Why can't I find a job? What to do if you can’t find a job for a long time

I'm tired of all this. I want<способ суицида - ред.мод.>, and get it over with. I haven’t been able to find a job or find myself for 5 years now, I’m tired of feeling worthless compared to my friends. I walk down the street and can barely hold back the tears, the lump in my throat hurts. Thoughts give no rest, they are only about the bad, only about the negative. Everyone strives for something, has some goals, buys something, but I am a homeless person and a moral invalid in torn clothes, and, moreover, no one needs me. My mother lives her own life separately and considers me trash who won’t achieve anything and doesn’t want to help me with my studies. And what remains for me, low-skilled long hours of labor for pennies? Well, that’s how it is, I won’t achieve anything. It's all over, I don't see the point in anything further, I'm absolutely broken. I no longer want to work or live at all.
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Marina, age: 24 / 04/29/2018


Hmmm. For example, I am generally disabled, however, this does not prevent me from earning money while sitting at home in addition to my pension. There is no higher education and there never will be, because I consider it unnecessary for myself personally. I prefer self-education. I'm in my 30s and recently broke up with my girlfriend. Yes, I’m lonely, it breaks me, but it will pass... I know that very well. Plus, I make certain plans for my life. Why am I doing all this? and to the fact that I, too, not so long ago, thought that everything... had arrived... completely hopeless. But! I live, breathe, see, hear and therefore - I am already better than many people on this planet. you are 24 and you are already giving up on yourself... mind you - YOU. The fact that someone out there thinks that you are trash doesn’t matter. The important thing is that now for some reason you consider yourself trash... Apparently because you compare yourself not with yourself “yesterday”, but with your girlfriends and friends... I think this is stupid... but it’s up to you to decide. Sincerely, Passer-by.

Passerby, age: 30+ / 04/29/2018

Hello. Marina, don’t compare yourself to anyone. For work, pray to St. Tryphon. You are still very young, so it is quite possible to achieve something and get an education. Hugging you.

Irina, age: 30 / 04/29/2018

Hello. I also encountered this situation. Very for a long time I was looking for a job. Do you know what solution I found? I got a job at “low-skilled, long-hour work for pennies.” And I don't regret it. Those “kopecks” were quite enough for me, I could please myself with new purchases and travel during the holidays. Thanks to that work, which was very hard, physically and mentally, I was able to learn so many new things, gain such experience, I began to respect myself, because I realized how strong I am, how I can overcome myself and achieve goals. I got to know so many wonderful places thanks to the money I earned on my own. The good here outweighed all the bad things. More good things. There are more advantages, really. I have higher education, red certificate. But I realized that without experience I couldn’t find a job in my specialty. I had a very severe depression, just like you. And this solution turned out to be correct. I did the right thing then. Don't consider yourself too good for any job. If you really need it. You can find it. To begin with, catching a tit is also very good. It will become easier for you, you will begin to respect yourself and will be able to be independent. In the meantime, continue your search, and you can always quit as soon as the opportunity arises. best job. You can learn a lot everywhere, at absolutely every job. And you will be in the black. It will be difficult, but you will become strong. And there is a whole life ahead. You know how many jobs you can still change) But it’s interesting to try. Only water will not flow under a lying stone. Everything will be fine, don't worry. I know that it is difficult, and such a state comes over, it happens, it is normal. The main thing is to believe inside, everything will be fine!

And indeed, comparing yourself with someone (strangers/acquaintances, friends, family) is a road to nowhere. You'll never be happy. If you still want to be happy, get rid of this habit, try it. You need to compare yourself with yourself yesterday, I agree completely. Then development. Myself. Not someone else. Live your life, please, dear. You have your own path. Your priceless, unique life, so alone, take care of it, Marin.

