Notes on measuring length senior group. Math lesson notes Lesson topic: “Problem solving

Target: Formation of initial mathematical knowledge.


  • Continue learning to compose and solve problems involving addition and subtraction within 10.
  • Improve the ability to measure the length of objects using a conventional measure.
  • Improve your ability to orientate yourself on a sheet of squared paper.
  • Strengthen the ability to name sequentially the days of the week, times and months of the year.
  • Strengthen the ability to use “greater than”, “less than”, “equal” signs;
  • Strengthen children's knowledge about geometric shapes;
  • Develop attention, memory, thinking;
  • Cultivate an interest in mathematics, the ability to listen to instructions from adults.

Didactic visual material:

Demonstration material. A ball, a card with a picture of a square, an envelope, cards with arithmetic signs, pictures for solving problems.

Handout. Cards with diagrams of the route from home to school, strips of cardboard (conventional measures), pencils, checkered pieces of paper.

Progress of the lesson

Educator . - Guys, we have a guest today, he’s funny (I put a picture of Dunno on the board).

Malvina gave Dunno homework, but he doesn’t know how to cope with it. So he came to you for help. Will you help him? (Yes.)

Then we’ll start our lesson, and Dunno will watch and learn from you.

And for each completed task, Dunno will give you a letter so that we can put them together into a word.

1 task "Think and answer"

Children stand in a semicircle. The teacher throws the ball to the child and gives the task. The child answers and returns the ball.

What are the 4 seasons?

What time of year is it now?

How many spring months are there? Name them.

Name the winter months.

What month comes after January?

How many days are there in a week?

What day of the week is today?

What was it like yesterday?

What day of the week will be tomorrow?

Name the days off.

What number must be added to 8 to make 10?

What number is less than 5 by 1?

Name the neighbors of the number 8; 4; 6

What number comes after the number 5; 1; 7.

What number comes before 8? 6; 4.

Educator. Well done! We completed the first task. And for this, Dunno gives you the letter “C” (I put it on the board).

Sit down at the tables. Don't forget that the back at the table should be straight. So are you ready? (Yes.)

Task 2. "Solve the problems"

And now I suggest you teach Dunno how to solve problems. But before we solve the problem, let’s remember what parts the problem consists of? (Condition, Question, Solution, Answer.)

What is a condition? (this is what we know).

What is a question for a problem? (this is what we need to find out).

What is a solution to a problem? (this is something that can be added or subtracted).

What is the answer? (this is what happened and is known to us).

1 task.

How many ducklings swam in the creek?

How many ducklings came to land?

Let's make a problem about them.

What does it say about ducklings?

(ducklings swam in the creek)

How many were there at first?

How many ducklings came ashore?

Are there fewer ducklings or are there more ducklings swimming?

If less, should you add or subtract?

What is the question in the problem? (how many ducklings are left to swim?)

Now let's create a problem.

Child. 9 ducklings swam in the creek. 1 went ashore. Ask a question about the problem.

Child. How many ducklings are left to swim?

Let's denote the solution with numbers and signs. (the called child lays out an example from the numbers for problem 9-1=8).

Task 2. Let's solve another problem. Look, there are 2 aquariums on the board. How many fish are in the aquarium on the left? How many fish are in the aquarium on the right?

What question can you ask in this problem? (how many fish are in 2 aquariums?)

Who will try to create a problem?

Child. There are 4 fish swimming in the aquarium on the left, and 3 fish swimming in the aquarium on the right.

Who will ask a question about the problem?

Child. How many fish swim in 2 aquariums?

Now you need to lay out the solution with numbers and signs on the board. And all the guys will write down the solution on pieces of paper. Well done. Dunno gives you the letter “P”.

Physical education moment.

Quickly stand up, smile,

Pull yourself higher, higher.

Well, come on. straighten your shoulders,

Raise, lower.

Turned left, right,

Hands touched knees.

Sat down, stood up, sat down, stood up

And they ran on the spot.

We rested. Go to your places and we will continue to help Dunno.

3 task. Game exercise “Measuring the road to school.” The teacher clarifies: “Where will you go on the first day of autumn? What is the name of the first month of autumn?

Children have cards with maps of the route from home to school.

The teacher asks the children to find out the length of the road from home to school: “How can I find out the length of the road to school? (Measure.) How will we measure the road? (First from the house to the turn, then from the turn to the school.)

