Find an object with a triangular (square, rectangular, round) shape. Summary of a math lesson for children in the middle group of kindergarten on the topic: Triangle and circle

The game develops attention, visual memory, abstract thinking baby, his powers of observation and fine motor skills. Exercises children in the ability to find objects of similar shape in the world around them.
Making a game
Print the cards below on a color printer and glue them onto thick cardboard. Cut carefully along the contour. To make the parts last longer, you can cover them with transparent tape.

Option number 1: “Find a pair”
We invite the child to find objects of a similar shape (for example, a carrot and a closed umbrella-cane). We ask what else these objects have in common (for example, when digging up carrots, you can use a cane as a shovel to dig up a root crop, etc.). You can ask the child to line up a whole row of objects of the same shape (a total of 6 objects in one row).

Option number 2: “Riddle”
Several pictures (at least 10 pieces) are laid out on the table. The game leader is selected. He begins to describe the picture he has chosen, following a rough outline of the story.
Story plan for describing an object:
what is it made of
how does a person use it
Story plan for describing a living creature:
what does he eat
what sound does it make
what actions and movements are characteristic of him
– I wished for a brown object, round in shape with four holes. It can be made of plastic or wood and is used in clothing as a fastener (Button).

Participants in the game guess the picture that the presenter has guessed. Whoever correctly names the answer receives this picture as a prize. The one who receives the most prizes wins.

Option No. 3: “Chain”
Each player is dealt several cards. The adult is the first to put down his picture and invites the children to think about what can be put next to it and why. That is, the child is looking for a unifying feature between objects (color, shape, purpose, etc.). The winner is the one who is the first to get rid of all the cards he has. For example, you can put a crescent moon on a piece of watermelon because they are the same shape - a semicircle shape. And by the month you can put a globe, because... they are both celestial bodies, etc.

Option #4: “Hide and Seek”
Any objects one more than the child’s age are laid out in front of the child. Please look at them carefully and remember. We say: One, two, three, four, five - we’ll close our eyes.” The child closes his eyes, the adult removes one picture and rearranges the remaining ones. We say “One, two, three – wipe your eyes.” The child opens his eyes, we ask him to guess which picture is hidden. If the child cannot cope with the task, we make it easier: we do not mix the remaining cards or take fewer pictures. As a complication, we change the location of the pictures, then the child must answer the question “What has changed?”

Option #5: “What’s extra?”
An adult selects three pictures, two of which have a common feature, and the third picture should not have this feature. We ask the question “Which picture is the odd one out?” Why?" You can complicate the game by choosing cards so that two or each of the pictures are redundant. When the child gets comfortable with the rules of the game, we invite him to come up with a task himself.

Teaching is conducted according to the textbook by A.V. Pogorelova "Geometry: a textbook for grades 7-9 of general education institutions." Point 9 “Triangle” is being studied.
Lesson Objectives: to form students’ ideas about the geometric figure - a triangle, as an integral part of the world around us, about the various uses in everyday life of objects and devices that have the shape of a triangle, about the significance of this concept in human social life; broaden the horizons of students, shape their worldview and attitude.


  • objects shaped like a triangle: a house with a triangular roof, a pyramid, an hourglass, a headscarf, a carrot, a balalaika, etc.;
  • drawings by students depicting triangular-shaped objects;
  • Triangles of different types cut out of paper: rectangular, obtuse, equilateral, isosceles;
  • volumetric geometric bodies: triangular prism, triangular pyramid.

During the classes.

I.Motivational stage. Presentation of the image: TRIANGLE
Teacher (demonstrates triangles in accordance with verses):
Meet me, a triangle!
A schoolboy won't have any trouble with me.
I'm always called by different names,
When angles and sides are given.
If the angle is obtuse, I am obtuse,
If the angle is right, I am rectangular.
I am equilateral
When all sides are equal
And I am isosceles,
When two sides are equal.
People came up with a triangle
Lots of theorems.
We will teach them little by little
And we’ll problem!

