Summary of the GCD “Me and my body. Human body and soul

This summary will be useful for educators preschool institutions, and for parents. The material is written for older children preschool age, but depending on the age of the children, it can be complicated or simplified.



Abstract on healthy lifestyle for children of senior preschool age.

Topic: “Man - body structure”

Author: Kozyutenko Svetlana Yurievna - teacher at the preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 45, city of Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod region.
Description: This summary will be useful to both preschool teachers and parents. The material is written for children of senior preschool age, but depending on the age of the children, it can be complicated or simplified.
Familiarization of preschool children with external and internal structure human body; formation of beliefs and habits of a healthy lifestyle.
1. Introduce children to the important organs of the human body: heart, lungs, stomach, brain.
2. Make it clear that the body needs to be taken care of. Instill the habit of taking care of your body and strengthening it.
3. Introduce the need to lead a healthy lifestyle.
4. Foster a desire to take care of your health.
5. Develop speech, memory, fine motor skills, orientation on a sheet of paper.
Silhouette of a person (image of a skeleton), silhouettes of organs (heart, lungs, stomach, brain), accordion, pictures of unhealthy and healthy foods, silhouette of a tree.
Preliminary work: reviewing the encyclopedia “My Body”, reading the book “The ABC of Health”, conversation “Healthy Products”, “Sport is Health”

GCD move.
Organizational part:
-Guys, look today we have guests, say hello to them.
Hello! - You tell the person.
Hello! - He will smile back.
What do we wish for a person when we say “Hello!”?
Children: We wish you good health.
I am very glad to see you all so healthy and beautiful today.

And now I want to tell you an old legend: a long time ago, the Gods lived on Mount Olympus.

They got bored and decided to create a man. They began to think about what a person should be like. One of the Gods (Miroslav) said: “A person must be strong.”

Second (Vitaly) “A person must be smart.”

Third: (Andrey) “A person must be healthy.”

Fourth: (Svyatoslav) “If a person has all this, he will be like us.”

(stand in a circle and discuss)

And they decided to hide the main thing a person has - health. They began to think and decide where to hide it?

Some suggested hiding health deep in the sea, others - high in the mountains. And one of the gods suggested

(Timofey): “Health must be hidden in the person himself!”

This is how people have lived since ancient times, trying to find their health, but not everyone can find it - this priceless gift Gods.

This means that health, it turns out, is hidden in me, and in you, and in each of us.

A person’s health largely depends on himself. Some people take care of their health, trying to preserve this priceless gift of the gods. Every day they “build” themselves. They strive to become stronger, stronger, smarter, kinder. Others thoughtlessly waste their health, destroying themselves.

Main part
Today someone came to visit us, and to find out who it is, guess the riddle.
He is smarter than everyone else on earth,
That's why he's stronger than everyone else. (Children's answers.)
The appearance of a man. (I bring in a sketchy man.)

This is a man! How much each of you can do! What can you do?
(Sing, laugh, run, jump, dance, invent different stories. We can be upset, rejoice, see clouds floating across the sky.)
Each of us has what?
- Two arms, two legs, head, eyes. Ears, back, stomach: all these are parts of the body.

Describe a healthy person (strong, smart, slender, happy, dexterous, joyful, neat, he has a beautiful figure, a white-toothed smile, sparkling eyes, an easy gait).

Describe the sick person (lazy, gloomy, sad, angry).

Now let's see what human bones look like (examination of the human skeleton).

D/I “My body”

And now we will play the game: “My body.” What does the human body consist of? Repeat after me and show me what we will talk about:

Nightingale head (stroking the head),
- forehead-bobby (put the forehead forward).
- apricot nose (close the eyes, touch the tip of the nose with your finger),
- lump cheeks (crushing cheeks with fingers),
- dove sponges (pull the sponges into a tube),
- teeth - pipes (teeth chatter),
- young beard (stroking the chin),
- paint eyes (open the eyes wider),
- fidgety ears (tinder ears),
- turkey neck (stretch the neck),
- grasshopper hangers (pulling their hangers),
- Grasping hands (hug yourself),
- fingers - boys (move their fingers),
- duck breast (stretch the chest),
- watermelon belly (put the belly forward),
- back - reed (stretch the back),
- log knees (bend legs at the knees),
- feet-boots (stomp with feet).

So we remembered what our body consists of.

