Short nail phalanx of the thumb. Palmistry: the meaning of the thumb

Became a real sensation. Does the fatal beauty really have physical flaws? However, stars are also people, and nothing human is alien to them. Despite their complexes, they have learned to live with their shortcomings and accept themselves as they are. If you carefully examine Megan Fox's hands, you will notice that her thumbs are slightly irregular shape. Is she worried about this? Does this prevent her from being desired and in demand both on screen and in cinema?

Megan Fox's strange finger

With a disease called brachydactyly. People suffering from the disease have irregularly shaped fingers. Their phalanges have a slightly club-shaped or deformed appearance. However, this does not prevent her from remaining one of the most beautiful women on the planet and have millions of fans around the world. In 2008, Meghan became known as the most sexy woman in the world after her appearance in the film "Transformers".

The actress has minor physical abnormalities on both hands: Megan Fox's shortened one is distinguished by an expanded phalanx and nail plate. WITH medical point vision, it is necessary that he be able to touch other fingers. And if this does not affect functionality in any way, as in the case of the actress, then the visible defect can be considered simply a cosmetic flaw. According to Megan Fox, the disease in her fingers does not bother her at all, nor does her army of thousands of fans.

Cosmetic imperfection or hereditary disease?

On average, one baby in a thousand is born with altered finger shapes. Leading experts in the field of hand surgery explain this feature in the following way: the nail with the disease is often very short and wide. It is usually hereditary, although the cause may be a history of frostbite on a limb or trauma to the nail plate in childhood. IN at a young age the thumb often looks more or less normal, but over time its shortened appearance becomes more noticeable. According to experts, Megan Fox's club-shaped thumb is nothing terrible only if this imperfection does not cause physical pain.

What is brachydactyly?

Brachydactyly is a condition that affects the fingers and toes, which are the shortest bones in the human body. This disease is usually inherited as dominant trait. Despite this usually congenital feature, a person can live a normal life if it is not associated with other diseases. There are many conditions that can affect finger deformity. Sometimes this is one of the signs of dwarfism. If no symptoms of the disease are found in the parents, then we can say with confidence that the children will not have a similar deviation.

How to live with brachydactyly? It's quite common to just have to adjust your writing habits a little to compensate for the shorter bones, but in principle, this cosmetic imperfection allows you to do everything you do ordinary people. Sometimes specific therapy may be needed to help with proper handling of writing utensils (pen, pencil), eating utensils, and other small items.

Megan Fox: filmography

Megan Fox has succeeded in her career. Her roles, as a rule, came down to hot and sexy beauties. In 2004, she starred in the film Carly, even in adolescence she managed to play a beauty queen. For two years, from 2004 to 2006, she played a minor role in the TV series Sydney Shanovki. Despite the fact that it did not last too long, the actress’s attractive appearance did not go unnoticed.

But his role in the box office blockbuster “Transformers” (2007) brought him massive popularity and fame. Megan played the role of the protagonist's girlfriend. The film, along with dizzying special effects, is replete with scenes where the actress’s appearance is presented from the best angle. Together with Kirsten Dunst she played more complex role in the film “Sophie Maes” (2008). In the film “Jennifer's Body” (2009), an incredibly sexy beauty with a divine body appeared before us in the role of a cruel and bloodthirsty killer.

In 2010, a film called “Jonah Hex” was released, where Megan plays a woman of easy virtue. It's hard to imagine anyone else looking better than Fox in the role. In 2014, the actress played April O'Neil in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. This film is deprived explicit scenes, but Meghan still looked gorgeous in her slightly altered look. The hot brunette transformed into a cute blonde. Fox also took part in the filming of the second part of the turtles (2016). Michael Bay, as well as many other famous directors, have worked with Megan Fox for years.

Recently, Megan Fox's hands have attracted increased attention. It is generally accepted that celebrities in the field of cinema, music and television are perfect beings without flaws or shortcomings, they are beautiful both on the big screen and in life. Public opinion puts pressure on them about how important it is to always look a certain way. That is, flaws are generally not considered the norm when it comes to celebrities.

