When was the war 1941 1945. The beginning of the Great Patriotic War

With the beginning of September 1939, the short period of peace between the two great wars of the 20th century ended. Two years later, most of Europe with enormous production and raw materials potential came under the rule of Nazi Germany.

A powerful blow fell on the Soviet Union, for which the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) began. A brief summary of this period in the history of the USSR cannot express the scale of the suffering endured by the Soviet people and the heroism they showed.

On the eve of military trials

The revival of the power of Germany, dissatisfied with the results of the First World War (1914-1918), against the backdrop of the aggressiveness of the party that came to power there, led by the possessed Adolf Hitler, with its ideology of racial superiority, made the threat of a new war for the USSR more and more real. By the end of the 30s, these sentiments penetrated more and more into the people, and the all-powerful leader of the huge country, Stalin, understood this more and more clearly.

The country was preparing. People went to construction sites in the eastern part of the country, and military factories were built in Siberia and the Urals - backups to production facilities located near the western borders. Significantly more financial, human and scientific resources were invested in the defense industry than in the civilian industry. To increase the results of labor in cities and in agriculture, ideological and harsh administrative means were used (repressive laws on discipline in factories and collective farms).

The reform in the army was prompted by the adoption of the law on universal conscription (1939), and widespread military training was introduced. It was in shooting, parachute clubs, and flying clubs at OSOAVIAKHIM that future soldier-heroes of the Patriotic War of 1941-1945 began to study military science. New military schools were opened, the latest types of weapons were developed, and progressive combat formations were formed: armored and airborne. But there was not enough time, the combat readiness of the Soviet troops was in many respects lower than that of the Wehrmacht - the army of Nazi Germany.

Stalin's suspicion of the power ambitions of the senior command caused great harm. It resulted in monstrous repressions that wiped out up to two-thirds of the officer corps. There is a version about a planned provocation by German military intelligence, which exposed many heroes of the civil war who became victims of purges.

Foreign policy factors

Stalin and the leaders of countries that wanted to limit Hitler’s European hegemony (England, France, the USA) were unable to create a united anti-fascist front before the start of the war. The Soviet leader, in an effort to delay the war, tried to contact Hitler. This led to the signing of the Soviet-German non-aggression pact (agreement) in 1939, which also did not contribute to the rapprochement of anti-Hitler forces.

As it turned out, the country's leadership was mistaken about the value of the peace agreement with Hitler. On June 22, 1941, the Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe attacked the entire western borders of the USSR without declaring war. This came as a complete surprise to the Soviet troops and a great shock to Stalin.

Tragic experience

In 1940, Hitler approved the Barbarossa plan. According to this plan, three summer months were allotted for the defeat of the USSR and the capture of its capital. And at first the plan was carried out with precision. All participants in the war recall the almost hopeless mood of mid-summer 1941. 5.5 million German soldiers against 2.9 million Russians, total superiority in weapons - and in a month Belarus, the Baltic states, Moldova, and almost all of Ukraine were captured. The losses of Soviet troops were 1 million killed, 700 thousand prisoners.

The superiority of the Germans in the skill of command and control of troops was noticeable - the combat experience of the army, which had already covered half of Europe, was reflected. Skillful maneuvers encircle and destroy entire groups near Smolensk, Kyiv, in the Moscow direction, and the blockade of Leningrad begins. Stalin was dissatisfied with the actions of his commanders and resorted to the usual repressions - the commander of the Western Front was shot for treason.

People's War

And yet Hitler’s plans collapsed. The USSR quickly took a war footing. The Headquarters of the Supreme High Command was created to control the armies and a single governing body for the entire country - the State Defense Committee, headed by the all-powerful leader Stalin.

Hitler believed that Stalin's methods of leading the country, illegal repressions against the intelligentsia, the military, wealthy peasants and entire nationalities would cause the collapse of the state, the emergence of a “fifth column” - as he was used to in Europe. But he miscalculated.

Men in the trenches, women at the machines, old people and small children hated the invaders. Wars of this magnitude affect the fate of every person, and victory requires a universal effort. Sacrifices for the sake of a common victory were made not only because of ideological motives, but also because of innate patriotism, which had roots in pre-revolutionary history.

Battle of Moscow

The invasion received its first serious resistance near Smolensk. With heroic efforts, the attack on the capital was delayed there until the beginning of September.

By October, tanks with crosses on their armor reach Moscow, with the goal of capturing the Soviet capital before the onset of cold weather. The most difficult time during the Great Patriotic War was coming. A state of siege is declared in Moscow (10/19/1941).

The military parade on the anniversary of the October Revolution (11/07/1941) will forever remain in history as a symbol of confidence that Moscow will be able to be defended. The troops left Red Square directly to the front, which was located 20 kilometers to the west.

