Time management for schoolchildren: methods, techniques, tools. Time management for schoolchildren: how to find time for exams Time management exercises for schoolchildren

Municipal autonomous educational institution

"Yagrinskaya gymnasium"

Lesson for students in grades 10-11

“Time management or the ability to manage your time”

Petrushenko Irina Viktorovna

educational psychologist

MAOU "Yagrinskaya Gymnasium"



    Explanatory note 3

    Main part 5

Literature 9

Applications 10

Explanatory note.

Today, high school students lead an active educational and creative life: lessons, elective courses, preparation for final exams, visiting various sections outside of class hours. Many high school students claim that they often do not have time to complete their daily tasks. Problems related to the inability to manage your time are among the most common. Success in adult life largely depends on how we manage time, so many people turn to time management technologies - time management in order to get everything done both at work and at home. Some believe that it is too late to teach a teenager to plan time for preparing lessons, organizing useful activities, and relaxing, since he is accustomed to the lifestyle he leads, but a person is capable of working on himself and changing for the better at any age. The topic of rational use of time is relevant and popular among both adults and students.

In a series of classes for high school students on psychological preparation for exams, conducted by a teacher-psychologist at the Yagrinskaya Gymnasium MAOU, a lesson was developed on teaching ways to successfully organize their work and leisure, “Time management or the ability to manage your time.”

Purpose of the lesson:

The lesson is structured in the form of a conversation, with elements of socio-psychological training, self-diagnosis and self-analysis.

The following are used in class forms of work, such as psychological games, conversation with students, interactive exercises and self-diagnosis.

As diagnostic materials We use the questionnaire we developed “How I use my time” (see Appendix 1) and the “Timekeeping” technique (see Appendix 2).

A memo “Ways to successfully use time” is also offered to students (see Appendix 3).

Lesson duration 45 minutes.

Expected results:

    development of self-analysis and self-organization skills;

    students acquiring skills to successfully manage their study and free time;

    reducing the level of personal anxiety in students that occurs during preparation for exams;

Necessary equipment:

a room with freely moving furniture, equipment for demonstrating a presentation, a whiteboard for notes, questionnaire forms and “timing”, handouts “Ways to successfully use time.”

Main part.

Contents of the lesson.

“Time management or the ability to manage your time”

Target: analyze the effectiveness of time use and introduce students to ways to successfully organize their work.

    Association warm-up.

Students are asked to name their associations for the word “Time” in a chain. The answers are recorded by the presenter on the board.

Then the presenter introduces the high school students to the topic and purpose of this lesson.

    Conversation “The Art of Keeping Up.”

“Time is life. To waste your time is to waste your life. Taking control of your time means taking control of your life and making the best of it.” Alan Lakein.

The last year at school, the year before college devoted to cramming, preparatory courses and tutors, often turns out to be the most difficult in the life of schoolchildren, even more difficult than entering college itself.

If you analyze everything you do, you can write out a whole list. Besides homework and homework, what can you name? (household chores, workouts, communication with friends)

Each of these tasks takes a certain amount of time. Who can say that they manage to do everything? , what do you need per day? Very few people can boast of this.

There are special techniques that help people with this - “Time Management”.

Efficiency means choosing the best option from the available options and doing it in the best possible way.

Please remember: there is no shortage of time! We have a lot of time to do everything we really want. If you, like many people, are “too busy” to work successfully, then keep in mind that there are many people who are much busier than you but get more done than you. They don't have more time than you. They just make much better use of their time!

    Self-diagnosis: “Timekeeping” and questioning.

Students are asked to record on special forms (see Appendix 2) all events from wake-up to bedtime during one working day and one weekend.

After this, having analyzed the results themselves, students are asked to fill out a questionnaire “How I use my time” (see Appendix 1).

And then, dividing into groups of 4-5 people, analyze and summarize the results, and present to others at what time stage the loss of time occurs and determine what exactly it was spent on by the members of each group.

The facilitator summarizes the data from all groups, recording the main points on the board.

    Conversation " Possible reasons for ineffective use of time»

The reasons for ineffective use of time can be divided into two groups: external and internal.

External interference is the fruit of our work environment; events that distract attention and deprive you of control over time. These time killers are as follows:

    delays when leaving the house (forgot your keys at home?);

    delays on the road (Queue for the minibus);

    • chatting with friends (such as communications, Odnoklassniki.ru and Vkontakte.ru (and other social networks));

    problems with computer and Internet access;

    email (spam);

    search for folders, pens, etc.;

    phone calls;

Except There are also internal ones that eat up your time from the inside: your character traits and personal qualities that cause downtime at work, and as a result, stress and the realization that you don’t have time to do anything. It is necessary to get rid of them, but this will be more problematic than getting rid of external killers. Internal interference is part of our lives and habits are very difficult to break.

