Harry Potter was not written by Rowling. "Harry Potter" by JK Rowling: amazing facts and places of worship

JK Rowling is one of the most famous writers of our time. Having given the world a series of books about Harry Potter, she instantly became popular and loved in all corners of the earth. The imagination and talent of the famous British writer created a whole world that immediately became home to millions of readers.

However, what do we know about her - about the woman who built this magical world of magic and wizardry revolving around Hogwarts school? Almost nothing. She appeared as if out of nowhere and after several years of popularity, it seems she never really got used to it. She rarely appears in public, rarely gives large interviews. But this only makes Joan’s personality even more attractive and interesting.

JK Rowling's childhood

The future legendary writer was born in a town called Chipping Sothebury, located in Gloucestershire (England). Her father, Peter James, was an engineer at the Rolls-Royce plant, and her mother, Anne Wolan, was a simple housewife. On her mother's side, the writer has French and Scottish roots.

In addition to her parents, Joan’s closest and dearest person was always her younger sister Di (Diana). It is believed that it was for her that the six-year-old writer wrote her first book - a children's fairy tale about the adventures of a rabbit named Rabbit and Miss Bee.

Joan had the opportunity to become even closer friends with her younger sister due to the frequent moves of their family. It was almost impossible to make permanent friends, and therefore the girls spent all their free time together. The Rowling sisters made friends only after moving to the town of Winterbourne. By a happy coincidence, the last name of one of them was Potter. As the writer herself admits, she always liked this surname much more than her own. Because of Rowling's last name (sounds like rolling pins), she was often teased as a "rolling pin."

The situation changed somewhat as Joan began to grow up. University friends and teachers, recalling Rowling, say that she was always an introverted and strange girl who always wore heavy eye makeup and carried books by Tolkien and Dickens with her. This is how she was when she studied at the University of Exeter, where she studied French and classical philology.

After graduating from this institution, the future writer briefly went to Paris, where she continued to improve her French. And then, returning to London, she began working as a secretary in one of the departments of Amnesty International.

Harry Potter's Mom JK Rowling

Books by JK Rowling about Harry Potter and twists and turns of fate

In 1990, J. K. Rowling left the organization she had previously worked for, along with her boyfriend, and decided to move to Manchester. Due to some problems, the train the girl was traveling on was delayed for four hours. At that moment, sitting on the frozen train, Joan finally clearly understood the concept of the novel, the idea of ​​​​which had been floating in her head for several months. As the woman recalled, it all started with the image of Harry Potter himself, which was later joined by other characters. Arriving home, she immediately began writing. Thus the first chapters were created.

Subsequent parts of the book were written in Portugal, where Joan went to teach English. Here the writer met her future husband, Jorge Arantes. The couple began dating, and soon officially legalized their relationship. In July 1993, the couple had a daughter, Jessica Isabelle. However, quiet family happiness did not work out for the Anglo-Portuguese couple. According to some biographers, Jorge often lost his temper and even beat JK Rowling. Therefore, thirteen months after the marriage was registered, the couple broke up.

The truth about JK Rowling's violent past and the source of Harry Potter's creepy episodes

In December 1993, Joan moved to Edinburgh, where her younger sister lived. At this point in her life, a protracted depression began in her life, associated with divorce, psychological trauma and lack of work. She lived on one benefit and was hiding from her ex-husband, who came to Scotland to take her daughter away from her. Ultimately, the situation was resolved only through the courts. And from that moment on, the life of the aspiring writer began to slowly improve.

In 1995, she completed her first manuscript, which was soon sent to all more or less large agencies in England. She was rejected 12 times, but eventually one of the agencies decided to publish the book. The novel was released in a limited edition, but soon began to collect a variety of awards. “Nestlé Smarties Book Prize”, “British Book Award”, “Children’s Book Award” - each of these awards strengthened Joan’s position and brought her books first popularity. Very soon, success overwhelmed her. The first book was followed by new novels. The young writer’s books sold out in millions of copies, and Joan’s royalties added several zeros in just a few years. In Great Britain, and then throughout the world, real hysteria began associated with the name Harry Potter, which only became stronger after the release of the film of the same name. IN

In 2004, JK Rowling became the first dollar billionaire to achieve such success with the help of books. For her contribution to the development of British literature, Rowling was awarded the Hugo Award, the Order of the British Empire, and also became a Knight Commander of the Legion of Honor and the owner of a huge number of other awards.