An example of the tenacity of Soviet soldiers was the feat of 28 Red Army soldiers from General Panfilov’s division. They delayed a breakthrough group of 50 tanks at the Dubosekovo crossing for 4 hours and died, destroying 18 combat vehicles. These heroes of the Patriotic War (1941-1945) are only a small part of the Immortal Regiment of the Russian Army. Such self-sacrifice gave rise to doubts about victory among the enemy, strengthening the courage of the defenders.

Recalling the events of the war, Marshal Zhukov, who commanded the Western Front near Moscow, whom Stalin began to promote to the leading roles, always noted the decisive importance of the defense of the capital for achieving victory in May 1945. Any delay by the enemy army made it possible to accumulate forces for a counterattack: fresh units of the Siberian garrisons were transferred to Moscow. Hitler did not plan to wage war in winter conditions; the Germans began to have problems supplying troops. By the beginning of December, there was a turning point in the battle for the Russian capital.

A radical turn

The offensive of the Red Army (December 5, 1941), which was unexpected for Hitler, threw the Germans one and a half hundred miles to the west. The fascist army suffered the first defeat in its history, the plan for a victorious war failed.

The offensive continued until April 1942, but it was far from irreversible changes in the course of the war: major defeats followed near Leningrad, Kharkov, in the Crimea, the Nazis reached the Volga near Stalingrad.

When historians of any country mention the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), a brief summary of its events cannot do without the Battle of Stalingrad. It was at the walls of the city that bore the name of Hitler's sworn enemy that he received the blow that ultimately led to his collapse.

The defense of the city was often carried out hand-to-hand, for every piece of territory. Participants in the war note an unprecedented amount of human and technical assets recruited from both sides and burned in the fire of the Battle of Stalingrad. The Germans lost a quarter of their troops - one and a half million bayonets, 2 million were our losses.

The unprecedented resilience of Soviet soldiers in defense and uncontrollable rage in the offensive, together with the increased tactical skill of the command, ensured the encirclement and capture of 22 divisions of the 6th Army of Field Marshal Paulus. The results of the second military winter shocked Germany and the whole world. The history of the war of 1941-1945 changed course; it became clear that the USSR not only withstood the first blow, but would also inevitably deal a powerful retaliatory blow to the enemy.

The final turning point in the war

The Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) contains several examples of the leadership talent of the Soviet command. A summary of the events of 1943 is a series of impressive Russian victories.

The spring of 1943 began with a Soviet offensive in all directions. The configuration of the front line threatened the encirclement of the Soviet Army in the Kursk region. The German offensive operation, called “Citadel,” had precisely this strategic goal, but the Red Army command provided for enhanced defense in the areas of the proposed breakthrough, while simultaneously preparing reserves for a counteroffensive.

The German offensive in early July managed to break through the Soviet defenses only in sections to a depth of 35 km. The history of the war (1941-1945) knows the date of the start of the largest oncoming battle of self-propelled combat vehicles. On a sultry July day, the 12th, the crews of 1,200 tanks began the battle in the steppe near the village of Prokhorovka. The Germans have the latest Tiger and Panther, the Russians have the T-34 with a new, more powerful gun. The defeat inflicted on the Germans knocked the offensive weapons of the motorized corps out of Hitler's hands, and the fascist army went on the strategic defensive.

By the end of August 1943, Belgorod and Orel were recaptured, and Kharkov was liberated. For the first time in years, the Red Army seized the initiative. Now the German generals had to guess where she would begin hostilities.

In the penultimate war year, historians identify 10 decisive operations that led to the liberation of territory captured by the enemy. Until 1953 they were called “Stalin’s 10 blows.”

Great Patriotic War (1941-1945): summary of military operations of 1944

  1. Lifting the Leningrad blockade (January 1944).
  2. January-April 1944: Korsun-Shevchenko operation, successful battles in Right Bank Ukraine, March 26 - access to the border with Romania.
  3. Liberation of Crimea (May 1944).
  4. The defeat of Finland in Karelia, its exit from the war (June-August 1944).
  5. The offensive of four fronts in Belarus (Operation Bagration).
  6. July-August - battles in Western Ukraine, Lvov-Sandomierz operation.
  7. Iasi-Kishinev operation, defeat of 22 divisions, withdrawal of Romania and Bulgaria from the war (August 1944).
  8. Help for Yugoslav partisans I.B. Tito (September 1944).
  9. Liberation of the Baltic states (July-October of the same year).
  10. October - liberation of the Soviet Arctic and northeast Norway.

End of enemy occupation

By the beginning of November, the territory of the USSR within the pre-war borders was liberated. The period of occupation has ended for the peoples of Belarus and Ukraine. Today's political situation forces some “figures” to present the German occupation almost as a blessing. It’s worth asking about this from Belarusians, who lost every fourth person from the actions of “civilized Europeans.”