Internal interference includes:

    inability to refuse and say NO;

    the habit of grasping at everything at once;

    incorrect assessment of timing and scope of work;

    the desire to always be useful and help everyone;

    natural slowness;


    Annex 1.

    Questionnaire “How I use my time.”

    Do you plan your day (things that need to be done during the day)?

    Do you have time to do the necessary (or planned) things during the day?

    Do you feel that your time is often wasted?

    What do you waste your time on? What activities do you waste time on?

    How much time (approximately) does it take you to do your homework?

    How much time (approximately) is spent watching TV, on the computer (games, chatting)?

    Would you like to learn how to use your time more efficiently?

Appendix 2.

Timing "Accounting for lost time"


Appendix 3.

Memo "Ways to use time successfully."

There are many ways to use time successfully. They can be presented in the form of principles of constructive action for organizing your work:

    precise definition of goals. When starting to do something, you need to determine as precisely as possible what you specifically want to do;

    focus on the main thing. It is very useful to make a list of all the tasks according to their priority and urgency;

    creating incentives. A person does best what he likes. “Favorite” things are always done faster than “necessary” ones. If you can turn “need” into “want”, work efficiency will increase significantly;

    setting deadlines. The best way to make a commitment is to set a deadline for completing a task;

    determination. Try to get to work as quickly as possible: think, decide, act. Once you start doing something, you don’t need to doubt it all the time - move on;

    the ability to say “no”. This will allow you not to be distracted by unnecessary things and conversations;

    control of time spent talking on the phone and “visiting” the Internet;

    listening skills. Pay close attention to information to know exactly what, where, when and why is happening;

    rejection of templates and repetitions. Just because you've done your job successfully using the same method every time doesn't mean it's the best. Find out how others are doing this work. Maybe it can be done faster and more efficiently;

    attention to details. Nothing unsettles you more than annoying little things. Be attentive to seemingly insignificant things and objects in everyday life and at work. This will save you a lot of time and effort;

    full use of time. The time you spend traveling and waiting can be used to think about things and plan your day.

Nothing really belongs to us

except time, which we own even then,

when we have nothing else

Baltasar Gracian

Time management is the process of training conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities, which specifically increases efficiency and productivity.

The venue is a spacious office.

The age of students is 14-16 years.

Materials needed: tables, chairs, exercise forms, pens, whistle/bell, colored pencils

Purpose of the lesson: To teach high school students practical time management tools

  • teach effective planning and time management tools;
  • practice basic time management skills.

Progress of the lesson.

  1. Introduction.


Exercise "Diary".

Goal: introducing group members to each other, introducing the topic, awareness of their personal resources.

Required materials: sheets of paper, pens.

Source: Tyushev Yu.V. Choosing a profession: training for teenagers.

Exercise “Sense of time”.

Purpose: Participants test themselves to see how accurately they perceive the passage of time.

Materials needed: bell or whistle, stopwatch, sheets of paper, pens.

Instructions to participants: You must be able to control the time allotted for work and rest, mentally learn to give yourself “bells” (the presenter rings a bell, attracting the attention of the participants, and quietly starts the stopwatch). This will help you develop a sense of time. A person who has such a feeling always knows what time it is, always calculates his time and therefore manages to do everything and is not late for anything.

Do you have a sense of time? How is it developed?

Of course, every person has a sense of time, only for some it works with an accuracy of the minute, while for others it is disordered - plus or minus half an hour (the presenter rings the bell a second time and stops the stopwatch).

Now, without discussing out loud, write down on pieces of paper (participants receive them at the beginning of the lesson) how much time passed from the first bell to the second? Just don’t try to calculate or estimate, but rather evaluate your sense of time.

And here is the real result (the presenter voices the stopwatch readings)

Discussion: what is the importance of a sense of time for a person.

  1. Main part

Eisenhower Matrix Exercise

Goal: teach how to prioritize things.

Required materials: forms with the “Eisenhower Matrix”, pens, to-do list.


Participants are asked to independently distribute the cases from the list into 4 categories. Work in groups 5 minutes.

Exercise “Rigid and Flexible”.

Goal: to teach how to identify flexible and rigid cases.

Required materials: green and blue cards, to-do list.

Instructions for participants: In order to effectively plan your day, you need to become familiar with such concepts as rigid and flexible tasks.

Rigid tasks in the day are those that have a clearly defined start time. What examples can you name? (school lessons, class hours, clubs and sections, the beginning of a movie show, etc.)

Besides this, we still have a lot of things to do that don’t have to be done at certain hours, we just need to have time to do it. Such cases are called “flexible”.