Same age, age: 25 / 04/29/2018

You know, I also have problems in life with finding myself, although the crust is about liberal arts education There is. As a result, low-skilled labor for pennies. And then, I’m lucky with my job, I’m a telephone operator, and in our city, mostly salespeople are needed. But it depends on what you count as kopecks. In my small town people get even less, and even if they have a higher education in economics or accounting. Because it is difficult to find work in our city. But they live, working for 10-15 thousand a month as salesmen, operators, secretaries, and are not going to commit suicide. They live modestly, but they live as best they can, as best they can. Half the country lives this way, if not more. Our cleaning lady is an optimistic and cheerful woman. It would seem that it would be fun, but apparently, she is not gnawed by ambitions and a thirst for more, she is content with what she has, without comparing herself with others. Of course, we are all different, not everyone can be cleaners or simple workers. But maybe you, Marinochka, should try to reconsider your views on life, have more humility, patience, acceptance of yourself and your imperfect destiny, lower the demands on yourself and destiny. I’m a depressed person, I go to a psychotherapist, I take medication, I can’t live without medication, it will be very bad. But I shouldn’t be killed now that I’m like this. In my circle, most of them have also achieved something and started families. I would also like to be successful, healthy, rich. But it doesn’t work out, I’m unhealthy and lonely, but I live with what I have and try to appreciate simple little joys, delicious food, a walk, communication with nice people, interesting film. And I hope for the best, I try to change what I can. And what I can’t, I try to accept, including suffering and sorrow.

Tanya T, age: 33 / 04/29/2018

Marina, hello! I sympathize with the difficulties in your life. It seems that your plans and ambitions do not coincide with your current reality, which brings you pain and disappointment. This is where your comparisons of your life with the lives of others come from. You write about how you have lost yourself. Maybe this is what prevents you from finding a job you like? Ask yourself questions: how do I want to live in 5, 10 years? Who I want to be? What is stopping me from realizing my dreams? - Fear, fear of failure, disapproval from family or something else. Be honest with yourself, learn to listen inner voice. I wish you success!

Anna, age: 24 / 04/29/2018

Hello! Your letter was very well received. I ask you, under no circumstances, do not despair! Most likely, you simply have no idea in which direction to move, you don’t know your talents. I assure you that there are no completely mediocre people... I was in similar situation, as if it was about me...I never knew how to earn money, work without skills tired me mentally and I didn’t stay at it...this went on for many years. There were hundreds of interviews, futile attempts to improve my life... but I went in circles... Then I began to look for new, unexplored paths. I realized that I can do much more than I thought. I was just looking in the wrong place, I didn’t believe I could do it. After all, no one has ever believed in me before. Never give up! I wish you success! You can do it!

Di, age: thirty / 04/30/2018

At 24, by definition, everything cannot be over. You're so young.
If you don’t have enough money, then settle for what you have. Work and see, what do you need to get your dream job? Perhaps something needs to be tightened up? Change in appearance?
Clean, neat clothes, light makeup, a pleasant smell, a smile on your face and goodwill will be in your favor. Perhaps this is worth working on?
With the fight with obsessive thoughts(only about the bad, only about the negative) the Jesus Prayer helps. Start saying it as soon as it comes to mind. Repeat it many times, thoughtfully until it lets go.
Keeping a diary also helps relieve negativity.
Confession to the priest.
Sports too great way. You can do exercises at home as soon as you feel unwell. Let him go. You can run in the fresh air.
You also compare yourself with your friends. Stop doing this. Stop watching their lives and get on with yours.

Julia, age: 25 / 30.04.2018

Everything is the same as mine now. Almost all. I am alone, I am 30 years old, and behind me I only have low-skilled labor for pennies. Although I have a higher education economic Education. And then 2 years ago I decide to change everything and quit, because... looking for work and working at my job was almost impossible due to the schedule. Over these 2 years, I have probably attended about 70 interviews. And it’s the same everywhere: we don’t hire without experience. I understand that the problem is only partly in the system, the main problem is in myself. And yet, no matter what, I continue to search and believe.

Danil, age: 30 / 05/29/2018

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Each of us, at least once in our lives, has encountered difficulties associated with.

Sometimes these searches may be delayed in weeks, months, or even years.

A person can sit idle and not understand why this is happening.

But nothing happens just like that and there are reasons for this too. Difficulties that accompany the entire search period, can be unbearable. A person cannot stand it, breaks down and can fall into a real crisis. So how can we prevent this situation?

Main causes of unemployment

Why can't a person find a job?