It was not for nothing that from the first days of the foreign invasion, partisans began to operate in the occupied territories. The war of 1941-1945 in this sense became an echo of the year when other European invaders did not know peace on our territory.

Liberation of Europe

The European liberation campaign required an unimaginable expenditure of human and military resources from the USSR. Hitler, who did not even allow the thought that a Soviet soldier would enter German soil, threw all possible forces into battle, putting the elderly and children under arms.

The course of the final stage of the war can be traced by the name of the awards established by the Soviet government. Soviet soldiers-liberators received the following medals of the war of 1941-1945: for (10/20/1944), Warsaw (01/7/1945), Prague (May 9), for the capture of Budapest (February 13), Koenigsberg (April 10), Vienna (13 April). And finally, military personnel were awarded for the storming of Berlin (May 2).

...And May came. The victory was marked by the signing on May 8 of the Act of Unconditional Surrender of German Troops, and on June 24 a parade was held with the participation of representatives of all fronts, branches and branches of the military.

a great victory

Hitler's adventure cost humanity dearly. The exact number of human losses is still debated. Restoring destroyed cities and establishing an economy required many years of hard work, hunger and deprivation.

The results of the war are now assessed differently. The geopolitical changes that occurred after 1945 had different consequences. The territorial acquisitions of the Soviet Union, the emergence of the socialist camp, and the strengthening of the political weight of the USSR to the status of a superpower soon led to confrontation and increased tension between the allied countries in World War II.

But the main results are not subject to any revision and do not depend on the opinions of politicians looking for immediate benefits. In the Great Patriotic War, our country defended freedom and independence, a terrible enemy was defeated - the bearer of a monstrous ideology that threatened to destroy entire nations, and the peoples of Europe were delivered from it.

The participants in the battles are fading into history, the children of war are already elderly, but the memory of that war will live as long as people are able to value freedom, honesty and courage.

On the radio July 2, 1941. In this speech I.V. Stalin also used the terms “Patriotic War of Liberation”, “National Patriotic War”, “Patriotic War against German Fascism”.

Another official approval of this name was the introduction of the Order of the Patriotic War on May 2, 1942.


On September 8, 1941, the siege of Leningrad began. For 872 days the city heroically resisted the German invaders. He not only resisted, but also worked. It should be noted that during the siege, Leningrad provided weapons and ammunition to the troops of the Leningrad Front, and also supplied military products to neighboring fronts.

On September 30, 1941, the Battle of Moscow began. The first major battle of the Great Patriotic War in which German troops suffered a serious defeat. The battle began as the German offensive Operation Typhoon.

On December 5, the Red Army's counteroffensive began near Moscow. The troops of the Western and Kalinin fronts pushed the enemy back in places more than 100 kilometers from Moscow.

Despite the victorious offensive of the Red Army near Moscow, this was only the beginning. The beginning of the great battle against fascism, which will last another 3 long years.


The most difficult year of the Great Patriotic War. This year the Red Army suffered very heavy defeats.

The offensive near Rzhev resulted in huge losses. More than 250,000 were lost in the Kharkov cauldron. Attempts to break the blockade of Leningrad ended in failure. The 2nd Shock Army died in the Novgorod swamps.

Key dates of the second year of the Great Patriotic War

From January 8 to March 3, the Rzhev-Vyazma operation took place. The final stage of the Battle of Moscow.

From January 9 to February 6, 1942 - Toropetsko-Kholm offensive operation. The Red Army troops advanced almost 300 kilometers, liberating many settlements.

On January 7, the Demyansk offensive operation began, as a result of which the so-called Demyansk cauldron was formed. Wehrmacht troops totaling more than 100,000 people were surrounded. Including the elite SS division “Totenkopf”.

After some time, the encirclement was broken, but all the miscalculations of the Demyansk operation were taken into account when eliminating the encircled group at Stalingrad. This particularly concerned the interruption of air supplies and the strengthening of the defense of the outer ring of encirclement.

On March 17, as a result of the unsuccessful Lyuban offensive operation near Novgorod, the 2nd Shock Army was surrounded.

On November 18, after heavy defensive battles, the Red Army troops went on the offensive and surrounded the German group in the Stalingrad area.

1943 - the year of turning point during the fighting of the Great Patriotic War

In 1943, the Red Army managed to wrest the initiative from the hands of the Wehrmacht and begin a victorious march to the borders of the USSR. In some places, our units have advanced more than 1000-1200 kilometers in a year. The experience accumulated by the Red Army during the Great Patriotic War made itself felt.

On January 12, Operation Iskra began, as a result of which the blockade of Leningrad was broken. A narrow corridor up to 11 kilometers wide connected the city with the “Mainland”.

On July 5, 1943, the Battle of Kursk began. A turning point battle during the Great Patriotic War, after which the strategic initiative completely passed to the side of the Soviet Union and the Red Army.

