10 cases when there is nowhere. The only housing will be taken away for debts (in fact, not really)


On August 12, 1883, Mexican astronomer José Bonilla observed more than 400 dark, indistinct, unknown objects crossing while studying its corona. Unknown to him, these objects were fragments of a comet weighing over a billion tons, which broke up and miraculously missed the Earth. A comet of this size once killed the dinosaurs.

Each fragment ranged in size from 50 meters to 4 kilometers and was much more powerful than an atomic bomb. According to various estimates, the fragments passed at a distance of 600 to 8,000 kilometers from Earth. This is very little in a cosmic sense. Each such fragment could lead to an explosion similar to the one caused by the Tunguska meteorite. According to scientists, life on Earth would then definitely come to an end.

Tunguska meteorite


The Tunguska event was caused by the impact of a small asteroid or comet that disintegrated near the Earth's surface in 1908. The air blast that occurred then leveled more than 2,000 square kilometers of dense forest in Russia.

Fortunately, no one was killed by the explosion because it occurred in a sparsely populated area. The explosion was equivalent to the force of 1,000 bombs that fell on Hiroshima and killed 160,000 people. A witness who was 65 kilometers from the event described it this way: “The sky split in two, and there was a high and wide fire above the forest.”

Coronal mass ejection

year 2012

As we all know, the world did not end in 2012, contrary to the Mayan predictions. But he was closer than you think. An incredibly powerful ejection of plasma from the Sun occurred in July of that year, sliding towards the place in Earth's orbit where the planet had been nine days earlier.

If this solar mass struck the Earth itself, the damage to electronic equipment would be catastrophic. It would cause trillions of dollars in damage, and recovery would take a dozen years. In an age where we are so dependent on technology, such an event would be terrible.

4581 Asclepius


4581 Asclepius is the name of an asteroid that passed within 645,000 kilometers of Earth in March 1989. Quite far, right? Well, the end of the world is almost here because 4581 Asclepius passed through Earth's exact position six hours earlier.

If the asteroid had hit, the explosion would have been equivalent to a 600-megaton thermonuclear explosion. For comparison, the most powerful nuclear bomb was 50 megatons. The mushroom cloud that could result from such an explosion would be 7 times higher than Mount Everest.

False alarm


In September 1983, the Soviet nuclear early warning system reported that the United States had launched numerous intercontinental ballistic missiles towards the USSR.

While the alarm was sounding, computer systems reported five missiles on the way. Stanislav Petrov, a duty officer at the base, said the warnings were a false alarm and did not follow orders. He said that if there had been an attack, not five missiles would have been launched, but hundreds.

Fortunately, he was right. That evening, Petrov prevented a retaliatory strike from the Soviet troops, possibly saving humanity by doing so. The false alarm was attributed to the rare effect of sunlight on high-altitude clouds.

Submarine B-59

At the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis, a lone Soviet submarine glided silently across the ocean. She was soon found by US Navy warships, which began dropping small depth charges. This was the signal for the B-59 to surface for identification, but the Russian crew was unaware of this.

Unknown to the Americans, the B-59 was armed with a single nuclear torpedo with destructive power equal to that of the Hiroshima atomic bomb. The submarine was hit by small explosions to the left and right, and the temperature inside rose to 38 degrees Celsius.

Unwilling to go to the surface, but confident that they would be attacked, the submarine commanders debated whether to launch a torpedo. Three votes were needed, and only one separated the world from nuclear war. Lieutenant Colonel Vasily Arkhipov convinced the captain that they were not being attacked and that they needed to go to the surface. Back then, nuclear war was much closer than many people thought.

B-52 crash at Goldsboro


In January 1961, a B-52 bomber loaded with two Mark 39 nuclear bombs broke up in mid-air and dropped its 8-megaton payload on Goldsboro, North Carolina. At the time of the crash, the US government denied that any of the bombs dropped could have detonated. But declassified information that came to light in 2013 showed that one of the bombs was very close to exploding.

Nuclear safety observer Parker Jones reported that "one simple dynamo technology, a low voltage switch, stood between the United States and a major disaster." Each bomb was 250 times more powerful than the one dropped on Hiroshima. If the wind had blown in the right direction, deadly radioactive ash would have covered New York.

