How does the sun heal and save us? Heliotherapy: treatment using sunlight. Application of heliotherapy in medicine

Surely many have heard that for health, a person needs doing the right thing energy from the sun into the body. The lack of this energy leads to a decrease in protective forces, diseases of the joints, adrenal glands, and lymphatic system. In contrast, excess solar energy leads to allergies, weakening of volitional qualities, exacerbation of chronic processes, and hormonal functions and blood vessels may be affected. How to balance the flow of sun rays into the body? How to find this warmth in winter or not overheat in the heat? This is exactly what we're talking about we'll talk in our article.
The right attitude will help solve these problems.

When you are in a low mood, depressive states, laziness and resentment:
1) in winter - hypothermia occurs, as there is excess energy output;
2) in the summer - energy accumulates, does not find a way out and can lead to overheating or sunstroke. If you are fussing, then sunlight is directed to aggravate processes. Conditions such as rudeness, greed, and a tendency to deceive overload the nervous system and blood vessels with heat.
To benefit from being in the sun, learn to follow simple rules:
- If you feel a lack of warmth, are constantly freezing, try to take yourself out of the hustle and bustle, fill yourself with a kind attitude towards what surrounds you. It is this attitude towards others that accumulates warmth inside you.
- Don’t forget to take sun treatment in winter. If you think that it doesn’t warm, it means it doesn’t heal, then you are deeply mistaken. It is at this time that light is especially effective, since it does not linger on the surface, but immediately penetrates the cells.
- In the summer, forget about laziness, indifference to work and pessimism. Such states of yours block the ability of the sun's rays to transform into your internal energy. Excess heat can cause weakness, vascular disorders, and indifference. Excess water, fatty foods, and sleep lead to solar overload.
Remember the following:
- if you are overcome by weakness, do not focus on this state, but try to overcome yourself and wish the people around you joy and happiness;
- enjoy the sunshine even in extreme heat, because it restores the necessary balance of heat in your body;
- if you are in a state of love for people, then sunlight is qualitatively and quickly converted into your internal energy;
- try to move easily and smoothly in the sun, but don’t hesitate;
- look further, because your thoughts must be as broad as possible;
- mentally look for coolness, imagine that you inhale cold through your nose and direct it to the crown of your head, and as you exhale, give it to everything around you. Watch how the air touches your forehead and removes excess heat with its touches.
Solar sessions can be performed daily, preferably at sunrise and sunset in the summer, and in bright sunlight in the winter. Stand facing the sun, open your palms, inhaling - direct the light inside yourself, exhaling - through your palms, give this light with love to everything that is around. The approximate session time is up to half an hour. Feelings such as fullness, tingling in the legs and palms indicate the need to end the session. This treatment is effectively carried out in parallel with treatment with trees, static exercises, and showers.

Our Sun receives its energy from the Central Sun of our visible Universe. Wherein most of energy is absorbed by our Sun and a relatively small amount is absorbed by the planets. The energies that the Earth receives from the Sun are significantly transformed. After they penetrate into the earth's layers, the latter absorb all the nutritional elements contained in them. After this exchange, they contain only obscene residues that are no longer useful for development and are therefore sent to space. From there, along certain routes, they return to the Sun, which, for its part, sends them to central Sun for further processing in order to restore their original rhythm.

Solar energy reaches the Earth in the form of a wide stream encircling it in the direction from north pole to the south, and returning back to the Sun. When plants feel the influx of this energy to the Earth and its beneficial influence, they prepare their buds, and when the stream intensifies, they open their leaves and finally bloom and set fruit, trying to collect all the incoming energy in order to be fertilized.

A person must keep in mind the following law: he is part of the earthly organism and for this reason receives energy at the same time as it. This explains why the first rays of the sun are the most powerful. Then the human body is most predisposed to perceive solar energies. As a rule, in the morning prana, or Vital energy, much more than at noon. It is in the morning that the body absorbs the strongest positive energies in the greatest quantities.
Since man is a physical being, he needs to do exercises - nothing more. He must get up early in the morning, go out into the clean air and meet the first rays of the sun, which contain specific energy useful for all living organisms.
No matter how much he basks in the lunchtime rays of the Sun, those who are too lazy to get up early and greet the first rays of the sun will still gain nothing.

