Summary of direct educational activities on speech development: “Sound culture of speech: sounds “З” and “Зь.” Summary of an open lesson (senior speech therapy group) “Sounds Z-Z

1) Game “Mosquitoes”, if you hear the sound “Зь” the mosquito becomes small (children crouch), when you hear the sound “Z” the mosquito is big (children stand up)

The teacher pronounces “З, Зь,”….

2) Game “Catch a big mosquito”: as soon as you hear the sound “Z”, clap your hands. (“Z, Z, ZZ, Z, ZZ....) You can ask the children to count how many mosquitoes have arrived.

3) Game “Disassemble the figures.” Two types of figures are placed in the container. Let's name one [Z] and the other [З’]. We put them in different containers, saying their names.

Differentiation of sounds [з] and [з’] in syllables

    Repeat after me. You can use toys that indicate hard and soft sounds. For example, the dragons Zack and Zeke. Zack is a big hard sound, and Zeke is a small soft sound. Alternately show the child dragons and ask them to pronounce the corresponding syllable.

  1. The sound “Z” is a consonant, hard (circle is a symbol of the desired color) blue

The sound “Зь” is a consonant, soft (circle is a symbol of the desired color) green

The teacher takes a blue circle and “plants” a mosquito on it.

Children, think of a name to call a mosquito (the teacher substitutes vowel symbols and the children read the syllables ZA.ZO.ZU.ZY.ZE)

3) Playing with the ball. As they were affectionately called in childhood. Change the syllables so that they sound soft. (Children throw the ball back to the teacher and call it a soft syllable)


Differentiation of sounds [з] and [з’] in words

1) Look, two sisters came to us - Zoya and Zina. They quarreled because they could not divide their gifts. Let's help them. Here are two bows: blue and green. Who will we give the blue bow to? (Zoe). What about green? (Zina)

2) And there are also two baskets, also blue and green. We need to help put the gifts in them. The names of the gifts contain the sounds “З” and “Зь” (children take turns naming and placing the gifts in baskets).

3) Who is the odd one out?

Bison, bison, pheasant, zebra

Finch, goat, hare, monkey.

Differentiation of sounds [з] and [з’] in the text.

    Read (repeat) the poems.

I TOOK a ticket from the box office

And I went with a ticket to the HALL.

Helped the hostess

Remove cabbage BUNNY!

A STORM is coming,

A black cloud of THUNDER.

The parrot is not ashamed

Nod your head FOR THE GRAINS.

We will not leave without PRIZOR

Polkan - our WINNER.

Petya drew PATTERNS,

Vanya - rivers and LAKES.

For some reason there was a GOAT

The little goat is very ANGRY!


Drive quickly, Senya!


Stripes on GOATS!

Stop, guys! TE CARGO

This is not where you are loading!

We gave ROSES

To our aunt ROSE!

Near this VASE, LINA,

I don't see VASELINE!

You can't drum, SING!

You can, Petenka, SING!

KUZYA climbs into the BODY:

Oh, so many different cargoes!

Come on, Kuzya, DON'T YAWN!

Loads, Kuzya, CALL IT!

(Sinitsyna and. Yu. I will speak clearly. Speech therapy manual in verse)

III. Formation of communication skills

    Funny sayings and speech therapy games.

(From the book “Developing Speech” by Yu.V. Gurin)

    “Speech therapy lotto” (Gromova O.E.)

The educational and game set “Speech Therapy Lotto” will help your child automate sounds and expand their vocabulary. In addition, the games presented in this manual can contribute to the development of a child’s logical and creative thinking, speech, attention, memory, and fine motor skills. The set includes a playing field and 120 cards. The author offers several game options; you can come up with your own game options to automate and differentiate sounds, develop phrasal and coherent speech. The visual material of each game can be used both in an individual lesson with a child and in working with several children at the same time.

1. Tell mom all about the sounds (З) and (Зь)- “Song of the mosquito big and small”:

2. Create a sound passport:

3. Now put (the back of) your palm to the neck, pronounce the sound (Z), then (Зь), figure out whether the little voice in the throat is singing or sleeping, what sounds (З) and (Зь) are voiced or unvoiced (both are voiced)? Cross out the bell without a tongue, and color the ringing bell with a yellow pencil.

4. Children do not write the word; they analyze it by ear. You read, write down a word, draw a diagram, and the child marks the position of the sound with colored pencils (hare, zebra, umbrella, Zina, basket, Zoya, animals, eyes, goat, basin, cart, rose, dawn, green, marshmallow). Determine which of the two sounds is hidden in each word. Sound analysis of highlighted words.

