We develop cognitive interest. lesson notes on femp using dienes blocks

In classes with Dienesh blocks, cards are used that contain information in symbolic form about the characteristics of a figure (size, color, shape, thickness):

  • color is indicated by a spot
  • size - silhouette of the house (large, small).
  • shape - outline of figures (round, square, rectangular, triangular).
  • thickness - a conventional image of the human figure (thick and thin).

In addition to cards that depict the properties of a figure, there are cards with the negation of properties: for example: “not blue.”

Cards can be used not only as an addition to Dienesh blocks, but also as independent material for games. Classes with such cards help develop the child’s ability to decipher information about the presence or absence of certain properties of objects based on their symbolic designations. Below are some examples of activities with flashcards.

Introduction to cards

The child is shown a card with one or more properties depicted on it. For example,

  • if a child is shown a “red spot,” then all red blocks must be put aside;
  • “red spot and one-story house” - set aside all the red small figures;
  • “a red spot, a one-story house and a square silhouette” - these are small red squares - thick and thin, etc.

Game “Find the dog”

Place 8 blocks in front of the child, hide the image of a dog under one. Using cards, make up an answer for the child - under what figure the dog was hiding. To find the dog, the child needs to decipher the properties of the figure shown on the cards (large red circle).

Game “Describe the figure”

Choose any block with your child. You describe the properties of this figure in words, and the child lays out cards with the corresponding characteristics of this figure.

Game “Treat”

The child treats his toys with “cookies” (figures). The cards are placed in a stack face down. The child takes any card from the pile. Finds a “cookie” with the same feature. Looks for another “cookie” that differs only in this attribute. He treats the doll to one “cookie” in his right hand, and another to his left hand.

For example: the “big” card fell out, the child chose a logical figure: a large blue square. Next, the child picks up the second “cookie”: a small blue square. Cookies vary in size.

If the child copes successfully, the task can be complicated - the difference is not in one, but in two, three and four characteristics.

Game “Drawing”

This game uses cards that represent properties and “non-properties”.

Draw a “blueprint” of the castle, with each element indicated by a card. Invite your child to build a castle according to your drawing.

For example:

  • “castle foundation” - two non-blue rectangular blocks;
  • “ground floor” - non-round non-red blocks;
  • “second floor” - yellow non-triangular non-thin blocks;
  • “roof” - red non-square blocks.

Logic cubes

In addition to logic blocks and cards, there are also logic cubes. On the faces of the cubes there are signs of blocks (size, color, shape, thickness), symbols for the negation of signs, as well as cubes with numbers on the faces. Logic cubes, like cards, offer a wide variety of games for children. The game becomes more exciting because it provides the ability to randomly select properties - tossing a die.

In addition, there is a wide variety of albums and study guides with Dienesh logic blocks, which offer ready-made game scenarios. You can purchase them, make them yourself, or download them.

Games with logic blocks of Dienesh for your little ones, see.

Games with logic blocks of Dienesh for children 4-5 years old, see.

Share your comments and ideas.

Irina Ryzhinskaya
Summary of GCD on FEMP with Dienesh's logical blocks in the middle group on the topic “Journey to the land of geometric shapes”


To consolidate children's acquired knowledge in the educational field

"Cognitive Development" (FEMP)



Strengthen children's ability to correctly name the seasons, days of the week, and parts of the day. Develop the ability to correlate the number of objects with a number. Strengthen the ability to recognize numbers up to 5. Clarify concepts “wide – narrow, long – short, high – low”. Consolidate knowledge about Dienesh logical blocks, main features geometric shapes(color, shape, size, thickness, signs and symbols.

Clarify knowledge about transport, its types, rules of behavior in public transport.


Develop speech, memory, imagination, logical thinking.


To foster in children an interest in mathematical games, friendly relations with each other, and mutual assistance.

Materials and equipment:

Dienesh logic blocks, task cards, signs-symbols, ICT (TV, tape recorder, tickets ( geometric figures, an image of a stream and a river, a bridge made of planks with tasks, trees - an apple tree and a pear tree, pictures with the image apples and pears within 5, numbers from 1 to 5, heroes - geometric figures(square, circle, triangle, rectangle, pointer, box with treats - different cookies geometric shape, emoticons.

GCD move:

The teacher invites the children to stand in a circle and hold hands.

