Which of the following travelers explored. Which of the following travelers explored the interior of Africa? Highest point in North America

Part 2

The answer to the tasks of this part (B1 - B11) is a sequence of letters, numbers, a number or a word. Enter the answers first into the text of the work, and then transfer them to answer form No. 1 to the right of the number of the corresponding task, starting from the first cell, without spaces or other symbols. Write each number or letter in a separate box in accordance with the examples given.

1. Establish a correspondence between the subject of the Russian Federation and its location on the political and administrative map, indicated by the letter.



Pskov region

Murmansk region

Orenburg region

Write down the letters corresponding to the selected answers in the table.

2.Establish a correspondence between the people of Russia and the language family to which this people belongs.









North Caucasian

Write down the letters corresponding to the selected answers in the table.

3. Which three of the following power plants are hydroelectric power plants? Circle the numbers they are listed under.







4.Determine which country is indicated on the map with the letter A.

Answer: _________________ .

5. Select three countries in which shipbuilding is an industry of international specialization. Circle the numbers they are listed under.





The Republic of Korea


Write the circled numbers on your answer sheet in ascending order.

6. Arrange the countries in order of increasing natural population growth (per 1 thousand inhabitants).









7. Using the data from the table below, compare the water resource availability of countries. Arrange countries in order of increasing resource availability.

A country

River flow resources, km?

Population, million people










Write down the resulting sequence of letters in the table.

8. Identify the country by its brief description.

This country, which belongs to the group of economically developed countries, is washed by the waters of two oceans. Most of its territory is occupied by a flat plateau, which is bordered by mountains on the south and east. Its depths are rich in a variety of minerals. This country ranks one of the first places in the world in the production of diamonds, gold, platinum, uranium, and iron ores. The country's population has a complex ethnic composition. Among other countries on the continent, it stands out for its high proportion of people of European descent.

Answer: ____________________.

9. Identify the region of Russia based on its brief description: E that region has access to two seas and borders on land with one of the foreign countries. Most of the territory is occupied by lowlands; in the south there are young high mountains. A special feature of the climate is the short cold period of the year. The main wealth of the region is agroclimatic and recreational resources.

Answer: ________________ edge.

Tasks B 10 – C 2 are done using the map below.

Check out the map shown in the picture.

10. Determine from the map the distance on the ground in a straight line from the school to the spring located at an altitude of 140.5 m. Round the result to the nearest tens of meters. Write the answer in numbers.

Answer: __________ m.

11. O Determine on the map the azimuth along which you need to go from the school to the spring located at an altitude of 140.5 m. Write the answer in numbers.

Answer: ______ degrees.

Part 3

To answer the tasks in this part (C1 - C7), use answer form No. 2. First write down the task number (C1, etc.), and then not only the answer to the question posed, but also the entire course of your reasoning. Write down your answers legibly.

1. Evaluate which of the areas marked on the map with numbers 1, 2 and 3 is most suitable for constructing a training football field for a school team. Give at least two reasons to justify your answer

2. Construct a terrain profile along line A - B. To do this, transfer the basis for constructing the profile to the answer form No.2, using a horizontal scale of 1 cm 50 m and a vertical scale of 1 cm 5 m. Indicate the position of the Belichka River on the profile with an arrow.

3. The soils of the steppe zone have a much thicker humus horizon and high humus content than the soils of the taiga zone. What explains this? Please provide at least two reasons.

4. What explains the specialization of mechanical engineering enterprises in the city of Belgorodan in the production of mining equipment? Please provide at least two reasons.

5. What are the negative consequences of deforestation on the southern slopes of the Himalayas? List at least two consequences.

6. Determine in which of the countries indicated by letters on the map of the Northern Hemisphere - A, B or C - on December 20, the Sun will rise above the horizon earlier (according to the time of the Greenwich meridian). Write down your reasoning.

7. Using the data given in the table, determine in which country - A, B or C - the proportion of elderly people in the age structure of the population is higher. State two reasons for the higher proportion of elderly people in this country's population.

Demographic indicators of countries A, B and C


Country A

Country B

Country B

Total population, million people.




Population under the age of 15, million people.



Population over 65 years of age, million people.

Fertility, ‰

Mortality, ‰

Life expectancy, years

Share of urban population, %

Average population density, people/km?

Which of the following mountain systems is the longest?