You have a green circle (soft things) and a blue square (hard things). I will pronounce on the 1st case. If it's a "hard thing", raise the blue square, and if it's a "flexible" thing, raise the green circle.

Exercise “Plan a Saturday”

Goal: To develop the technology of rigid-flexible planning.

Required materials: forms with text, sheets of paper, pens

Instructions for participants: Read a high school student’s thoughts about the upcoming Saturday and make a plan for the day. To do this, highlight all the things that need to be done and determine which ones are rigid and which are flexible. Then divide the blank sheet in half vertically. On the left, put the clock grid and write down the tough ones. On the right, write down your flexible tasks, starting with the most important ones. Calculate the time it will take to complete large tasks and figure out what time of day is best to do them.

Work in groups 10 minutes. Discussion.

  1. Final part

Analysis option “Hours of my achievements”.

Purpose: to analyze how useful the time spent at the training was for each participant.

Required materials: forms with clocks, pens.

Instructions to participants: Our lesson lasted 1 hour. I invite you to evaluate how useful the time spent at the training was. To do this, on the “Hours of my achievements” form, indicate the time that you spent on this or that type of activity during the lesson. If you have your own option, mark it in the empty box.

Problems associated with schoolchildren's inability to manage their time are among the most common. This is noted by both parents and children.

The article discusses specific tools that help time management.





Problems associated with schoolchildren's inability to manage their time are among the most common. This is noted by both parents and children.

Analysis of parents' requests, conversations with schoolchildren in grades 2-4 as part of consultations and psychology lessons showed that:

  • Some schoolchildren waste up to 36 hours a week;
  • many children do not sit down for their homework themselves, and many of those who sit down themselves put off completing them until the last moment;
  • some schoolchildren like to put off doing useful things until later or even forget about their existence;
  • many children do not know what to do in their free time, except watching TV and playing on the computer;
  • many children watch TV and play on the computer for 4-6 hours every day, spending the best time on this;
  • For some schoolchildren, the process of completing homework or useful household chores stretches out for a long time, because they are distracted by extraneous matters while doing work;
  • about half of children admit that they do not plan their day;
  • a significant number of schoolchildren do not have a daily routine;
  • Many schoolchildren complain that they have little time to rest; most of their time is spent preparing homework.

Here's what our kids say about time management:

“I spend my weekends like this:

You can sleep until eleven, then watch TV for hours, then the computer until night.”

“...My day is something like this... In the morning I get up, eat, watch TV, walk. Then I eat again, watch TV again, and walk again. Then again food, TV and a walk..."

“And this is my school day:

I like to walk a lot, and I start homework when my mother yells at me.”

“I always procrastinate when I need to do things around the house.”

“I’m very distracted by TV – I want to do my homework, but I can’t tear myself away from it.”

Our success largely depends on how we manage our time, which is why many adults turn to time management technologies to manage everything: both at work and in their personal lives. The importance of time management for adults is obvious and undeniable.

It is important to note that issues related to time management are raised by teachers when they and their children are working on sayings like “Get the job done, walk boldly,” or when they teach lessons with children during after-school activities, or at a thematic parent-teacher meeting.


  1. Formation of positive motivation among schoolchildren to study this course.
  2. Formation in schoolchildren of ideas about situations in which time is lost and ways of organizing time in such situations.
  3. Teaching schoolchildren time planning during the school period and in free time from lessons.
  4. Organization of the child’s living space and design of situations related to constructive and non-constructive time management.

The program also includes techniques that are specific to time management:

  • analysis of the amount of lost time using a pin calendar and a timekeeping sheet;
  • planning the day, recording it in the form of a plan and living it using the golden rules of time management; keeping a diary;
  • assessing the implementation of the plan and recording the results.

Based on specific techniques, it is clear that children within the program become familiar with the following time management tools:

  1. pin calendar,
  2. timing,
  3. plan for the day.

I. Let's look at the main methods and techniques used in the program.


The project method involves students searching for ways to solve problems, as well as their direct solution. As part of the program, schoolchildren create 2 projects:

Example. Map for group work “Secrets of Time”.

« On Tuesday, Olya and Valera had a test for the quarter in the Russian language, so they agreed with their parents that after school they would study for the test. Olya and Valera's lessons ended at 13.00. They walked from school to the neighboring house for 2 hours, and then had lunch for an hour. Then Olya remembered that her favorite series was starting, and ran into the hall, and Valera buried himself in a computer game. And so they sat until 21.00. At 21.00, an hour before their mother arrived, the children remembered about the test and began looking around the apartment for a Russian language textbook. At 22.00 the textbook was found, and then my mother came. Until 23.00, my mother talked about work, and at 23.00 she asked about preparing for the test. The children honestly said that they did nothing. As a result, mom decided to teach them a lesson, and they went to bed with the rules unlearned. And got bad marks at school».

