Kind hearted attitude towards people. A brief dictionary of moral concepts

This chapter explains both the personal observations of the authors and the rich experience of the life wisdom of such people as L. Vauvenargues, Voltaire, G. Heine, D. Diderot, B. Gracian, J. La Bruyère, M. Montaigne, L. N. Tolstoy, F. Chesterfield et al.

Most happy man the one who gives happiness the largest number of people. D. Diderot

A good intention is useless until it turns into good deeds. Plautus

Learn about the fundamental difference between a good person and an evil one
a kind person- this is the one who remembers his sins and forgets his goodness. The evil one, on the contrary, is the one who remembers his goodness and forgets his sins.

If you want to be thought well of you, think well of others as well.
remember, that negative thoughts about others bring harm to the person himself and lead him to self-destruction, undermine his cheerfulness and prudence, and give rise to destructive and base things in him. Every human thought, filled with hatred and malice, is like poison both for the soul and for physical body. Everything that a person inspires in another affects first of all himself, since In the human body, absolutely everything that happens in his mind is recorded. How a person thinks about his loved ones, what feelings he has for them and how he acts towards them ultimately determines the course of his own life. Try to remember that The more good deeds and intentions a person radiates towards others, the more he will receive them in return. This is because positive attitude towards people usually always causes a response from them.

Try to be grateful to people both internally, that is, show “goodwill”, and externally (show “virtue”)
Remember that virtuous power will become a part of you only when you can create it and control it at your own will.

Know that virtue grows solely from benevolence
By thinking about good things and doing good deeds, a person accumulates positive impressions in himself that push him to do good even against his own will. One who has done many good deeds and thought a lot about goodness cultivates in himself an irresistible inclination towards goodness, not so much in thoughts, but in deeds and actions. A benevolent and virtuous person is usually said to be “doomed to success.” Let us supplement what has been said with the fact that such a person will be “safe forever.”

Be not only kind, but also virtuous,do good
Experience teaches that speaking is usually easy, but acting is much more difficult. Try not to let your kind words overshadow your good deeds. Remember that good deeds remain, but kind words are usually forgotten. Decency is found exclusively in concrete deeds, and not in pompous words.

Admire the people who surround you
Remember that not only you yourself are unique and inimitable, but also those who are next to you.

Change to better side, and then become a “mirror” for the interlocutor
Become a “mirror” for your interlocutor - show him that you see his unlimited possibilities.

Sincerely rejoice in the successes of those around you
When a person rejoices in the successes of those around him, he involuntarily opens the door to his own happiness and well-being. Remember: what is good for oneself usually brings good for another.

Wish other people wealth and prosperity, and you yourself will receive what you wish for others
The above position once again confirms the principle of magnetism: “What you give is yours.” This is what really happens in life - What you wish for others, you usually get yourself. When a person wishes well-being and wealth to others, he fills his thoughts with wealth and well-being. And, as you know, thoughts have a unique property - to materialize into reality.

Give up the intention of taking revenge on your offenders, be above it
An emotionally mature person will never react negatively to criticism and attacks against him. Anyone who descends to the level where he can repay the same (that is, with an objection or similar reproach) automatically descends to the mental development of his offender. Remember that the words and deeds of the people around you can only hurt you when they are given meaning. Master special wisdom and maturity in relation to people, for this will help you, sticking to your point of view, overcome the habit of being rude and ignorant.

Learn to politely ignore those who are unpleasant, rude and ill-mannered
Friendly and resolutely refuse to communicate and cooperate with those who are selfish, intemperate and rude. Try not to accept such people into your social circle. If this cannot be avoided, then learn to hate in an extremely well-mannered manner.

By speaking negatively about another person, you yourself change for the worse.
Remember that announcing to another his mistakes, reminding him of his shortcomings inspires, first of all, your inner world the same negative thoughts and negative traits.

Look “inside” yourself and you can see how much there is to improve.
In order to change yourself for the better, you must first recognize your own imperfections. Without this, the process of self-improvement is practically impossible. Remember that awareness of your own imperfection will certainly bring you closer to perfection. If you at least once honestly look into your soul, you will probably come across so many imperfections and weaknesses that you will have enough work for your whole life to first put yourself in order.

Moderate your antipathy towards people
This applies even to those who objectively deserve condemnation. Remember that for perfect man there is no worse thing to do than
dislike of those better than himself. Try to remember that contempt should be the most silent of all our feelings. Remember that if your illness comes out through your mouth, your good name will be in danger.

Avoid negative motives towards others
Remember that negative motives own behavior have harmful consequences primarily for yourself. Because the what you do for your neighbor encourages him to do the same for you.

Not only “bless” (that is, say words that carry goodness), but also “thank” (give goodness) to your “offender teachers”
It is better to give a benefit to your enemy in the form of a specific gift. How to define this gift? And to do this you need to answer the question: “ What exactly did this person try to take away from me by his actions, causing this negative feeling towards him? " The one who throws me off balance (“tyrant”) wants to make me a “victim” and feed off my energy. It is exactly what the “tyrant” specifically needs that needs to be given to him in the form of a “mental gift”: the one who annoys me needs peace of mind (this is exactly what should be given to him); the bandit threatening me needs courage and confidence in tomorrow(it’s not at all difficult to give him in the form of a “mental gift”); if anyone wants to take away my joy, confidence and my other
“positive” energies and forces - let’s give them to our offender ourselves and do it from pure heart. Remember that if you formed the image of the gift correctly, that is, you gave the person exactly what he needed and conveyed it with love, then you will see the fruits of a favorable change in your offender, and they will not only be “visible”, but also “on his face.” "

Be good-natured and friendly - this will significantly increase your safety and energetic integrity
It has been established experimentally that neither the “evil eye” nor the “damage” affects people who want good and goodness for people (good and benevolent), because they are protected from these negative energy forces by the Divine energy of goodness and love, which in its own way energetic force and its power is incomparable to anything in the world. Learn to give thanks - it will make you free. Sincere gratitude will save you from the vice whose name is pride. This frees you (makes you “free”) from those negative negative energies, which previously kept you “down”, did not allow you to rise “higher” to where there are no base feelings and experiences, where a person experiences delight, joy and inspired happiness. The act of thanksgiving means confirmation that you accept the current situation without complaints or resentment.

Learn to raise “other people’s walls” and lower “your own mountains”
Appreciate your uniqueness, but don't do it at the expense of elevating yourself above others. Realize that others are also creations of a single and omnipotent Divine power and, just like you, are unique and inimitable in their own way.

Thieves, rude people and other “scoundrels” are our teachers. Learn to love and thank them
Why should we love and thank a thief? For teaching us to respect money, both our own and other people's. Why should you love the offender? Because he tells us how to treat ourselves and others correctly (respectfully). Love your offenders, including those who hurt us especially, because it was they who pointed out to us weak spots and suggested what we specifically need to change in ourselves.

Bringing gifts to people, give joy to yourself
It turns out, as Dr. V. Sinelnikov states in his books, an amazing transformation; “gift is glad,” that is, “by giving, you rejoice.”

Learn not only to give, but also to accept gifts
Remember that if someone sincerely gives you something, it means you deserve it. Please accept this with gratitude. If someone does something for you, it is necessary, perhaps not so much for you as for him.

