Khristenko Vasily Timofeevich full holder of the Order of Glory. Khristenko Vasily Timofeevich full holder of the Order of Glory State awards of the Russian Federation and the USSR

KHRISTENKO Vasily Timofeevich, full holder of the Order of Glory, was born on April 12, 1925 in the village of Bolshaya Mikhailovka, Kirov district, Karaganda region, in the family of an employee. Russian. Member of the CPSU since 1945. He graduated from 10 classes in the village of Maikain-Zoloto, Pavlodar region. He worked as a driller at a mine. In the Red Army since January 1943. He studied at the Tambov Military Infantry School. At the front since August 1943.

In February 1944, a reconnaissance reconnaissance company (62nd Guards Rifle Division, 4th Guards Army, 2nd Ukrainian Front), Private Khristenko Vasily Timofeevich, near the village of Khilki, Korsun-Shevchenkovsky district, Cherkasy region, discovered an enemy convoy, which was then destroyed by fire. On February 22, 1944 he was awarded the Order of Glory, 3rd degree.

Commander of the armored personnel carrier of the 80th separate motorcycle battalion (5th Guards Tank Corps, 6th Guards Tank Army, 2nd Ukrainian Front) Sergeant Khristenko V.T. On October 6, 1944, with the crew of an armored personnel carrier, during an enemy attack on an observation post near the city of Komadi (Hungary), he destroyed about 10 enemy infantrymen with a machine gun. On November 4, 1944 he was awarded the Order of Glory, 3rd degree.

On December 18, 1944, in a battle breaking through enemy defenses near the village of Domandice, 16 km southeast of the city of Levice (Czechoslovakia), the commander of an armored personnel carrier of the 15th separate guards motorcycle battalion of the guard, sergeant of the same combat strength, Khristenko V.T. with his crew destroyed 12 Nazis. Personally suppressed a firing point, captured 2 enemy soldiers and an officer. On January 24, 1945 he was awarded the Order of Glory, 2nd degree.

The commander of the armored personnel carrier of the same battalion (5th Guards Tank Corps, 6th Guards Tank Army, 3rd Ukrainian Front) Guard Sergeant Major V.T. with his crew on March 23-24, 1945, while pursuing the enemy in the area of ​​the village of Sengal (west of the city of Veszprém, Hungary), he destroyed over 10 infantrymen and captured 6 enemy soldiers and an officer. On April 20, 1945, while on reconnaissance, as part of a crew in the area of ​​the village of Peisdorf (Austria), he entered into battle with the enemy, during which over 10 Nazis were destroyed. Khristenko V.T. personally suppressed the machine gun and captured 3 soldiers. On May 15, 1946 he was awarded the Order of Glory, 1st degree.

In 1946 he was demobilized. In 1956 he graduated from the Law Institute in absentia. He worked as 1st Deputy Chairman of the Altai Regional Executive Committee. Hero of Socialist Labor (12/13/1972). Lived in the city of Barnaul. Awarded the Order of Lenin, the October Revolution, the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st and 2nd degree, the Red Banner of Labor, the Red Star, the Badge of Honor, and medals. Participant in the 1990 and 1995 Victory Parades.

Khristenko Vasily Timofeevich(April 12, 1925 – February 9, 2010)

Full Knight of the Order of Glory (1945), Hero of Socialist Labor (1972), Honorary Citizen of the Altai Territory (1978)

Biography of V.T. Khristenko, like his peers, can be counted from the day when he was called up for military service, and, therefore, it was his turn to defend his homeland with arms in hand. The number 17 was curiously repeated at the beginning of his biography: he was the youngest - the seventeenth child in the family of a rural paramedic, and he was 17 when he went to the front in 1943. The years devoted to the defense of the homeland are reflected in wartime documents: certificates of injuries - there were four of them. By the way, thanks to one of these wounds and a lucky mistake of war, as V.T. put it. Khristenko in one of his interviews, he became a holder of four Orders of Glory.

Khristenko V.T. (right) with his tank reconnaissance company commander I.P. Kryachek. 1946

After the first wound, he ended up in the hospital, and then ended up in another regiment. The reward did not find the soldier then. He continued to fight and earned three Orders of Glory. I learned about my first award - the Order of Glory, 3rd degree, after the victory. So the first Order of Glory to the infantryman, and then to the intelligence officer V.T. Khristenko was fourth. The conquest of European capitals - Budapest, Prague, Vienna - is evidenced by awards and documents for them. Since 1944, the “Guard” badge has been preserved. Vasily Timofeevich will call his participation in the war with Japan as part of the Transbaikal Front in August-September 1945 “a walk compared to the Great Patriotic War.” But only in comparison. Front-line soldiers know the value of the courage of the participants in the crossing of the Khingan in the Mongolian desert. Memoirs of V.T. Khristenko's Notes of a Frontline Intelligence Officer went through three editions.