The moon almost killed us

In October 1960, early warning radar bases in Greenland began sending out frantic signals that the United States was under attack. As the military began to move, details of a large-scale attack were revealed.

The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) is on full alert. Then someone asked, “Why would the Soviet Union attack while its leader is in the United States negotiating?” As a result, the messages were rechecked and it turned out that the rising moon was taken as a threat to the country's national security.

The tests were taken as a real threat

In 1979, programmers at NORAD almost started World War III when they ran a traditional simulation of a Soviet attack. Unfortunately for them, the computer systems on which the tests were conducted were connected to the NORAD network and sent live data of the hoax attack on defense systems across the country.

Fighter jets took off, people began to say goodbye to their loved ones, and terror reigned among the military. Imagine the sigh of relief when the news broke that it was all a big hoax.

Cuban Missile Crisis


Around midnight in October 1962, the Cuban Missile Crisis was at its peak. Nuclear bombers were constantly in the air, and the whole world held its breath and prayed for a peaceful end to the terrible ordeal.

A security guard at Duluth Air Force Base spotted a mysterious figure trying to climb over a fence. The guard fired several times and activated an alarm, which triggered identical alarms at neighboring bases. But a very bad signal was heard at Wolf Field Air Force Base, which signaled the beginning of World War III.

The pilots were summoned and began to line up on the runway with their nuclear-armed fighters and bombers. They were seconds away from taking off and delivering nuclear destruction to Russian soil. Then a truck rushed towards them. He desperately flashed his headlights, trying to inform the pilots of a false alarm.

Who was this shadowy figure who almost started an apocalyptic chain reaction? Soviet saboteur? No. It turned out that it was nothing more than a scared bear.

What's wrong?

The Ministry of Justice proposed amendments to the Civil Procedure, Family Codes and the Law on Enforcement Proceedings. If they are accepted, the only housing will no longer be protected from foreclosure. Apartments, houses, land plots and shares in common property can be taken for debts, even if a family with children has nowhere else to live.

If the court decides to foreclose on the property, it will be sold. The proceeds from the sale will be used to pay off the debt, enforcement fees and legal costs. To prevent debtors from being left on the street, after the sale they will in any case receive money to buy housing at the minimum rate for all family members. That is, a family with two children will be able to buy some housing, even if the apartment does not cover the amount of debt.

They will take away the apartment, 🏢 but they will not leave you without housing.

The Ministry of Justice proposes to foreclose only on those properties whose area is 2 times larger than the standard norm and whose price is 2 times more expensive. That is, if the debtor does not pay the loan or alimony, but lives in luxury, his home may be put up for sale in order to pay off the debts. The difference will be refunded.

If your family has two adults, two children and an apartment in Moscow with an area of ​​70 square meters. m, they can’t take her away for debts.

If your ex-husband lives in a small one-room apartment in Tula, he cannot be forced to give up this housing to pay off his alimony debt.

If you inherited a large but old house, and it costs less than twice the norm in the region, it will also not be taken away for debts. Space and price conditions must be met simultaneously.

And if we live with our mother-in-law, brother and cousin, are they entitled to the norm?

Family members are the spouses, children and parents of the owner (Article 31 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). Mother-in-law, brother, aunt and grandfather can also be recognized as family members if it is in this capacity that you moved them into the apartment and registered them there. That is, they run a common household with you and do not pay you for rent.

The composition of the debtor's family members will be determined by the court. You can ask your neighbors to confirm that your relatives did not come to visit for the weekend, but have been living with you permanently and for a long time. If there is other evidence, provide it (Article 55 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation).

It turns out that if you didn’t pay for the refrigerator, they will take your apartment?

The court will take into account the proportionality of the debt and the value of the property. The bailiffs will refuse the claim if the debt, including legal costs, is less than 5% of the price of the apartment. It will not be possible to put your only home up for auction if after the sale you are entitled to more than 50% of its value.

For example, you have a large apartment in the center of Moscow, you live there with your wife and have not paid 50 thousand rubles for the TV in installments. The bank cannot go to court with a requirement to put your property up for auction and pay off the debt.

What if I have a small house, but a lot of land?