We use this work at the stage of introducing time management rules - text analysis logically leads schoolchildren to the need to introduce time rules so that in life people do not end up with the same situation as schoolchildren.

Analysis of situations occurs within the framework of group work of schoolchildren. Based on the results of the analysis, team representatives present the errors found in the text and then propose corrected options.

2. Situations and skits.Several people in the class spontaneously or after minimal preparation present in the form of skits situations in which people use time irrationally, without saying out loud the mistakes. The class identifies and names the mistakes shown in the skit, then representatives from the class show the correct solution to the situation.


During the course “Time Management for Kids” we also address this type of work such as creating a story.

So, we invite schoolchildren to write their own fairy tale or story in which the main character would initially waste time and then change.

The point of this work is for schoolchildren, together with the hero, to live through correct and incorrect patterns of time management, to update the rules of time management for themselves in a non-standard form, and also to respond in the text to those feelings that are associated with time management.

Stages of work:

  1. Introducing students to story creation.
  2. Creation of texts by children within one week and recording them.
  3. Presentation of works and discussion of the ideas contained in them.

II Now let's look at specific tools that help time management.

CALENDAR-PINARIKis a table calendar, where in addition to the dates and days of the week, the time of day is indicated with an interval of 1 hour (see figure).

Tool idea

The pinarik calendar gets its name from the word “kick” meaning “to push”. The calendar is designed to show the child how much time he is wasting, and also motivate him to use his time more usefully. The use of a pin calendar in working with schoolchildren has shown that the number of lost hours is reduced. In addition, children note that they have become more careful with time.

This is achieved through the following effects:

  • The child clearly sees how much time he wasted, and this makes him think. Having received a frightening figure at the end of the week about lost hours, in particular there have been cases where a child has wasted 41 hours that could have been spent usefully, many children have a breakthrough and begin to relate differently to time.
  • The child personally marks the lost hours with color, which additionally shows the child that the amount of wasted time depends on him. In addition, the child’s desire to “be perfect” is also triggered here, which is expressed in the fact that the child wants to cross out as few squares as possible.
  • The calendar is constantly in front of the child’s eyes, the child constantly sees and realizes that he will need to color it - in this situation, the calendar acts as a kind of external control, a kind of reminder that every minute signals that it is undesirable to waste time.

How the calendar workssuch. Every day, the student marks the time he wasted with a colored pencil (pen). Fixation goes on by the hour. For example, a child played on the computer from 15.00 to 22.00, although he was allowed to play for an hour, and the rest of the time he had to learn his homework and clean the house. Therefore, the range from 16.00 to 22.00 is highlighted in color. The hour from 15.00 to 16.00 is considered as rest time and refers to useful time (the child is entitled to an hour of computer time as rest in this example). At the same time, the calendar is with the child all the time and is placed in the most visible place.

After the day has been lived, the total amount of wasted time is calculated and the figure is recorded in the “Totals” column.

At the end of the week, the total amount of time wasted during the week is calculated.

Stages of work:

  1. Explanation of the purpose of the tool and how to work with it.
  2. Independent work of schoolchildren on maintaining calendar calendars during the week.
  3. Individual mini-consultation with a psychologist based on the results of keeping a calendar calendar.
  4. Joint group (individual) discussion with schoolchildren of completed calendar calendars and planning of further work with them.
  5. Independent work of schoolchildren to further conduct academic activities during the week.
  6. Individual mini-consultation with a psychologist based on the results of the child’s calendar keeping.
  7. Joint discussion and summing up.

Experience with working with a calendar-pinarik in 4 grades has shown that it is advisable to conduct it for 2-3 weeks. This time is enough to obtain the effects noted above. The first week is largely diagnostic in nature and allows the psychologist to track the amount of time lost in the child, although here too the pinarik acts as a mechanism of external control. The second and third weeks are just a favorable period for changes, especially if after the first week reflection is carried out correctly with students.

Sample questions for discussion with students:

  • Tell us your impressions of filling out the pin calendar.
  • What were you wasting your time on?
  • Has keeping a calendar been helpful? Why?
  • Many people came up with impressive figures for lost time. How are you planning to deal with lost time this week?

Along with a pin calendar, you can also use the “Timekeeping” technique to analyze the amount of lost time and motivate a child to use more rational time.

TIMELINE is also a tool for analyzing the amount of time lost.

Timing is implemented in the form2 consecutive stages:

1. Recording of all events that took place in the child from getting up to going out.The child is asked to write down for one or two days all the events that took place, from getting up to going to bed in the same sequence as they happened. The child simply writes down everything he does or happens to him

2. Analysis of the sheet of recorded events together with the child.Unlike a calendar calendar, analysis of timekeeping allows you to identify both the number of wasted hours and determine what exactly the child spent his time on.