There are many reasons why a person cannot find a job.

Sometimes we ourselves don’t notice how doing something wrong what then comes to negative result. There are a number of main reasons why the applicant cannot find something that suits him.

  1. Incorrectly written resume. A fairly common mistake made by most job seekers. Some lazy people simply download a resume template from the Internet, slightly altering it and adding facts about themselves. Of course, this is noticeable to an employer, especially an experienced one. He may decide that you have no imagination, you are running away from difficulties and do not know how to find the right approach.

    It is also necessary that the resume only indicate real facts and real work experience.

    There is no need to lie and attribute imaginary achievements to yourself, believe me, everyone will quickly find out whether it is true or not. You also need to make sure that there are no spelling or punctuation errors, no one needs an illiterate employee. Dryly listed facts, banal cliches and phrases that everyone has already seen a hundred times also do not impress anyone.

  2. Lack of ability to present and sell yourself. A person who is interested in getting a position must be able to present himself and essentially sell himself. As we know, there are good and bad sellers. So, the second option has no chance. Therefore, if you do not know how to show yourself and your strengths, briefly explain why you are the best and why you should be hired, your chances are rapidly going down.
  3. You behave incorrectly and unprofessionally during an interview. The interview is the most basic and important stage, according to which it will be accepted final decision. And if you have shown yourself to be an insecure person who cannot speak and is not ready for questions, then this is not a plus for you.
  4. . Such people are immediately obvious; they do not evoke much sympathy. Therefore, if your insecurity is too noticeable, then you should be very good specialist to interest the employer, otherwise your chances are very small.
  5. Unflattering statements towards the previous boss. A fairly common interview question is “why did you leave your previous job?”

    If you are asked about this, then under no circumstances should you speak badly about your previous employer, even if you really had a bad time there.

  6. Inappropriate attire for an interview. For an interview, you should try to look neat and not allow yourself anything unnecessary. This doesn't mean you need to wear an office suit. But, for example, if in your life you like very short miniskirts and long stiletto heels, you shouldn’t go to an interview in this outfit. Everything should be restrained and in moderation.
  7. Lack of experience. As sad as it may sound, most employers need employees who already have experience. If you don't have enough experience for the position you want, you'll likely keep getting rejected.
  8. Are you looking for the perfect job? You must clearly understand that chasing is very difficult. You may not even find a place that will fully meet all your conditions. Determine what is most important to you.
  9. The desire to receive a lot at once. Of course, the applicant will first of all look at the level offered wages. But you need to understand that you may not be able to get a lot of money right away.

    Therefore, if you are chasing a high salary here and now, then the search may take a long time.

  10. Your job search method is passive and old-fashioned. If you send one response to a vacancy and expect a miracle, then you will not receive it. You need to be active in this matter. It is worth using all resources. If you are looking for work in newspaper advertisements, then you need to add the Internet to your sources. It may be worth calling a number of prestigious companies yourself and finding out if they have a suitable vacancy for you.

  11. You don't take on any job. If your financial position it’s difficult and you urgently need a job, but for some reason you can’t find an option that’s acceptable to you, it might be worth considering others. If you believe that there are a number of “shameful” professions, then your search may last a very long time.

If The job search has been dragging on for a long time and is not leading to anything good., then you should pay attention to a number of specific recommendations that can help you.

There is a desire, but there is no opportunity

I want to work, but I can’t find a job. Depression! What to do?

It happens that a long job search leads a person into real depression. If you feel this feeling, then perhaps you should seek professional help.

Gather your strength and continue your search. Set your priorities and determine what is most important to you in your work. Maybe you pay more attention to options that are not suitable for you.

Listen to yourself, maybe you really are don't want to work so much, as you think. Make every effort to search, be more active.

You are looking for a job not only on one resource: look for vacancies on the Internet, in newspapers and advertisements, call companies yourself. Only by doing something can you get results.

If the search takes a long time

I haven’t been able to find a job for a long time, more than a year: what should I do?

If your search has been going on for more than a year, then you should think about it - maybe you are looking for not where it is needed or not right.

Decide what is most important to you in your desired position.