The sun's rays do not act equally in all seasons. At the beginning of spring the Earth (at certain place) is the most negative, i.e. accepts greatest number energy. For this reason, in spring the sun's rays have a healing effect on humans. After March 22, the Earth gradually becomes positive. In summer it is positive and therefore receives less energy. Summer rays also affect humans, but much weaker than spring rays.

In spring and summer there is an influx of energy to the earth, and in autumn and winter there is an ebb. This explains why the most favorable influence of the Sun begins on March 22.

Just as bees collect nectar from flowers, so every year in spring and summer, from March 22, a person must go to bed and get up early to meet the Sun and thus receive his share of energy from it. Everyone can be convinced of the truth of this rule if they follow it for several years in a row.

Each day is divided into 4 periods: from 12 o'clock at night to 12 o'clock in the afternoon the tide occurs solar energy, and from 12 o'clock in the afternoon to 12 o'clock at night - low tide. The tide reaches its peak at sunrise, when the energy of the sun is most powerful and life-giving. The tide gradually decreases until midday, after which the tide begins to ebb and reaches its peak at sunset.

The more negative the Earth is, the higher its ability to perceive positive solar energy, and vice versa. From midnight to lunch, the Earth in a certain place is negative and therefore receives more energy, and from lunch to midnight it is positive and therefore gives out more. At midnight, the Earth begins to emit positive energy into outer space and gradually becomes negative. In the morning, at sunrise, the Earth is most negative, i.e. takes in the most energy. This fact explains the exceptional importance of the sunrise and helps us appreciate its significance.
One of difficult tasks facing a person is the ability to regulate the energies of his body. They come from the center of the Earth and, in the form of a powerful stream flowing through the spine, reach the brain system. Another stream comes from the Sun and moves towards reverse direction- from the brain to the sympathetic nervous system or to the stomach. Modern man lost control over these flows. Just before sunrise, the sun's rays breaking through the atmosphere primarily affect the brain. During sunrise itself, the rays of the Sun arrive in a straight line and affect the respiratory system and human sensitivity. Around lunchtime they affect his digestive system.
This explains why the healing effects of solar energy change during the day: before sunrise it can be used to improve the brain nervous system, and from 9 to 12 o’clock - to strengthen the stomach. After lunch, as a rule, solar energy has little healing effect. This difference can be explained by the discrepancy between the abilities of the Earth and human body perceive energy.

The best healing effects of the sun's rays are in the morning from 8 to 9 o'clock. Early sun rays are good for the health of anemic people. Around lunchtime the rays are excessively strong and not beneficial to the human body.

Sunbathing should be taken in the morning from 8 to 10 o'clock, and you can expose your entire body to the sun. They act especially effectively on the spine, brain, and lungs. The brain can be compared to a battery. If this battery receives solar energy and stores it in the right way, subsequently she is able to send it to all parts of the body, where its therapeutic effect is carried out.

The more sunlight If you can accept it into yourself, the higher will be the level of your softness and magnetism. When studying and using the sun's rays for treatment, one should keep in mind that in addition to healing rays, there are also so-called black, negative rays. Both they and certain waves earthly origin have harmful effects on the human body. Although a person can expose his body to the sun at any time of the day, his mind should be focused, positive and receive only the positive rays of the sun. While concentrating yourself, you need to be careful not to fall asleep. Before you learn the laws of protection that protect you from harmful effects rays and waves, it is recommended to beware of afternoon sun rays. If you decide to use sun rays, it is best to bask in the morning - from 8 to 10 o'clock, when they primarily have a beneficial effect.
The energies of the sun, which reach the Earth just before dawn, have a special healing effect on a person, providing him with a supply of vitality. This impact is comparable to the amount of energy that can be accumulated by exposing yourself to the sun for an entire day. To use these energies wisely, you need to expose your back to the early rays of the sun. This can be done even in cloudy weather, since clouds hide the sun only from our eyes. No strength and natural phenomena unable to prevent the spread of its energies. You only need to leave the house and concentrate your thoughts towards to the rising sun. Since the dawn gives a person such energies that he is not able to receive from any other source, anemic and weakened people are recommended to leave the house half an hour before dawn in any weather in order to use the early solar energies to strengthen their body.

