Prepare a report on the Far East. History of the Far East

It stretches along the coast Pacific Ocean and its seas for almost 4500 km from northeast to southwest, from Chukotka to the borders with Korea. The northern part of the region is located beyond the Arctic Circle, where snow lies almost all year round. Even in summer, the seas washing the coast are not completely cleared of ice. South part edge lies at 40 latitudes. Here you can find subtropical plants (for example, lianas) with northern spruce and larches. The first explorers of the south of the Far East wrote: “... this is an amazing land... Here the sable meets the tiger, and the grapes twine around the spruce...”. Ginseng - a plant of the forests of the Far East - is well known for its healing properties. This plant has been preserved here for a long time, since Mesozoic or Paleogene times.

Far East has a complex geological structure: most of it was formed in the Mesozoic era, and only Kamchatka, Sakhalin and a number of islands were formed much later, in the Alpine or Cenozoic era of folding.

The Far East is predominantly a mountainous area. In the south, medium-high and low ridges (Sikhote-Alin, Dzhugdzhur) predominate, and in the north there are highlands (Chukchi, Koryak) and plateaus (Anadyr) with extensive lava covers and short ridges. Highest point Far East - Klyuchevskaya Sopka volcano (4750 m). About a quarter of the territory is occupied by plains, which are confined either to intermountain depressions (for example, Sredneamurskaya) or to the coasts (for example, Kamchatka). The most large plain- Zeysko-Bureyskaya.

Among the mineral resources of the Far East, it is necessary to note the rich deposits of non-ferrous metal ores, and above all tin. The Far East is part of the Eurasian tin belt, stretching from Chukotka to the Sunda Islands. Gold deposits have been discovered along the tributaries of the Amur and Chukotka. There is an oil basin in the north of Sakhalin, and a coal basin in Primorye.

The Far East is located in seismic zone, earthquakes and volcanoes are frequent here. This happens because there is a junction here lithospheric plates. Coastal areas are especially mobile. Seaquakes are observed here, which cause waves. destructive force called tsunamis. Active volcanoes- a common occurrence in Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands. In 1975, a powerful volcanic eruption occurred in Kamchatka. It released huge amounts of slag, volcanic bombs and ash. Lava poured out like a river at a speed of up to 3 km per hour. In Kamchatka there is amazing place- Valley of Geysers, where there are 20 gushing springs that emit steam and hot water. The largest geyser in the valley is the Giant. Most of them gush out at certain intervals. The heat from hot springs is used for heating in Kamchatka, and a geothermal power plant operates on it.

The climate of the Far East is monsoon. The large extent of the region from north to south caused differences in temperatures. In winter, the temperature ranges from - 15-20°C to - 32-34°C. Cold air at this time of year it comes from the Asian high. Precipitation falls mainly in summer, brought by monsoons from the Pacific Ocean. The annual precipitation is from 500 to 1000 mm. Precipitation falls in the form of rain showers. In winter there is little precipitation, the thickness of the snow cover is small, so the soil freezes deeply. Permafrost occurs on some islands.

The climate of Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands differs from the mainland of the Far East. There is no permafrost, milder winters and cooler summers, and there is much more precipitation than on the mainland - up to 1600 mm. The distribution of precipitation across seasons is more uniform.

Many rivers flow through the territory of the Far East: the Amur with its tributaries, the Anadyr and others. The rivers are full-flowing and are characterized mainly by rainfall, although to the north the share of melted snow waters in the rivers' nutrition increases. Floods along Far Eastern rivers occur not in spring, but in summer. They often occur in the form of catastrophic floods, leading to large losses. For example, the 1958 flood caused 30 times more damage than the 1928 flood, even though that flood was just as severe. The rivers of the Far East are used to generate electricity. Several hydroelectric power stations have been built on the Amur and its tributaries.

Almost half of the territory is occupied by the zone arctic deserts and tundra. A significant part of it is occupied by mountains, in which the tundra is gradually replaced by mountain tundra, consisting of shrubs and crustose lichens. Mountain tundras are gradually replaced by cold deserts with rock deposits. Below the tundra zone there is a forest zone. Stone birch forests are typical for Kamchatka, which do not form dense tracts. The ground surface in these forests is covered with tall grass meadows (their height reaches 1.5 m). Stone birch forests do not rise above 700 m.

