Means and products that increase performance and activity. Increased performance

  • Make your brain sweat
  • Eat right
  • Don't overeat
  • Wake up easily
  • Do a head massage

The pace of modern life with its constant overload and stress does not contribute in any way to clarity of thought and mental performance. Inability to concentrate, absent-mindedness, lack of interest, weakness, indifference - these are clear signs of decreased brain performance. They don’t need to be given much importance if they appear in the evening or when you go to bed, because during the night the body will rest and gain strength. But what if the same signs appear on your face in the morning? How to increase brain performance?

How to improve brain performance

Make your brain sweat

Exercise for the mind improves the neural connections of the brain and creates a foundation of intellectual power. Perform special exercises for memory development, start learning foreign languages, solve crosswords and solve math problems, play games that develop thinking (for example, board business games). Tighten your gray matter more often, and you won’t have to wonder “How to improve brain performance.”

Surrounded by all kinds of gadgets, we use our brains too rarely. Put down the calculator and do the math in your head (if you take out the calculator every time you need to add more than two numbers, you won’t be able to increase your brain performance, and your mental abilities will weaken day by day), plan your trip route mentally, without resorting to the help of a navigator , try, without looking in your notebook, to remember the phone number you need (the more numbers spinning in your head, the more new connections appear between neurons).

Eat right

It is known that the brain needs sugar to function, and many, wanting to increase brain performance, eat kilograms of sweets. When working sedentarily, this is a sure path to obesity: sugar is quickly absorbed and burned. It is better to eat foods that contain natural starch and sugar: potatoes, legumes, rice, brown bread, nuts, etc. This food will be digested more slowly, and the brain will have enough energy for several hours.

About how to eat right to increase mental performance, You will find out in the article - “ Vitamins for the mind - food for memory».

It is important not only what we eat, but also what we drink. Drinking a cup of coffee every hour is not the best way to increase brain performance. Place a bottle of plain water on your desk and drink a glass every hour, even if you don’t feel like drinking. This will save you from the heat (it will come soon) and from dehydration of the body (including dehydration of brain cells), which is often the cause of loss of performance and fatigue.

Don't overeat

The performance of the brain depends on the amount of food we consume. Scientists from the University of Florida have used an experiment to prove that satiety leads to dullness and negatively affects mental performance.

During the experiment, laboratory rats were divided into two identical groups. The first group received food in abundance, while the diet of the second group was significantly limited.

Regular observations have shown that the body of malnourished rats produces an order of magnitude less cytochrome (a protein that destroys brain cells), which, according to scientists, causes irreparable harm to the brain, and therefore affects the performance of the brain in general, and in particular decision making process, on development of memory and thinking.

The response of the second group of rats, the hungry ones, was much better than those who ate as much food as they wanted. They summed up the interview that the scientists gave to the media with the following words: “ Now we can confidently say that hunger is good for health and has a positive effect on increasing brain performance ».

Surely many who overeat during lunch feel their performance deteriorating, and makes you fall asleep right at your workplace. So don't overeat!

Read useful literature more often

I think no one doubts the benefits of reading for improving brain performance.

Reading not only increases concentration, but also stimulates the imagination: the content of the book turns into visual images in our heads. Therefore, the brain works. Scientists from the Mayo Clinic (USA) are convinced that reading reduces the likelihood that over time we will become stupid about any reason. " New material means not only new information, but also new images in the head. Any history book will force you to make comparisons with the present, which engages the analytical abilities for which the right hemisphere is responsible“says one of the Mayo Clinic researchers.

Instead of staring at the TV, take some educational book and read it for at least 30 minutes (reading for half an hour every day will increase the performance of your brain).

When talking about educational and useful literature, I mean domestic and foreign classics, historical and specialized literature, and poetry. But the yellow press (who with whom, who has more, and who has more), comics and other similar reading matter are unlikely to have a good effect on increasing the performance of the brain.