How can you measure the length of a road? (Children's answers.)

Today we will measure the road from home to school using a conventional measure. Now I will remind you of the method of measuring with a conventional yardstick. You need to apply the measure so that the edge of the measure and the beginning of the road coincide. Using a pencil, draw a line along the opposite edge of the measurement. Next, we apply the measurement to the line and mark it again with a pencil.

Now measure the length of the road yourself in your picture. First, measure the length of the road before the turn and record how many times the measurement fits completely onto the strip. And then measure the length of the road after the turn, and also write down in a square how many times the measurement was taken after the turn.

After completing the task, the teacher asks: “What is the length of the road from the house to the turn? (Children give an answer in accordance with the indicated figure.) What is the length of the road from the turn to the school? What is the length of the road from home to school? How did you find out the length of the road? (We added up the number of measures and indicated the result with a number.)

Well done, you coped with this task too. You receive the letter “A” from Dunno.

4 task. Game exercise “Drawing figures.”

The teacher asks the children to guess what figure is drawn on a piece of paper lying in an envelope. To do this, children must complete the task correctly: From a point from left to right, draw a line three cells long, then from top to bottom, draw another line three cells long, then draw 3 cells from right to left, and finally, from bottom to top, 3 cells.”

What kind of figure did you get? (the teacher shows a card with a picture of a square). For this task you receive the letter “C” from Dunno.

Task 5. "Auditory dictation."

Draw in a rectangle:

In the upper right corner there is a square;

In the lower left corner there is a ball;

In the lower right corner there is a triangle;

In the upper left corner there is a circle;

In the middle there is an oval.

Where did you draw the ball? (in the lower left corner)

Where did you draw the square? (in the upper right corner)

Where did you draw the oval? (in the middle of the rectangle).

Did everyone cope with the dictation? Well done. Here is the letter “I” as a gift for you.

6 task. “Compare the numbers and put the signs”(work at a desk)

The teacher shows cards with the signs “>”, “<», «=»и уточняет, что они обозначают:

“The bird turned its beak

Where there is more delicious food,

And where there is less - she turned away,

I didn’t eat anything.”

The open beak points to a larger number, and the corner points to a smaller number.

Give the children cards with numbers: 3 and 4, 5 and 4, 7 and 7, 5 and 5, 7 and 8, 9 and 8.

And almost everyone completed this task. Here's the letter "B"

Task 7. "Connect the dots in the picture"(children take turns going to the board). And the last task was completed. You receive the letter “O” as a gift.

So we helped Dunno complete all the tasks. Let's read what kind of word we got? (Children read: “THANK YOU.”)

Educator . This is Dunno thanking us for our help with our homework. I also say thank you. You guys did a very good job today. And for this Dunno gives you these badges.

Draw a sun with a smile if you liked it in class today, and if you didn’t like it, then a sad sun - without a smile.

Used Books:

Pomoraeva I. A., Pozina V. A. “Formation of elementary mathematical concepts” (preparatory group).

“Measuring length using a conventional measure”

Goals and objectives:

To help consolidate the skills of comparing objects by length through visual correlation, the method of superimposition and application;

Provide familiarity with the method of measuring length - using a conventional measure:

Bring children to the conclusion how the length of the measure affects the number of them required for measurement (the larger the measure, the less of them are required, and vice versa);

Ensure the practical application of the skill of mental counting within 5, correlating quantities with the symbol of a set.

Equipment and materials:

5 pieces of snakes of different lengths, identical snakes and several figures of parrots, elephants, monkeys, small toys - counting material. Cards with dots (counting up to 5), measurements of different lengths, music for physical education.

Progress of the lesson

    Org moment.

Guys, we are going with you to Africa. Look how many African animals meet us.

    Verbal counting.

Let's do the math. How many elephants? (monkeys, crocodiles, etc.)

Now let’s play, animals will come running to each of you (I’m handing out cards)

- Guess how many animals you will have (how many dots, so many animals)

    Main part.

- Look who's crawling towards us (snake)

- How many are there? They are identical? What is the difference? (long)

- Which one is this? (pointing to the longest and shortest)

- Let's build the snakes in order: from the longest to the shortest.

Physical education minute.

- Do you hear who is calling us? Yes, these are African animals. They decided to play with us. (performed to music)

- Guys, the longest snake told me that she has a friend, a boa constrictor, and he is upset about something. Let's go see what happened to him? (we sit down at the tables)

On the children's table we place boas according to the number of children.

