Evidence of someone who was clinically dead. The story of the clinical death of Don Piper

The story of a woman who experienced clinical death in childhood:
“It started back in 1972. I was 9 years old then. The story is quite old.
That year I fell ill after an injury (physical) caused to me. My mother treated me at home for a week. Then no one could have imagined that I was already slowly becoming infected. It was the month of March, there was a day left until my birthday, which I carried through my life in my memory.
I won’t go into a long story, I’ll just say one thing: I died that day. I remember how my mother cried, I saw it all from the outside and tried, without understanding what was happening, to touch her hands, telling her that I am with you, here I am, don’t cry, but she did not hear or see me. Then I noticed my blue body lying in her arms.
Then green circles (rings) appeared in the form of a funnel expanding upward, through which the ray of the Sun passed (in my then understanding). Then the picture changed to a dark blue sky with stars. I didn’t fly quickly, but rather very slowly, I flew upward, observing all the beauty with my 360° vision. It was such a feeling, as I now understand, that I was in a vacuum, simultaneously hearing the “music” of the Cosmos, if you can call it that. Everything was in motion—seething (according to the sounds). To the left and to the right, at the same time, I was accompanied by some yellow and white balls; in some places there were not balls, but rings of the same colors. I continued to fly and heard somewhere far away, as if everywhere, a melody that I can hardly describe in words, very vaguely reminiscent of the sound of an organ, but not a chant. Then I was accompanied by transparent “plasmoids” in the form of an “8”, not connected in the center (I describe it as an image clearly reminiscent of a ciliate slipper). Then I saw a clear line (horizon), from behind which the Sun was slowly rising with a dazzling white color from edge to edge of this horizon. I was so happy that I cannot describe my feelings in words. Then for some reason the thought “What about mom?” came into my head. After which I flew down very quickly. I only remember entering the body with some kind of sound.
As my mother later told me, when I came to my senses, I had cadaveric spots and glassy eyes, the emergency doctors threw up their hands and said that this was unrealistic.
The story didn't end there. I'm slowly getting better. After some time I communicated with my Higher Self, then everything stopped. But the most interesting thing is that my memory more and more often returns me to what I saw after clinical death. Very often, after everything I had experienced, for some time, I had the same dream, after which I woke up in horror and tears. But only now I understand that through a dream (subconscious), I was shown not only the beauty of the Cosmos during the journey, but also the horror of the Hell of the Subtle Worlds.
Here I remember only one single picture, repeated in every dream from day to day of that time. Namely, I’m in some caves where it smells like slop, it’s very dark, only here and there there are fires burning on the ground. I walk through the dark labyrinths of this cave; on the left side there are metal cages with very tall, dark-skinned people there. They are shouting and asking for something; near the cages there are guards of monsters, with human legs and animal heads. On the right side of the cave there are huge Rocks, where the hands of tall people, nailed with chains, are raised up. A small stream flows from the rock. These people ask me to drink, I take water in my palms, try to go up to them and give them a drink, but the monsters knock this water out of my hands - and so on endlessly. On the one hand, I am accompanied by indescribable fear and the desire to get out of there as quickly as possible, on the other hand, by someone protecting me, whom I don’t see, but I know is nearby. I’m trying to get out of there, as I go through everything I’ve seen, but the monsters don’t allow me to get to the exit. At the same time, they do not touch me physically, but they behave threateningly so that I do not give people water. In the end, the ending is the same - I go around these huge monsters and emerge through a crevice onto the surface of the earth. I don’t remember anything further. This dream was repeated more than once.
They showed Hell to me, a 9-year-old child, or was it a memory of my previous incarnation?”

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    I believe that if there is a hell, then it is more likely a place without God, and not demons that torment sinners. Perhaps the dream is allegorical, the guards with animal heads represent lust and base instincts that prevent the “prisoners” from gaining freedom and drinking “water.” Were the prisoners relatives or acquaintances?


    Well, I don’t know... I am of the opinion that the Earth is the hell of some other planet. There are no other hells and heavens.



    Perhaps this is not Hell, in our understanding. Perhaps these are events that took place on Earth a very long time ago. The prisoners are giants who are mentioned in the Bible. And the overseers are creatures genetically created by aliens to Earth (from Nibiru, for example).
    He wrote about conveyor belts that produced people with the heads of birds and animals. Ernst Muldashev. Perhaps the giants were used both as labor and as genetic material.
    Assembly lines for people:



    And Heaven is real and Hell is real. The fire of Gehenna is unbearable, and our fire on earth is its pitiful likeness, but in hell there are also cold, icy places, that is, the places there differ in the degree of torment, and this torment depends on the quantity, quality (gravity) of a person’s sins.
    Demons and demons (guards with animal heads) do not give them water, because their goal is to torment, hurt and humiliate human souls. They didn’t let her in because they didn’t want her to return and tell her that hell was real (this is his most insidious invention), then many people would believe in God and try to avoid these terrible places.




    This is told in the Gospel, in the lives of saints (for example, the Vision of St. Theodora), in Orthodox traditions, people talk about it on the Internet (it’s impossible to pretend like that) and people I personally know talked about their dreams where they saw their relatives.



    So she dreamed about it in a dream, after clinical death. It's about sleep. There's just a sharp transition in the narrative, look:

    “Very often, after everything I had experienced, for some time, I had the same dream, after which I woke up in horror and tears.”



    Who can say what a dream is? My opinion, I think that the soul leaves the body during sleep, but with the right to return back to the body, upon exiting it sees this and the afterlife, I could be wrong, but I have read several cases where this version is confirmed.



    It is very difficult for me to understand you for one simple reason: you rely on facts from someone else’s words, and not on your personal experience. Understand, Life and Death are mutually exclusive. And if here you are able to learn and pass on your knowledge to others, then “from there” no one will transfer this knowledge to you. Once they leave, they don’t come back. And if “suddenly” this happens, then the time allotted to them below the line is not at all enough to reveal the full picture of their existence. As a rule, after resurrection, many more questions arise than answers. Because only suggestive memories remain, but without concrete results. For example, even if someone claims that he visited hell, there are no recorded cases of obvious burns or traces of any torture... This world was created for people. On its stable laws. Having specific time restrictions. After which the next stage of transition opens. And no one knows or can know where and how! Books, films, and stories of ancestors have been teeming with information on this topic since time immemorial. Yes, there is only one thing you are not taking into account. That everything that comes from someone was created by the people themselves. And everyone has their own truth. As well as the transition into oblivion. You cannot claim what is not yours.


