Water resources of the East Siberian region. Natural resource potential of Eastern Siberia

Climate in Nairobi

Sights of Nairobi

  1. is located just 7 km from the capital. Here you will see the beauty of untouched nature, a variety of wild animals and birds, including lions, leopards, African buffalos, Masai giraffes, Thomson's gazelles, Eland antelopes, zebras, waterbucks and other representatives of African fauna. See the monument to the burning site Ivory and visit a sanctuary for baby elephants and rhinos.
  2. , where you will find dancing and festive celebrations.
  3. . Located 5 km from the center. It was founded in 1979. Rothschild giraffes are bred here, of which there are very few left in the reserves of Kenya and Uganda. The center has special areas for observing giraffes.
  4. . Karen Blixen - writer, author of the memoir "Goodbye Africa", nominated for Nobel Prize in 1954. And in 1986, a film of the same name was made based on her book, which also received great recognition.
  5. was established in 1910 and was then called the Natural History Museum of East Africa and Uganda. Today, natural science, ethnographic and historical exhibitions are presented here. The most interesting exhibits in this museum are the remains of prehistoric man.
  6. . This museum preserves the memory of life in Nairobi at the beginning of the 20th century. In the open area you will see vintage locomotives, including those used in the filming of the already mentioned film “Goodbye Africa!”
  7. with its large pond in the center, the arboretum and Central Park cities.


As for, here you will find just a huge number of small shops and souvenir shops where you can buy wooden products from valuable and rare species, wickerwork, jewelry inlaid with precious and semi-precious stones, ethnic goods, bright clothes from locally produced fabrics called "Kengi" or "Kiki".

Most shops and shopping centers are located in the center of the capital and in wealthy areas of the city. The largest retail chains in Nairobi are Nakumatt, Uchumi and Tuskys.

Accommodation and meals

In the capital of Kenya you can choose accommodation to suit every taste and budget. There are both premium hotels and modest hotels and guest houses. The most popular among tourists are the four-star Holiday Inn Mayfair Court and Norfolk, as well as the five-star Grand Regency, Hilton and Langmark.

The city offers vacationers a variety of restaurants and cafes offering dishes. The most common delicacies here are meat and seafood, served with unusual fruit sauces. Don’t be embarrassed if you don’t find any cutlery on the table – Kenyans eat with their hands. However, visitors will, of course, be provided with cutlery upon first request.

We highly recommend visiting the famous grill restaurant Le Carnivore in the capital, where you can taste dishes made from the meat of exotic animals, such as antelope, zebra, ostrich, crocodile and camel. Also popular is the restaurant at the Safari park hotel, where you can watch a spectacular African show with dancers and acrobats.

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Kenya- country in East Africa. It borders Ethiopia, Somalia, Tanzania, Uganda and Sudan. Washed by the Indian Ocean.

The most characteristic geographical feature countries - the predominance of plateaus, elevated 1200–2500 m above sea level. Volcano Kenya is the second highest peak in Africa (5199 m). There are many peaks over 3000 m.

In the east, Kenya owns a small section of the coastline of Lake Victoria, the largest lake in Africa. In the north there is a large and deep, highly saline Lake Rudolf (or Turkana).

There are few rivers in the country. Many of them dry out during the dry season.

Airports in Kenya

Lamu Airport

Mombasa Moi International Airport

Nairobi Jomo Kenyatta International Airport

Nairobi Wilson Airport

Kenya hotels 1 - 5 stars

Kenya weather

Subequatorial. There are two rainy seasons in Kenya throughout the year: from October to December and from March to early June. The most rain falls on the ocean coast and in the west of the country, in mountainous areas (1500-2000 mm). In Nairobi, the daytime temperature constantly fluctuates from +14 C to +28 C. Best time to visit the country - August and September.

Language of Kenya

Official language: Swahili, English

IN everyday communication Bantu and more than 40 local dialects are also used.

Currency of Kenya

International name: KES

The Kenyan shilling is equal to 100 cents. Banknotes in circulation are in denominations of 10, 20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 shillings.

Currency can be exchanged at any bank branch and exchange offices. Official currency exchange offices require you to present your passport. Some major supermarkets in Nairobi and Mombasa accept major international credit cards. Travel checks can be cashed at bank branches. In inland areas It is almost impossible to pay by non-cash means.

Customs restrictions

Duty-free import is allowed: cigarettes - 200 pieces; alcoholic drinks - 1 bottle; perfumes and eau de toilette - 600g. The import of fruits, seedlings and seeds is prohibited; drugs; explosives, firearms and toys imitating them. The export of gold and diamonds is prohibited; ivory products. The export of animal skins is permitted under a special license from the customs authorities. The import of foreign currency is not limited, but declaration is required; national - prohibited. The export of imported foreign currency is allowed, but national currency is prohibited.

Mains voltage: 220V


Tips are given in local currency, which is approximately 10 percent of the total cost of the service. The porter is supposed to give an amount equivalent to 1 USD; maid - about the same, but every day.

Office hours

Shops are usually open from 8.30 to 12.30 and from 14 to 17 hours on weekdays. On Saturdays - from 8.30 to 12.30. Many shops aimed at foreign tourists are usually open until 19:00 without lunch.