1) Cordillera

4) Appalachia

What letter on the map represents Mount Kilimanjaro?

1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D

8.Which type of temperate climate is characterized by the lowest winter temperatures?

9. Which of the territories indicated by letters on the map of South America has the greatest average annual precipitation?

1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D

Which of the following sea currents operates in the Pacific Ocean?

1) Gulf Stream 2) Brazilian 3) Guinean 4) Kuroshio.

11. In the temperate zone south of the forest zone there is a zone:

2) forest-steppes and steppes

3) forest-tundra and tundra

4) altitudinal zone

12.Sable - an animal living in a natural area:

3) deserts

Indicate the error in the combination “continent - animal”.

I) Africa - cheetah

2) Australia - wombat

3) South America - puma

4) Eurasia - skunk

14.Indicate the correct answer. In Africa - wadi, and in Australia:

15. .What are the coordinates of the easternmost point of Africa?

1) 16° S; 3°E

2) 10° N; 51°E

3) 51° N; 11°E

4)16° N; 3° W

Using the population density map, determine which of the named territories is more populated?

1) Europe;

2) South America;

3) Australia;

4)north Africa.

17 .Which cultivated plant is native to Africa?

2) rubber plants

3) cocoa
4) tea

18. One of the main modern types of human economic activity in the tundra is:

1) logging

2) mining

3) livestock breeding

19. .Which continent is crossed by all meridians?

1) Eurasia

3) North America


Which of the following statements is true?

1) N. Przhevalsky conducted his geographical research in Asia

2) F. Nansen was the first to reach the South Pole

3) America got its name from its indigenous inhabitants - the Indians

4) R. Amundsen was the first to reach the North Pole

Which continent is the hottest on Earth?

2) Australia

3) Eurasia

4) North America

22.The boundary areas between lithospheric plates, in which volcanic eruptions and earthquakes occur, are:

1) platforms

2) seismic belts

4) oceanic plains

Which of the following territories is located within the seismic belt?

Which of the following mountain systems is the highest?

1) Himalayas 2) Andes 3) Atlas 4) Cordillera

What letter on the map represents Mount Aconcagua?

1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D

26. A sign of a marine climate type is:

1) summer is dry and hot

2) winter is wet and warm

3) large amplitude of temperature fluctuations

4) low winter temperatures

27. Which of the territories indicated by letters on the map of South America has the least average annual precipitation?

1) A 2)B 3)C 4)D

28. The most powerful warm current in the World Ocean:

1) Gulf Stream 2) Brazilian 3) Guinean 4) Kuroshio

Where does the taiga occupy the largest area?

1) in Australia

2) in North America

3) in Eurasia

4) in South America
30. Which of the following natural zones is characterized by the largest number of rodents?

2) tundra and forest-tundra

4) semi-deserts and deserts

Indicate the erroneous combination “continent - river”.

1) Africa - Zambezi

2) Australia - Murray

3) South America - Orinoco

4) North America - Parana

32. Scrab (thickets of thorny bushes) are characteristic of the mainland:

1) Australia

3) South America

4) Antarctica

What are the coordinates of the westernmost point of Africa?

1)14° N; 15°W;

2)14° S; 17°W;

3)17° N; 26°W;

4)11° N; 3°E

Using the population density map, determine which of the named territories is less populated?

1) Europe;

2) South America;

3) Australia;

"Our home is the Earth"

Exercise 1. Complete the sentences by adding the names of famous travelers and scientists: (up to 8 points)

1) In 1492 America was discovered....

2) An outstanding traveler of the 19th century, who made five complex expeditions to Central Asia - ....

3) A monument was erected in Tver... - to the famous Russian traveler of the 15th century who traveled to India.

Exercise 1. (5 points)

1. Which traveler contributed to the study of the territory of Taimyr?

2. Which of the listed travelers explored the regions of the Amur region?

1) F. Popov 3)

3. What contribution did you make to the study of Russian territory?

1) explored the northern islands of the Pacific Ocean

2) explored areas of Central Asia

3) proved the existence of a strait between Eurasia and America

4) explored the regions of the Polar Urals

4. Which traveler contributed to the exploration of Central Asia?

1) V. Atlasov 3) H. Laptev

2) E. Khabarov 4) N. Przhevalsky

5. Which of the listed explorers of Russian territory was a participant in the Second Kamchatka Expedition, explored and mapped part of the coast of Taimyr?