    Hello, Alexander! I am glad to see you back and look forward to new wonderful stories. It's hard for you to imagine that people know how to obtain knowledge directly. If I tell you that this is how I got my knowledge, you won’t believe it. Therefore, read about the appearance of the Mother of God to Seraphim of Sarov. And if you read Sophia’s commentary on the story “The Secrets of Cemeteries,” you will be convinced once again that people know how to communicate with the dead and receive knowledge from them too.



    It's a shame. The dead know something, demons also know a lot.
    And we, like poor relatives, cannot see anything beyond our noses and are forced to turn to those who “know.” The question is how correct such requests are, because... Is knowledge mostly closed to us living people? Doesn't this violate any criteria for being in embodiment?



    Hello, Lyudmila! Due to disagreements, I will answer in detail. Well, let's start with the fact that I haven't disappeared anywhere, and am still actively present on the site. Including all of you. Perhaps he reduced his participation in general discussions. But as you understand, this is not a hindrance to continuing to read stories and follow discussions.
    And now I will summarize your answer. Apparently, it’s still very difficult for me to express myself, since I regularly fall into the category of misunderstandings, although I try to answer as fully as possible. Tell me, why put emphasis on something that I didn’t even talk about? I myself, as you know, am far from a skeptic. And I never even thought about denying anyone’s examples. My answer is not focused on the dubiousness of someone's experience, but on assertions in the absence of it. That's why I intervened this time.
    I will quote:
    1. I’ll start with the question originally posed.
    “You speak so confidently about such things. Where does all this knowledge come from? Were you there or something?”
    2. “It’s very difficult for me to understand you for one simple reason: you rely on facts from someone else’s words, and not on your personal experience.”
    3. “...everything that comes from someone was created by the people themselves. And everyone has their own truth.”
    4. “You cannot claim what is not yours.”
    Further, between the lines, I meant that a person makes loud statements, having absolutely no idea what exactly he (she) is talking about. Only those who have experienced this themselves can affirm. Let’s say you personally (from deceased relatives), or Sophia, based on her life situations. But no other way. That’s why he gave an example of those who have been, so to speak, in hell. That is, this is a purely personal testimony, and there is not even elementary evidence for extraneous statements. But the person persistently appeals to facts, which, by and large, he has no clear idea about. (I advise you not to be lazy and re-read how it looks in her words). It was probably at this moment that confusion and misunderstanding occurred... Well, then. Truth is born in dispute. And I willingly give it up to you. Although I remain of the opinion that a true GURU is the one who has experienced something himself, and not the one who has heard about it.



    Alexander, convincing churchgoers of something other than the Holy Scriptures is an empty matter.
    Perhaps in the subtle astral World, where we find ourselves after disembodiment, there are various levels-layers (abodes) that coincide in their organization with what the disembodied expect from them. The astral worlds are built by the thoughts of people and souls are attracted accordingly. Therefore, for souls who assign themselves punishment - Hell, who believe in the existence of Paradise with angels and chants, respectively, for scientists - a multidimensional Space for cognition. Atheists are generally in a state of suspended animation there. As they say, everyone chooses to their own taste. All this is described in detail in the books of Robert Monroe, who at one time learned to leave the body and travel through the subtle Worlds.



    Lyudmila, the fact of the matter is that there was no goal in convincing anyone of anything. An elementary question was asked: where does this knowledge come from? And it is clearly presented in a more abbreviated form from my words that everyone has their own truth, choice, direction. That is, we are now walking with you, as with LUDMILoy, in circles of the same conclusion.
    PS: I am far from familiar with Monroe’s stories by hearsay.



    It is so obvious that this knowledge (which we are talking about) is from sources approved by the Russian Orthodox Church (Bible, Gospels, Apocalypse)
    About Monroe, have you tried out-of-body experiences? I tried it.
    Nothing terrible. Worlds inhabited by people. True, the time in them differs from ours a hundred years ago. But this is in my case.



    I agreed with the generality of the idea from the above sources. But I justify the emphasis based on personal knowledge and experience.
    PS: to make it easier for you to understand me, read my story “Lethargic Sleep” with numerous comments. It is there that there is all the comprehensive information about my views on the otherworldly.



    Okay, I'll be happy to read it.


    Damn, how I envy those who know so absolutely for sure (it’s not clear from where) that paradise awaits them after death. I'm really jealous. Because they will not have time to be disappointed, but they are not afraid to die. They believe that they will not die, but life will continue in some other form. I'm feeling worse. I'm sure there is nothing after death. Common sense tells me this. And I'm much more afraid of dying. If I believed that I would end up somewhere else, it would certainly be easier for me. This is why, I think, stories about afterlives and rebirth were invented. So that it wouldn't be so scary to die. And if a child or someone close to you has died, then you can be consoled that they have gone to a better world. In some religions there is also a kind of hell where people go to for bad deeds. This is right. Let people at least be afraid of hell. But life shows that no one is afraid of anything. Well, victims in such cases can take comfort that the offender will be punished after death. In my opinion, this is of course little consolation.



    I especially liked: “In some religions there is also a kind of hell where people go to for bad deeds. This is right. Let people at least be afraid of hell.” - valuable verdict)))))


    Anna, everyone is afraid of death and believers too. Even Jesus asked: “...let this cup pass from me...”. When I had simply terrible situations in my life and I wanted to die, I dreamed of my deceased relatives or close friends and told me - live, everything will work out, don’t rush to die. This is how they want us to live. Maybe only those who are seriously ill (physically or mentally) are happy about death as a release from torment?



    I apologize for interfering. But in my opinion, according to the scripture, when Jesus prayed to God, the phrase “...let this cup pass from me...” most likely did not imply the fear of death, but the desire to mitigate suffering, both physical and moral... Otherwise, Jesus thirsted for everything your earthly path of return to the Lord. But this is my conclusion. And, as we know, everyone can make mistakes.