Getting to know the measure .

Guys, the boa constrictor says that it is very long, but he doesn’t know how long it is. But the smart parrot suggested to the boa that it could be measured, for example, by parrots or elephants, or monkeys. Let's help the boa constrictor. Here, for example, is how to measure correctly (I show how to correctly apply “measurements” from the head to the tip of the tail.

Individual work.

I suggest that each child measure the boa constrictor in elephants, monkeys, and parrots.

How many elephants can fit in a boa constrictor? (monkeys, parrots)

Who can fit more? Who is less?

Why were there fewer elephants and more parrots?


- Guys, but monkeys, elephants and parrots are not always at hand. Therefore, you can measure the length using another measure, for example, this one (cardboard strip)

- Let's try. (measurement measure)

- How many measurements did you get? And you?

- Why did you need more measurements, and you needed less?

4.Independent work on sheets (on the topic “Longer - shorter”)

5. Result of GCD:

- Well done! Everyone completed the tasks. The boa constrictor says thank you very much!


Surmach Anna Alexandrovna

Children's age: 6-7 years

Number of children: 10 people

Group: “Kittens”

Date: 01/15/15

2014-2015 academic year.

Plan - lesson notes.


Educational objectives:

  • To form an idea of ​​the new unit of measurement of length - the meter; establish the relationship of the meter with other units of length;

Developmental tasks:

Educational tasks:

Class type: Combined.

Equipment and TSO:


Lesson plan:

  1. Organizing time.
  1. Greetings.
  1. Main part.
  1. Introductory conversation.
  • Warm-up
  • Counting from 10 to 1.
  1. Musical physical exercise
  • Questions on the topic.
  • Practical work in pairs.
  1. Practical part of the lesson.
  • Working with cards.
  1. Consolidation of new material.
  • Musical physical exercise.
  • Questions and answers.
  1. Final part.
  • Summing up the lesson.
  • Assessment of children's work.

Appendix No. 1.

Appendix No. 2.

Appendix No. 3.

Progress of the lesson:

  1. Organizing time.
  1. Greetings.

  1. Main part.
  1. Introductory conversation.
  1. Repetition of previously covered material.
  • Warm up.

Children: Briefly speaking rulers.

Children: T smaller ropes.

Children: Easier watermelon

Children: Under sisters

  • Count from 10 to 1.

Children: 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1.

Teacher: Here we are at sea.

  1. Musical physical exercise.(The music of the sea sounds.)

The sea is very wide

The sea is very deep.

Fish live there, friends,

(Perform the “Fish” movement.)

But you can’t drink water.

  • Questions on the topic.


Children: Using a ruler.

(Children's answers, if any.)

(Children's answers.)

Children: By meter.

  • Practical work in pairs.

Children are divided into pairs and measure the height of paper palm trees that are attached along the wall. Every couple has a meter.

Children: Beginning.

Children: The number one and the letter m are written here.

Teacher: The number 1 means one, and the letter m means meter. Thus, the height of the palm trees is exactly 1 meter.

Children: What is 1 meter?

Teacher: A new unit of measurement with which objects of different lengths or heights are measured.

The guys, measuring the palm trees with a meter, come to the conclusion that the height of the trees is the same - 1 m.

Teacher: Well done guys, we helped the residents of the island.

And now it's time for us to return. Let's count down from 10 to 1.

Children: 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1.

Teacher: Here we are at sea.

  1. Practical part of the lesson.
  • Working with cards. (Appendix No. 3)

Teacher: The path is not close. Let's complete the task. Guys, on specially prepared cards, you need to: trace the palm tree according to the template, color it and measure the height. (Children complete the task independently)

Teacher: Well done guys, it's time to relax.

6. Consolidation of new material.

  • Musical physical exercise. (The music of the sea sounds.)

The sea is very wide

(Children spread their arms wide to the side.)

The sea is very deep.

(They squat, touching their hands to the floor.)

Fish live there, friends,

(Perform the “Fish” movement.)

But you can’t drink water.

(They spread their arms to the side, raising their shoulders.)

  • Questions and answers.

Teacher: Well, guys, our journey has come to an end.

Teacher: What new have we learned today?

Children: We got acquainted with the meter and learned to measure the height of objects with its help.

