Republic of Ingushetia capital. Map of the Republic of Ingushetia in detail

The history of a country or its individual region is worth studying largely from the history of its settlements. The cities of Ingushetia combine national motifs and modernity architectural projects. It is worth visiting this republic to appreciate the beauty of its cities and understand why they reflect the entire life of this region.

Ingushetia is the “youngest” republic of the Caucasus

The Republic of Ingushetia is located in the northern part of the Greater Caucasus Range. Its borders are adjacent to, North Ossetia and. Despite the fact that it is considered the smallest Russian region in terms of area, it is original and can be proud of its history. And Ingush cities are an integral part of it.

The republic was formed only in 1992. But this does not mean that the territory was empty before. Moreover, people already lived here in the 1st millennium BC. Archaeologists called this culture Koban, after the name of the village in which excavations were carried out and interesting evidence of the residence of an entire people was discovered.

During the Middle Ages, local tribes united and began to be called Dzurdzuks. Even after Islam penetrated the Caucasus and the era began Islamic culture, on the territory of the future republic, people lived according to pagan laws and customs. The Ingush themselves settled mostly in the mountains, and their return to the plains began only in the 16th century. At that time, cities as such did not exist - there were scattered settlements.

  • Nazran.

The oldest and one of major cities region by population. There are more than 113 thousand people here, which is a record for the republic. Nazran was founded in 1781 as a Russian fortification. Later, a settlement was located next to it, a school for children appeared, and at the end of the 19th century a railway station was built. Before the decision was made to give Magas capital status, the capital of the region was located in Nazran. Currently, there are several industrial enterprises operating here, and there is a developed infrastructure.

  • Karabulak.

It is located on the left bank of the Sunzha River. The name itself is translated from Turkic as “black spring”; the city is the second most populous in the republic - approximately 40 thousand residents live here. Karabulak cannot be called a young city; it was founded in 1859 as a Cossack village.

This fact once again proves how intricately intertwined the ties between Russia and Russia were. By the way, Karabulak became a city of republican significance in 1995, before which it was considered a village. Before perestroika, both Ingush and Russians lived here in approximately equal proportions. However, after ethnic clashes began in 1991, the Russian indigenous population began to leave the city. Today, almost 98% of Karabulak are Ingush.

  • Sunzha.

This settlement was founded in 1845 by the Cossacks during. Initially it was the village of Sunzhenskaya, during the war in 1852 it was named after Major General N.P. Sleptsov, later in 1939 it was renamed Ordzhonikidzevskaya. In 2015, it was renamed Sunzha with the status of an “urban-type settlement”, and in 2016 it became a city.

Thus, it is the newest city. The population is about 65 thousand people who work at several enterprises in the city. By the way, it was in Sunzha that the Ingush State University, now only a few small buildings remain there, the rest have been moved to Magas. Among the industrial enterprises, a creamery and cheese factory is located here.

  • Malgobek.

Until the 30s of the twentieth century, it was a small village of Voznesenskoye (the name also indicates its Russian origin). However, after oil deposits were discovered in the surrounding area, the area began to be actively populated and developed. First, Voznesenskoye was renamed the village of Malgobek, and in 1939 it received the status of a city.

Malgobek is quite young, the people who started building it are still alive. Since the city arose thanks to oil development, the city-forming enterprise is an oil concern. Today Malgobek continues to expand and has a great future. In 2007 received honorary title"City of Military Glory".

Sights of the region

Ingushetia is a fairly young republic, which is confirmed by the history of its cities. However, this land is ancient and people lived here centuries ago. If you drive through villages and cities, you can see a lot of interesting things.

For example, near Magas there is “Acham-Boarz” - a settlement where tourists try to go on excursions. Here, in the capital, the tallest Ingush building is located.

And in Nazran a Memorial of Memory and Glory was erected. It was erected in due time so that residents and guests of the republic would remember the heroes of those wars in which Russia was forced to take part, and the people fallen victims repressions of 1944. In addition, on the territory of the city there is the Borga-Kash mausoleum, built in the 15th century, and you can also see an ancient Russian fortress.

Those who come to Karabulak can visit the Republican Museum fine arts. In the same city there is a church of the Kazan Icon Mother of God- This is one of the Orthodox churches that exist in very small numbers in Ingushetia. But the main decoration of the cities of Ingushetia is, of course. It is precisely this that serves as the background against which all five cities become a real necklace of a young, but such a promising region.

Subject Russian Federation

The Republic of Ingushetia
GӀalgӏai Mokhk




- % aq. pov



- Density

↗ 488 043 (2018)

Total, at current prices

RUB 50.9 billion (2016)

Per capita

106.8 thousand rub.

Federal District

Economic region

North Caucasian

Official language

Ingush, Russian


Yunus-Bek Evkurov

Chairman of the Government

Ruslan Gagiev

Chairman of the People's Assembly

Mukharbek Dikazhev
Hymn Anthem of Ingushetia

Code of the subject of the Russian Federation

Code according to ISO 3166-2 RU-IN

OKATO code




Official site

Stamp "50 years of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic". USSR Post 1972

Russian postage stamp, 2009

Commemorative coin of the Bank of Russia with a face value of 10 rubles (2014)

The Republic of Ingushetia(Ingush. GӀalgӏay Mokhk; short name: Ingushetia Ingush. GӀalgӏayche) - a subject, a republic (state) within it. Included in, is part of the North Caucasus economic region.

Mountain Republic

After October revolution in Russia, in November 1917, an independent Mountain Republic was proclaimed, uniting many peoples of the North Caucasus.

As part of the USSR

Ingushetia 1924-1944

By decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee on November 7, 1924, the Mountain Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was liquidated, and therefore the Ingush Autonomous Okrug was formed as part of the RSFSR.

On January 15, 1934, the Checheno-Ingush Autonomous Region was created, which on December 5, 1936 became the Checheno-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

The Great Patriotic War

German offensive, July-November 1942

At the end of August 1942, Wehrmacht troops reached the Ishcherskaya line. On September 1-28, Soviet troops carried out Mozdok-Malgobekskaya defensive operation . In the end, the plans of the German command were thwarted - the Germans failed to break through to Transcaucasia and cut off the USSR from the Caucasus region.

Deportation of Chechens and Ingush

Plans for eviction - Operation Lentil - began to be prepared at the end of 1943. Then it was initially proposed to resettle the deportees in Siberia - in and, as well as and. Then it was decided to deport to Central Asia.

On January 29, 1944, the head of the NKVD Lavrentiy Beria approved the “Instructions on the procedure for the eviction of Chechens and Ingush.”

The deportation began on February 23, 1944. On the very first day, 333,739 people were taken out of populated areas, of which 176,950 people were loaded into trains.

On March 7, 1944, autonomy was destroyed. Most of Ingushetia (except for the mountainous part of the Prigorodny district, which went to Georgian SSR) entered the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic as the Nazran region.

Restoration of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic

By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of July 16, 1956 “On lifting restrictions on special settlements for Chechens and Ingush”, restrictions on the place of residence for deported migrants were lifted and they were given the opportunity to return to their homeland.