    For those who do not believe in the continuation of life. Real story.
    My colleague, with whom we worked for many years in the same department and even sat in the same room, at a certain time began to be interested in spiritual knowledge, read a lot of esoteric literature and even went to the ashram of the Indian Sai Baba. Her desktop was filled with photographs of her adored Guru, which caused ridicule and rejection from others. I was more loyal to my colleague’s preferences, and then I began to often borrow books from her to study. Not all, of course, but only those that my soul chose, so to speak. For example, Indian yogis were of little interest to me, but the Baltic doctor-healer Luule Viilma was very interested. But that's not what this is about. The above is necessary to understand that between me and my colleague there was a certain spiritual connection based on our mutual interest in spiritual knowledge. Many years later. A colleague retired. Then she fell ill with an incurable disease and died. After her death, I couldn’t help but think about her contacting me. And this connection was later in a dream. Two in particular stood out to me:
    first dream: we are standing with her in some kind of gallery covered with transparent glass, furnished on both sides with potted plants. Colleague
    First of all, she began to assure me that she was alive.
    -Well, you shouldn’t have told me that. I don't doubt it at all. Better tell us what you're doing here.
    -I was given a job here.
    -Are you satisfied with this job?
    -Not really... I was hoping for a more interesting activity
    -What kind of activity?
    -I am tasked with monitoring the relationship between the intensity of the color of plants and people’s thoughts. (It seems that the purer the thoughts, the more cheerful the plants. ed.)
    Second dream:
    I am in a small room, furnished very modestly in the style of the 70s of the twentieth century. Sofa bed, table, chair.
    My colleague comes in, surrounded by people I don’t know, about five of them. Everyone is cheerful, talking to each other, smiling. They started introducing themselves to me. One of them introduced himself as a writer and the owner of the premises. To my question about why such a modest, not modern environment, he answered that he sometimes needs a separate room for privacy (he writes something) and he created an environment for himself that was to his heart (apparently, this was the case during his lifetime. author .)
    Then the smiling colleague begins the conversation:
    -Luda, can you imagine, I fell in love here, but unrequitedly.
    -What are you talking about! To whom?
    -In Barbarossi.
    And he looks at me slyly, waiting for a reaction.
    -Klarochka (that was the name of my colleague), this name doesn’t mean anything to me, except for the association with Hitler’s “Barbarossa Plan” from the school curriculum about the Second World War.
    “Well, of course,” a woman unfamiliar to me from this company entered the conversation. “Zhanna also wrote about him (Barbarossi) in her memoirs.
    Which Zhanna? In what memoirs? Why is this cheerful woman telling me this as if she has no doubt that I know ALL this? And I'm perplexed. I don't understand anything. I continue to be in a state of bewilderment. It seems that the interlocutors were a little upset seeing my reaction.
    - Luda, you can’t be here anymore.
    -How can I leave here? Wake up? I begin to close my eyes tightly and suddenly open them immediately. How many times has this manipulation helped me get out of a nightmare (wake up)! But in this case there was no way to wake up.
    “Nothing, don’t worry,” said Clara (colleague). Your husband will help you wake up.
    A moment later, the alarm clock rang in the real world. It was time for my husband to get up for work...
    A little later for me. I come to work. I'm surfing the Internet. So, so... I type Barbarossi in the search window.
    “Barbarossa, in some cases Barbarossa (from Italian Barba rossa - “red beard”) is a nickname for a number of people and derivative names, subsequently also a surname.

    Nickname bearers

    Frederick I Barbarossa (1122-1190) - Holy Roman Emperor.
    Arouj Barbarossa (c. 1473-1518) - pirate, Sultan of Algeria.
    Hayreddin Barbarossa (1475-1546) - Turkish naval commander and nobleman."
    I'm starting to study the genealogy of the Roman Emperor. Bah, his granddaughter was born in France, her name is Zhanna. Maybe she wrote memoirs about her great grandfather?
    https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A4%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B4%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%85_I_%D0%91%D0%B0%D1 %80%D0%B1%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%81%D0%B0
    and here is his granddaughter:
    Joan I (1191-1205), Countess Palatine of Burgundy from 1200
    Why in a dream did a colleague call him Barbarossi and not Barbarossa?
    In any case, all this looks a little like just a dream. Such coincidences.

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About 10% of people who have experienced clinical death tell extraordinary stories. Scientists explain this by the fact that after death, a certain part of the brain responsible for imagination works for about 30 seconds, during which time generating entire worlds in our head. Patients claim that this is nothing more than proof of life after death.

In any case, it is interesting to simply compare the visions of different people than we AdMe.ru and decided to get busy. Draw your own conclusions.

  • There was a drunken fight. And suddenly I felt very strong pain. And then I fell into a sewer hatch. I began to climb out, clinging to the slimy walls - smelly beyond belief! With difficulty I crawled out, and there were cars standing there: ambulances, police. People have gathered. I examine myself - normal, clean. I crawled through such mud, but for some reason I was clean. I came up to see: what was there, what happened?
    I ask people, they pay zero attention to me, you bastards! I see a guy lying on a stretcher, covered in blood. They dragged him into the ambulance, and the car was already starting to drive away, when suddenly I felt: something connects me with this body.
    He shouted: “Hey! Where are you going without me? Where are you taking my brother?!”
    And then I remembered: I don’t have any brother. At first I was confused, but then I realized: it’s me!
    Norbekov M. S.
  • The doctors warned that I could count on only a 5% success rate for the operation. They dared to do it. At some point during the operation my heart stopped. I remember seeing my recently deceased grandmother stroking my temples. Everything was black and white. I didn’t move, so she started getting nervous, shaking me, then started screaming: she screamed and screamed my name until I finally found the strength to open my mouth to answer her. I took a breath of air and the suffocation went away. Grandma smiled. And I suddenly felt the cold operating table.
  • There were many other people walking towards the top of the mountain, beckoning everyone with a bright light. They looked completely ordinary. But I understood that they were all dead, just like me. I was torn with rage: how many people are saved in an ambulance, why did they do this to me?!
    Suddenly my deceased cousin jumped out of the crowd and said to me: "Dean, go back."
    I hadn't been called Dean since I was a child, and she was one of the few people who even knew that variation of the name. Then I turned around to see what she meant by “back” and I was literally thrown into a hospital bed with doctors running around me in a panic.