Please determine the topic of our lesson, the goals of the lesson.
(Possible student answers: topic “Triangle”, goals: find out what a triangle is, how a triangle is designated, what triangles are, properties of the sides and angles of a triangle)

II. Finding the information you need
Teacher: Try to explain why we began to study a triangle, and not a square or some other figure, because in geometry lessons we have already “covered” the geometric concepts of “point” and “segment”.
(First we looked at a point - the main geometric figure, there was only one, then we added a second point, we got a segment on a straight line, now we add a third - we got a triangle.)
What geometric shapes do you think we will study next?
(We will study polygons: square, rectangle, pentagon)
What is a triangle? Try to define this geometric figure.
(A figure that consists of three points and segments connecting them)
Specify from which points?
(N lying on a straight line)
A triangle is designated by indicating its vertices. Instead of the word "triangle" the sign is sometimes used. Write ABC.
Compare the definition you gave with the definition given in the textbook on page 11. How does our definition differ from the definition in the textbook? ( The textbook added: connecting these segments in pairs).
This is an important condition - three segments connecting three points make it possible to make a triangle into a rigid structure. This property of the triangle is used by designers when designing power line supports, bridge fencing, etc. (An image of power lines, bridge fences, etc. appears on the screen. The teacher shows a triangle, quadrangle, pentagon, made up of parts of a children's construction set, and demonstrates the rigid connection of the parts of the triangle)
Read the definition of a triangle proposed in the Explanatory Dictionary of Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov.
Triangle(S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova)
1) geometric figure - a polygon with three angles, as well as any object or device of the same shape;
2) the name of the sergeant and petty officer insignia of this form on the buttonholes in the Red Army (from 1919 to 1943);
3) in a Soviet institution, at an enterprise: three leading persons acting jointly - the administrator, the secretary of the party organization and the chairman of the trade union committee (colloquial).
You see that a triangle is not only and not so much a geometric figure, but an object or device of something that carries within itself a different semantic content. Give examples of objects you know that have the shape of a triangle.
(Houses have triangular roofs, the caps are triangular, the sides of the pyramid are triangular, ...)
I ask you to unite into groups so that the triangular-shaped objects or figures you are considering carry a common semantic content. You have prepared various drawings and objects for the lesson, show them and talk about them. The guys form groups, look at drawings and objects, determine the topic of the presentation, and prepare to present the results of their collective work.
1 group. We looked at various people's dwellings: a wigwam, a yurt, a tent. All of them have a cone shape, the cross section is a triangle. Such structures are easily blown by winds, and water quickly drains from them. The roofs of old wooden houses and modern high-rise buildings have the shape of a triangle. This is due to the fact that melted snow does not linger on such roofs and rainwater drains easily.
Triangular roof Houses

Picture 1

Group 2: We looked at a person's clothing items. Various headdresses: cocked hats, caps, caps, scarves - have a triangular shape. Women's scarves are folded in half before being draped over their heads. When sewing a skirt, wedges are often sewn in, which also have the shape of a triangle, which gives the skirt fullness. To prevent clothes from becoming wrinkled, they are stored on triangular-shaped hangers.
Cocked hat- a uniform headdress, tapering at the top and widening at the sides (obsolete)

Figure 2

Group 3: Now we send letters in rectangular envelopes, but before, during the war, letters were triangular in shape.
Soldier's triangle- a letter without a stamp or envelope, sent by a soldier from the front or to a soldier at the front.

Figure 3

Teacher: Bend a soldier's triangle from sheets of paper and examine the resulting triangle. Determine the type of this triangle (rectangular, isosceles). Compare your triangle with your neighbor's triangle. Draw a conclusion. (They are equal). Why? ( Coincidence when superimposed, their sides and angles are equal)

4 group: We looked at the pyramids. We saw that the side faces of these pyramids have the shape of a triangle, all side faces are equal.
In Ancient Egypt, pyramids served as tombs for Egyptian pharaohs. The largest of them - the pyramids of Cheops, Khafre and Mikerin - in ancient times were considered one of the seven wonders of the world. The pyramids were given special, cult honors, since their construction was apparently supposed to express the mystical identity of the country and its ruler. We all strive for excellence. The energy of the Earth, passing through the wide base of the pyramid, tends upward into space. The buildings in El Giza, with their grandeur and apparent uselessness, amazed the imagination already in ancient times, which is best conveyed by the Arabic proverb: “Everything in the world is afraid of time, but time is afraid of the pyramids.”
Egyptian pyramids.

Figure 4

Teacher: There are models of pyramids on your tables. Examine them, determine the type of triangles that serve as the side faces of the pyramids (isosceles triangles).

