I have 4 Georges and a golden weapon. St. George's weapon and awards

The dimples on the back above the buttocks are a cute highlight that can make the refined contours of a toned body more sexy.

This mainly applies, of course, to women (you can also notice them in men, because 15% of them also have dimples), because the indentations on the lower back make an elegant body more attractive in men’s eyes.

History of dimples

Such depressions on the tailbone are often called “the dimples of Venus” - a very apt comparison of the manifestation of natural sexuality with the ancient Greek goddess of love and beauty.

Since the 15th century, artists have tried to convey all the charm and beauty of these recesses in their canvases, depicting lush beauties with bare backs. But with such a romantic name, all mysticism and romanticism end, and the facts presented by science begin.

By the way, in science they are called “lateral lumbar depressions” - dimples located just above the sacroiliac joints. And they are created by short ligaments between the skin and the spine.

What determines the presence of dimples in the lower back?

Such “defects” can often be noticed only in representatives of the fair sex; everyone has them, it’s just that in some they are more visible due to the characteristics of their figure and weight. Neither fertility nor temperament matter here, only physical characteristics and predisposition by nature.

What factors of a woman’s health do dimples indicate:

  • about good muscle tone;
  • about the excellent health of future children;
  • more developed sexuality of a woman (this also includes frequent orgasms).

Is the presence of dimples normal or pathological?

Correctly located grooves in the lower back are an indicator good health women. So this is considered a sign of female sexuality physiological norm. They are the main indicator of the proper functioning of the iliosacral and sacrolumbar joints.

Let's celebrate! But dimples located in the wrong place for them are more likely to become a sign of improper functioning of the mentioned joints, namely a pinched nerve or the development of a hernia between the joints of the spine.

Is it possible to develop dimples if there are none?

The answer is yes! Of course it is possible, besides, they cannot not exist. Rather, they are simply not visible due to insufficiently developed physical health or slightly more than required body weight.

To make dimples more pronounced and make your body more sexy and graceful, you just need to eat right, exercise regularly, and do special exercises.

Stories from our readers!
"I cured my bad back on my own. It’s been 2 months since I forgot about the pain in my back. Oh, how I used to suffer, my back and knees hurt, Lately I couldn’t really walk normally... How many times did I go to clinics, but they only prescribed expensive pills and ointments, which were of no use at all.

And now it’s been 7 weeks, and my back joints don’t bother me at all, every other day I go to the dacha to work, and it’s a 3 km walk from the bus, so I can walk easily! All thanks to this article. A must read for anyone with back pain!"

Despite the fact that nature has not endowed the cavity with any functions, many women dream of receiving them as an additional bonus for a sexier body. And making them is not so difficult, you just need to patiently and regularly maintain your physical fitness with the help of special exercises.

All the exercises from the list form a special complex, thanks to which a woman’s back will soon become more graceful and those same indentations in the lower back will be clearly defined. The complex can be done entirely, or only partially; it will depend on the woman’s desire and level of physical fitness.

Let's celebrate! Additionally, exercises can be added to an existing workout or you can add several classes to the list for toned buttocks or a flat stomach, which will enhance the effect of both complexes.

Rules for performing exercises to prevent pain

Before you start creating dimples on your lower back, you should familiarize yourself with general rules performing exercises:

  1. You need to perform each “task” smoothly and rhythmically, carefully listening to your body.
  2. The maximum effect can be achieved by performing three to four approaches of the complex.
  3. Before you start exercising, do a warm-up. This can be simple bending to the sides, squats, or even running in place, the main thing is that the muscles are warmed up.

Pain and crunching in the back over time can lead to dire consequences- local or complete restriction of movements, up to disability.

People, taught by bitter experience, use natural remedy which orthopedists recommend...

Exercise No. 1

  1. You should get on all fours, resting your knees and hands on the floor. The back should be as straight as possible, and the arms and hips should be parallel to each other. The head looks forward.
  2. The principle of the exercise is to simultaneously raise your right straight arm and straightened left leg at the same level.
  3. Starting from the fingers and ending with the toes, the extended limbs together with the body should form a straight line.
  4. You will need to stay in this position for a few seconds and smoothly return to the starting position.

