, texts.

Progress of the lesson:

Hello! My name is Oksana Olegovna, what’s your name? What’s your mood today?

Please sit down more comfortably.

They handed me a letter and told me to open it at class. Let's find out what's in this letter? Open the envelope.

But what is it? Some pictures. What do they mean?

That's right, these are exercises for the tongue.

Articulation gymnastics.

Today you and I will continue to pronounce correctly sound"WITH" in the text. And the interesting tasks in this envelope will help us today.

Take the mirror in your hands, let's smile at the mirror.

Our lips smiled

They went straight to my ears.

You try "ssss" Tell

Show me your fence!

Articulation style:

Well done, you're doing great.

When we say sound c – where does the tip of the tongue rest against the lower or upper teeth?

It's right when we say sound c- the tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth.

Lips take what form: round or smiling?

Are your teeth closed or open?

Well done, the teeth are closed, but there is a small gap left.

Look in the mirror.

Let's give a description sound C.

Which one sound vowel or consonant? Hard or soft?

Consolidating pronunciation sounds in syllables:

Repeat the syllables with sound"WITH", collecting your fingers into a fist, starting with the thumb finger:











We still have circles in the envelope, I offer you

put aside the circles when you hear sound"WITH":



Well done. Now, count and name the same number of words that start with sound"WITH".

Let's see what other interesting tasks this envelope has in store for us.

Look, there is a diagram in front of you, and I propose to compose a short story with me.

Well done, you completed the task sound"WITH" was well pronounced in all words.

Bottom line:

Let's remember what we did today class. With which worked with sound?

Publications on the topic:

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