On January 9, 1957, the Presidiums of the Supreme Soviets of the USSR and the RSFSR adopted decrees on the restoration of the autonomy of deported peoples, including the Chechens and Ingush.

With the return of the deported residents, the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was restored.

As part of the Russian Federation

Formation of the republic

On November 30, 1991, a nationwide Ingush referendum was held on the issue of restoring Ingush statehood through the formation of the Ingush Republic as part of the RSFSR. According to information from the referendum commission published in the media, out of 92 thousand people (70% of the adult Ingush population), the desire to create their own republic was confirmed by 97.4% of those who participated in the referendum. On June 4, 1992, the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation adopted the Law “On the formation of the Ingush Republic as part of the Russian Federation.” The creation of the republic was submitted for approval to the Congress people's deputies Russian Federation. On December 10, 1992, the Congress of People's Deputies approved the formation of the Ingush Republic and made a corresponding amendment to the Constitution of the Russian Federation - Russia (RSFSR) of 1978, Checheno-Ingushetia was officially divided into the Ingush Republic and the Chechen Republic. This law was published on December 29, 1992 in " Rossiyskaya newspaper"and came into force on January 9, 1993 after 10 days from the date of official publication.

On December 25, 1993, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, adopted by popular vote, came into force, confirming the existence of the Ingush Republic.

Ossetian-Ingush conflict of 1992

Since their return after deportation, the Ingush have demanded the return of the Prigorodny region of North Ossetia to them.

On April 26, 1991, the Supreme Council of the RSFSR adopted the law “On the rehabilitation of repressed peoples,” which provided, among other things, for the territorial rehabilitation of the Ingush.

In the fall of 1992, due to territorial disputes, a armed conflict. As a result, the previous border was preserved, and almost the entire Ingush population was forced to move to Ingushetia.

Presidency of Ruslan Aushev

After the final collapse of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and the formation separate Republic Ingushetia, an officer became the acting head of the Provisional Administration on November 10, 1992 Soviet army Ruslan Aushev.

On July 1, 1994, an economically favored zone was declared in Ingushetia - all enterprises registered in the republic were exempt from paying taxes and received significant benefits.

In 2001, Aushev opposed the unification of Ingushetia.

On April 23, 2002, he resigned as President, which was confirmed on May 15, 2002 by the Federation Council.

Presidency of Murat Zyazikov

In the spring of 2002, Murat Zyazikov was elected President of the Republic of Ingushetia.

Since 2002, the gross regional product of the republic has grown almost 2.5 times.

On October 30, 2008, by decree of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Zyazikov was dismissed.

Under the leadership of Yunus-bek Yevkurov

After Zyazikov’s resignation, Yunus-bek Yevkurov became acting and then president (later the position became known as “Head”).

On July 4, 2013, Yunus-bek Yevkurov resigned early from his post as head of the republic. Until the election of the head of the region, he will remain in an acting capacity. As of February 2016, he leads the republic.


1926 1931 1959 1970 1979 1987 1989
75 133 ↗ 81 900 ↗ 710 424 ↗ 1 064 471 ↗ 1 153 450 ↗ 1 235 000 ↗ 1 275 513
1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996
↘ 189 340 ↗ 192 642 ↗ 194 105 ↗ 195 821 ↘ 194 171 ↗ 263 092 ↗ 282 342
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
↗ 291 209 ↗ 296 294 ↗ 301 745 ↗ 340 028 ↗ 445 443 ↗ 467 294 ↗ 468 773
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
↗ 475 645 ↗ 481 565 ↗ 486 970 ↗ 492 669 ↗ 499 502 ↗ 508 090 ↘ 412 529
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
↗ 414 524 ↗ 430 495 ↗ 442 255 ↗ 453 010 ↗ 463 893 ↗ 472 776 ↗ 480 474
↗ 488 043

Note: Population information given for 1936-1944. and 1957-1989 - data on Checheno-Ingushetia.

The population of the republic, according to Rosstat, is 488,043 people. (2018). Population density - 134.52 people/km (2018). Urban population- 60%, or over 250 thousand inhabitants; rural - 40%.

Ingushetia has the highest birth rate among the subjects; Thus, in 1992 the population of the republic was 211 thousand people, in 1998 - 313 thousand, in 2002 - 467 thousand, in 2009 - 532 thousand people.


Ethnic map of Ingushetia 2002

The majority of the population (over 3/4) lives in the Sunzhenskaya Valley and adjacent areas, where the population density exceeds 600 people/km². Less than half the population lives in cities; by number rural population Ingushetia exceeds such regions as or.

The second large settlement area is top part Alkhanchurt Valley, where about 15% of the residents of Ingushetia are concentrated in the city of Malgobek and suburban villages, and the Achaluka Valley (more than 5%). The remaining 85% of the republic’s territory is home to less than 5% of its population.

Chechens are mainly settled in the Sunzha and Malgobek regions of the republic, as well as in the city. Russian residents of the republic live compactly in the city of Sunzha, and in the villages of Troitskaya and Voznesenskaya, but even in them their share is less than 10% of the population. Others ethnic groups number only a few dozen people and do not have clear areas of residence.

National composition

The predominant ethnic group is Ingush. Ingushetia has the smallest share of the Russian population in . Most of the Russian population left Ingushetia as a result of the Chechen conflict; in turn, a large number of refugees from and came to the territory of Ingushetia.

The table shows nations of more than 1000 people:


According to the Constitution, there are two official languages ​​in the republic - Ingush and Russian.

Administrative division

Administrative division of Ingushetia (since 2017)

Districts ( municipal areas) and cities of republican significance (urban districts) History

The republic included three administrative district former Checheno-Ingushetia: Sunzhensky (partially), Malgobek and Nazran. In 1992, by decree of the then president of the republic Ruslan Aushev, the Dzheirakh district was also formed.


After the formation of the republic, its administrative center was in the city. In 2000, a city specially built for this purpose became the new capital of Ingushetia - the most sparsely populated administrative center of the subject of the Russian Federation.


There are 122 settlements in Ingushetia, including 5 cities of republican significance and 117 rural settlements.

Settlements with a population of more than 5,000 people.

State and political structure


The highest official of the Republic is the Head, elected by deputies of the People's Assembly of the Republic of Ingushetia for a period of 5 years.

List of heads of Ingushetia:

  • Ruslan Aushev- February 28, 1993 - April 28, 2002;
  • Murat Zyazikov- May 23, 2002 - October 30, 2008;
  • Yunus-bek Evkurov- from October 31, 2008.


The Constitution is the fundamental law of the Republic of Ingushetia. Adopted by popular vote on February 27, 1994.

People's Assembly

The People's Assembly of the Republic of Ingushetia is the legislative body (parliament) of Ingushetia, consisting of 21 deputies. Elected by universal suffrage. The head of the People's Assembly is the Chairman of the People's Assembly.