7. Game “Catch the Sound”. Clap your hands if you hear the sound [З] and stamp your foot if you hear the sound [Зь] in a series of syllables and words (come up with it yourself for the children).

8. Game “Live Sounds”. The parent pronounces the syllable: “ a3" and asks:
— How many sounds did you hear? What's the first sound? ([a] - vowel), second?

([Z] - consonant, voiced, hard). At the same time, a syllable diagram is laid out on the table in squares. a3. Then the parent pronounces the syllable “ Behind" and asks:

- What changed? A new syllable is analyzed and a new diagram is laid out on the table.

Formation of correct sound pronunciation in preschoolers

Target: differentiation of sounds Z-Z.
1. To develop in preschoolers correct sound pronunciation, the ability to differentiate the sounds Z-Z in their speech, and to use them correctly.
2. Using a didactic game, diversify the work on consolidating correct sound pronunciation and interest children.
Description: The main activity of preschool children is play, during which the child’s spiritual and physical strengths are developed: his attention, memory, imagination, discipline, dexterity, etc. It is known that didactic games are an effective means of speech therapy work with children. These games contribute to the formation of correct sound pronunciation in a child’s speech, develop memory, attention, thinking, fine and gross motor skills. These games can be conducted by both a speech therapist and a teacher. This work will be useful to speech therapists, speech therapists, educators, and parents.
Who sings?

Now the big and small mosquitoes will sing their songs alternately, and you try to determine who is singing: the big one or the small one. If a big mosquito sings, clap your hands, and if a small mosquito sings, stamp your foot.

For, zo, zya, zu, ze, zyu, zy, zi, zo, aza, ozyo, uzyu, uzu, etc.

"Guess what"
The task is aimed at differentiating the sounds З and Зь by ear.
Listen carefully and guess!
If the sound is hard,
Raise your hand up!
And if the sound is soft,
Then lower it down!

Fence, hare, winter, teeth, zebra, green, smear, roses, goat, mirror, goat, plant, newspaper, vase, birch, rubber, carry, Lisa, gasoline, friends, no.

"Say the sentence"
This game not only develops correct sound pronunciation in the child, but also develops the lexical and grammatical structure of the language.

It's cold today. Today is a day... (frosty).
- In autumn we wear autumn clothes. And in winter... (winter).
- In autumn, the leaves on the trees are yellow. And in the summer... (green).
- In winter, frost appears on the windows... (patterns).
- When it rains, we take with us... (umbrella).
- To go into the forest to pick mushrooms, you need to take with you... (basket).
- In summer you can swim in the sea, in the river, in... (lake).

Finger game "Gifts"
Santa Claus for New Year
(clap our hands)
I brought gifts for everyone!
All with gifts friends!
I'm happy for them today!
Zebra - at Zina's,
In the rhythm of each line, we connect the thumb with the index, middle, ring, and little fingers.
Bunny - at Zarina's,
Zakhar has a truck,
And Zoya has Murzik!
All with gifts friends!
I'm happy for them today!

Game "Confusion"
This game is used at the stage of differentiating the sounds З-Зь in sentences. The adult puts down the toy Parsley (or any other) and says that he came to cheer the children up. He will now say very funny incorrect sentences that need to be corrected.
- The green grass eats the goat.
- Aunt Zoya is reading the newspaper.
- The zebra went to the zoo to see Lisa.
- The mirror looks at Zarina.
- Lisa is carrying a basket of strawberries.
- Zephyr loves to eat Zahara.

Summary of a frontal lesson in a preparatory speech therapy group Topic: “Visiting sounds and letters” (sounds -з-, -з-, letter Z)