The forests of the south of the Far East are characterized by the presence of subtropical vegetation: cork, Manchurian walnut, lemongrass, and grapes. The forests in the south of the region are called the Ussuri taiga. The forests of the Ussuri taiga are arranged in tiers: Korean cedars, black fir and spruce grow in the uppermost tier. Below grow yews, maples, wild apple trees, and birches. The undergrowth is represented by grass cover. The trees are intertwined with vines. In the forests grow medicinal ginseng, iron birch, which has very hard wood, wild grapes, lemongrass, the berries of which contain a lot of vitamins. Rich and varied animal world Far East: roe deer, wild boar, deer, tigers, martens, forest cat, Himalayan bear, badger, otter, weasel and others. The reserves are home to leopards, blue magpies, turtles, and mandarin ducks.

Mountainous terrain determines the development altitudinal zone. The combination of belts changes when moving from north to south and from west to east (due to distance from the coast). In Sikhote-Alin, for example, at the foot there is a belt of broad-leaved forests, which with height are replaced by coniferous-broad-leaved forests, and then by dark-coniferous forests. In the upper part of the forest belt there are forests consisting of stone birch and dwarf cedar. Above these forests there is mountain tundra, and on the peaks there is a belt of eternal snow and glaciers.

The Far East has long been developed and used by people. In the forests of the southern part of the region, timber is being harvested. Agroclimatic resources make it possible to develop agriculture here and obtain crops of grains and legumes; horticulture is developed in the south of the Far East. The seas of the Far East are very rich in fish (salmon). Crab fishing is underway off the coast of Kamchatka. In the forests of the Far East they hunt fur-bearing animal.

The most important task, facing the Far East today, is rational use and protecting rich fisheries resources.

The territory of the Far East is located along the Pacific coast for more than 4,500 thousand km. from Chukotka to the border with Korea. The northern part of the region is located beyond the Arctic Circle, so even in summer period snow cover remains. Southern territories located at 40 latitudes - subtropical plants are often found among spruce groves.


This region is characterized by contrasting phenomena and processes that are caused by the interaction of various air masses, cold and warm air masses, as well as the junction of lithospheric plates. All this became a prerequisite for the formation of variegated natural conditions.

The Far Eastern region is located on the line of collision of the Pacific and Eurasian plates, which resulted in the formation mountain systems, which stretch parallel to the ocean.

Most of the mountain ensembles of the Far East were formed during the Mesozoic period, but mountain-building processes continue to this day, as evidenced by systematic earthquakes in this region.

Climatic conditions

The contrasting climate of the Far Eastern region is determined by the interaction of marine and continental air masses temperate zone. Due to the cold air flow from the Asian High, winters in the region are harsh and frosty.

When exposed warm currents from the ocean side winter period falls out here a large number of precipitation, sometimes the thickness of the snow cover reaches 2 m.

Summers in the region are quite warm, but monsoon rains fall here every day. Many rivers of the Far East, in particular the Amur, begin to overflow in the summer, since due to the protracted spring, the snow gradually melts.

Relief, flora and fauna

A complex relief system, a combination of different air masses and closed basins are the factors that lead to the diversity of vegetation cover in the Far Eastern region. The flora includes species characteristic of both cold Siberia and hot Asia.

There are spruce trees here coniferous forests adjacent to impenetrable thickets of bamboo. In the forests you can find linden, spruce, hornbeam, pear, pine and walnut trees. Dense thickets of broadleaf forests are entwined with vines, lemongrass and grapes.

The Far Eastern fauna is also very diverse: reindeer, squirrels, sables, moose, which belong to the Siberian species, live here, as well as black deer, raccoon dogs, and Amur tigers.

Economy of the region

Vivid contrasts are characteristic and for the economy of the region. Industry is quite well developed in the Far East and Agriculture. Rice, potatoes, soybeans, legumes, wheat and a variety of vegetables are grown in the central and southern parts.

Also, the south of the Far East specializes in gardening. In the northern part of the region, expensive furs are produced. Fishing predominates in coastal areas.

In the depths of the Far Eastern region there is a large-scale ensemble of minerals that are rarely found in one territory: copper, non-ferrous and iron ores, gold, phosphorites, oil, natural gas, apatites and graphites.

Occupies the most eastern part Russia, including the Novosibirsk, Kuril, and Sakhalin islands. This is the most large area Russia, area - 6.2 million km2.

Composition: 10 federal subjects - Amur, Kamchatka, Magadan, Sakhalin region, Primorsky, Khabarovsk Territories, Republic of Yakutia (Sakha), European Autonomous Region, Chukotka and Koryak Autonomous Okrug.

EGP is unique. The Far East is very remote from the main economic regions countries, communication with them is difficult due to poor transport availability. On the other hand, the area has wide access to and, a sea border with and, a land border with and, that is, an advantageous foreign trade position, being link between Russia and the countries of the Asia-Pacific region.