Take a break, relax and get enough sleep

Working without rest always leads to loss of performance. The American Journal of Epidemiology recently published a study stating: Fifty-five or more working hours per week (eleven hours per day on a five-day basis) leads to fairly low scores on vocabulary and intelligence tests. The optimal option is 35-40 - hour work week" It’s clear that you can’t go up to your boss and say: “ If you want your team to work better, reduce working hours" In such conditions, performance can be increased through short breaks.

Feel free to scratch your tongue over a cup of coffee with your work colleagues. Here's what Oscar Ibarra, the author of one of the studies conducted at Michigan State University, says about this: “ Sometimes idle talk can be useful. Those who take breaks from work and chat with co-workers for ten minutes do better on agility tests than those who do them straight away without talking. And that's why - communicative communication sharpens memory and activates other brain functions because it requires information processing (for example, determining whether the interlocutor is lying or telling the truth)».

To those who distant work, can control their working hours and take a break for an hour or two without fear of being reprimanded. The main thing is not to sit like a robot and remember that if you are distracted and rested, it will improve your performance.

Don’t forget to give yourself days off (especially for those who work remotely and for themselves). The best vacation is outdoor recreation! Hunting, fishing, hiking in the forest to pick berries, climbing mountains, barbecuing in the country - all these are good ways to give your brain a break from stressful everyday life, recharge your batteries and increase brain performance.

And of course, speaking about rest and its impact on increasing brain performance, it should be noted the importance of healthy and adequate sleep. After all, it is known that sleep deprivation and sleep deprivation lead to premature fatigue and short-sighted decision-making.

Keep a routine: go to sleep and wake up at a certain time every day. Even on weekends, try to stick to the established routine.

Wake up easily

Physiologists around the world advise to increase mental performance learn to wake up without an alarm clock. If you get up at the right time without the help of an alarm clock, you feel more sleepy. Consequently, you have more energy and strength, a clearer head and a better mood.

Give up bad habits

Much has been said about the dangers of smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, but there are people who claim that tobacco and alcohol (especially smoking) stimulate the performance of brain activity. However, doctors, through their numerous experiments (I will not go into details), have proven that the opinion about tobacco and alcohol as stimulants of brain activity is false and unfounded. Tobacco, like alcohol, is not a true, but a false stimulant of performance and productivity. It only creates the illusion of “enlightenment” of the head and a surge of strength. In reality, smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol do not allow focus on study and work, reduce the level of efficiency, reduce the volume of work performed, and also deteriorate their quality.

Don't know how to improve brain performance? The first thing to do is quit smoking and excessive alcohol consumption!

Force yourself to move as much as possible

Daily physical exercise will help improve vascular elasticity and blood circulation, help restore lost neural connections and promote the emergence of new ones, which will lead to improved brain performance.

Do a head massage

Head and neck massage improves blood flow in the cerebral cortex, and is therefore beneficial for cellular cerebral circulation. If possible, visit a professional massage therapist; if finances or time are tight, self-massage will help. Information on how to do self-massage of the head and collar area on the Internet is a dime a dozen. I will only say that if you perform this massage every day for ten minutes for several weeks, you will notice that by the evening the ability to think clearly and clearly will not disappear, and fatigue will no longer be so obvious.

Use colors and aromatherapy

It has been proven that some smells and colors have a calming effect, while others, on the contrary, are stimulants and irritants for the brain (for more details, see the article “Color Therapy”). The yellow color stimulates brain function well - it tones and invigorates, increases mental performance and lifts your mood (you can hang a picture above your desktop in which this color predominates). Among the smells, citrus and woody aromas are good for increasing brain performance. Use natural essential oils rather than air fresheners.

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Participants in my trainings are always interested in: how to increase their performance, how to really manage their mental and physical tone.

The main difference of our time is the increase in labor intensity. To achieve good results at work, we are forced to work more and more, therefore, our performance must be high. Among my friends who have really achieved success, there are many people who already work 10-12 hours without days off. The intensity of work will continue to intensify.