Expose your back to the sun's rays both when you are positioned and when you are not positioned, observing and comparing the results in both cases. When you need treatment, expose your back to the early rays of the sun. When you want to achieve inner world, expose your back to the setting sun. A person must learn to talk to the light. Your back hurts, expose it to the sun, think about what contains light, and after a while the pain will disappear.
At the same time, watch what time of day you take sunbathing so that you receive only its beneficial rays. When a person is forced to stand in the sun at any time of the day, he can prevent himself from harmful energy by wearing a polygon-shaped hat that breaks the sun's rays.

If you are able to stand in the sun from morning to afternoon, you are healthy. If you can't stand in the sun long time, you are not healthy.
The most favorable time for updating begins on March 22 and continues until June 22.
Proven to exist certain time to treat each of the diseases that can be treated with solar energy. Some of them should be treated in May, others in June and July - during all year round. Every morning go out into the Sun and turn your back first to the south, then to a short time north, then a little east and sit like this for an hour from 7 to 8 am. In your mind, turn to God and say: “Lord, enlighten my mind. Give health to all people, and with them, to me.” Then focus your thoughts on better things that you know. Do this throughout the year and you will find that the experience will be 99 percent successful.
When you sunbathe, your mind should be focused. You can't think about extraneous things. It is best to use a special formula, which should be repeated often during each sunbathing: "Lord, thank You for the sacred energy Divine life, which you send to us with the rays of the sun. I vividly feel how it penetrates all my organs and brings strength, life and health everywhere. This is an expression of God's love for us. Thank you."
A person can cure neurasthenia by leaving the house early in the morning at dawn and turning his back to the east. To a healthy person you can do this to strengthen your nervous system. Tuberculosis should be treated clean air in combination with the sun's rays. Patients need to expose their back and chest to the sun for at least four months in order to feel the revolution that occurs in them under the influence of the Sun. All this time, however, the mind must be focused and keep the formula: “Lord, help me to fulfill Your will, to serve You.”
If you have eczema or clubbing, if you suffer from rheumatism in the joints and swelling in the abdomen, build yourself a glassed-in veranda or balcony with a sunny aspect and lie on the bed with your head to the north and feet to the south. Expose your chest to the sun, protecting your head from it, and lie like that for half an hour, then expose your back for another half hour, then your chest again for half an hour, and then your back again for half an hour, etc. until you are drenched in sweat. If you take 20 to 40 such baths, everything will disappear - both eczema and rheumatism.

When sunbathing, it is best to wear white or light green clothes - this good colors. It is very important to sweat. If you are in an open area, cover yourself with a thin rubber raincoat. When you heal yourself in this way, you need to focus your thoughts and heal yourself according to the laws of Nature. A tan caused by the sun's rays shows that the sun has removed all sediment, dirt and all thick matter from the human body. If a person does not tan, this thick substance remains in his body and causes a number of painful conditions. If you are tanned by the Sun, it means that you have accumulated its energies.

From lectures on Ayurveda by Oleg Torsunov

For health, a balanced supply of solar energy to our body is necessary. Its deficiency leads to a decrease in protective forces, diseases of the adrenal glands, joints, and lymphatic system. Excessive sunlight weakens strong-willed qualities, leads to allergic diseases, greatly aggravates all chronic processes. Blood vessels and hormonal functions may be affected. How to balance hematopoiesis and the flow of sunlight into the body? How to get solar heat in winter? How to avoid overheating in extreme heat? Only the right mindset can solve these problems. With emotional depression, low mood, resentment, laziness in winter, there is an excess release of energy and hypothermia occurs. In the summer, with such deficiencies, on the contrary, energy accumulates without an outlet, and overheating or sunstroke may even occur. Fussiness directs sunlight to exacerbate inflammatory processes. Greed, rudeness, and a tendency to deceive overload the central nervous system and brain vessels with heat. To effectively stay in the sun, follow these rules:

1. If there is a lack of heat in the body, or constant freezing, stop being in the hustle and bustle, and develop a kind attitude towards others. Kindness is a calm joy towards everything. Good relations to people, like a battery, it accumulates heat inside.

