In the Caucasus, the ridges are rocky and grassland. Geography lesson on the topic "Caucasus" (8th grade)

Question opened 10/04/2017 at 01:59

Option 2.

1.Choose the correct answer. At the base of the West Siberian Plain there is:

A) young platform; b) ancient platform; c) area of ​​Mesozoic folding.

2.Choose the correct answer. The Putorana Plateau is located on:

A) West Siberian Plain; b) East European Plain; c) Central Siberian Plateau.

3. Establish a correspondence between the plain and its natural features.

1) Russian. A. Hilly moraine plain. 2) West Siberian. B. Large swampiness.

B. Area 2.6 million sq. km.

D. Protrusions of the crystalline basement.

4.Choose the correct answer. On the West Siberian Plain largest area occupies:

A) tundra; b) dark coniferous taiga; c) light coniferous taiga.

5.Select true statements characterizing the nature of mountains Southern Siberia.

A) In Southern Siberia, extension processes played a significant role earth's crust; b) The mountains stretch along the meridian for 2500 km; c) Coal deposits are located in the basins of Southern Siberia.

6. About what natural area we're talking about? This is a classic climate division. On the western slopes, approximately 1.5 times more precipitation falls per year, and winter temperatures there are slightly higher than on the eastern ones. __________________________________________________________

7. Arrange areas altitudinal zone from the bottom to the top. A. Steppe. B. Taiga. B. Mixed forests. G. Alpine meadows.

8.Choose the correct answer. The easternmost continental point of Russia is located on the peninsula: a) Yamal; b) Kola; c) Taimyr; d) Chukotka.

9. About what natural phenomenon are we talking? On part of the platform, the sedimentary cover looks like a layered cake, in which igneous and sedimentary layers alternate rocks. _______________________________________________________________________.

10.Find the odd one out. Natural areas Eastern Siberia:

A) tundra; b) taiga; c) deciduous forests; d) steppe.

11. Establish a correspondence between minerals and their deposits.

1) Copper-nickel ores. A. Kolyma Highlands. 2) Silver. B. Mirny. 3) Brown coal. V. Norilsk. 4) Diamonds. G. Tunguska basin.

12. Select the correct statements characterizing North-Eastern Siberia. a) There is an area of ​​Cenozoic folding here; b) this territory is sparsely populated; c) the pole of cold is located here Northern Hemisphere.

13. Choose the correct answer. The dominance of larch taiga in Eastern Siberia is associated with: a) warm summer; b) permafrost; c) mountainous terrain.

14. Which natural region are we talking about? This region is characterized by a special variety of mixed coniferous-deciduous forests. Here, taiga plant species coexist with species characteristic of the subtropics: Amur velvet, Korean cedar, yew._____________________________________________

15.Choose the correct answer. Active volcanoes exists in the territory of: a) Chukotka; b) Altai; c) Kamchatka; d) Ural.

16. Choose the correct statements. Caucasus Mountains young because: a) it is high mountains; b) the process of mountain building continues here; c) they were formed in the Cenozoic era.

17. Establish a correspondence between rivers and the territories through which they flow. 1) Terek. A. East European Plain. 2) Northern Dvina. B. West Siberian Plain. 3) Irtysh. IN. Far East. 4) Ussuri. G. North Caucasus.

18.Choose the correct answer. Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands are characterized by a climate: a) maritime; b) monsoon; c) subtropical.

19.Choose the correct answer. Which natural region is characterized by seismic activity: a) North Caucasus; b) North-Eastern Siberia; c) Ural.

20. About what natural region are we talking? Glacial forms are widespread here. Here originate the sources of the Terek, flowing into the Caspian Sea, and the Kuban, flowing into the Sea of ​​Azov. ________________________________.

Lesson-test on the topic “Caucasus”

The purpose of the lesson: determine the level of students’ knowledge on the topic “Caucasus”.

Equipment: physical map Russia.

During the classes

1 .Organizing time

The final grade for a test lesson is determined as the average of the grades received for several types of work.

2 . Testing

    The highest peak of the Caucasus:

  1. Bazarduzu.

    The Caucasus Mountains are young because:

    they were formed in the Mesozoic era;

    they were formed in the Cenozoic era;

    these mountains are high.