Speech therapist teacher: A.N. Kharkina
- develop phonemic awareness;
- exercise children in recognizing sounds among two sounds;
- determine the linear sequence of sounds in a word;
- train children in dividing words into parts;
- strengthen children’s ability to perform sound-letter analysis and synthesis of words;
- exercise children in making sentences from these words;
-correction of thinking based on the recognition operation;
- verbal communication training.
Dunno - doll, typesetting canvas, invisible hat, TV, object pictures, cubes with letters, cards with letters and words, pencil cases, pencil, sheet of paper.
Progress of the lesson:
Organizing time.
This fairy tale hero
He wears a blue hat,
I tried a lot of things:
I wanted to fly to the moon.
Just think about it, guess
What's his name?
Introduction to the topic.
Dunno once decided to become a poet and began to compose poems: - Cold. Snow. Blizzards are blowing. Doors are wandering in the dark night.-
Did Dunno choose the words in the poem correctly? What word should take its place? What sounds do these words differ in? What is the first sound in the word -animals-?
Here's what happened guys
The sounds got lost in the word.
Dropped into someone's house
And they manage it.
"Pick up picture symbols"
Clarification of the articulation of the sound -з-, characteristics of the sound.
Can this sound be pronounced softly? What will it sound like?
Think of words with a soft sound -з-.
"Guess the sound" (magic hat).
Dunno and I will hide the sound -з- among other sounds, and you will turn on the blue traffic light if you hear it.
Dunno decided to send a telegram to Santa Claus. Let's decipher: - the first sound, - the second sound. Let's knock out the telegram.
Guess in which word Dunno hid the sound -з-?
-Thumbelina, Snow Maiden, Cinderella-
“Let’s help Cinderella put things in order” - determine the location of the sound -z- and put it in certain boxes.
Physical education minute
Here's Dunno's exercise. Do it in order.
Get up quickly and smile. Pull yourself higher, higher.
Well, straighten your shoulders, raise them, lower them.
They turned to the left, to the right, their hands touched their knees.
They sat down, stood up, sat down, stood up. I hope you are not tired,
You need to become freer and breathe more calmly.
"Neznaykin TV op"
Dunno’s TV is broken, it won’t switch, there is the same image on the screen (hare, turkey, bear, orange). In order to help Dunno, you need to make up a word based on the first sounds in the name of each picture (a picture of “winter” will appear on the screen).
Working from a pencil case mi.
-name in order the sounds that make up this word;
-What sound is 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th? (characteristics of each sound);
-how many vowel sounds are in a word? Name them.
Rule: the number of vowels in a word, the number of syllables.
Game "Guess the word" (how does a sound differ from a letter?)
In the envelope there are letters of different sizes to make a word - you need to arrange the letters by height:
Outdoor relay game
Overcome obstacles and move cubes.
The cubes are not simple, they have colored letters on them.
If you put the cubes together, you can get a word.
Composing and reading words - "castle" - the emphasis in a word on different syllables completely changes the meaning of the word, "umbrellas" (pictures).
"A riddle for Dunno
If Dunno correctly guesses Znayka’s riddles, then he will be taken on a new trip to the Moon. What time of year are the riddles about?
Exercise “Tell poetry with your hands” (“Snow”).
The children sit at the tables.
Game "Letters Scattered"(task for Dunno from Sineglazka).
Working with a deformed phrase. You need to put the words in order and read the sentence.
-How many words are there in a sentence? Name them in order.
Reinforcing the rule of capitalizing at the beginning of a sentence and a period at the end of a sentence.
Summary of the lesson. Assessment of children's activities.
Dunno gives her photographs to children as souvenirs.

Lesson objectives:

Strengthen the correct pronunciation and articulation of the sounds “z, z”;
- consolidate children’s skills in establishing correspondence between the organ of the articulatory apparatus and the model of articulation of the corresponding sounds “z, z”;
- develop children’s ability to distinguish sounds in syllable series;
- develop phonemic awareness;
- continue to develop sound analysis and synthesis of words;
- consolidate the agreement of nouns with verbs, development of word formation skills;
- develop the ability to pronounce words, sentences with a given sound, and isolate them from the text;
- development of thinking, imagination;
- acquaintance with the letter “Z”, reading syllables, words, sentences.

Equipment: pictures of a starship, “star men”, castle, animals (zebra, bison, dragonfly, grasshopper, hare, jellyfish), birds (chaffinch, nuthatch, kingfisher, robin), plants (strawberries, boletus), products (raisins, marshmallows ), objects (lock, nails, basket, curtain). Sound patterns, letters.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

What planet do we live on? (On the ground)
Who are we? (Earthlings, children of the Earth.)
And who lives on the stars? (Children of the stars.) They send us their favorite sounds “Z, Z”.

2. Report the topic of the lesson.

The children of the stars send us star signals: z-z-z, z-z-z.

3. Characteristics of sounds by children.

When pronouncing the sound Z, the lips are half-opened in a smile, there is a small gap between the teeth, the wide tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth, the back of the tongue is curved upward, a groove is formed along the middle part of the tongue, an air stream passes along the groove of the tongue between the teeth, the voice works.

The tongue is wide - lower,
The tip is closer to the lower teeth!
And with a ringing breeze
We'll say it loudly Zzzz...
It rings loudly,
Sounds loud in words!