5 group: We were interested in the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle near Bermuda in the Atlantic Ocean there is the so-called Bermuda Triangle (between Bermuda, the island of Puerto Rico and the Florida Peninsula, the northwest part of the Atlantic Ocean southeast of the coast of North America), characterized by difficult conditions for navigation. People, ships and planes have disappeared and are disappearing there. The mystery of this triangle has not yet been revealed.
Bermuda Triangle

Figure 5

Pupil(adds): there is another secret , associated with a triangle. This love triangle– three people (two men and one woman or two women and one man) connected in a love relationship . (Accompanied by drawings and photographs on screen)

Figure 6

Teacher:Triangular icons(appear on screen)

Figure 7

To this day, such icons are depicted on the doors of toilet rooms. Why? Because men and women have different physical and energetic structures. Men take energy from above, from the sky. This is the energy of the spirit. And women come from below, from Mother Earth. This is the energy of matter. Therefore, a woman is a mother.

III. Presentation of the result.
Teacher: There are various triangles on your tables. Select from them obtuse triangles, right triangles, equilateral triangles, isosceles triangles. Define each type of triangle. (Work in pairs)

IV. Reflective stage. What has changed in your ideas about the triangle? Do you understand the significance of triangles and triangular-shaped objects in life? Is it important to know the properties of a triangle and its elements in order to use them? We will study properties in subsequent lessons.
Open your triangular envelopes and write down what you liked about the lesson, what you didn’t like, what you learned and what you don’t understand yet.
Thank you for the lesson!

The most enjoyable and, of course, creative activity is decorating your own bedroom with Feng Shui. A bedroom created according to all the rules of Feng Shui has a special magic and attractiveness. Every time you enter the bedroom, you plunge into an atmosphere of relaxation, complete security and, at the same time, sensuality.

On the importance of the bedroom:

During sleep, you restore your strength. The vital energy of Qi has an equally beneficial effect on both an awake and a sleeping person;
- You spend a third of your life sleeping;
- In the bedroom you most often make love;
- In the bedroom you want to hide from problems; closing here, you really feel protected.

Start decorating your Feng Shui bedroom with a general cleaning or, which is much better, with cosmetic renovations. Make sure there are no peeling wallpaper or stains on the ceiling or walls.
The chandelier must be clean and all light bulbs must be working. If you are busy all day with business and have little time to maintain cleanliness, there is no need to purchase bulky chandeliers of complex design or with shades that constantly collect dust and dead insects. Such a chandelier will not only not be a decoration, but will be a source of negative Sha.
After that, conduct an audit in the closet. Chances are you haven't used some things for a long time. Get rid of them without regret.

Remember that all your efforts to use Feng Shui techniques are aimed at improving your material well-being. And if you store old clothes or bedding for a rainy day, you may not see it. In any case, Sha accumulates in the things you store and store carefully. And there can be no talk of harmony and free flow of Qi.
Square and rectangular bedside tables should have rounded edges.
Bedside tables and nightstands should not be higher than the mattress, especially when they are located next to the bed, as this creates a barrier to qi and prevents free access to you during sleep.
A dressing table or bedside table also needs your daily attention. Do not clutter the surface with anything, even if it is your favorite magazines or very expensive perfumes. Hide everything in closed cabinets, and leave a Feng Shui talisman on the surface that corresponds to a given zone if it needs activation. One of the best options is a vase of fresh flowers, an excellent source of vital Qi.
The furniture in such an important room as a Feng Shui bedroom must be in good working order, especially the bed.

The location of the bed in the bedroom is important.
A good position is with the head of the bed against the wall, so that there is free access for each spouse on both sides.

It's bad if:
- you sleep with your feet facing the door, in this case negative associations with the deceased are inevitable, even if only on a subconscious level. You will not have proper rest, you will have difficulties with your health and conceiving a child. What to do if it is impossible to rearrange the bed? Place a screen between the door and the bed;
- The bed is reflected in the mirror. You duplicate your couple with two more partners, in other words, you may have lovers and mistresses. What to do if it is impossible to rearrange the bed? Remove the mirror anyway;
- You sleep with your head or feet towards the toilet. From there, Sha flows will be transmitted, and the legs and head are the “entrances” for energies. What to do if it is impossible to rearrange the bed? Place the crystal between the wall and the bed;
- “Dangerous arrows” are aimed at the bed. What to do if it is impossible to rearrange the bed? Neutralize the “arrows” with climbing plants;
- The head of the bed is at the window. In this case, the energies entering the apartment through the window are not harmonized and do not have time to be “sorted” into good and harmful (you will later neutralize them using Feng Shui), but immediately fall on your head. What to do if it is impossible to rearrange the bed? Place a crystal, a vase with fresh flowers on the windowsill, or hang a “Dream Catcher”;
- If you sleep on different beds, even pushed together, or on the same bed with two mattresses. You will not have a happy and long family life, and your intimate life will die. There is only one way out - to sleep on one bed with one large mattress;
- Masters do not recommend sleeping directly on the direct “path” of the flow of energies, i.e. on the straight section of the bedroom between the window and the door. If you do not have protective screens or large objects blocking the path of this flow, then it turns out that you are sleeping on the “high road”, where various flows of energies entering through the window and door meet and diverge.