The ratio of the size of your thumb to the size of your entire palm will give you an idea of ​​your willpower and endurance. At the same time, when analyzing the size of the thumb, it must be considered together with the angle that it forms with the palm. The thumb in a small field of activity will “run into” others, emphasizing a certain obsession. And vice versa, small finger, whose angle of departure from the palm indicates a wide field of activity, speaks of being lost in society.

Thumb dimensions

When studying your thumb, first determine its size - whether it is long, medium or short. Then compare all three phalanges. If they have normal, correct proportions, it means that both reason and willpower are harmoniously combined in a person. However, very often one of the phalanges looks disproportionately long or, conversely, too short. It also happens that the thumb is recognized as long only due to its long first phalanx, while the short one, on the contrary, is called such only because its second phalanx is disproportionately small.

Long first phalanx

The long first phalanx of the thumb indicates a person’s habit of commanding everyone, which, by the way, over time can develop into real tyranny. Such a person has a natural desire to be active and first in everything, but it is better not to indulge this. The short first phalanx of the thumb betrays a person who prefers to take time off from business, and every time he finds reasonable explanations for his behavior.

Long second phalanx

The long second phalanx indicates that a person is eager to understand literally everything, even something that does not concern him personally at all. And if this phalanx of the thumb is short, it means that in front of you is a careless person: he does not have a sense of tact, and he rarely thinks about the consequences of his words and actions.

Second phalanx tapering upward

The second phalanx, tapering upward, noticeably differs in its characteristics from the simply thin one, so they should not be confused. The phalanx we are interested in tapers towards the center of the finger, which makes the finger very similar to hourglass. This sign is a sign of great abilities and the ability to get along with others. People with second phalanges of the thumb that taper upward are usually very fond of animals.

Flat first phalanx

The first phalanx of the thumb may be flat. This is easily determined when looking at the finger from the side, that is, in profile. Finger tip in in this case as if leveled from its pad (and sometimes even from the bottom of the phalanx) to the end of the nail. This indicates an excitable and nervous nature - such a person simply needs to let off steam from time to time, otherwise he will become overly irritable. The larger the first phalanx of the thumb, the greater physical activity characteristic of humans... (Sometimes this type of thumb is called “nervous.”)

Thumb Shape

Typically, the thumb has a rounded shape and a noticeable joint between the phalanges. And the proportions of the phalanges themselves most often depend on the type of finger - it is pointed, conical, trapezoidal or square. The width of the thumb is considered normal if the size of the finger itself is proportional to all other parameters of the hand. The wide thumb stands out too clearly from the rest, so you will immediately notice it. The thumbs of both hands must be compared with each other in order to identify possible differences in structure.

Wide thumb

A wide thumb means slowness in actions and thoughts, and usually such fingers are also long. If wide finger short, it means that in front of you is a person of mood. A wide thumb can also have a standard, slightly rounded shape. This makes it possible to judge a person’s persistence in achieving a goal, and even aggressiveness in tense situations.

Thick, massive finger

A thick, massive thumb is a sign of primitiveness. But at the same time, people with such fingers are usually honest and frank (if, however, there are no other negative signs on their palms). The width of the individual phalanges of the thumb is also an important characteristic - here the interpretation will be based on concepts such as willpower and intelligence.

Thin thumb on hand

A thin thumb is considered such if its width is significantly less than the standard one. If, in addition to everything, it is also long, then its owner clearly lacks strength and energy, although in some cases this is compensated by natural prudence and patience. The second phalanx of such a finger is usually somewhat longer than the others (which, however, is revealed only upon careful examination). This sign suggests that the wishes of the person sitting in front of you often come true: he can wait a very long time for the right opportunity, but if it appears, he will never miss it. Thin thumbs are characteristic of pointed and conical types of hands, and the first phalanges of such fingers are usually thinner. If the thumb is thin but short, it means that its owner, although he has refined taste, does not particularly strive for anything high - such a finger simply needs some other, preferably positive, signs on the palms. It happens that the thumb square type the second phalanx is also thin. Then this is a sign of a truly tireless person...

Thumb length

Long thumb

A long thumb is a sign high intelligence. The owner of such a finger always keeps everything under control and sometimes even controls his abilities. Moreover, a long thumb enhances all other characteristics of the palm. If the thumb is very long, this indicates that the life of its owner is one hundred percent subordinated exclusively to reason, but not to feelings.