Circle of greeting "Hello, golden sun"

Hello, golden sun,

Hello, the sky is blue,

Hello, free breeze,

Hello, little oak tree.

Everyone lives in their native land,

All the children gathered in a circle,

You are my friend and I am your friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other.

The teacher invites the children to sit on chairs.

Educator: Guys, today we received an email from our kindergarten, specifically for children 4 groups. Let's read it and find out who it's from.

The text of the letter “Hello, dear guys!

Residents write to you countries of geometric shapes. We have heard a lot about you, how kind, smart and diligent you are, and we would like to invite you to visit us at land of geometric shapes. We'll be waiting for you. See you soon!"

Educator: Well, guys, let's go to journey?

Children: Yes!

Educator: How can we go to visit?

Children list types of transport.

Educator: Let's go by bus. (Children build a bus from chairs)

Educator: What do you need to buy when you travel on the bus?

Children: Tickets.

Educator: Right. Now I will give you tickets in the form geometric shapes and you will be seated according to your tickets.

(The teacher hands out tickets to everyone - geometric figures, children name what shape and color it is "ticket" and go to their places)

Educator: While you and I are driving, let's spend warm-up:

What time of year is it now?

What month is it now?

What day of the week is it today?

How many days are there in a week?

List the days of the week in order.

What part of the day is it now?

Name all the parts of the day.

Educator: So we arrived at land of geometric shapes.

The TV screen displays « Land of Geometric Shapes»

The teacher invites the children to leave "bus", children get up from their chairs.

Educator: Guys, look at our path there is a stream and a river.

Tell me, how long is the stream?

Children: Short.

Educator: How wide is the stream?

Children: Narrow?

Educator: How long is the river?

Children: Long.

Educator: How wide is the river?

Children: Wide.

Educator: How can we cross the stream?

Children: To step over or jump over.

Educator: How can we cross the river?

Children: On the bridge.

Educator: To cross the bridge, you need to build it from planks that have tasks on them.

Children decide logic problems:

1) Three white doves were sitting on the roof.

Two pigeons took off and flew away.

Come on, tell me quickly,

How many pigeons are left sitting?

2) There are three bear cubs in the apiary

They played hide and seek by the barrel.

One barely fit into the barrel.

How many ran into the forest?

3) A hedgehog walked through the forest

And I found snowdrops:

Two under the birch tree,

One is near the aspen tree,

How many will there be?

In a wicker basket?

4) Three fluffy cats

They lay down in the basket.

Then one came running to them.

How many cats are there together?

Educator: Guys, let's move on, look at two trees growing here.

This is an apple tree and a pear tree. Which tree is taller? Which tree is lower? Place on the apple tree 4 apple, and there are 5 pears on a pear tree. Which tree has more fruit? Place the corresponding number under the apple and pear trees.

Educator: And now, children, go to the tables.

Draws attention to boxes with geometric shapes standing on tables.

Educator: Guys, tell me which ones figures Are they in your shaped boxes?

Children: Circles, squares, triangles and rectangles.

Educator: What color are they?

Children: Red, yellow, blue.

Educator: What size?

Children: Big and small.

Educator: How thick?

Children: Thick and thin.

Educator: Well done! Now guess riddle:

I have no corners

And I look like a saucer

On the plate and on the lid,

On the ring, on the wheel.

Who am I, friends?

Call me!

Children: Circle.

Educator: Right. (Shows a big circle). We are greeted first by the circle and it has prepared interesting tasks for you.

A game "Russell figures in houses»

Children lay out the cards on the cards in accordance with the assignments. figures: by shape, by color, by size, by thickness.

Educator: Well done. We completed the tasks correctly. Listen to the next one riddle:

I am neither an oval nor a circle,

Not a friend to the triangle.

I am the brother of the rectangle,

And my name is.

Children: Square.

Educator: Right. (Shows a large square). The square has prepared the next task for you.

A game "Show me figure, like this"

The teacher shows the children cards with signs and symbols and asks them to find the same one. figure. Shows a square, children find and show a square of any color, size and thickness. Then the teacher shows a circle and the color red, the children find a red circle of any size and thickness. Makes it more difficult, shows three cards - a large yellow triangle, children find the corresponding figure of different thickness.

A game “Describe figure»

The teacher shows the children geometric figure, and children describe it using signs and symbols.