Competition in the labor market is growing every year, and we need to make more and more efforts to remain competitive. To do this, you need to study a lot and process a colossal amount of information, master new skills, that is, increase your performance.

Naturally, such a rhythm of life leads to large energy costs, and our possibilities are not limitless. But life requires us to always be in good physical and psychological shape. How to increase efficiency, how to maintain our physical and mental tone, because our capabilities are limited by the capabilities of our body, especially if we have to work intensively for months, or even years?

Here are the signals that you are losing your physical and mental tone: restless sleep, lethargy in the morning, it takes a certain period of time to get in shape, your head works worse, you feel tension in your body, anxiety or despondency predominates in your mood, apathy, constant you have to force yourself to do something. During the day you are drawn to sleep, you feel like a squeezed lemon, and in the evening you cannot fall asleep quickly.

At my trainings, I teach people how and by what parameters to diagnose the state of physical and mental tone. I usually suggest rating the following parameters on a scale from 1 to 10:

1. Sleep quality. How do you get enough sleep?

2. Physical tone, feeling of energy, inner strength.

3. Mental tone: clarity of mind, level of concentration, intelligence.

4. Emotions, your mood.

If your scores in all parameters range from 6 to 10 points, then this is the norm.

If below 6 points to 4 points, this is the lower limit of the norm.

If the scores are below 4 points, your condition needs correction, support and treatment.

It also happens that healthy sleep, optimal physical activity, proper, balanced nutrition no longer give the same effect, and you need to work at the same level or even greater intensity, and here the possibilities of psychopharmacology will help you.

Already one third of people in Europe and Japan use various drugs that increase mental and physical performance. Let me make a reservation right away that I will only consider those drugs that are sold in a wide pharmacy chain without a prescription, have minimal side effects and have long been used to improve physical and mental tone. These drugs increase concentration, memory, associativity, speed, flexibility and critical thinking, and create a reserve of endurance.

There are four main groups of drugs that affect performance

1. Nootropics, neuropetids: Aminalon, Gamalon, Piracetam, Nootropil, Phezam, Phenotropil, Cogitum, Semax and Q 10

2. Vascular drugs that improve the quality of cerebral circulation: Cavinton Cinnarizine, Tanakan, Gingo Biloba, Detralex, Q 10

3. Vitamins: Neuromultivit, Berocca plus, Lecithin

4. Adaptogens: Chinese Schisandra, Schizandra

These drugs can be used as prophylactic agents, some of them can be used as emergency drugs: Phenotropil, Semax, Cogitum, Chinese Schisandra, Schizandra.

We all know very well that our energy at the level of the biochemistry of our body is the exchange of ATP in our body. BUT in order to have the energy we need, we need glucose, water and oxygen. It appears that the entire body is working to maintain optimal brain activity.

Our brain uses significantly more energy than all other human organs. The body is an excellent self-regulating system; we just need to create optimal conditions for it so that our brain can work more efficiently.

In order to increase your performance and always be in good shape, you need to fulfill a number of conditions.

1. First of all - quality, sound sleep of 7-8 hours, it is better to go to bed before 12 o'clock at night.

Sleep should be as deep as possible. For this you need: a comfortable pillow, a hard mattress, the room should be cool - 20 degrees.

Criteria for healthy sleep: you fall asleep quickly and practically do not wake up at night, you either have pleasant dreams or have no dreams at all. In the morning you get up in a good mood, filled with energy and can quickly get back to work. Three or four nights of lack of sleep reduces our intelligence level by 30 percent.

2. Optimal physical activity. Our body is 30-50 percent made up of muscles and there is a whole science called kinesiology that studies the functioning of our muscles. If muscles do not receive the load they need, they gradually atrophy, which leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of the muscle corset, especially in the area of ​​the spinal column. Reduced muscle tone causes decreased performance, including mental performance.