Already during the Great Patriotic War, contemporaries appreciated the significance of this battle. Wehrmacht General Guderian said after the Battle of Kursk: “...there were no more calm days on the Eastern Front...”.

August - December 1943. Battle of the Dnieper - left-bank Ukraine is completely liberated, Kyiv is taken.

1944 is the year of the liberation of our country from fascist invaders

In 1944, the Red Army almost completely cleared the territory of the USSR from the Nazi invaders. As a result of a series of strategic operations, Soviet troops came close to the borders of Germany. More than 70 German divisions were destroyed.

This year, Red Army troops entered the territory of Poland, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Norway, Romania, Yugoslavia and Hungary. Finland emerged from the war with the USSR.

January - April 1944. Liberation of right-bank Ukraine. Exit to the state border of the Soviet Union.

On June 23, one of the largest operations of the Great Patriotic War began - the offensive Operation Bagration. Belarus, part of Poland and almost the entire Baltic region were completely liberated. Army Group Center was defeated.

On July 17, 1944, for the first time during the war, a column of almost 60,000 German prisoners captured in Belarus was marched through the streets of Moscow.

1945 - the year of victory in the Great Patriotic War

The years of the Great Patriotic War, spent by Soviet troops in the trenches, made their presence felt. The year 1945 began with the Vistula-Oder offensive operation, which would later be called the most rapid offensive in human history.

In just 2 weeks, the Red Army troops covered 400 kilometers, liberating Poland and defeating more than 50 German divisions.

On April 30, 1945, Adolf Hitler, Reich Chancellor, Fuhrer and Supreme Commander of Germany, committed suicide.

On May 9, 1945, at 0:43 a.m. Moscow time, the unconditional surrender of Germany was signed.

On the Soviet side, the surrender was accepted by Marshal of the Soviet Union, Commander of the 1st Belorussian Front, Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov.

4 years, 1418 days of the most difficult and bloody war in the history of Russia have ended.

At 22:00 on May 9, to commemorate the complete victory over Germany, Moscow saluted with 30 artillery salvoes from a thousand guns.

On June 24, 1945, the Victory Parade took place in Moscow. This solemn event marked the final point in the Great Patriotic War.

It should be noted that on May 9, the Great Patriotic War ended, but the 2nd World War did not end. In accordance with allied agreements, on August 8, the USSR entered the war with Japan. In just two weeks, Red Army troops defeated Japan's largest and most powerful army, the Kwantung Army, in Manchuria.

Having almost completely lost its ground forces and the ability to wage war on the Asian continent, Japan capitulated on September 2. September 2, 1945 is the official date of the end of World War II.

Interesting fact. Formally, the Soviet Union was at war with Germany until January 25, 1955. The fact is that after Germany surrendered, a peace treaty was not signed. Legally, the Great Patriotic War ended when the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR adopted a decree. This happened on January 25, 1955.

By the way, the United States ended the state of war with Germany on October 19, 1951, and France and Great Britain on July 9, 1951.

Photographers: Georgy Zelma, Yakov Ryumkin, Evgeny Khaldey, Anatoly Morozov.

World War II began on September 1, 1939. It's official. Unofficially, it began a little earlier - from the time of the Anschluss of Germany and Austria, the annexation by Germany of the Czech Republic, Moravia and the Sudetenland. It began when Adolf Hitler came up with the idea of ​​​​restoring the Great Reich - the Reich within the borders of the shameful Treaty of Versailles. But, since few of those living then could believe that war would come to their home, it never occurred to anyone to call it a world war. It looked only like small territorial claims and “restoration of historical justice.” Indeed, in the annexed regions and countries that were previously part of Greater Germany, many German citizens lived.

Six months later, in June 1940, the USSR authorities, having quite treacherously established state elections in Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia, forced the governments of the Baltic countries to resign, and uncontested elections were held at gunpoint, in which the communists expectedly won, since other parties were allowed to vote were not. Then, the “elected” parliaments declared these countries socialist and sent a petition to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR to join.

And then, in June 1940, Hitler ordered preparations to begin for an attack on the USSR. The formation of the blitzkrieg plan “Operation Barbarossa” began.

This redivision of the world and spheres of influence was only a partial implementation of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact concluded between Germany and its allies and the USSR on August 23, 1939.

Beginning of the Great Patriotic War

For citizens of the Soviet Union, the war began treacherously - at dawn on June 22, when the small border river Bug and other territories were crossed by a fascist armada.

It would seem that nothing foreshadowed war. Yes, the Soviets who worked in Germany, Japan, and other countries sent dispatches that war with Germany was inevitable. They, often at the cost of their own lives, managed to find out both the date and time. Yes, six months before the designated date and especially closer to it, the penetration of saboteurs and sabotage groups into Soviet territories intensified. But... Comrade Stalin, whose faith in himself as the Supreme and unsurpassed ruler on one sixth of the land was so enormous and unshakable that at best these intelligence officers simply remained alive and worked on, and at worst they were declared enemies of the people and liquidated.