You should do at least 10-15 approaches on each leg.

Exercise No. 2

  1. This exercise is done lying on your stomach. Your whole body needs to be in close contact with the floor, with your arms extended along your body, palms facing down.
  2. The task is to smoothly raise your shoulders and chest slightly above the floor, while keeping your torso straight and pressed to the floor.
  3. You need to rise as high as possible, but no pain should not arise.
  4. Stay in the raised position for at least 10 seconds, and then smoothly go down.

You need to do 10-15 approaches.

Exercise No. 3

To perform this exercise you will need a gymnastic bench, but if you don’t have one, then the task can be performed simply on the sofa or bed:

  1. So, you should lie face down (the body must form a straight line), put your hands back and clasp them together.
  2. You need to alternately move your hips and shoulders up until your pelvis approaches the edge.
  3. Already in this position, you need to lift the lock from your hands as high as possible (3-4 lifts are enough).
  4. After this, you will need to go back in the same way. You should stay as straight as possible.

After completing the task 10 times, you can proceed to the next one.

Exercise #4

To complete this task, get dumbbells (ordinary plastic bottles filled with sand can be a completely acceptable replacement):

  1. You need to sit on a strong chair, gymnastic bench or sofa. Legs should be bent at the knees and spread apart different sides as widely as possible.
  2. Taking dumbbells in both hands, you need to put them behind your back.
  3. Next, you should stretch your torso as far forward as possible and your arms, on the contrary, as far back as possible.
  4. You should stay in this position for a few seconds and smoothly return back.

You need to do at least 15 approaches at a time.

Exercise #5

  • First you need to lie on your back and stretch out straight.
  • Stretch your arms to the sides and press them to the floor, palms facing down.
  • Keeping your legs together, you need to lift them, bend your knees and pull them towards your chest. Your back should remain pressed to the floor.
  • You will need to hold the twisted position for about 5 seconds and smoothly return to the starting position.

To complicate the task, you can pull the bent leg towards one and alternately the other knee. In this case, the head also needs to be turned in the opposite side: legs stretch to the right, head turns to the left and vice versa.

The exercise is repeated 20-25 times to pull the legs straight to the chest, and/or 15 times while pulling them to the shoulders.

Those who appreciate the beauty of the fair sex have noted that dimples on the lower back or, as they also say, on the butt, increase the sexuality of their owner by twenty percent.

Do men like it?

Many men like representatives of the fair sex with such an anatomical feature. The figure of a woman with these piquant indentations, which are also often called the dimples of Venus, is characterized by extraordinary expressiveness. They look cute in the photo.

Among adherents of the arts, it is customary to call the area, which is symmetrically limited by the protruding muscles of the buttocks from below, and the edges of the large muscles of the back from above, Michelangelo's rhomboid; among obstetricians it is called Michaelis's rhomboid.

They began to become interested in this topic in the nineteenth century, at its beginning. Sculptors and artists during the Renaissance already noted this feature in their works. Attitudes towards dimples on the back are ambiguous; some people think that they are beautiful, while others, on the contrary, consider them to be a flaw in their figure.

In anatomy, the presence of dimples in the lower back is an indicator that the body is well developed, the muscles of the pelvic bones and spine are correctly aligned and functioning correctly.

There is always a close relationship between health, beauty and harmony. Both thin representatives of the fair sex and plump ones have dimples, it depends on the individual structure of the body.

The appearance of such signs of beauty is excluded in case of anorexic exhaustion and morbid obesity. But even in the case of a proper physique, there is no guarantee that a person will develop dimples in the lower back. It is heredity that determines whether a person will have these depressions.

In addition to the female figure, dimples can also be found on the male back, in those places where the muscles are attached, in this case they indicate that the muscles are well developed.

In obstetrics, a rhombus is distinguished, where its upper point is where the vertebral groove ends, the lower point is the third vertebra of the sacral region, the lateral points are the place above the posterior superior iliac spines.

This rhombus was first discovered in the nineteenth century, at the beginning. This was done by the German gynecologist Gustav Adolf Michaelis. He used this diamond to evaluate the structure of the pelvis and pelvic deformities, examined future women in labor, identifying the width and inclination of their pelvis, and also learned from the diamond to predict pathology during childbirth. At the same time, he used only external signs.