Banks are open from 9 am to 2 pm on weekdays and from 9 am to 11 am every first and last Saturday of the month. Banks at the airport are open 24 hours a day.


While on safari in national parks, it is prohibited to leave your accommodation area without security escort. And during the safari itself, it is forbidden to leave the car without the permission of the guide. In Kenya, unlike some other southern African countries, hunting of wild animals is strictly prohibited. Waiting for violators serious punishment: a large fine or even imprisonment.

Don't walk alone in Nairobi after 7pm. In Kenya it gets dark very quickly and at this time it is already completely dark. Watch your pockets and bags; there are as many pickpockets in Kenya as in any other major tourist center.

Code of the country: +254

Geographical Domain name first level:.ke


Yellow fever vaccination is recommended if a tourist is flying or transiting to Kenya from countries where it is common. High risk infections with AIDS, hepatitis A and B, typhoid, polio, malaria and cholera. Vaccination is recommended. A week before leaving for the country, it is recommended to start taking antimalarial drugs.

Nairobi, being modern capital Kenya also stands out as one of the fastest growing cities in the Eastern Africa region. The population is estimated at 4 million people, however, it is quite problematic to determine the exact figure, since the territory of the suburbs is densely populated. This city today is the largest transport and logistics hub in Kenya, as well as throughout Africa. Nairobi has fantastic safaris and a charming old town center with lots of authentic shops and fun attractions.


The climate in Nairobi is temperate climatic conditions with almost uniform weather throughout the year. The coolest season in the capital lasts two months - from July to August. The average daily temperature at this time is +16...+18 C. The hottest period is from January to the end of March, when the temperature varies around +34 C. More low temperatures. The worst season for travel is considered to be from the beginning of autumn to the beginning of winter, since this is where the rainy season begins. Since the country is located quite close to the equator, the differences between the seasons are extremely small.

How to get there

Jomo Kenyatta International Airport is located 20 km from the Nairobi business center. It is the largest airport in the central and eastern region Africa. He is the main one transfer station and serves direct airline flights from Asian and European countries, for example.

By bus, you can get to Nairobi through three companies: Kenya Bus Service and private operators, operating more recently Double M and Citi Hoppa. Intercity regular bus services are organized by other small companies.

Get to Nairobi via railway It is possible using a line passing through the city that connects Kampala and Mombasa, but not . It is mainly used for freight rail transport, but overnight passenger trains also run along it. Most workers travel from the suburbs to central Nairobi by train.


The main local attraction is National Park. It is located 7 km from the center of Nairobi, but at the same time admires the richness of the animal and plant worlds. The contrast between pristine nature and the bustling atmosphere of the metropolis is striking. The savannah is home to antelopes, zebras, giraffes, lions, buffalos and leopards. And in the black rhino nursery you can admire a unique animal in its natural habitat.

The farm of writer Karen Blixen is also of interest to travelers. Today it is located here memorial museum and an ostrich farm.

It is impossible to visit Nairobi and not enjoy the views of the Great Rift Valley - one of the most impressive places on the planet, which owes its appearance to tectonic movement earth plates a million years ago. There are about 30 semi-active and active volcanoes, and four million flamingos that live on the lakes of the Rift Valley.

Other must-sees in Nairobi include: the Railway Museum, the Clock Tower in the city center, the House of Parliament, where the mausoleum of the first president of Kenya is located, many mosques, the Indian quarter with amazing temples, a Sikh temple, National Museum and Snake Park.

Prices in Nairobi

The city has many places to accommodate tourists, designed to suit a variety of preferences and financial capabilities. Among the hotels high class In the city, such establishments as: Sankara Nairobi 5*, with comfortable rooms starting from 6,500 rubles, are in demand. per night and the Hilton Nairobi 5* hotel, which offers cozy luxurious rooms with high service, the price for which starts from 3900 rubles. per day.

Among the comfort class hotels, Meltonia Luxury Suites 4* stands out, which has rooms with necessary conditions comfort and accompanying service, for which you will need to pay from 4900 rubles. per day. The Sarova Panafric 4* hotel is also popular with rooms costing from 4,000 rubles.

Among the middle-class hotels, Kivi Milimani Hotel 3* and Nairobi Airport Hotel 3* are famous with cozy rooms, the cost of which starts from 2800 rubles. per day.

For a budget holiday, the Bluehut Hotel 2* is suitable, offering rooms whose prices start from 1,700 rubles.


Nairobi is famous for its jewelry. It is profitable to purchase precious stones here, especially blue diamond, tanzanite, malachite, and blue agate. Also of interest is real Kenyan batik.

The majority of shops and stores where you can buy national souvenirs are located in the center or in rich areas of the city. The most popular souvenirs are products made from valuable and rare types of wood, wicker items, jewelry, and ethnic figurines. Also clothes made from Kiki or Kengi - brightly colored fabrics made by the locals.

Cuisine and restaurants

The capital has a huge number of cafes and restaurants that serve the best dishes of national Kenyan cuisine. main feature such establishments - lack of cutlery, since local residents They often eat with their hands. This is not practiced in all restaurants, but in many.

The bulk of the dishes in national cuisine prepared from seafood and meat with unusual fruit sauces. You should definitely visit the famous Kenyan grill restaurant called Carnivore, where they offer grilled meat of rare exotic animals such as zebra, antelope, crocodile, and ostrich.