Educator: Well done. Now let's take a rest.

Fizminutka "Warm-up begins"

The warm-up begins.

We stood up and straightened our backs.

Leaned left and right

And they repeated it again.

And now hand jerks

Let's do it with us.

We squat by counting:

This is a necessary job

Train the leg muscles.

Educator: Listen to the next one riddle:

Three peaks

Three corners

Three sides -

Children: Triangle.

Educator: That's right, guys. (Shows a large triangle). Triangle also has an interesting task for you.

A game "Build a path"

Educator: Guys, we settled the residents into houses, and now let’s build different paths from the houses.

Hands out task cards to children - chains of geometric shapes, children build paths according to the model.

Educator: And you completed this task. The paths that you built led to flower beds, but there are not enough centers on the flowers, let's take a closer look and figure out which one the geometric figure is encrypted there.

Hands out flowers to children with encrypted words in the middle figure using code signs.

Educator: Well, the last one mystery:

We stretched the square

And presented at a glance,

Who did he look like?

Or something very similar?

Not a brick, not a triangle -

Became a square...

Children: Rectangle.

Educator: Right. (Shows a large rectangle). The rectangle also has an interesting task for you.

A game "Which the figure is missing

The teacher shows the children cards that depict geometric figures in three rows and three columns, one figure closed in some row. Children must guess which one the figure is missing.

Educator: Guys, you are great. Geometric shapes are very happy with that that you have completed all the tasks.

Educator: Well, guys, it's time to go back to kindergarten. In memory of our meeting geometric shapes give you a surprise.

(The teacher shows the children a beautiful box decorated geometric shapes, which contains cookies geometric shape).

Educator: Let's say geometric shapes"Thank you"! See you again!

The children sit in their seats on the bus and the teacher asks questions:

Educator: Children, tell me you liked ours journey? What do you remember most? If you liked completing the tasks and everything worked out for you, then get yourself an emoticon that smiles, and if you didn’t like our journey or something didn’t work out for you, then take yourself a sad emoticon.

Children choose their own emoticon.

Kristina Konova

overview classes with Dienesh blocks in the middle group" Lunar Guest".

GOALS: Development of logical thinking and mental functions, formation of thinking skills and abilities, training children's attention, memory, perception.

Integration of educational regions: "Cognition"(FTsKM, (formation of elementary mathematical concepts, "Physical Culture", "Communication", "Reading fiction", "Socialization".

Program tasks:

To promote children’s ability to identify only one property (color, shape, size, thickness, compare, classify and generalize objects according to each of these properties.

To develop in children the ability to operate with one property (identify and distinguish one property from another, compare, classify and generalize objects).

To develop the ability to operate with two or even three properties.

Teach children to take an active part in recreating the silhouette in modeling games based on a model. Practice counting by ear within 7.

Continue to teach children to generalize objects by shape, size, color. Develop the ability to help each other and those in trouble.

Material: hammer, numbers from 0 to 7, 3 hoops, typesetting canvas, "Logical Dienesha blocks",screen, laptop, video:soft toy Luntik, Moon; recording the sound of a rocket taking off; candies - sea pebbles.

Stages. Description of the stages.

Stage 1. "Let's fly to the moon on a rocket"

What do they use to fly into space? (on a rocket). Do we have a rocket? (No). But we have geometric shapes. Let's make rockets from these figures (each for himself).

Stage 2. "Guessing the Code"

Guys, our rockets won’t start unless we guess a special code, and this code is encrypted, listen carefully and count the blows of the hammer. And so, attention! We listen silently and count to ourselves.

Stage 3. "Help Luntik"

Let's help Luntik clear the planet of stones. To do this you need to go to the blue crater (hoop) put all the blue figures, and all the circles in the green. We approach one by one, take the stone, name the color, shape, size and say where this stone should be placed.

Our rockets are ready to fly. And now we are with you, children,

We're flying away on a rocket.

Five, four, three, two, one!

(The sound of a rocket taking off)

V. Let's fly! (children get up, and one after another leave the tables, and stand in a large circle, inside of which there are two hoops of different colors, “Logical games” are scattered around Dienesha blocks")

Here we are. We are on the Moon.

Guys, a lot of stones coming from outer space are falling on this planet. Look how many there are!