The population is multinational, small, average density just over 1 person/km2. As in others eastern regions, the population is concentrated in the favorable southern part along. The level is 76%, one of the highest in Russia.

The national composition of the population is very diverse, but Russians predominate everywhere. Their share reaches 88%, about 7% are. Koreans also live here. IN last years there is a significant influx of Chinese. Indigenous peoples are represented (380 thousand people), in the north live the Evens, the northeast is occupied by the Aleuts, in Kamchatka - and the Itelmens, in the Amur basin and to the east of it - the Nanais, Ulchi, Orochi, Sroki, Udege, Nivkh. The number of each nation does not exceed 10 thousand people. (Evenks - 24 thousand people). Difficult conditions residence determined the predominance of the urban population over the rural, on average for the region - 76%.

Branches of specialization:

Mining. The region has more than 70 types of minerals, including 90% of Russia's tungsten, 80% of tin, 98% of diamonds, 70% of gold, as well as polymetallic ores. There are rich oil and gas deposits. Higher quality coal is mined from the South Yakutsk and Lena basins.
developed in Primorye and Khabarovsk Territory. Tin, lead, and zinc smelting plants are located in Dalnegorsk and Khrustalninsk.
The timber and pulp and paper industries are concentrated in the south of the region; there are rich resources here, including valuable broad-leaved trees (Blagoveshchensk, Lesozavodsk, Khabarovsk).
Fishing industry. The Far Eastern seas account for more than 60% of fish and seafood products (salmon, crabs, shrimp, squid, etc.). Centers: Sakhalin, Primorye, Kamchatka.
The hydropotential of the rivers - Lena, Zeya, Bureya, Ussuri - is enormous. big role in the region's economy belongs to the ports - Nakhodka, Vanino, etc.

A large South Yakutsk TPK is being created (ore, apatite, coal, timber, non-ferrous metallurgy, energy). Currently, only the most valuable products - non-ferrous metals and seafood - come to the European part from the Far East, the rest is exported to Japan and other countries.

The Far East is a region with a unique geographical location. It has land or maritime boundaries with China, Korea, Japan, USA. The territory has access to two oceans - the Pacific and the Arctic.

History of the development of the territory of the Far East

Active settlement of the Far East began in the middle of the 19th century. The population increased at a rapid pace. Peasants and Cossacks from the central provinces and Siberia moved here, as well as Foreign citizens- Koreans and Chinese. In Russia, people who decided to move to the Far East were freed from military service, paid lower taxes and had many advantages in land development. In 1913, foreigners made up 13% of the total population.

Rice. 1. Far Eastern federal district on the map.

With the development of the region, they began to stand out big cities, which gradually became major economic and cultural centers– Blagoveshchensk, Khabarovsk, Nikolaevsk, Vladivostok.

Population of the Far East

The area of ​​the Far East is 6169.3 thousand square meters. km. This territory is home to 7.6 million people, which is 5% of the total population of Russia. Population density is unevenly distributed throughout the territory. Large quantity people live in the Primorsky Territory with a density of 12 people per 1 sq. km. And the density, for example, in the Magadan region is 0.3 people per 1 sq. km. The bulk of the population are Russians, Ukrainians and Tatars.

The demographic situation is characterized by negative dynamics. In recent years, the population has declined - many (especially young people) have left the region and moved closer to the capital.

Indigenous peoples of the Far East

On the territory of the Far Eastern federal district There are several indigenous peoples, the number of each of which does not exceed 50 thousand people. The indigenous inhabitants of the Far East include Evenks, Evens, Nanais, Koryaks, Chukchi and others.

- people living in Eastern Siberia. Also found in Mongolia and northeastern China. The population is 37,000 people, half of whom live in Yakutia.

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Rice. 2. Evenks.

Evens - people related to the Evenks. They live mainly in the east of the country. their number is 20,000 people.

Nanai people - another small people living along the banks of the Amur. “Nanai” literally meant “man of the earth.” Most Nanais live in the Khabarovsk Territory.

Koryaks - people living on the Kamchatka Peninsula, in the Chukotka and Magadan regions. Population of this small people is about 8,000 people.

- a people of 15,000 people. Almost the entire population is concentrated in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.

Rice. 3. Chukchi.

What have we learned?

The territory of the Far Eastern District is home to many nationalities and nationalities. Among them there are both settlers (Chinese, Koreans) and indigenous peoples (Koryaks, Chukchi, Nanai). The population density is distributed unevenly throughout the territory. The most high density population in Primorye, and the smallest in Chukotka and Magadan.