Stalin's faith was based both on the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and on Hitler's personal promise. He could not imagine that someone could deceive him and outplay him.

Therefore, despite the fact that on the part of the Soviet Union regular units were gathered on the western borders, ostensibly to increase combat readiness and planned military exercises, and in the newly annexed western territories of the USSR from June 13 to 14, an operation was carried out to evict and clean up the “social -alien element" deep into the country, the Red Army was not prepared at the beginning of the aggression. The military units received an order not to succumb to provocations. Commanding personnel in large numbers, from senior to junior commanders of the Red Army, were sent on leave. Perhaps because Stalin himself expected to start a war, but later: at the end of July - beginning of August 1941.

History does not know the subjunctive mood. That's why this happened: in the early evening of June 21, the Germans received the Dortmund signal, which meant a planned offensive for the next day. And on a fine summer morning, Germany, without war, with the support of its allies, invaded the Soviet Union and delivered a powerful blow along the entire length of its western borders, from three sides - with parts of three armies: “North”, “Center” and “South”. In the very first days, most of the Red Army's ammunition, ground military equipment and aircraft were destroyed. Peaceful cities, guilty only of the fact that strategically important ports and airfields were located on their territories - Odessa, Sevastopol, Kiev, Minsk, Riga, Smolensk and other settlements - were subjected to massive bombing.

By mid-July, German troops captured Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, a significant part of Ukraine, Moldova and Estonia. They destroyed most of the Red Army on the Western Front.

But then “something went wrong...” - the activation of Soviet aviation on the Finnish border and in the Arctic, a counterattack by mechanized corps on the Southwestern Front, stopped the Nazi offensive. By the end of July - beginning of August, Soviet troops learned not only to retreat, but also to defend themselves and resist the aggressor. And, although this was only the very, very beginning and four more terrible years would pass until the end of the Second World War, but even then, defending and holding Kiev and Minsk, Sevastopol and Smolensk with their last strength, the Red Army troops felt that they could win , ruining Hitler’s plans for the lightning seizure of Soviet territories.

The Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) - the war between the USSR, Germany and its allies within the framework of the Second World War on the territory of the USSR and Germany. Germany attacked the USSR on June 22, 1941, with the expectation of a short military campaign, but the war dragged on for several years and ended in the complete defeat of Germany.

Causes of the Great Patriotic War

After the defeat in the First World War, Germany was left in a difficult situation - the political situation was unstable, the economy was in a deep crisis. Around this time, Hitler came to power and, thanks to his reforms in the economy, was able to quickly bring Germany out of the crisis and thereby gain the trust of the authorities and the people.

Having become the head of the country, Hitler began to pursue his policy, which was based on the idea of ​​​​the superiority of the Germans over other races and peoples. Hitler not only wanted to take revenge for losing the First World War, but also to subjugate the whole world to his will. The result of his claims was a German attack on the Czech Republic and Poland, and then (already within the framework of the outbreak of World War II) on other European countries.

Until 1941, there was a non-aggression pact between Germany and the USSR, but Hitler violated it by attacking the USSR. To conquer the Soviet Union, the German command developed a rapid attack that was supposed to bring victory within two months. Having seized the territories and wealth of the USSR, Hitler could have entered into open confrontation with the United States for the right to world political domination.

The attack was swift, but did not bring the desired results - the Russian army offered stronger resistance than the Germans expected, and the war dragged on for many years.

Main periods of the Great Patriotic War

    First period (June 22, 1941 - November 18, 1942). Within a year of Germany's attack on the USSR, the German army had conquered significant territories, including Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Moldova, Belarus and Ukraine. After this, the troops moved inland to capture Moscow and Leningrad, however, despite the failures of Russian soldiers at the beginning of the war, the Germans failed to take the capital.

    Leningrad was besieged, but the Germans were not allowed into the city. The battles for Moscow, Leningrad and Novgorod continued until 1942.

    The period of radical change (1942-1943). The middle period of the war got its name due to the fact that it was at this time that Soviet troops were able to take the advantage in the war into their own hands and launch a counteroffensive. The German and Allied armies gradually began to retreat back to the western border, and many foreign legions were defeated and destroyed.

    Thanks to the fact that the entire industry of the USSR at that time worked for military needs, the Soviet army managed to significantly increase its weapons and provide worthy resistance. The USSR army turned from a defender into an attacker.

    The final period of the war (1943-1945). During this period, the USSR began to recapture the lands occupied by the Germans and move towards Germany. Leningrad was liberated, Soviet troops entered Czechoslovakia, Poland, and then into German territory.