Rejoice in the success of others, this will attract success to yourself
Take the successes of others as a good sign that similar success will soon await you.

Being kind is beneficial, including in material and financial terms.
When you are virtuous (do good deeds) “according to the laws of reflection” (“laws of bestowal”), these same good deeds come back to you. This is how good thoughts, intentions and actions materialize. The main thing here is not to set yourself the goal of getting rich in this way; all good things should come from an open heart, filled with love for others.

When communicating with people, try to always remember the “law of reflection”
According to the "law of reflection" Every person who meets in your life, to one degree or another, reflects some of your personal traits. For example, if you “as if by chance” met a rude and foul-mouthed person, it means that to some extent this is in you too. You just need to take a closer look at yourself. If you come across someone who is easily offended, it means that some kind of unexpressed resentment lies within you. Learn to thank everyone who comes your way, because they clearly show those qualities of yours that you need to work on. If, thanks to the “hint” you received from the outside, you have changed for the better and you already long time If you don’t come across people who are carriers of a certain negative quality, it means that you have really changed yourself for the better.

Remember that a smart person learns from everyone and everyone
There are no people who cannot teach you something. Let a kind person teach you to be kind, and let an evil one teach you how not to be evil, or more precisely, he will also teach you kindness and decency. It follows that an irritable person should teach us calmness, a greedy person - generosity, a rude person - politeness and culture of behavior.

Learn to love people with negative qualities
This must be done because these people are your real “teachers”; they teach you what not to do. Following this logic of reasoning, it is necessary: ​​to love the thief who stole your money because he teaches respect for money, both your own and others’; love your abuser because he teaches you to be a master own emotions, feelings and experiences. This list can and should be continued, and take a closer look at those who surround you in daily activities. Find your teachers, both worthy and “unworthy” of imitation, and learn from some what you should do in life, and from others how you should not be.

Be generous and compassionate towards people
He who has a large reserve of spirituality grows with every new undertaking, and those around him discover more and more virtues in him. Remember: the more mature a person is, the more personality he is.

Master the sacrament of loving your neighbor
It is entirely up to you that you can respond to any person who accuses you, scolds you or does evil: “ Peace to you! " This is the sacrament of love for your neighbor, that is, your special readiness to show goodwill and respect for anyone who surrounds you. After all, everyone else, just like you, is born of the divine principle. Loving the world means loving everything that is created by this world.

Give up the acquired habit of getting angry at others
When you are angry with people, you unwittingly attract external energy space all currents of evil and negativism.

Be wise, overcome your embittered attitude towards people
The spirit of denial and anger usually signs its own death sentence. And indeed, it is the villain himself who, as a rule, suffers from anger that is directed at people.

Develop a gracious attitude towards absolutely everyone around you
Look for things in life to be grateful for. Remember that when a person is looking for something, he will definitely find it.

Be kind to people rather than kind
The word “benevolence” means in its literal sense “to desire good” - “virtue” implies “doing good,” that is, it presupposes specific good deeds and actions. Remember that “being kind” and “being virtuous” are not the same thing. In many ways, failure to act in benevolence can be considered a human sin. That is why it is so important not to pass by people in need, past human sorrow and poverty.

Remember that “land that is not sown in spring will remain barren for the whole year.”
Likewise, those around us are unlikely to expect good deeds from us if in these days - “here and now” - we do not sow in ourselves the seeds of kindness, attention and love for people. Every action of a person towards others serves for the benefit or harm of them and has a real meaning, sometimes much greater than we imagine.

Understand thatgood deeds begin with good thoughts
“Thou shalt not kill,” says the law. However, it is necessary not only not to kill another person, but also not to be angry with him; not only not to sin in practice, but also in thoughts. Beware of alienating someone you want to help with a thoughtless word.

Try to be a joyful light in the path of others
Look for something that can please, not upset, a person. Try to start and end your meeting with everyone in joy. Say words of agreement and approval to others more often: “yes”, “true”, “agree” - this brings you closer and unites. It has been experimentally established that friendly people say five times more “yes” than “no.”

When you do good to people, don’t expect a reward in return.
Some people, if they do someone a favor, expect a reward or gratitude for it. Others, although they do not expect reward and gratitude, still do not forget what they have done and consider those to whom they have done good as their debtors. But true good is that which is done not for another, but for oneself, and the person who has done it does not seek reward, but does good like a fruit tree that grows its fruits and is quite content with the fact that those fruits are used by those who needs them. Do good in secret and regret it when they find out about it - this way you will learn the joy of doing good. Consciousness good life without approval there are people for her best reward good life.

Usually a person notices in his interlocutor what characterizes himself
A kind person will see and appreciate only kindness in another. " The eye can see the kindness of people if you have a good heart " Unkind, evil and envious person will certainly notice in another the same vices that he himself is endowed with. " After all, what evil people see in peacocks is not their beauty, but their crooked legs. ».

The value of the days lived is measured by how full they are of kindness.
If you don't brighten your day with simple kindness to someone, consider your day wasted. The value of the days lived is measured, perhaps, by the only currency: where and how many threads of love and kindness you wove during the day. Learn, even if you criticize others, in such a way that any of your reproofs are not only fair, but also filled with love.

No energy sent by a person in kindness can be lost in the world
Good energy will always find its recipient and help him. This energy of goodness is capable, if not of liberation, then certainly of alleviating the suffering of the person it rushes past. A good person is immune to the energy of evil, because the energy of evil entangles only those who themselves are filled with anger and irritation towards people. Use your existing wealth exclusively for the benefit of your neighbors.

Give yourself the pleasure of giving joy to people
If you met a person and were unable to say a comforting word to him, you have lost the opportunity to experience a moment of special happiness in life. Feel and realize more fully that it is more blissful to give than to receive.

Bring the “joy of action” into your home
Learn not only to say joyful, approving words, but also to do what you say. remember, that best view words are deeds.

If you want to convince someone of something, convince them not with words, but with deeds
If you want to convince a person that he is not living the way he should (in your opinion) live, do not convince him with words, live well yourself. Remember that people only believe what they see.

Remind yourself often of your most important duty - “the duty of serving people”
Alas, we often avoid responsibility by saying that we cannot take it upon ourselves. But by avoiding it, we sometimes meet incomparably
great difficulties. Remember that we will be given enough strength to accomplish everything that is entrusted to us. But when we shirk our responsibility to help others, we can no longer count on the help of the universal forces, and, undoubtedly, it will be much more difficult for us to achieve our goals in life when we rely only on our own strength.

Master the wisdom of understanding whatno one in this world is to blame for anything
Remember that everyone does their job based on own understanding of good. Be respectful of the prevailing beliefs of those around you.

Give up the desire to pour out anger, resentment and irritation on people around you, even if they were the source of these negative states
And even if it happens that someone deliberately does something dirty to you, thank him for the lesson you learn , overcoming this evil and not splashing it out on the offender. Remember that carrying anger towards someone means harming yourself first of all.