The lumbosacral junction is where the Michaelis diamond is located and is located directly above this junction. Diamond maybe different options, it depends on how symmetrical it is, whether there are indentations that can be seen from the outside.

The Michaelis rhombus depends on the characteristics of the constitution, height, the structure of the pelvic bones, and the degree of muscle development. An ideal rhombus is determined by a shape similar to a square; the diagonal of this square is eleven centimeters.

The size of the transverse diagonal of the rhombus depends on the width of the sacrum. The more inclined the sacrum, the less vertical axis. A line drawn in the middle of the dimples divides the rhombus into 2 triangles.

Diagnosing how the values ​​of these triangles relate is very important: a narrow pelvis appears if the upper triangle is smaller than the lower one; with scoliosis, the axis of the rhombus shifts both vertically and horizontally, and an oblique narrowing of the pelvis is observed; An indicator of Robert's pelvis with a narrowing in diameter is the convergence of the sacral dimples.

The same method is used by modern obstetricians to assess the bone status of a pregnant woman.

This connection is in human body Very vulnerable spot, the health support of this place is carried out by various specialists who work in this field - surgeons, rheumatologists, traumatologists.

The points of the diamond enable clinicians to determine the need for interventions, such as medicines in the area of ​​the sacroiliac joint, ischium. Lumbar and sacral pain may indicate the presence of various conditions pathologies, such as: pathological changes in the vertebrae and intervertebral discs, various bruises and sprains, the presence of autoimmune processes and tumors.

But the variations of the diamonds described above do not in any way affect the dimples on the lower back. With the help of the muscles around the spine, the spine itself gains flexibility, strength, the ability to bear loads and maintain correct posture.

Exercises for dimples

To achieve this, exercises are used that strengthen and develop muscles, and as a bonus, cute dimples may appear on the lower back.

Not everyone just needs to lose weight to get the dimples they want on their butt. At normal weight, muscles are pumped up with exercises that develop the lumbar and gluteal muscles.

A decreased subcutaneous fat layer and an increased muscle volume will lead to the desired result, that is, to the appearance of dimples and beautiful photos.

When performing any exercises, including those related to the spine, in order to avoid injury, first do a warm-up, warm up, and then the load is gradually added.

You can do the following exercises:

  1. Lie on your stomach. From this position, make a boat: first lift top part body, then legs, then lift them at the same time. Bring up to 20-25 times, hold for thirty seconds.
  2. Get on your knees, stretch out your arms and lean on them. Raise and stretch horizontally alternately opposite arms and legs, the limbs should be tense. Up to 20 times.
  3. Lie on your back, bend your legs and place your feet on the floor, stretch your arms along your body. From this position, raise your pelvis until you form a straight line: shoulders - knees. Hold the rise for thirty seconds. Repeat 8-10 times, then increase to 20-25 repetitions.
  4. Also bend, twist at the waist, perform tilts with dumbbells or plastic bottles which are filled with sand or water. Perform several approaches 12-15 times.

The help of specialists in the gym will not be superfluous; they will help you choose exercises to form the necessary muscles. The complex will help achieve beautiful posture and the appearance of dimples. For faster results, use a diet.

It should be reduced simple carbohydrates, a balance of protein and fat must be maintained, and microelements and vitamins must be present in sufficient quantities.

The complex will not only build muscles, but will also provide beneficial influence for the entire body, since gymnastics is useful at any age if you perform it moderately, in proportion to the strength of your own body.

It must be remembered that the moderation of exercise can be easily disrupted by sudden movements, heavy lifting or exceeding the range of motion, which can lead to adverse consequences, so do not allow this!

Dragoon type saber - Golden St. George's weapon, combined with the award of the Order of St. Anne, 4th degree, with the inscription "For Bravery".

Total length – 1045 mm.
Blade length – 870 mm.
Blade width – 30 mm.
Sheath length – 895 mm.