1) E. Khabarov 3) H. Laptev

2) D. Livingston 4) V. Bering

6. Which of the listed scientists contributed to the study of soils and created the doctrine of soils and the patterns of their distribution?

7. Which of the following travelers contributed to the exploration of territories in northwestern Canada?

1) V. Barents 3) N. Przhevalsky

2) A. Mackenzie 4) D. Livingston

8. Which of the following scientists is the founder of the doctrine of the biosphere?

9. Which of the following travelers explored the interior of Africa?

1) A. Mackenzie 3) Vasco da Gama

2) A. Tasman 4) D. Livingston

10. Which of the following scientists studied the geological structure and mineral resources of Russia?

Task 2. This remarkable scientist, traveler and writer made several expeditions for the purpose of geographical and military-strategic study of the Far East. He repeatedly crossed the Sikhote-Alin ridge, visited Kamchatka and the Commander Islands; explored the right bank of the Amur and the Ussuri rivers; established a biogeographic boundary separating the Okhotsk and Manchurian flora and fauna. He has published more than 60 scientific papers and works of art.

Name the scientist. Draw an outline map of the lands he traveled through.

(up to 10 points)

Task 3. The brave sailors of this country, in search of “a convenient sea route to the kingdom of Cathay and Sinsk, passing north of Norway, Muscovy and Tartary,” were the first Western Europeans to winter in the Arctic. Created by the traders of this country, the “Society of Distant Countries” sent an expedition to the islands of other southern seas under the leadership of an adventurer who found out the way there from his cellmates in the Lisbon prison. Master of the southern seas, this country soon became a monopolist in the trade of cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg on the European market, and three centuries later it became the world's leading producer of natural rubber. Milestones of this country's overseas expansion were the discovery of an entire continent, originally named in its honor, and the founding of a settlement on another continent, which received the name of its capital (in both cases, with the prefix “new” or “New”).

What country is it? What geographical discoveries made by her subjects are described in the problem statement, and which of them do you still know? From a geographic point of view, what explains the peculiarities of this country’s overseas expansion? (10 points)

Task 4. The famous German geographer A. Humboldt discovered a phenomenon associated with the meeting off the coast of one of the Latin American countries of two currents of different nature, one of which is constant, the other is formed irregularly. At the same time, along with the cold current, schools of fish move away from the shores, causing great losses to fishermen.

Name this irregular current and the country. (5 points)

Task 5. Before setting off on a circumnavigation of the world on this corvette in 1886, its captain wrote in his diary: “The commander’s job is to name his ship...” He managed to achieve his goal - oceanographic research carried out during an expedition that lasted almost three years, The corvette was so glorified that later it became a tradition to name research vessels after it.

What was the name of the corvette? What scientific achievements and geographical discoveries made the four ships famous that at different times bore this proud name? What do you know about the captain, an excerpt from whose diary is given in the task? (up to 10 points)

Task 6. (10 points)

Task 7. In 1930, the ship Georgy Sedov approached one of the islands in the Kara Sea, measuring 288 km2. He stood on the Captain's Bridge. And the first to come ashore on the island was a Soviet scientist, who theoretically predicted its existence back in 1924. What kind of island is this, what does it look like? Name the scientist. (5 points)

Task 8. (15 points)

A) 190 S. w. 650 z. d.

B) 40 s. w. 740 z. d.

B) 390 s. w. 770 z. d.

D) 200 south. w. 570 in. d.

D) 440 s. w. 120 V. d.

Task 9. There are often cases when the capital of a country is located not in its center, but on the edge, near the border or on the seashore (ocean). Explain what could be associated with such “eccentricity” (as geographers call this phenomenon). Could this be related to the colonial past of a number of countries? Support your answer with examples. (10 points)

Task 10. At the end of the 19th century, climbing the slopes of the Chisborazo and Cotopaxi volcanoes, the famous German geographer, who was called the “Second Columbus,” discovered a remarkable pattern. Which one? What explains it? What was the scientist's name? (5 points)

History of Geography Quiz

"Our home is the Earth"

Exercise 1. Choose the correct answer. (10 points)

1. The first mention of the Volga River under the name “Ra” is found in the works:
1) Herodotus ; 2) Ptolemy; 3) Thales.

2. For the first time, the idea of ​​​​the unity of the World Ocean was expressed during the period:

1) ancient geography;

2) geography of the Middle Ages;

3) the era of great geographical discoveries.

