Miit official name. Poklonskaya reacted to the exclusion of the name of Nicholas II from the name of the Institute

Become a railway worker? Who could it be? This article will provide tips, recommendations, and answers to frequently asked questions from both schoolchildren and adults. Which railway institute to choose in Moscow, what exams should you prepare for?

At what age should I go?

Young people and girls, after graduating from school, lyceum or technical school, can enter any university. Of course, you need to have USE results in Russian language, literature, mathematics and physics. These are the items needed to train a specialist. It is no secret that the Institute has humanitarian, economic and other specialties. It is recommended to find out in advance what subjects are needed for admission (preferably 2 years in advance). But the article deals specifically with specialties that are associated with the railway, metro, tram, and monorail.

Often people, having learned some profession at one time, and starting to work, understand that their souls do not lie. There was a desire to become, for example, a metro worker. And the years go by, the age is no longer youthful. Is it possible? According to the rules for admission to universities and colleges, no one is prohibited from studying, unless, of course, you are already 45 years old. After all, training will be either evening or correspondence. You need to devote 6 years to study. At the time of receiving the diploma, the specialist will be over 51 years old. Retirement is just around the corner.

Who can become a railway worker?

You need to understand that in the transport industry, many professions require good health. Very poor eyesight, a bad heart, hypertension, poor hearing or distracted attention can become an obstacle to working with rolling stock, on tracks, with contact networks, radio equipment, and so on. Only absolutely healthy people become machinists.

The Railway Institute in Moscow gives you a chance to make your dream of being a railway worker come true. After all, you can go to work as an engineer in a design bureau, VNIIZhT. Currently, in the capital's metro there is no need to undergo a medical examination, but on Russian Railways it is required. But everything will depend on the state of your health.

Full-time or part-time?

Often, future students ask themselves: what form of education should they take? It all depends on the circumstances, age, marital status, place of residence, preferences and, of course, money (applies to those who do not qualify for the budget). It’s worth noting right away that if you already have a higher education diploma, then the second higher education will be paid in any case.

So what kind of railway institute exists in Moscow? There are two of them, but they are combined into one. On "Novoslobodskaya" there is MGUPS (Obraztsova St., 15). Full-time and evening students are trained here. To receive correspondence education, you need to go to the Sokol station (Chasovaya St., 20). Let's decipher the abbreviation MGUPS: means of communication.

Of course, after school or college, it is advisable for young people to receive full-time education. Part-time and evening classes are suitable for working people and mothers on maternity leave.

Specialties, faculties and departments

On the street Obraztsova, 15 (MSUPS/MIIT) wider choice of specialties. Therefore, you can choose any one you like. The “correspondence course” (Chasovaya St., 20) offers mainly narrow-profile specialties designed for working students in the field of transport.

Let's look at the approximate list that the Institute of Railway Transport offers, specialties and departments are presented generally and in aggregate, so that the future student can decide on the type of occupation:

  • locomotives, cars (work with rolling stock of railways and subways);
  • organization of transportation (dispatchers, managers, traffic service);
  • automation and communications (invention, repair of communication equipment, signals, communications, electrical networks, power supply);
  • bridges and tunnels (construction of structures, metro, railway tunnels, buildings, recovery points, and so on);
  • tracks (construction of tracks, rails and sleepers, as well as quality control and condition);
  • safety in the technosphere (environmental protection, work with employees of transport enterprises).

In fact, the Railway Institute in Moscow offers many more areas, even those that are practically not related to the railway, but have a bias during training, for example, linguistics, jurisprudence.

The university explained the name change with the new status of the educational institution. “MIIT now has the status of a federal university and is subordinate to the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. [The university] has retained its abbreviation MIIT because it is known throughout the world,” explained Andrey Kryuchkov, head of the public relations department of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Now the university will train personnel not only for railway, but also for other types of transport, he noted in a conversation with RBC.