What is the difference? (Color, shape, size, thickness)

Well, guys, let's help Luntik clear the planet of stones. To do this, you need to put all the blue figures in the blue crater, and all the circles in the green one. We approach one by one, take the stone, name the color, shape, size and say where this stone should be placed (I take a big circle and put it in a green hoop, etc.)

Q. Look, was the task completed correctly? (Yes)

Okay, now tell me what shape of stones we have inside the blue crater (inside the blue crater are all the blue figures, etc.)

And the stones, what shape, color and size remained behind the craters (children call).

In order to keep it clean, let's remove all the stones that remain outside into the red crater. (All children clean up)

V. So everything was removed. Now it's order! Well done!

Guys, did you like our trip? (Yes)

What we did during our trip (They helped Luntik clear the planet of stones).

Well done! - Luntik was very pleased. And he prepared a surprise for you, but already on Earth.

V. It’s time for us to return, to our places, my friends!

Starship, starship,

Let's take off.

Returned from flight

We landed on the ground.

Q. Our rocket made a soft landing. Let's remember what tasks we completed, what interesting and unusual things happened to you.

(Children's answers)

Q. Guys, what planet do we live on? (Children's answers)

The teacher reads a poem. I love you, my Earth, -

Planet of Life - Blue.

Your poplars whisper to me,

how beautiful you are, dropping fluff.

You're all alone under the sun

keep the treasures of the sea,

open spaces of fields; mountains country

gray peaks beckon.

The moon, your companion, no matter how small, -

storm of ebb and flow.

Without further ado, she was able

shorten your run, gusts.

The flourishing of all life on earth -

water has healing power.

From steam, ice in pitch darkness

you brought water back to life.

You can't count your lakes and rivers,

There are no paths to be found in the taiga.

And your master is a man,

makes his duel with fate.

(Luntik - a toy appears)

Guys, for your help provided to me, I brought you a treat! These colorful stones are very tasty and sweet; my mother always buys them for me in the store.

Thank you guys for helping to clear my planet of stones. Goodbye.

Plan and outline of mathematics lessons in the middle group

Traveling with Mickey Mouse to a magical land

Program content

1. Develop in children the ability to classify and generalize shapes according to three properties (color, shape and size).

2. Practice counting objects from a larger set within six.

3. Practice counting within six.

4. Strengthen children’s ideas about geometric shapes.

1. Learn to name geometric shapes and describe their properties.

2. Accustom to use words in speech that characterize quantitative and spatial relationships.

1. To increase the cognitive activity of children due to the attractiveness of the learning process, its emotional motivation, and plot content.

2. Develop perception, attention, the ability to analyze and compare objects according to independently identified properties, and generalize.

3. Develop combinatorics and spatial thinking.

4. Continue to teach how to act according to the teacher’s verbal instructions.

Methodical techniques

Depositing a parcel from Mickey Mouse

Reading a letter with an invitation to a magical land.

Flying on a magic carpet.

Problems No. 1.4

On the doors to the hall there is an image of a castle with 4 geometric figures, one of which differs in color and size. Children are asked to find the extra figure on the combination lock and open it.

Children find themselves in the city of Geometric shapes.

Task No. 1

On the floor is a schematic representation of a city of geometric shapes: a logical tree is laid out using colored ribbons. Dienesha blocks are divided by size, color and shape. Under each block there is a picture of an animal.

Children are told about the principle of classifying figures, the symbols of their properties, then they are asked to find a block house using the named properties or name the properties of the specified block themselves.

Children go to the City of Masters. They are met by Palochkin-Schitalochkin.


Children float on a boat on the river, do tilts.

Children sail into a mysterious forest and meet Magpie with a shiny bag in his beak.

Problem 3.4

In the bag there is a letter from a bear and a fox with a request to collect them from the figures that the evil sorcerer scattered throughout the forest, ready-made images of animals. 2 magnetic boards.

Children collect figures, classify them by color, place them in a row on a magnetic board, count the number of figures in the “photo” and on the board, and make up images of a bear and a fox.

Summary of the lesson.

Analysis of children's work on behalf of Mickey Mouse.

Flying on a magic carpet to a kindergarten.

Lesson notes

The teacher brings the package to the group. Children play on the carpet.

Mickey Mouse sent us a package! And there is also a letter in it.

Let's read it:

“Guys, I invite you to visit me - a magical land. I will show you a lot of interesting things"

Shall we accept Mickey Mouse's invitation?