2. Treat yourself in the sun in winter. Its light at this time of year is especially soft and effective. Don’t think that if it doesn’t warm, it doesn’t heal. In winter, sunlight does not linger on the skin, but penetrates directly into our cells, nourishing them with the power of health. To do this, just look at the disk of the sun, and with long-term training, simply remember it and solar energy will rush into your body from the surrounding space.

3. In summer, do not go around in a state of laziness, pessimism, or indifference to work. This condition prevents sunlight from being converted into internal energy of the body. Excess heat causes vascular disorders, weakness, and indifference to everything. Excess sleep, fatty foods, and water lead to sun overload.

- in a state of weakness from overheating, try to very gently wish people happiness and joy, do not focus on your condition;
— in extreme heat, enjoy the sunshine, as it restores the balance of heat in the body;
— in a state of optimistic love for people, light is transformed into internal energy;
- move in the sun smoothly, easily, but not slowly;
- look as far in front of you as possible, your thoughts should be broad;
- look for coolness in everything, mentally imagine that when you inhale through your nose, the cold enters the crown of your head, when you exhale through your hands, give it to people, the earth, and trees; When walking, watch how the air touches your forehead, removing excess heat.
Sunny session
A solar session can be performed every day during sunrise and sunset at summer time and in bright light in winter. The clothes are light, the mood is like at a wellness session. Stand straight facing the sun, open your palms, and while inhaling, gently direct the light of the sun inside yourself; As you exhale through your palms, lovingly give it to everything that surrounds you. Session time: 20-30 minutes. Feelings of fullness in the head, tingling in the palms and legs notify you of the end of the session. It is effective to combine sun treatment with tree treatment (before the sun session), static exercises and shower (after the session). Eating is possible no later than two hours before sun treatment. Spicy and fried foods will make sun exposure unhealthy.

Sunlight is the source of life for all life on Earth. Natural organic life, vegetable and animal world can only develop under the influence of sunlight. Influenced sunbathing The body produces vitamin D, which counteracts the development of rickets, promotes the absorption of calcium and normalizes the process of hematopoiesis. Lack of sunlight can provoke anemia, diseases of the nervous system and other diseases. Observations have shown that people in nice apartments those with windows facing north get sick more often than people who live in the same ones. apartments, but with windows facing south. Let's look at the benefits of sunbathing treatment, or heliotherapy.

Principles of heliotherapy:

How does sunbathing (heliotherapy) work? The sun's rays have a significant physical and biological effect on the human body. It is due to three factors. The sun's rays give us three streams of radiant energy. Along with light (visible light energy), the sun emits thermal (or infrared) energy, and morning hours Ultraviolet rays reach the surface of the earth. On the territory of our country, ultraviolet radiation has different biological activity throughout the year. In regions where the midday sun height above the horizon does not exceed 25 ° C, there is a lack of activity ultraviolet rays, in others (from 25-45 ° C) radiation has weak or moderate activity. In those areas where the sun rises above 45 °C at noon, the activity of ultraviolet rays manifests itself on high level.

The types of radiant energy differ from each other as physical properties, and photobiological effect of exposure.

When carrying out heliotherapy or sunbathing treatment, the greatest impact is exerted by ultraviolet and infrared rays.

Heliotherapy: treatment with sunbathing - what is the benefit of the method

Infrared rays during heliotherapy procedures they penetrate 4 mm deep into the skin. Under the influence of sunlight and heat, blood circulation accelerates, especially in the capillaries of the skin.

Thanks to heliotherapy, that is, treatment with sunlight, arterioles (small terminal branches of arteries), precapillaries (muscle-type vessels) and skin capillaries dilate, and hyperemia (excessive filling with blood) of the skin occurs. At the same time, the temperature of the skin increases, and the intensification of tissue metabolism differs. The effect of heliotherapy on the body causes changes in the process of blood circulation: the pulse quickens and may increase arterial pressure.