    On May 8, Berlin was captured and German troops announced unconditional surrender. Hitler, having learned about the lost war, committed suicide. War is over.

The main battles of the Great Patriotic War

  • Defense of the Arctic (June 29, 1941 - November 1, 1944).
  • Siege of Leningrad (September 8, 1941 - January 27, 1944).
  • Battle of Moscow (September 30, 1941 - April 20, 1942).
  • Battle of Rzhev (January 8, 1942 - March 31, 1943).
  • Battle of Kursk (July 5 - August 23, 1943).
  • Battle of Stalingrad (July 17, 1942 – February 2, 1943).
  • Battle for the Caucasus (July 25, 1942 - October 9, 1943).
  • Belarusian operation (June 23 - August 29, 1944).
  • Battle for Right Bank Ukraine (December 24, 1943 - April 17, 1944).
  • Budapest operation (October 29, 1944 - February 13, 1945).
  • Baltic operation (September 14 - November 24, 1944).
  • Vistula-Oder operation (January 12 - February 3, 1945).
  • East Prussian operation (January 13 - April 25, 1945).
  • Berlin operation (April 16 - May 8, 1945).

Results and significance of the Great Patriotic War

Although the main goal of the Great Patriotic War was defensive, in the end, Soviet troops went on the offensive and not only liberated their territories, but also destroyed the German army, took Berlin and stopped Hitler’s victorious march across Europe.

Unfortunately, despite the victory, this war turned out to be ruinous for the USSR - the country's economy after the war was in a deep crisis, since industry worked exclusively for the military sector, many people were killed, and those who remained starved.

Nevertheless, for the USSR, victory in this war meant that the Union was now becoming a world superpower, which had the right to dictate its terms in the political arena.

The Tsar's word to the Russian people and army! SECOND PATRIOTIC WAR

Our great mother Rus' greeted the news of the declaration of war with calm and dignity. I am convinced that with the same sense of calm we will bring the war, whatever it may be, to the end.

I here solemnly declare that I will not make peace until the last enemy warrior leaves Our land. And to you, the representatives of my dear guard troops and the St. Petersburg Military District gathered here, in your person, I address my entire only-begotten, unanimous army, strong as a granite wall, and I bless it for its military work.

What’s interesting is this: “until the last enemy warrior leaves our land”

How did the 2nd Patriotic War, or the 1st World War (as we are already accustomed) begin according to official history?

On August 1, Germany declared war on Russia, and on the same day the Germans invaded Luxembourg.
On August 2, German troops finally occupied Luxembourg, and Belgium was given an ultimatum to allow German armies to enter the border with France. Only 12 hours were given for reflection.
On August 3, Germany declared war on France, accusing it of “organized attacks and aerial bombardments of Germany” and “violating Belgian neutrality.” On August 3, Belgium refused Germany's ultimatum.
On August 4, German troops invaded Belgium. King Albert of Belgium turned for help to the guarantor countries of Belgian neutrality. London sent an ultimatum to Berlin: stop the invasion of Belgium, or England will declare war on Germany. After the ultimatum expired, Great Britain declared war on Germany and sent troops to help France.

It turns out to be an interesting story. The Tsar probably would not have thrown words around like that - “until the last enemy warrior leaves our land,” etc.

But the enemy, at the time of the speech, invaded the territory of Luxembourg. What does it mean? Is this what I think, or do you have other thoughts?

Let's see where we have Luxembourg?

A good thing - Luxembourg is aligned in color with the Netherlands, so it turns out that all the land belonged to Russia? Or was it a kingdom of a different kind, World and Global, with Russia as the flagship? And the rest of the countries were not countries, but counties, principalities, regions, or God knows what it was actually called..

Because it’s the Patriotic War, and the second one (I think the first one was 1812) And then, 100 years later, again - 1914.. You say - “Well, you never know what’s written in the picture, so now, build a theory from this? " But no, my friends.. There’s not just one picture.. But two.. Or three.. Or thirty-three..

The question is this: who and when began to call the Second Patriotic War, the First World War? If they are hiding this from us (those who are engaged in informing the population about the events of history - x/ztoriki) then there is probably a reason for this? Won't they foolishly change the names of historical events because they have nothing to do? What a nonsense..

And there is a lot of such evidence... So there is something to hide.! What exactly? Probably the fact that our Fatherland was much wider at that time, so much so that Luxembourg was our territory, and perhaps it was not limited to this. We all know about the globality of the world in the 19th century - when was this global world divided and strictly demarcated?

Who lived in the Russian Empire?

Document: “On the number of measures included in the draft lists of 1904 on the basis of Article 152 of the military regulations of the 1897 edition” Materials of the Samara recruiting presence. According to the materials of the Samara recruiting presence - Germans and Jews - religion. This means there was one state, but recently it was divided.

There were no nationalities back in 1904. There were Christians, Mohammedans, Jews and Germans - this is how the masses were distinguished.

