For which they gave the Hero of the Soviet Union. Heroes of Russia and their exploits

It's about an ultra-modern cruise missile

The country must know its heroes. But, apparently, not all and not always. On Thursday, some unnamed high-ranking “sources” hinted to the country through the media that the first deputy head of the presidential administration, Sergei Kiriyenko, and the deputy prime minister for the military-industrial complex, Yuri Borisov, had been awarded the titles of Heroes of Russia. A closed presidential decree signed back in March. And now the country and we, together with it, are wondering: for what?

According to the same “sources”, the awards recognize the achievements of the defense sector. And this clears something up. Yuri Borisov long years As Deputy Minister of Defense for Armaments, he dealt specifically with the defense sector, overseeing the creation of new types of weapons. Sergei Kiriyenko headed Rosatom from 2005 to 2016, which was also responsible for nuclear military projects.

What do we know about all this? IN Lately quite a bit of. Especially after President Putin’s March 1 Address Federal Assembly told the whole world about new Russian weapons.

It must be assumed that in in this case We are primarily talking about a cruise missile with a nuclear power plant, which people dubbed “Burevestnik” at a naming competition announced by the military department. This missile has unlimited range and infinite flight time. The trajectory along which it moves, unpredictable for the enemy, makes it absolutely invulnerable to both existing and promising systems Missile defense and air defense.

True, opponents in the West tried to express doubts about the readiness of this rocket, but President Putin said that at the end of 2017, a successful launch of this rocket took place at the central test site, “the power plant reached the specified power, providing the required level of thrust.”

Another weapon that both Sergei Kiriyenko and Yuri Borisov were probably involved with was an unmanned, absolutely silent underwater vehicle, called the Poseidon. This absolutely exotic type of weapon simply amazed Western experts, many of whom refuse to believe in its development. Although the first “leaks” about this underwater miracle leaked to the media back in November 2015.

The innovative nuclear power plant of this device is absolutely unique. It is 100 times smaller than that of the most modern nuclear submarines, but at the same time has much greater power, which provides 200 times less time to enter combat mode. According to experts, a self-propelled super torpedo can even cause a small tsunami on the enemy’s coast. Devices with such a power plant can go to great depths and move towards the target, skirting the bottom topography, which makes them invisible to enemy hydroacoustic systems.

In addition, those awarded the closed decree were directly related to the project of combat laser systems. Speaking about this project, the President noted: “We are well aware that a number of states are working on creating promising weapons based on new physical principles. There is every reason to believe that here too we are one step ahead, at least where it is most needed.”

Today, what is most needed is air defense and missile defense. According to military expert Viktor Murakhovsky, the use of a combat laser complex, for example, for missile defense and air defense tasks, is “much more economical than the use of standard interceptor missiles. At the same time, the accuracy of the attack increases many times over.”

The Russian Ministry of Defense first officially announced plans to create weapons based on new physical principles in August 2017. At the Army-2017 forum, then-Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Yuri Borisov and the director of the All-Russian Research Institute experimental physics(Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod Region) Valentin Kostyukov signed a contract for the development of the Zadira-16 combat complex. Then Borisov refused to tell reporters exactly how Zadira-16 would work.

But today, as we see, “the reward has found the hero,” which means that the complex is done - the task is completed. And now the President of Russia declares to the whole world that significant results have been achieved in the field of creating laser weapons: “And this is no longer just theory or projects, and not even just the start of production. Since last year, the troops have already received combat laser systems.”

This is definitely a major breakthrough. Russian science, but what do Rosatom and Sergei Kiriyenko have to do with it? It turns out that it has very much to do with it. As representatives of the defense industry told MK, compact nuclear power plants, the same ones used by nuclear specialists, are used as a source of “pumping” the laser pulse. Rosatom specialists directly participated in tests of the rocket with the 9M730 Burevestnik nuclear power plant, which were carried out at the central nuclear test site on Novaya Zemlya.

A source in the military department told MK the following:

After these tests, Vladimir Putin awarded a number of scientists who took part in the development of weapons based on new physical principles. I would like to remind you that such weapons include not only laser, but also radio frequency, beam, kinetic and others. So keep in mind: Americans have yet to be surprised by our achievements in creating the latest systems weapons. And the awards to our leaders and scientists for their development are not the last.