Make a list of your wishes and study them carefully, maybe your demands are too high? Some may have to be abandoned. Not all employers can offer you everything at once, so it is worth considering that you will have to sacrifice something.

If you are considering vacancies in one area, consider expanding your search range. Maybe you have some special skills or are passionate about learn and master new things.

Perhaps you should seek help from a specialist who will analyze your resume and your wishes, and tell you what to do next.

Try to be as active as possible. Don't sit still, expand your search. Maybe it’s only in your city that it’s so bad with work or these temporary difficulties and the desired vacancy is about to appear.

Temporarily get a job where you may not want to work, but nevertheless, do not stop searching for the job of your dreams.

Difficulties in finding employment after university

I can’t find a job after university: why is it so difficult and what to do?

Today, get a prestigious position immediately after graduating from university pretty hard.

After all, most employers need people with extensive experience.

To somehow avoid this, students need to look for a suitable vacancy while still studying. But even this option does not always work. Usually young people are skeptical.

Many people think that they irresponsible, flighty and fickle. Therefore, some serious companies do not want to get involved with them. Although it is believed that young specialists are highly valued.

First of all, you don’t need to give up. It’s worth trying yourself wherever you can. At the interview you need to confidently show the future employer that you have potential.

He must understand that you may not have enough experience, but you are very capable, learn quickly and grasp everything on the fly.

You shouldn’t expect to get a prestigious position right away. Try to get a job internship. It may not be paid, but it will bring the necessary experience.

It’s hard to find a job in your specialty: what to do?

If your specialty is not in demand This leads to the fact that getting a job becomes very difficult.

It might be worth thinking about change of type of activity.

Nowadays it is not necessary to go back to university, there are many courses, which can be very useful in the future.

Approach this matter responsibly and study the question: when have specialists in your profession ceased to be valued, is this a temporary phenomenon, or perhaps you are simply looking in the wrong place and people of your specialty are needed somewhere.

In this case, it may be worth considering the option of moving if you really want to work in your specialty.

If your profession is valued abroad, consider go to work. Don't despair, keep searching.

Good specialists are always highly valued; perhaps there is an option to get a job in a company for another position with the likelihood of moving to the desired job in the future.

How not to despair?

Of course, it happens that the search has already been significantly delayed, and faith in yourself and your strength begins to leave.

How not to despair and fall into depression?

Listen to the advice of psychologists:

Being in search is always unpleasant and exciting. comes from the fact that No suitable options . It’s good if you have the means to live, but what if they are running out?

There is nothing wrong with failure.

But it’s worth considering if they’ve been stalking you for more than a year. In that case, might it be better to consider other options?

There is no need to be afraid to act. It never hurt anyone!

How to quickly find a job without experience or education:

For many people, losing a job or being unable to find one quickly is a stress factor. What to do if a person cannot find a job and?

Depression due to lack of work can affect almost anyone. A person is weighed down by the burden of piled-up problems, the awareness of uselessness and loneliness. In this state, people often withdraw into seclusion, stop communicating, and develop an inferiority complex.

By oppressing oneself from within, a person loses the ability to communicate, creatively solve problems, etc. But these and some other qualities of an employee are primarily important for employers. As a result, it becomes impossible to find the desired job, which further depresses the potential employee.

A depressive state due to lack of work does not need to be triggered; it is fraught with the danger of losing the meaning of life, goals, guidelines and plans for the future.

A person who is acutely depressed due to lack of work is close to thoughts of ending his life; he loses the willpower to find permanent employment. In this case the best way out there will be some that will help you understand internal problems humans and will contribute to the renewal social contacts, job search.

Psychologists and psychotherapists sometimes hear the question: “What should I do if I can’t find a job, I’m already starting to feel depressed?” This is a truly complex condition that requires the help of a specialist. But there are different ones internal reasons that make it difficult for a person to find a job.

If we analyze these reasons, we can see that any condition is not favorable for the psychological state of a person. Being in constant anxiety, apathy, fear, without seeking help from a specialist, a person exposes himself to big problems.