  1. Final part.

Summing up the lesson.

The teacher asks the children what they remembered during the lesson, what they liked? Who is it difficult for? What tasks would you like to do again?

Assessment of children's work.

Appendix No. 2.

Appendix No. 1.

Appendix No. 3.

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“Outline of an open lesson Topic: “Measuring height with a conventional measure””





Outline of an open lesson

Topic: “Measuring height with a conventional measure”

Additional education teacher

Surmach Anna Alexandrovna

Children's age: 6-7 years

Number of children: 10 people

Group: “Kittens”

Date: 01/15/15

2014-2015 academic year.

Plan - outline of the lesson.

Lesson topic: Measuring height with a conventional measure.

Goal: to introduce children to a new unit of measurement - the meter.


Educational objectives:

    To form an idea of ​​the new unit of measurement of length - the meter; establish the relationship of the meter with other units of length;

    Strengthen the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper.

    To develop the ability to compare objects by height (high - low).

    Reinforce the basic concepts of “longer - shorter”, “thicker - thinner”, “heavier - lighter”, “older - younger”.

    Improve children's ability to count within 10.

Developmental tasks:

    Develop coherent speech, the ability to generalize, draw conclusions, express your opinion;

    Develop visual and auditory memory, logical thinking.

Educational tasks:

    Cultivate interest in mathematical studies.

    Develop the ability to collaborate and follow the rules of working in a team.

Class type: Combined.

Type of lesson: Practical lesson.

Form of work: Group, individual.

Equipment and TSO: meter, ruler, tape measure, palm trees drawn on whatman paper, cards, handouts, stereo system, demonstration material.

Elements of technology: personality-oriented, gaming, health-saving, information and communication, differentiated learning.


    Peterson L.G., Kochemasova E.E. “Igralochka” Moscow, 2004

    Beloshistaya A.V. “Formation and development of mathematical abilities in preschool children” VLADOS, 2003.

    Berezina R.L., Mikhailova Z.A. “Formation of elementary concepts in preschoolers” Education, 1988.

Lesson plan:

    Organizing time.


    Checking students' readiness for class.

    Main part.

    Introductory conversation.

    Repetition of previously covered material.


    Working with graphic cards

    Counting from 10 to 1.

    Musical physical exercise

    Getting to know new material.

    Questions on the topic.

    Practical work in pairs.

    Practical part of the lesson.

    Working with cards.

    Consolidation of new material.

    Musical physical exercise.

    Questions and answers.

    Final part.

    Summing up the lesson.

    Assessment of children's work.

Appendix No. 1.

Appendix No. 2.

Appendix No. 3.

Progress of the lesson:

    Organizing time.


    Checking students' readiness for class.

Teacher: Hello my friends (hands forward).

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (bend fingers).

Together we are in a circle again (holding hands).

Let's play together (walk in a circle)

And complete the tasks (the guys stop and let go of their hands).

The children take their seats.

    Main part.

    Introductory conversation.

Teacher: Guys, you love to travel.

Teacher: Then, let us all go with you on a journey by sea.

    Repetition of previously covered material.

    Warm up.

Teacher: But first let’s do a warm-up:

Teacher: If the ruler is longer than the pencil, then the pencil...

Children: Briefly speaking rulers.

Teacher: If the rope is thicker than the thread, then the thread...

Children: T smaller ropes.

Teacher: If a watermelon is heavier than a pineapple, then a pineapple...

Children: Easier watermelon

Teacher: If a sister is older than a brother, then the brother

Children: Under sisters

Teacher: Well done! The team is ready. What are we going to sail on?

Children: By boat, boat, steamship, plane, etc.

    Working with graphic cards. (Appendix No. 1)

Teacher: Guys, if each of you completes an individual task, we will find out what we will take on the journey.

Children: We will go on a ship.

Teacher: Well done, you completed this task quickly.

    Count from 10 to 1.

Teacher: So, let's go, let's start counting from 10 to 1.

Children: 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1.

Teacher: Here we are at sea.

    Musical physical exercise.(The music of the sea sounds.)

The sea is very wide

(Children spread their arms wide to the side.)

The sea is very deep.

(They squat, touching their hands to the floor.)

Fish live there, friends,

(Perform the “Fish” movement.)

But you can’t drink water.