Of course, this is a pleasant fact. I just wish that the country would name the names of its Heroes loudly, and that the Heroes themselves could wear their awards openly. Why not, when there is a reason for it?

Hero Russian Federation(unofficial name Hero of Russia) is the highest award given for services to the state and people, associated with the accomplishment of a feat. The hero is awarded a medal " Golden Star».

This year, this title was posthumously received by military pilot Roman Filippov, who died on February 3, 2018 while performing his military duty in Syria, and forest control inspector of the Kasumkent forestry of Dagestan Zeinudin Batmanov, who saved a family of hostages from terrorists at own life. Today, two more people have been added to the list of 2018 heroes - Sergei Kiriyenko and Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov.

Sergey Kiriyenko. Photo:

Since the Kremlin refused to comment on the information, and the press relies on information from anonymous sources, Tsargrad interviewed experts, asking one question: for what merits did Sergei Kiriyenko receive the highest title in Russia?

Writer and publicist Anatoly Wasserman:

Sergei Vladilenovich Kiriyenko, long before moving to the Presidential Administration, did a lot as head of Rosatom, for which he fully deserved the title of not only Hero of Labor, but also Hero of Russia. Because Rosatom has now become not only one of the largest and most profitable Russian corporations, which greatly promotes our influence around the world. After all nuclear technology much more tied to the supplier than, say, oil or gas exports. And I do not rule out that now, as they say, the reward found the hero a few years later.

Writer and publicist Anatoly Wasserman. Photo:

As for his participation in the election campaign, indeed, the Office domestic policy, which he headed, showed brilliant organizational skills in respect of technical side holding elections, but I don’t think that any special miracles of campaigning were required. The best campaign for the current president was the colossal successes of our foreign policy, successes in exports, one way or another connected with defense from the same Rosatom to our missiles, planes, tanks. And it is the president who is responsible for our defense policy.

So I don’t think that Sergei Vladilenovich accomplished any special feats on the field of election campaigning. In this sense, the President himself most likely deserves the title of Hero of Russia.

Zhuravlev Dmitry - CEO Institute regional problems:

He saved Rosatom, and with him there was an active external activities. The nuclear industry needs buyers to develop. Under him we worked with many countries, and this is a lot.

Is this worthy of the title of hero? After all, a Hero is a person who has accomplished a feat. We can say that highly efficient work is a feat. IN Soviet time for such purposes there was the title of Hero of Labor. It differed from just a Hero in that the person was awarded not for a feat, but for highly effective work. Now, perhaps, the Hero of Capitalist Labor does not sound very good. As for other activities, of course, Kiriyenko is a good administrator, I was lucky enough to work under his leadership in Privolzhsky federal district, where he was plenipotentiary. Kiriyenko always loved to gather and promote young people. When we worked in the Volga Federal District, he simply appointed all the young guys to the positions of federal inspectors in the region. Among these guys was, for example, Dmitry Ovsyannikov, the current governor of Sevastopol.

General Director of the Institute of Regional Problems Dmitry Zhuravlev. Photo: Mikhail Japaridze/TASS

Kiriyenko gave a start to life to many people, updated the apparatus, but this is not simple task. He constantly works in this area, and, as far as I know, the presidential corps program is also his work and very big topic. I don't know if she's a hero or not. But high award she definitely deserves it.

Petr Fedosov, independent political scientist:

My opinion is that a successful presidential campaign is not a feat. Especially when we're talking about about a completely popular person who, not only during the campaign, but for a long time, enjoys the support of the majority of the population. This is the first. Kommersant spread a rumor that Kiriyenko was given a Hero. I have no information about why he could have been given a Hero.

Independent political scientist Petr Fedosov. Photo: TV channel “Tsargrad”

To be honest, I don’t think anyone really needs this rumor very much. I don't see any clear reasons. And it seems to me that this is the case when there is no need to rush with comments. We must wait until the situation becomes clearer.

What, exactly, are we commenting on? They gave Kiriyenko a Star, but so what? Does this change something in the country, does it change something in the Kremlin? Here is the fact that, according to the status of this award, a successful presidential campaign is not a reason. And, as far as I remember, we have never previously given Stars for successful presidential campaigns. So there were no precedents. And I hope there never will be. Beyond that I can’t tell you anything. I don't know what to invent. I don't recommend it to you either.