A person is different:
Medium, small, large,
And it’s not so easy to immediately figure out who is which,
There are eyebrows, there are ears, there is a mouth, and two hands.
What's on the outside is important, but what's on the inside is more important.
So it’s not a matter of appearance, the essence is not at all so simple.
Our main differences: heart, mind, kindness.
The heart needs a sharp look, take a closer look -
It is very important what is outside, but what is more important is what is inside.

Beautiful words: It’s not what’s on the outside that’s important, but what’s on the inside of a person.

Guys, a family of organs is working inside our body. I will now ask riddles, and you will try to guess them.
In the middle of a man
Knocking day and night...
It knocks day and night,
It's like it's a routine.
It will be bad if suddenly
This knocking will stop.
They look at the picture of the heart, what is it for?
Heart muscle pump
Our body pumps blood
Never rests
Find your heart and listen to how it beats. (Find your heart and listen to how it beats). What happens to the heart if we jump and jump? Check it out.
Physical education minute
Girls and boys, turn into balls
P/I “My funny ringing ball”
-Now listen to how your heart beats.
(After physical activity, listen to the heart beat again)
- Do you think that when I eat, my heart starts beating faster? What needs to be done to calm the heart?
The eyelashes droop and the eyes close.
We rest peacefully and help the body.
Our hands rest, become heavy, and fall asleep.
The neck is not tense, but rather relaxed.
The lips part slightly, relaxing so pleasantly.
It's easy to breathe... Exactly, deep.
We have a wonderful rest and help our body.
-Listen, how does your heart work now? What helped calm your heart? To strengthen the heart, you need to alternate physical exercise and rest.
(Find the place of the heart on the person and attach it.)
What can’t a person live without for even five minutes? (without air)
-Guys, we all know:
Without breath there is no life,
Without breathing, the light fades.
Birds and flowers breathe.
He, and I, and you breathe.

Let's check if this is true.
Experience: Try to take a deep breath and cover your mouth and nose with your palm.
Question: How do you feel? Why couldn't they be without air for a long time?
Right! It’s every cell of your body that has rebelled - please send us some air, otherwise we will die.
- We breathe, and our lungs help us with this.
Place your hand on your chest and let us inhale and exhale. Do you feel your breasts enlarging, rising and falling?
(I show the accordion, stretch and pull back)
- This is how our lungs work, guys. When air enters the lungs, it stretches them, and when it leaves, the lungs return to their normal size.
Show lungs
Breathing exercises
"The wind blows"
While standing, calmly inhale through your nose and also calmly exhale through your mouth.
I'll blow high
(raise your arms up, stand on your toes, blow),
I'll blow low
(hands in front of you, sit down and blow),

I'll blow far away
(hands in front of you, bend forward, blow),
I'll blow close
(put your hands on your chest and blow on them). What kind of air is good for our body? (Fresh, clean.) Show where the lungs are.

Where does the apple go when we bite into it?
- Of course, in the stomach. Where is the stomach? Show me at your place?(show stomach).

What happens to food in the stomach? What food is good for our body and why? Which one is harmful? healthy person easy to recognize: he has a slender figure, an easy gait, beautiful eyes. How good it is to be healthy!
Talk about the benefits of nutrition, healthy and unhealthy foods.
D/I “So or not so”
1. Eat more oranges, drink delicious carrot juice,
And then you will definitely be very slim and tall.
2. If you want to be slim, you need to love sweets.
Eat candy, chew toffee, become built like a cypress.
3. To eat healthy, you will remember the advice:
Eat fruit, porridge with butter, fish, honey and vinaigrette.
4. There are no healthier products - delicious vegetables and fruits.
Both Seryozha and Irina benefit from vitamins.
5. Our Lyuba ate buns and became terribly fat.
He wants to come visit us, but he can’t crawl through the door.
6. If you want to be healthy, eat right,
Eat more vitamins, don’t worry about diseases.
7Yellow Fanta - a drink for a dandy
8If you drink Fanta, look, you will dissolve from the inside.
9In the world best reward- this is a chocolate bar
10The best reward in the world is a branch of Grapes.
11Know this, ladies and gentlemen: Snickers is the best food.
12If you eat sweet Snickers, your teeth will be out of order.
13Fruits and vegetables are healthier and protect against diseases.
14 Very fatty foods always give me strength.
15 Vitamin food always gives us strength.
16The hot dog that helped me become healthy was red ketchup.
17If you eat hot dogs often, in a year you will stretch your legs.
Educator: Well done, I will definitely tell your mothers that you know how to choose healthy products.