Short thumb

A short thumb indicates spinelessness, weakness of will and almost complete absence in a person of logic and, accordingly, reduces the power of all other palm signs associated directly with will and logic. A very short thumb is characteristic of a person who would rather accept the opponent’s point of view than defend his own. A long thumb, as a rule, enhances the effect of the qualities inherent in pointed and conical hands and fingers. And often so much that it goes beyond the boundaries of generally accepted norms. Therefore, specifically with these two types, a thumb of medium, standard length is best combined. A short thumb also seems to give a person the opportunity to realize all his qualities, but only under certain circumstances.

Flexibility of the thumb

The thumb is an intriguing part of hand flexibility analysis. As you take your client's hand and test it for flexibility in the manner described above, gently move your thumb back and forth. Since you are not focusing on the thumb area, the client will not notice it and you will be able to conduct a relaxed but accurate analysis. Flexible thumbs. If the thumb moves easily back and forth and you do not feel resistance - sometimes the thumb falls in the direction in which the palmist pulled it - this indicates a person who easily accepts ready-made solutions. He tends to follow the group or the desires of his partner. This does not mean that this person is not capable of thinking for himself. This simply indicates his reluctance to make decisions that may affect people.

Stiff thumbs that can be relaxed. Stronger resistance in the thumb indicates a person who can make decisions on most issues. This means that consciousness is focused on achieving a goal and does not succumb to the influence of others. However, there are slight differences in these values. If the thumb becomes stiff when touched or pressed, and then softens a little, this indicates that the person is having a trigger. defensive reaction for change. When the safety of the position is felt or the person is confident, then the person (and with it the thumb) relaxes.

Stiff thumbs. Thumbs that are stiff at first touch and remain that way are a definite sign of stubbornness. These people may miss out on a lot of fun and interesting things in life because of their reluctance to try something new. Sometimes a hard thumb can indicate a narrow or limited view on things, perhaps resulting from a limited environment. Positive qualities, in the case of a hard thumb, can be the ability to concentrate and immunity to “scattering” when it comes to making plans for the long term.

Angle between thumb and palm

Place your hand on the table, palm down, and pull your thumb outward as far as possible. You will see that a certain angle is formed between the thumb and index finger.

Sharp corner

If the angle is sharp, that is, the thumb does not deviate far enough, it means that the person in front of you is cautious, selfish and far from frank.

Less sharp corner

A less acute angle, almost reaching a right angle, indicates a person’s strong desire for self-expression. How this trait manifests itself in everyone specific case, directly depends on other features of his character. But if the angle is right, it means you are faced with an uncontrollable nature that lacks self-control. Among people with such hands, there are often those who sometimes behave simply unpredictably.

Right angle

The wider the angle of deviation, the more generosity and sentimentality appear in a person, but if the angle exceeds 90 degrees, these traits go beyond all reasonable limits.

Much in character depends precisely on the angle of deviation of the thumb: it shows how developed a person’s willpower is and whether he is able to control his destiny. After examining the angle of deviation of the thumb, you can move on to studying the finger itself - on at this stage hand analysis would be logical.

Let's move up the hand and pay attention to the knuckles.

Position of the thumb on the palm

In Fig. shows where your thumb attaches to your palm. Mentally swipe horizontal line along the wrist. At the base of the thumb, that is, at the bony joint where the finger separates from the palm, draw a second imaginary line.

Now measure the distance between these two lines.

The higher the base of the thumb is, that is, the longer distance from the wrist to the base of the thumb, the more difficult it is for you in general to start and finish your tasks. You put off your tasks day after day. And only when the external pressure becomes unbearable do you begin to act. In order for you to finish a task once started, you also need to be stimulated.

The lower the base of the thumb is, the smaller the distance, the easier it is for you to work, relying on your own initiative.

The meaning of the joint between the phalanges of the thumb

A knobby joint between the phalanges of the thumb (as well as between the phalanges of other fingers) indicates analytical warehouse mind, about the meticulousness and scrupulousness of man. However, these characteristics become especially important when it comes to the thumb, because it is precisely its phalanges that are responsible for intellectual abilities. The influence of the nodular joint is so great that it can almost completely neutralize the effect of the smooth joints! Therefore, study everything very carefully - this will significantly help you in the future when studying the hills of the palm. The knob joint strengthens the short thumb the most! A smooth joint is not able to seriously affect the characteristics of a short thumb, but it can also be very useful in interpreting the hand - in the event that all other fingers turn out to be knobby.