There are three main types of physical activity:

  • Cardio workouts: running, swimming, aerobic exercise
  • Strength: exercise machines, barbell, dumbbells
  • Stretch marks

Depending on the characteristics of your body, you need to combine all three types of physical activity. Each of these types affects the body, increasing physical tone. If cardio exercises are needed to increase endurance and oxygen flow, then working with weights increases muscle tone and forms a muscle corset.

In turn, stretching helps reduce muscle tension and creates additional stimulation of the central nervous system. Regular stressful and sub-stress physical activity on the body contributes to the development of endurance, psychological stability, and increased performance.

3. Be sure to be in the fresh air. We need oxygen for the body and brain to function optimally. At least half an hour walks outside. Breathing exercises, full rhythmic breathing, and abdominal breathing can help you get extra oxygen.

4. A balanced diet is another important factor that contributes to optimal brain function.

5. Regular autogenic training will help you relieve physical and mental fatigue, restore performance, significantly reduce muscle tension, even out your mood and get ready for active work.

I wish you to increase your efficiency, work with drive, enjoy life and always be in joy. I am ready to help you learn all psychotechniques and auto-training in my Stress Management and Emotional Intelligence trainings. You can find a lot of material on this topic in my books on psychology “Managing Joy”, “Drive Management”, “Stress Management”, “Managing Emotions”.

Regular stress and sub-stress loads on the body contribute to the development of endurance, psychological stability, and increased performance.

Vagin Igor Olegovich

Our world and our life are very complex, every day we run somewhere, hurry, hurry, from such a rhythm of life a person gets tired and apathy begins to affect everything that surrounds us.

You've probably also noticed that you're running somewhere while working, trying to get all the work done, getting nervous, and as a result you feel lethargic, tired, stressed, nervous about every little thing, all this happens because of fatigue.

If you feel tired in the evening and at the end of the work week, then this is not a problem for you and your body, you just need to rest well, get enough sleep and you will be in shape again.

But if you feel tired and apathetic in the morning, then you should think about it and change something in your rhythm of life.

What reasons may affect your performance?

In fact, there are a lot of reasons that can reduce your performance:

    you can be affected by bad weather, slush on the street, this makes many people depressed, a bad mood can affect not only work, but also the people who surround you;

    in spring after autumn and winter, people often feel tired, lack of sun and vitamins affects the body;

    there are many things that you cannot finish, they constantly weigh on you;

    If the time of year is summer and it’s warm outside, then of course you want to take a walk, relax, and sunbathe in the fresh air.

How can you improve your performance?

Method 1. Rest

You are tired, give yourself a rest and recuperate. Turn off all means of communication, let your body sleep, enjoy a warm, soft bed, take a bath, do your favorite things.

If you decide to rest, then don’t even think about work, don’t let it haunt you that day.

Watch an interesting movie, take a walk, or just do nothing.

All people rest differently and restore strength differently.

Method 2. Train yourself to plan your work day

Proper planning of the working day increases productivity.

Train yourself in the evening before going to bed to draw up a work plan for tomorrow; it won’t take you much time to draw up a plan.

You can start making a plan while you are preparing dinner.

The plan should include not only work matters, but also family matters that you have planned for tomorrow.

Learn to make a plan, clearly planning each item, from the very morning until the evening.

Planning the day disciplines a person, gives him the opportunity to see the entire plan and carry it out point by point.

Method 3. Determine the most productive time

It is very important for each person to determine the most productive time for him, in which he can plan the greatest amount of work.

Many people, after rest and good sleep, can do many important things in the morning, if you are one of this type of people, then plan important and necessary things for the morning.

Others, on the contrary, cannot get into the desired rhythm of work in the morning; their working capacity appears in the afternoon or even in the evening.

It is important for such people to schedule important tasks in the afternoon and evening.

Plan the most important and necessary tasks for the period of time when you are at your peak performance. At this time, you will be able to do more things and tasks than at other times.

Method 4. Teach you to concentrate on work

To quickly and efficiently complete your work, learn to concentrate only on work and do not be distracted from it.

Turn off contacts and correspondence that may bother you; you can read everything that was written to you during your lunch break or in the evening after work.