Let's stand up, take hold of the magic carpet, and say the spell:

Oh magic carpet!

Take flight!

Music - let's fly.

We fly over the city, we fly over the fields. We hold the carpet tightly. We might fall if we let him go.

They approach the music room.

Here we are in a magical land. Let's carefully place the carpet next to it.

Oh! There is a lock on the door. Magic.

Probably, to open it, you also need to say a spell. But Mickey Mouse didn’t write anything to us.

Let's think about how to open it?

*children's suggestions.

Let's take a closer look at the lock. What is drawn here? And in one word?

Let's think, perhaps you need to click on some figure to open the lock? Which one?

How are these figures different? What figure is missing here? Not like everyone else?

*Extra small figure! All the figures are large, but this figure is small.

What figure is this?

*Little red circle!

Or all the figures are yellow, and this figure is red. It is different from others in color. And what else?

* Size. She is small, but the other figures are large.

Press, Katya, quickly!

Now the door has opened!

Enter a magical land! And here comes Mickey Mouse!

M: Hello guys! What a great fellow you are for being able to open the door to a magical land! You guessed it! You will probably be wizards.

M: I want to invite you to the city of geometric shapes.

Why do you think this city is called that?

What do you see here:

Look, this is the main road in this country. (Points with a pointer) And to the right and left are districts. What kind of figures do you think this area (on the right) is in?

Small or large? (shows a symbol: small, then large)

We are now in the area of ​​small figures. Like any city there are streets. The streets have names. There are even signs here:

What street is this? Color?

*Blue, yellow and red.

Let's now go to the area of ​​large figures. Where is the red street? Blue? Yellow? Show the sign on the yellow street.

There are houses on every street and each house has an address. What figure is this? All houses are different geometric shapes. If they stand in the area of ​​large figures, what size are they all?


There are figures on the red street - what color are the houses?


And on the yellow one? Blue? (I show with a pointer)

And who lives in these houses? Do you want to know? Listen, I'll tell you.

Sasha, find me a round house, it’s on the yellow street in the area of ​​big houses. Where is this house?

Pick up this figurine. Who lives there?

Close the house and let him rest there.

And now, Anechka will find the house.

Blue square, on a blue street in an area of ​​small houses.

Who lives there?

Natasha, in the area of ​​small houses on the red street, find a rectangular house.

Who lives here?

Open any house. Who lives there? Explain where the house is. On which street? In the area of ​​which houses? What shape is the house? Triangular.

M: Do you want to know where I live?

Mickey Mouse lives in the area of ​​large houses on Red Street, in a square house.

*Nobody here.

That's right, because Mickey Mouse is with us now.

Did you like the city of geometric shapes? Let's go further - to the city of Masters. To Palochkin-Schitalochkin.

(I place the children around the tables on which there are counting sticks in trays.)

You need to take a hacksaw and plywood,

take nails and a hammer.

It doesn't matter that we are not engineers,

An hour has passed and the house is ready!

P-S: Hello guys, I'm glad to see you in our city. There are chopsticks on the table. Count out 6 sticks and place them in front of you. And I'll see what you think. 6 sticks are on everyone's table. Place excess chopsticks back into the tray.

It was my birthday yesterday. They gave me gifts: a letter, a bow and a TV.

Make my gifts from your sticks: a letter, a bow and a TV.

What did you do?


Did you get a bow?

(Children construct according to their ideas. A sample can be shown only if some children have difficulty.)

P-S: And I also have a gift for you. Takes 6 large gymnastic sticks.

P-S: How many sticks do I have? What size are they? I'll make a boat out of these big sticks. And you will float down the river.

That's how big the boat turned out to be.

Let's get into the boat. Let's say goodbye to Palochkin-Schitalochkin!

The soundtrack of the river flows.

Fast river, strong current. Rocks our boat. Leaned right, left!

So, we sailed into a mysterious forest. Let's get out of the boat and take a walk along the forest edge.

Look, the magpie has arrived! Magpie, white-sided magpie, what did you bring us? (The magpie has a shiny pouch in its beak)

I get the letter:

I'm a bear, clubfooted, cheerful and shaggy

Lived quietly in the forest

I was friends with the little fox.

And the evil sorcerer once

ruined us all.