“Echoes in our lives”, or “like gives rise to like”
One day, father and son were walking in the mountains. Suddenly the son fell, injured himself and shouted: “Ah-ah-ah!” To his surprise, he heard a voice somewhere high in the mountains repeat after him: “A-a-a-a!” Curious, he shouted: “Who are you?” And in response I heard: “Who are you?” Angry at this answer, he shouted: “Coward.” And the echo echoed him. Then he looked at his father and asked, “What is this?” The father smiled and said: “Listen, son.” After that, he turned to the mountains and shouted: “I like you!” And the voice answered him: “I like you!” And again the father shouted: “You are great!” And the voice echoed him: “You are great!” The boy was very surprised, but did not understand anything. Then the father explained to him: “People call it an ECHO, but in fact it is LIFE. They answer you with the same thing you said or did. Your life is just a reflection of your actions " “Like begets like,” says the well-known principle of reflection. If you want to be loved more, fill your heart with love first. and learn to love those around you. This relationship exists in relation to everything in life, to every aspect of it; life will return to you everything you gave to it. Your life is not random coincidence, it is a reflection of yourself.

Radiate warmth, you will be warmer too
Give a random passer-by your smile, attention and warmth, and what the famous poet R. Rilke described in his lines will happen:
At the sad station someone suddenly
He nodded to someone.
Easy movement.
And it seems that you are treated kindly like a friend.
The birth of a look...
What is its significance?

Become an inexhaustible source of love and kindness for those around you.
As you know, bitter water will not flow from a sweet spring, and not a single evil word will escape from a good heart.
Encourage those around you with words of sincere praise. Please them with words of affection and warmth. Soften the suffering of those in need with a word of sympathy. Inflame their hearts with the word of faith. Light up everything around with a word of gratitude.

Remember that a “good tree” is known by its good fruit
Learn to carry a good beginning not only with words, but also with deeds.

"Do not sow the wind, for you will reap the storm"
He who sows the seeds of anger and irritation will reap a storm of hatred and rejection. A good seed is a good word. Good word will bring into your life “first greens, then an ear, then a full grain in the ear,” and there will be many such grains.

Do good - it's wonderful
Be generous to others with kind feelings and statements that contain the words “dear” or “dear”: The most beautiful word is “dear”...
How many feelings does it contain alone?
And it illuminates the soul with joy,
Rivaling the rainbow-arc.
L. Tatyanicheva

Remind yourself often that “the door to people opens outward.”
In order to receive goodness, joy and happiness, you must first give it away, for the truth is true (this is confirmed by centuries-old practice) - it is impossible to receive without giving. You can only give what you have. That's why, before you give it away, you need to buy it yourself, and acquiring a good beginning is necessary initially within yourself , that is, through a kind attitude towards the surrounding world and people.

A person who wishes harm to people punishes himself first.
Following the well-known rule: “What you give is yours,” it is easy to guess what the one who gives evil, hatred and disgust to people can receive in return.

Remember that the “law of giving” exists; the giver can and must receive
Any of your actions (good or bad), through thousands of cause-and-effect relationships, will always boomerang back to you. This is truly: “What you give is yours!” Remember: what we send into the lives of others comes back into our own.

Change your habit of changing a person without his readiness and desire
Remember that it is impossible to change a person until he himself wants it, because no one’s eyes can be opened by force. This once again confirms the classic saying: “The student is ready - the teacher has come.” Refuse the temptation to enter unprepared person into the world of new ideas and spiritual values ​​that are still alien to him. This will be disastrous for him.

Be especially tolerant of clearly imperfect people
Sometimes you just have to close your eyes, looking at the imperfection of a creature whose name is man. Try to find in this situation the highest degree of empathy for such a person, and not utter a word of accusation or reproach towards him.

Understand that your love for people will not always win instantly, not always and not everyone will immediately accept it with an open heart
Be tolerant of the fact that sometimes your empathy and love for people will not reach the recipient and you will not receive a positive response in return. Let this keep you believing in the truth of the statement “What you give is yours!” In order to earn Feedback, you just need to “give time to time.” As you embody your virtue, do not expect immediate, immediate, immediate fruits of your work. Do not worry about “fruits”, but about ensuring that you have enough spiritual strength to receive a reward or praise for your work.

Learn to respond correctly to criticism addressed to you
In a situation where someone criticizes you (even without any reason), you need to forgive and thank the critic. This must be done, firstly, in order to help him partially free himself from own aggression and the difficulties with which he struggles, solving the problems of earthly existence; secondly, to facilitate the process of one’s own improvement. Wishing the critic “all the best to you” will be correct and exceptionally good both for him and for you.

Do good without promising good
“My friends, I lost a day!” - the famous Roman emperor Titus once said at dinner, when he remembered that he had not done anything good to anyone all day. Try to do good and do good deeds as often as possible, and you will experience special joy- the joy of giving good and bright things.

Overcome the desire to judge people, because the verdict that you pass on others will be passed on you first of all.
Alas, many simply forget the classic: “ Judge not, lest ye be judged, for with the same judgment ye judge, so shall ye be judged " Remember that your mind is a kind of creative mediator: everything that you suggest, advise and do to others affects you yourself. Believe that all the good that you do to people will be returned to you in equally. Understand that your attitude towards people is formed by you, that is, it will depend on you what type of relationship will prevail in communication with others.

Give up the negative habit of misleading others, because by doing this you are deceiving yourself.
Remember that he who deliberately misleads and deceives his neighbor first of all commits deception towards himself.

Know that positive attitude towards others always causes them to react
Make sure that your life observations are true:
the more good intentions you radiate to the people around you, the more you will receive them in return;
the more love and goodness comes from you, the more of them will come to you from all sides.

Human kindness will be seen only by those who have an open heart, who are filled with love for people.
This idea is wonderfully expressed in lines already known to the reader; we will repeat them once again on the pages this manual: “The eye can see the kindness of people if you have a good heart.” More often express to people the amazing power of kindness and love wishes of S. Ya. Marshak: “ Let your mind be kind and your heart be smart ».

based on the book Vyacheslav Pankratov, Lyudmila Shcherbinina Smile for happiness! Peter 2008
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Politeness Thanks to subtle and delicate politeness, people are forgiven many shortcomings and their good qualities are exaggerated. Those without manners need more solid virtues, and their reputation is immediately established. Juliette Lambert. Thanks to subtle and delicate politeness, people are forgiven many shortcomings and their good qualities are exaggerated. Those without manners need more solid virtues, and their reputation is immediately established. Juliette Lambert. Nothing costs us so little or is valued so dearly as politeness. M. Cervantes. Nothing costs us so little and is valued so dearly as politeness. M. Cervantes. Good morals have higher value than good laws. Tacitus: Good morals are more important than good laws. Tacitus.

Modesty We always like flattery when it concerns qualities that we lack. Tell a fool that he is smart and a rogue that he is most honest person in the light and they will embrace you in their arms. G. Fielding. An immodest man is often more dangerous than an evil one, for the latter attacks only his enemies, while the former harms his enemies and his friends. J. Addison.

MANNERS MANNERS Manners are not trifles; they are the fruit of a noble soul and an honest mind. Manners are not trifles; they are the fruit of a noble soul and an honest mind. Tennyson. Good manners consist of small self-sacrifices. Good manners consist of small self-sacrifices. R. Emerson The ability to behave adorns and costs nothing. The ability to behave adorns and costs nothing. German proverb. Don't say bad things about anyone unless you know for sure. And if you do know, then ask yourself: why am I saying this? Don’t say bad things about someone unless you know it for sure. And if you do, then ask yourself: why am I saying this? George Sand. George Sand. Nobility of feelings is not always accompanied by nobility of manners. Nobility of feelings is not always accompanied by nobility of manners. O. Balzac.