The MIIT representative also emphasized that the disappearance of the name of Nicholas II from the name of the university “is not an anti-monarchist action.” “We honor him as the founder of our university. Initially, when MIIT was founded, it was founded by the highest order of Nicholas II and was imperial,” Kryuchkov said.

The name of Emperor Nicholas II will be immortalized in the National Transport Museum being created on the basis of the MIIT museum, Timur Khikmatov, head of the press service of the Russian Ministry of Transport, told RBC.

“Indeed, the new name of the university does not contain the name of Nicholas II. The fact is that in July the university was transferred from the jurisdiction of Roszheldor (Federal Agency of Railway Transport. — RBC) to the Ministry of Transport. When the decision was made on the name of the university, the world practice was taken into account when universities are given names that are not too long. The main thing for us was that the MIIT abbreviation, which has become a global brand, retain its name,” said Khikmatov.

In total, the university changed its name 12 times: it was named after Nicholas II in 2015, “to emphasize the age of the university” - then it celebrated its 120th anniversary.

The Moscow Engineering School was founded by decree of Nicholas II in 1896. Soon after this, it received imperial status (IMIU). In 1913, on the initiative of the Minister of Railways Sergei Rukhlov and the IMIU council, the school was renamed the Moscow Institute of Railway Engineers (MIIPS), its three-year training program was changed to a four-year course with a fifth “diploma” year. On December 27, 1913, MIIPS was named after Emperor Nicholas II.

After the revolution of 1917, the university was renamed again - the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers of the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR; in 1924, a reference to the October Revolution was added to its name (Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers (MIIT) named after the October Revolution of the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR).

Then the institute used in its official name in various combinations the names of Felix Dzerzhinsky (1926-1928 and 1988-1993), Joseph Stalin (1946-1951), as well as the names of the Order of Lenin and the Red Banner of Labor.

In 2015, in honor of the 120th anniversary of the founding of the educational institution, it was renamed again - the Moscow State University of Transport of Emperor Nicholas II (

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Latest MIIT reviews

Anonymous review 00:52 11/11/2015

Institute of Economics and Finance.

This is not training, but complete profanation!

Students are given grades for money, either through cronyism, or just like that - at the direction of the institute's management.

Most students do not study because they know very well that in a year they will attack “this teacher” and force him to give a C grade based on the results of the “false” debt acceptance. Whoever wants to mark it earlier pays a bribe.

Deductions are possible, but only for unpaid tuition.

Anonymous review 11:00 11/15/2013

I would like to say about the Humanities Institute of MIIT. I graduated from it myself. I majored in public relations. Next, it’s about studying in this specialty. Guys, all the places in this specialty are paid (well, there are a couple of free ones, but it’s not very clear who gets there), but education there is not worth the money you’ll pay if you go there. Firstly, prices will constantly rise. the last semester, in which there are only state exams and a diploma, you will pay the full price, and a considerable one. Half...

MIIT Gallery

general information

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian University of Transport (MIIT)"

University Reviews

TOP-10 largest universities in Moscow by the number of students from monitoring the effectiveness of educational organizations of higher education by the Ministry of Education and Science in 2016.

About MIIT

History and structure of the university

Moscow State University of Transport and Communications is one of the few universities in the capital that successfully celebrated its centenary. The university was founded in 1896 and until today is the country's main forge for training highly qualified personnel in the field of transport and transport communications. In the 21st century, more than 40 thousand students chose MSUPS. Training in 149 specialties is carried out not only in the capital branch, but also in 28 branches throughout the country.

The educational process at the Moscow State Transport University has a complex structure. In addition to the faculties of higher education, MGUPS operates a college, graduate school, and a system of courses in additional areas.

The MGUPS complex also includes the following educational institutions:

  • Gymnasium;
  • Medical College, which trains paramedics and nurses for the transport sector;
  • Three Academies that train specialists with higher education, including the Russian Academy of Railways;
  • Eight institutes providing training in various fields, in the field of economics, law and other humanities.