    I remember only 2 doors, similar to those that were in the Middle Ages. One is wooden, the other is iron. I just looked at them silently for a long time.

    I saw that I was lying on the operating table and looking at myself from the side. There’s a bustle all around: doctors and nurses make my heart tick. I see them, I hear them, but they don’t see me. And then one nurse takes the ampoule and, breaking the tip, injures her finger - blood accumulates under her glove. Then complete darkness sets in. I see the following picture: my kitchen, my mother and father are sitting at the table, my mother is crying, my father is knocking back glass after glass of cognac - they don’t see me. Darkness again.
    I open my eyes, everything around is in monitors, tubes, I don’t feel my body, I can’t move. And then I see a nurse, the same one who injured her finger with the ampoule. I look at my hand and see a bandaged finger. She tells me that I was hit by a car, that I am in the hospital, my parents will come soon. I ask: has your finger already passed? You injured him when the ampoule was opened. She opened her mouth and was momentarily speechless. It turned out that 5 days had already passed.

  • My car was totaled, and a minute later a huge truck crashed into it. I realized that I would die today.
    Then something very strange happened, for which I still have no logical explanation. I lay covered in blood, crushed by pieces of iron inside my car, waiting to die. And then a strange feeling of calm suddenly enveloped me. And not just a feeling - it seemed to me that arms were stretched out to me through the car window to hug me, pick me up or pull me out of there. I could not see the face of this man, woman or some creature. It just became very light and warm.

Dr Penny Sartori worked as a nurse in a British hospital for 21 years, 17 of them in the intensive care unit. She has extensive experience as a critical care nurse and has conducted unique and extensive research on near-death experiences (NDEs) through her interactions with patients. She received her PhD in 2005 for her research in ACS.

Dr. Sartori's work was received with great attention by experts and received media coverage. She has spoken at many international and local conferences, and her work has received the attention of Prince Charles.

One day, Dr. Sartori was caring for a young dying man, and his death made a deep impression on her. She began to wonder: “What is death?”, “Why are we trying so hard to save these people when they are clearly dying?” Penny began studying the issue of death, reading books about death, hoping to find answers to her questions. She was intrigued by the near-death experiences she had read about, even though the “inner skeptic” shaped by modern scientific education initially resisted, arguing that they were all “illusions” or “hallucinations.” Then Penny decided to conduct her own research, and began asking all the patients who came to her in the intensive care unit about their experiences. In the first year, Penny interviewed 243 ICU survivors, but only two of them had ACS. Realizing that she was spending more time in the hospital than at home, Penny decided to narrow the study to only interview patients who had suffered a heart attack, including those who had self-reported experiences of ACS in other circumstances. In the second year, of the 49 patients who experienced a heart attack, 7 experienced ACS, which is 18%. Dr. Sartori realized that the closer a person is to death, the more likely they are to experience ACS.

People who have experienced ACS have similar experiences: they observe their body from the outside, rush through a dark tunnel to a bright, but eye-friendly light, then meet departed relatives and even their pets, review their entire past life and experience mystical sensations. Some people observe their past life as a panorama, others relive various moments of life and see the impact their actions had on other people. On the other side of life, many find themselves in a beautiful garden with green soft grass. Often people during an ACS are told that they need to return because they have an important, unfinished mission. Usually these people upon return cannot remember what specific mission it was, but the ACS experience changes them at a deep level of consciousness. Most people change their materialistic outlook on life and become more compassionate and tolerant of others. Some people gain the ability to heal people. For some, the electromagnetic field changes, and they cannot wear watches, and electrical appliances begin to behave strangely in their presence.

Unpleasant ACS

Not all ACS are pleasant, and are divided into three types: the first is when a person experiences an ordinary ACS, but interprets it as something frightening; the second, when a person discovers that he is in an empty, dark space; and the third, when a person finds himself in Hell, where demons drag him. 14% of all NDEs, according to the study, fall into the category of scary experiences. Dr. Sartori says it is difficult to obtain information about these ACSs because people are afraid or embarrassed to share such experiences because they are believed to be associated with a person's low moral standard. By sharing such an experience, a person is forced to admit that his level of morality is low.

Penny describes one of her patients' most powerful ACS experiences. The man began to lose consciousness and suffered a heart attack. He completely lost consciousness. After various medical procedures, he regained consciousness, but was unable to speak due to a tube in his throat. The doctor brought him a tablet with letters and the man made it clear that he had died and watched from above as he was brought back to life. He described in detail everything that happened in the ward, and Penia could confirm these circumstances, since she was present during this incident. The man said that he saw himself in a pink room, there was his dead father, his mother-in-law, whom he had only seen in photographs, and a man who looked like Jesus Christ with a piercing gaze. This man told him that his time had not yet come, and he needed to return. After these words, the man immediately found himself in his body. It is interesting to note that before this ACS, one of his hands was constantly clenched and he could not straighten it. After the ACS, the hand opened easily. From a medical point of view, doctors could not understand or explain why this happened.

Dr. Sartori says that many people who have experienced ACS, when returning to life, experience anger towards those who brought them back to life. Most people do not want to return to life and leave behind the peace, tranquility and boundless and unconditional love that they experienced after death. Some people retain this anger even years after they have returned to life.

There are references to ACS in the literature of various eras, although at that time they were not called “clinical death experiences.”

Studying ACS had an impact on Penny's own spiritual world. Before that, she was an atheist and did not believe in the existence of God, now she believes in Him and in life after death.

Peni says that modern science believes that the brain is the source of consciousness, although no one can prove how this happens. She believes that the brain serves only as a tool for the manifestation of consciousness, and is not its source. When a person is near death, his brain weakens its influence on consciousness, and consciousness can manifest in its expanded form.