Alexander Shatilov, Dean of the Faculty of Sociology and Political Science at the Financial University under the Government of Russia:

Kommersant is an authoritative source, but I do not rule out that there may be a forwarding here, which has no official confirmation. This option is quite possible. Maybe this is a consequence of a certain hardware war. On the other hand, if this is so, then, most likely, we are not talking about conducting a presidential campaign, although in general Sergei Kiriyenko carried it out perfectly, as they say, and provided the maximum of what could be squeezed out. Accordingly, he deserves encouragement.

Dean of the Faculty of Sociology and Political Science of the Financial University under the Government of Russia Alexander Shatilov. Photo: TV channel “Tsargrad”

But usually the encouragement was somewhat different. In certain bonuses, administrative concessions and, perhaps, in the issuance of awards, but completely civilian ones, and not in any way those awarded for military exploits. Rather, my version is related to Kiriyenko’s leadership of the nuclear industry. Especially considering the fact that Rosatom last years It is very actively promoting itself in foreign markets, mastering new technologies, and everyone knows that the nuclear industry is a dual-use industry.

Perhaps these achievements were taken into account when awarding Sergei Vladilenovich.

“With each battle, my combat skills grew as a young commander of the T-34-85 tank. In battles with a strong enemy, willy-nilly, I had to learn to use the advantages of my tank: firepower and high maneuverability.
I remember how during the liberation of Lvov, and the streets there were narrow, it was practically impossible to turn around, I accidentally noticed a German Ferdinant-type self-propelled gun. He quickly reversed and managed to duck into a side street.
Then someone ran up to us local, said that there are two German self-propelled guns. He helped us maneuver and get around the yards German self-propelled guns. He brought us right behind them, so we managed to shoot them point-blank before they had time to turn their formidable guns in our direction.
I tell it like this usually, but in reality it was very difficult to overcome almost 70-ton self-propelled fortresses, armed with a large-caliber cannon capable of piercing our “thirty-four” right through from any distance. Here we simply tactically outplayed the enemy, skillfully, I think, taking advantage of the cramped conditions and poor visibility of the urban development.

But most of all I remember the battles on the Sandomierz bridgehead during the Lvov-Sandomierz war. offensive operation our troops. At the end of July 1944, one of rifle divisions 1st Ukrainian Front secretly crossed the Vistula north of the city Baranów and captured a small territory on its left bank.
This is how the famous in history arose Patriotic War Sandomierz bridgehead, where the liberation of South-Eastern Poland from the Germans began.
Stubborn and fierce battles unfolded there, blood literally flowed like a river. The Germans tried to use counterattacks to throw our troops that had crossed over to the bridgehead into the river and restore their defenses. They brought new formations into battle.
But ours simply bit into the ground with their teeth - and not an inch back! And the front-line reports of those distant days reported somehow quite casually that, they say, here “... Soviet troops repelled counterattacks by enemy infantry and tanks."

On one of the defensive lines the enemy's path was blocked by our tank brigade, specifically - an ambush from two tanks of our company: company commander Glebov and mine, platoon commander Krainov.
We faced a difficult combat mission- detain in a tank-hazardous direction fascist tanks, rushing to the Vistula. They worked like crazy all night, without even taking a smoke break, and by dawn they managed to dig the tanks into the ground up to their towers and reliably camouflage them.

Taking a place in an ambush advanced in front rifle units, we prepared to repel the upcoming attacks. Soon a large column of heavy “Tigers” and “Panthers”, up to 20 tanks, appeared, which menacingly moved towards our camouflaged positions.
I hope you know what the German Tiger is. It is much stronger than our T-34, both in armament and security. And the crews for these tanks were formed from veterans. The Panther was only slightly inferior to the Tiger, and was also a very formidable opponent. In general, our nerves were on edge. Cold sweat and all...
Through the gun panorama sight, I constantly examined the area, outlined landmarks, estimated the distances to them, so as not to waste precious seconds on this in battle. As soon as I noticed the column, I immediately aimed my gun at the lead tank. And off we go.
The very first shots of our 85-millimeter guns turned out to be successful - the enemy’s front tank slowly spun in place and stopped with a torn track. A good start literally inspired us!