Numerous pores of the skin evaporate sweat, which cools the body and removes cell waste products. Metabolic products (metabolism) formed as a result of tissue respiration are removed through the skin by evaporation. Also, during treatment with sunbathing (heliotherapy), the external respiration systems, gas exchange and oxygenation functions (oxygen enrichment) are activated.

Best time for heliotherapy, that is, sunbathing, these are the morning hours: in the summer - from 9 to 11 a.m., in winter - from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The duration of sunbathing treatment (heliotherapy) should not exceed 20-30 minutes, unless the duration of the procedure is agreed upon with the doctor. Moreover, the duration of the first heliotherapy procedures should be much shorter, no more than 5-10 minutes, until the body adapts to the effects of sunlight.

Prolonged exposure to the sun and underdosed treatment with sunbathing (heliotherapy) can cause serious burns of the skin and provoke significant complications, including the development of cancer.

Heliotherapy: treatment with sunbathing - history of the method

The healing powers of sunlight were actively used by ancient doctors in the history of heliotherapy. Even the “father of medicine,” the ancient Greek philosopher Hippocrates noted useful action sunlight in the treatment of many diseases. The sun has been warming our planet for millions of years and giving it its light. Thus, Hippocrates, the famous ancient Greek healer and founder of European medicine, prescribed solar treatments for his patients for certain diseases, sending them to sunbathe on the seashore. He even advised building houses without roofs, so that free access to light would not be limited.

Another evidence of the use of sunlight is its treatment of smallpox patients. To do this, light was passed through red matter. That is why in the Middle Ages, the windows of infirmaries were covered with red curtains, and the sick were wrapped in red sheets.

How does sunbathing treatment work?

Nowadays, doctors are again prescribing solar treatments. The Swiss August Rollie, remembering the instructions of Hippocrates, founded a “solar hospital” in the Swiss Alps, where he treated his patients with the sun and herbs. Heliotherapist, as he called himself, healed patients with tuberculosis, anemia, asthma, atherosclerosis, colitis, skin diseases and gout. Treatment with sun rays was prescribed for emotional disorders, nervous diseases, as a restorative remedy after suffering serious illnesses.

In his book “Sun Treatment,” he not only promoted sun and air baths, but also developed a method of treatment with solar medicinal herbs. A. Rollier believed that the more the grass is saturated with sunlight, the higher and better quality chemical composition substances contained in the plant, which means treatment is better and more effective.

The history of heliotherapy is based on the fact that natural remedies contain healing power sunlight. Moreover, plants that during the summer to a greater extent received doses of solar radiation, which are of great benefit in the treatment of diseases.

But experts studying the influence of the sun on plants did not stop there. During drying and further processing, heliotherapists began to place medicinal plants into purple glass vessels and expose them to intense sunlight. They believed that the violet part of the solar spectrum kills harmful bacteria, while the plants themselves come to life and become enriched useful substances. After this, the plants that have been subjected to additional solar irradiation are processed into sun balms and elixirs, all kinds of essences and pills, as well as products that are used in solariums. Today it has been proven that solar treatments are not only pleasant, but also useful.

Heliotherapy: indications for sunbathing

Sunbathing is important integral part climate treatment. Heliotherapy brings significant benefits in rehabilitation treatment and has a positive effect in treatment hypersensitivity to changes in weather and climatic conditions. Exposure to sunlight or artificial sources Light brings great benefits in combination with temperature effects, air baths and water procedures. In case of pathological symptoms (presence of signs of disease), which is caused by a deficiency of natural climatic factors, in particular a lack of ultraviolet radiation, treatment with sunbathing (heliotherapy) can compensate for this factor and significantly improve health. When prescribing a heliotherapy regimen, one should take into account the following factors:

The region in which the patient permanently resides;

Patient's age;

Severity of the disease.

Infrared and visible rays from the sun affect the cells of the human body in different ways, but in general they produce positive effect.

Heliotherapy is indicated for chronic and subacute local inflammatory processes not complicated by suppuration; for injuries of joints and the muscular-ligamentous system.

Ultraviolet sunlight during general heliotherapy is indicated for disorders of phosphorus-calcium metabolism, as a means of preventing rickets, to increase the body's resistance to infectious and colds, with extrapulmonary tuberculosis.

