How to remember English words? How to quickly learn English words? Learning English words. How to learn English words: hard and easy ways

First, take a vocabulary list. Vocabulary lists (thesauruses) are groups of words united by a common theme. For example:

  • List of frequently used verbs: to be, to go, to do, to have, etc.
  • List of weather-related adjectives: rainy (rainy), sunny (sunny), windy (windy), etc.
  • List of nouns meaning family members: mother (mother), father (father), sister (sister), brother (brother), uncle (uncle), etc. (read more in our article)

So how do you remember them? To do this, you can do the following.

Make sentences with each word from the list

Let's say you need to remember the word resign (which means “to resign”, “to resign”). You can make the following sentences with it:

  • I am sorry, but I must resign. - I'm sorry, but I have to quit.
  • The new manager is already leaving, he left yesterday. — The new manager is already leaving, he quit yesterday.
  • She loves her job and she will never resign. “She loves her job and will never quit.”

Use words in a story

Take a list of words and write a short story with them. It is not at all necessary that the story be coherent and meaningful. If it's absurd, even better! It's more fun this way.

Let's say you're learning verbs that start with the letter E: earn, eat, end, enjoy, estimate. You can write a story like this:

  • Andy was eating dinner and enjoying a quiet evening, when he started thinking about his future. He estimated the amount of money he must earn. This ended his enjoyment. — Andy was eating dinner and enjoying a quiet evening when thoughts about the future began to overcome him. He estimated the amount of money he was required to earn. This ruined his mood.

Write words on cards and practice every day

Vocabulary cards are special cards that are used to remember information. You can put an English word on them, a translation into Russian, as well as a photograph or drawing.

For example, you can prepare a set of cards on the topic “food”. On one side of the card, write a word in English, and on the other, place a picture or translation of that word.

Vocabulary cards are a good tool in learning a new language. Plus, with them you can turn your activities into a game.

Use dictations to remember the spelling of words

Compose a dictation. You can do it yourself, just follow these steps:

    Write down the words (usually no more than ten) on a piece of paper. Use two columns: one for English words, the other for translation.

    Fold the sheet so that only the translation is visible to you.

    Take another sheet of paper and write down the English words that correspond to the translation. Don't peek at the answers! The point is to remember the spelling.

    When you finish, compare the words you wrote with those on the first sheet.

Even if you don't succeed the first time, don't despair. Give it a few tries and you won’t believe how quickly you will begin to achieve success!

However, keep in mind: you should not spend too much time on dictations. Like flashcards, they are for simple memorization, not understanding of words, and therefore should be an additional exercise, but not the main one. If you don't practice using these words, you will quickly forget them.

Every person at least once in his life is faced with the need to learn a foreign language. How to do it quickly and efficiently. Unfortunately, in 11 years of school cramming, a person on average learns 1.5-2 thousand English words. This stock is not enough even to understand the news.

Top ways to quickly learn English words

Let's look at the most popular ways to quickly learn a language. 1. Cards This is an old, economical and effective trick to learn English words quickly. Cards in the form of small sheets of paper can be created in several ways. Write down a new word in a foreign language on one side, and the Russian translation on the other. People with associative thinking can use the pictures on the back. Those who already have a certain vocabulary can use foreign dictionaries when creating flashcards. In this case, you need to write an explanation of the foreign word on the reverse side. This way, synonyms and antonyms are learned faster. But what about grammar? Foreign words are better remembered in the context of a sentence. To study vocabulary, you can create another version of cards. Write the new word in a sentence with Russian text, and on the reverse side the translation of only this word is indicated. For example: “I love read books” - “Read.” You need to look through the cards, repeat the vocabulary and after a while return to the old words. 2. Textbooks Modern textbooks are different from old ones. They not only provide beautiful illustrations of words, but also examples of their use. Word combinations in context are easier to remember. 3. Training on sites People who spend all their time at the computer can learn a foreign language “without leaving the cash register.” Today, a lot of websites have been developed for this. In them, information is immediately structured into sections (words, phrases, cartoons, films, grammar). Each word is explained using pictures and stills from the film. After watching the videos, you are given a task to repeat the studied material. The words are pre-divided by topic, so it is easier to study them. To consolidate the result, you can use the Restorff effect: write “foreigner” into a group of words. For example, in words meaning seasons, insert the day of the week. This will force the brain to focus on the terms faster. The learning process is built in the form of a game. Therefore, information is absorbed faster and easier. 4. Make up stories The association method described earlier can be applied in another way. A person remembers words better if he recreates them in his imagination. Having studied even 20 words from one group, you should come up with an incredible story in which all of them will be used.