At the same time, timing is more difficult to complete, and it is not advisable to carry it out more than 1-2 times, because interest decreases. It is usually recommended for a child to record 2 of his days - one working day and the other a day off, because... These days differ in content.

In general, it is more appropriate to use timing when working individually with a child, where a detailed analysis is possible. At the same time, within the framework of psychology lessons, this technique is also effective, especially in terms of diagnosing areas where a child is wasting time, as well as in terms of creating motivation for a more rational use of time.

There was a case when a boy brought his timeline for the weekend, where the day was divided into 2 parts: before lunch he played on the computer, after lunch he played TV. There was simply nothing useful about the day. During the discussion, the child himself discovered that he had structured his day off incorrectly and subsequently began to plan his day differently.

Sample questions for discussion:

  • What are your impressions of the timing: what did you like, what did you not like, what was difficult?
  • How much time did you spend watching TV, playing on the computer, preparing homework, walking?
  • How much time did you spend helping with housework and school work?
  • Have you been wasting your time?
  • What were you wasting your time on?
  • Do you think you should do useful things on your day off, or should you neglect them?
  • Did you find working with Timekeeping useful? If “yes”, then what, if “no”, then why?
  • Do you plan to change anything in planning based on the results of the Timing?


A daily plan is another convenient tool for time management, but one that younger students rarely use.

Working with schoolchildren as part of day planning made it possible to identify the following negative features of time planning by younger schoolchildren:

  • Planning is most often resorted to by schoolchildren who study in different sections in order to get everything done. Schoolchildren who do not attend additional educational institutions are less likely to turn to planning.
  • Children tend to simply fill their day with activities - they are more likely to just come up with activities for the time, rather than planning time for pre-planned activities.
  • Children are not inclined to include useful chores in their plans.

In order for schoolchildren to learn to manage their time more rationally, when working with schoolchildren we use such a time management tool as"Plan for the day"

Plan for the day – a tool for planning time and recording the implementation of planned activities.

Working with a plan teaches:

  • Plan your time and manage it rationally.
  • Monitor and evaluate results.
  • Analyze what is happening, select the most important activities and plan the time for their implementation.
  • Do work that is necessary, but not always interesting (for example, cleaning the house, etc.).

Analyzing the identified planning features and designing corrective and developmental actions, we cameto the next stages of organizing the child’s work with a plan for the day.In our opinion, the stages proposed below make it possible to achieve correctional and developmental effects to the maximum extent.

  1. Understanding and planning upcoming events

It is important that the work of planning the day begins with an understanding of what the child will have tomorrow or the day after tomorrow: what events are foreseen, what plans the parents have for him. At the same time, the child must outline activities from the series “School activities”, “Useful activities”, “Free time activities”.

In order for children to pay attention to useful things, it is necessary that the child include them in the plan without fail. It is advisable to immediately introduce the “Eat a frog” rule for your child - do useful, but not very interesting things every day. Thus, the child’s daily plan should reflect educational activities, useful activities, and free time activities.

If a child is working to overcome a problem or develop a certain skill using the “carrot and stick” system, for example, the child learns to behave well, then this should also be reflected in the plan for the day.

  1. Identifying the most important things to do.After the child has outlined the range of activities, it is important that he notes the most IMPORTANT activities that need to be done first.
  2. Planning the order and time for completing a particular task.It is advisable for the child to estimate the order and time of completing what is planned. It is important that the main tasks are among the first in the plan, and not postponed until later.
  3. Fixation of planned activities and the time of their implementation in the daily plan.
  4. The child records the fact of implementation and non-compliance of activities.There is a separate column in the plan where the child records with an icon the degree of completion of the plan.
  5. Analysis of completed and unfulfilled activities.Analysis of the reasons for non-fulfillment of plans and planning of measures to correct the difficulties encountered.
  6. Making a plan for the new day, taking into account the difficulties encountered on the previous day.




check mark


lessons at school


game on computer




washing dishes(!!!)


walk with brother


model assembly

Maintaining plans for two weeks with regular analysis of the results allows you to lay the foundations for developing the habit of purposeful daily planning of your time. Of course, you cannot expect all children to start making plans for the day after this. But even those children who will not regularly record their actions in the future will still think about how they handle time and draw certain conclusions for themselves - perhaps they will turn to internal planning.

Some notes from experience...

Initially, schoolchildren demonstrate fairly detailed written plans, which reflect everything - from getting up to going to bed; children schedule everything by the hour. Gradually, we must strive to ensure that children record only the most basic events.

Also, when we start working with plans, schoolchildren often ask, who will remind me that I must do this, and even better at this time.