According to the Constitution, the jurisdiction of the People's Assembly of the Republic of Ingushetia includes:

  1. Adoption of laws of the Republic of Ingushetia;
  2. Amendments to the Constitution of the Republic of Ingushetia, with the exception of Chapter One of this Constitution;
  3. Establishing the procedure for holding elections to bodies local government and determination, within the limits of their powers, of the procedure for the activities of local government bodies;
  4. Establishment of the administrative-territorial structure of the Republic of Ingushetia and the procedure for changing it;
  5. Approval of the republican budget and report on its execution;
  6. Approval of programs for socio-economic development of the Republic of Ingushetia;
  7. Giving consent to the President of the Republic of Ingushetia for the appointment of the Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Ingushetia;
  8. Appointment of the Chairman, Deputy Chairman and judges of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Ingushetia;
  9. Coordination of candidates for appointment to the positions of chairmen, deputy chairmen and judges of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Ingushetia, the Arbitration Court of the Republic of Ingushetia, district courts;
  10. Approval of the conclusion and termination of treaties of the Republic of Ingushetia, as well as agreements on changing the border of the Republic of Ingushetia;
  11. Setting the date for the elections of the President of the Republic of Ingushetia and deputies of the People's Assembly of the Republic of Ingushetia;
  12. Appointment of half of the members of the Election Commission of the Republic of Ingushetia;
  13. Appointment of a referendum of the Republic of Ingushetia in cases and in the manner provided for by the republican constitutional law;
  14. Establishment of taxes and fees referred by federal law to the competence of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as the procedure for their collection;
  15. Establishing the procedure for the formation and activities of extra-budgetary and foreign exchange funds of the Republic of Ingushetia, approving reports on the expenditure of funds from these funds;
  16. Establishing a procedure for managing and disposing of property of the Republic of Ingushetia;
  17. Exercise of other powers provided for by federal laws, the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Ingushetia.


Supreme executive body state power is the Government of the Republic of Ingushetia. The head of government is the Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Ingushetia, appointed by the Head of the Republic of Ingushetia with the consent of the People's Assembly of the Republic of Ingushetia. The Government of the Republic of Ingushetia consists of the Chairman, his deputies and ministers of the Republic of Ingushetia.

Government of the Republic of Ingushetia:

  1. Exercises, within the limits of its powers, management of the executive authorities of the Republic of Ingushetia;
  2. Develops and implements programs for the socio-economic and national-cultural development of the Republic of Ingushetia;
  3. Develops and executes the republican budget;
  4. Implements measures to ensure the comprehensive socio-economic development of the Republic of Ingushetia, implementing a unified state policy in the field of finance, science, education, healthcare, social security and environmental protection;
  5. Takes, in accordance with the legislation, measures to implement, ensure and protect human and civil rights and freedoms, protect public order and the fight against crime;
  6. Manages and disposes of the property of the Republic of Ingushetia, as well as federal property transferred to the management of the Republic of Ingushetia;
  7. Concludes agreements with federal executive authorities on the delimitation of areas of competence and powers, as well as agreements on the mutual transfer of the exercise of part of their powers;
  8. Exercises other powers provided for by the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Ingushetia, agreements with federal executive authorities provided for in Article 78 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Judicial power and prosecutor's office

In the Republic of Ingushetia there are the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Ingushetia, Supreme Court Republic of Ingushetia, Arbitration Court of the Republic of Ingushetia, district courts and justices of the peace.


Due to territorial disputes, the exact area of ​​the republic is unknown, so different sources indicate from 3600 km² to 4900 km², with 3400-3700 km² most often indicated.

Territorial dispute with North Ossetia

Map of territories that were previously part of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic

Between North Ossetia and Ingushetia there is a territorial dispute - Ingushetia disputes the part of the Prigorodny district of North Ossetia to the east of and the right bank part.

Article 11 of the Constitution of Ingushetia states that the most important task state is “the return by political means of the territory illegally seized from Ingushetia and the preservation of the territorial integrity of the Republic of Ingushetia.”

Border with Georgia

Symbols of the Republic


Flag of Ingushetia (since 1999)

Development of the flag began in January 1994, two years after the creation of the republic. It was approved on June 15, 1994. In 1999, the flag was slightly changed. The author of the flag is a writer, professor, academician, folklorist scientist, director of the Research Institute named after. Ch. Akhrieva Dakhkilgov Ibragim Abdurakhmanovich:

“Article 1. The state flag of the Republic of Ingushetia is a rectangular panel white, in the center of which there is a solar sign in the form of a red outline of a circle with three rays extending from it, each of which ends in an incomplete outline of the circle. The ratio of the width of the flag to its length is 2:3. Along the entire length of the upper and lower parts of the flag there are two green stripes, each of which is one-sixth the width of the flag. The radius of the inner circle of the solar sign is one eleventh the width of the flag. The radius of the unfinished circle at the end of the rays of the solar sign is one twenty-fifth of the width of the flag. The width of the stripe forming the circle of the solar sign is one eleventh the width of the flag. The width of the strip of rays of the solar sign is one twentieth of the width of the flag. One of the rays of the solar sign is located vertically relative to the length of the flag and is located in the upper part State flag Republic of Ingushetia. The distance between the top point of the unfinished circle at the end of the rays and the outer circle of the solar sign is one-ninth of the width of the flag. The rays are located evenly along the entire circumference of the solar sign and are directed counterclockwise.”

Coat of arms

Coat of arms of Ingushetia

Accepted People's Assembly Republic on August 26, 1994. According to the Law on State emblem Republic of Ingushetia:

“The state emblem of the Republic of Ingushetia is a circle, in the center of which is an eagle with outstretched wings - a symbol of nobility and courage, wisdom and fidelity. In the center of the coat of arms is vertical axis on the background Caucasus Mountains the Ovlura battle tower is located, symbolizing ancient and young Ingushetia. On the left side of the Ovlura tower is Table Mountain ("Mat Loam"), on the right is Mount Kazbek ("Bashloam"). Above the mountains and the tower there is a semicircle of the Sun, located at the zenith, from of which seven straight rays emanate downward. At the bottom of the small circle is a solar sign, symbolizing the eternal movement of the Sun and Earth, the interconnection and infinity of all things. The arcuate rays of the solar sign are turned counterclockwise. Between the large and small circles there is an inscription: at the top - “Republic of Ingushetia”, at the bottom - “Gaalgaya Mokhk”. The state emblem of the Republic of Ingushetia is made in five colors: white, blue, green, red and golden yellow. White color symbolizes the purity of thoughts and actions characteristic of the people of Ingushetia; blue - a symbol of the sky, space; green color personifies the nature, abundance and fertility of the land of Ingushetia, and is also a symbol of Islam; red is a symbol of the centuries-old struggle of the Ingush people for survival; yellow is the color of the Sun, which gives life to man and nature.”




There are many different attractions in Ingushetia: some of them are located in the flat part, and some are in Mountain Ingushetia. Tourist routes are being created on the territory of the republic for a more convenient acquaintance with the culture and history of the region.

Memorials and monuments

Memorial of Memory and Glory in Nazran

The largest memorial complex in the republic is the Memorial of Memory and Glory, located in Nazran and dedicated to the most important memorable dates, tragic and solemn events in the history of Ingushetia. The memorial ensemble is a complex and harmonious combination of architecture and nature. The monuments and compositions of the complex reflect historical events and represent outstanding personalities who made a significant contribution to the formation and development of Ingush statehood. It also gives an idea of ​​the main stages of the history of Ingushetia: from joining Russia to the present day.