The best way to learn English with translation

Whatever method of studying speech is chosen, the main thing is that the student repeats the material covered as often as possible. If you are studying using a textbook or program, then this process is already set up. As you complete tasks, the program will automatically suggest which words need to be repeated. But what about those who study on their own? According to linguists, to understand simple speech it is enough to master 2.5-3 thousand words. Those who have been studying foreign words for a long time need a living vocabulary with associations and content. Therefore, after reading a chapter of a book, do not write down all the new words, but only the most memorable ones. With their help, you can quickly repeat the material you have covered. Another way is to create a notebook-dictionary. This method is similar to using cards. The only difference is that you can always carry a notebook with you and not worry about the safety of the sheets in it. You should fill out one page of your notebook every day. It indicates new words and repetition interval. On the day of studying words, they should be repeated after three to five hours, and then the interval increases exponentially.

If you use your brain correctly, the learning process will become simple and fun. How to do it? Let's look at the main strategies. The Power of Emotions Each word must be associated with something important. For example, the word milk can easily be etched into the brain of any person who loves Milka chocolate. You can come up with an association from a story you like, a movie, an advertisement, etc. Positive emotions activate the ability to learn. They signal that a new word means something to a person. That's why this strategy works. “Embedding” words into experience When a child learns his native speech, he uses each new word in different situations. When he hears “white,” he will repeat it when he sees a white piece of paper and white sugar. This way, a new word is consolidated with what a person already knows, and it becomes more familiar. To use this method in learning foreign words, you need to use the new word in retelling the text, completing a written task and in conversation with a native speaker. Believe in yourself Often a person's past experiences hinder his learning. At school I had bad grades in language subjects, and at the institute I failed the exam. In fact, the reason for failure was lack of time, poor health, or the realization that the knowledge gained would not be useful. People who learned the language believed that they could do it. This belief turned into a prophecy for them. How long information will be stored in the head also depends on internal beliefs. If a person has an image of rapid loss of knowledge, then learning will take a lot of time. Instead, focus on the mentality of quickly regaining your skills.

The best method to learn the spelling of English words

To quickly master a new language, linguists recommend learning at least 100 words a day, 10% of which should be action verbs. It will take a lot of time to write down all the words on the cards. Therefore, it is better to use the Uchisto application for gadgets. It contains all the previously described techniques. To quickly learn English words, a card mechanism is used. Words are written and reproduced in English, and then in Russian. If a word is remembered after an hour, then it is put aside by clicking on the “Learned” button; if not, then it is updated in the list. All studied terms fall into the “Repeat after...” section, in which the user himself sets a convenient time. Repetition of material helps words to be transferred from short-term memory to long-term memory. Here you can also use the association method: reading a word - checking pronunciation - translation - making an association - repeating the word 5 times and scrolling through the association in your head. After this, you can move the word to the “Learned” section. There are more than a million words in English speech. Of these, only a few thousand are used in everyday life. To understand information from each area, it is enough to know 100 frequently used words. It is on this principle that the Uchisto dictionaries are compiled. First of all, the user selects 3 dictionaries to evaluate his knowledge. As he masters the topics, he can acquire other dictionaries. To visually monitor the learning process, the program presents a progress scale. With its help, you can daily monitor the process of replenishing your vocabulary: 100 words per day = 3 thousand words per month - the required minimum for spoken language! The application provides an excellent platform for starting to learn English. To consolidate knowledge and develop other skills, you should take lessons with a native speaker. If you know other ways to quickly learn English words, share with us in the comments.
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If you want to master a language in a short time, but don’t know, How, this article is for you. Here we will pay attention to an unusual way of memorizing the first phrases, which are attractive because when they are memorized, 2-3 words are immediately stored in memory instead of one. This is very convenient, and with this approach English begins to seem like an interesting and quite logical language.

