Aphorisms from Woe from Wit: quotes from the main characters of Griboyedov's comedy Woe from Wit. Famous catchphrases from the comedy "Woe from Wit" by A.S.

Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov is the author of a wonderful comedy that everyone knows from school. Most of all, the catchphrases from the comedy “Woe from Wit” are remembered. While reading a work, they are perceived easily and are stored in memory for a long time. Catchphrases from the comedy “Woe from Wit” are always filled with psychologism and acute problems. A person many years after reading a comedy can remember them. This article examines quotes from “Woe from Wit” and explains their meaning.

The characters of Alexander Griboedov are probably known to everyone: Famusov, Sofya, Chatsky, Lisa, Molchalin, Skalozub, etc. Each of them has its own individual character. Chatsky stands out among others in comedy. He is the only one who wants to live by his own laws and often finds himself misunderstood by society. Most of all, Chatsky’s quotes are remembered. “Woe from Wit” is the greatest monument of Russian literature, which to this day causes numerous disputes and discussions.

“The houses are new, but the prejudices are old”

The meaning of this statement is that society often lives based on old dogmas and ideas. If decisions are made on the basis of previous beliefs, it means that to some young people they will seem blasphemous, wrong, humiliating to the individual, and not allowing her to fully express her essence. Catchphrases from the comedy “Woe from Wit,” like this one, make it possible to trace the destructive effect of the old foundations and the previous system.

Chatsky with this expression emphasizes his incomprehensibility, isolation from a world in which hypocrisy and pretense flourish.

“I’d be glad to serve, but it’s sickening to be served”

Perhaps the reader is most familiar with Chatsky’s statements. Quotes from the comedy “Woe from Wit” are replete with openness and sincerity. Chatsky expresses his own position very clearly and does not intend to hide his opinion on this or that issue. Most of all, the hero is disgusted by hypocrisy and profitable helpfulness towards seniors. At every opportunity, Chatsky gives truthful comments that can be considered the words of a truly sane person. Catchphrases from the comedy “Woe from Wit,” like this one, mark unhealthy relationships within society itself at the beginning of the 19th century, where deception, flattery, unkind glances, and discussions behind one’s back flourish.

“Where, tell us, are the fathers of the Fatherland whom we should take as models?”

Chatsky continuously searches for the truth in this world. He wants to see next to him a reliable friend, ally, responsible and honest person. Instead, he is faced with an unsightly reality that makes him completely disillusioned with people. He often observes the older generation, old enough to be his fathers, but does not find a true example to follow. The young man does not want to be like Famusov, who simply wasted his life, or anyone else from his circle. The tragedy is that no one understands Chatsky, he feels lonely and lost among this “masquerade” that society plays. This statement sounds both as a statement of fact and as a bitter regret. Perhaps other catchphrases from the comedy “Woe from Wit” do not sink into the soul as much as this one. What is actually depicted here is the irreconcilable, almost revolutionary essence of the main character himself.

"Evil tongues are worse than a gun"

These words are spoken by the character Molchalin. He gives the impression of a quiet, predictable, flexible person who is ready to please others under any circumstances. But Molchalin is not as simple as it seems. He clearly understands the benefits of his behavior and, when the opportunity arises, adapts to the changing conditions of social life. Helpful and always ready to obey, he does not notice how every day he loses himself more and more, rejects his dreams (if he ever had them), and gets lost. At the same time, Molchalin is very afraid that other people (perhaps even those around him) will at some point betray him, turn away, or in a certain way laugh at his clumsiness.

“Ranks are given by people, but people can be deceived”

Chatsky is deeply outraged by the way in which high ranks are obtained in this society. All that is required of a person is to be attentive and helpful towards his immediate superior. Attitude to work, abilities and talents, high aspirations - all this, according to his observation, has absolutely no meaning. The conclusions that the young man draws are very sad and disappointing. He simply does not know how it is possible to continue to exist freely in a society that rejects everything true and correct.

Quotes from “Woe from Wit” are filled with vivid emotionality. When you read the work for the first time, you involuntarily begin to sympathize with the main character, together with him you are amazed at the unhealthy Famus society and worry about the general outcome of events.