Post-war life required no less courage than the front. The next milestone lay ahead: finding oneself in a peaceful life. Having installedset a high standard in life for myself, I decided that educationhe must have the highest. All universities in the country were opened to the twenty-year-old war hero. First he entered the Ural Polytechnic Institute at the Faculty of Energy, then moved to the Sverdlovsk Law School, from which he graduated in 1950. But entering the polytechnic was not a mistake. It became rather fateful: there he met his future wife, a student at the Faculty of Mathematics Angelina Demina. And since then they have never parted.

In Altai V.T. Khristenko since 1950. Here, in the Topchikhinsky district, his career began. First in the district prosecutor's office, from 1953 - in local authorities and the Communist Party. In 1964 Khristenko V.T. elected first secretary of the Shipunovsky District Committee of the CPSU of the Altai Territory. These were the years of struggle for a high harvest in Altai. On the grain front, the organizational talent of V.T. Khristenko. In 1972, one of the most difficult years in terms of weather, grain growers in the Shipunovsky district sold 240 thousand tons of grain to the state instead of 128 according to plan. For this labor feat, many farmers in the region were awarded high government awards. Among them is V.T. Khristenko, awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.

For 16 years, Khristenko was the first secretary of the Shipunovsky district party committee.He spent a lot of effort to ensure that the region became the forefront in Altai in improving social and living conditions.conditions in the village. It was here that kindergartens and schools began to be intensively built, high-quality rural hospitals and clubs appeared, the famous amateur choir “Sibiryachka” arose, which later became a laureate of the All-Union and All-Russian shows of amateur groups, the memorial “To the Soldiers from the Bloody Fields that Never Returned” and the Alley of Heroes were opened.

Since 1980, his field of activity has become not just the Shipunovsky district, but the entire Altai Territory. Since that time, Vasily Timofeevich has been the deputy chairman of the Altai Regional Executive Committee.

When the public organization Soviet Peace Fund was created in our country on April 27, 1961, war veterans were also involved in its activities. V.T. took an active part in the activities of the Soviet Peace Fund. Khristenko.

V.T. handled veterans' affairs. Khristenko since 1991 and held this post until the end of his life. He was a member of the Russian War Veterans Committee. The Chairman of the Russian Committee of War Veterans, Hero of the Soviet Union, V.L. Govorov visited Altai several times: in 1999 with an inspection check, in 2000 - to present the Altai Regional Committee of War Veterans with a Certificate of Honor from the President of Russia.

The peak of state and public gratitude for the activities of V.T. Khristenko fell in 2005, the year of the 60th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. This year, the Shipunov Children's Art School was named after V.T. Khristenko; this year in the Kremlin the President of Russia presented V.T. Khristenko state award - Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 4th degree. This year V.T. Khristenko became a holder of a high public award - the Order of the Silver Star “Public Recognition”. The national foundation “Public Recognition” awarded this award to those who, through their dedicated work, bring concrete benefit to society and our fellow citizens.

Materials provided by the military-historical department of the Altai State Museum of Local Lore

Khristenko Vasily Timofeevich

Born on April 12, 1925 in the village of Bolshaya Mikhailovka, Kirov district, Karaganda region of Kazakhstan, in the family of an employee. Russian. He graduated from 10 classes in the village of Maykain-Zoloto, Pavlodar region of Kazakhstan. He worked as a driller at a mine.

In the Red Army since January 1943. He studied at the Tambov Military Infantry School. At the front during the Great Patriotic War from August 1943. Participant in the crossing of the Dnieper, the Korsun-Shevchenko operation and the assault on Budapest.

Reconnaissance reconnaissance company (62nd Guards Rifle Division, 4th Guards Army, 2nd Ukrainian Front), Red Army guard Vasily Khristenko, in February 1944, near the village of Khilki, Korsun-Shevchenkovsky district, Cherkasy region, discovered an enemy convoy, which was then destroyed by fire .

For courage and bravery shown in battle, on February 22, 1944 he was awarded the Order of Glory, 3rd degree.

Commander of the armored personnel carrier of the 80th separate motorcycle battalion (5th Guards Tank Corps, 6th Guards Tank Army, 2nd Ukrainian Front), Sergeant V.T. Khristenko. On October 6, 1944, with the crew of an armored personnel carrier, during an enemy attack on an observation post (OP) in the area of ​​the Hungarian city of Komadi, he destroyed about a dozen enemy infantrymen with a machine gun.

By order of November 4, 1944, Vasily Khristenko was again awarded the Order of Glory, 3rd degree.

On December 8, 1944, in a battle breaking through enemy defenses near the village of Domandice, 16 kilometers southeast of the Czechoslovak city of Levice, Guard Sergeant Vasily Khristenko and his crew destroyed twelve Nazis. The commander in this battle personally suppressed the firing point and captured two enemy soldiers and an officer. For this feat he was awarded the Order of Glory, 2nd degree.