(Spread your arms to the side, raising your shoulders)

Teacher: We are already approaching the island, flowers and palm trees grow on it.

    Getting to know new material.

    Questions on the topic.

(An image of an island appears on the board)

Teacher: Guys, what do you think the island we sailed to looks like?

Children: For a period. (Appendix No. 2)

Teacher: That's right guys, the inhabitants of this island love to grow flowers and palm trees.

Teacher: If we compare palm trees by height. What can we say about them?

Children: Palm trees are high and low.

Teacher: Well done, guys. But the trouble has grown: at different ends of the island the tallest palm trees, and the residents are now arguing about which palm tree is taller. Can we help them?

Teacher: With what tool can we measure the height of a palm tree?

Children: Using a ruler.

Teacher: No, guys, the palm trees are much taller than our ruler. What other instruments do you know for measuring height?

(Children's answers, if any.)

Teacher: To measure the height of objects, people came up with a meter and a tape measure.

Teacher: Think and tell me which objects are more convenient to measure with a ruler (meter, tape measure) and why? (Children's answers.)

Teacher: Well done guys. So what can we use to measure the height of palm trees?

Children: By meter.

    Practical work in pairs.

Children break into pairs and measure the height of paper palm trees which are attached along the wall. Every couple has a meter.

Teacher: Guys, pick up a meter and find zero. What does zero mean?

Children: Beginning.

Teacher: Place the meter so that the base of the palm tree and the zero coincide. Teacher: Well done guys, now one of you begins to spin the meter by connecting the top of the palm tree with some number on the meter. What kind of number did you get?

Municipal budgetary educational institution

“Kindergarten No. 54 “Crane”

city ​​of Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic


directly - educational activities in the educational field "Cognition"

Topic: "Measurement"

with children of the preparatory group

Developed and carried out:

Afonina N.V.

teacher 1


Target:development of children's cognitive interests.

Educational objectives:

Continue to acquaint children with the properties of dry and wet sand (flowability), the ability to pass water, filter it; that sand consists of very small particles - grains of sand.

Developmental tasks:

To develop the ability to master the means of cognitive activity, methods of examining an object, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships through experimental activities. Expand your understanding of sand, its qualities and characteristics. Stimulate the desire for independent exploration of objects and objects of inanimate nature.

Educational tasks:

Cultivate interest in the world around them, teach children to feel a sense of emotional satisfaction from the work done, and develop goodwill.

Activating the dictionary:

Loose, sticky, loose, magnifying glass, experiments, tricks.

Methodical techniques: - Making a riddle

Viewing a presentation on a laptop

Physical education minute

Game-trick “Multi-colored miracle”


Sand of two types, plastic bottles, molds, sticks, boxes, oilcloths, funnels, water, cups, spoons, magnifying glasses, laptop, tape recorder.

Activity structure:

Educator: Guys, today we have a very interesting lesson, and what topic you will find out for yourself if you guess the riddle:

"It's yellow and loose

There is a pile in the yard.

If you want you can take it

Play it all day."

What is this - ?

Children: Sand

Educator: What do you think sand is needed for?

Children: For games, sprinkle paths in winter.

Educator: Absolutely right, sand is also used in the construction of roads, buildings, in the production of dishes, glass, and in hourglasses. Where can you find sand?

Children: In the sandbox, at a construction site, by the river, by the sea.

I suggest you watch a short presentation about where sand is used (view the presentation on a laptop).

Sand - pieces of rock. Sand is obtained when a stone disintegrates (shows a stone), under the influence of water, natural conditions, glaciers. The largest deposits of sand exist in deserts and seashores, where beaches are usually located. Sand can be multi-colored (brown, yellow, white and even black).

Educator: Sand can be sea or river (show and compare)

What is the difference between sea sand and river sand? Today we will compare the properties of the river sand that we played with all summer and the sea sand that I brought for you from the sea.

Educator: There are a lot of interesting things on your tables and now we will conduct experiments with sand. You have 2 plates of sand on your tables. Try to guess which is which? Touch it, what do you think?

Children's answers.

Let's take scoops and pour some sand into the box (the children will do it). Does sand fall easily?

Children: Easily.

Educator: Because sand is loose. Is it easy to take? Those. Is he lumpy or not? The sand is loose.

Educator: Now let’s take this device, who knows what it’s called?

Children: Magnifying glass.

Educator: That's right, that's what it's called because it magnifies, and you can also say magnifying glass, lens.