Monument to the victims of deportation

An integral part of the Memorial of Memory and Glory, crowning its ensemble, is another monument Memorial complex to victims of repression. It was founded even earlier, in February 1997. The exhibition is based on materials (paintings, photographs, documents) about the deportation of peoples in 1944 and Ossetian-Ingush conflict 1992. The complex was built in the form of nine Ingush towers, combined together and surrounded by barbed wire, symbolizing the nine deported peoples. The memorial is included in the register of the Russian Academy of Arts.

Architectural monuments

Thaba-Erdy Temple

  • Thaba-Erdy Temple(Ingush. Tkob'a-Erdy) - the oldest Christian temple on the territory of the Russian Federation, an architectural monument that arose around the 8th-9th centuries. According to the author of the restoration project L.A. Khimsashvili, the structure was modified several times and the appearance of the 14th-16th centuries has reached our time. The cornices and arches of the temple are decorated with various patterns - plant wickerwork, a widespread type of ornament in Georgian architecture. The temple has many characteristic features (such as the interior, the division with pointed arches, the bas-relief of the eastern wall, the nature of the masonry and others) characteristic of religious buildings in mountainous Ingushetia. The roof of the temple was previously gable and consisted of slate slate and several stone slabs. Being the largest building of its kind in mountainous Ingushetia, the Thaba-Erda temple represents a combination of the architecture of religious buildings of Ingush and Georgian architecture. Temple for a long time was the main religious building of mountainous Ingushetia, its spiritual and cultural center
  • Mausoleum of Borg-Kash(Ingush. BorgIa-Kash) - one of the earliest surviving Muslim monuments in Ingushetia. The Borga-Kash Mausoleum is a historical and cultural monument federal significance and is under state protection. Located on the northwestern outskirts of the village. Plievo village, on the left bank of the Sunzha River, on the slope of a hill, which is a spur of the Sunzhensky ridge (height above sea level 652 m), known in Ingushetia as Mt. Sheikha. Externally, the mausoleum is a cube correct form with a dome in the shape of a hemisphere. It has an arched entrance.
  • Myatsil Sanctuary- one of three religious buildings located on Mount Mat-lom. It has rectangular base and a stepped gable roof, with two arched entrances on the sides.
  • Village Vovnushki- tower buildings of the 16th-17th centuries, a complex of buildings included in the Dzheirakh-Assinsky State Historical, Architectural and Natural Museum-Reserve.
  • Village of Metskhal- a complex of tower-type structures located on the spur of Mount Mat-lom. This tower complex was the administrative and cultural-economic center of the late medieval Dzheirakh-Metskhali mountain-Ingush society.
  • Erzi village- Erzi (translated as “eagle”) has several dozen residential and military towers, made of boulders and placed directly on the mainland. The battle towers reach a height of 25-30 meters, with the width of the walls at the base up to 6 meters.
Sights of Ingushetia

Battle towers of Erzi village Aul Targim Vovnushki Castle-Fortress


  • Dzheirakh-Assinsky State Historical-Architectural and Natural Museum-Reserve- includes mountain zone, and such natural monuments as the Targim Valley, the gorges of the Armkhi and Assa rivers.
  • Erzi- reserve in the Dzheirakh region. Created December 21, 2000. Located on the northern slope of the Greater Caucasus, in the Dzheirakh-Assinskaya basin and the mountains adjacent to it from the north Rocky Ridge. Area - 5,970 hectares.

Wildlife sanctuaries

  • Reserve "Ingush"- located on the territory of the Sunzhensky and Dzheirakhsky districts of Ingushetia. The main objects of protection include: bison, aurochs, wild boar, roe deer, chamois, bezoar goat. Historical monuments and ancient culture. The area of ​​the reserve is 70,000 hectares.


  • State Theatre of Drama them. I. M. Bazorkina
  • State Russian Musical and Drama Theater "Sovremennik"
  • Ingush Theater for Young Spectators


  • Ingush state museum local history named after. T. Kh. Malsagova
  • Malgobek Museum of Military and Labor Glory
  • Memorial complex to victims of repression
  • Museum-apartment of S. Ordzhonikidze
  • Memorial House-Museum of G. S. Akhriev
  • House-museum of the hero Sheripov
  • Museum of Military and Labor Glory of the City of Nazran


The writing of the Ingush language was developed after the October Revolution in Russia (first based on the Arabic alphabet, then the Latin alphabet and finally the Cyrillic alphabet, which still exists today). The emerging Ingush literature became part of Soviet literature. The first works were educational in nature. One of the first Ingush writers was Chakh Akhriev. Then works in the prose genre began to appear (such as essays by Kh. Osmiev (“Fathers and Sons”), stories “From Darkness to Light” and “Misfortune” by Idris Bazorkin, etc.), plays (“Revenge” by Zaurbek Malsagov). During this period, the number of translations of works from Russian into Ingush also increases. Ingush literature reached its peak in the 1930s, when such dramatic works as the play “The Turning Point” by Ortsho and Doshluko Malsagov were published, play by H-B. Mutaliev’s “Kultarmeytsy”, the historical poem “Aramkhi” by D. D. Malsagov and the poem by H.-B. Mutalieva " Kerda is the greatest"("New Guests"). During these years, women writers also appeared, among them the performer of girls' songs Fatima Malsagova. In the late 1930s, several years before the start of the Great Patriotic War, poetry about the homeland and native nature. The development of Ingush literature was interrupted and stopped for a long time after the deportation of the Ingush in 1944. Some revival began only after the restoration of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in 1957.


Ingush music is the most related and close to Chechen music. The genres of Ingush musical folklore are divided into three types: independent instrumental music (Ingush. LadugIa yish), music for dances, processions, horse riding, etc. (Ingush. Khalkhara yish) and vocal music (Ingush. illi, this genre is also present in Chechen music). Illy- one of the traditional vocal genres, which represents certain melodies of songs on heroic, epic, military themes. Executor illy called illancha, illialarcho. Usually "illi" is performed to the accompaniment of some musical instrument (usually played by the performer himself). “Illy” - “Song”, “Ashar” - “Music”, “Mukam” - “Melody”, “Yish” - “Chant”, “Agailli” - “Lullaby”. Other genres of vocal song - asharash- songs with fixed lyrics, yish- table, yeah illy - lullabies, in which the performer usually improvises. Traditional musical instruments - dakhchan-pandar (dechig-pondar, mirza-pondar)(3-string plucked), 1athyokh-pandar (atuh-pandar) (3-string bowed), harmonica (Ingush. komukh, kahat-pandar), accordion, zurna, drum (Ingush. fota, gaval), tambourine (Ingush. fat, fat, warm).

Famous Ingush musical groups:

  • Loam;
  • Magas;
  • Aftermath;
  • Marathon.

Famous Ingush performers:

  • Timur Dzeitov;
  • Alaudin Esmurziev;
  • Khadizhat Akhtsieva;
  • Raisa Evloeva.