In her work, Dr. Sartori has observed many times how patients communicate with their deceased relatives. They could talk to them, gesticulate, and even seem to hug them. This often occurs several hours before death.

It is also very common for people to receive messages from their deceased loved ones. For example, they may smell the perfume that someone close to them wore or the flowers that that person loved.

Sometimes people can experience a shared ACS, for example, feeling very similar to what a person close to them is experiencing who is at a great distance from them. Therapist Anika wrote a book about her experience. She lived in England, and her mother in America. During one of her work sessions, Anika began coughing heavily and could not stop. She interrupted therapy and thought she needed to call her mother. She managed to contact the hospital and got in touch with her sister, who said: “It’s good that you called, mom is getting worse.” Anika could hear her mother coughing as hard as Anika somewhere in the distance. Anika's symptoms went away immediately and she was able to talk to her mother. She could only listen, but not talk.

Penny says that often people who are at the bedside of a dying person can accompany the person to the “light.”

Many patients may also postpone the moment of death for days and weeks, for example, if there is some important date: a wedding, or a relative needs to come from abroad to say goodbye.

Peni also says that very often she observed such a picture when relatives were at the bedside of a dying person, and she asked them to go down to the cafeteria and rest, it was at that moment that the patient became worse, and while she was running to call the relatives, he was already dying. “Often relatives were very upset that they missed the moment of death, but I realized that their departure just facilitates the transition of the soul to the other side of life. Kindred feelings keep the soul in this world, so to speak,” says Dr. Sartori.

In her book, Penny says that today people have introduced death into a medical framework. Previously, death was a social event; a person usually died at home, surrounded by close people and neighbors. Today death is a taboo topic, people don't want to talk about death. “But by studying death, we can live our lives in a truly meaningful way,” she says. The most important lesson I learned from this work is that there is no need to be afraid of death. I hope this will enable many other people to overcome their fear of death."

During clinical death, many patients experience an out-of-body experience. Most of them say that they even heard the doctor say that the patient was dead. Then, in a state of clinical death, he heard an increasing rumble.

The most important thing is to return no later than six minutes later, because staying “there” for more than five to six minutes is accompanied by irreversible changes and brain death. What actually happens in those five or six minutes during which the doctors will try to bring the patient back to life?

People who return from that world split their consciousness - they saw and heard everything that happened around them at the time of their death, but could not come into contact with the living people who were around them.

An American soldier tells how he was in the hospital, where his leg was amputated and as a result of gangrene he was on the verge of life and death. Suddenly the soldier felt that his soul had left his body. He was surprised, looked down and saw his body lying on the bed.

Deciding to see what is happening in the next room, he decides to go through the wall. But when he felt that he was actually leaking through a solid surface, he decided that since he could pass through walls, he could also return to his body and stay there. At this time, he saw doctors around him who threw all their strength into bringing him back to life. Finally, they succeeded.

Most people say that although they know they are dead because they see their lifeless body and hear the doctors' disappointing findings, they are not afraid of death. On the contrary, everyone who has experienced clinical death says that they feel absolutely calm and even experience some joy in what will inevitably happen someday. Upon returning to the body, they feel terrible discomfort and want to return to the light.

Obviously, all people have experienced a return back from some point in their near-death experience. At the moment of their return, there is an interesting change in their attitude to what is happening. Almost everyone remembers that the first moments of their death are dominated by an insane desire to return back to the body and the sorrowful experience of their death.

However, when the deceased reaches certain stages of dying, he no longer wants to come back, he even resists returning to his body. This is especially typical for those cases in which there was an encounter with a luminous being. As one man put it very pathetically: “I wish I had never left this creature”...

Exceptions to this generalization are quite frequent, but, apparently, do not change the essence of the matter. Several women who had young children reported that during their near-death experiences they also would have preferred to stay where they were, but they felt they had to go back to raise the children.

“I was wondering if I would stay here, but then I remembered my children and husband. It is now difficult for me to accurately state this part of my experience. When I experienced these amazing sensations in the presence of light, I really didn't want to go back. But I seriously thought about my responsibility, about my responsibilities towards my family. So I decided to try to get back."

In other cases, people reported that, despite the fact that they felt very good and calm in a completely new disembodied state, and were even glad about this state, they were still glad to return to physical life, since they realized that they had There are very important things that remain undone.

In several cases it was the desire to complete their education.

“I completed three years of college and only had one year left to complete my studies. I thought, “I don’t want to die now.” But I felt that if all this lasted a few more minutes and if I stayed near this light a little longer, I would completely stop thinking about my education, since I would probably begin to learn about other things and all my earthly worries would become completely indifferent to me "

The answers that were collected from survivors of clinical death give a very diverse picture of how the return to the physical body occurs, and they also answer the question of why this return took place in different ways.

Many simply say that they do not know how or why they returned, or that they can make certain assumptions. Very few say that they felt that the deciding factor was their own decision to return to their physical body and earthly life.

“I was outside of my physical body and felt I had to make a decision. I understood that I could not stay like this for a long time, next to my physical body - well, it is very difficult to explain to others, but for me then it was completely clear - I understood that I had to decide on something: either move away from here, or go back.

On the other hand, it was all quite strange, and I still partly wanted to stay. It was absolutely amazing to know that I would have to do good on earth. So, I thought and decided, “Yes, I must go back and live,” and then I returned to my physical body. I, one might say, felt how my terrible weakness suddenly left me. In any case, after this event I began to recover.”

Others felt that they were "given permission to live" by God or by a luminous being, given to them either in response to their own desire to return to life (usually because this desire was devoid of any self-interest) or because God , or luminous being, inspired them with the need to perform some mission.

“I was above the table and saw everything that people were doing around me. I knew that I was dying, that this is exactly what was happening to me now. I was very worried about my children, thinking about who would take care of them now. So, I wasn't ready to leave. The Lord allowed me to come back to life.”

The young mother felt:

“The Lord sent me back, but I don’t know why. I certainly felt His presence there, and I know He recognized me. And yet He did not allow me to go to heaven. Why i do not know. I've thought about it many times since then and decided that it was either because I have two small children to raise, or because I wasn't ready to go there yet. I'm still looking for an answer to this question, so I can't get it out of my head."