In general, in the practice of Feng Shui, crystals, flowers or large objects are used to disperse this continuous flow. Otherwise, not all areas of the room will be washed by the beneficial flows of Qi.

According to Feng Shui, the door to the bedroom should not slam loudly due to a draft, or the hinges should not creak. These unpleasant, sharp sounds are the source of Sha.

Remember that beneficial Qi flows to you through a clean window. Place only a living plant or crystal on a clean windowsill.
If you have a large carpet on your floor, invest in a vacuum cleaner that can clean better.

Cleaning your home should be as comfortable as possible, since your good mood during the cleaning process is very important.

ATTENTION! A housekeeper is, of course, a great solution for most families, but she is not able to transfer the beneficial energies into your home that each member of your family needs. Some rooms, such as the bedroom and children's room, are best cleaned by you.

Based on the fact that the Feng Shui bedroom is a place for relaxation, choose calm colors for the bedroom interior so that Yin predominates.

Bedroom in the Wealth Zone.

Bedroom in the southeast, Wealth Zone, Wood Element.

Favorable colors – Green, purple, lilac.

Unfavorable colors - red

Favorable shapes - rectangular, wavy, cylindrical...

A bedroom for people doing business and those seeking career advancement.

In your bedroom, the main element is Wood. Your wealth tree needs to be nourished by the Water element. Therefore, you can put up water talismans - an indoor fountain or hang a picture of water. It is not recommended to keep an aquarium in the bedroom, as you will simply lose your money or get robbed. Instead of water talismans, it is good to use wavy or cylindrical shapes. They also activate the Water Element. For example, you can purchase, or even better, sew two cylindrical decorative pillows in purple or lilac. Hang a crystal sconce in the northern part of the bedroom. This way you stimulate career growth.

In the eastern part of the bedroom, place branches of growing bamboo. Bamboo is a symbol of prosperity and a strong man. This will bring financial well-being to your family and strengthen intra-family ties, helping to avoid conflicts between “fathers” and “children”. If you are a single woman, then you simply need a double bed in combination with live bamboo branches; they will bring a good, wealthy person to you, and rest assured, you will be happy with him.

The rectangular headboard of a double bed promotes sound sleep and good rest. Remember that the bed must have a solid mattress.

Fire talismans are dangerous for your bedroom; a fire hazard may arise. Do not purchase a fireplace, do not use candles or triangular-shaped objects.

It is very good to place a rectangular green carpet in the center of the room.

The curtains in your bedroom should be made of thick fabric so that bright sunlight in the morning does not interfere with your sleep. Then you will have enough strength and a good mood for the whole day. The color of the curtains is preferably dark green, but the main thing is that you like it and match the interior of the bedroom.

A crystal chandelier is a great talisman of health and works very well in the bedroom.

You can place a crystal egg in the western part, this will protect your children or help in conceiving one or more more.

A good talisman is a “family tree” on the southeast, south, east sides. It will attract wealth.

Chinese talismans – Chinese coins tied with red braid, Hottei, three-legged toad with a coin, money tree, turtle.

Bedroom in the Glory Zone.

Bedroom in the south - Zone of Glory, Element of Fire. Such a bedroom adds passion to intimate relationships, however, it is not suitable for proper rest and sound sleep.

Favorable colors are green, purple, lilac, a little red.

Unfavorable colors are black and blue.

Favorable shapes – triangular, rectangular.

Unfavorable shapes are wavy.

To avoid sleep problems, keep the color red to a minimum. Let it be represented by paired items in the southern part of the bedroom. Two soft poufs with rectangular edges, two red candles, two vases, an image of two poppies. You can put a red coffee table or hang curtains made of very thick fabric in a muted red color. It’s good to build in a fireplace or purchase an electric one.