Know yourself There is such a funny example in psychology: a person is a fraction, the numerator of which means how much the person evaluates himself, and the denominator means how much others evaluate him. The larger the numerator and smaller denominator, the more unstable this digital structure is and the sooner it will lose stability and capsize. There is such a funny example in psychology: a person is a fraction, the numerator of which means how much a person evaluates himself, and the denominator means how much others evaluate him. The larger the numerator and the smaller the denominator, the more unstable this digital structure is and the sooner it will lose stability and topple over. Now solve the problem: if the numerator of such a fraction is greater than the denominator, what is a person like? Now solve the problem: if the numerator of such a fraction is greater than the denominator, what is a person like? What if the denominator is greater than the numerator? What if the denominator is greater than the numerator? What fraction will you write when evaluating yourself? What fraction will you write when evaluating yourself? Remember! “The smarter and kinder a person is, the more he notices goodness in people.” Remember! “The smarter and kinder a person is, the more he notices goodness in people.” B. Pascal.

Do it yourself There is a wise saying: “If you sow an action, you will reap a habit; sow a habit and reap a character; sow character, reap destiny.” A kind and cordial attitude towards all the people you encounter in life is what matters most. Polite, tactful, and delicate can only be someone who thinks not only about himself, but also about others. Our conclusion can be given the form of a formula, as is done in mathematics and physics: There is a wise saying: “If you sow an action, you will reap a habit; sow a habit and reap a character; sow character, reap destiny.” A kind and cordial attitude towards all the people you encounter in life is what matters most. Polite, tactful, and delicate can only be someone who thinks not only about himself, but also about others. Our conclusion can be given the form of a formula, as is done in mathematics and physics: D x U + ZPP = KP that is, Goodwill multiplied by Respect, plus Knowledge of the Rules of Behavior constitute a Culture of Behavior. Try to master this formula, and your relationships with others will develop as well as possible. That is, Goodwill multiplied by Respect, plus Knowledge of the Rules of Behavior constitute a Culture of Behavior. Try to master this formula, and your relationships with others will be as good as possible. GOOD LUCK TO YOU! ! ! GOOD LUCK TO YOU! ! !

Brief dictionary moral concepts to help parents.

Altruism– the ability to selflessly sacrifice own interests in favor of the interests of another; caring, caring for one's neighbor, mercy, self-denial, self-sacrifice. The opposite of selfishness.

Gratitude– a feeling of gratitude for the attention provided, for the selfless help; readiness to reciprocate with mutual benefit, to “repay good for good.”

Poverty- lack of income. The opposite of wealth, prosperity.

Idleness– idle pastime, lack of interest in useful and regular work and activities; slacker, lazy, white-handed, idle, lazy.

Soullessness– about a person lacking sensitivity, responsiveness, and capable of being cruel; who is not touched by the sorrows and joys of others. The opposite of sensitivity, responsiveness, participation, attention.

Ruthlessness– inability to show compassion and pity; heartless, merciless, unmerciful; "heart of stone"

Carefree– about a person who does not bother himself with worries, does not think about the consequences of his actions; careless, frivolous; "wind in my head"

Shamelessness– when a person openly and sometimes rudely disregards generally accepted norms and the interests of others; unceremonious, arrogant.

Defenseless– about someone who cannot defend himself on his own, does not have the means of self-defense; unarmed, powerless, powerless, weak; “You can take it with your bare hands.”

Indifference– a state of complete indifference, disinterest, indifferent attitude towards what is happening or towards a person; coldness, insensibility. The opposite of participation, interest.

Recklessness– about actions and behavior that are not consistent with the requirements of common sense; extravagant, crazy.

Uncomplaining- about one who accepts difficult conditions without grumbling, without resistance, unfair treatment to yourself; meek, humble.

Beloruchka– one who avoids hard or dirty work is not accustomed to serious work; master

Selfless- a good deed of someone who does not seek personal gain and is able to care about others more than about himself; when there is no desire to acquire rewards for good deeds; unmercenary.

Unmercenary- distributing his property and helping people without demanding anything for it.

Fearlessnesspositive trait character, expressed not so much in the absence of fear as in the ability to overcome it; courage, courage.

Tactlessnessnegative trait character, manifested in a lack of sensitivity, cordiality, and a sense of proportion in relations with other people. The opposite of tactfulness and correctness.

Beneficence– manifests itself in care and compassion aimed at the benefit of people; goodwill and generosity, understanding the problems of another person and participation in his fate.

Benevolence- favor, goodwill, benevolence, friendliness, sympathy, friendliness.

Nobility– the ability to rise above selfish motives and act selflessly in the interests of other people; generosity (greatness of soul), selflessness, high morality, honesty, chivalry.

Wealth- prosperity, large personal property, prosperity in the family, household, significant funds that abundantly provide the necessary comfort. The opposite of poverty, poverty, misery.

Talkativeness- talkativeness, loquaciousness, loquaciousness, talkativeness, idle talk, buffoonery. The opposite of silence.

Vandalism– barbarism; senseless and cruel destruction, desecration of anything, including historical monuments And cultural values. The word vandalism comes from the name of the ancient Germanic tribe, which destroyed Rome and destroyed its cultural treasures.

Put on airs – It is important to hold on, trying to show your significance, to give yourself more importance than you should. Colloquial: to puff up, pout, be arrogant, turn up your nose.

Politeness– showing courtesy and respect in dealing with people; attentiveness, goodwill, willingness to provide a service to everyone who needs it, delicacy, tact. The opposite of rudeness, rudeness, arrogance and neglect.

Generosity– nobility when humanity exceeds measure generally accepted norms; self-sacrifice for the interests of others; refusal of the requirement to punish the person who committed the act or caused the damage; humane attitude towards the vanquished.

Loyalty– perseverance in relationships and fulfillment of one’s duties, duty, constancy in feelings. The faithful love their loved ones, are devoted and reliable in the family.

Perfidy– betrayal, treason, when a person grossly violates his obligations, established relationships or oath.

Funny- cheerful, joyful. Cheerful man, cheerful mood, cheerful character. Opposite: sad, sorrowful, dull, gloomy, boring.

Materialism– increased interest in things, in their possession to the detriment of spiritual interests.

Mutual aidmutual help, support given to each other and relationships based on common interests and goals.

Understanding– agreement, mutual understanding, understanding, close contact. Those who understand each other have unanimity in opinions and actions.

Guilt– guilt, the moral state of a person caused by his violation moral duty. Awareness of guilt is expressed in a feeling of shame, pangs of conscience, and repentance.

Imperious- power-hungry, autocratic, inclined to command - about a person and his character.

Appearance- an external appearance, which is not always a reflection of the internal spiritual content.

Attentiveness- caring, attentiveness; the owner’s attentiveness to the guests, caring attitude towards loved ones and the people around him.

Will- one of the basic mental abilities of a person, which consists in consciously regulating one’s behavior and controlling one’s actions. The opposite of bondage, lack of independence, dependence, subordination.

Upbringing– assistance in consolidating those hereditary rules of behavior that children received from their parents, as well as the spiritual and moral development of the younger generation, active participation in the education, mental and physical improvement of children.

Delighthighest degree manifestations of joy, delight, satisfaction, charm.