SMS reminder and phone call from parents,

Mobile reminder, when the mobile phone rings and reminds you that you need to do this,

Marks on the hand

Glued sticky notes in the most visible place - above the desktop, on a diary or on the refrigerator.

Memo-algorithm for drawing up a plan and working with it for a child:

1 . Think about what tomorrow's learning activities are important to complete. Maybe you have a test the day after tomorrow and need to prepare thoroughly for it, or maybe art school that you can’t forget about.

2. Ask your parents how you can help them tomorrow or, if you have fixed responsibilities around the house, remember what you have to do tomorrow. Maybe your beloved grandmother is coming tomorrow, and before her arrival you urgently need to clean the apartment or help your mother bake a cake. Remember the rule “Eat a frog every day,” and then your useful deeds will not accumulate and be postponed until better times.

3. Think about what you would like to do in your free time. Maybe you want to finish gluing your favorite car model or finish reading a book?

4. Think about the order in which you will carry out your planned activities tomorrow.. Remember that you must have time to relax, study, and help your family. But still, every day there are the most important activities that you will do at the very beginning. For example, if you have a test scheduled at school, it is clear that after a short rest, even near the TV, you will begin preparing for the test, and will not stay watching TV until the evening

5. Take a diary and write down what you plan to do tomorrow in the order in which it will happen.Indicate the approximate time you are going to do this. Don't forget that your plan must include:

  • Educational matters,
  • Useful things - help around the house
  • Free time.

However, remember that you cannot plan every minute - you need to leave time in the plan for unforeseen matters that may arise. Place an exclamation point (!!!) around particularly important matters.

6. After you have completed the planned task, mark the completion in the plan. If you completed what you planned during the day, put “+”; if you didn’t, put “-”

7. In the evening, devote 5 minutes to your plan. Look what you did and what you didn't. It is clear that unforeseen circumstances may arise, but the main important things must be completed...

Answer a number of questions for yourself:

  • Did I do everything I planned?
  • What did I fail to do? Why?
  • Failed to complete tasks from the category of important or from the “Rest” block? Or both...
  • Think about how you can improve the situation with unfulfilled tasks (especially important ones). HINT – make them in the evening if possible, or definitely the next day.

8. After you think about the completed and unfinished tasks, make a plan for the new day, including those tasks that you did not have time to complete.

The busy time of finals and entrance exams is coming and I bet you have no desire to prepare for them. And the sun that has finally come out is not conducive to cramming. How can you resist the temptation to enjoy the first rays of spring? But there’s nowhere to go. There is too much at stake to waste precious time. We’ll talk about how to use your time wisely and get everything done - to study, to relax, and to meet with friends - in this article.

Time management

Why do you need to learn to manage time?

Very soon, from an orderly life, subordinate to the school schedule, the schedule of clubs, sections and parental control, you will move into an independent life, where responsibility for how to manage your time will fall entirely on your shoulders. And, believe me, it’s not so easy to fit all the necessary things into 24 hours in such a way that at least 8 of them can be spent on sleep. Moreover, at the university the schedule is not as structured and clear as at school. Pairs may start and end at different times and the teaching loads are very high.

The older we get, the more things there are in our diary, the faster time flies and, as a rule, there is always not enough of it. That is why adults came up with such a time management technique as time management. It is important to realize that this is not just a set of rules and techniques that must be followed, it is a lifestyle.

If you are wondering what you want to achieve in life, who you want to be in 10 years and realize that your goal is success, You can’t do without proper time management. Now. At that stage when your whole life is ahead of you and you can learn to live it wisely.

Basic rules of time management

Before moving on to considering individual techniques used in time management, let’s look at certain rules, without which competent time planning is impossible.

1. Analyze throughout the day how your time is spent. This, on the one hand, will allow you to learn to “feel” it, on the other hand, it will help you understand how much time is spent and on what.

2. Plan on paper! All tasks that are not written down in a notebook or diary will most likely be forgotten and will never be implemented simply because you forget about them. The same applies to keeping a school diary. It teaches you how to organize things, clearly demonstrates your plans for the week and your to-do list for the day. Its only disadvantage is that it only applies to school time, so for a more complete picture of the day you need an additional diary.

3. The to-do list for tomorrow should not contain more than 10-12 items. And one of them must be dedicated to making a to-do list for the next day.

4. Set a goal goals for the day, week, month, year, 10 years and reach them!

5. In order to visualize things clearly, use colorful stickers. By assigning each type of task its own color, you will be able to more easily navigate priorities and analyze time costs.

6. Before you start doing your homework, make yourself a detailed to-do list. If it's a big, complex task, break it down into subtasks. Make sure that the seemingly scary task is divided into points, each of which is a small, uncomplicated, feasible step on the way to realizing what was planned.