Guys, I invite you to become gardeners of health, let's grow a miracle tree
D/I "Miracle Tree"
(there are cards with products on the table, children choose healthy ones and hang them on the tree). Admire your work.

Why did a carrot grow on a tree? What are the benefits of milk? What vitamin is in beets? Why (...) grew a nut? What vegetables and fruits protect against harmful microbes?
This is how the miracle tree turned out.
It blossomed with useful fruits,
We will remember forever.
For health we need vitamin food
They attach the stomach to a man.
What helps us think? (brain) Where is the brain? (I show his diagram) It controls the entire work of our body, sends commands to all organs of our body and receives signals from them. We remember, think, dream, fantasize. Our brain also needs training, and now we will train it.
D/I “Day - Night”
Children are invited to remember healthy foods on the miracle tree. Night. The eyes are closed and several pictures are removed from the tree. Day. The eyes are opened and the children say what has changed.
So we trained our memory. We attach the human brain.
And I suggest you also train our brains and hands and write a “Graphic Dictation”
"Graphic dictation"
3 right, 3 down, 1 left, 1 down, 5 right, 1 down, 4 left, 7 down 1 right, 1 down, 2, left, 4 up 1 left, 4 down, 2 left, 1 up, 1 right, 7 up, 4 left, 1 up, 5 right, 1 up, 1 left, 3 up.

Who did we get? (Human)
So what important organs are there in our body? What should be done to protect and strengthen them? What did you remember from the lesson? What can you tell your mom? The acquaintance with our body did not end there. In the next lesson, we will learn what to do to help our body not catch a cold. And now I suggest you draw a happy expression on your little person’s face if you liked our lesson today and a sad one if you didn’t learn anything interesting for yourself.

ANO DO "Planet of Childhood "Lada"

Kindergarten No. 63 “Vesnyanochka”

g.o. Tolyatti

Abstract of GCD

Topic: “Me and my body.”

(school preparatory age)

Compiled by: Shmeleva Galina Vladimirovna

Position: teacher (second qualification category)

2017 academic year

Target: To develop in children the ability to use knowledge about healthy way life for your own health, develop your own version of a healthy lifestyle. strengthen children's understanding of the structure own body, Expand preschoolers’ knowledge about proper nutrition, its significance, the relationship between health and nutrition. Cultivate the desire to be beautiful and



Physical education:

  1. To form and consolidate skills in health-saving technologies that promote conscious attitude to your own health.
  2. Develop healthy lifestyle skills.
  3. Develop the ability to apply knowledge about a healthy lifestyle in practice.

Social and communicative development:

  1. To develop in children conscious feelings towards their health;
  2. Develop interest in joint activities with peers and adults, the ability to work in a team, initiate communication and joint activities, politely respond to offers of communication, joint games.
  3. Cultivate a positive attitude towards maintaining and strengthening your own health.

Speech development:

  1. Enrich and energize lexicon children on the topic of the lesson. Enter in active dictionary children's concepts: heart, lungs, vitamins.
  2. Develop coherent speech skills;
  3. Strengthen children's ability to answer questions with complete answers. Express your opinion and actively participate in the discussion.
  4. Develop the ability to express value judgments about facts and phenomena that worsen or improve human health.
  5. To improve children's ability to use complex and complex sentences in speech.

Cognitive development :

  1. Continue to introduce children to the concept of a “healthy lifestyle.”
  2. Summarize children's basic knowledge about work various organs people, their names.
  3. Develop the ability to examine samples, diagrams, and establish relationships with practical purposes.
  4. Strengthen children's understanding of the structure of their own body.
  5. Expand preschoolers' knowledge about proper nutrition.
  6. To consolidate children's understanding of the structure of their own body, to give knowledge about the internal organs of a person and their purpose.
  7. Expand preschoolers’ knowledge about proper nutrition, its importance, and the relationship between health and nutrition. Cultivate the desire to be beautiful and healthy.

Equipment and materials:

diagram of the structure of the human body with internal organs, diagram of the human body with a labyrinth for each child, pictures of products containing vitamins A, B, C, D.

Forms of organization of joint activities.

Technologies used and means of implementing tasks.