The blade is three-lobed, slightly curvature, nickel-plated. Decorated using the techniques of etching, silvering, gilding and shotting (blueing). Left-hand side The blade is 1/3 of the way decorated with an etched pattern of intertwined laurel leaves and patterns; in the central part there is an inscription inscribed in a circle: “Zlatoust Weapon. Factory". Right side 1/3 of the blade is also decorated with an ornament of interlacing laurel leaves and patterns; in the central part of the ornament there is an image State emblem Russian Empire. The butt of the blade is decorated with etched floral patterns along 1/3 of its length. On the shank there are various technological marks in the form of numbers.
The hilt is made of yellow metal, gilded, the handle is hollow cast brass. Other elements, with the exception of the cast bow, are made by stamping and gilded. On both sides of the bow there is an engraved inscription “For courage”, on the end there is a factory mark “Glory to Moscow”. The intact monogram of Emperor Nicholas II on the head of the handle, during whose reign the owner of the saber was promoted to officer. The handle nut is topped with a bronze St. George's Cross with white enamel rays and a red central medallion depicting St. George on horseback. There is a chip in the enamel on the upper arm of the cross. All parts of the hilt have assembly technological marks in the form of numbers. At the bottom of the hilt there is a shield with an applied sign of the Order of St. Anne of the fourth degree and a beautiful stamped inscription “For bravery” around the sign of the order; the shield is high-quality gilded in a color that matches the gilding of the hilt arch.
The scabbard is wooden, covered with brown leather, all metal elements of the scabbard are high-quality gilded and covered with a pronounced stamped convex ornament in the form of laurel leaves, standard for the design of the St. George's weapon, but more High Quality, than on most other award checkers of this period. The end part of the leather on the scabbard has minor damage. The scabbard glass has a non-statutory shoe, which served to reduce the wear of the saber when worn.

Beginning with late XVIII century, weapons with the inscription “For Bravery” (originally called “Golden”) were one of the most honorable military distinctions Russian Empire. The first relevant to the regulation of award weapons should be considered the Imperial Decree of September 28, 1807, equating those awarded with gold swords with holders of orders. Since 1849, Golden weapons were manufactured only in accordance with the samples in service (non-statutory and arbitrary samples could only be worn outside the formation). From that time on, the handles of Golden weapons were to be made of gilded metal. According to the Imperial Decree of September 1, 1869, all persons awarded the Golden Arms were ranked among the Knights of the Order of St. George, and their seniority was considered immediately after those who received the Order of St. George, IV degree.
Golden weapons for officers were worn with a lanyard from the St. George ribbon.

The presented copy of the Golden Arms "For Bravery" combines two awards: the badge of the Order of St. Anne, IV degree and the badge of the Order of St. George.
The awarding of Golden edged weapons - a sword, a dagger, and later a saber or saber - was made as a sign special differences, for displaying personal courage and dedication. Since 1913, the Golden Weapon “For Bravery” was officially called the “Arms of St. George” and was considered one of the distinctions of the Order of St. George. Anninsky weapon- a service cold weapon of an officer or official (sword, saber, saber, dagger) with the sign of the Order of St. Anne, 4th degree, attached to its hilt. In 1913, those awarded the Golden Arms of St. George received the right to attach a small white cross to it. At the same time, a cavalier of St. Anna of the 4th degree could simultaneously attach Annin’s red cross to the same weapon.

This checker was made during the First World War (before 1917). The officer who owned it, unfortunately unknown to us, was without a doubt a man of outstanding personal courage. No exact data has been preserved on the number of cavaliers of the St. George's Arms who were awarded the badge of the Order of St. Anna, IV degree, but such in the years Great War was a bit. Even fewer copies of the weapons themselves have survived to this day: some of them went into exile with the surviving owners, and the storage of such items in Soviet Russia could lead to the most serious consequences. The exceptional state of preservation of the presented specimen is noteworthy: the blade is preserved in its original form, the gilding on the hilt is almost completely intact (worn only on the handle - when worn, the owner held the saber with his hand), the original leather covering of the scabbard. The presented checker is not only a sample of high historical significance, but also an extremely aesthetic item in excellent preservation. Together, all these qualities make this checker uniquely rare.