On March 23-24, 1945, commander of the armored personnel carrier of the 15th separate guards motorcycle battalion (5th Guards Tank Corps, 6th Guards Tank Army, 3rd Ukrainian Front) Guard Sergeant Major Khristenko with his crew while pursuing the enemy in the area of ​​the village of Sengal , located west of the Hungarian city of Veszprém, destroyed over ten infantrymen and captured six enemy soldiers and an officer.

On April 20, 1945, while on reconnaissance, Guard Sergeant Major Khristenko, as part of a crew in the area of ​​the Austrian village of Peisdorf, entered into battle with the enemy, during which over a dozen Nazis were destroyed. Vasily Khristenko personally suppressed a machine gun and captured three enemy soldiers.

After the end of the Great Patriotic War, Vasily Khristenko took part in the war with Japan.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 15, 1946, for the exemplary performance of command tasks in battles with the Nazi invaders, Guard Sergeant Major Khristenko Vasily Timofeevich was awarded the Order of Glory, 1st degree (No. 1794), becoming a full holder of the Order of Glory. One of 22 full cavaliers (according to other sources, 86) awarded four Orders of Glory.

In 1946, Vasily Khristenko was demobilized. Graduated from the Ural Polytechnic Institute and Sverdlovsk Law School. In 1950 he was sent to Altai, worked as an investigator, assistant prosecutor and prosecutor of the Topchikhinsky district. Since 1953, he headed the Topchikhinsky and then the Aleysky district executive committee, became the first secretary of the Zmeinogorsk city committee and the Shipunovsky district committee of the CPSU, the first deputy chairman of the Altai regional executive committee, was elected as a delegate to the XXIV and XXV Congresses of the CPSU, a deputy of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR and the regional council.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated December 13, 1972, the first deputy chairman of the Altai Regional Executive Committee, Vasily Timofeevich Khristenko, was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor with the award of the order

Khristenko Vasily Timofeevich - scout of the reconnaissance company of the 62nd Guards Rifle Division; commander of an armored personnel carrier of the 80th (15th Guards) separate motorcycle battalion of the 5th Guards Tank Corps (6th Guards Tank Army), guard foreman; First Secretary of the Shipunovsky District Committee of the CPSU, Altai Territory.

Born on April 12, 1925 in the village of Bolshaya Mikhailovka, now Kirovsky district, Karaganda region (Kazakhstan) in the family of an employee. Russian. He graduated from the 10th grade of school in the village of Maykain-Zoloto (Pavlodar region, Kazakhstan). He worked as a driller at a mine.

In the army since January 1943. He studied at the Tambov Military Infantry School.

Participant of the Great Patriotic War since August 1943.

In February 1944, a scout of the reconnaissance company of the 62nd Guards Rifle Division (4th Guards Army, 2nd Ukrainian Front) of the Red Army Guard, V.T. Khristenko, near the village of Khilki (Korsun-Shevchenkovsky district, Cherkasy region, Ukraine) discovered an enemy convoy , which was then destroyed by fire.

For the courage and bravery shown in battle, on February 22, 1944, the Red Army soldier was awarded the Order of Glory, 3rd degree.

The commander of an armored personnel carrier of the 80th separate motorcycle battalion (5th Guards Tank Corps, 6th Guards Tank Army, 2nd Ukrainian Front) Sergeant V.T. Khristenko on October 6, 1944, together with the crew during an enemy attack on an observation post in near the city of Komadi (Hungary) destroyed about a dozen enemy infantrymen with a machine gun.

For the courage and bravery shown in battle, on November 4, 1944, the sergeant was again awarded the Order of Glory, 3rd degree.

On December 18, 1944, in a battle breaking through enemy defenses near the village of Domandice (16 km southeast of the city of Levice, Slovakia), the commander of an armored personnel carrier of the 15th separate guards motorcycle battalion (5th Guards Tank Corps, 6th Guards Tank Army, 2nd th Ukrainian Front) guard sergeant V.T. Khristenko with his crew destroyed 12 Nazis. The commander himself personally suppressed the firing point and captured two enemy soldiers and an officer.

For the courage and bravery shown in battle, on January 24, 1945, the guard sergeant was awarded the Order of Glory, 2nd degree.

The commander of an armored personnel carrier of the 15th separate guards motorcycle battalion (5th Guards Tank Corps, 6th Guards Tank Army, 3rd Ukrainian Front) Guard Sergeant Major V.T. Khristenko with his crew on March 23-24, 1945 while pursuing the enemy in near the village of Sengal (west of the city of Veszprém, Hungary) he destroyed over 10 infantrymen and captured 6 enemy soldiers and an officer. On April 20, 1945, while on reconnaissance, Guard Sergeant V.T. Khristenko, as part of a crew in the area of ​​the village of Peisdorf (Austria), entered into battle with the enemy, during which more than a dozen Nazis were destroyed. Personally suppressed a machine gun and captured three enemy soldiers.