You guys will help,

assemble us from figures!

Here is a photo of a bear and a fox. (take it out of the bag)

Walk around the forest and look for the figures. You need to disenchant the fox and the bear!

Children place figures on a magnetic board. In 2 rows. -Sit around in the clearing, look at the photo.

Let's count how many figures there are in the image of a bear.

What color are the figures?

* brown

What are these figures called?

*squares and rectangles.

How many figures did we find?

*6. All 6 figures were found.

Let's make a bear from the photo.

Now count how many figures there are in the image of a fox?

Shows the figures below. How many did we find? Have you found everything or do we still need to look? Let's look for 1 figurine. Who saw which figure was missing?** We are looking for an orange triangle.

Well, we have disenchanted the forest animals, well done!

Guys, it’s time for us to return to kindergarten. We stayed in a magical land. Let's say goodbye to Mickey Mouse!


M-M: Goodbye! It was interesting with you. You know the figures, you know how to count, even how real wizards cast a spell on little animals. Well done! Come again! Write me letters and draw pictures!

Let's fly home on our carpet - an airplane. Let's go. Grab the carpet.

Let's say a spell:

Oh magic carpet!

Take flight!

Music - let's go to the group.

Responsible parents come up with interesting tasks for their baby, using numerous teaching aids - both purchased and made with their own hands. Among the favorites that help not only to have fun, but also to improve math skills and develop logic are games for children with Dienesha blocks. They can be safely used in working with preschoolers from 2 years old and primary schoolchildren (up to 10 years old).

Purpose, objectives of the methodology

Dienesh blocks are a set of 48 figures aimed at developing children's logic. The set is complemented by cards on which properties are presented in schematic form, as well as the negation of properties.

The purpose of the technique is to develop mathematical abilities in children of preschool and primary school age.

The tasks of using Dienes content blocks are varied:

  • development and improvement of the ability to analyze the shape of objects;
  • improving the ability to compare objects with each other according to one or more parameters;
  • development of imagination and creativity in children.

Classes develop perseverance in children, the desire to solve a given problem, they will help them gain faith in their strength, the desire to think, make decisions, and guess.

How to develop the most significant areas for a child in 20-30 minutes a day

  • Three ready-made scenarios for comprehensive developmental classes in pdf format;
  • Video recommendations on how to conduct complex games and how to create them yourself;
  • A plan for creating such activities at home

Subscribe and get for free:

History of creation

A wonderful guide for the development of mathematical skills, thinking and imagination appeared thanks to the works of the Hungarian researcher, teacher and mathematician Zoltan Dienes, who set out to make the comprehension of exact science as exciting as possible for children. The basic principle of the methodology is as follows: learning should not be carried out in a boring form, when the child has to listen carefully to explanations and then repeat after the teacher, but in the process of an exciting game that gives rise to the development of the ability to think independently and show imagination.

Dienesh studied the specifics of cognitive processes in preschoolers and identified a pattern - children master numbers and simple arithmetic operations well, but understand abstract categories very poorly. Kids try to find the answer using a ready-made template, which does not always work out. Therefore, the teacher came up with such a manual in which familiarization with the most complex concepts occurs in a visual form.

In a simple and understandable form, while having fun, a small child gets acquainted with abstract categories and concepts, which will be very useful to him both at school and in later life.

Now, choosing a suitable game for your baby, regardless of his age, will not be difficult. You can purchase one of the albums, activities with which will be very interesting for preschoolers (this is an album for the youngest - children 2-3 years old, “Let's Play”, “Let's Make Nonsense” and so on).

Best age

Children of different age groups can practice with Dienesh blocks.

  • The youngest children - from 2 years old - can use the elements of the set as substitute objects and play simple, exciting games (for example, “Feed the Animals”).
  • Secondary preschool group. With the help of colored figures, children can build various pictures, using ready-made diagrams or using their own imagination.
  • Senior preschool group. Blocks are a great way to improve math skills, learn to count, and gain the most important concepts of “more” and “less.”
  • Elementary School. Numerous classes with Dienesh blocks will allow you to work through issues that you couldn’t figure out in class in a fun, non-boring way, as well as consolidate your knowledge and improve your ability to think logically.

Each age has its own exercises that will be interesting and accessible to children. Parents can use ready-made options from the file cabinet or come up with something of their own.