Famous dance groups of the Republic of Ingushetia:

  • State Ensemble folk dance"Ingushetia"
  • Children's and youth dance ensemble "Sunzha"
  • Dawns of Ingushetia


One of the most important and basic food products Ingush and Chechens eat meat. Most dishes are prepared from lamb, beef or poultry in kind. The favorite drink is very strong and hot tea.

Many dishes are prepared from corn, cottage cheese, pumpkin, and wild garlic. Side dishes are usually vegetable and cereal.

Integral components of most dishes are onions, garlic, and pepper. Like many other cuisines of the peoples of the Caucasus, Ingush cuisine uses large quantities spicy seasonings and greens.

Bread is predominantly white.

Flour products with different types of fillings from cottage cheese, potatoes, pumpkin ( chepalgash, chapilgash (chIa'pilgash - ing.), khingalash), corn flour cakes ( siscal), which must be served with cottage cheese and sour cream ( berkh) or with cottage cheese and ghee ( kIold-daitta, kIodar (kIodar - ing.)). Dumplings with meat are also popular - dulh-hyaltIam.

Film industry and cinematography

  • Film studio "Magasfilm"
  • Film company "Magas"
  • Creative association - “Zokkh”
  • Theater and Film Studio "Bart"


The dominant religion is Sunni Islam, with Orthodox Christianity also present. There are 15 registered Muslim communities, 45 mosques, 26 - the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Ingushetia is responsible for their development. There is an Islamic Institute in Sunzha, and in the Ingush Islamic University named after Hamatkhan-Hadzhi Barziev.

There are three in the republic orthodox temple: in Sunzha, Karabulak and in the village of Troitskaya.

Ingush teips

Teip is a unit of tribal organization of the Vainakh people (Chechens and Ingush). A teip is a collection of several interconnected genera (Ingush. gIar), usually on a geographical basis. Ingush surnames often, but not always, have a name n'kan. Sons and descendants are called kongash. Sufi Islam, which has many branches, dominates in Ingushetia. Each such branch is not always tied to a specific teip and is called vird.

In fact, the Ingush as a people were divided until the 19th century into several societies (Shakhars), which formed the Ingush people. The Ingush people consisted of the following societies:

  1. Galgaevskoe (GӀalgӏay - ing) or Khamkha society (GӀalgӏay shakhar)
  2. Tsorino Society (Tskhoroy shakhar)
  3. Metskhal (Fyappin) Society
  4. Dzheyrakh Society (J1airkhoy shakhar)
  5. Orsthoevsky shahar.

In the 19th century, teip associations - shakharams - were replaced by territorial societies- Nazran, Galashevtsy and Loamaroy.

Tskhora Society it was not monotonous. Various numerous teips entered and settled there, which were not representatives of the Tskhyora teip. For example, teips Tsizdoy, Yovloy, Ozdoy, etc. Therefore, teip Tskhoroy itself cannot be the most numerous teip, although it consists of numerous generic branches (Ingush. nakash). Philippine Society also consists of different tapes. The teip of the current President of Ingushetia, Yunus-Bek Yevkurov (Olgettkhoy teip), is also considered to come from the Fampino society. Dzheyrakh society consists of representatives of 5 clans: the Akhrievs (Okhr-nakan), the Borovs (Bor-nakan), the Lyanovs (Lyan-nakan), the Tsurovs (Chur-nakan) and the Khamatkhanovs (Khamatkhan-nakan).

The most numerous Ingush teip is the Evloevs (Yovloys), the second largest is the Ozdoevs. This tape is from the Tskhora shahar. and etc.

Currently the tapes continue to play important role in the life of Ingushetia. Until recently, the teips of the Aushevs - Ouvsha-na'kan (R.S. Aushev) and the Borovs - Bor-na'kan (M. M. Zyazikov, Murat Magometovich bears his mother's surname, although he himself is Borov) were in power in the republic. But “being in power” in Ingushetia is considered a relative concept, since adats are still in effect on the territory of the republic and the leaders of the republic are not elected by the people, but are appointed from the Kremlin..


general characteristics

Ingushetia is an agrarian-industrial republic. 60% of the territory is occupied by agricultural land, half of which is arable land.

The economy is underdeveloped and over-subsidized. Share own income in the Republic of Ingushetia is only 15%. In terms of agricultural production volumes, it ranks 37th. In the list of Russian regions by gross regional product (GRP), Ingushetia ranks 83rd.


The main agricultural crops are grains, sunflowers, vegetables, and potatoes. Viticulture and tobacco growing are also developing significantly. Crops of corn, wheat, oats, barley, sugar beets. The share of the public sector of the economy is no more than 25%, the rest falls on other forms of ownership. There are about 900 peasant farms operating in the republic. Agricultural land amounts to 222.2 thousand hectares, including arable land 112.2 thousand hectares, perennial plantings 2.5 thousand hectares, hayfields - 9.6 thousand hectares, pastures - 97.9 thousand hectares. There are 115 large and medium-sized agricultural enterprises in the republic.


Traditional areas of livestock farming are the breeding of dairy and meat and dairy cattle, as well as sheep and goat breeding.


The industry of the Republic of Ingushetia is poorly developed. The most developed are the oil production (Ingushneftegazprom), petrochemical, chemical (Khimprom), gas processing and metalworking industries (Vils light alloy plant). More than 74.6% of industrial production comes from the oil industry. In 2003, the level of annual oil production was about 300 thousand tons, but in last years(according to 2009 data) oil production fell to 50 thousand tons.

Oil production in Ingushetia has been carried out since 1915.

The republic's second most important industry - food - is based on local agricultural resources.

The work of knitting and food enterprises has also been established.

Other enterprises are the Rossiya confectionery factory (), a printing plant (), a house-building plant, brick factories (the city of Nazran and the village), a low-power electric motor plant (Nazran), a furniture factory (Sunzha), a bakery (Nazran).


In Ingushetia there is the Nesterovskaya hydroelectric station on the Assa River, which has an average annual output of 13 million kWh (currently inoperable). It is planned to build a cascade of hydroelectric power stations on the Assa River.


A section of the North Caucasus Railway and a section of the federal highway “Rostov-Baku” with a length of 40 kilometers pass through the territory of Ingushetia. Total length highways about 900 km, including 651 km with asphalt concrete pavement, and 250 km with gravel pavement. The construction and development of the Magas domestic airport continues. There are telephones, radio and television.

Investment attractiveness

The Republic of Ingushetia is one of the regions with extremely low values ​​of integral indices. The region's investment rating is 3D (low potential - extreme risk). In the investment ranking of regions, the republic ranks 84th in terms of investment risk and 78th in terms of investment potential. The lowest investment risk is environmental, the highest is financial. The greatest investment potential is infrastructural.

In 1994, the Economic Benefit Zone (FEZ) was created in Ingushetia, then the Entrepreneurship Development Center (EDC). Thanks to this, a mechanism for receiving investments was launched - Ingushetia received the status of one of the most attractive offshore zones in the world. During the period of operation of the ZEB and the Central Regional Development Center (1994-1999), more than 7,000 enterprises operated under preferential treatment and over 100 different facilities were built. First offshore center of Russia was created and operated on the basis of Federal Law No. 16-FZ of January 30, 1996 “On the center of international business “Ingushetia”” (Repealed from January 1, 2005).