    In the Caucasus, the Skalisty and Pastbishchny ranges are:





    The Caucasus Mountains are:




    The wetlands in the lower reaches of the Terek and Kuban are called:

    Local winds dominate in the Caucasus. Which?

    The rivers of the Caucasus are fed by:




    The Caucasus Mountains are rich in ore deposits because:

    these are young and high mountains;

    magma poured out through cracks from great depths;

    mountain building is still going on here.

    Sochi has the warmest winter in Russia because:

    Sochi is located on the seashore;

    Sochi is separated from the cold air of the Russian Plain by mountains.

    The western regions of the Caucasus receive more precipitation than the eastern ones because:

    moisture comes to the Caucasus from the Atlantic;

    to the west of the Caucasus is the Black Sea.

3 . Geographical dictation

Exercise: arrange the numbers of the sentences to the corresponding PCs of the Caucasus.

Prikubanskaya Plain -…

Caucasian Mineral water -…

High mountain Dagestan -…

    The first mentions were made by an Arab traveler.

    One of the richest granaries of the country.

    The population lives in villages.

    They are famous for their wheat and sunflower harvests.

    There are many farms and villages on the territory.

    Resort area.

    The most southern point Russia (city of Bazarduzu).

    Center - Krasnodar.

    There are mountains - laccoliths: Mashuk, Beshtau.

    Tours and chamois are found here.

    The national composition is very diverse.

    “The storehouse is cold” and “the storehouse is hot.”

4 . Answer the questions.

1. What features of the nature of the Caucasus confirm its belonging to the Alpine (Cenozoic) folding? (Give two reasons).

2. Why, within the territory of the Eastern Caucasus (Dagestan), did not agriculture, but livestock breeding, develop primarily? (Give two reasons).

3. What two factors explain the presence of a powerful snow-ice belt in the Caucasus, especially in its central part?

4. What features of the nature of the Kuban Plain explain its large population in comparison with other regions of the Caucasus? (Give two reasons).


    Hairdryer, boron.

    Geographical dictation

Prikubanskaya Plain - 2, 4, 5, 8.

Caucasian Mineral Waters – 1, 6, 9, 12.

High mountain Dagestan - 3, 7, 10, 11.

    Answers on questions.

1.1) Volcanic mountains (extinct Elbrus). 2) Frequent earthquakes.

2. 1) Mountainous terrain (no arable land). 2) Availability of pastures in alpine meadows.

3) Insufficient moisture (little precipitation).

3.1) High absolute altitude. 2) Large amounts of precipitation.

4. 1) Flat terrain. 2) Fertile soils. 3) Warm and mild climate.

The test is intended to test knowledge on the topic: "Regions of Russia" in the 9th grade. The test was compiled according to the textbook by A.I. Alekseeva "Russia" line " polar Star", contains multiple-choice tasks to establish correspondence, tasks to identify an object or phenomenon from a description. The test is composed of two options.



Option 1.

1.Choose the correct answer. At the base of the East European Plain is:

2. Choose the correct answer The Central Russian Upland is located on:

1) Russian. A. It has a flat, low-lying topography. 2) West Siberian. B. At the base of the plain lies a young platform.

B. Area about 3 million square meters. km.

D. The main natural zone is taiga.

4.Choose the correct answer. The decrease in the moisture coefficient on the Russian Plain occurs in the direction:

a) from north to south; b) from southwest to northeast; c) from northwest to southeast.

5. Choose the correct statements characterizing the nature of the Urals.

a) The western and eastern slopes are evenly moistened; b) The Ural Mountains have a small height; c) The Urals are rich in minerals.

6. What natural area are we talking about? This territory is characterized by numerous intermountain basins with leveled relief, confined to lowered blocks of the earth's crust. The largest are Kuznetsk, Minusinsk and Tuva. __________________________________________________________

7. Arrange the areas of altitudinal zonality from the foot to the top. A. Mountain tundra. B. Taiga. B. Larch and birch forests. G. Mountain deserts.

8.Choose the correct answer. The northernmost continental point of Russia is located on the peninsula: a) Yamal; b) Kola; c) Taimyr; d) Chukotka.