3. The first European to visit many areas of inner Asia was:

1) Afanasy Nikitin; 3) Vasco da Gama;

2) Marco Polo; 4) .

4. The birthplace of Marco Polo was the city:

Task 7. What main stages in the formation of the political map of Latin America could you suggest? Include their duration, specific processes and facts.

(up to 15 points)

Task 8. Who and why do you think is the most outstanding traveler in history? On a physical map of the world, mark its route. (10 points)

Task 9. Chance and one important natural factor helped the brave Genoese for the first time lead Spanish ships along the route, which was soon called the trade route, and also the “ladies' road” (it was so convenient). Spain soon after became fabulously rich, and the Italian died in poverty, never knowing what discovery he had actually made. Name the natural factor, the name of the Italian, his discovery, the reason for the wealth of Spain.

(5 points)

Task 10. Determine the city by coordinates, the country of which it is the capital, and also name the person in whose honor the country was named. Who are these people, what are they famous for? (15 points)

A) 190 S. w. 650 z. d.

B) 40 s. w. 740 z. d.

B) 390 s. w. 770 z. d.

D) 200 south. w. 570 in. d.

D) 440 s. w. 120 V. d.

Task 11. The accuracy with which this outstanding geographer of the past characterized not only the surroundings of the city in which he lived, but also many areas thousands of kilometers away, delighted researchers, and a century and a half after the publication of his works, they noted that from them “something can be gleaned.” that to improve even the latest maps.” It is believed that he was one of the first in Russian cartography to develop a system of symbols, a fragment of which is shown in the figure.

Conventional signs: 1 - city; 2 - settlement; 3 - village; 4 - Russian village; 5 - “Tatar” village; 6 - yurts; 7 - kochi; 8 - mosque; 9 - forest (pine forest); 10 - cemetery; 11 - prayer site; 12 - mounds; 13 - guard; 14 - mill, bridge; 15 - overkill (constipation) for fishing; 16 - arable land; 17 - roads; 18 is a big road.

In addition, the following designations are found on the maps: bayarak (bayrak), ford, elan, erik, zaimishche and zaimka, zybun, fort, topko, uval, kingdom, church, chapel, Chudskoe. The nature of the vegetation is shown not only by conventional signs, but also by the inscriptions: “linden forest”, “spruce forest”, “birch forest” (“birch forest is taken for bows and sold to Bukhareya”), cedars, “larch”, “soksoul tree”, “tall bushes “,” “moss grows, animals eat the herb,” “the steppe is bare, no forest, no water,” “black forests, sogrs and swamps are impassable.” “Arctic fox fisheries”, “winter fishing huts - they hunt arctic foxes and white bears”, “sable and deer fisheries”, places where “they catch fish and birds in litter”, “they catch rams and wild buffaloes”, “all kinds of animals are hunted by yasash foreigners” are noted ", "whale and beluga and seal". Mineral deposits are marked, and there is information about their development: “a sign of silver ore”, “there is a semi-precious stone here”, “they hunted for pearls”, “copper ore is taken from the stone”, “magnet and flammable sulfur”, “copper ore and mica” , “varnish house and salt spring”, “gold is melted”, “oil is taken”.

What territory is shown on this explorer's maps? By which of the listed symbols and inscriptions did you determine this? What was the name of the researcher, at what time and in what city did he live? What famous travelers were his works based on? (15 points)

1) D. Livingston 2) A. Vespucci 3) J. Cook 4) A. Mackenzie

Which three of the rivers listed are located on the mainland of South America?

2. Mackenzie

3. Mississippi

4. Orinoco

5. St. Lawrence

6. Zambezi


8. Orange

4. Warm currents include:

1) Peruvian and Gulf Stream;

2) Gulf Stream and North Atlantic

3) North Atlantic and Peruvian

4) Kuroshio and Californian

What are the coordinates of the easternmost point of Africa?

1) 16° S. w. and 3° E. d.

2) 10° N and 51° east. d.

3) 51° N and 11° E. d.

4) 16° N and 3° W. d.