Let's take a magnifying glass and carefully look at what sand is made of?

Children: A grain is a grain of sand.

Educator: How do they look?

Children: They are small, round, white, yellow, transparent.

Educator: Are they similar to each other? How are they similar? What is the difference?

(Children's answers)

Children: Sea sand has smaller grains of sand, while river sand has larger grains.

Educator: In the sand, each grain of sand lies separately, it does not stick to its “neighbors”.

Conclusion: Sand consists of grains of sand that do not stick to each other.

Educator: Let's do another experiment. " Wind". What happens to the grains of sand?

Children: They scatter, deflate, and move easily.

Educator: Now I’ll pour some water, wet the sand and create the wind again. Are the grains of sand blown away?

Children: No.

Educator: Conclusion: Dry grains of sand are blown away and “run away” from the wind, but wet grains are not.

Educator : We need to find out whether sand has a head start? How to do it?

Children's answers.

Pour sand into a cup. Easily?

Now scoop it up with a spoon. Has its shape changed?

How to pour sand into a small bottle? It turns out? Or not? - take a funnel and try to pour it in as carefully as possible..

Independent activity of children.

CONCLUSION: The teacher makes a conclusion together with the children. So,…….

Now let's rest a little and do a little warm-up.

(physical education session with audio recording)

Educator: Now take trays with cups (two) and scoops. Pour sand into two cups, pour a little water into one cup (wet the sand). Now take a stick and stick it into dry sand, and another stick into wet sand. Which sand is easier for a stick to stick into? Wet or dry?

Children: In dry.

Educator: dry sand is loose, the grains of sand are not glued together, so it’s easier to stick into dry sand. Now I will pour sand (the same amount) into plastic cups, but I will moisten one cup of sand with water. And now we will see which sand is heavier. We will weigh the dry sand first and then the wet sand.

Which one is heavier?

Children: Wet.

Educator: That's right, because light air hides among dry grains of sand, and heavier water hides among wet grains.

Guys, now tell me, from what kind of sand is the Easter cake made, dry or wet?

Children: From wet.

Educator: That's right, wet sand retains its shape perfectly, so it's easy to sculpt with it; you do this many times while walking in the sandbox.

Guys, sand can filter water, i.e. clean it. Look here. (The teacher takes dirty water and passes it through the sand.)

Educator: What happened to the dirty water I poured into the sand? How has she changed?

Children: It has become cleaner, more transparent.

Educator: Sand is a natural filter; it purifies water.

Now let's do another experiment. Add a little water to the sand tray with a spoon and mix. What's going on? (children's answer)

Children: the sand became damp and wet.

Educator: What happened to the water?

Children: She was absorbed into the sand.

We will do the same with sea sand.

Children: ………………….

Educator: Right …………………..

CONCLUSION: What is the difference between river sand and sea sand?................children's answers

Educator: Who knows: how does an experiment differ from a trick?


Educator: Today we did a lot of experiments with sand and water helped us with this. Let's remember what we know about water?

Children: transparent, tasteless, odorless, it is a liquid, it flows and shimmers, some substances dissolve in it………etc.

Does water have color? Can it be red, blue or green?

Children: Yes.

Educator: How to do this?......Can this be done with the help of magic? Now I will teach you how to do a trick, which is called the “Multi-colored miracle”…………..(plain water is poured into a bottle and it is hidden in a magic bag; after several energetic movements and magic spells, it becomes multi-colored).

Educator: Our research and games are over for today. What do you remember most? We need to put everything back in its place. Well done! Thank you all for your work.

Abstract of GCD in mathematics in the senior group

on the topic: “Units of length”

Target: introduce children to the unit of measurement of length - meter.



Show that there are 100 cm in a meter;

Practice measuring objects with a variety of measuring instruments;

Introduce the measuring device - tape measure.


Continue to develop fine motor skills;

Development of thinking, spatial imagination, attention.


- cultivate interest in acquiring new knowledge.

Methodical techniques:

Didactic game “learning to measure length and height”; measurement using a flexible centimeter of length along a curve; exercise to develop fine motor skills.


Tape measure, ruler, flexible centimeter,strips of cardboard according to the number of people (conventional measure), cubes, a piece of fabric, a wooden meter.