Thumbs that have a specific, non-standard shape, also have their own names, but I will not list them here so as not to completely confuse you: the above characteristics are quite sufficient for analyzing the thumb. If the thumb is wide and thick, the primitiveness of its structure is obvious. If it is also short, it is said to look like a club.

What does the thumb mean in palmistry?

No less important The thumb also plays a role in palmistry. He is a conductor, manager, boss, director of the hand. If the fingers are imagined as trees and the palm as a garden, then the thumb will perform the function of a gardener. It reflects your willpower and determination. With your thumb you can control own life and your surroundings. The scale of the required field of human activity is determined by the angle between the thumb and palm.

The angle between the thumb and palm can reflect the mood in this moment. Pay attention to your thumb in different situations. How do you feel when you have to speak in front of a large audience? What is your mood at home on your day off? How do you feel when playing sports?

What does thumb mean in psychology?

The control thumb shows us the mental capabilities of a person, which in one way or another complement his innate abilities reflected in the palm of the control hand. The subordinate thumb also operates on the same principle - it simply adds the psychic capabilities indicated on it to the characteristics of the subordinate palm. However, in this case it is also necessary to take into account the age of the client. If a person is young, then the subordinate palm tells you what he will achieve in the future, and if he is already old, then you will most likely be able to get information only about what he has already achieved.

Thumb being the main one link between primary analysis hand and further, more thorough examination of the palm, gives us the key to understanding the emotional qualities of a person. The third phalanx of the thumb is also a zone of the palm, which is called the Mount of Venus and is responsible for the main character traits of a person.

The thumb can be high, medium or low, which serves characteristic features a whole range of personality traits. Long thumb pointing developed intelligence, and a very long one means that your client is an insensitive person. A short finger is a sign of indecision.

What the thumb is responsible for - character

Long thumbs are known to further enhance character. However, their influence may not be entirely favorable, especially if we are talking about pointed, conical or - in some cases - trapezoidal hand types. A long thumb works best with a square hand. But a short thumb will be considered a disadvantage in any case.

The first, second and third phalanges are responsible for willpower, reason and feelings (in the same order). With the first two phalanges you can already do a lot interesting discoveries.

A wide thumb is a sign of slowness, a thick one is a sign of primitiveness, and a narrow one is a sign of patience. The second phalanx of the thumb, tapering upward, indicates extraordinary abilities, and the flat first phalanx indicates a person’s excessive nervousness. Density and flexibility thumbs hands and the shape of their nails will also tell about the personality of the person being studied.

Scientists in many countries have long been busy measuring people's fingers to study hidden processes in their bodies. The fact that each finger can characterize some individual aspects personality, psychologists have known for a long time. But now all this has a scientific basis.

Possess masculine qualities

Usually the thumb matches the palm harmoniously. If its top, pressing against the side of the palm, is slightly smaller or reaches the middle of the index finger joint, then this is considered normal. But it happens that the thumb turns out to be longer than this joint and still very wide. Such people have amazing characteristics, especially women. One of the first scientists to take measurements of fingers was psychology professor John Manning from the University of Central Lancashire, UK. He claims that the proportions of all people's fingers are formed in the womb, at the end of the first trimester of the mother's pregnancy. And the length of the unborn child’s fingers directly depends on her hormonal level. The amount of testosterone and estrogen in a woman’s blood affects not only the fingers of her unborn baby, at this moment they lay down certain physical and psychological characteristics. A long and wide thumb develops in a child under the influence of an increased amount of testosterone in the body of his mother. This male sex hormone biochemically influences the development of characteristics inherent in the stronger sex. But if a girl is born, then she also receives some “male” traits. The owner of a developed thumb often demonstrates strong strong-willed qualities. If the finger is wide, then this woman most likely has high intellectual abilities and is prone to exact sciences. English psychologists conducted several studies and found that a very long and at the same time narrow thumb in women is a very rare phenomenon, but all such ladies turned out to be gifted in music and capable of composing it. However, the effect of testosterone on fetal development is not only positive, but also negative traits. In such women, the body constitution is also sometimes formed close to male type. Often those with developed thumbs have broad shoulders or a dense build with large and strong hands.