How to quickly learn a lot of English words with minimal effort

Let's move on to a list of words that will show you How Can learn a lot of English words quickly in a fairly short time frame. Please note that this is not the entire list of such words. There are more than a hundred of them on the social networks of our online school, but I will give you the most interesting and easy-to-remember examples.

1) cup(cup) + cake(cake) = cupcake(cake)

2) master(master) + piece(piece) = masterpiece(masterpiece)

3) tea(tea) + spoon(spoon) = teaspoon(tea spoon)

4)lip(lip) + stick(stick) = lipstick(lipstick)

5) sun(sun) + glasses(points) = sunglasses(sunglasses)

6) traffic(movement) + jam(jam) = traffic jam(traffic jam)

7) fire(fire) + place(place) = fireplace(fireplace)

8) honey(honey) + moon(moon) = honeymoon(Honeymoon)

9) book(book) + case(suitcase) = bookcase(bookshelf)

10) super(super) + market(market) = supermarket(supermarket)

11) pan(frying pan) + cake(cake) = pancake(Crap)

12) key(key) + board(board) = keyboard(keyboard)

13) cottage(country house) + cheese(cheese) = cottage cheese(cottage cheese)

14)head(head) + phone(phone) = headphones(headphones)

15) head(head) + master(master) = headmaster(head teacher)

16) ear(ear) + ring(ring) = ear-ring(earring)

17) bell(bell) + tower(tower) = belltower(Bell tower)

18) water(water) + melon(melon) = water melon(watermelon)

19) arm(hand) + chair(chair) = arm-chair(armchair)

20) pig(pig) + tails(tails) = pigtails(braids)

How Can learn a lot of English words quickly using a list like this? Just try not to memorize a lexical unit, but pay attention to the composition of the word. Very soon, this practice will develop into a habit, and learning a foreign language will turn into a pleasant pastime, and not a boring process.

How to learn English words in 15 minutes?

If you want to know how to learn English words in 15 minutes, then you should remember about frequency and repetition. You can really remember a lot in 15 minutes, but there's no point in trying if you don't plan to do it every day. Repetition plays a key role in remembering words and rules. Therefore, you should not forget about it.

How to learn English words in 1 hour?

For those who are serious, I can give some recommendations: how to learn English words in 1 hour.

1) Repeat a new word or list of words out loud several times

2) Check if it is a compound word that can be divided into 2 parts. If yes, then find out the translation of all components.

3) Make sure the word does not play multiple roles in the sentence. For example: "paint" can be translated "dye", And "paint".

4) Try to come up with an association for a new word that you want to remember. For example: "clever" very similar to the name of the tree - "clover", but actually translated "smart".

5) Come up with your own sentences with new words that you want to remember. This will help you quickly reproduce the appropriate phrase at the right time.

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We will not only tell you how to quickly learn a lot of English words, but we will also help you speak a foreign language!

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The human brain tends to save effort (some would call it laziness): if there is a chance to somehow simplify the process, it will definitely take advantage of this chance. Our cunning “processor” does not immediately allow new foreign words into the palace of long-term memory; First, they have to serve out their sentence in a kind of waiting room - in short-term memory. If a new word is not used or repeated, it will be forgotten quite quickly: the brain mercilessly gets rid of unnecessary information. If you repeat a memorized word - and this must be done at strictly defined moments - you will remember it forever. What is the secret to correctly remembering new information?

How we remember information: types of memory and the Ebbinghaus curve

So, human memory is divided into two types:

  1. Short-term or operational
  2. Long-term

Information entering the brain is first stored in working memory. Over time, depending on the frequency of use, this information passes into long-term, long-term memory. At the end of the 19th century, the German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus experimentally proved the well-known postulate about the direct relationship between learning and repetition. During the experiment, Ebbinghaus determined exactly when it is necessary to repeat new words in order to remember them for a long time, if not forever.

The sad fact is that the most valuable discovery of Hermann Ebbinghaus is almost never used these days. School analysts and developersSkyeng hopes to change this: a mobile app for learning new words using Ebbinghaus's discovery is currently in development. The application is planned to be released soon - stay tuned for company news.