July 25, 2012 for the purpose of implementing guarantees state protection rights and legitimate interests of subjects entrepreneurial activity on the territory of the Republic of Ingushetia and, thereby, the development of the investment and business climate in the region, the Decree of the Head of the Republic established the position of Commissioner for the Rights of Entrepreneurs in the Republic of Ingushetia.

Financial stability

  • Financial stability - significant decline;
  • Economic stability - recession;
  • Social sustainability rating - decline;
  • Comprehensive anti-crisis stability rating - growth.

Social sphere

Socio-economic indicators

The most high levels unemployment and poverty in - over 55%. Indicators of provision of basic services in the republic are among the lowest in the country due to rapid population growth and underdevelopment of urban centers. In the Republic of Ingushetia, 44% of the population does not have the opportunity to work.

Ingushetia is recognized as the only region where there are no abandoned orphans; all of them are safely settled in families. Also, Ingushetia is the only subject of Russia where there are no orphanages and nursing homes due to the lack of their need in Ingush society.


Ingushetia has the highest birth rate among its constituent entities. Medical and preventive care is provided to the population in 73 medical institutions in the republic - hospitals, dispensaries, clinics, etc. Recently, there has been a shortage of qualified personnel and medical equipment. In 2008, it was announced the construction of a Republican multidisciplinary hospital with a clinic and a Perinatal Center in Magas.

In the Dzheirakh region of the republic there is also a medical and health complex “Dzheirakh”, which includes the resort “Sunny Valley Armkhi”. The complex was built in 1999.

In the region of the Republic of Ingushetia, according to data available for 2018, the following are annually registered:

  • 58 patients diagnosed with HIV infection;
  • 847 patients diagnosed with malignant neoplasm, i.e. suffering from various cancer diseases. This category of the population receives modern and effective treatment in the best clinics in the region;
  • 236 patients with tuberculosis disease;
  • 3 patients being treated for drug addiction;
  • 2 people with alcoholism;
  • 70 patients diagnosed with syphilis.

Education and science


The main higher educational institution of the republic is Ingush State University (IngSU), opened in 1994. IngSU is one of the youngest universities in Russia; Over 5,000 students study there.

IngSU has seven faculties: history, philology, economics, mechanics, physics and mathematics, medicine, chemistry and biology, and 32 departments.


Thanks to tall population, a third of the population in Ingushetia are children. There are 106 schools in the republic; this quantity is not enough and there is a severe shortage school places. According to state program computerization of schools, over 400 computers were purchased in the republic and 80 schools were modernized.

On September 2, 2015, an agreement was signed in China on the twinning of Magas with Chinese city provinces.

On October 15, 2015, the capitals of Ingushetia and Chechnya, Magas and Grozny, signed an agreement on sister city relations.

see also

  • Suburban region of North Ossetia
  • Ossetian-Ingush conflict
  • Constitution of the Republic of Ingushetia
  • List of cultural heritage monuments of the Republic of Ingushetia on Wikivoyage

Ingushetia – mountain republic, on the territory of which you can visit many picturesque, beautiful and interesting places, and also capture them in photos and videos, for example, the amazing natural monuments of the Targim Valley, the gorges of the Assa and Armkhi rivers. There are many cultural and historical monuments here, the most significant of which are Thaba-Erdy, Albi-Erdy, Vovnushki Castle, architectural buildings Targim, Khamkhi, Egikal and others.

The towers of mountainous Ingushetia are unique in their architecture. They have stood for hundreds of years, soaring high into the sky. The monuments tell about the skill of ancient architects, about the traditions and customs of the highlanders, the people who once glorified this beautiful region.

Erzi Nature Reserve

One of the youngest reserves in the Russian Federation. This very beautiful and amazing place was created to ensure the preservation of the unique mountain nature. The territory of Erzi is about 6000 hectares.

These are mainly mid-mountain and high-mountain forests, alpine meadows and mountain rivers. In the middle zone of the reserve there are birches, hooked pines, lindens, oaks, and rowan trees. Willow and sea buckthorn grow near the rivers. Above are beautiful mountain steppes and meadows with a variety of flowers, and at the very top there are solid glaciers.

Quite varied and animal world Erzi Nature Reserve. Bears, foxes, wolves, martens, goats, wild boars, Dagestan tur, leopards, and forest cats live here. Also in these beautiful places live and predator birds– buzzards, vultures and golden eagles. The most rare bird species for this region is the yellow-headed kinglet.

For tourists, visiting Erzi will be an unforgettable event. Here you can admire the Armkha waterfall in a forest gorge and a pine grove. In addition, in this region you can see historical and architectural monuments. Various sanctuaries and crypts, fortresses and temples, as well as a historical and architectural museum-reserve.

Table Mountain (Maat Loam)

One of the most sacred and beautiful places in Ingushetia - Maat-Loam - is considered highest peak republic, its height reaches 3000 meters. The mountain owes its name to its shape, which resembles a huge flat table covered with a green carpet of grass.

Table Mountain is a place where there is always a lot of sunlight during the day and at night the sky is strewn with many stars and it seems that you can touch them. The top of Maat-Loam is crowned by Mat-Seli (Myatsil), an ancient temple to which the ancestors of the Ingush came to pay tribute to the God of fertility and agriculture.

Among large quantity grottoes and caves of Table Mountain Special attention attracted by the Stalactite Cave. The length of the cave is about 34 meters, width – 25 meters, height – 10 meters. Artistic scenes are often filmed in this place: the ceiling of the cave is decorated with icicles made of stalactites, and huge stalagmites grow from the bottom, which are surprisingly beautiful and majestic under artificial lighting.

Vovnushki Castle

In the Dzheraikh region of Ingushetia, on the top of a cliff stands the amazing Vovnushki Castle, full of gloomy charm and ancient legends. Its name translates as “place of battle towers.” From the top of the rock there is a beautiful view of the gorge, where powerful streams of water hitting the rocks create a cascade of splashes and a sea of ​​foam.

The entrance to the castle was from the second floor, so for a long time the enemies could not figure out how to get inside. On the third floor there were living rooms, on the top - Observation deck, and at the very bottom there is a prison. The towers were connected suspension bridges on the ropes that were cut during the attack. Vovnushki survived many battles; here was once a checkpoint of the Great Silk Road.

Castle "Chateau Erken"

The majestic castle in the Romanesque style, located 20 kilometers from Nalchik, is called by the local population a new man-made landmark of the North Caucasus. Chateau Erken, built by a talented architect, is surrounded by a beautiful artificial lake inhabited by exotic fish and a dense forest inhabited by pheasants and deer.

In the traditions of Italy and France, the castle bears the family Kabardian surname of the Erkenovs, and their family symbol is printed on the labels. Erkenov in 1991 became the first entrepreneur to receive a license in the RSFSR for the production and sale of alcoholic beverages. It was this year that became the date of the emergence of the family concern “ZET”, which owns “Chateau Erken”.