- Health-saving technologies;

Interactive technologies.

Preliminary work with parents and children:

  • With parents:

Invite parents to study with their children further reading about the structure of the human body, about the functions of the organs of the human body.

  • With kids:

Review of encyclopedias about the structure of the human body; conversations about a healthy lifestyle and its attributes.

Move educational activities:

Children and the teacher stand in a circle on the massage paths.

Educator: Guys, I want to invite you to look at each other, and while you do this, let's prepare our tongue (articulatory gymnastics).

Educator: High, low, distant, close,

Giants, gnomes, kids,

The weak, the strong,

Blondes, brunettes, brown-haired people,

And all sorts of natives.

And fathers, and mothers, and children

There is nothing more dear to them in the world.

Guys, look at each other. Everyone seems to be different in appearance. Everyone has arms and legs and a mouth. Two ears, two eyes and a nose. But no matter how different they are, they are still similar in their physique. Let's remember once again what parts our body consists of.

(The child says the word and shows the named part of the body)

That's right, everything is correct, but if it's like this:

(Game “Finish the sentence”):

Everyone should be very smart... (head)

The tummy, back and chest - they are called together... (torso).

I ate all the food and now my stomach is full... (stomach)

When walking, don’t forget to protect yourself from the wind... (chest)

(Hands)…. To caress, to work, to drink from a mug.

There are boys sitting on my hand, very friendly... (fingers)

They are running along the path, frisky... (legs)

I tripped over Genka and hurt myself... (knee)

Educator: what parts of the body have you not named yet? (shoulders, pelvis, hips, feet)

Well done! You know the structure of the human body well. Can you find the right part of the body by touch? (children move to the carpet)

Game “Find the named body part by touch.” (Children become pairs, one of the pair has his eyes closed. And he must find the part of the body named by the teacher, then they change places)

Educator: Okay, and you completed this task. Now go ahead and sit quietly in your seats. (children sit on the mat, the teacher monitors the children’s posture) To know the structure of our body means to know ourselves. The more you know about yourself, the better. Inside a person there are organs that help a person grow and develop.

Guys, put your hand on the left side of your chest. Let's sit quietly and listen to ourselves. Do you feel something knocking inside? What it is? (This heart is very important organ)

Right. We cannot see it, but we can hear it if we put our hand to it. chest like we just did. Who can show the heart on the diagram? Look (The child shows a heart in the diagram).

A man's heart is slightly larger than his fist. Squeeze your fist and we will see who has what kind of heart. The heart works day and night, never stops. It moves blood like a pump throughout the body. This is a very important organ.

Now freeze and listen to your body. What else do you feel and hear? (We hear our breathing). That's right, humans have another important organ that helps us breathe and how the heart works without interruption. What kind of organ is this? These are the lungs. A person has two of them. (Shows on the diagram). Can a person live without breathing? Let's try to hold our breath for a few minutes. Does not work? This means that a person cannot live without breathing. Guys, when we inhale, we inhale a certain amount of air. (by using balloon check lung capacity). Tell us how our body depends on the work of the heart and lungs. (writing stories for children)

For the body to function well, everyone must eat well. Every day we eat food. From the plate, food enters the mouth and begins amazing trip food. Who can tell you about this journey? (the child tells, the teacher shows the stomach on the diagram). In the stomach, food is digested and converted into nutrients. (during last task children massage chestnuts and acorns in their palms)

And now we will rest. Physical exercise.

Now you see. What human body very complicated. Who knows what the body needs? For a person to be healthy, grow and develop? (a person should eat healthy foods rich in vitamins)

Yes, vitamins are very important for health. There are a lot of them, but the most important ones are vitamins A, B, C, D. (working with an interactive whiteboard)

Vitamin A - we will designate green.

Vitamin B - red, C - blue, D - yellow.

Look at the drawing of the human body. There are circles around - these are vitamins. From each vitamin there is a labyrinth to a human organ. Go through the maze and find out what vitamins each organ needs. (They conclude that vitamin A helps vision, B helps the heart, C helps the lungs, D strengthens our bones.

Now let's look at the poster and tell you which foods contain this or that vitamin.