On the eve of the 92nd anniversary of the formation of the Spassky District, the local Duma decided to add a special Badge of Honor to the municipal award list and established the Prize of the Year in several categories. Of course, he retains the title of Honorary Citizen of the District, certificates and letters of gratitude.

In a word, a real “starfall” is expected at the celebration, because our land has not yet become depleted of workers. These are farmers, teachers, workers in science, healthcare, sports, culture and law enforcement agencies, and active social activists.

Although there is an opinion that “thank you can’t make a fur coat,” however, man does not live by bread alone! Recognition of merit, signs of attention and gratitude are no less significant capital than a bank account.

Catherine II understood this. In her “Certificate of Rights and Benefits,” the queen first mentions “eminent” citizens.

The idea was developed by Nicholas I and in 1832 he outlined the criteria for subjects who should be awarded the title of Honorary Citizen. Scientists, composers, sculptors, painters and other highly educated persons could apply for it.

At that time, honorary citizens were granted the right to ride around the city in a carriage drawn by four horses, to have country palaces and maintain factories and factories, tax breaks, the opportunity to participate in elections and avoid conscription into the army.

Honorable ones could not be flogged; they were exempt from any corporal punishment. Something like the current parliamentary immunity.

There was no mass desire to become an honorary citizen. In 1840 there were only 4,800 people in Russia. But the title was inherited, and after half a century the number of imperial honorary citizens tripled (!).

But - with a revolver and red banners, a fresh wind of change, the Revolution burst into the mustiness of tsarism. With the slogan: “Hey, those who are temporary here, get off!” The word "citizen" became common.

On October 29, 1998, the first Honorary Citizens of the Spassky District were Pavel Mikhailovich Konakh, Nikolai Andrianovich Lisitsa, Ivan Mikhailovich Adamenko, Valentina Grigorievna Voevodina, Valentina Maksimovna Sergeeva and Anna Filippovna Gubenko.

Over the years since then, the title has been awarded to 38 of our fellow countrymen. Unfortunately, almost half of them are no longer alive.

Decision No. 131 of the District Duma, adopted on March 27 of this year, was intended to replenish the “gold reserves”.

For “our own people” - do we have honor everywhere?

The first “recruit” of Honorary Citizens was to be one of the Duma deputies.

This is where the intrigue begins.

The legislative act in question comes into force from the moment of official publication. The proposal for awarding the title is submitted to the head of the district no later than February 15 of the current year. The commission's protocol with all the documents provided for each candidate (does this mean there must be several candidates?) is transferred to the administrative body responsible for preparing award documents no later than February 25. The title is awarded once a year and only to one person, and the presentation of all his regalia (certificate, breast ribbon and monetary reward in the amount of ten thousand rubles) is timed to coincide with the celebration of District Day.

Logically, this year we have already missed the mark on this matter.

But here, “the cat drives backwards”! As the Little Prince, the literary hero of a wonderful children's fairy tale by the French pilot and writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, said, “if the stars light up in the sky, it means someone needs it.”

The head of the Spassky district, Alexey Salutenkov, took advantage of his right to petition for the title to be awarded to Khachik Shaginyan, citing his more than twenty years of work in construction, participation in charity events and legislative activities.

At the same time, Alexey Yakovlevich made an inaccuracy that casts doubt on other facts. In the submission and award sheet he indicated that Khachik Anushavanovich’s education is AVERAGE, and in the petition it is clearly and clearly stated: the applicant for a high title in 1997 entered the Moscow Civil Engineering University with a degree in civil engineering and successfully graduated in 2002. So, education is HIGHER? Where is the truth? But, as it turned out, this is a mere trifle.

The commission for considering submissions for conferring the title of Honorary Citizen, awarding the District Badge of Honor and awarding the Prizes of the Year should have included three representatives of the administration, the Duma and the public.

As it turned out later at the municipal meeting, their colleagues did not consider the candidates for deputies and did not delegate such powers to them.

It came out straight from Ostap Bender: “We don’t need impostors - I will command the parade!”

Although opinions on the first candidate were divided fifty-fifty, the issue was brought to a meeting of parliamentarians.

And here I can’t help but mention one more point.