In B. Shaw's Saint Joan, an English nobleman says to a priest who used the word "French":

"Frenchman! Where did you get this word from? Did these Burgundians, Bretons, Picardians and Gascons also begin to call themselves French, just as ours have taken the fashion of calling themselves English? They talk about France and England as their countries. Yours, do you understand?! What will happen to me and to you if such a way of thinking is spread everywhere? (See: Davidson B. The Black Man's Birden. Africa and the Cigse of the Nation-State. New York: Times B 1992. R. 95).

“In 1830, Stendhal spoke of a terrible triangle between the cities of Bordeaux, Bayonne and Valence, where “people believed in witches, did not know how to read and did not speak French.” Flaubert, walking through the fair in the commune of Rasporden in 1846, as if exotic bazaar, he described a typical peasant he came across on his way: “...suspicious, restless, dumbfounded by any phenomenon incomprehensible to him, he is in a great hurry to leave the city.”
D. Medvedev. France of the 19th century: a country of savages (instructive reading)

So what was it about - “until the enemy leaves our land”? And where is it, this “land of ours”? It is known that during this war the soldiers did not want to fight - they met on neutral territory and “fraternization”

“Brotherhood” on the Eastern Front began already in August 1914, and in 1916, hundreds of regiments from the Russian side already participated in them, writes Interpreter.

On New Year's Eve, 1915, sensational news spread around the world: a spontaneous truce and "fraternization" of soldiers of the warring British, French and German armies began on the Western Front of the Great War. Soon, the leader of the Russian Bolsheviks, Lenin, announced “fraternization” at the front as the beginning of “the transformation of the world war into a civil war” (note!!!)

Among these news about the Christmas Truce, the meager information about the “fraternization” on the Eastern (Russian) Front was completely lost.

"Brotherhood" in the Russian army began in August 1914 on the Southwestern Front. In December 1914, cases of mass “fraternization” of soldiers of the 249th Danube Infantry and 235th Belebeevsky Infantry Regiments were noted on the North-Western Front.

How can this be the case among multilingual peoples? They were somehow supposed to understand each other!!!?

One thing is clear - people were driven to slaughter by their leaders, governments, who received orders from some “center”... But what kind of “center” is this?

It was the mutual destruction of the people. Read the names of settlements in Germany... We rightfully considered this land ours!!!

Read it, and you will immediately understand “what” Emperor Nicholas II was talking about when he said “Our Land”, I mean himself, or the society he led (this is a question of a different nature) All this was “Our Land” (in addition to the Benelux countries - Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Belgium, etc.) It turns out that if you follow the logic (why was it necessary to hide the name of the Second Patriotic War?), then the goal setting was precisely the concealment of the Global (at that time) World, the Fatherland, which this war “finished off”? Were states in their current form formed only recently? Even during the Great Patriotic War, the Nazis, in turn, considered our territory theirs, and the population their citizens - they behaved as if they had equal rights with the Bolsheviks, at least. They thought so... And part of the population was quite loyal, especially at the beginning of the war...

So what was it - another “get-together”?

Who constantly pits our peoples against each other, and has a triple benefit from this?

Time of Troubles If we go back to the time of the Troubles (17th century) or, rather, at the end of it, then several foreign princes and even King James of England laid claim to the Russian throne (with what joy?) But the Cossacks managed to push through their candidate by hook or by crook - Mikhail Feodorovich, which the other applicants were very unhappy with - It turns out they had equal rights. . ? And the Polish Tsarevich Vladislav never recognized Michael as Tsar, without showing due respect, according to etiquette, calling him illegitimately elected, considering his rights to the Moscow throne more fundamental..

How this is connected with the legend of the Russian kingdom, as well as other individual states, I cannot understand.

(wiki) According to the famous Soviet historian, Professor A.L. Stanislavsky, a well-known specialist in the history of Russian society of the 16th-17th centuries, Michael played a key role in the accession of the throne instead of foreign princes and King James I of England and Scotland, whom the nobility and boyars wanted to elect , played by the Great Russian Cossacks, who then united with the Moscow common people, whose liberties the tsar and his descendants subsequently took away in every possible way. The Cossacks received a grain salary, and were afraid that the bread that was supposed to go to their salary would instead be sold by the British for money all over the world.

That is, the Great Russian Cossacks “stirred”, fearing that the English king, having sat on the Moscow throne, would take away their bread wages, and why didn’t the very fact that an Englishman would rule in Rus' bother them!? Was this normal, in the order of things? I wonder why the Cossacks did not participate in the wars waged by Rus'? Mikhail Feodorych’s army was half full. . . . Foreign, German!! S. M. Solovyov. Works in 18 volumes. Book V. History of Russia since ancient times, volumes 9-10.