In several cases, people feel that the prayers or love of other people, their friends and loved ones, can bring them back, regardless of their own desire.

“I was with my old aunt during her last illness, which was very serious. I helped take care of her. Throughout her illness, one of the family members prayed for her recovery. Several times she stopped breathing, but we seemed to bring her back. One day she looked at me and said, “Joan, I have to go, go there, it’s so beautiful. I want to stay there, but I can’t while you are praying for me to be with you. Please don't pray for me anymore." We stopped, and soon she died.”

“The doctor said that I had died, but despite this I was alive. What I experienced was so joyful, I did not experience any unpleasant feelings at all. When I returned and opened my eyes, my sisters and my husband were there. I saw their joy - there were tears in their eyes. I saw that they were crying with joy that I did not die. I felt that I returned because something seemed to attract me: this “something” was the love of my sisters and husband for me. From now on, I believe that other people can bring us back.

The story of the sexton of the St. Andrew-Vladimir Church of the Cathedral of the UOC about the experience of clinical death

Do miracles happen in our time? Some do not see them at all, others notice individual episodes with strange circumstances, while others see miracles in everything, and even in life itself. But there are also revelations to individual people, when something unusual is shown clearly, not allegorically. This can serve as evidence and a reminder of eternity, of another world, of truth and justice, beauty, and of human responsibility. The main motive in such phenomena is evidence of love, of God and the meaning of everything that exists according to His Divine will.

There have been events in the history of the Church when some individuals may have been worthy of knowing something more about life and death than was revealed to everyone else. For example, the Apostle Paul was in another world when his soul left his body “... (whether in the body - I don’t know, or outside the body - I don’t know: God knows) was caught up to the third heaven” (2 Cor. 12:2). Appearances of the Savior, the Virgin Mary, Angels, and saints also happened to people. All this constitutes two thousand years of experience of the Orthodox Church.

Alexander Gogol. Testimony of an Orthodox Christian about clinical death

The human mind is skeptical about those strange things for which it cannot find an explanation. And this is normal, since critical consciousness allows you to carefully perceive everything that goes beyond the generally accepted. A Christian can unconditionally trust only the Holy Scriptures and the Church itself as a whole, while the testimonies of individual individuals are always analyzed, compared with patristic experience and practice, and evaluated through the prism of the authority and reputation of those speaking about the heavenly world.

The story of the person we interviewed may be of interest to the general public, to believers and non-believers, to scientists and ordinary people, to young and old. So, our conversation with Alexander Gogol, who serves as a sexton in the St. Andrew-Vladimir Church of the UOC Cathedral under construction in honor of the Resurrection of Christ in Kyiv.
About clinical death and the presence of the soul outside the body

– Alexander, we learned that an extraordinary incident occurred in your life. I'd really like to hear this story.

“Perhaps my story will make non-believers and doubters think and gain faith in God, and will strengthen believers in their faith.” So that everyone may find faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and not perish, but have eternal life.

– You experienced clinical death. When did this happen, what caused it?

– The Lord deigned me, through a state of clinical death, to look beyond the boundaries of our earthly existence. I have been outside my body and am now more than 100% sure of the existence of life after death.

Much of what I saw cannot be compared. And no words are enough to convey all the feelings from what I saw and heard. As it is written: “...Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor entered into the heart of man the things that God has prepared for those who love Him” (1 Cor. 2:9).

This happened in the early 90s, back in Soviet times, more precisely, during the collapse of the Soviet Union. I was about twelve years old. I was brought up in an ordinary Soviet family, where everyone was baptized, although not churched. I was baptized in infancy, in 1979. Secretly, like most of those who were baptized at that time, to avoid problems at work or at least simple ridicule.

Before the event happened, I already believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, but I did not go to church, unless I visited the temple purely symbolically on Easter. Along with Mexican TV series, various kinds of psychics and religious programs began to appear on television screens. The American film “Jesus” was released in Kyiv cinemas, which, one might say, became a kind of cinematic Gospel. The Gospel touched my soul so much that I believed in God with all my heart and prayed from my heart. Of course, I don’t remember verbatim, something like: “Lord! I believe in You, but we were taught that there is no God. God! You can do anything, make sure that I don’t even have any doubts.”

Children did not have computers or the Internet then, and we spent time in outdoor games - on the street or at school. My classmates and I came up with this game: several participants hold hands and spin wildly, and then suddenly let go of their hands and fly off in different directions. The main thing after this is to stay on your feet. Suddenly, unexpectedly for me, everyone unclenched their palms, and I flew back. I only managed to notice that I was heading towards the window. Subsequently, I felt a hard, dull blow to the back of my head. (As it turned out later, it was a cast-iron battery under the windowsill.) There was complete darkness and deafness. It was as if he had disappeared into oblivion.

After a short period of time, I felt a slight dip and after that I stood up. He didn’t even get up, but soared, stood up, while feeling an unusual, pleasant lightness. I thought: “This is necessary, after such a blow there is absolutely no pain and I feel much better than before.” Moreover, I have never felt so good. My school friends stood near me with gloomy faces and, as in times of mourning, bowed their heads and looked down somewhere. I tried to tell them something, wave my arms, make some movements, but they did not react to me and my actions at all. All this looked very strange... Then I noticed that school bags and some things similar to mine were lying under my feet, and the shoes on my feet were mine. It turns out that my body was lying there, and I was standing on top of it, that is, my soul came out of it. How can this be?! I'm here and I'm there?! I began to think about everything that was happening and at some point I realized that I had died, although I still could not come to terms with this thought. I even felt funny, because within these walls we were taught that a person’s life ends with death and that there is no God. I also remembered the words from the film, where the Lord said: “He who believes in Me, even if he dies, will live” (John 11:25).

There is no death

As soon as I thought about the Lord, I immediately heard these words: “I am the resurrection and the life; He who believes in Me, even if he dies, will live.” After some time, in the corner above the ceiling, the space tore apart, a black hole formed, and some kind of growing, unusual monotonous sound arose.