At the direction of the company commander, we increased the rate of fire, acting quickly and smoothly. This is where the landmarks I had outlined and the distances to them came in handy.
Glebov's well-aimed shots set the second enemy tank on fire. But there were losses on our part too - the Germans knocked out combat vehicle my partner. Now the whole burden of the battle fell on our crew.
But at this time the Germans changed tactics, their battle formation was upset and they began to retreat. Our fierce resistance forced the vaunted "Tigers" not to risk it and turn back.
They opened the hatch and quickly jumped out onto Fresh air. Despite taking off our tunics, during the intense battle we were tormented by the heat inside the tank and were terribly thirsty. Everyone was wet with sweat.

However, the matter did not end there. We received orders to remain at the line and two long days Our “thirty-four” held back the fierce attacks of the Germans and in total disabled five combat units.
The Tigers, having a great advantage in strength, were unable to break the stubborn resistance of one Soviet tank and left the battlefield defeated." - from the memoirs of the platoon commander of the 52nd Guards TB, junior lieutenant S.M. Krainev.

There is no official decree, as well as the Kremlin’s position, but for the last 24 hours the media have been discussing awarding the title of Hero of Russia to the first deputy head of the presidential administration, Sergei Kiriyenko, who oversees domestic policy issues. According to Kommersant, he received the highest state award for his services to the development of the country’s nuclear industry. From 2007 to 2016, Kiriyenko served as CEO of Rosatom. What kind of award is this, who is it awarded to and why do Russians increasingly not know their heroes? “Storm” decided to figure out how, to whom and for what merits it is awarded.

The “Hero of the Russian Federation” award, together with the “Gold Star” medal, has been awarded since 1992 and is considered the highest distinctive sign in the country. It is awarded by the president for services to the state and people associated with the accomplishment of a heroic feat. The first to receive the award from Boris Yeltsin were military pilot Sulambek Oskanov and cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev. Oksanov, awarded posthumously, prevented his plane from crashing into the village, and Krikalev made a long flight to orbital station"World". Since then, the concept of heroic deed will be transformed repeatedly.

In 2007, the title of Hero of Russia was received by a senior shepherd from Chita region Mikhailov Babu-Dorzho. The heroic feat consisted of saving a flock of sheep and high achievements in work. According to academician, member of the commission on state awards under the President of the Russian Federation Andrei Khazin, who was present at that award ceremony state awards, that very rescue was associated with a significant risk to life. This circumstance is one of the main ones for receiving the Hero of Russia, but not the only one.

“The Soviet past laid the foundation for the tradition of awarding the title of Hero to polar explorers, military personnel who performed feats on the battlefield, and cosmonauts. It is traditional to award the title of Hero of Russia for accomplished feats to participants in hostilities, for example, during famous events in Chechnya. As in Soviet times, the basis for conferring the title of Hero can be a feat that is not only extremely important for the successful conduct of combat operations, but also committed at a significant risk to life; leadership of successful large-scale combat operations; Creation serious systems weapons. As a rule, decrees conferring the title of Hero for such achievements are also Soviet tradition- secret. The reason for being classified is, as a rule, not the fact of the award itself, but the circumstances due to which the award took place. For example, what is invented is a subject of secrecy,” explained Andrei Khazin. At the same time, he himself did not see the document conferring the title of Hero of Russia on Sergei Kiriyenko and refused to comment on this matter.

Photo: © GLOBAL LOOK press/Vladimir Boiko

Decrees on awarding state awards, judging by the website, are issued every month, but it is not easy to find Heroes of Russia among them. For example, in this year not a single one was published, and in 2017 - only two. The title was awarded to test cosmonaut Alexey Ovchinin and test pilot Mikhail Belyaev. But all this is at odds with the data that social activists collect. In the same year, 2017, 11 people received the Hero of Russia. Among them is Alexander Bogomolov, who died during the anti-terrorist operation in Ingushetia. Colonel General Igor Korobov, who coordinates the actions of intelligence officers in military operation in Syria, as well as other military personnel who took part in it.

There are no official statistics on who received the title and for what. No virtual honor board, no state list heroes. According to estimates by enthusiasts of the “Heroes of the Country” project, over 26 years highest rank 1097 people were awarded. Exact numbers It’s difficult to find out, since some awards take place by so-called secret decrees. True, Sergei Kiriyenko has nothing to do with them, says the author of the “Hero of the Country” project, Vitaly Smirnov. IN open access, according to him, documents on the awarding of illegal intelligence officers, participants in the latest hostilities in Syria and Donbass, as well as hydronaut officers are not published.