Have behavioral abnormalities

The influence of a mother's hormones on the development of her unborn child has long been studied by scientists. With the correct chemical balance in a woman’s body, her baby usually develops normal proportions of the body, fingers and harmonious psychological characteristics. But if the balance is disturbed, then deviations from generally accepted norm and in the size of the fingers and even in behavior. Psychologists from the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, claim that women with highly developed thumbs often have some negative personal characteristics. This is due to surges in hormonal levels that the person's mother experienced during pregnancy. If one or the other hormone periodically turns out to be higher than normal, then this certainly affects the development of the thumbs and correlates with further behavior person. For example, if, along with the finger itself, his nail joint is highly developed, and it is noticeable that it is much larger than his average one, then the strong-willed qualities of such a woman sometimes reach the point of blind, uncontrollable stubbornness. Canadian psychologists say that such ladies are their frequent patients and all because they are aware of their problem. Under influence family circumstances They are the ones who become “domestic tyrants.” And it is very difficult for them to cope with their emotions. A different situation is observed in women who have developed thumbs with obvious thickenings near the palm. Such ladies, as a rule, have good mental abilities, but also excessive pride, arrogance and, at the same time, pathological secrecy. They are unable to cope with their shortcomings because they do not accept them and do not consider them as such. But, nevertheless, as Canadian scientists say, such women still turn to psychologists, but because “the world is not able to appreciate them,” and they are looking for an opportunity to reverse the current situation.

Thin, thick or crooked fingers on the hands - this is all a subsection by which it is easy to calculate the character traits of any person. Find out what the different types of shapes, thicknesses, lengths, and even finger placements mean.

In the article:

What do crooked fingers tell you about your character?

Crooked fingers are not that common. Like the shape, length and placement of the fingers, curvature also has its significance. You should not underestimate him, because a person with crooked fingers can find himself in the social circle of any person. If you want to know what to expect from this, read the meaning.

Before interpreting the meaning of crooked fingers, you should look at the general meaning. A beginner’s knowledge of palmistry is quite enough to understand what it is like in general. If it is mostly positive, then the curvature of the fingers indicates irritability. With a negative prognosis based on the lines on the hand, it is a sign of anger, hatred, and perhaps even a penchant for crime.

If the fingers are curved towards the outer part of the palm, this indicates a person who is curious, sociable and kind. If they bend towards the inside of the palm, this means an extremely cautious person.

What do thin and thick fingers mean?

Not only the thickness, but also the length of the fingers matters. If you have a short thumb on your hand, and the rest of your fingers are long and perhaps even of a different shape, you have all the character traits that correspond to all the characteristics found on your hand.

A person whose fingers are long and thin knows how to pay attention to little things. He is attentive, one might even call him meticulous. This good employee, if the position he holds requires high intelligence. However, he is completely devoid of intuition; he makes decisions using only logical thinking. Despite the logic, there is a penchant for creativity and a love of art. Such a person may well become journalist, artist, musician. Meticulousness allows him to become an excellent editor or construction manager, project developer.

Long and thick fingers are a sign of high intelligence and a bright creative component. This feature of the hands makes it possible to achieve the top of the chosen profession, as well as the ability to skillfully manage people. A person with such a sign has a chance of becoming a major political figure, religious leader, great soothsayer, inventor or world-class celebrity.

Thin and short fingers on the hands indicate a person who quickly learns new skills. He is often visited by inspiration, and he directs his energy to creation. Such a person is good leader, with which both subordinates and superiors are satisfied. However, he does not know how to pay attention to little things and pitfalls. Most often such people engage in commerce, politics, management and finance, can eventually open their own enterprise and work for yourself.

Thick and short fingers are a sign of a person who values ​​\u200b\u200bmost of all. He is unreliable because he seeks benefits first of all, and secondly he thinks about those whom he has to let down. Usually he has low qualifications, but he has enough determination, patience and funds for training. Works most often in sales.