But we saw that in addition to hired and local foreigners during the reign of Michael, there were regiments of Russian people trained in the foreign system; Shein near Smolensk had: hired many German people, captains and captains and foot soldiers; Yes, with them, with the German colonels and captains, were Russian people, boyar children and people of all ranks who were enrolled in military training: with the German colonel Samuel Charles, there were 2700 nobles and boyar children from different cities; Greeks, Serbs and Voloshans forage - 81; Colonel Alexander Leslie, and with him his regiment of captains and majors, all sorts of officials and soldiers - 946; with Colonel Yakov Sharl - 935; with Colonel Fuchs - 679; with Colonel Sanderson, 923; with colonels - Wilhelm Keith and Yuri Matteyson - initial people - 346 and ordinary soldiers - 3282: German people from different lands who were sent from the Ambassadorial Prikaz - 180, and a total of mercenary Germans - 3653;

Yes, with the German colonels of Russian soldiers, who are in charge of the foreign order: 4 colonels, 4 large regimental lieutenants, 4 majors, in Russian large regimental guards, 2 quartermasters and a captain, in Russian large regimental okolnichi, 2 regimental quartermasters, 17 captains , 32 lieutenants, 32 ensigns, 4 regimental judges and clerks, 4 obozniks, 4 priests, 4 court clerks, 4 profosts, 1 regimental nabatchik, 79 pentecostals, 33 ensigns, 33 gun watchmen, 33 company borrowers, 65 German corporals, 172 Russian caporals, 20 German nabatchiks with a flute player, 32 company clerks, 68 Russian nabbatchikov, two German underage children for interpreting; a total of German people and Russian and German soldiers in six regiments, and Poles and Lithuanians in four companies 14801 people...

Well, okay - let's look at photographs from the beginning of the 19th century.. Opposite ends of the world - from Vietnam to South Africa and Indonesia - what ends, it would seem! But no - the same architecture, style, materials, one company built everything, globalization however... In general, there are a small fraction of photographs here, for acceleration, and at the end of the post there’s more, for those who can’t stop right away)) for the sake of braking distance for..back at the beginning of the 20th century THE WORLD WAS GLOBAL!!!

Kyiv, Ukraine

Odessa, Ukraine

Tehran, Iran

Hanoi, Vietnam

Saigon, Vietnam

Padang, Indonesia

Bogota, Colombia

Manial, Philippines

Karachi, Pakistan

Karachi, Pakistan

Shanghai, China


Shanghai, China

Managua, Nicaragua

Kolkata, India


Kolkata, India

Cape Town, South Africa

Cape Town, South Africa

Seoul, Korea

Seoul, Korea

Melbourne, Australia

Brisbane, Australia

Oaxaca, Mexico

Mexico City, Mexico

Toronto, Canada

Toronto, Canada

Montreal, Canada

Penang Island, George Town, Malaysia

Lstrow Penang, George Town, Malaysia

Penang Island, Georgetown, Malaysia

Phuket, Thailand


Subpoint: Brussels, Belgium


Kolkata, India

Vendôme Column. Paris




To this list you must also add all the destroyed cities to which the manipulator assigned the status of ancient Greek and Roman. This is all nonsense. They were destroyed 200-300 years ago. It’s just that, due to the desertification of the territory, life on the ruins of such cities has largely not resumed. These cities (Timgad, Palmyra and the like..) were destroyed by a low air explosion, an unknown, terrible weapon of mass destruction.. Look - the top of the city was completely demolished.. And where are the debris? But this is up to 80% of the destroyed massif! Who, when and where, and most importantly - with what, removed so much construction waste?

Timgad, Algeria, Africa

The most interesting thing is that the entire territory with a diameter of 25-30 km from the so-called city center is strewn with ruins - a real metropolis like modern ones... If Moscow is 37-50 km. in diameter.. That is, it becomes clear that the cities were destroyed by low air explosions of enormous destructive power - ALL UPPER PARTS OF BUILDINGS WERE COMPLETELY DEMOLISHED..

Here you can clearly see the sand-covered areas of the city center, and the mainland soil - even the pits of former reservoirs (greenish) are the remnants of former luxury... Palm trees grew here (hence the name - Palmyra) and so on and so forth... It was an earthly paradise for enlightened people.. In the photo above, I specially placed photographs of objects in their locations in order to clearly demonstrate their distance from the center of Palmyra (let it be, for example, an amphitheater) and this is about 30 km in diameter..

Compare the buildings. Their design and initial functional purpose are identical:

Lebanon, Baalbek

Orthodox Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul. Sevastopol

Old Museum in Kerch

Walhala, Germany

Temple of Poseidon, Italy

Parthenon, USA

Temple of Apollo, Delphi

Temple of Theseus in Vienna, Austria

Temple of Hephaestus in Athens

Paris, Church of the Madeleine, 1860

Garni Temple in Armenia