MGUPS maintains friendly relations with the largest leading companies operating in the Russian Federation. These include not only private, but also state concerns, Russian Railways, Moscow Metro and many others.

Sphere of additional education

In the field of additional education, MGUPS is a recognized leader. The university has implemented 480 programs aimed at improving skills, retraining or mastering new knowledge. In addition, the university has a license to conduct popular international MBA courses.

College at MGUPS

The Moscow College of Railway Transport has been training specialists since 1872. Currently, 2,000 students are trained in more than 40 specialties, full-time and part-time. Students gain practical skills through internships at Russian Railways.

student life

MGUPS students adhere to an active life position. The most talented representatives of the university regularly take part in amateur creative activities. At the university there are several KVN teams, groups that take part in musical, dance or vocal activities. MSUPS teams take part in city and all-Russian competitions. For 90 years now, the university publishing house has been publishing its own newspaper called Transport Engineer. Students of the Moscow State Transport University have the opportunity to live in a dormitory. This service is available not only to students in the capital’s branch, but also to those who receive higher education in regional branches. In total, 36 comfortable dormitories have been opened under the auspices of the university.

Particular attention is paid to sports life at the university. MGUPS students have the opportunity to:

  • Visit your own physical education center;
  • Play more than 30 sports;
  • Use the gyms and swimming pool.

To ensure a complete learning process, students have the opportunity to visit the university library; its book collection is one of the largest and reaches more than 4 million copies. The MGUPS publishing house publishes three local scientific journals.

Scientific activities and teaching staff

The educational and scientific activities of the Moscow State Transport University are widely recognized not only in Russia, but also abroad. For many years, the university has been an honorary participant and winner of many various competitions, including:

  • 2006 laureate of the Golden Chariot award;
  • 2007, one of the winners of the competition for universities introducing innovations;
  • 2008, receiving a grant from the European Commission for international cooperation in the field of science and education;
  • 2010, prize-winning place in an open innovation competition among Russian universities;
  • 2010, receiving a second grant from the European Commission;
  • 2012, receiving a grant under a special program from the European Community.

The main directions of scientific activity of the university are:

  • Transport safety;
  • Ecology in the transport sector;
  • Automation;
  • Construction, and much more.

Scientific research is carried out not only by university teachers, but also by students. Today there are about 750 people enrolled in graduate school. The university research team has developed and patented more than 100 ideas.

The university is rightfully proud of its teaching staff. Among the university teachers there are 1316 candidates and 406 doctors of science. In total, the continuity of the educational process is ensured by about 3,200 people with significant theoretical and practical skills.

International activity

Moscow State Transport University is actively involved in international activities. Currently, more than one and a half thousand foreign students are studying at the university. In addition, cooperation is carried out with 77 higher education institutions around the world. MGUPS regularly takes part in major international projects.

About the university

History and structure of the university

Moscow State University of Transport and Communications is one of the few universities in the capital that successfully celebrated its centenary. The university was founded in 1896 and until today is the country's main forge for training highly qualified personnel in the field of transport and transport communications. In the 21st century, more than 40 thousand students chose MSUPS. Training in 149 specialties is carried out not only in the capital branch, but also in 28 branches throughout the country.

The educational process at the Moscow State Transport University has a complex structure. In addition to the faculties of higher education, MGUPS operates a college, graduate school, and a system of courses in additional areas.

The MGUPS complex also includes the following educational institutions:

  • Gymnasium;
  • Medical College, which trains paramedics and nurses for the transport sector;
  • Three Academies that train specialists with higher education, including the Russian Academy of Railways;
  • Eight institutes providing training in various fields, in the field of economics, law and other humanities.

MGUPS maintains friendly relations with the largest leading companies operating in the Russian Federation. These include not only private, but also state concerns, Russian Railways, Moscow Metro and many others.