The Ministry of Justice has come up with a solution for such cases. By court decision, the plot will be divided. You will be left with the minimum area needed to operate the house. The rest will be put up for auction.

So what should I do now?

The law has not yet been adopted. But the Ministry of Justice justified the amendments by protecting the interests of minor children and creditors. Banks cannot collect money from debtors living in luxury apartments. Parents do not provide housing for their children during a divorce or refuse to support them. Bailiffs do not have mechanisms for collection. These are powerful arguments for deputies and the public.

If the law is adopted, it will come into force 3 months after its official publication. Now you can prepare to keep things fair.

Agree in advance with the bank about debt restructuring. Create a payment schedule and stick to it. Talk to the bailiff and start paying off your debt regularly.

If you have children, but they are registered with your mother-in-law, register them in your apartment so that housing standards are calculated for all family members.

If your grandmother lives with you permanently or you are caring for a disabled relative, it is worth registering them. Collect evidence for the court that this is a family member and not a guest. The court will consider all the circumstances and may increase the living space standards.

If a share in your apartment formally belongs to a person who has a lot of debt, register the property in your name. If you have a share in your parents’ apartment and a lot of debt, do not put other people’s property at risk - give the share to your parents.

Formalize your marriage correctly. If you do not live with your spouse and have a common apartment, dissolve the marriage and divide the property so as not to be responsible for his debts. If you have a civil marriage and joint property, put a stamp in your passport so that when calculating the norm, the court takes into account all family members.

If you have a spacious apartment and a lot of debt, consider moving to a more modest home. And give the difference in price to the bank to pay off at least part of the debt. Now you have time to sell your apartment for a good price. Then the court can evaluate it cheaper.

First of all, creditors will file complaints against persistent defaulters. If you don't find yourself among them, you won't lose your apartment.

Given a family, wife (gr marriage), husband and child 3 years old. The husband himself is not a bad person, but he is a drinker. This is what causes all the problems. He becomes aggressive, uncontrollable, works, but can drink after work for 5 days. I am on maternity leave. All by myself. In principle, he is a tense person and I solve all everyday problems. To the point where he buys shoes that don’t fit, and it’s up to me to change them. Well, everything like that. But at home he is a domestic tyrant, his son is growing up, he loves his dad like all boys, but what kind of family model will he see in the future? It scares me. But at the moment there is no way to separate, I don’t work, and then I will, the work will involve an irregular schedule plus sick leave, I decided that he will help, stay at home if necessary, and so on. And we have no one at all, no grandparents. At least he is able to sit with his son if necessary. When sober accordingly. Conversations lead nowhere, such people do not realize that they are sick and blame others for everything. I am a normal wife, everything in the house is always clean, the food is prepared, my husband and son are well-groomed and well-fed. At first I was worried when I came at night, but as time passed I realized that this was an unnecessary waste of nerves and began to disengage. In general, a completely banal and hackneyed story. In recent years we have been sleeping in different rooms, he is either on fumes, or tired and wants peace after work. I don’t love him and have never loved him, we agreed, he seemed not a bad person, and he probably didn’t love me either. Regarding money, he is stingy and, in principle, I don’t particularly hope for him, only for help. But breaking up is not an option now, and even then, he has nowhere to go, he is registered with his ex-wife, he has nothing of his own. Outside? He’ll get drunk and end up in the next world and quit his job. But of course, mentally I want some kind of joy. As in that quote: “All problems have the same beginning, the woman was sitting there, bored!” I met a man from the same area. My husband is 6 years older, and this one is the same age. Not to say that he is smart, there are not enough stars in the sky, but he is not a fool either. If I literally drag my husband in everything, as they say I have 2 sons: a small one and an old one, then this one is used to deciding everything himself, a single person, divorced for 15 years. The child is already an adult. Handsome, not even that, but there is something masculine about him. Lovelace, but as he says now he’s tired of women. I don’t want to be with him as with my husband, and neither does he. I don’t even know, it’s probably an outlet for me. But this is not a man, but a disaster. I'm a drinker, but for some reason it doesn't annoy me like it does my husband. I'm afraid of my husband when he's drunk; he doesn't hit me, but there have been attempts. And this is not the case, but he does this. I’ll tell you right away, a former police officer can drive drunk. He dropped me off in the passenger seat and drove off, with the child with me. I almost turned gray, my hands were shaking. Or he squeezes my son so hard that I almost faint. He grabs his hands, but he staggers. He doesn't understand anything at all. I think he shouldn’t drink and here’s why. My mother died several years ago, I experienced this, and it is clear that alone, my husband is not at all affectionate, he seems to me to be unable to either love or cheer me up. But you have to live somehow, raise your son. And when his father died, he was a little paralyzed, he was treated in a clinic, he probably still has a flexible psyche. Aggressive, but as a person, if sober and reasonable, he is very good, correct, there is no pursuit of money in him, naive in some ways, such a big child. But very difficult. I myself don’t understand how I feel about him, he calls me, I fly, we communicate, we are friends, he tells me everything about himself, his affairs, problems, experiences. I feel better with him than with my husband, not even that, he touches me. It hasn't even gotten to the point of sex for several months now. I want him, but I don’t have anywhere, and he falls in love with someone and suffers, and there is no relationship, so maybe he had sex several times, he communicates with his son, his heart skips a beat, with such tenderness. There is so much unspent love and tenderness in him, but also aggression. And I can’t stop communicating, I don’t have enough conversations, communication. And I understand that communication will lead nowhere. But he knows how to love and communicate. My husband doesn’t, he wants vodka, if not vodka then only sex and food. All! What to do, where to “run” so to speak? I know it's nonsense, but I love it. Precisely male strength, character, integrity.