1. Introductory part.


Guys, my good friend Masha’s birthday is coming soon. She decided to sew herself a new dress. What is the name of the person who sews clothes? Let's imagine that I am a tailor. Do you want to be my assistants? Where does a tailor begin his work? (takes measurements and measures the required length of fabric). We need to choose what we will use to measure the length.

How can we measure length? (relative measures)

What is a conditional measure? What can be a conditional measure?

Let's remember how you can measure length or width using a conventional measure. Take any conventional measurements from the table. I suggest that 1 team measure the length of the table, and the second team measure the width of the table.

Where do we start measuring?

(Apply the measurement to the very edge of the table, hold it with your finger).

What do we use for ease of measurement? (For convenience, we mark with cubes how many times the measurement was taken).

Let's check what you got.

Does everyone have the same result? (no) Why?

Because everyone has different measurements, therefore different measurement results.

Let us remember the film “38 Parrots”. Who can remember what the animals did in it?

By whom or what did the animals measure the boa constrictor? (parrot, monkey, baby elephant).

How long was the ball of the boa when the baby elephant measured it? (2)

And the monkey? (5)

What is the length of a boa constrictor in parrots? (38)

Which animal was the largest? (Elephant). And in elephants there is a boa constrictor - 2 times.

Who was the smallest? (Parrot). And in parrots the boa constrictor - 38 times.

What were their results? (different)

So what measure should we choose to ensure that the measurements are the same and accurate? How to measure fabric?

2. Main part.

While we are thinking about it, I want to tell you a little about ancient units of length measurement. In ancient times, to measure lengths, they used those measuring instruments that they always had with them. At the very beginning, people used their hands and fingers to measure length, as well as when counting. The most common unit of length was the “cubit”, i.e. the distance from the elbow to the end of the middle finger. (Show me your elbow and middle finger.)

This unit has been used by many peoples for thousands of years. Merchants used their elbows to measure the fabrics they were selling, wrapping them around their hands.

In addition to the “elbow”, other units were also used: fathom, palm, step. The distance to which stakes had to be driven into the ground when building a hut was measured in steps. “Step” is one of the ancient measures that is still used today. »

What measurements do you remember?

I suggest you try measuring the carpet with your steps, and then the table with your palm.

We compare the results - again the results are different.

Are ancient length measurements suitable for us? (No)

Gymnastics for the eyes.

A ray, a mischievous ray,

Come play with me. (They blink their eyes.)

Come on, little ray, turn around,

Show yourself to me. (Make circular movements with their eyes.)

I'll look to the left,

I will find a ray of sunshine. (Look away to the left.)

Now I'll look to the right

I will find the ray again. (They look away to the right.)

Now you have seen for yourself what confusion and confusion arises when people use different standards. Therefore, it was decided to adopt common units of measurement for all countries so that the measurement results were accurate.

The smallest unit of measurement was the centimeter.

There are various objects in front of you (ruler, wooden meter). What do you think these items are for? What do you see in them in common?

They have a scale. The segment from 0 to 1 is a centimeter.

In what cases is a ruler used?

Is it convenient to measure everything with a ruler? For example, the length of the carpet?

Will a ruler help us measure the length of fabric for Masha? (inconvenient, too small)

To measure very long objects, the following measure is used - a meter. (it has 100 cm)

Where can you use a meter?

Using a meter you can measure the length and height of a table, chair, the height of a doll, the length of a carpet.

Do you think a meter will help us measure the required length of fabric? (Yes)

The teacher, together with the children, measures a piece of fabric, it is 3 meters. This is what Masha needs. Did we help her? (Yes)

Thanks guys.

(Show other items - soft tape measure, tape measure)

It turns out that other measuring instruments are used to measure length.

When do you think a soft tape measure is used? Why is a ruler or a hard meter not suitable in these cases? (let the children touch the hard meter and soft centimeter)

(using a centimeter you can measure the length along a curve - head circumference, waist or tree circumference). We measure the children's head circumference.

This is roulette. Where is it used? Have you seen such a device before? Where?

(in construction, during repair work)

I want to warn you that it is dangerous for children to use a tape measure, since its sharp metal edges can seriously injure you or injure someone. Using a tape measure, you can measure the length of all sides of the carpet.

3. Final part.

Good job guys. They helped Masha. What new did you learn? What did you learn to do? What worked and what didn’t?

I was pleased with your work in class. You were very attentive and enjoyed learning new things.