Summary of the lesson: Today we learned a lot of interesting things. What we remembered (what parts the human body consists of, we learned what internal organs we have, what we need to do for our body to work well). What did you guys like most today? What seemed the easiest (difficult)? What would you like to know more about?


to the project “I will grow up healthy”

Conversation “Me and my body”

For older children

Target: consolidate children's understanding of the structure of their own body, give knowledge about the internal organs of a person and their purpose, consolidate skills correct construction and use complex sentences. Expand preschoolers’ knowledge about proper nutrition, its importance, and the relationship between health and nutrition. Cultivate the desire to be beautiful and healthy.

Educator: High, low, distant, close,

Giants, gnomes, kids,

The weak, the strong,

Blondes, brunettes, brown-haired people,

And all sorts of natives.

And fathers, and mothers, and children

There is nothing more dear to them in the world.

Guys, look at each other. Everyone seems to be different in appearance. But everyone has arms and legs and a mouth. Two ears, two eyes and a nose. But no matter how different they are, they are still similar in their physique. Let's remember once again what parts our body consists of.

(The child says the word and shows the named part of the body)

Everyone should be very smart... (head)

The tummy, back and chest - they are called together... (torso).

I ate all the food and now my stomach is full... (stomach)

When walking, don’t forget to protect yourself from the wind... (chest)

(Hands)…. To caress, to work, to drink from a mug.

There are boys sitting on my hand, very friendly... (fingers)

They are running along the path, frisky... (legs)

I tripped over Genka and hurt myself... (knee)

Educator: what parts of the body have you not named yet? (shoulders, pelvis, hips, feet) Well done! You know the structure of the human body well. Can you find the right part of the body by touch?

Game “Find the named part of the body by touch” (Children become pairs, one of the pair closes his eyes. And he must find the part of the body named by the teacher. Then they change places)

Educator: Okay, and you completed this task. Now go ahead and sit quietly in your seats. To know the structure of our body means to know ourselves. The more you know about yourself, the better. Inside a person there are organs that help a person grow and develop.

Guys, put your hand on the left side of your chest. Let's sit quietly and listen to ourselves. Do you feel something knocking inside? What it is? (This is the heart. A very important organ)

Right. We cannot see it, but we can hear it if we put our hand on the chest, as we just did. Who can show the heart on the diagram? (The child shows a heart in the diagram.)

A man's heart is slightly larger than his fist. Squeeze your fist and we will see who has what kind of heart. The heart works day and night, never stops. It moves blood like a pump throughout the body. This is a very important organ.

Now freeze and listen to your body. What else do you feel and hear? (We hear our breathing). That's right, humans have another important organ that helps us breathe and how the heart works without interruption. What kind of organ is this? These are the lungs. A person has two of them. (Shows on the diagram). Can a person live without breathing? Let's try to hold our breath for a few minutes. Does not work? This means that a person cannot live without breathing. Guys, when we inhale, we inhale a certain amount of air. (lung volume is checked using a balloon).

For the body to function well, everyone must eat well. Every day we eat food. From the plate the food goes into the mouth and the amazing journey of food begins. Who can tell you about this journey? (the child tells, the teacher shows the stomach on the diagram). In the stomach, food is digested and converted into nutrients.

And now we will rest. Physical exercise.

Now you see. That the human body is very complex. Who knows what the body needs? For a person to be healthy, grow and develop? (a person should eat healthy foods rich in vitamins)

Yes, vitamins are very important for health. There are a lot of them, but the most important ones are vitamins A, B, C, D. Vitamin A - we will denote it in green. Vitamin B - red, C - blue, D - yellow.

Look at the drawing of the human body. There are circles around - these are vitamins. From each vitamin there is a labyrinth to a human organ. Go through the maze and find out what vitamins each organ needs. (They conclude that vitamin A helps vision, B helps the heart, C helps the lungs, D strengthens our bones.

Now let's look at the poster and tell you which foods contain this or that vitamin.

Summary of the conversation: Today we remembered what parts the human body consists of, we learned what internal organs we have, what we need to do for our body to work well.

Valentina Kozhemyak
Summary of GCD “Me and my body”

Abstract of GCD"Me and mine body» .

Integration of educational regions: "Social-communicative" "Cognitive Development" "Cognitive speech" "Artistic Development"

Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, cognitive-research, productive.

Goals of the teacher's activities:

body, body needed body);


Expand vocabulary stock

Materials: poster depicting the human body and internal organs visual material (body parts);

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment

The goal is to create motivation to participate in the lesson.