Sound [Z] - consonant, hard, sonorous. Indicated by the symbol:

Sound [Зь] - consonant, soft, sonorous. Indicated by:

4. Development of phonemic awareness.

The children of the stars invite us to visit. How will we go on our stellar journey? (On a starship)
Why is it called that? (Children's answers)
Determine the place of the sound “Z” in the word starship? (The “Z” sound in the word starship is at the beginning and middle of the word). The speech therapist shows a picture of a starship.

The speech therapist reads a poem:

We made a starship.
They decided to open the way to the stars.
Starship, starship,
Let's take off.

5. Pronunciation of the sounds “З”, “Зь” in syllables. Development of prosody.

Speech therapist. We are getting in touch with the inhabitants of the Star. You will pronounce syllables with different intonations, but you must remember the syllables in order and not rearrange them. Otherwise, the connection with the star will be interrupted.

ZA-zo-zu - say interrogatively;
Zya-ze-ze-zyu - say affirmatively"
Clink-clink-clink- say amazing;
Sound-call-call-say it joyfully.

6. Pronunciation of sounds in words.

Speech therapist. The star children ask us to take with us objects whose names contain the sounds “З, Зь”. Guys, what should we take? (Children name objects and determine the place of sound in a word).

Speech therapist. Guess what object I will take. Its name has two “A” sounds, the first “B” sound. Third "Z". This is...(vase). And I also want to take “zdi-gvo” with me. What is this? (Nails).

The speech therapist displays an image of a castle.
Speech therapist. Can we take the castle with us? The children explain that no. Because the castle is a building, it will not fit into the spaceship.

Speech therapist. Say the word so that the “O” sound becomes stressed. (Castle) How are these words similar? The children explain, and the speech therapist shows pictures of these objects.

Speech therapist. You can also take your animals with you. (Puts out pictures of animals, and children choose only those whose names contain the sounds “З, Зь”)

Speech therapist. Who can I take? (Bunny, goat, bison, bison, zebra, monkey, snake). Determine what sound “З, Зь” is in the word and its position in the word? Children can take insects, sea animals and birds (grasshopper, dragonfly, jellyfish, chaffinch, nuthatch, kingfisher, robin).

Speech therapist. Place words with the sound “Z” on the top of our starship, and words with the sound “Z” on the bottom.

Speech therapist. Guys, let's take the Stars for a treat for the children... (marshmallows, raisins, strawberries). In these words you heard... (the sound “z”). Mushrooms probably don’t grow on Zvezda, so let’s take a mushroom, but only one whose name contains the sound “z” (Boletus). That's right, why is it called that? (They grow under birch trees).

Speech therapist. We took everything with you. What can all these items be called? (cargo). What will we do with our cargo? (we'll load it up). The compartment where the cargo will lie is called….(cargo).

7. Agreement of nouns with verbs.

Speech therapist. In the cargo compartment there is….(lock, latch, latch, deadbolt).
What are we going to do with the castle?..(close it)
Latch - let's latch
Let's close the valve.

8. Music is playing.

Speech therapist. We're going on a flight. Look, here is the Star.
Children saying the words:

We have reached the distant Star!
Our spaceship descend.
We are greeted by the children of the Stars!

The speech therapist displays pictures of Star Children.

9. Physical exercise.

We were flying high.
We were flying low.
We were flying far.
We were flying close.
We reached the Star.
Well done guys.

The recitation is accompanied by hand movements.

10. Sound-syllable analysis and synthesis of words.

Speech therapist. We will show you the objects that were brought from the earth. Find him. The name of the object has one syllable, the first sound is “z”, the second sound is “o”. What is this? (Umbrella). Change the word so that it has two syllables (Umbrella). Name an animal whose name has one syllable (bison). Name an animal whose name has four syllables and the last syllable is “na” (Monkey).

Speech therapist. Guys, let's introduce our star children to the sound analysis of words. Break down the word “vase” into sounds and characterize each sound (Working with sound patterns).

11. Introducing the letter “Z”

Speech therapist. Guess what word is hidden in two mixed up syllables - “zon” - “bi” (bison). Name the second syllable - Zon. Guys, one star boy’s name is Zon, and you can guess the girl’s name yourself if you combine the sounds - a, z, a (Aza). Let's put the names of our star friends out of letters. And in notebooks we will write sentences:

Aza has an umbrella. Zon has a bison.

12. Summary of the lesson.

Speech therapist. Our journey is coming to an end. Guys, we brought something delicious with us (Marshmallows, raisins). Let's treat our star children and try it ourselves.

Now board our spaceship and we are heading home to Earth.

Zhgutova Irina Vladimirovna,
teacher speech therapist.
Municipal budget
preschool educational institution
kindergarten No. 1 compensatory type