As a local treatment with sunbathing, when only a certain area of ​​the body is exposed, ultraviolet sunlight is indicated for diseases of the peripheral nervous system, joints and respiratory organs, gynecological diseases, certain skin lesions (in particular, infected wounds) and fungal diseases.

Heliotherapy: contraindications to sunbathing

Treatment with sunbathing (heliotherapy) is contraindicated in patients with anemia and systemic disease blood, with severe exhaustion, increased nervous excitability, acute and febrile diseases, suspected development of neoplasms, pulmonary tuberculosis and tuberculosis intoxication, some cardiovascular diseases.

Heliotherapy increases the excitability of the central nervous system and stimulates the formation of histamine-like (nitrogen-containing) substances in the skin, which activate the neuroglandular apparatus of the stomach. Therefore, treatment with sunlight is contraindicated in chronic gastritis.

If you have complex and serious illnesses, it is advisable to take sunbathing in a gentle manner in a familiar climate.

Application of heliotherapy in medicine

Treatment with sunlight and sources of artificial infrared and ultraviolet radiation is actively used in medicine. Sunbathing has a positive effect on a person even during his intrauterine development, as they affect the body of a pregnant woman and help prevent the development of rickets in a child.

Without the sun's rays, life on the planet would be impossible. After all, the Sun is the main source of energy for all processes occurring on earth. Since ancient times, people have highly valued the healing properties of the Sun and perceived it as a reliable ally in the fight against disease. The visible part of the solar spectrum is heterogeneous and consists of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet beams; they are visible after a thunderstorm, when a rainbow appears in the sky. One side of the invisible part is an extension of the red spectrum and is therefore called infrared, the other is beyond the violet end and is therefore called ultraviolet.

Solar radiation is a powerful stream of pure energy in the form of a series electromagnetic vibrations different wavelengths. Infrared rays have the longest wavelength - from 760 to 2300 nm. They make up approximately 70% of the sun's radiation and have a thermal effect. Visible rays have a wavelength from 400 to 760 nm. Ultraviolet rays have the shortest wavelength - from 295 to 400 nm. The share of the ultraviolet part of the solar spectrum is earth's surface accounts for only about 5% of solar radiation. However, this area has the greatest biological activity. Due to the fact that the spectrum of ultraviolet rays is heterogeneous, its effect on the body is different. An important factor is a vitamin-forming effect. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, vitamin D is synthesized in the skin; its deficiency in the body causes disturbances in phosphorus-calcium metabolism and leads to rickets in children. Another part of the spectrum of ultraviolet rays promotes the production of pigment (melanin) in the skin, causing it to acquire a golden brown color - tan. And finally, the shortest ultraviolet rays have a bactericidal (disinfecting) effect, killing pathogenic microbes that constantly attack our body.

One more property of ultraviolet rays should be remembered - they are very sensitive to obstacles: for example, one layer of gauze blocks up to 50% of all rays. Gauze, folded in four, like window glass 2 mm thick, completely prevents their penetration.

When exposed to the sun, some of the rays are reflected by the skin, while others penetrate deeper and have a thermal effect. Infrared rays can penetrate the body 5-6 cm; visible rays - by a few millimeters, and ultraviolet rays - by only 0.2-0.4 mm. In natural natural conditions The human body is affected by three types of radiation: direct, emanating directly from the Sun, scattered, emanating from the vault of heaven, and reflected from various earthly objects.

The energy composition of the first two types is different depending on the altitude of the Sun. The effect of sunlight on our body is truly amazing. Ultraviolet rays act on nerve endings and participate in complex chemical transformations that occur in the body. In addition, exposure to sunlight helps to increase the tone of the central nervous system, improve metabolism and blood composition, and activates the activity of the endocrine glands. All this improves a person’s well-being, charging him with vigor and energy. Ultraviolet rays have a detrimental effect on pathogenic microbes.

If a person is deprived of sunlight, he may develop light starvation. It is expressed in a decrease in the tone of the central nervous system and the body's defenses, disruption of metabolic processes, decreased performance, increased susceptibility to colds, deterioration of well-being and sleep.