But red wallpaper or flooring, as well as red furniture upholstery, will not provide the opportunity to fully rest and restore mental and physical strength. In this case, irritability, decline in business, quarrels, and deterioration in health are inevitable. Thus, you should not stimulate intimate relationships with an excess of red, although in a room for other purposes, red is the main color of the Element of Fire and, accordingly, the southern direction.

The color scheme, activating the Glory Zone, gives room for your imagination. All styles from classic to hi-tech. One condition is to shift your balance towards Yin. Choose deeper and darker shades of the color you like. To prevent the bedroom from seeming gloomy, use crystal chandeliers and sconces and other sources of artificial lighting. There is plenty of natural light in your southern bedroom. By the way, don’t miss the opportunity to decorate your bedroom with beautiful light-loving plants. They won't have enough natural light in other areas of the house.

A few important rules for selecting plants for your southern bedroom:

Large southern plant with large leaves. The plant belongs to the Wood Element, and the wood element feeds the Fire Element. Place it in the southeast part of the bedroom. This will lead to increased well-being.
- It’s good to place or hang two identical living plants blooming with red flowers in the southern part.
- Do not purchase cypress, thuja or any other plant with sharp leaves for the bedroom. You don't need an additional source of Dangerous Shooters.
- No artificial or dried flowers, no matter how much you like them.
- Don't create a “botanical garden” in your bedroom. At night, plants absorb the oxygen you need. In addition, the soil in flower pots belongs to the Earth Element. And the Earth element weakens the Fire Element.
- You should not choose plants that need daily spraying with water. It is better to sometimes wash off the dust from the leaves in the bathroom or, if it is a large plant, wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. With water sprayed daily, you will fill Fire, the main element of your bedroom.

A double bed should have a rectangular headboard.

The paintings decorating the bedroom should depict children and ripe fruits, or, in older age, calm views of spring and summer nature.

There is no need to use Water Element talismans in your bedroom. Water floods the fire.

Bedroom in the Zone of Love and Marriage.

Bedroom in the southwest, Zone of Love and Marriage, Element Earth.

Favorable colors are all shades of brown, pink, red.

Unfavorable colors - black, blue, green.

Favorable shapes – square, triangular.

Unfavorable shapes are rectangular.

In your bedroom, special attention should be paid to the center of the room, the Health Zone.

A square table with two candles in sconces or a crystal chandelier will be powerful talismans in this area. You can also place a carpet with a triangular pattern in the center.

For young couples, you can use more red and pink colors in the interior. This will add passion to intimate relationships. Hang a picture or poster of a happy couple or blooming peonies on the wall.

During the day, your bedroom has intense daylight. In order to shift the balance towards Yin, hang heavy dark curtains on the windows that will not let in the bright rays of the sun. Of course, during the day it is necessary to move them apart so that Qi can freely penetrate into the bedroom.

In the west of the room you can place a “family tree”, a large living plant in a large flower pot. A large amount of earth in the pot belongs to the Earth Element - it is the nourishing element of the Metal Element, which is the main element of the Children and Creativity Zone. In this way, you will activate this zone, protect your children and create a favorable atmosphere for conceiving a child.

You can put a fireplace in your bedroom.

Bedroom in the Creative Zone.

The bedroom in the west is the Children and Creativity Zone, the Element of Metal.

Favorable colors - white, silver, gold, yellow.

Unfavorable colors - red, green, black.

Favorable shapes - round, oval, square.

The unfavorable shape is triangular.

Romance and pleasure are enhanced in this bedroom. The Western direction does not imply increasing motivation or attracting success in business.

Water is a weakening element for the Metal Element, so you will not be able to activate the Career Zone, the northern part of the bedroom, in this bedroom.

Fire is a damaging element for the Metal Element, so you will not be able to activate the Glory Zone, the southern part of the bedroom.

So, you will have to take care of these areas in other areas of the house if business is important to you.

But in the Wealth Zone, choose any symbol of wealth and prosperity, a circle of creation, a large amethyst, Chinese coins with a red ribbon threaded through them. Chinese gods of wealth, dogs, a three-legged toad or a turtle are excellent talismans, of course, if they suit your interior.

ATTENTION! Items and talismans in the bedroom should be paired. This is necessary for a strong family. For single people planning to start a family, paired items will help them quickly find a suitable partner. Conversely, a single object in the bedroom can become a serious talisman for a lonely life, preventing you from creating a family union.

People who are planning to conceive a child and have a bedroom in the west need to arrange it especially carefully.