“It’s not a fact that everyone we don’t know and who received the Hero’s star has a secret decree, top secret or for official use. They are simply not published - there is a name and order, no transcripts. There is no point in making them secret. Everyone knows about this, but they apparently don’t want publicity. But Putin loves his officials and gives out many awards. Do you think Brezhnev was the only one like him?” - Vitaly Smirnov explained.

Awarding the title of Hero of Russia, in addition to status and the “Gold Star”, also provides benefits. For example, Sergei Kiriyenko can now not pay for utilities, not stand in hospital queues, have his teeth inserted for free and be buried at the expense of the state. Heroes are also entitled monthly payment in the amount of 61,082 rubles (including annual indexation). Anyone who has received an award can receive it upon application. We do not know whether Sergei Kiriyenko will write such a statement. As Storm was told by the Pension Fund, annual payments to Heroes of Russia, Heroes of the USSR and full gentlemen Orders of Glory are valued at 1.24 billion rubles. There is no separate amount for Heroes of Russia in the Pension Fund, the press service said.

It is difficult to understand whether Sergei Kiriyenko needs these payments, but his income for last year he estimated it at 33 million rubles. In addition, he owns land plot seven thousand square meters, a residential building of 600 square meters, a sports and fitness block of almost the same area. In use (and one can assume that this is state property) - apartment 254 square meters, as well as a forest plot of 5000 square meters. According to the law “On the Status of Heroes...”, Kiriyenko, being the owner of the “Gold Star”, has the right to privatize all this wealth - without trading or investment.

Why do they give the Hero of Russia? For services (related to heroic deeds) to the people and the state. Hero of the Russian Federation is a separate state award. Among the rest it is in first place. The award of the Hero of the Russian Federation is always accompanied by a “Golden Star” - a sign special distinction. After conferring the title of Hero of Russia, a bronze bust is installed in the recipient’s homeland.

State awards of the Russian Federation

The award system was created on March 2, 1994. transition period, while the law on state awards of the Russian Federation had not yet been adopted, orders were preserved. The Order of St. George was restored and " St. George's Cross" The following orders and medals remained possible for awards:

  • "Friendship of Peoples";
  • “For personal courage”;
  • "For courage";
  • Nevsky;
  • Kutuzova;
  • Suvorov;
  • Nakhimov;
  • Ushakova;
  • “For the protection of the state border”;
  • “For Distinction in Military Service”;
  • “For excellent service in law and order”;
  • “For saving drowning people”;
  • "For courage in a fire."

The approval of old and new awards took place only after the coat of arms of the Russian Federation was finally approved. Work on it and state awards was carried out simultaneously. Many have been slightly modified.

The main changes occurred in the material from which state awards were made. The silver-plated copper-nickel composition was replaced with silver. A decree was signed authorizing awards for courage, bravery and courage. More than high degree differences. The 1st class order with a chain became a symbol of presidential power.

The medal and the Order of Zhukov returned to the list of state awards. The Order of St. Apostle A. the First-Called.” The following orders were established: “For Naval Merit”, “ Parental glory”, general’s, “For good deeds” and “St. Great Martyr Catherine."

History of the establishment of the title of Hero of the Russian Federation

The title “Hero of Russia” was established on March 20, 1992. At the same time, the “Gold Star” medal appeared, which is a sign of special distinction. Hero of the Russian Federation - highest honorary title in Russia. Awarded only once for services to one's country and people, performance of heroic deeds, courage, bravery and bravery. Along with the title of Hero of Russia, a certificate of honor and a Gold Star medal are awarded. Those awarded receive special pension payments and are entitled to certain benefits.

Medal "Gold Star"

The Star of the Hero of Russia is one of the new awards of the Russian Federation. It comes as an addition to the title and appeared at the same time as it. The medal replaced the previous Soviet “Golden Star”, which was awarded to Heroes of the USSR.

The Star of the Hero of the Russian Federation is worn on the chest, on the left side, above all other insignia, medals and orders. The medal is a copy of the USSR Gold Star. Only the color of the tape that is located on the block has changed. The medal is cast from pure gold, measures 30 mm and weighs 21.5 grams. The rays on the obverse are dihedral. The reverse is smooth, with a small thin rim. In the middle there is the inscription "Hero of Russia".