It is necessary to remember that there is also a natural predisposition to strong experiences of stressful situations. will suffer for a long time due to the absence employment, so they are prone to longer and more intense apathy and depression. People who are also susceptible to this condition responsible for others (children, parents, wife or husband, disabled people). In the event of a long absence of work, and therefore of finances, they will observe signs of depression.

There is a concept of “dissertation depression” - it also occurs due to stated reason, when a person has been striving for a scientific degree for a long time, he devoted half conscious life research, defended the work and lost the main goal. If he cannot cope with this problem on his own, he needs to contact a specialist.

Symptoms of depression in unemployed people

Depression about any stressful situation manifests itself with similar symptoms. This condition, caused by lack of work, may be accompanied by:


This condition can often be overcome by resorting to. By the way, sometimes people close to us (relatives, friends) give good advice, the implementation of which helps to quickly find a job.

Sometimes the symptoms of depression are so severe that they begin to bad influence on physical state a person, lead to his isolation from society. In this case, a consultation with a psychotherapist or psychiatrist is necessary to provide assistance. Along with this, it is important to continue psychotherapeutic assistance for recovery personality structures person.

Psychotherapeutic assistance

Depression due to lack of work is psychogenic in nature, that is, it is based on external circumstances. The main assistance in this case is psychotherapeutic, which can be provided by experienced psychologist or . A person defines this state when he realizes that something is wrong with him as before. If something made him happy, it stopped bringing him joy; before, he enjoyed delicious food, but now it brings him nothing but temporary satiation, and so on. When this awareness appears, then you need to contact a psychologist.

Psychocorrectional work is aimed at overcoming any fear. In the context of such a state, this may be overcoming the fear of interviews (increasing a sense of self-confidence), fear of changing normal life, fear of not being in demand and others. In this case, different psychological directions are used.

Gestalt therapy

This approach is based on the fact that the human psyche perceives everything holistically. Depression due to absence labor activity(hopelessness, fear of interviews) is considered from the point of view of an unfinished action. The psychologist offers to play out a specific situation related to being fired or hired, and guides the person on what happens to his feelings at each stage of the playback.


An analysis of internal desires, aspirations and interests takes place. Along with this, the psychotherapist helps a person understand the reason for failures in finding a job. During the consultation process, in order to achieve a therapeutic effect, a person must have an insight - an insight, that is, he, with the help of a psychoanalyst, discovers for himself the causes of fears and failures, and also determines ways to solve the problem.

Cognitive psychology

During the consultation process, the psychologist determines internal installations, which prevent a person from finding a job, accepting himself, developing skills and self-confidence. When a client receives information about himself (for example, he was not hired after an interview), he may perceive it incorrectly, and destructive, irrational beliefs arise.

The task of a psychologist working in this direction is to teach the client to solve the problem constructively. With the help of specific exercises a person learns to think realistically. The most famous technique is to describe the problem, for example: “I can’t find a job because...” A person describes the reasons, what scares him about them, then learns to work with the given facts, acquiring the skills to refute negative ideas. Thus, the symptoms of depression go away.

Stages of getting out of depression

During the consultation process, a psychologist can use, combine techniques and exercises. But dealing with symptoms is not always necessary. depressive state. The task of the psychologist is to understand what reason led to such a reaction in the human psyche. Sometimes the reason is not at all the fear of going to an interview or despair of how to feed the family. It happens that a person cannot find a job because he initially chose the wrong profession, and thinks that there is no need to change anything. There are several recommendations for stages of getting out of a depressive state.

  • view information about vacancies on the Internet, newspapers, and other advertisements;
  • think over and compose a resume, not forgetting to describe yourself from the best side, acquired skills, knowledge of languages ​​and work experience; if you don’t have any, you can write about your achievements during your studies;
  • call the numbers indicated in the information about vacancies, if possible, arrange a meeting;
  • try to look for a job in an employment service or a serious recruitment agency;
  • go to an interview with a neat guy appearance, it is better for women to wear office clothes (light blouse, dark skirt), choose hair, make natural makeup; men should also look neat and wear ironed, clean, classic clothes.