It is advisable to decorate a small bedroom in light colors. This will give a feeling of spaciousness and visually enlarge the room. Remember that Yin should predominate in the bedroom, so heavy, thick curtains, for example, dark gray or terracotta, are suitable. The flooring and upholstery of upholstered furniture may be darker.

A spacious bedroom can be decorated in brighter and darker colors. In this case, make sure there is sufficient lighting. The curtains can be light, but quite dense, since the sun in your bedroom in the evening can upset the balance towards Yang, and this is not always desirable.

In your western bedroom, rounded shapes of upholstered furniture will look good; purchase two soft poufs, preferably with removable covers for washing. Place a moving metal toy on the windowsill or dressing table to activate the flow of Qi.

Place one large living plant in a large pot or, better yet, a tree - a family tree in the southwestern part of the bedroom to activate the Earth Element. This is the Zone of Love and Marriage. Place the tree or plant on a square column or square table. Images of mountains, a vase with fresh flowers, a pair of golden or yellow pillows, or a painting of a happy couple are also suitable. If the bed is in this part of the bedroom, then use pink underwear to revitalize your intimate life.

In a bedroom in the West, fountains, an aquarium, mirrors and paintings depicting water, the sun, and sunflowers are not desirable.

Bedroom in the Assistants' Zone.

Bedroom in the north-west - Zone of Helpers and Travel, Element of Metal.

Favorable colors - white, gray, silver, gold, yellow.

Unfavorable colors - blue, black, light blue, red, green.

Favorable shapes - round, square, oval.

Unfavorable shapes - triangular, rectangular.

This is a great place for the bedroom of parents and people in a stable phase of life. However, if you are going through a period of active activity and development, then activate the Zone of Wisdom and Knowledge. In the northeast, place a beautiful large plant in a large pot with plenty of soil, an image of a snake, a turtle or a pot of wealth. It’s good to put a couple of square or triangular candles in yellow or any shade of brown.

Remove the Water Element as much as possible. In such a bedroom you cannot have an aquarium, a fountain, or images of water. Even small mirrors are undesirable. Otherwise, there is a danger of material losses - you will “sleep” your money or you will be robbed.

The Element of Fire is also unacceptable. Do without a fireplace, images of the sun, blooming sunflowers, peacocks, peacock feathers, and horses.

Natural light is the best source of light, but it is not enough. Use metal lamps and round sconces.

Do not hang the sconce directly above the head of a sleeping person; in your sleep you are most vulnerable, and nothing should threaten your safety.

In a bedroom in the northwest, white bed linen is especially suitable.

A high-pile, light-colored carpet will create the necessary coziness and enhance the energy of such a bedroom.

Choose light-colored curtains, but made of thick fabric. Organza tulle will suit them.

Auspicious symbols: images of exotic countries, god Ganesha. Hang a metal “wind chime” in front of the entrance.

ATTENTION! Don't hang bells or windchimes inside the bedroom. Their unexpected chime, which occurs when the door is opened or from sudden air currents, will interfere with proper rest and recuperation.

Bedroom in the Career Zone.

Bedroom in the north – Career Zone, Water Element

Favorable colors – blue, white, dark blue, black

Favorable patterns and ornaments – wavy, round.

Unfavorable colors – brown, red.

The unfavorable shape is square.

Your bedroom is good for married couples. Considering the size of the bedroom, choose pastel shades for a small room and brighter ones for a spacious bedroom. Remember that the main criterion is your taste and sense of proportion.

Wooden furniture is welcome. Avoid metal objects and fire symbols (candles, fireplace). If you want to spice up your intimate life, you can add red elements. If this color is not suitable for the interior, you can use pink or orange shades of bed linen. It’s good to hang sconces with red decorative elements. You can also revive the love zone. Place a vase of fresh flowers in the southwest or paired elements, such as two red candles or a painting of a happy couple.

If you're planning to have a baby, liven up the kids area. In the west you can put a circle of creation, a photo of children, an image of a pomegranate. It is good to place metal moving toys or a round white lamp.

Good shapes are rectangular (wood feeds the element of water), cylindrical (water), wavy (water). Here you need to decide which element is best to activate. If you have excess water, then make sure that the head of the bed is rectangular, this will ensure a good, sound sleep and you will not be bothered by nightmares.

Pay attention to the Dangerous Arrows aimed at your bed. These are the corners of rectangular furniture. If it is impossible to rearrange the furniture, hide the corner with a climbing plant.