The sun, of course, has a truly amazing healing effect, but we must not forget that everything is good in moderation. After all, an overdose solar radiation can cause irreparable harm - cause serious disorders of the nervous, cardiovascular and other vital important systems organism.

Solar radiation - most powerful source energy. For example: 30 minutes of sun exposure will give you about 264 thousand calories. This amount of heat is enough to bring 3.3 liters of water to a boil. And if you relax in Yalta and sunbathe for 2 hours a day, then during your entire vacation you will acquire so much energy that it would be enough to burn a 50-watt light bulb whole year 5-6 hours a day. The sun is a powerful, potent factor, and therefore some caution should be exercised when using its radiant energy. After just a few minutes of exposure to the sun, the skin will turn pink and then red, you will feel warm, and after 5-6 minutes the redness will disappear and will reappear only after a few hours. All this occurs as a result of the action of ultraviolet rays on the skin. With repeated exposure to the sun, they will contribute to the synthesis of the coloring pigment in the skin - melanin, which gives it a tan. The main reason for an overdose of solar radiation is the desire to tan as quickly and intensely as possible, to acquire beautiful colour skin. Many people believe that the darker the tan, the greater the biological effect of sunbathing. But not quite like that. After all, darkening of the skin is only one of the body’s responses to exposure to sunlight, and it would be a mistake to judge the overall health benefits from it.

The healing properties of sunbathing begin to appear at lower doses than at doses that cause intense pigmentation. Therefore, to improve your health and improve your performance, you do not need a particularly strong tan, especially since the pursuit of it can bring serious harm instead of benefit. The consequence of inept use of the sun is overheating of the body, and burns appear on the skin. They arise both from direct impact and from reflections from ice, snow and water surface sun rays.

Sunburn is an inflammation of the skin caused by ultraviolet rays. Already 5-7 hours after irradiation, redness and swelling appear on the skin. Then, as a result of the cells formed during the decay toxic substances symptoms of intoxication appear: severe headache, malaise, decreased performance. The affected areas should be wiped with diluted alcohol, clean napkins moistened with a 2% solution of potassium permanganate should be applied to them, and lubricated with petroleum jelly. The most severe consequence of an overdose of solar energy is the so-called heat stroke. Its signs: general weakness, sluggish gait, apathy, heaviness in the legs, dizziness and headache, flickering and darkening in the eyes, thirst, nausea, vomiting. Along with this, profuse sweating, increased body temperature, increased heart rate and breathing are noted. At sunstroke there is a slow increase in body temperature.

If these symptoms are detected, it is necessary to take immediate measures to stop further exposure to sunlight or other heat rays. Move the victim to a cool place, remove his clothes, increase air circulation, if necessary, perform artificial respiration, provide complete rest and call an ambulance.

Dosing of sunbathing is carried out according to the photochemical reactions of the skin caused by the action of ultraviolet rays, or according to the amount of absorbed thermal energy. The minimum time required for the appearance of visible photochemical reactions in the form of skin redness is taken as one biological dose of ultraviolet radiation.

If you need to take baths while lying down, you need to remember the following: the amount of solar energy acting on the body depends on how the body is positioned in relation to the direction of direct sunlight. If its location is parallel (along) to their direction, the body receives less direct sunlight, and if across (perpendicular), then much more. Thus, at a low solstice, the person being tempered should sunbathe while lying on his side. While taking a sunbath, change your body position more often, turn your back, your stomach, or your side toward the sun. Under no circumstances should you sleep, otherwise it will be impossible to take into account the duration of exposure to the sun and as a result of carelessness you can get dangerous burns. It is also not recommended to read, because the sun is harmful to the eyes.

Since wet skin causes burns more quickly, when sweat appears, it must be wiped off thoroughly. Before sunbathing, you should not swim, and also continuously alternate irradiation with swimming. Only very strong, seasoned people can do this. Another detail sunbathing needs to be taken into account. Fabrics made from nylon, nylon and some other synthetic materials are highly permeable to ultraviolet rays. Staying in such clothes does not protect the body from their effects. Therefore, to prevent overdose, sunbathing time should be reduced. After the procedure, rest, take a shower or swim. There is no need to rub the body, because the flow of blood to the skin is already quite sufficient.