Golden weapon "For bravery"- award weapons in the Russian Empire, assigned to the status state order from 1807 to 1917.

Awarding weapons has been practiced since early times, but the earliest awards date back to the 17th century. IN State Museum-Reserve“Tsarskoye Selo” contains a saber, on the blade of which there is an inscription in gold: “Sovereign Tsar and Grand Duke Mikhail Fedorovich of All Rus' granted this saber to Stolnik Bogdan Matveev to Khitrovo.” Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich reigned from 1613 to 1645. However, for what particular merits the steward Bogdan Matveevich received the gift saber is unknown, so the countdown of history Golden weapons how exceptional military award has been going on since Peter's times.

For more than two centuries, presenting a weapon to a serviceman as an award has been considered one of the most honorable rewards. This award is exclusively Russian, having no analogues in any army in the world. It was awarded only to officers, generals and admirals, and only edged weapons were awarded. The tradition of awarding melee weapons continued (with interruptions) in Soviet period and was violated only once, when in 1921 the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic noted the merits of S.S. Kamenev and S.M. Budyonny with Honorary Firearms.

Initially (in the 18th century) the award was a sword, from the beginning of the 19th century - a saber, and for cavalry guards and cuirassiers-heavy cavalry - a broadsword (a narrow long sword). Since 1826, half sabers (they had a shorter and straighter blade than sabers) were often awarded, somewhat later checkers. Sailors often received not one, but two types of weapons at once: in addition to the award sword or naval saber, they were also awarded a award dagger.

Award weapon can be divided into three groups:
1. Golden weapon (since 1913 it was called the St. George weapon).
2. Golden weapons with diamonds or laurels and diamonds (since 1913 called diamond weapons).
3. Weapons with the insignia of the Order of St. Anne III (from 1815 - IV) degree and with the inscription ‘For bravery’.

Each of them has its own story.

Golden weapons appeared during the reign of Empress Catherine the Great. All metal parts of award swords (except for the blade) were made of 56-karat gold. On the guard (hand guard) of P.A. Rumyantsev’s sword there was an inscription: ‘For brave enterprises’. Since 1788, golden weapons began to be awarded for military exploits not only to generals, but also to headquarters and chief officers.

On their swords, according to the regulations adopted in 1807, award weapons were divided as follows:
A. ‘simple’ Golden weapon.
b. Golden weapon with the inscription "For bravery."
V. Golden weapons decorated with diamonds.
d. Golden weapons decorated with diamonds.
d. Golden weapons decorated with laurels and diamonds.

Subsequently, awards not provided for by this classification appeared: a sword with diamonds and a laurel wreath (M.I. Kutuzov for 1812), a sword with diamond laurels and an inscription for what merits it was awarded (M.B. Barclay de Tolly for 1814) and etc. Then the “simple” Golden weapons disappeared: the inscription “For bravery” appeared on all of their types.

As a result, all this diversity was reduced to two groups:
1. Golden weapon with the inscription "For bravery"(since 1913 - St. George's weapon) - for rewarding generals and officers.
2. Golden weapons with diamonds or with laurels and diamonds (since 1913 - St. George's weapon, decorated with diamonds, or Diamond weapon) - for rewarding generals and field marshals.

Both types of weapons were specially made; all metal parts (except blades) were made of 56-carat gold. The inscriptions were made on a guard (a plate to protect the hand).

In addition, there was another type of weapon, which in itself was not a reward, but was directly related to the award - the so-called Annensky weapon. Weapons are described below about all three Vedas.

Golden weapons with the inscription “For bravery” appeared during the reign of Empress Catherine II, after the war of 1774. Since 1788, awards began for the exploits of not only generals, but also headquarters and chief officers. The inscription “For bravery” appeared on their swords. The right to award the medal belonged to the empress; in total, she awarded 117 people with golden weapons.

Her son, Emperor Paul I, who fought against his mother’s traditions, did not award weapons. It was resumed by Emperor Alexander I in 1806, and a year later, by decree of September 29, 1807, he approved the Statute of the Golden Arms, according to which its cavaliers were equated with holders of orders. In 1812, the emperor transferred the right to award Golden Arms to the commanders-in-chief of the armies, which sharply increased the number of awards and thereby reduced their authority. Thus, in 1812 - 1815, 1034 knights appeared, which was several times higher than the number of knights of the Order of St. George during the same period. At the same time, those awarded the Golden Arms often wore small copies of sabers on their uniforms with a St. George ribbon placed under them (Figure I) or hung copies of medals and orders from them (Figures II and III).