Like a magnet, I began to be sucked in there, as if everything was being pulled in, but an extraordinary light was pouring out ahead - very bright, but not blinding. I found myself in some kind of infinitely long, pipe-shaped tunnel and was rising upward at tremendous speed. The light permeated me all over, and I was, as it were, part of this light. I didn’t feel any fear, I felt love, absolute love, indescribable calm, joy, bliss... Even parents don’t feel such love for their children. I was overwhelmed with emotions. There are much more colors and colors there, the sounds are more intense, there are more smells. I clearly felt and realized in this stream of light the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself and experienced the Love of God! People cannot even imagine how strong God's Love is for us. I sometimes think: if a person experienced this in his physical body, his heart would not be able to stand it. “For man cannot see Me and live” (Ex. 33:20), says the Scripture.

In this light, I felt that I was hugged from behind; an unusually white, bright, very kind and loving Being was present with me. As it turned out later, it was an Angel. According to his external description, he is somewhat similar to the three Angels depicted in the image of “Trinity” by Andrei Rublev. The angels are tall, their bodies are refined, and they seem to be sexless, but they look like young men. By the way, they do not have wings, and their depiction on icons with wings is symbolic. I talked with them and came to the conclusion that I don’t want to sin at all, that I want and like to do only good deeds.

During the conversation, my life was shown in detail from birth, good and good moments. I did poorly at school and told Angel that it was hard for me, I couldn’t do well in math. The angel answered that nothing was heavy, and showed me one of the institutes where mathematicians were solving some kind of global problem. Now I can’t explain it in detail, but then it was all so open, nothing was incomprehensible. There I solved a serious adult problem for myself in a second.
From there you can see through every person: what he is like, what is in his heart, what he thinks about, all his passions, what his soul strives for. A hundred years is like one moment

– Do you mean that even thoughts are visible to everyone?

– Thoughts of course, everything is visible there, and the person is visible in full view, but at the same time one can feel the love and light that emanate from God. You look from above and think: why do you, man, need so much, how much time do you have left? By the way, about time. Our calculation (one year, two, three, one hundred, five hundred years) is not there, it is a moment, a second. You lived 10 years or lived 100 years - like a flash, once - and that’s it, and then no. There's eternity there. Time is not felt at all like it is on Earth. And you clearly understand that the time of our earthly life is the time when a person can repent and turn to God.

They showed me our Earth, I saw people walking through the cities and streets. From there you can see the inner world of every person: what he lives for, all his thoughts, aspirations, passions, the disposition of his soul and heart. I have seen that people do evil because of the desire for wealth, acquisitiveness and pleasure, because of career, honor or fame. On the one hand, it’s disgusting to look at this, but on the other, I felt sorry for all these people. I wondered and wondered: “Why do most people, like blind or crazy people, follow a completely different path?” It seems to us that an earthly life of 100 years is a decent amount of time, but then you realize that this is just a moment. Earthly life is a dream compared to eternal life. The angel said that the Lord loves all people and desires salvation for everyone. The Lord does not have a single forgotten soul.

We rose higher and higher and reached some place, not even a place, as I understood, but another dimension or level, returning from which could become impossible.

The angel hinted to me to stay. I admit, I felt great love, care, bliss, and I was overwhelmed with emotions. I felt so good that I didn’t want to go back to my body at all. A voice from the Light asked if I had any unfinished business that was keeping me on Earth, and if I had time to do everything. I wasn't worried about my body lying there. I didn't want to go back at all. The only thought that worried me was about my mother. I understood the responsibility of the choice, but I understood that she would be worried. I knew that I had died, that my soul had left my body. But it was scary to imagine what would happen to my mother when she was told that her son was dead. And I was also haunted by a feeling of some kind of incompleteness, a sense of duty.

Incredibly beautiful singing was heard from somewhere above. Not even singing, but majestic, solemn rejoicing - praise to the Almighty Creator! It was similar to the Trisagion “Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal.” This jubilation permeated me, and I felt like every molecule, every atom of my soul was singing praise to God! My soul was glowing with happiness, experiencing incredible bliss, Divine love and unearthly joy. I had a desire to stay there and praise the Lord forever.

While flying with the Angel, I felt intense love and realized that God loves every person. We on Earth often judge someone, think badly of someone, but God loves absolutely everyone. Even, let's say, the lousiest scoundrels in our minds. The Lord wants to save everyone. We are all children for Him.

I also saw the Earth from afar (I didn’t ask many questions, I didn’t think of it, maybe if I was older I would have asked more). There, I repeat, the smells are so extraordinarily pleasant that if you collect all the incense of the Earth, you still won’t get such aromas. And all the orchestras in the world will not play music like the one I heard. There is a language there too, it is multifunctional, polysemantic, but everyone understands it. We communicated on it, I called it Angelic.

We need to make an effort to communicate. First, you should think about what you want to say, then choose the right words, formulate a sentence, and then pronounce it with the right intonation. Everything is wrong there.

– So they communicate there without words?

- In the next world, what you think about is what you say. You could say it's a live broadcast. And everything comes from the heart and with incredible ease. If we can be hypocritical here, then not there. The lexicon of the Angelic language contains many times more words than our earthly one. The angelic language is extremely beautiful. I spoke it myself and understood it perfectly. When this language sounds, you get the feeling that water is rustling nearby with an extraordinary variety of sounds similar to music. There is generally more of everything - colors, sounds, smells. And there is no question to which you would not receive an answer. This flow of Divine Light is the source of love, life and the absolute source of knowledge.

Everyone judges himself

– But you still returned?

– I felt some extraordinary Light from above, even greater than before. He approached us. The angel shielded me with himself, like a bird over its chick, and told me to bow my head and not look there. Divine Light enlightened my soul. I felt awe and fear, but fear not from fear, but from an indescribable feeling of greatness and glory. I had no doubt that it was the Lord. He told Angel that I was not ready yet. The decision was made to return to Earth. I asked: “How to get there, higher?” And the Angel began to list the Commandments. I asked: “What is the most important thing, what is the purpose of my life?” The angel answered: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. And love your neighbor as yourself. Treat each person as you treat yourself; what you wish for yourself, wish for the other person. Imagine that each person is yourself.” Everything was said so clearly, in understandable language, at the right level of understanding. After this, the Voice of God asked me three times: “Do you love Me?” I answered three times: “I love you, Lord.”