There is no need to do several things at the same time, when you are distracted from important work, then it is very difficult to get yourself together and start it again.

Your goal is concentration; you come to work, which means you should only do work, and everything else can be done later.

Method 5. Ability to switch

Every person must learn to switch from one job to another.

If you are busy with an important task and cannot find the right solution, be distracted by another task that is not as important as this, work in a different direction, go to lunch, your strength will be restored and new ideas will come.

With the ability to switch correctly, new ideas appear that will help you quickly solve your problem.

Method 6. Always complete your tasks

If you have planned to do eight things today, do not put them off until tomorrow, do them today. Do not be distracted by empty conversations at work or unnecessary correspondence on the phone.

You have planned eight tasks for today, which means you must complete them today, and not tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

Method 7. Learn to distribute responsibilities

It is very important to learn how to distribute responsibilities at work and at home; you do not need to take full responsibility for running the household and doing work in the office.

At home, you can easily share responsibilities, your husband can go to the store and buy groceries, the children can do the cleaning and take out the trash, and you can cook dinner.

At work, also look at what work can be distributed to whom and you don’t have to shoulder everything.

Method 8: Take a break

Often people do not feel sorry for themselves, they work at full strength, then fatigue, lethargy, and reluctance to do something sets in. There is no need to bring the body to such a state, give yourself a rest, take a break from work.

Learn to take a break while working, rest for five or ten minutes, switch to a cup of tea with a sweet and then you can get back to work.

Method 9. Walking in the fresh air

No matter where or who you work, don't forget about walks in the fresh air.

If you have the opportunity, take a walk in the evening before going to bed; your brain needs oxygen to work.

On your day off, go for a walk with the whole family, play active games in nature, this will give you a boost of vigor and strength.

Do not forget to ventilate the room in which you are at home and at work.

Walking in the fresh air will give you strength and increase your performance.

Method 10. Proper nutrition

Often people don’t even notice that they have no time to eat; some work from morning to evening and are so busy with their work that they don’t even remember whether they ate today or not.

Pay attention to your diet, proper nutrition helps the body, brain and improves performance.

Don't eat sandwiches, don't eat fast foods, eat healthy foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals that the body needs so much.

Be sure to include nuts, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, herbs, and honey in your diet.

Courses for the development of intelligence

In addition to games, we have interesting courses that will perfectly pump up your brain and improve your intelligence, memory, thinking, and concentration:

Money and the Millionaire Mindset

Why are there problems with money? In this course we will answer this question in detail, look deep into the problem, and consider our relationship with money from psychological, economic and emotional points of view. From the course you will learn what you need to do to solve all your financial problems, start saving money and invest it in the future.

Speed ​​reading in 30 days

Would you like to quickly read books, articles, newsletters, etc. that interest you? If your answer is “yes,” then our course will help you develop speed reading and synchronize both hemispheres of the brain.

With synchronized, joint work of both hemispheres, the brain begins to work many times faster, which opens up much more possibilities. Attention, concentration, speed of perception intensifies many times over! Using the speed reading techniques from our course, you can kill two birds with one stone:

  1. Learn to read very quickly
  2. Improve attention and concentration, as they are extremely important when reading quickly
  3. Read a book a day and finish your work faster

We speed up mental arithmetic, NOT mental arithmetic

Secret and popular techniques and life hacks, suitable even for a child. From the course you will not only learn dozens of techniques for simplified and quick multiplication, addition, multiplication, division, and calculating percentages, but you will also practice them in special tasks and educational games! Mental arithmetic also requires a lot of attention and concentration, which are actively trained when solving interesting problems.

Development of memory and attention in a child 5-10 years old

The course includes 30 lessons with useful tips and exercises for children's development. Each lesson contains useful advice, several interesting exercises, an assignment for the lesson and an additional bonus at the end: an educational mini-game from our partner. Course duration: 30 days. The course is useful not only for children, but also for their parents.