7.Cross off completed tasks. This will not only bring you a sense of moral satisfaction, but will also clearly show how close the ending is.

8. Control the achievement of your goal. Constantly analyze how close you are to your dream, what you have done for this, and what remains to be accomplished.

9.Set your priorities. In order to understand where to start, you need to highlight the most important and urgent matters and begin to implement your plans from them.

10. Install applications on your smartphone, with which you can not only make a to-do list, but also set a reminder about them. They won't let you forget about important things.

11. Rest is also important! And preferably in the fresh air. Changing physical and mental activities will help you switch gears, tune in to the positive and gain strength.

12. Don't put things off until later! At some point you will realize that this snowball can no longer be stopped. And so that he doesn’t crush you, do things on time. This is exactly the case when the situation is easier to prevent.

We will talk more specifically about time management techniques in the next article.

“Comrade, remember a simple rule:

you work while sitting“Rest while standing!”

V.V. Mayakovsky

Hello, dear readers, guests, friends. Today we will start a conversation with you about a very important thing - time management. This topic occupies the hearts and thoughts of every mother on maternity leave, but today we will remember this miracle science as part of our work with our younger schoolchildren. So, why was this topic born? Because I have a second-grader growing up, because I often receive letters on how to make sure that: (further is your choice)

  • the child did his homework on time
  • the child managed to do something
  • the child was not late
  • the child did not do the project on the last night before it was due

And also because I love time management and manage everything! (just kidding, I don’t get everything done, but I’m close to it 😉)

Well, enough digressions, let's get to the point. What is our task? It’s about teaching our younger students how to handle and manage their time at a basic level, teaching them how to plan!

Since I love diagrams, I will draw, is it possible?

Let's see what steps we should teach a child when introducing time management.

As you can see from the diagram, we must go through motivation, planning and control, like steps. Only this way and only in this order.

Let's start with motivation, perhaps the most difficult part of all.

Why do I need to study? Why should I do my homework? Who do I owe?

But it’s true, why do we always say we should do it? To whom do I owe it? To the teacher? Parents? When I went to school, my mother told me: “You need education, we got our education. If you want to study, you will, if you don’t want to, we won’t be able to force you.” That's all! No one did homework with me (well, only once, I asked for help, regretted my decision and stopped asking, and that was in grade 7). Dasha went to my school with the same parting words, but she is not me, and I am not my parents. Therefore, the situations are different and Dasha sometimes asks for help, and I help, but she asks extremely rarely, more often it is connected with clarifying the wording of the task (they are really written clumsily sometimes).

So, we must convey to the child that he needs this. Just the other day I read a story from a mother who teaches her son at home. She described how she motivated him. For several months he did not want to do anything, absolutely, and she did not touch him. Then she noticed how he was corresponding with someone and casually noticed that literacy was important in this matter. And he began to ask how this or that word was spelled, and with small steps they learned the rules of the Russian language. Conclusion: the boy understood why he needed them!

Another example, a child wanted to buy a tablet for himself. The question is how much pocket money he needs to save to buy a tablet, taking into account the fact that sometimes he wants to buy something for little things. Need math!

The examples are simple, but that’s what kids need, visual ones! It’s just better not to poke their noses at these examples, like kittens who made a puddle in the hallway, but to tell stories from life (I knew a boy, I had a friend and she, etc., etc.). Do you understand?

You need to learn, because without knowledge you are nothing! Because then you will be a janitor! By the way, I often hear exactly this. But is being a janitor a bad profession? Isn’t the person who makes our city cleaner worthy of respect? This is a digression, but what I mean is, don’t point professions at your child as if they are terrible! There is a wonderful, amazing writer, I love her very much, I love her book, I love her blog, I read her notes, and now she, having a prestigious job, honor and respect, worked part-time as a cleaner in a pharmacy. Because she was interested! Because she decided so, because she liked it! Because all professions are needed. “Every mother is needed, all mothers are important!”

So let's get back to motivation. I can’t find it for your child for you, you have to find this key yourself, find the bear that holds the chest, catch the hare and watch out for the drake, and then the key is not far away!

The main thing is to show the child in the images available to him why he needs to study, why it is important to do his homework. When you succeed, show him how he spends his time. This is already a mechanical process. Use timing. Get a notebook and for several days write down everything that the child does for more than 5 minutes, even if he just sat for 10 minutes, looking at one point. Have you recorded it?

Count how much time he wasted. But here you have to be careful, because for example, playing with a phone or other gadget doesn’t seem like a waste of time to him, it’s like that for you, so use your imagination (who said it would be easy?) and use figurative examples again to show him how you lived your friend Uncle Petya or Aunt Sveta, when she….