Returning back, I continued to communicate with my Companion. I think to myself: “I will never sin.” They tell me: “Everyone sins. You can sin even with your thoughts.” “Then how do you keep track of everyone? - I ask. “How is a specific case of sinful action of the soul assessed in court?” And this was the answer. Angel and I found ourselves in some room, looking at everything that was happening from above: several people were arguing about something, swearing, someone was accusing someone, someone was lying, making excuses... And I could hear thoughts, experience all the feelings each of the parties to the dispute. I even felt the smells, physical and emotional state of everyone. From the outside it was not difficult to assess who was to blame. There is nothing hidden or incomprehensible there; the thoughts of every person are visible there. And when the soul appears for judgment, all this will be shown to it. The soul itself will see and evaluate itself and its actions in each specific situation. Our conscience will convict us. You will find yourself in the same place, and it will be as if a film is playing in front of you, while you will listen and feel each person, recognize his thoughts at that moment. And you will even experience his physical and mental state. Each person will judge himself correctly! That's the most important thing.

My stay in another world came to an end, and I returned to my body. I felt a sharp drop, and this was the return. Oh, how difficult it is to be in our body compared to when the soul is without it. Stiffness, heaviness, pain.

– Was hell shown or something similar?

- I haven’t been to hell. I know that there are people who were there. I don’t know why, maybe I didn’t think of asking my Companion about it then. I wasn’t even in paradise, we just flew to some place, and I internally realized that if I fly higher, there will be no return.

– All this is very surprising. Do non-church people believe this testimony? If they were skeptical about your story, did you lose interest in telling it?

– Some relatives and acquaintances believe, others think and try to change their lives. At first I told my classmates, even at the first aid station, where I immediately ended up after the injury. The doctor wrote me a certificate and said: “Go home, rest.” In childhood and adolescence, I also shared this story. She was perceived differently. In adulthood, I told it at work, some thought about it, but most still don’t believe it.

I don’t know how many people have seen something like this, but mostly people are wary of such stories. Being not on Earth, I thought: “I’ll tell everyone this.” The angel, seeing my thoughts, said that people would not believe. Now I remember the Gospel parable about the rich man and the poor Lazarus, when the former asks God to send the righteous Lazarus to his living brothers, so that at least they will take care of their soul and salvation. But he was answered that if the dead were resurrected, they would not believe it. That's it for sure. Until now, many people say that I dreamed about it, someone first thinks about it, and then after some time claims that it is a hallucination. I want to say again: this is not a hallucination, not a dream, what happened is so real that rather our earthly life itself, compared to the place where I found myself, is a dream.

– Could this be a state of delusion, which means a devilish obsession?

“If it were a charm, then maybe I would be an unbeliever or crazy right now.” What is the point of showing demons the other world, my life for my own benefit? On the contrary, the devil needs to demonstrate that nothing exists; his task is to turn away from God. Moreover, there are gospel words and sermons in my meeting. Only over time, when I had already matured and become a church member and began to become acquainted with the Gospel, I remembered the words that I heard when communicating with the Angels. Many from the Gospel. What was the point of the devil making me a church person, a Christian? He needs to be taken away from the faith, from the Church.

– What was the state after death and how long did it last?

– Returning back along the same bright tunnel, I felt a sharp fall and a moment later I woke up in my body. When I woke up, I felt pain, stiffness, heaviness. I was a prisoner of my own body. The children and the teacher stood above me. Seeing that I came to life, everyone was overjoyed. One girl said: “We thought you were dead, you were already the color of a dead person.” I asked: “How long was I gone?” She replied that she didn’t time it, but about a couple of minutes. I was surprised, it seemed to me that I had been gone for at least a couple of hours.

What else did I remember... When we were flying, my earthly life showed itself in some moments. One of them: we were given history textbooks with Lenin on the first page. I took a black pen, drew horns for him, drew the pupils of his eyes like snakes, and his teeth in the form of fangs. I don’t know why, but then I wanted to paint it. The history teacher was passing by and noticed this, and, naturally, there was a scandal. They said that I was not worthy to wear a pioneer tie. It was expected that the issue of punishment would be raised at the meeting. At that moment I considered this a very shameful act. Now we know what the God-fighting Bolsheviks did in our country and how much grief they brought to people. This episode with my “art” amused even the Angels; they also have something like a sense of humor.

– Did this event greatly influence your spiritual life?

- Of course it did. If some people have faith in another world, then I have a firm conviction. There's no way you can convince me otherwise. And if I hear someone say that there is no afterlife, such atheistic slogans have no effect on me.

– What do you feel when remembering this event - fear, responsibility or joy?

- Both joy and fear. And a heightened sense of conscience, so to speak. Even then I noticed: the beauty there is such that even if it is difficult in earthly life, it is just a second, if judged in relation to that world. For the sake of eternal bliss and that unspeakable joy it is worth living, suffering, fighting. I also remember the words of St. Seraphim of Sarov and his figurative comparison that if we here on Earth were supposed to be immersed along with worms, then even in this case we must thank the Lord for the knowledge that we will be saved.

– What would you like to say to people who read your testimony?

“Many people asked me: “Or maybe you dreamed about it?” No, I didn’t dream it! Our earthly life is a dream. And there is reality! Moreover, this reality is very close to every person. There is an answer to any question there. There, a child can solve a complex problem in a split second. There I realized that man was not created to do evil. People! Wake up from your sinful sleep. Don't turn away from God. Christ is waiting with open arms for every person, everyone who is ready to open their hearts to Him. Human! Stop, open the doors of your heart. “Behold, I stand at the door and knock” (Rev. 3:20), says the Lord. Jesus Christ washed the entire human race from the power of sin with His Blood. And only the one who responds to the call of the Divine sermon is saved. And the one who refuses will not be saved. He will end up in hell. The Orthodox Church has all the necessary means for saving a person. And we must move towards the Lord with gratitude and an open heart with a desire to thank Him for the gift of salvation, knowing that even eternity will not be enough for us to express our gratitude to Him.