The Wine Palace is a very beautiful place and looks fabulous; many tourists come here who want to get to know “Caucasian Tuscany” better and try a high-quality aromatic wine drink.


Ancient Egikal is a large tower complex in Ingushetia. Many buildings are scattered along the southern slope of Mount Tsey-Loam in the Assin Gorge. Egikal fascinates and surprises; it seems that history itself breathes in this beautiful place. This is the cradle of all of Ingushetia, it is from here that the settlement of the local people began, here are the oldest buildings (more than 100) and many burials dating back to the 12th-16th centuries.

The entire Egikala complex consists of residential towers with various outbuildings, crypts and 4 semi-combat towers. Unfortunately, most of the buildings have already been destroyed, but one of the battle towers has survived and been restored. Currently, this tower has become the main attraction of the complex, its pearl. There is a staircase attached to one of the walls, thanks to which tourists can look inside the building.


The village is located in the south of Ingushetia, in the Dzheirakhsky district, on the left bank of the Assa River. The settlement is striking in its originality: the ancient towers of the Ingush villages fit harmoniously into the surrounding landscape. They are proof of the nation's resilience and strength. This is the pride of the local population, which carries the memory of the heroic past of the people.

In ancient times, the castle complex consisted of combat, semi-combat and residential structures. Battle towers were the first buildings of the Ingush. Semi-combat structures were used not only as living quarters, but were also adapted for defense. They contained loopholes for archery. However, most of all there were residential buildings with multiple extensions. At the moment, almost all buildings have been destroyed, only 4 military structures have survived.


The ancient village in Ingushetia is located in the south of the republic in the Targim Valley on the right bank of the Assa River. This area is characterized by a particularly flat ground surface.

Currently, Targim is a deserted place, but it does not look abandoned. And now the ancient buildings are in excellent condition and amaze with their grandeur. Above the river there are 4 combat towers, 4 semi-combat and 16 destroyed residential structures.

Dzheyrakh-Assinsky State Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve

One of the largest museum-reserves in Russia is located in the south of Ingushetia on the border with Georgia. There are many towers, sanctuaries, crypts, and other structures and a very small population. At the entrance to the reserve there is a majestic arch built in the style of ancient Ingush towers.

The museum includes about 5 thousand architectural and archaeological objects, representing real masterpieces of the diverse culture of the Ingush people (from the Bronze Age to the end of the late Middle Ages). Of great interest are the ancient Christian temple of Thaby-Erdy, one of the most famous tower complexes in this area, the village of Egikal, the Vovnushki castle complex and many others.

Village of Falkhan

Falkhan is one of the ancient Ingush castle-type villages, located a little north of the village Lie down in the gorge on the spur of Table Mountain. This is a little-known but very beautiful place.

Here stands the majestic Dzarakhov castle, consisting of a combination of residential and military towers, reaching a height of 25 meters. The construction of all buildings in the settlement dates back to the 16th-17th centuries. Currently, most of the structures are in a dilapidated state; the corner of one of the main watchtowers has completely collapsed.

On the mountain slope in the north-western part of the village there is a crypt necropolis. In total there are more than a dozen tombs, some are destroyed, but the bodies of the dead have been surprisingly preserved: thanks to the good ventilation of the crypts and the clean mountain air, natural mummification has occurred.

Thaba-Erdy Temple

In the mountains of Ingushetia, in the depths of the Assinsky gorge, there is an ancient Christian temple - Thaba-Erdy. This place of worship for the local population, religious ceremonies important for the Ingush take place here, and wise elders help solve problems and give blessings for marriages.

Thaba-Erdy is famous monument religion and culture. Appearance The temple does not have luxurious grandeur and pomp - it is a simple stone structure, decorated with carvings, drawings and bas-reliefs. However, despite its simplicity, the building attracts many tourists with its antiquity, mystery, location and legends associated with it.

Mausoleum of Borg-Kash

Amazingly well preserved ancient architectural monument Ingushetia. The mausoleum is located 11 kilometers from the village of Nazran. It is built from a rare, but strong and reliable stone with a yellow tint. The structure itself is small, about 3 meters high. The entrance is made in the form of a regular, exquisitely folded arch, and its roof is decorated with a dome in the form of a hemisphere.

Borga-Kash, in addition to the above-ground part, also has an underground part, the hole into which is closed with a heavy stone slab. The inside of the crypt was decorated with ornamental paintings, but after the fire and repair work there were clean whitewashed walls. For the Ingush, the mausoleum became sacred; in this unusual place, the population performed pagan fertility rituals and prayed for good luck in hunting or rain.

Dudarova Castle

Dudarova Castle is located in picturesque place on the bank of a mountain stream. It consists of 1 combat and 3 destroyed residential towers, surrounded defensive wall. There is a moat around the complex, which was once filled with water from a stream.

To the right of the dilapidated building there is a crypt with a beautiful jagged roof. According to legend, the castle was named after the brave warrior Dudara. It was he who became the founder of the castle. After the death of his sons, the warrior left the walls of his home, but a few years later he returned and brutally took revenge on his enemies.

Duhargisht Towers

Another ancient landmark of Ingushetia is the Duhargisht towers. They can be found on the spur of Mount Matlotam. Previously, the building was surrounded by a high stone wall, and the castle itself consisted of 1 combat and 4 residential towers.

Today the castle has been destroyed, and in its place there are complete ruins. The most interesting place This complex is a combat tower. It contains large compartments for storing supplies. Near the castle there are 2 ancient crypts covered with a slate roof: a 3-tier and a 2-tier.

Memorial complex to victims of repression

In 1997, a monument was unveiled in Ingushetia in honor of people who were victims of repression and political regime Stalin. The memorial complex consists of 9 towers surrounded by barbed wire. According to the designer, each of the towers symbolizes the architecture of the affected peoples.

In the most high tower There is a museum where various factual evidence about that tough and sad time is collected. Photos, names and surnames of people who died during the deportation, documents and paintings. In total, the museum displays more than 1,320 exhibits.

Every day the museum hosts excursions that tell about the events that took place in 1944 and the armed conflict in 1992.

Alansky Assumption Monastery

Near the village of Verkhniy Fiagdon in the Kurtatinsky Gorge stands the majestic Alan Assumption Monastery. This is the highest mountain Orthodox monastery in the Russian Federation.

The first refuge of the Alan Monastery was a former hotel for drivers in the city of Beslan. Since the beginning of its foundation, 2 monks served in it. Then the temple moved to the Kurtatinsky gorge, and within a year a monastery was built here in the name of the Myrrh-Bearing Women. The monks also built a fraternal building and a temple in the name of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God.

As of 2011, 14 monks served in the monastery. Today, the Assumption Monastery has become famous among residents of Ossetia and other countries. Tourists often come to this place to admire the majestic temple and beautiful nature Around him.

Satellite map of Ingushetia

Switching between the satellite map of Ingushetia and the schematic map is done in the lower left corner of the interactive map.