Excerpt– the ability to control oneself, the ability to control one’s behavior and impulsive actions, subordinating them to existing norms and rules of behavior.

Endurance– the ability to endure difficulties and hardships; show perseverance; endure through suffering and hardship.

Arrogance– an exaggeratedly high opinion of oneself and a disdainful attitude towards others; arrogance, arrogance, arrogance, selfishness, arrogance, pride.

Harmony- harmonious combination, mutual correspondence of parts of the whole, qualities, phenomena, objects; consonance, agreement.

Anger– a state of extreme indignation and dissatisfaction; passion, most often directed against one’s neighbor, darkening and devastating the soul; a common sin that leads to irreparable troubles and terrible crimes.

Pride- too much high mark a person’s own or other people’s achievements and merits; self-assertion, conceit, self-confidence, swagger, arrogance, pride - exorbitant pride.

Hospitality- cordiality, hospitality; readiness and desire to receive guests, gracious welcome; bread and salt.

Coarseness– disrespectful attitude towards people; outright hostility; inability to contain irritation; insulting the dignity of others, cheekiness, foul language, using derogatory nicknames and nicknames.

be sad- to be sad, to be sad, to be despondent, to be upset.

Gourmet– a lover and connoisseur of particularly delicate, delicious dishes; glutton.

Present- to give freely, to sacrifice, to give as a gift, to bestow, to reward, not to forget.

Delicacy- tactfulness, courtesy, gentleness, spiritual subtlety, sensitivity, politeness, courtesy, courtesy.

Share- give from your property or from your knowledge; communicate something, attracting sympathy and shared experience.

Efficiency– organization and clarity in work, the ability to find the most rational ways to solve problems that arise practical problems, perseverance and consistency in overcoming difficulties and achieving the goal.

Insolence- manifests itself in a person’s unworthy, unrestrained actions, his rude, harsh words expressing disdain for accepted standards relationships between people that affect the dignity of others.

Despot- an autocratic ruler, a tyrant - a person who cruelly tramples the will and desires of others.

Diplomatic – political, distinguished by subtlety, dexterity, and prudence.

Discipline– a certain order of behavior is obligatory for everyone; school and labor discipline; the ability to restrain one’s impulses, when control over one’s actions is carried out by volitional internal effort.

Virtue- doing good, positive moral qualities personalities; love for one's neighbor, wisdom, chastity, hard work, patience, bearing sorrows, meekness and whole line other good qualities. The opposite is vice.

Good nature- benevolence, kindness, complacency, gentleness, spiritual disposition towards people, towards everything around.

Goodwill– desire for good to others, location, participation, benevolence; manifests itself in a friendly disposition, participation, sympathetic words, and a friendly manner of communication.

Kindnesskind heart, responsiveness, inclination of good will towards the good and kindness of people; d kind-hearted are distinguished by a sympathetic attitude towards the fate of others.

Kindness- desire to do good; caring, attentiveness, the ability to sympathize, without which kindness is unthinkable.

Duty– duty, calling, for example, maternal duty, civic duty; a person’s ability to perform real feats out of a sense of duty to his family and his country.

Expensive- one who is sweet, loved, close to the heart, desired, respected.

Fight - quarrel, skirmish, hand-to-hand combat, struggle; “at least spill water”; incontinence, inability to respect the dignity of another person.

Friend- a person who is close in spirit and convictions, on whom you can rely in everything; comrade, close by type of activity, occupation; a friend with whom you have a good, but not very close relationship.

Friendship- unselfish relationships that are based on mutual affection and trust, on respect and love, on common views and interests; friends are always ready to help.

Soulfulness– responsiveness, sincerity, kindness, compassion, love of kindness; people with these qualities are mentally generous, merciful, know how to feel the pain of others and are always ready to help.

Greed– sister of envy and selfishness; gluttony, greed, stinginess; manifestation of an uncontrollable desire to obtain something in greater quantities than necessary.

Regret– a feeling of mercy for those who are in trouble, who have grief, understanding their problems; heartfelt attitude, mental pain at the sight of other people's suffering.

Complain– cry, complain, often with reproaches and reproaches; express grief, pour out grievances, dissatisfaction, regret and grief about something.

Cruel- heartless, hard-hearted, merciless, merciless; the actions of a person who does not know pity, does not show compassion, or condescension.

Cheerful- cheerful, cheerful, loving life, not succumbing to adversity.

Care– attention, support, assistance, protection; care and beneficence towards the sick, weak and elderly.

Envy– a feeling of hostility towards another person in relation to his happiness, well-being, success, moral, cultural level or material superiority; based on egoism, selfishness.

Appeasement- cajoling with flattery, favors, gifts.

Wonder- to put on airs, be proud, think about oneself; "spread the peacock's tail."

cocky– splintered, rambunctious , inclined to bully someone, provoke an argument or quarrel, fight.

To become conceited- behave arrogantly, arrogantly, disdainfully treat others, be proud, exalt yourself, think highly of yourself.

Arrogance– pomposity, pride, egotism; “star fever”, “delusions of grandeur”.

Shy– one who is easily embarrassed, lost, confused and indecisive; timid, shy, bashful, embarrassed.

Protect– protect, guard; take under one's protection, patronage, intercede; defend your Motherland, fight courageously for the Fatherland and for the truth. The opposite: to attack, but also to allow, to be indifferent.

Crime– deception, violence, mockery; a crime against morality, an attack on spiritual and material values. The opposite of beneficence.

Gloat- rejoicing in someone else’s grief, adversity, misfortune.

slander– slander, slander; negative judgments, gossip, gossip, slander; tendency to judge people caustically.

Apology– regret, repentance; leniency towards guilt, wrongdoing, forgiveness, pardon.

Bullying - mockery, mockery; the tendency of a person to treat someone in an extremely insulting manner, subjecting them to humiliation and harsh ridicule.

Treason – betrayal, breach of fidelity common cause, camaraderie, love, homeland.

Individuality- unique originality individual person, a unique embodiment in his personality of what is inherited and acquired during life; the totality of thoughts, feelings, interests, habits, moods, abilities, and intellect unique to him.

Intelligencepersonal qualities person; a combination of nobility of soul and industriousness of mind, intelligence and tolerance of character, reliability of words and truthfulness of actions; a combination of interest in art and literature, respect for culture and moral integrity.

Interest– a person’s cognitive orientation towards objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality, associated with a positive emotional experience.

Intuition– conclusion without consistent reasoning, instinct, guess; direct understanding based on innate knowledge and acquired experience.

Sincerity– openness, straightforwardness, honesty, genuineness, sincerity, directness, truthfulness; a sincere person does not pretend and does not hide his true attitude towards others.

Caprice- a whim, an absurd, unreasonable desire, a demand.

To boast, to boast– exhibit one’s superiority over others and act deliberately arrogant.

Slander– slander with the aim of defaming someone, false accusation; slander, insinuation - slanderous fabrications mainly in the press, in official statements.

Self-interest– desire for profit and enrichment; selfishness, commercialism, the desire to extract material benefit from everything.

Eloquence– ability to speak easily, possession of the gift of eloquence; sweet-tongued – capable of speaking beautifully and captivatingly; eloquent - who loves to talk a lot and pompously.

Meekness– good nature, peacefulness, humility, humility, patience; a meek person is yielding, modest, obedient, unfailing and kind.