Positive Impact

Let's consider what areas in a child's development are affected by the use of this teaching aid. There are several of them:

  • memory;
  • thinking;
  • imagination;
  • ability to think logically;
  • attention;
  • analytic skills;
  • perseverance, the desire to cope with the goal on one’s own.

Regular use of Dienesh blocks also promotes speech development. The child’s active vocabulary gradually begins to include abstract words, adjectives denoting colors, sizes, and shapes. The baby's responses become more complex, he begins to provide evidence of his thoughts, as he has learned to think logically.

These are the beneficial properties of using Dienesh blocks. However, it should be noted that the methodology is somewhat one-sided, which is aimed primarily at developing the child’s mathematical abilities. Therefore, parents should figure out what other benefits they will use.

How to use blocks?

The set, intended for didactic games, includes not only the blocks themselves (48 geometric shapes), but also albums and descriptions of games that can be used in organizing activities with children.

The figures themselves differ in several parameters; there are no identical elements:

  • There are several colors: yellow, red, blue;
  • the shape of the blocks is triangle, square, circle, rectangle;
  • The sizes are also different, the elements can be both large and small.
  • thickness: thin and thick.

Didactic games with Dienesh blocks are varied, and the use of one or another of them depends on the age and abilities of a particular child. Moreover, modern teachers advise paying attention specifically to the child’s development: some children may begin to master new knowledge much earlier (or later) than their peers, but there is nothing unnatural about this.

The creator of the methodology suggested relying on several stages of working with the manual.

  1. Free play. There are no established rules here; the child comes up with them himself. This is how the first acquaintance with the world of mathematical figures occurs.
  2. Play by the rules. Parents explain what needs to be done, the child’s task is to repeat. For example, “repeat the pattern” - the child must put together the finished version shown in the picture from the figures in the set.
  3. Math games.
  4. Getting to know numbers.
  5. Using Dienes blocks to perform early arithmetic operations.

The transition to a new stage should be gradual, occurring at a time when the child is ready for it.

Games with kids

Dienesha blocks can be used from the age of 2 years, but the average age when children begin to develop an interest in them is 3 years.

The following exciting and useful games can be included in the schedule of the little ones.

  • Distribution of figures into groups. The simplest task is to arrange the elements of the set into piles depending on color. Then the task becomes more complicated, the parent asks the child to group elements of the same size and shape. Next - even more interesting: now you need to find, for example, a yellow triangle among the elements.
  • “Find the same one.” The parent shows the child a certain figure, for example a blue triangle, and asks him to find a similar element from the set, for example a triangle of any other color or some yellow element. The “Find another” task is performed in a similar way, but now the child’s task is to find a different figure (of a different color, shape, size).
  • Games with albums. To do this, you need to purchase or download special colorful pictures on the Internet that depict flowers, animals, cars made from geometric shapes. The child will need to understand which element of the set should be attached to the picture (for example, a circle is a car wheel or a flower petal), decide on the color and size and complete the drawing.
  • "Let's feed the animals." A great game for kids that will teach them how to sort figures into groups. The parent creates a kind of zoo by seating toy animals at the table. Next he gives the task - to feed them, using elements from the set as food. But each of the inhabitants of the menagerie eats only his own food (for example, the lion cub likes red figurines). The child’s task is to feed the animals. The tasks should be gradually made more difficult. After some time, the lion cub should fall in love not just with red elements, but with squares.
  • Construction. This is a very interesting game for children 3-3.5 years old, allowing them to develop their creativity. Parents ask the child to create a house, a piece of furniture, a ladder - the child constructs the proposed options.

To gradually complicate the task facing the baby, in the first stages you can allow him to use a diagram with ready-made options, and then invite him to dream up or try to remember. Both will be useful for gaining critical skills.

The “Continue the Row” activities are also very interesting, as they help develop logical thinking. The optimal time to start training is from 3 years old. Parents can offer a variety of tasks.

  • Lay out a simple “chain” of red, yellow and blue elements on the table and invite the child to continue the row. His task is to distribute the colors in the correct sequence.
  • Invite the child to continue the chain in such a way that there are no identical figures nearby (for example, the circles are not located one after the other, the red elements are not next to each other).
  • Come up with a row yourself so that next to each other there are figures of the same size, but different in color or shape.

Such tasks will help you learn to identify the properties of figures and carry out analysis.