*** Topic moved from the conference "Adoption"

A little more than a hundred identical graves - simple monuments, without fences and away from the main graveyard - this is what a rural cemetery looks like today in the area of ​​the village of Podnozhye on Russian Island. Unclaimed bodies have been buried here since 2015 because other city cemeteries are officially considered closed.

The rural cemetery in Ponozhye has been operating since approximately the 50s of the last century. Only military men and local residents were buried here, which is why to this day the churchyard looks quite small. Since 2012, the cemetery has been maintained by the Necropolis municipal municipality, and there are noticeably more burials than before the appearance of the Russian Bridge - residents of the mainland part of the city, due to the ban on new burials within the boundaries of the Morskoye and Lesnoye cemeteries, began to bury the deceased in other areas.

In 2015, a plot measuring 20 by 20 meters appeared at the Foothills cemetery: monuments were scattered among lumps of clay and dirt, most of which only had names and numbers.

“The burial was discovered by neighbors. Their reaction was very negative. People were outraged by this barbaric way of burying people: a bulldozer arrived, dug up the clay, the workers threw up the slabs and left,” said local resident Denis Yasinkov.

Some graves didn’t even have names, just “N. M." or "N. Zh.", which means "unknown man" or "unknown woman". It turned out that a new burial site for unclaimed bodies is now located here - the old site at the Marine Cemetery is already full. Since they were buried in clayey soil, after the rains it floated, and all the gravestones slid off the mounds. And unclaimed bodies cannot be cremated - relatives may demand exhumation of the body for examination or reburial of the remains.

True, the news about the discovered burial quite quickly grew to incredible proportions: they even talked about “the burial of soldiers who died in the Donbass,” but this turned out to be an ordinary canard.

After contacting the city administration, the site was put in order, but there were no burials for quite some time. However, this year local residents discovered about a hundred fresh graves. The burial site itself, according to the cadastral map, is located on plot 25:28:060136:1, intended to house a military unit. Back in 2015, the city administration sent a request to the Ministry of Defense to transfer the land into municipal ownership. Whether the transfer is completed or not is still unknown. VL.ru correspondents turned to city hall specialists for clarification of information.

“Since 2015, the burial of unclaimed bodies has been organized here,” explained the city administration. - The previous site, at the Marine Cemetery, is already overcrowded, burials there are prohibited, and people need to be buried somewhere. The site in Ponozhye is located within the boundaries of a rural cemetery. It is monitored by specialists from the MUPV "Necropolis" - the content is strictly controlled. Most of those buried here were identified, but their relatives abandoned them. There are cases when relatives are discovered after burial. In this case, they can improve the grave; there are several such burials in this area.”

Let us note that there is no cemetery near the Foothills either in the current general plan of the VGO or in the project. The new one is provided in the southern part of the island.