Culture– the level of achievements of human society in a certain era among any people, class; cultural – civilized, developed.

Idol- an object of enthusiastic admiration, adoration, admiration; one whom people make an idol for themselves to worship.

Weasel- this is a manifestation of a kind-hearted attitude in the form of tenderness, warmth, friendliness, gentleness.

Liar - lover of inventing, inventing, deceiving, lying.

Laziness– inaction, idleness, inertia, lack of desire to work, to work. The opposite of vigorous activity.

Hypocrisy– insincerity, duplicity, double-mindedness, hypocrisy; hypocritical - resorting to pretense, deception in order to hide his true thoughts and intentions.

Love- the highest feeling of heartfelt affection, the purest feeling that gives rise to the desire to do good and be merciful.

Curiosity– a personality trait characterized by an active cognitive attitude to reality; inquisitive, inquisitive - striving to acquire new and varied knowledge.

Behavior– a complex including external forms treatment of other people, expressions used, tone, intonation, gestures, manner of dressing; culture of behavior.

Master- artist, virtuoso, specialist; a person who has achieved high perfection in some matter.

Dream- a type of imagination, fantasy, creating images of the desired future.

Mercy– active participation in the fate of another; willingness to selflessly help those in need; mercy, compassionate love.

Alms- alms to the beggar, the needy.

Peaceful– not prone to hostility and quarrels, filled with peacefulness; make peace - stop a quarrel, hostility, reconcile; peacefulness - the desire to maintain peace, friendliness.

Worldview– worldview, worldview; system of views, views on nature and society.

Verbose– verbose , having a habit of expressing his thoughts at excessive length.

Morality– a system of norms defining a person’s responsibilities in relation to society and other people; morality, ethics.

Wisdom– a deep mind based on life experience and acquired knowledge.

Courage– a combination of courage, endurance, perseverance and determination in a person; the embodiment of strength of character, loyalty to the ideal and to oneself when faced with danger and injustice.

Observation– the ability to most fully notice the properties and characteristics of objects and phenomena, to notice details and details that elude others; perceptiveness.

Impudence- refers to someone who behaves not only impudently, but also rudely, extremely impudently, insolently, unscrupulously, unceremoniously.

Reward- gratitude, retribution, reward for merit.

Hope- expectation of something desired, associated with confidence in its implementation ; aspiration, hope.

Reliable- someone who inspires confidence and can be relied upon; loyal.

Bothersome- one who causes irritation by his frequent attention to himself; bothersome, annoying, affectionate.

Enjoy- experience great pleasure, bliss; feeling of delight, admiration.

Mock– make someone the subject of ridicule, offensive remarks; laugh, make fun, mock evil and insultingly.

Perseverance– a positive volitional property of personality, character, manifested in the persistent achievement of a set goal. Distinct from stubbornness, which is the result of weakness of will.

Earphone- sneak, complain, be fiscal; to secretly report someone's guilt or action to elders, to the person on whom the person complained depends.

Nationalism– the idea of ​​national exclusivity, the superiority of the values ​​of one’s own people and their belittlement among other peoples. In practice, it leads to national hatred.

Negligence– without diligence and thoroughness; somehow, somehow, as necessary, “carelessly.”

Inattention– without showing proper attention to others; negligence, negligence, negligence.

Bad manners– inability to behave; bad manners.

Bad faith– attitude towards one’s affairs and responsibilities without due diligence and attention; negligence.

Tenderness– warmth and softness, subtlety and fragility in relationships. Actions that express tender feelings, sweet words.

Untidy– disorder in clothes, premises, lack of cleanliness; sloppiness, sloppiness.

Naughty- one who does not obey, does not obey; loving to act contrary; rebellious, obstinate.

Indifference– concern, interest, attention, responsiveness.

Uncertainty– unsteadiness, indecision in voice, in movements, in gait; internal doubts, timidity.

offend- to cause offense, pain, trouble.

Take offense- to be offended, to feel offended. The strong and arrogant know how to painfully insult and oppress, but how important it is not to become bitter, but to forget the insults and forgive the offenders.

Deception– something that is deliberately misleading; lie, untruth, distortion of truth, cunning. As opposed to truth, truth.

Sociability– a person’s need and ability to communicate, contact with other people, and establish mutual understanding with them; desire for initiative.

Common man– a person with a limited outlook, living by petty, personal interests; tradesman.

Duty- a person’s duty, a task assigned to him.

Optimism– cheerful and joyful attitude; cheerfulness, love of life, life affirmation.

Neatness- cleanliness, neatness, neatness, cleanliness.

Condemnation- a type of pride; condemn - recognize something as reprehensible, express disapproval, judge, blame, despise, humiliate one's neighbor.

Responsibility– the ability of an individual to understand the compliance of the results of his actions with the goals set and the norms accepted in society.

Responsiveness– cordiality, kindness, sympathy, sympathy, compassion, sensitivity; man of heart sincere, kind-hearted, attentive, humane.

Passivity– inertia, inactivity; lack of interest; inability or unwillingness to act or take part in any activity.

Patriotism– a feeling of love for one’s Fatherland; willingness to subordinate one's personal interests to the interests of the country; serve and protect her faithfully.

Pessimism- hopelessness, lack of faith in the future.

Surface– someone who is not distinguished by depth, thoroughness of knowledge, or a thoughtful approach to life.

suck up- flattery, servility to achieve someone's favor.

Imitation- following an example, which manifests itself in the repetition by one person of any actions and characteristics of another person.

Donation- a gift, a contribution in favor of a person or institution.

Donateyourself– to voluntarily give up something to the detriment of oneself, one’s interests, to sacrifice oneself.

Cognition– interest in knowledge, need for self-study, studying the world around us.

Patronage- support, beneficence, protection provided by the powerful and strong to the weak.

Useful- beneficial, needed for a specific purpose, fruitful.

Help– support, assistance, heartfelt participation, beneficence and beneficence. Many people are always ready to lend a helping hand to someone who needs it.

Understanding– comprehension and awareness of someone else’s problem.

Decency– honesty, inability to do low things.

Obedient- obedient, dutiful, meek, willingly obeying, devoted, humble, reliable.

Deed- decisive, active action in difficult circumstances, feat.

Truthfulness- the quality of a person to tell the truth, not to hide the real state of affairs from people and himself.

Rightness - fidelity, truthfulness, correct image actions and thoughts.

Celebration- verbosity, idle talk, idle talk.

Idle- spending time in idleness, idleness.

Devotion– loyalty, constancy, commitment, immutability, ideologicalness. The opposite of infidelity, treason, betrayal.

Betrayal- perfidy, betrayal, desertion, deceit. The opposite of loyalty, devotion.

Prejudice– manifestations of habitual, erroneous judgments about the connections of certain phenomena, superstition.

Crime- an act or action that is a violation of the existing legal order and entails punishment.

Vocation– interest and ability to certain activities, the desire to fulfill it; professional self-determination personality.

Decent- in accordance with accepted rules behavior, relationships; decently, decently.

Example – an instructive event or act that serves as a model of behavior. This can be an example of selfless love for the Fatherland, courage, love, loyalty.

Misdemeanor- an act that violates any norms, rules of conduct, offense, sin .

Profession- genus labor activity, which is usually a source of subsistence and requires certain knowledge, skills, and abilities.