It is important to take small steps towards your goal. You also need to remember that mountains of gold do not come immediately. The fear of a low-paying, low-prestige job can overshadow all small steps towards the goal, and as a result, a person will never start looking for work. You need to take advantage of the slightest opportunity if the goal is to get paid. If the main goal is self-realization, and finances come second, it is important to look for a job for the soul, even if you have to change your specialty.

If you are depressed about the lack of a permanent place of work, it is important not to give up, but to try to take advantage of the slightest possibility to get a job. If all attempts are unsuccessful, you need to contact a psychologist or psychotherapist in time for qualified advice and help.

I am the god of teamwork. I am a master individual approach to the client. I am a learning genius. I have no equal when I need to do several things at the same time, I can switch instantly. I can be loyal to a company like no one else. Based on my work experience, I can definitely overtake anyone at the start. My list of recommendations tends to be endless. Believe in yourself until the end divine origin One small, vile detail bothers me. I can’t find a job: I don’t know what to do, and I’m already desperate to get an answer to this question.

I want to work, but I can't find a job

The question is - where to look for work? - not worth it. There are two ways - through friends or through specialized sites. There are also labor exchanges. It is very interesting why a person who wants to work cannot find a job.

You sit, scroll through the options on job search sites and realize that nothing suits you. The point is, perhaps, in the working conditions that you do not meet, perhaps in the fact that nothing attracts you. Finding a profession that suits you becomes easier if you know exactly why you can’t find it.

Let's look at two problems that arise with finding a job. The first is when a person does not know where to go to work, and the second is when he knows, but after the interview he is refused. These two have problems different reasons, but a solution for them can be found with the help of one knowledge - System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan. Let's figure it out.

Why can't I find a job: bad experience

Let's start with the fact that before the question of finding a job arose, a situation arose when a person quit his previous job. Why did this happen and how does this relate to the fact that you can’t find a job? Let's consider situations in two vectors.

For example, it is very important for a person with an anal vector that colleagues show honor and respect and that they turn to him for recommendations. But for a reason. Aspirations anal vector by nature - to learn, to be the best in everything, to do absolutely everything perfectly.

The owner of the anal vector could be driven away from work by a lack of honor and respect from colleagues or superiors. According to system-vector psychology Yuri Burlan, the anal vector gives its owner excellent memory for processing a large amount of information, which makes him a specialist. This feature can play a cruel joke on a person.

When starting a search for a new place, such an owner of the anal vector keeps in his head the thought that once he was not given due respect. But it may also happen that all such companies have problems with respect for staff. This is the reasoning of a person for whom one case is enough for an experience that extends to all similar cases in the future.

A specialist in one field is not able to apply himself elsewhere. And the situation turns out - I can, but there is nowhere.

Another situation is possible. Nowadays there is a lot of work related to sales. People buy, resell and make good money. For the owner of the anal vector, selling is unthinkable. Even if he sells, it will most likely be at a loss. And if somewhere he needs to dodge or lie, then this can generally drive him into a stupor.

But I want to earn money. And so the owner of the anal vector goes to work in trade. Feels stressed and leaves. And then, taught by bitter experience, but still wanting to make money, he sits on a job site in complete confusion with the same question in his head.

Monotony and lack of growth

At the training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan, you can learn that the skin vector, unlike the anal one, gives its owner not only the desire for money, but also all the properties in order to earn it. Ability to adapt to the client clear understanding the fact that you need to buy cheaper and sell more expensive - all these are irreplaceable qualities when you go to work in trade.

But in addition to the desire to earn money the owner of the skin vector has the desire to be first, build a career, go up career ladder . Having satisfied the need to earn money, the leather worker begins to want more. Such a person is driven to quit his job by the inability to build a career.

Also the skin is disgusted by the monotonous monotonous activity . Once faced with such work, a person with a skin vector experiences extreme stress. And he will try with all his might to avoid even a hint of monotony when studying the list of future responsibilities.

And now the owner of the skin vector is looking for a job on the Internet and understands that he again needs to start climbing the career ladder from the very bottom. This means that the salary will be small at first, and then, perhaps, your career will fail again. And it seems like he wants to work, but there is nowhere.