9. What natural phenomenon are we talking about, and what natural area is this typical for? Along the deep faults formed, magma rose to the surface here, poured out, abundantly overlapping sedimentary strata or penetrating under pressure between their layers. This is how ___________________________________________________________________ arose.

10.Find the odd one out. Largest rivers Eastern Siberia:

Alyona; b) Ob; c) Kolyma; d) Yenisei.

1) Diamonds. A. Yana's pool. 2) Tin. B. Mirny. 3) Brown coal. V. Norilsk. 4) Copper-nickel ores. G. Tunguska basin.

12. Select the correct statements characterizing North-Eastern Siberia. a) Here is the pole of cold of the Northern Hemisphere; b) the area of ​​Cenozoic folding is widespread here; c) this territory is sparsely populated.

13. Choose the correct answer. The dominance of larch taiga in Eastern Siberia is associated with: a) warm summers; b) permafrost; c) flat terrain.

14. Which natural region are we talking about? The young mountain structure was formed during the Alpine folding. The highest peaks in Russia are located here. Altitudinal zonation is clearly expressed. There are large deposits polymetallic ores._______________________________________________

17. Establish correspondence between objects of the World natural heritage Russia and the territories where they are located. 1) Valley of Geysers. A. Altai. 2) Altai - Golden Mountains. B.Primorsky region. 3) Central Sikhote-Alin. V. Kamchatka. 4) Lake Baikal. G. South of Eastern Siberia.

18.Choose the correct answer. For the coast Pacific Ocean The typical climate is: a) moderate - continental; b) monsoon; c) subtropical.

19.Choose the correct answer. Which natural region is characterized by seismic activity: a) Eastern Siberia; b) mountains of Southern Siberia; c) Far East.

20. What natural region are we talking about? The famous resort area is located here. It is famous not only for its medicinal mineral springs and resort towns, but also unusual terrain. On relatively flat plain more than one and a half dozen separate dome-shaped mountains rise. ________________________________.

Geography test on the topic: Regions of Russia. 9th grade.

Option 2.

1.Choose the correct answer. At the base of the West Siberian Plain there is:

a) young platform; b) ancient platform; c) area of ​​Mesozoic folding.

2.Choose the correct answer. The Putorana Plateau is located on:

a) West Siberian Plain; b) East European Plain; c) Central Siberian Plateau.

3. Establish a correspondence between the plain and its natural features.

1) Russian. A. Hilly moraine plain. 2) West Siberian. B. Large swampiness.

B. Area 2.6 million sq. km.

D. Protrusions of the crystalline basement.

4.Choose the correct answer. On the West Siberian Plain the largest area is occupied by:

a) tundra; b) dark coniferous taiga; c) light coniferous taiga.

5. Choose the correct statements that characterize the nature of the mountains of Southern Siberia.

a) In Southern Siberia, the processes of extension of the earth’s crust played a significant role; b) The mountains stretch along the meridian for 2500 km; c) Coal deposits are located in the basins of Southern Siberia.

6. What natural area are we talking about? This is a classic climate division. On the western slopes, approximately 1.5 times more precipitation falls per year, and winter temperatures there are slightly higher than on the eastern ones. __________________________________________________________

7. Arrange the areas of altitudinal zones from the foot to the top. A. Steppe. B. Taiga. B. Mixed forests. G. Alpine meadows.

8.Choose the correct answer. The easternmost continental point of Russia is located on the peninsula: a) Yamal; b) Kola; c) Taimyr; d) Chukotka.

9. What natural phenomenon are we talking about? On part of the platform, the sedimentary cover resembles a layered cake, in which igneous and sedimentary rocks alternate. _______________________________________________________________________.

10.Find the odd one out. Natural areas of Eastern Siberia:

a) tundra; b) taiga; c) deciduous forests; d) steppe.

11. Establish a correspondence between minerals and their deposits.

1) Copper-nickel ores. A. Kolyma Highlands. 2) Silver. B. Mirny. 3) Brown coal. V. Norilsk. 4) Diamonds. G. Tunguska basin.