In the north there is not enough natural light. Place the dressing table in a corner near the window or hang a mirror there.

ATTENTION! Reflections in the bed mirror are not allowed. Feng Shui is an ancient teaching aimed at the well-being of the family and, above all, the owner of the house. And a successful and prosperous owner of the house was supposed to have a harem and concubines. Therefore, for a married woman there is a danger that her husband may have another woman.

ATTENTION! Do not forget that the mirror should not be located opposite the front door. So the Qi energy will be reflected in the mirror and, before it can enter the room, it will come back out.

If possible, purchase a mirror with rounded edges to avoid creating dangerous arrows. A mirror with a wooden frame works well. If the mirror is too large, a wooden frame will harmonize it, because the mirror belongs to the Water Element, a large mirror can be harmonized with the help of a large plant, it also belongs to the Wood Element.

ATTENTION! There is no need to turn your bedroom into a botanical garden. At night, plants, just like you, absorb oxygen, and your rest will be incomplete.

Choose heavy curtains for the bedroom that allow little daylight to pass through. This will strengthen Yin and promote proper rest and complete recuperation.

Bedroom in the Wisdom Zone.

Bedroom in the northeast - Zone of Wisdom and Knowledge, Element of Earth. Such a bedroom creates too intense a flow of Qi, which interferes with proper rest and restoration of physical and mental strength for people with poor health, as well as those suffering from insomnia. In this case, poor health may worsen, and nightmares are likely.

On the other hand, healthy people who do not have problems with sound sleep may experience “insight” during moments of rest or may have prophetic dreams.

Favorable colors are yellow, orange, terracotta, red.

Unfavorable colors - brown, white, blue, silver.

Favorable shapes – Square, triangular.

Unfavorable shapes - rectangular, round, oval.

For people with health problems, it is necessary to pay special attention to the center of the bedroom and its north-eastern part. Place the following items in these areas:

Images of earthly landscapes, mountains.

In the center is a square coffee table with a porcelain vase with fresh flowers or a pair of square red candles.

In the center is a beige or terracotta square carpet with a triangular or square pattern.

Image of a turtle or a pair of cranes.

Bamboo napkins.

For healthy people of active age, the fire zone needs to be revived. In the south - a photograph or portrait of a married couple with happy faces, two crystal sconces, two red hearts or two red candles, two peacock feathers.

To conceive a child - in the west of the bedroom - round objects (a lamp, a crystal ball), images of a pomegranate, children.

For mature people in the east, install a living plant with leaves facing up, growing bamboo, family photos, jade eggs.
Bedroom in the Family Zone

Bedroom in the east, Family Zone, Element Wood.

Favorable colors – Green, purple, lilac, a little red.

Unfavorable colors – red (excess)

Favorable shapes - rectangular, wavy, cylindrical.

The unfavorable shape is triangular.

A bedroom in the east is suitable primarily for young people looking for their place in life. It does not help establish contacts between people in business, but it does help resolve issues related to communication between different generations of the family.

So, if you are a young family, add a little red to your interior for intense intimacy. For example, bed linen with large red flowers on a white background. Or place two red candles in the northeast (activate the knowledge area) or in the center (activate the health area). Be sure to light candles often! Use your imagination and think about what you like about red bedroom items. Perhaps just a red square rug in the center of the bedroom (health zone). Just remember that you need very little red, otherwise there may be a fire hazard.

The main element is wood. Place the money tree in the southeast in the wealth zone. The money tree is a plant with upward-pointing stems and round or heart-shaped leaves. If the tree starts to hurt, throw it away immediately and get a new one.

Wooden furniture is welcome. A bed with a rectangular brown headboard will provide you with a calm, sound sleep and good rest.

A good talisman in the eastern part of the bedroom is a photo of you with happy faces in a rectangular wooden frame.

Your bedroom is in the family area, so you need to activate the western part. This way you will protect your children or help the successful conception and birth of a child.

In the southwestern part, you can use one of the following talismans - a crystal, an image of a pair of cranes (this is a symbol of love and fidelity), two crystal eggs. This way you will protect your love and marriage.

In the morning there is bright sunlight in your bedroom, and in the morning your sleep is the sweetest. Cover the windows with thick curtains in one of the favorable colors for this color zone.

Please note that these colors are quite dark, and to prevent your bedroom from becoming gloomy, decorate the walls and floors with light pastel shades.