1) o. Sakhalin 2) Novaya Zemlya Islands 3) Taimyr Peninsula 4) about. Madagascar

7. What is called a scrub in Australia?:

1) primitive mammal

2) a type of eucalyptus

3) a rare predator preserved only in Tasmania

4) dense thickets of thorny bushes in deserts

8. Southernmost point of Africa:

1) Cape Ben Sekka 2) Cape Agulhas 3) Cape Almadi 4) Cape Ras Hafun

9. Highest point in North America:

1) Kilimanjaro 2) Everest 3) McKinley 4) Aconcagua

10. High temperature and high humidity throughout the year are characteristic of air masses:

1) arctic 2) temperate 3) tropical 4) equatorial

11 . Determine which natural area is being referred to:

“...low temperatures all year round, precipitation is rare, mainly in the form of snow, the vegetation is dwarf, there are lemmings and arctic foxes...”. Polar

12. Boundary areas between lithospheric plates, in which volcanic eruptions and earthquakes occur, are:

1) platforms 2) seismic belts 3) mountains 4) oceanic plains

Which of the following sea currents operates in the Pacific Ocean?

1) Gulf Stream 2) Brazilian 3) Guinean 4) Kuroshio

Match the continent with the animals living there

Continent Representative of the animal world

1) Africa A. Echidna

2) Australia B. Coyote

3) South America V. Pampas cat

4) North America G. Okapi

Which three of the following rivers are located on the North American mainland?

1. Parana 2. Mackenzie

3. Mississippi 4. Orinoco

5. St. Lawrence 6. Zambezi

7 Murray 8. Orange

What are the coordinates of the westernmost point of Africa?

1) 14° N and 15°W;

2) 14° S and 17°W;

3) 17° N and 26°W;

4) 11° N and 3°E

Identify the country by its brief description.

The country is located in the north of the continent, its extreme point is located on its territory. The country has access to one of the largest seas of the Atlantic Ocean. Desert landscapes predominate here, but in the north there are olive trees, orange groves, and evergreen Mediterranean forests. On the territory of the country you can see the ruins of the ancient city of Carthage. The name of the capital coincides with the name of the state. Tunisia

Which of the following statements is true?

1) N. Przhevalsky conducted his geographical research in Asia

2) F. Nansen was the first to reach the South Pole

3) America got its name from its indigenous inhabitants - the Indians

4) M. Lazarev was the first to reach the North Pole

1) Colorado 2) Mississippi 3) Rio Grande 4) Missouri

Relatively stable and leveled areas of the earth's crust that lie at the base of modern continents -

1) continental shoals 2) platforms 3) seismic belts 4) islands

On which continent is the world's tallest waterfall located?

1) Australia 2) North America 3) Africa 4) South America

22. September 12 off the coast of Indonesia at coordinates 3° N. 98°E An earthquake measuring 8.4 on the Richter scale occurred, followed by a series of aftershocks. A three-dimensional wave formed after an earthquake hit a fishing village on the island of Sumatra. It destroyed hundreds of residential buildings and injured about 90 people. 1. What is the name of the wave that destroyed the village? 2.Explain why earthquakes occur frequently in Indonesia.

Tsunamis and earthquakes occur at the junctions of tectonic plates.

Which of the following territories is located within the seismic belt?

1) Japanese islands 2) o. Madagascar 3) Hindustan Peninsula 4) o. Greenland

24. Which of the territories indicated by letters on the map of South America has the least average annual precipitation?

Explanatory note

Administrative control work ongeography course of continents and oceans7th grade is presented in the formKIMs compiled in the Unified State Exam format in two versionsand include tasks of three difficulty levels:A, IN and S.

Part A includes 18 basic level tasks. The question is offeredfour possible answers, of which the correct one may beonly one.

Part B is a more difficult level. 4 tasks, introducingmembers of this group demand more deeply from studentsknowledge.The answer to the tasks in this part is a sequence of letters or numbers.

Part C - level of increased difficulty. When completing these tasks, you need to apply practical skills or givedetailed response.

For executionAdministrative test work in geography is given 90 minutes.

The use of atlases, calculators, and rulers is permitted.

Evaluation criteria

For the correct answer to tasks: Part A - 1 point; Parts B and C-2 points.

The maximum initial score is 30 points.

If a student answers 50-70% of questions correctly, he receives a grade of “3”, 70-90% of correct answers - “4”, 90-100% of correct answers - “5”.

Scale for recalculating the primary score for completion

final test on a five-point scale

Rating on a five-point scale





Total score




Option 1



A-1. Which continent is crossed by the equator in the northern part?