Secrets of brain fitness, training memory, attention, thinking, counting

If you want to speed up your brain, improve its functioning, improve your memory, attention, concentration, develop more creativity, perform exciting exercises, train in a playful way and solve interesting problems, then sign up! 30 days of powerful brain fitness are guaranteed to you:)

Super memory in 30 days

As soon as you sign up for this course, you will begin a powerful 30-day training in the development of super-memory and brain pumping.

Within 30 days after subscribing, you will receive interesting exercises and educational games in your email that you can apply in your life.

We will learn to remember everything that may be needed in work or personal life: learn to remember texts, sequences of words, numbers, images, events that happened during the day, week, month, and even road maps.


Each person has his own life situation, his own principles of work and rest. Some people know how to work and rest and regain strength in time, while others need help and advice. Work, improve your performance. We wish you good luck.

The rhythm of modern life is so fast that this is what causes many health problems. People are increasingly complaining:

  • for stress and constant fatigue;
  • disorders and ailments;
  • lack of sleep and exhaustion;
  • irritability and aggressiveness;
  • absent-mindedness and loss of attention;
  • loss of performance and efficiency.

We have already talked about how to deal with some of these ailments on the site and the reader can find relevant articles through the Site Map. Within the framework of this topic, we will consider the last point - loss of performance, and try to find solutions to this specific problem.

In the most general terms, to restore working capacity, we can advise: strong and deep, healthy eating, giving up bad habits, massage treatments, daily routine, a combination of periods of work and rest. If these procedures do not restore mental and moral balance, then physical strength is guaranteed to be restored.

Improving performance: general principles

If you feel tired after work, it’s okay, it’s normal. But waking up with a feeling of powerlessness, in an inert state, is already bad, especially when a full day of work awaits you. How to work if you are already exhausted and exhausted in the morning?

Increased performance is based on a clear daily routine. Without following the regime, it is simply impossible to achieve high efficiency, and you will always fall out of the rhythm of life of a chaotic day.

A stable schedule is the main recipe for fatigue, which can be supplemented with a healthy diet and good sleep. At the same time, it is important to go to bed no later than 24:00, and if you experience any difficulties with this, adjust your daily routine! It’s better to go to bed, say, at 23:00, but wake up earlier than to stay up after midnight and jump up 10 minutes before going to work.

Regarding healthy food, it is worth noting only one thing: there should not be a lot of it. It is even advisable to divide the portions, reduce them, but increase the frequency of meals. When it comes to food, you should also give preference to healthy, preferably homemade, products, excluding from your diet any things that may contain food additives, artificial ingredients, or dyes.

In order for your body to receive a charge of vivacity and energy and remain in good shape all the time, you could use the following techniques:

1. Playing sports (any active).
2. Fight bad habits.
3. Walking in the fresh air.
4. Fortification, vitamin diet.
5. Regular breaks from work. 10 minutes of rest every 2 hours will be enough. By the way, at this time it is not at all necessary to idle. :

  • mental to physical;
  • and physical to mental.

Increased brain performance

Working with the brain takes a special place in our article. After all, physical fatigue is not the only type of exhaustion that causes a person to lose performance. Moral, mental, brain fatigue (similar to physical) incapacitates an active personality. But this disease can also be combated with the help of:

1. Mental training (there are hundreds and thousands of them on the Internet).
2. Reading useful books that make you think and require mental activity.
3. Changes in ordinary things. Try to change your usual actions at least occasionally: write with the other hand, walk backwards, think like a child, ask other problems to your inquisitive mind, shock it.
4. Return to the school curriculum. Just open any textbook from school and remember.
5. Learning new languages, songs, poems, jokes, wise aphorisms.
6. Writing articles on arbitrary topics. The main thing is to use your creativity, which will connect your brain to work.

At the end of the article, it should be noted that energy drinks and drugs are not suitable for increasing performance and fighting fatigue. Such things can activate hidden reserves, but only occasionally, in extreme cases. By and large, taking such drugs only depletes the body without filling it with actual energy.