Finger length and human character

The simplest test about character on the fingers is based on the length of the fingers relative to each other. You need to compare the length of your index and ring fingers. It will only take a few minutes, but it will give a complete understanding of the main character traits of a person.

Type A. If the index finger is shorter than the ring finger, this indicates the attractiveness and charisma of its owner. He is pleasant to talk to and knows how to make an impression. He has many friends, because almost everyone appreciates his excellent character, ability to empathize and listen. Most likely, the person about whom we're talking about, is distinguished by determination and the ability to take risks. He solves all problems with ease and quickly achieves financial success. A developed mind allows such people to become skilled engineers and scientists. They love intellectual entertainment and never stop learning once they get a degree.

Type B. If the index finger is longer than the ring finger, this is a sign of self-sufficiency and self-confidence. Before you is a loner; he is unlikely to be happy if someone disturbs him, preventing him from enjoying his solitude. Such people are not those who take the first steps forward in relationships and even in business and affairs. If you want cooperation with one of them, you will have to take the initiative. Such people value attention and praise.

Type C. If the length of the fingers is the same, you have a good-natured and peace-loving person. Such people do not like to enter into conflicts and try to avoid quarrels. They prefer to support friendly relations with everyone. Such a person is distinguished by organization, loyalty and devotion. These are reliable husbands and employees who work stably for several years in a row at the same enterprise. Despite his friendliness, it is dangerous to harm such a person - he rarely gets angry, but if he lets out his emotions, many will suffer.

What does the shape of your fingertips tell you?

It is not difficult to determine the character of the fingers if you look closely at the shape of the fingers.

  1. Square fingers are most often found among inveterate materialists. Before you is a down-to-earth personality who only values material goods. She is conservative and is unlikely to enjoy surprises. Such people are often considered boring, but good qualities They also have practicality and a focus on success.
  2. Conical fingers indicate the sensuality and emotionality of a person. There is some idealism. If the owner of square fingers is satisfied with the desire to obtain material wealth, then with a person who has a conical shape, it is more difficult. In order for him to work productively, he needs a pleasant atmosphere and friendly team. This person loves to improve himself and is no stranger to intellectual pleasures. He enjoys reading, visiting museums and exhibitions, and traveling.
  3. The pointed shape of the fingers indicates that in front of you is an emotional, sensitive and even nervous person. He is easy to impress. This personality often experiences inspiration, but it quickly gives way to disappointment in the business in which she worked. There is a tendency towards selfishness and power, leadership abilities. If such a person becomes a boss, he will have a reputation as a harsh but fair boss. He loves to be the center of attention and has many friends.
  4. Drop-like fingertips indicate the kindness, sensuality and emotionality of their owner. He is a true altruist who wants to help all of humanity. If you don’t know who to ask for help, contact a person with such fingers, he will never refuse, even if you are not one of his close friends. This person has a heightened intuition, so scammers do not take advantage of his kindness. He loves animals, nature and tries to make the world around him a better place.
  5. Shovel shape is a sign higher level vital energy. Such a person needs new ideas and vivid impressions. Boredom and monotony make him depressed. Without permanent shift environment and new activities, this person will not be able to live long. What makes her different is increased performance, however, the office routine will quickly get boring. Such a person is skeptical, self-willed and eccentric. Most suitable for him creative professions or positions associated with permanent business trips.

Character by fingers on the hand - their location

Not only the shape of the fingers on the hand, but also their location relative to the palm can tell about a person’s character. Pay attention to the border between the palm and fingers, their bases. If they form a straight line, this indicates distrust and selfishness. The owner of such a hand is accustomed to acting only in his own personal interests. He does not like to listen to other people's opinions and is unlikely to help unselfishly. Anyone who dares to start a relationship with such a person will have to constantly sacrifice his interests.

Hands without embellishment and cuts reveal the nature of a person, his mentality and character. And if you believe scientists, then every thought we have, even unconscious ones, is heard in the muscles of our arms. So the hands really remember everything and, without pretense, can tell a lot to someone who knows how to read from them. By understanding the meanings of your fingers, you will be able to better select communication tactics and more easily find suitable people.

Palm shape

There are many classifications of hands and palms, but for me: the simpler the better. And to understand what kind of person is in front of you, this typology is enough.