1)North America

2) South America

3) Australia

4) Eurasia

A-2. Which of the following travelers explored the interior of Africa?

D. Livingston

J. Cook

A. Vespucci

A. Mackenzie

A-3. Which continent is the driest on Earth?

1) Eurasia

2) Australia

3) Africa

4) South America

A-4. Relatively stable and leveled areas of the earth's crust underlying modern continents are:

1) continental shallows


3)seismic belts

4) islands


Sakhalin island

Novaya Zemlya Islands

Taimyr Peninsula

Yamal Peninsula

A-6. Which of the following mountain systems is the longest?

1) Cordillera

2) Ural

3) Alps

4) Appalachia

A-7. What letter on the map represents Mount Kilimanjaro?

1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D

A-8. Which temperate climate type has the lowest winter temperatures?


temperate continental

sharply continental


A-9. N and which of the territories indicated by letters on the map of South America has the highest average annual precipitation?

1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D

A-10. Which of the following sea currents operates in the Pacific Ocean?

1) Gulf Stream 2) Brazilian 3) Guinean 4) Kuroshio.

A-11. In the temperate zone south of the forest zone there is a zone:

1) taiga

2) forest-steppes and steppes

3) forest-tundra and tundra

4) altitudinal zone

A-12. Sable is an animal that lives in a natural area:

1) steppes

2) taiga

3) deserts

4) tundra

A-13. Indicate the error in the combination “continent - animal”.

I) Africa - cheetah

2) Australia - wombat

3) South America - puma

4) Eurasia - skunk

A-14. Please indicate the correct answer. In Africa - wadi, and in Australia :

1) pune

2) screams

3) simoom

4) koala

A-15. . What are the coordinates of the easternmost point of Africa?

1) 16° S; 3°E

2) 10° N; 51°E

3) 51° N; 11°E

4)16° N; 3° W

A-16. Using the population density map, determine which of the named territories is more populated?

1) Europe;

2) South America;

3) Australia;

4)north Africa.

A-17 . Which cultivated plant is native to Af? Rick?

1) coffee

2) rubber plants

3) cocoa
4) tea

A-18. One of the main modern types of human economic activity in the tundra is:

1) logging

3) livestock breeding

4) growing grain


IN 1.

“Yellow earth and red earth soils are typical. Subtropical evergreen forests and shrubs. Typical representatives of the animal world: cheetahs, zebras, rhinoceroses, elephants.”

AT 2. Establish a correspondence between the structure of the earth's crust and the relief.


1)Himalayas A. Mesozoic

2) Ural B. Cenozoic

3) Verkhoyansk ridge V. Hercynsky

AT 3. Using a map, compare the average annual precipitation at the points marked on the map with the letters A, B, C. Arrange these points in order of increasing amount of precipitation that falls in them.


AT 4.








S-1. Determine on the map the distance on the ground in a straight line from the spring to the forester’s house. Round the result to the nearest tens of meters. Write the answer in numbers.

It is one of the largest countries in the world by area and has access to three oceans. On its territory there is one of the extreme points of the continent on which it is located. It borders by land with only one country. Most of its population is located along the southern border. The country is rich in a variety of minerals, as well as forest, land, and water resources.

Option 2


Part A contains 18 multiple choice questions. For each task there are four possible answers, only one of which is correct. When completing the tasks of this part, in answer form No. 1, under the number of the task you are performing (A1–A18), put the sign “ ´ " in the box whose number corresponds to the number of the answer you chose.

A-1 . . Which continent is crossed by all meridians?

1) Eurasia

2) Africa

3) North America


A-2 . Which of the following statements is true?

1) N. Przhevalsky conducted his geographical research in Asia

2) F. Nansen was the first to reach the South Pole

3) America got its name from its indigenous inhabitants - the Indians

4) R. Amundsen was the first to reach the North Pole

A-3 . Which continent is the hottest on Earth?

1) Africa

2) Australia

3) Eurasia

4) North America

A-4. The boundary areas between lithospheric plates where volcanic eruptions and earthquakes occur are:

1) platforms

2) seismic belts

3) mountains

4) oceanic plains

A-5. Which of the following territories is located within the seismic belt?

Japanese islands

Madagascar Island

Hindustan Peninsula

Greenland island

A-6. Which of the following mountain systems is the highest?