“The title “Honorary Citizen of the Spassky Municipal District” is the highest award and the highest sign of gratitude of the population of the Spassky Municipal District to a person who has made a large, generally recognized contribution to the development of the Spassky Municipal District.” This is stated in the Duma decision.

A token of gratitude from the POPULATION! It will know about the award when the fact has happened, because the candidates are discussed first by the commission, and then by the Duma. Those. There is a significant inconsistency in the decision itself.

Then what does this have to do with a GENERALLY RECOGNIZED contribution? The population has been kept away from the discussion of candidates. Yes, public organizations have the right to nominate their representative, but let’s be honest: who will have an advantage in the discussion - he or the “protégé” of the head of the district or a representative body of government?

I admit that Alexei Yakovlevich had the best intentions. Although, in such “elections” of the head of the district, when only the Duma votes for him, and not the entire district, it is important for him to have “his” people in it. Moreover, Khachik Anushavanovich is by no means an ordinary deputy: since 2016, he has been acting as speaker.

I speak so vaguely because his legitimacy as the chairman of the district Duma is still in question: not a single court has dared to determine who has the legal right to the “throne”: Natalya Neroda, elected at the first organizational meeting, or Khachik Shaginyan - after the expulsion of an oppositionist by police forces from the Duma office? At the first vote, he received the only vote! It turns out that even his fellow party members did not support the deputy secretary of the local branch of United Russia?

Personally, when reading the Duma’s decision on honorary titles and awards, a seditious thought arose: weren’t both “branches” of power accepting it for themselves?

And it brought her to mind one episode from the life of city legislators. Vice-Speaker Tatyana Trudneva asked her colleagues who had a diploma from the regional Legislative Assembly, and outlined the goal: “It is necessary that everyone has it by the end of the convocation.” After all, moral encouragement often gives quite material benefits.

For example, the title of Honorary Citizen comes with 10,000 rubles. Naturally, all expenses associated with its appropriation and the implementation of the rights of persons awarded the “highest sign of gratitude” come from the meager district budget.

Looking ahead, I will say that, for example, I was pleased with the proposal of the deputy, head of the peasant farm from the village of Sviyagino, Vladimir Tychina, to exclude the nomination of current elected officials of local government for awards and to introduce a 5-year ban for those who have resigned.

Well, how can one disagree with Vladimir Bespalov, deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Primorsky Territory:

Current politicians cannot be given or accepted titles of this kind! It is immoral!

Obviously, this is precisely the point of view that the current Commissioner for Human Rights, Valery Rozov, adheres to. When he was chairman of the Vladivostok Duma, Valery Mikhailovich decisively stopped attempts by well-wishers to petition him for the title of Honorary Citizen of the regional capital.

The brilliant and noble Athos from the famous film “The Three Musketeers”, artist of the Taganka Theater Veniamin Smekhov, who refused the title of People’s Artist, said very accurately:

From Ecclesiastes: “A good name is worth more than a ringing suit.”

And this, apparently, was understood by Khachik Anushavanovich himself, who thanked the head of the district for his good intentions, but considered that nomination for the title of Honorary Citizen of the district was premature for him.

Passions also boiled over in connection with the presentation of the former first deputy head of the administration Lyubov Nikolaevna Gavrilenko and the communist Alexei Pavlovich Kosyak to the Badge of Honor. Nothing personal - deputy Andrei Yuryevich Rushkov (and he was supported by many colleagues) stated that “the powers of the commission are in doubt.”

The speaker agreed with him: “Yes, we overlooked something here.”

What if the Duma were, as in the famous “bearded” joke, “all our own”?! It’s good that there is opposition from the “Delo Party” and deputies independent of party predilections and especially the dictates of “EdRa”.

Olga Kupchinskaya,

Head of the Spassky branch of the regional public movement

to combat corruption in government

"Keepers of the Law"

Spassky district.

Woe from Wit - Chatsky - famous aphorisms,
famous quotes by Chatsky, catchphrases said by Chatsky:

I would be glad to serve, but being served is sickening! (look - don't get confused :)

Carriage for me, carriage!

Who are the judges?

It's barely light and you're already on your feet! And I'm at your feet.

Blessed is he who believes, he is warm in the world!