Educator: Good afternoon guys! How are you in the mood, show off your smiles and cheerful eyes! Let's say good day to our body.

"WITH Good morning

- Good afternoon, little eyes! (stroke the eyelids)

- You woke up? (look through binoculars)

- Good afternoon, hands! (stroking)

- You woke up? (clap)

- Good afternoon, legs!

- You woke up? (stomp)

- Good afternoon, sun! (open their arms towards the sun)

2. Main part.


Guys, what natural changes occur in late autumn. (the days have become shorter and the nights longer; and the bare bushes look sadly, the sun shines little, White snow fluffy spinning in the air, blowing cold wind; There are frosty days) Sunday. Unfortunately, in the fall, people often get sick because there are sudden changes in temperature and humidity. Therefore, in the fall you need to continue hardening procedures. Guys, what else is useful to do to avoid colds. (eat vitamins, do exercises, sleep more and go for walks) fresh air) Guys today we will meet interesting topic "Valeology" in other words "Me and mine body» More than 6 billion people live on our planet. People differ from each other in the color of their eyes and hair; there are people who are tall and short, fat and thin, light-skinned and dark-skinned. Take a closer look at yourself and your friends and you will see that each person is individual. And yet, in the main, we are similar; our bodies are built and function according to general laws

. Educator: Guys, you need to treat your body with care. Tell me how to affectionately name parts of our body.

3. Game “Name it kindly”

Target: formation of the diminutive form of nouns with the suffixes -ik, -k.

Educator: head

Children: head

Educator: neck

Children: neck

Educator: hand

Children: pen

Educator: finger

Children: finger

Educator: belly

Children: tummy

Educator: leg

Children: leg, etc

Today, guys, we are not alone in our classes, the Doctor came to us and will answer all your questions.

Children sit on chairs and talk with the doctor. (Questions and answers)

Phys. just a minute. Educator:

And now we will warm up a little.

What is our body? (point to the body)

What can it do? (surprised, shrug)

Smile and laugh (according to the text)

Jump, run, play around (according to the text)

Legs can run fast (according to the text)

Hands can do everything. ( "flashlights")

Fingers grab tenaciously (according to the text)

And they squeeze tightly. (according to the text)

To become a healthy body,

We need to do exercises. (charging simulation)

Sleep and exercise a lot (according to the text)

Eat vitamins. (according to the text)

This is how we master it skillfully (tilts)

Our slender, strong body. (show muscles)

But, now; I ask you to distribute yourself among the centers. Today there are 5 centers - (mathematics center, literature center, culinary center, sand and water center, construction center)

Children go to the centers to conduct experiments together with their parents.

Cooking Center.

Target. Determine the taste of food (without looking at her).

Content. An adult offers to identify the taste of different foods. To do this, he places small pieces of different food in the child’s mouth one at a time. (from 3-5 to 10-12 products contrasting in taste). At the end of the experiment, it is advisable to talk with the child about the characteristics by which he distinguished the taste of food. (Our body's sense of touch is skin sensitivity)

A game "My face"

Construction -(center)

Goals. Teach knowledge of yourself, your individuality. Teach children how to draw a human face (using various items) . Develop fine motor skills of the hands. Reinforce children's concepts of color (blue, green, gray, Brown eyes) . Strengthen the idea of ​​parts of the face; intensify dictionary: eyes mouth, lips, nose, eyebrows. Develop tactile sensations.

Material. Multi-colored braid, buttons, sticks, plasticine, sandpaper, velvet paper, foam rubber.

Game exercise to develop the eye

Mathematics Center.

Goals. To develop children's eye, teach them to correlate the size of objects, the length of segments, etc. And all this in the body is controlled by the brain.

Mark the center of the circle with a pencil.

Divide the rectangle in half.

Draw a line of the same length.

Cut a strip of the same size.

Cut out the same shape.

Then the teacher helps to check how accurately the tasks have been completed and, if necessary, gives recommendations.

Center of sand and water.

Target. Compare the water temperature in several containers.

Literature Center.

Target. - form an idea of ​​yourself as a person (I have body, body needed, For life; what parts does mine consist of? body);

Continue to teach children to take care of themselves and their body, take care of your body;

Continue to instill hygiene skills;

Expand vocabulary stock: people, man, head, torso, legs, arms, walk, run, take, hold, sew, knit, throw, bend over.