At the same time, the commander of the Caucasian Army A.P. Ermolov rarely celebrated the exploits of his subordinates with Golden weapons. From 1826 to 1831, when Russia was often at war, the number of awards reached 800 (almost the same as for the Patriotic War of 1812 and Foreign trip!). To increase the authority of the award, Emperor Nicholas I in 1846 established the right to award the Golden Weapon only for “brilliant feats on the battlefield,” and Emperor Alexander II in 1855 awarded him the St. George Ribbon with a silver hilt (the so-called lanyard). In 1869, on the centenary of the Order of St. George, those awarded the Golden Arms were given equal rights with Knights of St. George. These measures brought the Golden Arms closer to the Order of St. George, but the number of its owners still remained large. In 1890, the awarding of the Golden Arms also became possible “for other distinctions,” placing it in general series awards As a result, in a year and a half of the lost Russian-Japanese War, 610 of his cavaliers appeared - twice as many as the cavaliers of the Order of St. George!

Only in 1913, with the approval of the new statute of the Order of St. George, the Golden Arms were “assigned” to it and renamed St. George and decorated with the image of the Order of St. George. Rewarding became possible for certain feats listed in the statute, according to the resolution of the Duma, consisting of gentlemen of the Golden Arms. At the same time, those awarded them received the right only to wear military uniform being retired. Knights of the Order of St. George had much more rights.

This measure significantly strengthened the prestige of award weapons, sharply reducing the number of awards. During the First World War, the Golden Arms of St. George again became a high and rare award, occupying a position somewhere between the 4th and 3rd degrees of the Order of St. George. At the same time, the gentlemen of the St. George's weapon under no circumstances had the right to replace it with an ordinary saber or dirk.

Storms civil war took the lives of many holders of the Order of St. George and the Arms of St. George. Their rewards were also lost. Only a few sabers and daggers that have survived in museums St. George ribbons remind us of the fierce battles and heroic commanders who made the glory of the Russian army.

Golden weapons with diamonds appeared much earlier than “simple” golden weapons with the inscription “For bravery.” The first awards were made by Tsar Peter I. So in 1710, Admiral F.M. became a holder of the Golden Arms with Diamonds. Apraksin for mastery Swedish fortress Vyborg, in 1720 Prince M.M. Golitsyn for the victory over the Swedish fleet at Grengam Island. Under Empress Anna Ioanovna, after the successful Russian-Turkish war of 1735-1739, field marshals B.Kh. received swords with diamonds. Minikh and P.P. Lassi. Already under Empress Catherine II in 1762, such weapons were awarded to the winner of the army of Frederick the Great, Field Marshal P.S. Saltykov. But these were separate, very rare awards.

In 1774, after the victory in another war With the Turks, Catherine the Great introduced the awarding of gold weapons with diamonds into a constant, although infrequent, practice. The first cavaliers in Catherine's period were Field Marshal A.A. Prozorovsky and P.P. Rumyantsev, Lieutenant General G.A. Potemkin and some other famous commanders. Inscriptions appeared on their swords indicating the merits for which the weapon was awarded. Velikiy A.V. For two Russian-Turkish wars, Suvorov received two (!) swords with diamonds from the empress: the only case in the history of awards. At the beginning of the 19th century, these glorious awards were granted by Emperor Alexander I A.P. Ermolov, P.I. Bagration, A.I. Kutaisov, D.V. Davydov, Ataman Donskoy Cossack army M.I. Platov.