1) Himalayas 2) Andes 3) Atlas 4) Cordillera

A-7. What letter on the map represents Mount Aconcagua?

1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D

A-8. A sign of a marine climate type is:

1) summer is dry and hot

2) winter is wet and warm

3) large amplitude of temperature fluctuations

4) low winter temperatures

A-9. N and which of the territories indicated by letters on the map of South America has the least average annual precipitation?

1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D

A-10. The most powerful warm current in the World Ocean:

1) Gulf Stream 2) Brazilian 3) Guinean 4) Kuroshio

A-11. Where does the taiga occupy the largest area?

1) in Australia

2) in North America

3) in Eurasia

4) in South America
A-12. Which of the following natural zones is characterized by the largest number of rodents?

1) taiga

2) tundra and forest-tundra

3) steppes

4) semi-deserts and deserts

A-13. Indicate the erroneous combination “continent - river”.

1) Africa - Zambezi

2) Australia - Murray

3) South America - Orinoco

4) North America - Parana

A-14. Scrab (thickets of thorny bushes) are characteristic of the mainland:

1) Australia

2) Africa

3) South America

4) Antarctica

A-15. What are the coordinates of the westernmost point of Africa?

1)14° N; 15°W;

2)14° S; 17°W;

3)17° N; 26°W;

4)11° N; 3°E

A-16. Using the population density map, determine which of the named territories is less populated?

1) Europe;

2) South America;

3) Australia;

4)north Africa.

A-17. What crops are home to South America?

1) cocoa and coffee

2) potatoes and bananas

3) tomatoes and potatoes

4) wheat and rice

A-18. One of the main modern types of human economic activity in the taiga is:

1) logging

2) mining

3) livestock breeding

4) growing grain


Part B contains 4 tasks. Tasks B-1, B-2 contain three correct answers. The answer to the tasks in this part (B-3, B-14) is a word, a sequence of letters or numbers. Enter the answers first into the text of the work, and then transfer them to answer form No. 1 to the right of the number of the corresponding task, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas or other additional characters. Write each number or letter in a separate box in accordance with the samples given in the form. There is no need to write units of measurement.

IN 1. Determine which natural area is being referred to:

“...low temperatures all year round, precipitation is rare, mainly in the form of snow, the vegetation is dwarf, there are lemmings and arctic foxes...”.

AT 2. Establish a correspondence between the structure of the earth's crust and relief


1) Sibirskaya A. West Siberian

2) Indian B. Great Chinese

3) Sino-Korean V.Dekan (plateau)

G. Central Siberian (Plateau)

AT 3. Using a map, compare the average annual precipitation at the points marked on the map with the letters A, B, C. Arrange these points in order of decreasing amount of precipitation falling in them.

Write down the resulting sequence of letters in the table.


AT 4. Establish a correspondence between the bay and its location on the map, indicated by a number.





Great Australian

Write down the numbers corresponding to the selected answers in the table.



Tasks C require a detailed answer. Write down the task number first and then the full answer.

S-1. Determine on the map the distance on the ground in a straight line from the spring to the wooden bridge over the river. Round the result to the nearest tens of meters. Write the answer in numbers.

Answer: ___________________________ m.

S-2. Identify the country by its brief description.

The country is located in the north of the continent, its extreme point is located on its territory. The country has access to one of the largest seas of the Atlantic Ocean. Desert landscapes predominate here, but in the north there are olive trees, orange groves, and evergreen Mediterranean forests. On the territory of the country you can see the ruins of the ancient city of Carthage. The name of the capital coincides with the name of the state.

Answers to the final test in geography for grade 7 (tests)

Option 1


Job number




















Job number

IN 1

AT 2

AT 3

AT 4

Savannas and woodlands







IN 1



C2- Canada

Option 2

Option 1


Job number




















Job number

IN 1

AT 2

AT 3

AT 4








AT 3



C2- Tunisia

for 20 __ – 20 __ academic year

teaching_____ 7 " _ » class


Option 1


Job number




















Job number

IN 1

AT 2

AT 3

AT 4


C1- _________________________

C2- _________________________

Final test in geography

for 20 __ – 20 __ academic year

teaching_____ 7 " __ » class


Option 2


Job number




















Job number

IN 1

AT 2

AT 3

AT 4


C1- ___________________________

C2- _________________________________