Found a job but didn't pass the interview

It happens that one step in finding a job has been taken - it has been found, and only an interview lies ahead. But it happens that on this second step a person stumbles and stumbles. And it doesn’t matter what vectors it has. It is especially incomprehensible when a person who is ideally suited for the position is unable to get hired.

The fact is that the applicant is suitable for the position for rational reasons. And according to the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, not only rational arguments of the mind work at an interview. When choosing a future colleague at the company, an employee of the personnel department unconsciously focuses on the internal state of the applicant.

In other words, a person is often not hired for a job that is ideal and mutually suitable for him because of his bad psychological states. Advice like “be confident, speak loudly, stay calm” will not help. States from the unconscious are perceived unconsciously. The “I didn’t like it and that’s it” principle in this case works more often than you might expect.

No one is to blame, but what to do

Find your dream job, your path, your calling - in Lately this is a real trend. But besides fashion, there are also such needs as food, shelter, clothing. Not to mention leisure and entertainment. It is quite obvious that today you can’t live without work; you have to pay for everything. No one can deny the pleasure of one’s own activities.

So what's the deal? Why is the labor market full of vacancies, and many people are unable to make up their minds or complete an interview to a winning conclusion? There are many questions - there is only one answer. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains that ignorance of oneself, one’s innate qualities and properties, one’s true desires leads to the fact that a person who is ready to work is unable to find a job.

Fears are exaggerated, desires are imposed, self-understanding is distorted by the influence of society. All this can be overcome only with the help of accurate and verifiable knowledge. In addition to the anal and skin vectors, there are six more. There are usually three to five vectors in one person. This means that knowledge about yourself will be complete and multifaceted.

“... Without the knowledge I received during the training, I would never have returned to my this work, work according to calling!
Now I have returned everything I once had. What I thought I had already lost forever. WITH with open eyes Having learned to see in a new way, I returned to my life. Without this, I would probably still be driving a taxi..."
Mikael J., manager

“... The training helped me understand myself. The need to “appear” to be someone else who you are not has disappeared; it has become comfortable to be yourself. It became interesting to be yourself. There was a desire to learn and develop, to absorb only the best... to read more, watch good movies and much more... For a long time I looked at photo galleries and portfolios of famous foreign photographers, and gradually the desire matured in me to try it myself. Then I earned my first camera and started filming... And now it would be wrong to say that I love my job - I breathe it...! :inlove:.."
Anna V., professional photographer, Moscow

This knowledge can be obtained at a free online training on System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan. All that remains is to register.

The article was written using materials from online training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan

The situation when a young man who seems to have a sought-after specialty cannot find a job for a long time is, unfortunately, not uncommon. At the same time, there is a feeling that, supposedly, no one understands me and no one needs me. This state of affairs, of course, cannot suit and satisfy: each of us wants to feel needed and significant. Lack of work for a long time undermines confidence in one's own prospects. It seems that nothing good will ever happen in life. In addition, it is much more difficult for a man to experience a situation when he cannot find a job. If a woman has the opportunity to take refuge in raising children, focus on the family and rely on her spouse, then the stronger sex does not have such an advantage. A man wants to feel needed in his profession, only then is he truly happy. This article examines the feelings of a person who cannot realize himself professionally for a significant period of time, and suggests ways to solve the problem. What can you do when you are haunted by only failures?

The essence of the problem

Finding a job is not always as easy and simple as it seems. Sometimes weeks and months pass and the situation does not change. It seems that you graduated from college not yesterday and have quite acceptable knowledge, but for some reason employers are in no hurry to notice you. Of course, this situation is depressing and makes you suffer. Thoughts begin to appear that, since they don’t hire me for the desired position, it means that I am not capable of anything. Don’t rush to jump to conclusions, don’t worry unnecessarily. Perhaps you yourself are not very actively looking for work? In any case, you need to show perseverance and interest. When a person chooses to close himself off in his problem, luck also turns away. Often, a person who cannot find a job develops depression, and he has no idea how to get out of it. Taking such a decisive step requires self-confidence and a bold look into the future.