The Far East is located off the coast of the Pacific Ocean and consists of mainland, peninsular and island parts. In addition to the Kuril Islands, it also includes the Kamchatka Peninsula, Sakhalin Island, the Commander Islands and other isolated islands located off eastern borders Russia.
The length of the Far East from the northeast (from Chukotka) to the southwest (to the borders of Korea and Japan) is 4.5 thousand kilometers. Its northern part is located beyond the Arctic Circle, so there is snow almost all year round, and the seas washing the coast are not completely cleared of ice even in summer. The land in the northern part of the Far East is shackled permafrost. Tundra dominates here. In the southern part of the Far East, conditions are much milder.

The south of the Far East is mainly dominated by low and medium-altitude mountain ranges, such as Bureinsky and Dzhugdzhur. In the north there are highlands (Kolyma, Chukotka) and plateaus (Anadyr), which arose as a result of volcanic activity. Only a quarter of the territory of the Far East is occupied by plains. They are mainly located in those places of the coast where tectonic activity is low, as well as in intermountain depressions, so their area is relatively small.

The climate of Kamchatka, of course, cannot be compared with climatic conditions Mediterranean resorts, it's quite cool here and rainy summer. There's another one interesting feature peninsula, in winter over central part area is formed high blood pressure, therefore, the winds blow from here to the outskirts, that is, not from the sea, but, on the contrary, towards it to the east and west.
But the climatic “disadvantages” are more than compensated for by the beauty of Kamchatka’s nature. Just imagine the pictures, from sea terraces giving way to alpine meadows with luxurious tall grass intermountains and first going into sparse forests of stone birch turning in places into lush thickets of alder and dwarf cedar, add to these beauties volcanic hills, mesmerizing snowy peaks mountain range and valleys on which fountains emit clouds of steam every now and then. Among the faunal abodes you can find here the brown bear and reindeer, and bighorn sheep, and Kamchatka sable, but especially the great variety of ubiquitous squirrels here. It is impossible not to mention the richness of the seas washing the coast of Kamchatka: crabs, cod, Pacific herring, navaga, pink salmon, coho salmon, chum salmon and many other types of fish, which abound not only in the seas, but also in local “shops”.
But, perhaps, let’s leave geography alone and move on to the essence of our story - geysers. Of course, fountains hot water Iceland, Japan, and New Zealand, And New Guinea, and California, and Tibet, and North America, but we will talk about our Valley of Geysers in Kamchatka.
Periodically gushing hot springs - geysers - are common in areas where volcanic activity exists or has recently ceased.

Magadan Region
The region is located on the shores of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Pacific Ocean.
¾ of the territory is occupied by tundra and forest-tundra.
The main rivers of the region: Kolyma, Ayan-Yuryakh.

The southernmost of the Russian Far East lies between the Asian mainland and the Korean peninsula, and the Japanese, separating it from other Pacific seas and the ocean itself.
The Sea of ​​Japan is dominated by natural boundaries, but in some areas it is limited by conventional lines.
In the north, the border between the Sea of ​​Japan and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk runs along the line between Cape Sushchev and Cape Tyk.
In the La Perouse Strait, the border is the line between Cape Crillon and Cape Soya. In the Sangar Strait, the border runs along the line of Cape Syria - Cape Esan, and in the Korea Strait along the line of Cape Nomo (Kyushu Island) - Cape Fukae (Goto Island) - Island. Jeju - Korean Peninsula.

Within these boundaries, the sea is contained between parallels 51°45′ and 34°26′ N. w. and meridians 127°20′ and 142°15′ E. d.

Usually, highest peaks The Sikhote-Alin Mountains have a sharply defined contour and vast areas are covered with large stone placers. The relief forms resemble heavily destroyed circuses and carts of mountain glaciation.

They are composed of sand and shale deposits with numerous intrusion breakthroughs, which led to the presence of deposits of gold, tin and base metals. In tectonic depressions within the Sikhote-Alin there are deposits of hard and brown coal.

Basalt plateaus are common in the foothills, of which the largest plateau in area is to the west of Sovetskaya Gavan. Plateau areas are also found on the main watershed. The largest is the Zevin plateau, on the watershed of the upper reaches of Bikin and the rivers flowing into the Tatar Strait. In the south and east, Sikhote-Alin consists of steep mid-mountain ridges, in the west there are numerous longitudinal valleys and basins, and at altitudes of more than 900 m there are chars. In general, Sikhote-Alin has an asymmetrical transverse profile. The western macroslope is flatter than the eastern one. Accordingly, rivers flowing to the west are longer. This feature is reflected in the very name of the ridge. Translated from the Manchu language - the ridge of large western rivers.

Mount Snezhnaya


Team Nomads
Far East.