Activities in middle preschool age

At 4-5 years old, you can continue working with didactic games that will help children develop initial mathematical skills and prepare them for targeted training at 6-7 years old. Parents can offer children several exciting activities.


Mom or dad sets up a store in advance, where the goods can be toys, sweets, fruits, etc., and also gives the baby certain figures from the set that will serve as money. Each of the goods in the “store” has its own cost (which is also represented by one of the figures). The child’s task is to figure out what exactly he can afford and make a purchase.

Gradually, the selection criteria may become more complicated - for example, a bear will cost not just a triangle, but a large red one or two small ones - blue and yellow.

You can play “Shop” with several children, it will be much more interesting for them.

"What changed?"

This educational math game will not only help improve your preschooler's memory, but will also be an excellent way to develop thinking in a fun way.

A certain sequence of figures is laid out in front of the child, he must remember it.

There are two options for the game.

  1. One of the figures is removed, the preschooler’s task is to remember the sequence, figure out which element is missing, and return it to the wrong place.
  2. One figure is replaced by another, the child must see the change and restore the original row, correct it.

You can gradually complicate the task by swapping several blocks or including 2-3 new figures in the sequence at once.

"Second row"

This is an effective training in analytical thinking. To work, you will need several figures from the set.

  1. The parent lays out a certain row of blocks, for example blue and red circles. The child’s task is to guess that the yellow circle should be next and report it.
  2. The second option is that the adult creates another sequence, for example several figures of the same color, the child must realize that the next element must also have the same color and continue the series.

There is no need to prompt, the preschooler must carry out the analysis himself and guess which figure is next.

"We're moving into the house"

To work, you should prepare an image of a house that will have several rooms. In each room you should draw those figures that “live” there, as well as those that should not be there (for this, an element is drawn, for example, a circle, and crossed out). The child is required to “place” the elements of the set in the “rooms” intended for them.

Assignments for the senior preschool group (5-6 years old)

"Let's decorate the Christmas tree"

You should prepare the Christmas tree with your own hands in advance: cut it out of green cardboard or draw and paint it.

The adult also prepares hint cards, which depict the figures themselves, painted in the colors of the blocks, with a number next to them - how many elements should be placed on the Christmas tree in the form of a decoration. The child’s task is to understand the diagram and correctly decorate the Christmas tree using the figures from the set.

Classes with areas

Such games help to form an initial understanding of sets. For a math lesson, you should draw two circles on a piece of paper - sets that do not intersect each other. The child needs to place blue figures inside one of them, and red ones inside the other. The yellow elements remain outside the space. This exercise will help explain to a preschooler what “inside” and “outside” are.

When the exercise becomes successful, the task becomes more complicated: now two sets intersect, blue figures are placed in one circle, and yellow ones in the second. The child’s task is to guess what should be in the intersection area. These can be elements of different colors, but of the same size and shape, for example triangles.

To develop logical thinking, you can formulate tasks with the particle “Not”. For example, say not “Place blue squares in the circle,” but “Place neither yellow nor red squares in the circle.”

Complicated chain

A similar exercise has been discussed previously, but older children should be offered a more complex option. The parent asks to create a chain such that neighboring versions of the figures have a similar feature:

  1. The yellow circle is placed first;
  2. the second figure can be a circle of any other color or yellow, but a triangle or square.

This creates a chain. When the exercise is easy and without problems, you should ask the child to come up with a sequence so that its elements are completely different from each other:

  1. yellow circle – first figure;
  2. the second should not be a circle or any yellow shape. For example, a red triangle.
  3. the third element of the row is not a triangle and not red.

The more elements a preschooler includes in the chain, the better.

Further, the task becomes even more complicated - the parent determines the number of figures, for example six, places the first element and the last, the child is required to arrange the blocks in such a way that a complete row of elements is obtained that do not coincide with each other in all respects.

Before offering such a task to your child, you should check for yourself whether it has a solution, that is, parents must first collect the entire series.

Classes with Dienesh blocks will help prepare a preschooler for entering first grade, develop his intellect and creativity. Regular exercises help improve logical thinking, independence, the ability to analyze, compare and contrast. In an accessible form, children receive information about the most important complex categories - color, size, thickness, shape, as well as an idea of ​​​​the variety of objects, the huge number of options that can be put together from them.