Forgiveness- pardon, apology. To forgive is not to remember the grievances caused, to forgive someone, not to blame him for his mistakes.

Indifference– lack of participation, interest in the environment, what is happening, indifference, indifference, indifference.

Joy- feeling of great pleasure and mental satisfaction, good, festive mood, fun, cheerfulness.

Cordiality- a cordial attitude combined with hospitality, with a willingness to help, to provide a service, friendliness, hospitality, a warm welcome.

Cheeky– about behavior, manners: emphatically free and careless, familiar, familiar.

Talkative– loves to talk; garrulous, talkative, talkative ; talking too much, in vain; weak tongue.

Divide- to be in solidarity, to share difficulties, to experience some feeling together with another.

Annoy- make you nervous; bring into condition nervous excitement, cause discontent, anger, annoyance.

Repentance– a feeling of guilt for committing a mistaken or bad act and a desire to atone for it; belief in wrongness, immorality, or criminality actions taken, feelings of guilt and remorse.

Promiscuity- incontinence, self-will; one who does not adhere to order, discipline, behaves willfully, unrestrained.

Decisiveness – in intention, decision: characterized by firmness, steadfastness.

Timidity- lack of self-confidence, in one’s abilities, retreat in the face of difficulties, in the face of danger.

Motherland- the country in which a person was born and lives, Fatherland, Fatherland, native side, motherland; the history of the country, its culture, language.

Native– related, for example, parents and children, brothers and sisters, grandparents; people who are close in spirit and interests.

Self-love– exaggerated selfishness combined with vanity and ambition; narcissism, selfishness, arrogance; self-esteem (usually combined with increased attention to the opinions of others about oneself).

Self-justification– justification of oneself, one’s behavior, actions.

Selflessly– selflessly, ascetically, forgetting about oneself, sparing no effort and life, sacrificing one’s interests, oneself for the good of others.

Independence– independence, self-sufficiency; freedom from external influences, coercion, from outside support, help.

Grumpiness– tendency to quarrels, quarrels; quarrel over trifles.

Self-will- the tendency to act, to act according to one’s own will, whim, without regard for others.

Family- this is a common home, and joint affairs, and warm, good relations between relatives.

Cordiality– kind heart, sincerity, sincerity, compassion, responsiveness, cordiality, attentiveness.

Be angry– experience a feeling of irritation, indignation, anger; be irritated, angry.

Foul language– use of abusive and rude words in conversation.

Modesty– ease of use, critical attitude towards oneself, respect for others, reluctance to emphasize one’s merits. It manifests itself in a person’s entire behavior, in his clothing, manners, speech, and lifestyle.

Boredom– lack of interesting incentives. Boredom is unusual for individuals with a rich inner world.

Weak character– lack of stamina, firmness of character; weak-willed, spineless, faint-hearted, soft-bodied.

Courage– a person’s ability to overcome feelings of fear, uncertainty of success, fear of difficulties and unfavorable consequences for him.

Humility- this word means life with peace in the soul. A humble person treats everything peacefully, does not consider himself better than others, is aware of his shortcomings, and humbles his pride. In relationships with people, he shows humility and meekness.

Condescension– a gentle and tolerant attitude towards the mistakes of others; tolerance, tolerance.

Conscience– innate moral sense; consciousness and a sense of responsibility of a person for his behavior, encouraging a person to truth and goodness, turning him away from evil and lies.

Secret- one that is kept in the depths of the soul and is not expressed to anyone; cherished, reserved.

Compassion- a feeling of pity caused by someone’s misfortune or hard fate. This, for example, is suffering for orphans. Next to compassion there are such concepts as mercy, sympathy, compassion, pity, regret .

Sympathy– understanding the feelings of another person; concern, condolences; the ability to relate with participation and compassion to someone’s experience or misfortune; share someone else's grief.

Save- help, serve as protection, rescue, protect, protect, protect, preserve; go to the rescue, rescue.

To gossip- spread rumors, talk about someone based on incorrect information, speculation. To gossip is to discuss in every detail someone’s behavior and actions. To slander is to gossip sarcastically and maliciously about someone. To ring loudly is to spread gossip widely.

Calm– characterized by a balanced character, not causing trouble. Tame – not capable of causing harm or disturbance. Humble.

Capabilities– individual inclinations (musical, artistic, mathematical, constructive considerations, observation, etc.). They are given by nature, but their development is important.

Justice- correspondence human relations, laws, orders, moral, ethical, legal norms and requirements.

Love of money– greed for money, greed: a property that leads to many grave crimes.

Argument– a state of mutual hostility, the presence of hostile, hostile relationships. A feud is a long quarrel with sharp, ongoing disagreements. A spat is a small and short-lived quarrel. Swara is a long-term petty quarrel with mutual grievances.

Effort– diligence in work, diligence, diligence, hard work, thoroughness.

Fear- feeling severe anxiety, anxiety, mental confusion in the face of some danger; horror, fear, trepidation.

Ashamed- shameful, shameful; uncomfortable, shameful; about feelings of shame and awkwardness.

Superstition- manifests itself in the belief in omens, fortune telling, prophetic dreams, conspiracies, astrological predictions.

Bustle- hasty, disorderly movement, running around, troubles; turmoil.

Tact– compliance with measures in communication and accepted rules politeness; exclusion of actions and words that may be unpleasant to the interlocutor; showing attention to people around you; correctness.

Patience– patience, as opposed to ardor, the ability to maintain restraint and self-control.

Hard worknecessary condition any work activity; diligence, diligence and diligence.

Cowardice– caution, timidity; defensive reaction - in the early childhood; Excessive timidity at an older age will go along with cowardice, suspiciousness, indecisiveness, and cowardice.

Parasite- one who lives at someone else’s expense, through someone else’s labor; parasite, drone.

Vanity– love of fame, ambition, pride; the desire for fame, for veneration.

Respect– a feeling based on recognition of someone’s merits and merits; reverence - deep respect, usually for a person older in age, position, knowledge; piety - the highest degree of respect, reverence.

Treat- treat, cordially offer food, drink, showing attention and respect. To bring, serve, exhibit, treat.

Amazingsurprising its unusualness, incomprehensibility; amazing, amazing, stunning.

Smile– facial expressions expressing greeting, pleasure, joy; a wide smile, a gentle smile, a sly smile.

Mind- thinking ability, intelligence, reason, insight, way of thinking, peculiarity of worldview, common sense. In Latin, this concept corresponds to intelligence.

Stubbornness– willfulness, assertiveness, perseverance; perseverance, endurance, willpower, iron will; uncompromising, steadfastness.

Snatch- to receive, to acquire something not entirely honestly or cleverly, with practical dexterity; grab, grab.

Service- an action that benefits another, a benefit, a good deed.

Compliance– meekness; pliability, complaisance; softness, humility, tractability, gentleness, accommodatingness, flexibility.

Care– take care, provide assistance, services, create favorable conditions; care for the sick, raise, love and undead children.

Compassion– a good character trait, primarily responsiveness and compassion. A person with such spiritual qualities is attentive to people, warm-hearted and kind. He takes an active part in the fate of orphans and has compassion for the sick and weak.

Cosiness- convenience in the home, warmth, comfort, order, arrangement of life.

Surname - a hereditary family name added to the personal name and passed from father to children. A series of generations descending from one ancestor.