You don't have enough natural light in the evening. Additional sources of artificial light are needed. Use a sconce or floor lamp. Remember that sconces should not be located directly above the head of a sleeping person.

A mirror on the dressing table is welcome, but it should not have sharp corners. This will create Sha.

“Signs of equality of triangles” - Types of triangles. Any triangle has three medians. Three vertices and three sides of a triangle. Median of a triangle. A perpendicular drawn from the vertex of a triangle to a straight line. Any triangle has three heights. Triangle. The segment connecting the vertex of a triangle with the midpoint of the opposite side is called the median of the triangle.

“Area of ​​a triangle” - If the heights of two triangles are equal, then their areas are related to the bases. HH - height. Area of ​​a triangle. Theorem. The area of ​​a right triangle is equal to half the product of its legs. AC is the base. The area of ​​a triangle is equal to half the product of its base and height. BC is the base.

“Construction of a triangle” - Construction. Construction of a triangle. Carrying out a straight line. Conducting the beam. Construction algorithm. Option 1 - constructing a triangle using two sides and the angle between them. Carrying out a segment. Constructing a triangle using a compass and a ruler without scale divisions Option 2 - constructing a triangle using two angles and the side between them.

“Solving triangles grade 9” - C. Uz 1: coordinates of point A (OA cos C; OA sin C). Solving right triangles. Solving arbitrary triangles. Solution: Lesson 2: area of ​​a triangle in trigonometric form S? = ? a b sin C, Us 3: theorem of sines. Lesson 4: cosine theorem. 1. Define sin?, cos? 2. How does it change: sin?, cos??

“Similar triangles” - C1. Equality of relations between similar parties. Similarity coefficient “k”. The bisectors of a triangle intersect at one point, which is the center of the incircle. Median of a triangle. The altitudes of the triangle intersect at one point O, called the orthocenter. Form! Let's remember. The angles are respectively equal.

"Right Triangle" - Some properties of right triangles. From the history of mathematics. Information about Euclid is extremely scarce. The sum of two acute angles of a right triangle is 900. Continuing one of the sides of the triangle, we get an external angle. A triangle is a polygon with three sides (or three angles).

Subject: Triangle and circle.
Target: Teach children to find a triangle among other geometric shapes:
develop the ability to find triangular shapes in surrounding objects;
strengthen the ability to count and compare quantities.
Demonstrative: circle, triangle, magic bag with flat geometric shapes (circle, triangle).
Dispensing: two paper houses with doors of different geometric shapes (triangles, circles). Figures of different sizes: two circles, two triangles; envelopes with geometric shapes (two triangles, three circles, different in size and color).

Progress of the lesson

1. The figure lived for itself. From this (showing a large triangle). The figure was sad because she forgot her name. The figure wanted to know her name and went on a journey. A figure is walking along a path and sees someone rolling (we show the figure in a circle). Do you recognize this figure? That's right, it's a circle. He saw our figure in a circle and asked!
- Who are you?
- Don't know. But I'm not like you, because I don't know how to roll. My corners are clinging to everything.
- Let's travel together, maybe someone will tell you your name.
- The circle and the unknown figure went together. They see houses standing in a clearing and figures standing next to them: they cannot decide who lives where. The circle and the unknown figure decided to help them.

2. Try to do it the way you did the circle and the unknown figure. Choose a house for each figure. Whichever figure can enter the doors of the house will live there. The children have two paper houses on their tables with doors of different geometric shapes (two circles, two triangles). Different in shape. Look at the houses. Are their doors the same shape or different? (different).
-Which figure will enter the round doors?
- But we still have figures left. Count how many angles each has?
- Three angles are correct. That's why this figure is called a triangle. Look at our figure from a fairy tale. Does it have corners? How many are there? What is it called? Correct triangle. The unknown figure was delighted; now she knows her name and will never forget it.

3. Physical education minute.
The birds have flown
They flapped their wings,
They sat on the trees,
We rested together.

4. Game “Unknown Figure”.
The teacher approaches each child with a bag containing flat figures: a triangle, a circle. The guys, with their eyes closed, pull out a geometric figure from the bag and name it. The teacher gives the children envelopes with geometric shapes. Count how many circles you took from the envelope. Are they the same color? To size? How many triangles do you have? Why are they called that? Are the triangles the same size? Blossom? Which shapes are more numerous: triangles or circles?
Summing up the lesson.
- Find round objects in the room.
- show triangular-shaped objects. Count them.