Sphere of additional education

In the field of additional education, MGUPS is a recognized leader. The university has implemented 480 programs aimed at improving skills, retraining or mastering new knowledge. In addition, the university has a license to conduct popular international MBA courses.

College at MGUPS

The Moscow College of Railway Transport has been training specialists since 1872. Currently, 2,000 students are trained in more than 40 specialties, full-time and part-time. Students gain practical skills through internships at Russian Railways.

student life

MGUPS students adhere to an active life position. The most talented representatives of the university regularly take part in amateur creative activities. At the university there are several KVN teams, groups that take part in musical, dance or vocal activities. MSUPS teams take part in city and all-Russian competitions. For 90 years now, the university publishing house has been publishing its own newspaper called Transport Engineer. Students of the Moscow State Transport University have the opportunity to live in a dormitory. This service is available not only to students in the capital’s branch, but also to those who receive higher education in regional branches. In total, 36 comfortable dormitories have been opened under the auspices of the university.

Particular attention is paid to sports life at the university. MGUPS students have the opportunity to:

  • Visit your own physical education center;
  • Play more than 30 sports;
  • Use the gyms and swimming pool.

To ensure a complete learning process, students have the opportunity to visit the university library; its book collection is one of the largest and reaches more than 4 million copies. The MGUPS publishing house publishes three local scientific journals.

Scientific activities and teaching staff

The educational and scientific activities of the Moscow State Transport University are widely recognized not only in Russia, but also abroad. For many years, the university has been an honorary participant and winner of many various competitions, including:

  • 2006 laureate of the Golden Chariot award;
  • 2007, one of the winners of the competition for universities introducing innovations;
  • 2008, receiving a grant from the European Commission for international cooperation in the field of science and education;
  • 2010, prize-winning place in an open innovation competition among Russian universities;
  • 2010, receiving a second grant from the European Commission;
  • 2012, receiving a grant under a special program from the European Community.

The main directions of scientific activity of the university are:

  • Transport safety;
  • Ecology in the transport sector;
  • Automation;
  • Construction, and much more.

Scientific research is carried out not only by university teachers, but also by students. Today there are about 750 people enrolled in graduate school. The university research team has developed and patented more than 100 ideas.

The university is rightfully proud of its teaching staff. Among the university teachers there are 1316 candidates and 406 doctors of science. In total, the continuity of the educational process is ensured by about 3,200 people with significant theoretical and practical skills.

International activity

Moscow State Transport University is actively involved in international activities. Currently, more than one and a half thousand foreign students are studying at the university. In addition, cooperation is carried out with 77 higher education institutions around the world. MGUPS regularly takes part in major international projects.

In the second half of the nineteenth century, with the beginning of the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway, Russia had only one institute where railway engineers were trained - in St. Petersburg. There was a huge shortage of specialists, so the idea arose of creating a second higher education institution that would satisfy all these needs. Many cities wanted to host the new institute on their territory: Kazan, Kyiv, Ekaterinoslav, Voronezh, Saratov. Eagle, but preference was given to Moscow by the emperor, since it already had the best teaching staff in the country. This is how MIIT appeared, reviews of which are presented in this article.

Alumni Association

This public organization is called the MGUPS Alumni Association (MIIT) and is a single information platform for maintaining communication between people who studied at the same institute, working in different industries and even in different countries. It was there that reviews of teachers about the university (MIIT) were found, made both by graduates who left their university and by those who remained to teach there.

Connections between generations of graduates are a very interesting phenomenon in themselves. This involves not only maintaining friendly relations, but also searching for partnerships, employers and employees. And, since all these people graduated from the same higher education institution, they cannot but have common interests. MIIT collects the most varied reviews, like all other educational institutions, but most of the reviews (especially in relation to them are almost unanimous. The university is the strongest, with rich traditions and an amazing two-century history.