Many methods suggest learning 100 words in an hour or 1000 words in 3 days - and this is possible. But the problem is that, once in short-term memory, new words do not transfer to long-term memory: easy come - easy go (what comes easily, goes easily).

7 + 1 effective way to memorize foreign words

So, the very first, even zero tip: to remember a new word forever, adhere to the following repetition schedule:

The traditional approach to learning new words, tested by generations of schoolchildren, is as follows: foreign words are given in lists by topic, for example, “Getting to know each other,” “Letter to a friend,” “My day.” The set of topics is standard and universal, which is not always effective: if the topic does not arouse interest, it is much more difficult to learn new vocabulary. The experience of our school shows: if the choice of words to be studied is approached in strict accordance with the specific goals and interests of each student, at the intersection of useful and pleasant, the result is optimal!

For example, if you like the series “Game of Thrones,” you will be much more interested in learning words, generating images and concepts that are related to the plot of the film, for example: queen, northern, wall, castle.

Law of Comprehension: According to Ebbinghaus, meaningful material is remembered 9 times faster. What is imprinted in memory is not so much the words and sentences themselves that make up the text, but rather the thoughts contained in them. They are the first to come to mind when you need to remember the content of a text.

However, learning to properly organize information at the time of memorization is not an easy task. You can use reference words, diagrams, diagrams and tables. The technique of forecasting is also effective: when you start reading a paragraph, try, after the author puts forward several arguments, to independently draw a conclusion and explain to yourself what you read, even if it seems obvious to you. By formulating information in your own words, you will remember it for a long time.

To better remember a new word, use 5 senses plus imagination: feel the situation, imagine a picture, try to smell and taste, say the word - or sing.

Visualize, imagine: in a distant northern country, behind a high fortress wall, rises a majestic castle, in which a powerful queen lives... How high the wall is, how gloomy and impregnable the castle is, how beautiful the ruler sitting on the throne is ! Create a picture in your imagination, live the situation and the new vocabulary will be remembered easily and for a long time.

Law of context: information is more easily remembered and reproduced if it is correlated with other simultaneous impressions. The context in which an event occurs is sometimes more important for remembering than the event itself.

Our memory is associative. Therefore, try to change the place of preparation, for example, teach different topics in different rooms (kitchen, bedroom), on the road (subway, car) and even at work (office, “meeting room”). Information is associatively associated with the situation, the recollection of which will help to remember the content of the topic.

In learning, it’s like in nutrition: it’s better to absorb information in small parts, taking short breaks. It is better to learn a maximum of 10 objects (words or components of a rule) in one session. After this, you must take a 15-minute break, otherwise subsequent training will not be complete. Learn words in line, on the subway - impulse learning is much more effective than continuous learning.

The law of edge, known to us from the film “Seventeen Moments of Spring”: information presented at the beginning and at the end is best remembered. It is more effective to learn especially difficult and intractable words at the beginning and end of a ten-minute session - this way they are better stored in memory.

When studying a word, it is useful to choose an associative image-anchor, for example: clever (smart) - a smart cow eats clover. The image should be bright, understandable, perhaps absurd - unexpected associations fix the word well in memory.

There are many ready-made mnemonic dictionaries, for example, // An effective and favorite technique for many is memorizing words using cards, when an English word is written on one side and its translation on the other.

But whatever the method of memorization, alas, there is no method yet that allows you to learn a foreign language overnight. This is a big and complex job, and it is important to choose the optimal approach in order to achieve greater results with less effort. What we sincerely wish for you!


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Knowledge of English has never been superfluous. Both in everyday life and in the professional sphere. In recent years, knowledge of English has become something taken for granted. This is a skill that will only increase your level of professionalism. Also, in everyday life, we sometimes come across foreign words and do not always know their translation, and this is where difficulties arise.
When learning English, in addition to memorizing grammatical rules and pronunciation rules, there is also vocabulary. Without a sufficient vocabulary, comfortable use of English in everyday life and at work becomes impossible.

Learning any language is a real powerful assault on the brain in terms of the need to remember large amounts of information

After all, when learning English, you need to learn a huge number of new foreign words, which can then be used in various everyday and work situations. When traveling abroad, your knowledge of foreign spoken language should be enough to be able to communicate with a foreigner and convey to him your request or wish. The volume of new foreign words is quite large, because when learning English it is necessary to remember the words and figures of speech that native speakers of a foreign language use in their speech.