Participant in the Soviet-Japanese War of 1945.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 15, 1946, for the exemplary performance of command tasks in battles with the Nazi invaders, the guard sergeant was awarded the Order of Glory, 1st degree, becoming a full holder of the Order of Glory.

In 1946, Sergeant Major V.T. Khristenko was demobilized. Graduated from the Ural Polytechnic Institute and Sverdlovsk Law School. In 1950-1953 he worked as an investigator at the prosecutor's office and prosecutor of the Topchikhinsky district of the Altai Territory.

In 1953-1962 - secretary of the district party committee of the Volodarsky zone of the MTS of the Altai Territory, second secretary of the district committee, first secretary of the Zmeinogorsk city committee of the CPSU. In 1963-1964 - Chairman of the regional executive committee of the Aleisky District Council of Workers' Deputies of the Altai Territory. In 1964-1979 - first secretary of the Shipunovsky district committee of the CPSU.

By Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of December 13, 1972, for the great successes achieved in increasing the production and sale of grain and other agricultural products to the state, and for the demonstrated labor valor during the harvest Khristenko Vasily Timofeevich awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor with the Order of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle gold medal.

In 1979-1989 - First Deputy Chairman of the Altai Regional Executive Committee.

Since 1992, he led the Altai Regional Committee of Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, and was the chairman of the public organization of war and military service veterans of the Altai Territory. Member of the Russian Committee of War and Military Service Veterans. Honorary Professor of Altai State Technical University.

Colonel. Awarded the Soviet Orders of Lenin (12/13/1972), October Revolution (04/8/1971), Patriotic War 1st (03/11/1985) and 2nd (06/10/1945) degrees, Red Banner of Labor (03/22/1966), Red Star (10/14/1945), “Badge of Honor” (01/11/1957), Glory 1st (05/15/1946), 2nd (01/24/1945) degrees, 2 Orders of Glory 3rd degree (02/22/1944; 4.11. 1944), Russian orders “For Services to the Fatherland” 4th degree (04/18/2005), Friendship (04/1/1995), medals.

Honorary citizen of the Altai Territory (10/30/1997).

Tempered in work. M., 1985;
It was. Notes of a front-line intelligence officer. Barnaul, 1989;
Notes of a front-line intelligence officer. 2nd edition, expanded. Barnaul, 1995.

Born on April 12, 1925 in the village of Bolshaya Mikhailovka, Kazakh SSR, in the family of an employee. Vasily Timofeevich graduated from 10 classes in the village of Maykain-Zoloto, Pavlodar region of Kazakhstan. He worked as a driller at a mine.

In the Red Army since January 1943. He studied at the Tambov Military Infantry School. Participant of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. since August 1943.

Vasily Timofeevich went from a scout in a reconnaissance company to a foreman. Repeatedly V.T. Khristenko showed courage and courage in battles.

After the end of the Great Patriotic War, Guard Sergeant Major Khristenko V.T. took part in the war with Japan.

In 1946 V.T. Khristenko was demobilized. Graduated from the Ural Polytechnic Institute and Sverdlovsk Law School. In 1950 he was sent to Altai, worked as an investigator, assistant prosecutor and prosecutor of the Topchikhinsky district.

Since 1953, the career of V.T. Khristenko began. as a party and Soviet leader. He headed the Topchikhinsky and then the Aleysky district executive committee, worked as the first secretary of the Zmeinogorsk city committee and the Shipunovsky district committee of the CPSU, first deputy chairman of the Altai regional executive committee, was elected as a delegate to the XXIV and XXV Congresses of the CPSU, a deputy of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR and the Altai Regional Council of People's Deputies.

Since 1992, Vasily Timofeevich has continuously led the Altai Regional Committee of Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, and was the chairman of the public organization of war and military service veterans of the Altai Territory. Member of the Russian Committee of War and Military Service Veterans. Honorary Professor of Altai State Technical University.

Lived in Barnaul. Died on February 9, 2010. He was buried in Barnaul on the Walk of Fame of the Vlasikhinsky cemetery.

Awarded the orders: Lenin (12/13/1972), October Revolution, Patriotic War I (03/11/1985) and II degrees, Red Banner of Labor, Red Star, “Badge of Honor”, ​​“For Services to the Fatherland” IV degree (2005), order Honor, Order of Friendship, medals. Vasily Timofeevich - holder of the Order of Glory I, II, III (twice) and IV degrees. On November 30, 1997, Vasily Timofeevich was awarded the title “Honorary Citizen of the Altai Territory.”