Game exercise "Let's listen to our body"

Target. Introduce children to basic techniques: relaxation, which has a positive effect on well-being and self-awareness.



What did we talk about?

What new have you learned?

List the parts of the body that you remember.

Which game did you like best?

correct answer.

Preliminary work

Give elementary representations about the organs of hearing, give concepts about the main functions of the ear, clarify that everyone has ears different shapes, both in humans and in animals, to teach through experimental activities to distinguish the strength and pitch of timbre of sounds, to consolidate knowledge about the rules of ear care. Bring up careful attitude to your health. Teach the elements of self-massage of the auricle

Shape conscious attitude to one’s own health, to cultivate a desire to take care of one’s health, to evoke an emotional response in children during the entertainment process, and a desire to participate in it.

Preliminary work

1. Training in the elements of self-massage of the auricle.

2 Examination of the poster diagram "Structure of the ear".

3. Didactic and outdoor games; "Treasure Hunt"; "Bird Songs", "What

is that sound?" "Broken phone", “Who called?”, “Guess where you can hear such sounds?”, “Guess by the sound what’s in the jar?”, “Identify by sound” and etc.

4. Conversation “Is TV good or bad?”.

5. Role-playing game "Hospital" - “Accepted by an otolaryngologist”.

Ear care rules

1. Do not pick your ears with different objects.

2. Avoid getting water into your ears.

3. Protect your ears from strong winds.

4. Protect your ears from loud noise.

5. Don't blow your nose too much.

Continue to introduce the rules of personal hygiene, reinforce the rules of dental and oral care. Talk about the history of the toothbrush, consolidate knowledge about the benefits of consuming fermented milk products (calcium intake). Prevention of caries. Shape cognitive interest to a person.

Vocabulary work.

Expand the passive and active vocabulary of preschoolers: tooth enamel, pulp, blood vessels, nerves, incisors, fangs, molars, dentist

Preliminary work.

1. Learning to massage the gums.

2. Drawing competition "Celebration of a Healthy Smile" with stories (creative and from personal and collective experience).

3. Formation of CGN oral care, ability to use a toothbrush.

4. Conversations on the topic "Teeth".

5. Didactic and mobile games:

This is an original way to preserve and improve health, based on three thousand years of experience. Chinese medicine. Having analyzed the literature available in Russian, the compilers found it useful to include the following exercises:

Goals of the teacher's activities:

Form an idea of ​​yourself as a person (I have body, body needed, For life; what parts does mine consist of? body);

Continue to teach children to take care of themselves and their body, take care of your body;

Designed a didactic program "Valeology".

Conducted a master class with parents on the topic


This is an original way to preserve and improve health, based on three thousand years of experience in Chinese medicine.

* Daily exercises to activate thought processes

"I'm growing". Develop experimentation skills. Develop coherent speech. 1) Conversation on the topic “How are you growing?”

2) Memorizing a poem by A. Barto "I'm growing".

3) Experience. Measuring height and weight.

4) D/i "Child and Adult".

5) Drawing “How quickly

Am I growing? (drawing of palm and foot).


Morning exercises

Self-care skills

Adult help

Inventory arrangement

"Learning about your body". Give to children basic information about their body. Learn to distinguish concepts "part of the body" And "organ". To clarify through experiments why certain organs are needed.

Develop imagination and Creative skills children. 1) Conversation on the topic.

2) Conducting experiments.

3) Wellness moment.

4) Learning words: "IN healthy body- healthy mind".

5) Drawing "Create an icon".

6) Conclusion. Hardening

Morning exercises

Outdoor games in the afternoon

Conversations during sensitive moments

Self-care skills

Adult help

Inventory arrangement

Skill building safe behavior during security moments

Possesses basic knowledge about the body and some methods of experimentation.

"My Five Helpers". Teach children to understand the meaning of individual parts of their body: eyes, ears, nose, mouth. Develop visual and auditory attention, sense of smell and taste sensations. 1) Conversation "The Brain and the Senses".

2) Solving riddles on the topic.

3) Rules for caring for the senses.

4) Wellness moment.

5) Conclusion. -Hardening

Morning exercises

Outdoor games in the afternoon

Conversations during sensitive moments

Self-care skills

Adult help

Inventory arrangement

Formation of safe behavior skills during security situations

Has an understanding of the structure and functioning of the eyes, ears, nose and mouth.