When you wander, you return home, and the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us!

The legend is fresh, but hard to believe.

Ranks are given by people, but people can be deceived.

I'm strange, but who isn't? The one who is like all fools

ABOUT! If someone penetrated people: what is worse about them? soul or language?

Fools believed it, passed it on to others, old women instantly sounded the alarm - and here is public opinion!

The houses are new, but the prejudices are old; rejoice, neither years, nor fashion, nor fires will destroy them.

Why not a husband? There is only little intelligence in him; but who lacks intelligence to have children?

When in business I’m hiding from fun, when I’m fooling around I’m fooling around, and there are a ton of experts in mixing these two crafts, I’m not one of them.

However, he will reach the well-known levels, because nowadays they love the dumb.

Listen! Lie, but know when to stop.

All old ladies are angry people

Silent people are blissful in the world!

I go to women, but not for that.

It’s a noose for me, but it’s funny for her.

Where is better? // Where we are not

What new will Moscow show me?
Yesterday there was a ball, and tomorrow there will be two.

In Russia under a great fine,
We are told to recognize everyone
Historian and geographer!

A mixture of languages ​​prevails:
French with Nizhny Novgorod?

Who are the judges? - For the antiquity of years
Their enmity towards a free life is irreconcilable,
Judgments are drawn from forgotten newspapers
The times of the Ochakovskys and the conquest of Crimea.

The women shouted: hurray!
And they threw caps into the air

Get out of Moscow! I don't go here anymore!
I’m running, I won’t look back, I’ll go looking around the world,
Where is there a corner for an offended feeling!
Carriage for me! Carriage!

Woe from Wit - Famusov - famous aphorisms,
famous quotes
Famusova , catch phrases said by Famusov:

Once evil is stopped:
Take all the books and burn them.

Bah! All familiar faces!

Anyone who is poor is not a match for you.

There is no need for another example when the example of your father is in your eyes.

Signed, off your shoulders.

Read not like a sexton, but with feeling, sense, and order.

To teach our daughters everything, everything - including dancing! and foam! and tenderness! and sigh! It’s as if we are preparing them as wives for buffoons.

Learning is the plague, learning is the reason that today there are more crazy people, deeds, and opinions than ever before.

I’m not happy!.. At my age, you can’t start squatting on me!

What does he say? and speaks as he writes!

You, young people, have nothing else to do, // How to notice girlish beauty

He fell hard, but got up great

French romances are sung to you
And the top ones bring out notes,
They flock to military people,
But because they are patriots.

To the village, to the wilderness, to Saratov!

The door is open for those invited and uninvited,
Especially from foreign ones.

When I have employees, strangers are very rare;
More and more sisters, sisters-in-law, kids

Woe from mind - Sophia - aphorisms,
famous quotes from Sophia
, catch phrases said by Sophia:

Happy hours are not observed.

You can share laughter with everyone.

Fate seemed to be protecting us,
And grief awaits around the corner...

I walked into the room and ended up in another.

He never uttered a smart word, -
I don’t care what goes into the water!

What do I need rumors? Whoever wants to, judges it that way.

Hero... Not of my novel.

I don't remember anything, don't bother me.
Memories! Like a sharp knife.

Woe from mind - Lisa - aphorisms,
Lisa quotes
, catchphrases spoken by Lisa:

.You are a spoiled person, these faces suit you!

And a golden bag, and aims to become a general.

Pass us away more than all sorrows
And lordly anger, and lordly love.

Like all Moscow people, your father is like this: he would like a son-in-law with stars and ranks.

Tell me better, why are you and the young lady modest, and the maid a rake?

A smile and a few words
And whoever is in love is ready for anything.

Sin is not a problem, rumor is not good

Woe from Wit - Molchalin - aphorisms,
Molchalin, catch phrases said by Molchalin:

Oh! Evil tongues are worse than a gun.

At my age I shouldn’t dare to have my own opinion.

Day after day, today is like yesterday.