During the same period there appeared Golden weapons with diamonds and laurels. His first cavalier was Field Marshal General I.V. Gudovich for his exploits in the Caucasus. For the war with Napoleon, M.I. received a golden sword with a laurel wreath of emeralds. Kutuzov, sword with diamond laurels - M.B. Barclay-De-Tolly, General P.H. Wittgenstein - with diamonds and laurels and the inscription "For bravery." In 1828, for the war with Persia of 1826-28, Field Marshal I.F. By decree of Emperor Nicholas I, Pasievich was awarded a Golden Sword with diamonds and the inscription “For the defeat of the Persians at Elisavetpol.” While the Golden Arms could be awarded to commanders-in-chief since 1812, the awarding of Diamond Arms always remained the privilege of the Emperor. Therefore, his cavaliers were few at all times. So, for example, for the victorious Russian-Turkish war 1877-78 there were only 22 of them per 500 cavaliers of the Golden Arms, including the legendary " white general" M.A. Skobelev. V Russian-Japanese war 1904-1905 only 7 military leaders received weapons with diamonds ( golden weapon - 610).

In 1913, weapons with diamonds, along with the Golden Weapons, were “assigned” to the Order of St. George and called “St. George’s Weapons Decorated with Diamonds,” or Diamond Weapons. An image of the Order of St. George appeared on it, and it took place somewhere between the II and III degrees of the order. It was supposed to be worn mainly with dress uniform clothes, but without the St. George lanyard. In other cases (during campaigns, during exercises and in war, such weapons were replaced by the St. George weapon without decorations, but with the St. George lanyard. A year later, I began World War, and 8 new Diamond Arms Cavaliers appeared. Among them was General A.A. Brusilov, who received a sword with diamonds and the inscription “For defeat” for his famous breakthrough Austro-Hungarian armies in Volyn, Bukovina and Galicia May 22-26, 1916." This award was the last in history Patriotic War- after October 1917, diamond weapons, unlike gold ones, were no longer revived. Thus one of the glorious pages of Russian history closed forever.

The Annensky weapon is characterized by the fact that this weapon in itself is not a reward. The award was the badge of the Order of St. Anne, junior degree, which was screwed to the hilt of an ordinary officer's saber or sword of the recipient. This unusual placement is due to the fact that the son of Empress Catherine II, Paul, being heir to the throne, created reduced insignia of the Order of St. Anne to award his comrades-in-arms in secret from his mother (see the section “Orders of Russia”). The gentleman of this miniature (2.5 cm in diameter) sign could always cover it by placing his hand on the hilt of the sword. After his accession to the throne, Paul I in 1797 made the Order of St. Anne all-Russian, dividing it into three degrees. He kept the youngest of them in the same “underground” form - on the hilt of a bladed weapon, in memory of his dramatic appearance.

During the Patriotic War of 1812, the Knights of the Annen Arms wore miniature straps on their chests with Annen insignia and order ribbons placed under them.

With the establishment by Emperor Alexander I in 1815 badge order named III degree, the sign on the hilt began to be called IV degree and placed at the end of the weapon handle. In 1828, Emperor Nicholas I ordered the inscription “For Bravery” to be placed on the hilt of the Annensky weapon and the award to be called the “Order of St. Anne, IV degree with the inscription “For Bravery.” The issue of awarding was decided by the Order Duma. The unusual order - the only one in the world! - quickly won popularity in military environment, especially in the Caucasus, where the war raged for almost half a century. But a large number of awards that automatically gave the gentlemen the right hereditary nobility, demanded changes to the award rules. According to the statute of 1845, only holders of the first degree of the order received the right to acquire hereditary nobility, and holders of other degrees (i.e., the Annenian weapon) acquired only personal nobility, and their children received hereditary honorary citizenship.

In 1855, during Crimean War, Emperor Alexander II assigned a lanyard made from an order ribbon to the Annensky weapon. Its characteristic red color and the declining prestige of the order due to the huge number of awards earned it the name "cranberry". By the end of the century, all officers who had been in at least several battles had a “cranberry”, which in the end made it not a reward, but a kind of “insignia”.

In 1880, another change appeared in Annen weapons. This is due to the fact that in return Golden weapons with diamonds, they were allowed to wear gold weapons without decorations, but with a miniature sign of the Order of St. George on the top of the hilt. Therefore, the sign of the Order of St. Anne was moved under the hilt, on a special plate protruding over the legs. In this form, the Annensky weapon existed until the end of the civil war in 1922.