The size of the letters is 4 mm in height and 2 mm in width. The medal number is stamped on the top ray. The height of the numbers does not exceed 1 mm. At the tip of the beam there is a small eyelet for a ring connecting the star and a rectangular gilded block. There are small slots at the top and bottom of the block for silk moire tricolor (with Russian flowers) tapes. On the back of the block there is a threaded pin with which the medal is attached to clothing.

The first title of Hero of the Russian Federation awarded

The first Hero of Russia (posthumously) is the head of the combat training center in Lipetsk, Major General S. S. Oskanov. In 1992, at the cost of his own life, he prevented a MiG-29 plane from crashing in a residential area.

First awarded Gold Star medal

The first medal “Star of the Hero of Russia” was awarded to S.K. Krikalev, pilot-cosmonaut. He made a long flight on an orbital station. On the same day, Krikalev was awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

Military ranks at the time of awarding Hero of the Russian Federation

Why do they give the “Hero of Russia”? For heroism and courage, saving the lives of other people, heroic deeds. Many people who were awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation had or have military ranks. But are they indicated in the award documents?

The military rank is indicated by the President at the time of awarding for citizens who took part in military operations, in the event that the awarded person is on this moment in reserve or retired. For other citizens, the rank is not indicated, even if it is available at the time of signing the decree.

Heroes of Russia: list of awardees

The title "Hero of the Russian Federation" is awarded not only to military personnel. Since its establishment, it has been received by many who have accomplished feats, including ordinary citizens:

Who are the Heroes of Russia? The list of awardees contains the names of four people who are also Heroes of the USSR. They also received a Gold Star medal. This:

  • S. K. Krikalev, cosmonaut;
  • N. S. Maidanov, colonel;
  • V.V. Polyakov, cosmonaut;
  • A. N. Chilingarov, oceanologist.

How many Heroes of Russia are there in total? If we take statistics in general, then as of December 15, 2012, the title of Hero of Russia was awarded to 1002 citizens, of whom 459 received it posthumously. The lists of awardees are not officially published anywhere, so the data cannot be called accurate.

Grounds for awarding the title

Why do they give the “Hero of Russia”? The basis for conferring the title is heroism and courage. Many were awarded the highest Russian award precisely for these demonstrated qualities. For example, in Penza region a girl, a graduate of a rural secondary school, saved 3 drowning girls, dying herself.

Why else are they given “Hero of Russia”? Sergei Sokolov is the first person to make a parachute jump at the North Pole among disabled people. Vladimir Sharpatov and Gazinur Khairullinov (commander and co-pilot of the Il-76) were held captive by the Taliban for more than a year, but were able to escape. And there are many such examples.

Benefits for Heroes of Russia

The title “Hero of Russia” provides certain benefits. In addition to a monthly pension, recipients have the right to:

Pension payments to Heroes of the Russian Federation

According to the law, there is a special pension for the Hero of Russia. This resolution was issued in 2008. The amount of payment to each awardee is equal to 10 minimum wages. The pension is paid monthly. For those awarded who have already reached retirement age, this is an additional supplement to their pension.

The Hero of Russia pension is assigned not only to the recipient. If the title is received posthumously, the payment is made in the name of the surviving spouse. But only until the widow or widower remarries. If a family has lost a breadwinner who was awarded the title of Hero of Russia, then the remaining family receives the pension due to the deceased. in full, no cuts or reductions. Payments are made only in Russian rubles.

There are also small nuances. The pension amount is not fixed and is not calculated automatically. Every year in April, the amount of payments is revised, taking into account inflation. Economic forecasts are used for this purpose. When indexing, coefficients are also taken into account, since they are different in the regions of the Russian Federation.

If a person has, in addition to the title of Hero of Russia, other statuses, then the pension is paid only according to one of them. But a title is chosen in which the recipient receives as many benefits as possible and the amount of the pension payment.

To receive the full pension of a Hero of the Russian Federation, you need to contact the Pension Fund, where you fill out a special application. It is necessary to attach identification documents, a certificate of residence and award documents certified for the year, since pension payment begins only on next year after submission and consideration of the application.