Winged aphorisms of other heroes of Griboyedov:

Yes, an intelligent person cannot help but be a rogue (Repetilov)

Calendars all lie (old woman Khlestova)

* * *
And now all together (and a little more :)

1.Carriage for me! Carriage!
2. Silent people are blissful in the world!
3.Happy hours do not watch
4. I would be glad to serve, but being served is sickening
5. The legend is fresh, but hard to believe
6. Ranks are given by people, but people can be deceived
7.And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us!
8. The houses are new, but the prejudices are old.
9.Who are the judges?
10.Where, tell us, are the fathers of the fatherland whom we should take as models?
11.Who in Moscow did not have their mouths clamped during lunches, dinners and dances?
12. Blessed is he who believes - he has warmth in the world!
13.Evil tongues are worse than a gun
14. Pass us away more than all sorrows and lordly anger and lordly love
15.On tiptoes and not rich in words
16. And sure enough, the world began to grow stupid
17. Signed, off your shoulders!
18. We often find protection there where we don’t see it
19. At my age I should not dare to have my own judgment
20. However, he will reach the known levels, because nowadays they love the dumb
21. Like all Moscow people, your father is like this: he would like a son-in-law with stars and ranks
22. Why not a husband? He only has a little intelligence, but who lacks intelligence to have children?
23. When in business, I hide from fun, when fooling around, I’m fooling around, and there are a ton of skilled people mixing these two crafts, I’m not one of them
24. You don’t need another example when your father’s example is in your eyes
25. Nothing but mischief and the wind on your mind.
26. I’m strange, but who isn’t? The one who is like all fools.
27. Why not a husband? There is only little intelligence in him, But in order to have children, who lacked intelligence?
8.More in number, cheaper in price...
29. That's it, you are all proud!
30.And he speaks as he writes!
31. It’s a sin to laugh at old age.
32. Will we ever be resurrected from the foreign power of fashion?
33. Sin is not a problem, rumor is not good.
34.I don’t care what goes into the water.
35.Tell me to the fire: I’ll go as if for dinner.
36. To the janitor's dog, so that it is affectionate
37.Hey, tie a knot for memory
38. They found protection from court in friends, in kinship, building magnificent chambers, where they spill out in feasts and extravagance?
39. There are a multitude of skilled people, I am not one of them.
40.What new will Moscow show me? Yesterday there was a ball, and tomorrow there will be two.
41. In Russia, under a great fine, We are ordered to recognize everyone as a Historian and Geographer!
42. A mixture of languages ​​prevails: French with Nizhny Novgorod?
43. How to compare and see the present century and the past century.
44. The meanest features of the past life.
45. The fate of love is to play blind man's buff.
46. ​​I have fun when I meet funny people, and more often I get bored with them.
47.Besides honesty, there are many joys: They scold you here, and thank you there.
48. Just by chance, keep an eye on you.
49. At least let your soul go to repentance!
50.Walked into a room and ended up in another.
51. Learning is the plague, learning is the reason!
52. Just think how capricious happiness is!
53. A smile and a few words, And whoever is in love is ready for anything.

* * *
You have read quotes and aphorisms from the work “Woe from Wit” by A. S. Griboyedov, we hope that these famous phrases will benefit you and make you a little smarter(or vice versa - happier :)
Copyright: WOE FROM MIND: aphorisms quotes


20 catchphrases of Alexander Griboyedov

1. Happy hours are not observed.

2. I would be glad to serve, but being served is sickening.

3. Where is it better?.. Where we are not.

4. Who are the judges?

5. Ranks are given by people, but people can be deceived

6. I will tell you the truth about you that is worse than any lie.

7. Pass us away from all sorrows and lordly anger and lordly love.

8. I’m strange, but who isn’t?

9. A smile and a few words, and whoever is in love is ready for anything.

10. But who lacked intelligence to have children?

11. Carriage for me, carriage!

12. Listen! lie, but know when to stop.

13. Is there still a mixture of French and Nizhny Novgorod languages?

14. What new will Moscow show me? Yesterday there was a ball, and tomorrow there will be two.

15. Blessed is he who believes, he is warm in the world!

16. The fate of love is to play blind man's buff

18. Oh! If someone penetrated people: what is worse about them? soul or language?

19. And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us!

20. Ah! Evil tongues are worse than a gun.

Other articles in the literary diary:

  • 29.03.2018. ***

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