Happened? Have you broken through the wall of motivation? Shown with examples? Well done! Go ahead!

Planning! What kind of animal is this? My very favorite animal. Notebooks, notes. Girls especially should like it, but boys will also have to be trained.

We need to make a list! In it you include

  • lessons
  • mugs
  • household chores and responsibilities
  • free time

Below I showed an example of how I see (I don’t know the exact schedule of Dasha’s clubs yet, but approximately) the schedule of mandatory activities for the 2016-2017 school year.

As you can see, there is a school, there is a meal (in the morning it is included in the preparations, I did not highlight it separately), they have remained unchanged for many years. Even if we are on the road or visiting or at the theater, I always plan the time so that +- 40 minutes we can eat at the usual time (it is extremely rare that the schedule goes wrong, but these are isolated cases, 2 times a year is not a problem for me) . I won’t explain why this is so, this is not the topic of today’s conversation, but it is important to me!

Let's also note the circles, they have a schedule and they are important. The main thing is that they are chosen by the child. If your child doesn’t want to go to music, for example, don’t force it. It's better to quit than to force! There will be no sense in the fact that a child is implanted from above with something for which he is not ready!

I have so many examples before my eyes of those children who were forced or are being forced to walk, and if we are talking in the past tense, then the result is more than deplorable.

I changed more than 15 clubs as a child, in a year I could study in 6 different ones for a month or 2 each. But for which I am truly grateful to my parents, they didn’t force me, as soon as I said, this is not mine, they took me away and looked for a new one . And they found it! I found it myself, signed up for the club and attended it for 11 years! Without missing classes, and now I am friends with the teacher, her grandchildren play with Dasha, and we chat, looking at them and drinking tea in the fresh air. She became my mentor and friend! This is how it should be! The only way!

I had a friend who could play the piano for 5 hours, practicing a new piece of music. I was amazed, and she played. She wanted it!

And there was a boy I knew who was forced to practice martial arts, but he was far from a fighter, he dreamed of drawing, really! And so the child’s life was distorted that he still needs to be treated and treated, not only to correct his injuries, but also his psyche.

But let's get back to the schedule. The last column remains. I called it shared reading, but there is also getting ready for bed (teeth, shower and all that). This is a ritual. I read to Dasha at night, sometimes she reads to me (at her request), but this can only be canceled by something hyper-important and urgent, like my illness, for example. If I can read, I read! And I’ll keep reading until I retire! This is the best time of the day!

And now you see how much time is left, we insert it into the schedule (when I say insert, I mean the child), time for homework, time for what he chose. Even if the child chooses the time to prepare the homework later, in your opinion, do not rush to stop him, let him try. What can happen?

He will understand that he is tired and cannot do it anymore, but you remind him that he chose this time, etc. dz is his area of ​​​​responsibility (remember the motivation), then he needs to do it, but next time offer to choose a different time.

The child can include in the plan playing on the phone, for example, or watching a movie, reading a book (here, too, don’t stand with an ax over your head, otherwise you can discourage the desire).

And when the schedule is full, give him time to test. After all, this is just a sketch, it can be changed and you need to let the child understand this. It’s not scary to change, our goal is to find the best option so that the child can do everything he needs, everything he wants and so that your soul can be at peace (well, at least a little bit).

If there are more things to do than there are hours in the day or days in the week, then learn to prioritize. You can write things down in different colors and see how many of the most important things you have, how many are less important, and just what kind of entertainment (remember, there should be those too!!!)

Control. You are probably rubbing your hands, this is the moment when I will go on stage with a baton in my hands. Just kidding, but not really. Put away the baton, take a piece of paper instead and work on your schedule, and leave control over the child’s plan to him. Teach him to track the success of his implementation himself. You can’t walk hand in hand with him until retirement. Therefore, give him the necessary tools and step aside, read, watch a movie, wash the windows, you probably thought that you yourself cannot do everything. Here's your chance!

You can mark things in different ways. Highlight with a marker in different colors, cover with stickers or decals. Find your solution that is better fun and bright, so that you can smile and rejoice at the task completed.

If not everything was done in time or done, analyze why this happened. It's better to do this together. And my personal advice. Involve your child in the analysis of your failure, show him by example that you are doing the same work as he is. Look for solutions together, this will bring you closer together against a common enemy - time! And you will become a friendly team that has managed to conquer and subjugate time!

Summarize! Motivation, Planning, Control - these are the first three steps towards time management, which need to be taught not only to adults, but also to schoolchildren!

We will definitely continue this topic, I have many ideas about what to discuss, but in the meantime I’m waiting for your questions in the comments so that I know what interests you most.

Sincerely, Maria Kostyuchenko

Head of the online school “Learning by Playing”

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