Studying at MIIT

Reviews about the level of education at the leading transport university indicate that the largest center of higher education, culture and science has been formed here, where the basic values ​​of the ancient Russian transport university are preserved and developed. The level of applied and fundamental science is very high, training is carried out using the most modern achievements, innovations, and the latest technologies.

The reviews also largely reflect the principles of management of educational, scientific and socio-cultural activities of MIIT, since the learning process takes place in the best traditions of domestic universities. It is here that the personnel, scientific and production potential of the Russian railway industry is developed and realized.

MIIT Mission

Reviews indicate that most of those who wrote them work in their specialty. This means only one thing: centuries-old traditions are continued, domestic railways receive both personnel and scientific support. The generation of new knowledge in the educational process occurs continuously; the university implements all stages of continuous education: preparation, retraining, advanced training, which is required by the development of professional realities.

Transport science is being integrated into education according to the MIIT system, reviews of whose teachers are so high that they suggest a world-class level of university professors. MIIT cooperates with all the leading universities in the world that belong to this industry, with many international companies and transport organizations.

About the university

The total student population of the university is about 113 thousand people studying in various programs. Almost 40 thousand receive higher education at the same time, secondary vocational education. education - twenty thousand students. There are three academies in the structure of MIIT (there are numerous student reviews about this): the Russian Academy of Transport, the Academy of Transport Medicine and the Russian Academy of Transport.

In addition, the university includes nine institutes and four faculties, as well as a medical college and a gymnasium. In twenty-two constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the university has opened 24 branches, eight of which implement programs of both higher and secondary vocational education. That is why MIIT receives student reviews from everywhere, and almost always they are full of gratitude.


The university and its branches always train high-level specialists, which in no way depends on the choice of programs. Higher education is received in 25 specialties, 39 areas (97 profiles) - this is a bachelor's degree; 19 directions in 45 master's programs; there are 15 areas for training scientific and teaching staff and 46 postgraduate specialties.

Reviews from MIIT teachers indicate that education is a step in a continuous chain, and the best students come to the university from secondary vocational educational institutions within the university’s structure, where they studied in 32 specialties, that is, in nine major major areas of this training. It should be noted that both employees and workers who studied here in 134 professions leave reviews about MIIT.

Basic and additional education

The university produces highly qualified people in the field of transport and transport construction, this is first and foremost. In addition, professionals in the fields of finance, economics, customs, management, advertising, marketing and many others are trained here. And the address of MIIT is not always Moscow. Reviews about branches are more numerous only because there are many of them.

In addition to basic education, the university works for the transport industry and in the field of additional vocational education - additional vocational education, where 480 programs are implemented. The base of the head university and its branches is used annually by up to 50 thousand specialists, managers and workers in the transport industry for retraining and advanced training at MIIT. Feedback from employers about those who have received such training is always positive.


The teaching staff of the university is 1972 people, including 1078 candidates and 329 doctors of science. Higher scientific qualifications are obtained here in 62 specialties, and 24 university scientific schools have both national and international recognition. It is also necessary to mention 115 departments and eight dissertation councils, where personnel of the highest scientific qualifications are defended.

MIIT, whose reviews of its scientific activities are beyond praise, is the holder of 162 patents, including eleven foreign ones. Scientific and technical contractual work in 2015 amounted to a total of 670 million rubles.


As a leading scientific center in the transport industry, MIIT carries out a variety of innovative scientific activities. Some of the twenty existing directions:

  • production technology, transport complexes, commercial and cargo work;
  • resource saving technologies in railway transport;
  • research of transport structures and bridges;
  • economic problems in railway transport;
  • safety of the transportation process.

Since 2015, the university can be proud of the “Industry Innovation Center for Import Substitution Technologies in Transport.” The educational institution has its own scientific publications: the magazines “Bulletin of MIIT”, “World of Transport”, “Science and Technology of Transport”, which cover all the events taking place at MIIT.