And in general, there is simply no instant increase in performance. This procedure is systematic and extended over time. Its foundations are healthy rest and activity, distributed according to the daily schedule. And everything else is just temporary self-deception that cannot solve the problem.

Residents of megacities are increasingly noticing a feeling of extreme fatigue that does not leave the mind and body even after weekends and holidays. Not only the fast pace of life dictated by big cities, nutrition and ecology, but also some negative human habits are responsible for the loss of vital energy. It is enough to make a number of changes to your daily routine to improve your performance and once again feel a surge of strength and vigor.

Instead of pumping your body full of caffeine, energy drinks, or, conversely, sleeping pills and alcohol every day to relax, you should turn to your biological clock. Some mobile applications on modern smartphones will help you easily determine and build an individual sleep and wakefulness schedule, so as not to feel overwhelmed in the morning and not count sheep in an attempt to fall asleep late at night.

If you have a sedentary job, then to maintain general tone it is enough to devote 20 minutes to training three times a week and walk more. Lack of movement and physical activity negatively affects the overall endurance of the body. This means you will lose strength by literally doing nothing. You don't have to exhaust yourself with daily cardio and strength exercises and spend significant time in the gym. The main thing is not to skip classes, even if you are not in the mood and have the strength to do anything, thinking that by doing this you will retain the rest of your vigor. Sports increase your energy reserves, stimulating your body to fight fatigue more easily and recover faster.

Try to monitor the amount of liquid you drink throughout the day. Even 2% dehydration affects the functioning of the heart. As a result, the brain receives less oxygen, which reduces your performance and reaction speed. Slower oxygen circulation is also affected by a lack of iron in the food consumed, which can lead to anemia.

Allow yourself not to stay in the office after the end of the working day and do not skip breaks, even if it is not customary or you have a deadline. The same goes for projects that do not have a clear time schedule and working while on vacation. Time management directly affects the quality of work. And this pattern is best explained by the Pareto law, known to most as the 20/80 principle.

Mental fatigue occurs due to various fears and increased anxiety of a person. We spend a lot of energy on fears and negative thoughts that often arise out of the blue. To preserve your vital energy, you need to try to abstract yourself from the situation or people that are disturbing you, and also learn to correctly express your emotions. Various meditative practices and art therapy work well with this.

Feeling tired can occur due to sudden spikes in blood sugar. Therefore, it is worth excluding foods consisting of simple carbohydrates from your daily diet and replacing them with complex ones.

Learn to say no to people, don’t let them cross your personal boundaries, so that you don’t suffer from powerlessness and anger in trying to earn someone else’s praise.

When you feel low in energy, there is a great temptation to leave a mess behind and put off sorting out things and documents until tomorrow. However, when you return to the office, you will be even more upset, starting the day in a bad mood. In most cases, clutter does not contribute to good concentration and does not allow you to fully focus on work.

Virtual reality is firmly entrenched in our lives and can completely change our perception of time. Try to limit your access to the Internet, games and television an hour before bed so as not to block melatonin production.

By following these simple tips, you can get rid of fatigue and increase your performance several times.

Chronic fatigue is a syndrome that manifests itself in increased fatigue, irritability and bad mood. Fatigue does not go away even after a good rest. Most often, people who devote themselves to constant communication with people are susceptible to chronic fatigue: psychologists, doctors, managers, etc.

How does chronic fatigue manifest itself?

Of course, the most important symptom is constant, persistent fatigue. A person feels tired from the first minutes of the morning, when he washes his face and eats breakfast. This negatively affects the body’s performance: concentration and memory are impaired, and thought processes are inhibited.

People with chronic fatigue are often prone to anxiety, fear, and dark thoughts. This leads to insomnia. Despite extreme fatigue, a person still cannot fall asleep immediately, turning over dark thoughts in his head.

One of the first symptoms of nervous system overstrain is a headache, especially in the temples. Pain can also be felt in the muscles of the entire body.