1. The palm is square. Fingers are short.

This is a practical palm. A man with a palm like this:

  • Realistic and conservative.
  • Organized and enterprising.
  • Loves control and order.

2. The palm is square. The fingers are long.

This is an intelligent palm. A man with a palm like this:

  • Smart and rational.
  • Movable and emotional.
  • Open to change and new ideas.

I was only able to find decent quality “female hands”, but I’m sure you’ll figure it out.Photo from the site

3. The palm is long. Fingers are short.

This is an intuitive palm. A man with a palm like this:

  • Active and energetic.
  • Curious and open to everything new.
  • Loves attention and recognition.

4. The palm is long. The fingers are long.

This is a sensitive palm. A man with a palm like this:

  • Subtly sensitive, usually kinesthetic.
  • Subject to influence and mood swings.
  • Does not know how to work under stress and pressure.

Finger length

You can tell by the fingers of your interlocutor which negotiations to prepare for. If he has long fingers, don't wait active actions And quick solutions. Communication with a person with short fingers, on the contrary, gives every chance for dynamic negotiations and substantive agreements.

Dlong fingers belong to a person:

  • Critical and analytical mind.
  • Picky and attentive to details.
  • Hard to influence.
  • A balanced decision maker.

Very long fingers speak of dishonesty and the desire for profit. A long arm with strong knots and a developed thumb indicates an argumentative and gossipy person.

TOshort fingers belong to a person:

  • Impetuous and emotional.
  • Often neglecting details, conventions and norms.
  • Sometimes categorical and unceremonious.

People with short and especially knobby fingers are better than people with long fingers at seeing the whole situation without getting bogged down in the details. They - good managers and administrators. Fingers that are too short are a sign of underdevelopment and narrow-mindedness, and fingers that are too long are a sign of timidity and lack of composure.

Distance between fingers

Close-set fingers indicate stinginess and integrity of their owner. Wide-set fingers belong to an open and generous person.

Well-developed, mobile fingers indicate an active mind. Undeveloped and poorly bending fingers, on the contrary, are a sign of clumsiness and slow-wittedness.

If the index, ring and little fingers are slightly curved towards the middle finger and seem to “look” at the center of the palm, then the owner of such a hand is a purposeful and decisive person.

If, on the contrary, the fingers are directed from the middle finger, then such a person does not tend to set goals and concentrate on achieving them. He is scattered both in thoughts and in deeds.

It is also interesting to take a closer look at the palms when the interlocutor’s hands are on the table. The fingers can lie flat, or they can be bent up or bent down.

  • The more the fingertips are curved, the more curious and sensitive the person is.
  • The concavity of the upper joints - a sign of frugality or stinginess - depends on the degree of bending.


The thumb is the most characteristic; it is the center of will and reason. When choosing business partners and candidates for leadership positions should be referred to him Special attention. The thumb is a symbol of individuality: if during communication a person clasps it into a fist, then he is either “hiding” himself or hiding something.

The normal length of the thumb is to the middle of the lower phalanx of the index finger. If the finger is longer, then such traits as energy and determination are enhanced; in short, then – passivity and indecision.

Short and thin thumb

  • Sensitive and easily influenced.
  • Weak, indecisive and cowardly.
  • Rarely completes what he plans to do.

The small and puffy thumb belongs to a hot-tempered and selfish person.

Developed, long thumb indicates that its owner:

  • Logical and knows what he wants.
  • Endowed with the potential to realize your plans.
  • Purposeful, brings what is planned to the end.

A thumb that is too large indicates arrogance, pride and overestimation of one’s own strengths.

When the thumb is flattened on top and widened, such a person is easily excited and becomes angry.

If the top joint of the thumb is much longer than the second, such a person imposes his will on others and is prone to tyranny. A short upper joint indicates that the person is impatient, indecisive and often naive.


The normal length of the index finger is 8/10 the length of the middle finger. The owner of a normal finger is moderately ambitious, sociable, proactive and enterprising.

Short index finger- a sign that a person:

  • Doubts himself and his own abilities.
  • Doesn't like to take responsibility.
  • Reluctant to make independent decisions.

The shorter the index finger compared to the ring finger, the more aggressive and noisy a person can behave.