12. Select the correct statements characterizing North-Eastern Siberia. a) There is an area of ​​Cenozoic folding here; b) this territory is sparsely populated; c) the cold pole of the Northern Hemisphere is located here.

13. Choose the correct answer. The dominance of larch taiga in Eastern Siberia is associated with: a) warm summers; b) permafrost; c) mountainous terrain.

14. Which natural region are we talking about? This region is characterized by a special variety of mixed coniferous-deciduous forests. Here, taiga plant species coexist with species characteristic of the subtropics: Amur velvet, Korean cedar, yew._____________________________________________

15.Choose the correct answer. There are active volcanoes in the following areas: a) Chukotka; b) Altai; c) Kamchatka; d) Ural.

16. Choose the correct statements. The Caucasus Mountains are young because: a) they are high mountains; b) the process of mountain building continues here; c) they were formed in the Cenozoic era.

17. Establish a correspondence between rivers and the territories through which they flow. 1) Terek. A. East European Plain. 2) Northern Dvina. B. West Siberian Plain. 3) Irtysh. B. Far East. 4) Ussuri. G. North Caucasus.

18.Choose the correct answer. Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands are characterized by a climate: a) maritime; b) monsoon; c) subtropical.

19.Choose the correct answer. Which natural region is characterized by seismic activity: a) North Caucasus; b) North-Eastern Siberia; c) Ural.

20. What natural region are we talking about? Glacial forms are widespread here. Here originate the sources of the Terek, flowing into the Caspian Sea, and the Kuban, flowing into the Sea of ​​Azov. ________________________________.

The Caucasus is not only a mountain system and unique nature, but also a unique culture, the Caucasus Mountains are located between the Caspian, Black and Seas of Azov, between Europe and Asia, and serve as a kind of border between them.

The Caucasus is divided into two vast mountain range: Lesser Caucasus and Greater Caucasus.

Greater Caucasus

The Greater Caucasus is divided into several parts: Eastern Caucasus, Central Caucasus and Western Caucasus. The Greater Caucasus extends from northwest to southeast for approximately 1100 km, reaching its maximum width (180 km) in the vicinity of the Elbrus meridian.

The longest mountain range is the main Caucasian ridge or watershed ridge, to which many adjoin mountain ranges Greater Caucasus. This ridge runs through the entire Greater Caucasus, dividing it into northern and southern parts.

The Greater Caucasus is a mountain system with extensive glaciation, total number There are 2050 glaciers, and the area occupied by them is approximately 1400 km².

The highest and famous mountains Caucasus, Elbrus (5642 m) and Kazbek (5033 m) are also covered eternal ice. Most of glaciation of the Greater Caucasus is located in Central Caucasus, approximately 50-70%.

Lesser Caucasus

The length of the Lesser Caucasus is 600 km. It differs from the Greater Caucasus by its relatively small height mountain peaks(no more than 4000 m), a small area of ​​glaciation, and the absence of an axial ridge.

The Caucasus is a relatively young mountain range, formed during the Tertiary period, approximately 28 million years ago. The mountains contain very large deposits of oil (200 billion barrels) and gas and are composed of granite and gneiss.

The Caucasus is a wide deformation zone that was formed by the collision tectonic plates from the Alps to the Himalayas.

The Arabian plate, on which the Caucasus is located, is moving north towards Eurasian plate by several centimeters per year. This movement causes large earthquakes from 6 to 7 points, causing enormous damage.

Nature of the Caucasus

The Caucasus has its own unique fauna. In addition to the ubiquitous animals, it is also possible to meet wild boars, golden eagles, and mountain goats.

Unfortunately, many unique animals that lived in this territory were completely exterminated (Caspian tigers, Asiatic lions, Caucasian elk, Caucasian bison).

In the relatively small territory of the Caucasus, many cultures coexist. In ancient times, the Caucasus was a crossroads of great civilizations.

Iranian nomads had a significant influence on the culture and peoples of the Caucasus, bringing a new world religion– Zoroastrianism, as a consequence and a special worldview associated with this religion.

Iranian names have been preserved by some rivers and mountains of the Caucasus, even the name mountain system"Caucasus" comes from the name of Kavi-Kaus, the ruler of Ancient Iran.