Memorizing English words is a very labor-intensive process. First of all, let's figure out why for many it is a complex procedure that requires maximum concentration. The whole point is that memorizing a new foreign word is like memorizing a scientific term; it must be as accurate as possible, because it will then need to be used in conversation and correspondence.

Repeating these words will help prevent them from being forgotten. Let's say you've learned a certain number of words. After one day of studying, you should repeat these words again, so the neurons will be strengthened. After a couple of days, you need to repeat the learned words again. It is also necessary to conduct a verification test to find out how well you remember new words, so your memory will become long-term. After another week or two, the words need to be repeated again, this will strengthen the neural connections, and the words will be firmly embedded in your memory.

The thing is that when learning new words in the English language, certain connections are created in the neurons of the brain, in which all the information is subsequently stored. In order for this information to remain there for a long time, these connections must be maintained, preventing their disintegration.

Basic memorization methods

How to configure the brain to perceive new information and transmit it accurately in the future? First of all, you need to teach your brain to work correctly with incoming information and process it correctly. With the help of the "Hummingbird Method" it is possible to learn how to learn English correctly. First of all, the “Hummingbird Method” will provide a technique by which you can memorize almost a hundred words in one hour and use them later throughout your life. Also, the “Hummingbird Method” will help to reveal the English-speaking way of thinking, this will help in the future to speak and perceive the speech of foreigners.

Ways to remember English words

There are many methods to learn and remember English words. When you start learning new words you are filled with determination and motivation to learn new words, phrases and figures of speech. But, unfortunately, after a while the enthusiasm wears off, since all studying comes down to banal cramming. You remember the words for literally a few days, but gradually they are forgotten, the translation of the word and its spelling are erased from memory. Of course, this method takes a lot of time, and it is a pity that after a while it is difficult to remember them, and half of these words are forgotten.

There is an opinion that some people do not have the ability to learn foreign languages

It would be wrong to say that this student has made little effort, that he is not talented and persistent enough in learning English words. Very often, in order to achieve success in studying, it is necessary to choose the right and effective methodology.

Here are the simplest of them:

  • Cards. This is a very easy method to implement. You need to take small sheets of paper and write words in English on them, and on the other side the translation of this word. Since they are small in size, you can take them with you and repeat them at any free moment. You can prepare cards with words on different topics, with the most commonly used set expressions, and return to them periodically. This will allow you to constantly train your memory.
  • Sticker. You need to take self-adhesive leaves (stickers) and write on them the names of the things that surround you, in English, of course. Thus, the words will always be “in front of your eyes,” which will help you remember them faster. But this method has its drawbacks. First, the place of use is very limited, this is your home and workplace. Over time, you will learn these words, and there will be nowhere to move on. Secondly, this method helps to learn specific words, while abstract meanings such as joy “happiness”, success “success” and the like will not work.
  • Background method. To implement it, you need to record the words you want to learn on a voice recorder, as well as their translation. There is no need to write down a large number of words, because with a large amount of information, after a certain time the brain will stop perceiving new information. So the number of words should not be more than 30 or 40. Then you can turn on the recording or use headphones and listen to it many times. Thanks to this method, words will be remembered mechanically, as if by themselves.

It is an indisputable fact that it is easiest to learn languages ​​at a young age.

  • Synonyms. You need to take a notebook and write down in it the words that you want to learn, and next to them their synonyms and translation. Enter words gradually throughout the course and repeat those already written down. This will increase your vocabulary and help you express your thoughts more accurately in the future. For example:

Smart – clever-smart-intelligent;

Kind – good-kind-warmhearted;

Rule – rule-law-principle, etc.

Most effective method

Of course, the presented methods are not ineffective; they are time-tested, but still have their drawbacks. But there is one method that will allow you to consolidate the learned words. Using the “Hummingbird Method” you can learn up to a hundred words in one lesson, and using a unique repetition system you can remember the learned words for a long time.

The system includes mnemonics and the effect of visual memory. Also, the method itself is quite easy and does not require that you devote all your free time to it.