Long index finger characterizes a person:

  • Initiative and enterprising.
  • Ambitious, ambitious and powerful.
  • Possessing leadership qualities.

If the index finger is almost equal in length to the middle finger or only slightly shorter, then this is a sign of intolerance to the opinions of others, arrogance and a tendency towards dictatorship.

Middle finger

The middle finger reflects a person's ability to plan, act and follow through. It personifies reliability, responsibility, and a penchant for introspection.

A normal middle finger speaks of moderation of judgment, common sense and forethought.

Short middle finger belongs to a person:

  • Emotional and sensitive.
  • Inconsistent and improvident.
  • Spontaneous decision maker.

Long middle finger says about a person:

  • Serious and careful.
  • Often pessimistic and self-absorbed.

A middle finger that is too long reveals a person who is pedantic and melancholic. A heavy-looking middle finger indicates the severity of internal experiences. And its hookedness indicates a person’s tendency to self-torture.

Ring finger

The normal length of the ring finger is 9/10 the length of the middle finger. Strong and smooth ring finger– a sign of balance and emotional stability.

Long ring finger characterizes a person:

  • Optimistic and passionate.
  • Loving shine, attention and fame.
  • Gambling and prone to unjustified risks.

Short ring finger indicates that the person:

  • Overly cautious.
  • Poor self-control.
  • Has no business acumen.

Little finger

The little finger symbolizes dexterity in business, organizational skills and the desire for independence. By its size one can judge the presence of intuition.

A little finger of normal length, 7/10 of the middle finger, indicates a person with a lively mind, easily adapting to change. The longer, stronger and more mobile the little finger, the more independent person, and the more richly he is gifted by nature.

Long pinky, reaching the base of the nail of the adjacent finger with the tip, characterizes a person:

  • Charismatic and bright.
  • Free and independent.
  • Providing strong influence on others.

Short pinky says about a person:

  • Tends to make rash decisions.
  • Often critical and harsh.
  • Having difficulties in self-realization.

A bent and twisted little finger is a sign of deceit and insincerity.

Joints and phalanges of the fingers

The joints and phalanges of the fingers are also able to complement the story about their owner.

Upper (nail) phalanx responsible for ideas, dreams, spirituality. Its narrowing means strong intuition, and its expansion means a person’s materialism and business acumen.

Middle phalanx, its length and severity, is responsible for practicality and characterizes a person’s ability to bring his plans to life.

Lower phalanx– this is the material level. It can be used to judge what place material goods and pleasures occupy in a person’s life (at the thumb lower phalanx is the Mount of Venus).

Developed finger joints indicate high level intelligence. Knotted joints indicate a tendency to deep thought. Smooth, evenly tapering from the base to the tips of the fingers - about superficiality and frivolity.

Hand nails

When analyzing the shape of your nails, you need to look at them natural form, to the part that does not protrude above the finger.

1. Rectangular shape nails

speaks of responsibility and diligence. This kind of person:

  • optimistic, energetic and determined;
  • knows how to enjoy successes and learn from failures:
  • achieves its goal.

2. Trapezoidal nail shape

indicates self-confidence and often inflated self-esteem. This kind of person:

  • needs recognition from others;
  • reacts painfully to criticism;
  • categorical, rarely admits his mistakes.

3. Square shape nails

speaks of stability and balance. This kind of person:

  • calm and reasonable;
  • values ​​his own independence;
  • protects his personal space.

4. Round form nails

testifies to spiritual purity and kindness. This kind of person:

  • sentimental and dreamy;
  • weak-willed and unreliable;
  • subjective in assessments.

5. Fan nails

are characteristic of a person with a fine mental organization and a heightened sense of justice. This kind of person:

  • active and dynamic;
  • positive and witty;
  • often worries about trifles.

Nails that occupy half of the upper joint are considered normal. Their owners are constant in their views and are distinguished by their strength of character.

Elongated nails indicate a calm, phlegmatic temperament. Short ones are about more impulsive things. Elongated, flat, wide, sometimes curved nails indicate the duplicity of their owner.

Short wide nails are found in quarrelsome and quarrelsome people. Too short nails indicate irrepressible energy that is difficult to channel in the right direction.