Dreamer- a person prone to fantasizing, making plans that are far from reality, science fiction, dreamer; utopian - a person who indulges in unrealistic dreams.

Dandy- a person who dresses smartly and fashionably; dandy, fashionista - dressing in the latest fashion; dude - paying too much attention to his clothes and appearance.

Hypocrite- a person who pretends to be highly moral and hypocritically condemns the shortcomings and vices of people; hypocrite, Pharisee.

Characterindividual characteristics person. One is kind and peaceful, warm-hearted and compassionate, while the other is indifferent to other people's problems, arrogant, quick-tempered and stubborn.

Praise– express approval, praise of someone, someone’s merits, merits; to praise, extol - enthusiastically praise, glorify, sing praises.

Boasting– praising one’s own, often imaginary, virtues; boasting, pride.

Trick- show cunning, cunning; to deceive, to be wise, to deceive.

Bravery– a character trait that manifests itself in an individual’s ability to overcome feelings of fear in a situation of danger and risk oneself in order to achieve a goal.

Philanthropy- love, mercy, kindness, friendliness.

Humanity– subservience to people; hypocrisy, flattery.

Honest– about activity, work, behavior: not tainted by anything reprehensible; blameless.

Honesty- truthfulness, straightforwardness, nobility, sincerity, sincerity, decency, crystallineness, purity, integrity, spotlessness.

Ambitious- striving to achieve high position, gain fame, glory; vain - striving for glory, for honors for their own sake.

Honor– dignity, reputation; honor, respect; signs of attention shown to someone.

Gluttony– pleasing the stomach: gluttony, addiction to sweets, tasty food.

Sensitive– capable of being easily moved and emotional; sentimental.

Feel– perceive something by intuition; feel.

Feelings– the ability to experience, respond to life impressions, sympathize; emotions, “movements of the soul”; feelings of joy and sadness, love and hate; horror, shame, fear, delight, compassion; despair and bliss.

Sensitive– showing attention and sympathy to others, ready to help; responsive.

Sensitivity– ability to be sensitive to others; sincerity, responsiveness, participation, attention, cordiality; delicacy, subtlety.

Generosity– lack of stinginess, material donation, charity, assistance; generosity, generosity, the desire to selflessly share ideas, to joyfully convey to others your creative, scientific and other achievements.

Selfishness- a personality trait, a character trait that manifests itself in self-love, preferring one’s personal interests to the interests of other people. Based on the motives of selfishness and self-interest.

Erudition– a manifestation of breadth of mind, based on a large amount of knowledge on this issue and provided by memory.

Acrimony– evil mockery, desire to prick, wound; causticity, malice, poisonousness.

Bright– about appearance, about the person himself; attracting attention, striking; catchy, dazzling; someone who tries to stand out in the crowd with something bright, but inside he is often an empty vessel.

Kindness as a personality quality is the ability to have a kind heart, a sympathetic soul, to be affectionate, sympathetic, benevolent and disposed towards people.

Kindness is a constant readiness to take a step towards any person with love, affection, participation and bringing good to him. Kindness is a wise heart that has conquered evil. Russian historian Vasily Klyuchevsky argued that he can only consider a kind-hearted person who not only does not do evil, but also cannot do it. Why is kindness wise? Evil wisdom does not exist. The wisdom of kindness is generosity, compassion, mercy, patience, hope and faith.

Kindness always puts the good of the other person first, and subordinates everything else (principles, sense of self-worth, one’s intentions and desires) to this. First goodness, then principles and a sense of self-importance. With good-heartedness, kindness in relationships with people invariably takes first place.

Kindness has a short memory. The very next day she doesn’t remember what good she did to other people and what bad people did it to her. Amazing inability to take offense. Just some kind of ignoring, neglect of grievances. This is evidence of a lack of pride. It is pride that makes us touchy. There is a good saying: “The more primitive a savage is, the more touchy he is.” The more proud a person is, the more touchy he is. When a person is very offended by someone, this shows his savagery and primitiveness. Pride does not allow him to be kind-hearted.

Kindness knows how to forgive rash actions, evil words caused by the imperfections of human nature. Good-heartedness is true if it is truly imbued with the real concerns, sufferings and joys of other people, even strangers. She is driven not by an abstract idea of ​​goodness, but by living feelings of compassion, participation, sensitivity, empathy and sympathy.

Once upon a time, such an incident occurred at the railway station. There was a huge line at the cash register. It was cramped and stuffy. Some old woman, asking for mercy for her tired, sore legs, began to explain to the queue that it was hard for her to stand and that if there were no objections, she would take a ticket without the queue. And, barely audibly, she added that she was a participant in the war, but, unfortunately, in a hurry while getting ready, she put the ID at the bottom of a huge bag. There was a dissatisfied murmur in the queue: “You should stay at home, grandma!” -Just think, when was it time to forget? The voices were young, irritated and insolent. - If you have an ID, take it out and show it! – shouted a burly guy in jeans from head to toe.

Suddenly a voice was heard from the queue: “Let me through, I have an ID.” And a tall young man moved towards the cash register window. In his hand he held a red book. The top button of his jacket came undone, and the people standing nearby saw the star of the Hero of Russia. - Which station are you going to, mother? – he asked the woman sympathetically. And a minute later he handed her the ticket. When the old woman left, the man returned to his place in line. Everyone was silent. No one at that moment dared to look into each other’s eyes...

Kindness is a full-fledged representative of selflessness. A kind heart does not need gratitude, appreciation, much less honors and rewards for the good shown. “That’s why it’s good, so as not to seek direct return, but to be selfless and confident in your quiet miraculous power,” wrote the Russian prose writer Valentin Rasputin.

The great William Shakespeare understood very well the role kindness plays in a person’s life. Everything material ages and dies. Time is a powerful force that no one has yet been able to cope with. Kindness from another, spiritual world. The soul is immortal. Its attribute is eternity. Therefore, kindness, if it has already become a personality quality, becomes the same eternal. And in subsequent lives the soul will be protected by kindness. Shakespeare wrote: “Good feet will sooner or later stumble; the proud back will bend; the black beard will turn grey; a curly head will go bald; beautiful face will become covered with wrinkles; the deep gaze will dim; but a good heart is like the sun and the moon; and even more to the sun than to the moon; for it shines bright light, never changes and always follows the right path."

The treasury of kindness allows a person to discover compassion, sensitivity and generosity. “There is no good tree that bears bad fruit; and there is not a bad tree that bears good fruit, for every tree is known by its fruit, because they do not gather figs from thorns or pluck grapes from bushes. A good person brings out good things from the good treasure of his heart, and evil person out of the evil treasure of his heart he brings forth evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.

Why do you call Me: Lord! God! - and do not do what I say? Everyone who comes to Me and hears My words and does them, I will tell you who he is like. He is like a man building a house, who dug, went deep and laid the foundation on the rock; Then, when the flood happened and the water pressed against this house, it could not shake it, because it was founded on rock. But he who hears and does not do is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation, which, when the water pressed against it, immediately collapsed; and the destruction of this house was great.” (Ev. from Luke, 6.43-6.49)

Another interesting thought expressed by Maria von Ebner-Escherbach: “Many people think that they have a good heart, when in fact they have weak nerves, while others think that they have strong nerves, but in fact they have They have an evil heart."

Peter Kovalev