Republic of Ingushetia - Wikipedia:

Date of formation of the Republic of Ingushetia: June 4, 1992
Population of Ingushetia: 473,340 people
Telephone code of Ingushetia: 873
Area of ​​Ingushetia: 3628 km²
Vehicle code of Ingushetia: 06

Regions of Ingushetia:

Dzheirakhsky Malgobeksky Nazransky Sunzhensky

Cities of Ingushetia - list of cities in alphabetical order:

Karabulak city founded in 1859. The population of the city is 39,614 people.
City of Magas founded in 1995. The population of the city is 7818 people.
Malgobek city founded in 1934. The city's population is 36,870 people.
City of Nazran founded in 1781. The population of the city is 116,020 people.
Sunzha city founded in 1845. The population of the city is 65,006 people.

The Republic of Ingushetia- a relatively new subject of Russia, formed in 1992 on the border of Georgia and Chechnya. The capital of Ingushenia is the city Magas. Many nationalities live on the territory of Ingushetia, most of which are Ingush and Chechens.

Sights of the Republic of Ingushetia fully reflect the various stages of the history of this region. These are architectural ensembles historical monuments and memorial complexes. The latter includes the outstanding memorial in Nazran, dedicated to the events of 1944. It is a structure of several towers connected together.

Despite the fact that Ingushetia is an Islamic republic, on its territory there is an ancient Christian temple from the 12th century - Thada-Erdy.

Sights of Ingushetia: Tower of Concord, Vovnushki, Thaba-Erdy, Dudara Estate Tower, Lyalakh Tower Complex, Gu Tower Complex, Salgi Tower Complex, Mago-Erdy Temple, Seska-Solsa-Erdy Sanctuary, Ingushetia Nature Reserve "Erzi", Table Mountain (Maat-Loam ).

Today Magas, the capital of the Republic of Ingushetia, is the youngest and most sparsely populated city, which was called administrative center subject of the Russian Federation. At the same time, this city became for the residents of the republic a symbol of a new, peaceful life. This is the only city built from scratch in post-Soviet Russia and one of the few cities built specifically for capital functions.

The history of modern Magas is very short. In fact, the last twenty-odd years have been continuous construction for him. The idea of ​​creating a new capital of Ingushetia belonged to the first President of the Republic of Ingushetia, Ruslan Aushev. There are few significant dates in the history of the city and they can easily be listed:

  • February 23, 1994 - Ruslan Aushev lays the first stone of the future capital;
  • April 15, 1994 - by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, a decision is made on the construction of the capital of Ingushetia, today City Day is celebrated on this day;
  • April 3, 1998 - the parliament of the republic establishes the name Magas as the official name;
  • December 20, 2000 - the city receives the official status of the capital of the Republic of Ingushetia;
  • December 26, 2000 – official name cities is adopted at the federal level.

Thus, six years passed from the laying of the first stone to the receipt of official status, during which the only inhabitants were builders.

Today, residents of the republic, when mentioning Magas, often recall the decision of Peter I to move the capital to a new city specially built for this purpose. To be fair, it is worth noting that the birth stories of the two capitals have little in common. Let's start with the fact that St. Petersburg received capital status from a large, old and very lively city, which coped well with its capital responsibilities.

Ingushetia, in turn, after the collapse of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, the administrative center of which was the city of Grozny, lost its capital altogether. In addition, there was not a single settlement in the republic that could take on capital functions. Nazran became a temporary solution, because, in fact, it was and remains a one-story settlement, albeit with a population of one hundred thousand. From a historical point of view, the Ingush consider Vladikavkaz, which is already located on the territory of North Ossetia, to be their capital.

The only way out of this situation was to build a new capital right in the field. In 1994, construction of a new regional center began a few kilometers from Nazran. By the way, three years later, construction began on Astana, the new capital of Kazakhstan, which, however, for obvious reasons, has long surpassed Magas.

Over the past 20 years, the city has noticeably increased in size, occupying an area of ​​about 14 km2. The population also appeared. As of 2015, 5,841 people officially live in Magas. About 10 thousand more travel to work from nearby settlements every day. Fast growth population began only in 2010, when the number of residents exceeded 2,500 people. A year earlier, only 415 people lived in Magas. Today the city houses about 90% of all government institutions:

  1. Residence of the President.
  2. Houses of Parliament.
  3. State University of Ingushetia.
  4. Republican Bank.
  5. Regional television building.

Dozens more objects will be commissioned in the near future. In general, the city looks very modern, especially if you have visited Nazran before. A notable detail is the fact that there is absolutely no industry here. Moreover, the construction of factories and factories is not envisaged in principle.

Today Magas is a city of officials, students and schoolchildren. According to plans, it should remain that way. The crowds and markets remained in Nazran. Checkpoints in the border zone. Architectural and cultural monuments are to the south, in the mountains. Magas should become a new ideal city that will lead the entire republic.

Local features

Thanks to enhanced controls, Magas is quite safe. Walking late at night is not worth it, but only because it is generally not accepted here. At the same time, you should always have documents with you - quite a few of them are checked. After all, the border with North Ossetia lies 500 meters from the city border.

In Magas, and in other places in the Caucasus, women wear long skirts and scarves. Visitors are not required to strictly observe this rule, but are recommended. What ladies definitely shouldn't do is smoke. In addition to judgmental glances, you can easily receive a remark, sometimes not very polite.

The nearest airport is located 33 km from the city. The station is less than 8 km away, fortunately it is located in Nazran. There is also an intercity bus service. Already appeared in the city public transport, however, there is no particular benefit from it for tourists - it’s easier to get around on foot, given the size of the city. However, there are still very few tourists themselves, and the hotel is just under construction. Those wishing to visit the youngest city in the Russian Federation will have to stay in Nazran.

Up to 80% of the city's population are Ingush, Sunni Muslims by religion. There is no mosque yet, but in 2016 a large Cathedral Mosque is due to be built, as well as a number of other religious sites.

In general, Magas is built up with low-rise buildings, and the urban planning plan does not provide for houses higher than 5-6 floors. This is due to the fact that according to plans, the city’s population will not exceed 30 thousand people. The only exception The hundred-meter Tower of Concord, designed in the national style, became part of the city’s “low-rise” policy. There is an observation deck at an altitude of more than 80 m.

A notable feature is that they try to hide all the wires in the city underground. For example, city lighting lamps are not connected to each other by wires over the air. All communications are laid at the initial stages of construction.

Young Magas - ancient Magas

It is definitely worth talking about where the name for the new capital came from. According to legend, which, however, has received historical confirmation, Magas was the name of the capital of the state of the Alans, a union of mountain tribes (some of them took part in the Great Migration). From Ingush Magas is translated as “city of the Sun”. At present, the exact location of the ancient settlement has not been established, but its existence is no longer in doubt.

Some historians are sure that new capital just built on the site of the old one. There are indeed many ancient settlements in the surrounding area, but no excavations were carried out directly at the construction site. There are many archaeological monuments in the Nazran region, and therefore there remains hope to establish exactly where the capital of the Alanian kingdom was located. Be that as it may, the new Magas, maintaining a high pace of construction, may well become the pearl of the region.