Availability of a diploma

The document itself is a certificate of completion. educational institution doesn't say anything yet. There are many people who successfully completed their studies, but were never able to get settled in life. To do this, you need to have a moving mind and high aspirations, and most importantly, a clear understanding of where to move next. Give up the idea of ​​thinking that they are supposedly not interested in me. It is important to have in front of you specific goal, then it will be easier to achieve. Life often gives us opportunities, but do we use them correctly? Some people run away as soon as they see a tempting offer, others consider themselves unworthy to respond to an interesting job advertisement. Some people don't need a diploma at all to realize their potential; to do so, you need to have creative thinking and be always ready to show your best side. How many people are capable of this? Hardly. Most of us miss our chances, and this happens many times.

Having a diploma is not an indicator, but only an opportunity, an additional step towards own development. The document cannot serve as a guarantee of success; that would be too easy. Currently, we need professionals who can do something beyond the proposed position, who are intellectually developed and competent.

Feeling worthless

When you can't do it for a long time, the most important things begin to creep into your head. terrible doubts. It’s rare that at this moment someone doesn’t give up, their self-confidence doesn’t break, their desire to continue doing something doesn’t fade away. Often depression even occurs; it seems that luck has completely turned away. A feeling of emptiness and uselessness gradually develops. These feelings are quite natural and natural. In fact, how can I feel if, for example, I am not invited to work anywhere, although appropriate efforts are made. Over time, a person begins to doubt that he will succeed at anything. But the easiest thing is to tell myself that I can’t do anything. It is important to continue to act with all your might. If necessary, hit the same point many times, someday you will definitely get lucky. You need to try to overcome the imaginary feeling of worthlessness in yourself. Remember that you are valuable in yourself and as a specialist. There is no need to give up prematurely; continue to fight for your place in the sun. There is an opinion: if they are not interested in me, it means I am not loud enough about myself.

Apparent hopelessness

How to cope with depression and find a way out predicament? When you are overwhelmed by a feeling of hopelessness, all your strength goes somewhere, you don’t want to do anything. I must say that the easiest way is to hide from all problems behind the mask of a loser and then do nothing. This is done not only weak people, but also those who, for some reason, are disappointed in themselves. A strong focus on the lack of a job prevents you from finding one. The more we immerse ourselves in experiences, the more disappointed we become in our current prospects. Some people, when they start looking for a job and don’t get immediate results, immediately become discouraged. They don't want to do anything extra to get noticed. Only action can change our lives better side. It's worth keeping this in mind when you're planning to bring something new into your life. If you think that they won’t take me anywhere, you shouldn’t even hope for change. A lot depends directly on a person’s mood, including success.


This type of activity has already been successfully tried by many people. Perhaps this perspective will suit you too. If you have been suffering for a long time from not being able to find a job, know that there is a way out. To do this, you just need to better assess your capabilities, practice a little and believe in your own prospects. Only the one who wins a difficult struggle is the one who is ready to go to the end and take action. active steps. When a person lies passively on the couch and suffers from his own apparent professional unfitness, he will never be able to find something to do that he likes. There is no need to think that I will not be accepted because I do not have the appropriate education or experience. Fate loves the enterprising and brave.

Freelancing is an excellent solution for those who want to work from home and value their own independence. Today there are many areas of activity that you can engage in while being in a cozy and calm atmosphere: design, writing articles, website development. Of course, this is not suitable for all people. Working as a freelancer requires perseverance, result-orientation, the ability to take responsibility, and efforts made alone. If a person wants to discover new facets and perspectives in himself, then he may well choose freelancing as his main and profitable occupation. You'll have to make a significant effort, but it's worth it. This type of employment can be either a temporary solution or a permanent one.

Continuous movement

Activity is the key to success in any business. Be extremely open to new information, then significant changes will soon occur in your life. If you have chosen a certain path for yourself, do not retreat. Results will definitely appear, you just need to act and not lose your presence of mind. Anyone who argues that they are not interested in me, I am unlikely to be useful, will not achieve visible changes for the better. Believe in yourself and own capabilities- this is half the success. Be ready at some point to accept the challenge of fate and prove to others what you are capable of.

Thus, the problem of finding a job is always relevant. If you still can’t find something you like, then it’s time to put aside your doubts and start taking action.