How to avoid chronic fatigue?

You need to love your job, this is the best remedy for overstrain. It is equally important to consider the following points:

Healthy sleep. 7-8 hours is the minimum for proper sleep. The time to get up should be calculated so that there is enough time for all morning activities with a small margin. Excessive haste is tiring and stressful.

Sorting cases. In order not to collapse from fatigue at the end of the working day, you can try to divide things into 4 categories: important + urgent, important + non-urgent, unimportant + urgent, unimportant + non-urgent. This will help you understand what you need to do right now, what you can do a little later, and what you don’t need to do.

Lunch time. Lunch is required! This is a well-deserved time for proper rest and eating. It is worth turning off all phones and devoting your time to lunch. It is advisable to choose light food to avoid heaviness in the afternoon.

Weekends and vacations. Many workers shoulder additional work that they do all weekend. Among them, chronic fatigue most often lives. Weekends are a legitimate vacation. Dedicate this time to family and favorite activities. You definitely shouldn’t take your work phones and laptops with you on vacation. The better rested you are, the better you will perform.

What to do if you notice symptoms?

If sleep and good rest do not help relieve fatigue, you should consult a doctor. Chronic fatigue can be a symptom of many diseases. But first you need to reconsider your lifestyle: give up bad habits and junk food; exclude sausages, chips, snacks from the diet; increase consumption of greens, vegetables, nuts, cereals; increase consumption of foods containing vitamin B; be sure to have breakfast; refuse late dinner.

Poor health caused by fatigue reduces performance and causes a lot of trouble. But there are many ways to get rid of fatigue and stay alert all day.

You will need

  • - water;
  • - chocolate;
  • - figs;
  • - dried apricots;
  • - raisin;
  • - whole grains, brown bread and other foods containing carbohydrates.


Sleep should be of high quality, that is, no extraneous noises or sounds. Yes, and you need to go slowly. It is best to think in the evening about what might wake you up at dawn: it is advisable to be woken up in the morning by a pleasant musical composition, the volume of which will gradually increase.

Drinking a glass of water in the morning has a beneficial effect: it is the best “fuel”. In addition, do not skip a full breakfast (it will give you strength and energy). Reduce portions while increasing the frequency of meals, for example, up to five times.

Learn to manage your emotions: a pessimistic attitude is tiring, so try to see the positive side everywhere. Due to stress and other negative emotions, it will fall.

It has a stimulating effect, but do not get carried away with the consumption of this product. Literally in three to four hours the effect of “increasing strength” will pass, that is, this “stimulant” has a short-term effect. Dark chocolate can also improve performance, while milk chocolate calms the nervous system and improves mood.

Allow yourself snacks between main meals, using natural ones: dried apricots, figs, raisins and more. Enrich your diet with carbohydrates - this is a source of strength necessary to maintain proper energy levels. But choose only “healthy” carbohydrates (whole

Essential oils for energy.

To restore vigor and relieve fatigue, it is recommended to take warm baths with essential oils of lemon, lemongrass or grapefruit. Lemon ideally improves performance and instantly improves tone even after the hardest work days or stressful situations. Lemongrass has a beneficial effect on brain function, improving memory and making it easier to concentrate. Grapefruit can evoke positive emotions and combat constant drowsiness.

Essential oils to awaken the senses.

Essential oils of fig and vanilla will help you find harmony with yourself, awaken your senses and significantly increase your self-esteem. Figs calm down and clarify clarity of consciousness. Vanilla has long been considered a symbol of sensuality. With just two ingredients, you can greatly enhance your attractiveness and awaken your passions and temptations.

Essential oils for a good mood.

A bad mood can be caused not only by specific annoying situations, but also by the regular accumulation of negative emotions. Essential oils of rose, mimosa and lavender will help restore joy. Mimosa can literally charge you with positive emotions and optimism. Lavender is ideal for relaxing and relieving tension. Rose immerses you in a world of dreams and daydreams.


  • Psycho-emotional effects of fragrances