It is very noteworthy that during this period “global warming” also occurred in the writer’s personal life. In 2001, she married English anesthesiologist Neil Michael Murray. In 2003, the couple had a son, David Gordon, and in 2005, a daughter, Mackenzie Jean, to whom the book “The Half-Blood Prince” was dedicated.

JK Rowling now

In addition to the seven books that directly formed the story of Harry Potter and his friends, JK Rowling wrote and published several more novels in one way or another related to the magical world of Hogwarts. Thus, in 2001 and 2008, the books “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them”, “Quidditch from Antiquity to the Present”, “The Tales of Beedle the Bard”, “Harry Potter: Prehistory” were published, which became similar applications to novels about a young wizard. Thus, readers should have better understood the world in which this character exists.

In addition, in 2012 and 2013, two more books by the writer were published - “Casual Vacancy” and “The Cuckoo’s Calling” (not published in Russian). These novels are intended for an adult audience.

Currently, in addition to her writing, JK Rowling is actively involved in charity work.

In this collection you will find all of JK Rowling's books. The list starts from the most recent and newest books to the oldest in chronological order.


Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. Parts one and two. Special rehearsal edition of the script

A long-awaited calm is coming in the life of the famous Harry Potter. He is completely immersed in worries about his family. Next to him is his beloved wife, whom he can and should help raise three children. The guys attend school, and the father of the family knows no rest, spending all his free and non-free time at work, in the Ministry of Magic. It would seem that nothing foreshadows trouble. However, dark forces appear out of nowhere to drag Harry and his youngest son Albus into yet another adventure. Further

Fantastic beasts and where to find them. Original script

Newt Scamander does some pretty interesting things. By occupation he is a magical zoologist. He spent his entire adult life searching for unusual creatures endowed with magical powers. Returning from another trip, the researcher and traveler decides not to stay long in New York. However, fate disposes of his time differently. Some creatures are released into the wild in order to create huge problems for their owner. Further

Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald. Original script

New Readers' Choice The adventures of Newt Scamander continue, which means it's time to read the original script for the second film. In 1927, a captive Grindelwald escapes, and Newt dreams of the travel ban being lifted. However, now his task is much more difficult: he needs to find Credence, the only magician who can defeat Albus. Further


One might get the impression that Pagford is a town in which life is worthy of being imitated by residents of other towns. However, this is just an appearance. In fact, not everything is so safe and flawless in the town of dreams. The whole truth comes out after one of the local council members dies. Just before the start of the city council elections, it becomes known that the entire city is in permanent conflict. Spouses, their children, employees, as well as students and teachers conflict. Further


This is a very difficult time for Harry Potter. The guy is forced to live in constant fear for his life. All sorts of dangers constantly flash before him. This is due to the fact that the protective spell that ensured Harry’s safety has expired. As a result, he is forced to hide from Lord Voldemort and many entities that pose a danger to him. But this cannot happen indefinitely, and Potter must give a decisive battle to the evil forces. Further


Harry Potter is convinced that all is not well at the wizarding school. The fact is that after another meeting with Dumbledore, the guy notices that strange things are happening to his mentor’s hand. It becomes obvious that it has changed color and shrunk. As a result of his own investigation, the boy becomes convinced that one of the students of the magic school is a Death Eater. This circumstance forces Potter to begin preparing for the expected clash with dark forces and their representatives in order to win an undeniable victory. Further


Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Troubled times are once again coming to Hogwarts. The delicate balance between the forces of good and evil is disrupted. Harry Potter doesn't understand why Lord Voldemort is pursuing him. After all, just recently the cousin of a talented boy was attacked by his servants. Naturally, Voldemort is searching for Harry, and his arrival is only a matter of time. To get rid of the influence on the mind that the evil wizard has, Potter is forced to turn to Snape for help. The fact that the boy is not alone, but with the support of a secret magical order, inspires confidence in his victory over the dark forces. Further


Fantastic beasts and where to find them

Once again, Hogwarts is rocked by not rosy events. This time, the delicate balance between the forces of darkness and light is seriously disrupted. But students of the magic school can be confident of their victory, since they have great knowledge that can be gleaned from the book “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.” This book has become a reference manual for all school students. Further


Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

An event of grand scale is taking place at the Hogwarts magical school. The thing is that the Triwizard Tournament is being held here, which is designed to bring together many wizards so that they measure their strength. This circumstance made Harry extremely excited. But the problem is that boys who have reached a certain age can take part in the tournament. However, to Harry's surprise, he also receives an invitation to the tournament. Further


Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban

A new school year begins at the Hogwarts magical school. But the beginning of the school year is overshadowed by sad news: a dangerous repeat offender named Sirius Black escaped from a maximum security prison. The killer has a huge number of innocent victims. Harry realizes that Sirius is hunting him. And he was sent by none other than Lord Voldemort, whose servants are prowling near the school. Further


Harry Potter And The Chamber of secrets

To be fair, it should be noted that Harry Potter did not have a great summer. The time during which the guy should have had a good rest and enjoyed it was clearly wasted. And it all started with the most disgusting birthday that has ever happened in the life of the little wizard. After the guy returns to his magic school, rather gloomy predictions, authored by the elf Dobby, begin to come true. Further


Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Harry Potter could never have imagined that there was an entire professional school of magical and witchcraft arts. For the first time, the boy learns about her from those letters that with fair consistency come to the door of the house where he lives. True, these letters do not reach the boy for a long time: they are kidnapped by the boy’s uncle and aunt. But one day Potter still receives a letter inviting him to Hogwarts School of Wizardry. Further

These are all books by JK Rowling. We will continue to update the list, and be sure to stay tuned. 😉

Date of Birth: 31.07.1965

She was born on July 31, 1965 in Chipping Sodbury, Gloucestershire, England (near Bristol) to Anne and Pete Rowling. Her father worked as an engineer at the Rolls-Royce plant.

When Joan was four years old her family moved to Winterbourne, also near Bristol. Joan grew up as a dreamy child and often came up with incredible fantastic stories. She loved to read and wrote her first story when she was 6 years old - a story about a rabbit named Rabbit who had measles and his friends came to visit him with a giant bee named Miss Bee.

When she was nine, she and her family settled in Tatshiel, a small village near Chipstow in Wales. At that time, she was a quiet girl whose favorite subject was English. She loved to tell stories to her friends where they were heroes and performed brave deeds that they would not dare to do in real life.

When Joan was 15 years old, her mother was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. In her senior year, Joan decided to go to Oxford. But, despite the fact that she successfully passed the entrance exams, she never became a student at a prestigious university. In the same 1983, Joanna entered the French department at the University of Exeter in Devon at the insistence of her parents.

After graduating from university, receiving a Bachelor of Arts degree, Rowling moved to London, where she changed several jobs.

On December 30, 1990, at the age of 45, her mother died, after which Joan decided to go to Portugal to teach English. There she began writing her Harry Potter novel. Prior to this, Joan had worked on her first two novels, which she later considered a failure and never published. In Portugal, in August 1992, Joan married journalist Jorge Arantes. In 1993, their daughter Jessica was born and in the same year Joan divorced her husband and moved with her daughter to Edinburgh, Scotland.

At this time, Rowling works as a French teacher and continues to write a book about a boy wizard. It was not possible to sell the book; Rowling received many refusals until the Bloomsbury publishing house bought the book “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” for only $4,000. Rowling was soon given a grant by the Scottish Arts Council to complete the book. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone was published in June 1997 and was voted the best children's book of the year in the UK. By the summer of 2000, the first three books had sold more than 35 million copies and been translated into 35 languages.

In 1998, the film studio Warner Bros. bought the film rights to Rowling's first two Harry Potter novels. The Harry Potter series of novels has been translated into more than 60 languages, including Russian. More than 250 million copies of books have been sold worldwide.

The success of the series among readers, as well as the films based on the novels, brought Rowling worldwide fame and fortune. Since 2004, JK Rowling has been the richest woman in the UK. Forbes magazine in 2008 estimated her fortune at $1 billion.

In 2001, Joan Rowling married her friend, doctor Neil Murray. In March 2003, the couple had a son, David Gordon Rowling Murray, and in January 2005, a daughter, Mackenzie Jean Rowling Murray.

Character information:

The writer's real name is Joanna Murray Rowling, not Joanne Kathleen Rowling. Before its first publication, the publisher feared that boys would be reluctant to buy a book written by a woman. Therefore, Rowling was asked to use initials instead of her full name. At the same time, the publishing house wanted the initials to consist of two letters. Rowling chose her grandmother's name, Kathleen, for her middle initial.

In Winterbourne, he and his sister were friends with children named Potter. She says that she always liked this last name and preferred it to her own because the children always teased her about her last name, saying that it looked like rowling-rolling pins.

Rowling is actively involved in charity work. In particular, she supports the Single Parents Foundation and the Foundation for Research into Multiple Sclerosis, the disease from which her mother died.

The first Harry Potter book was written on an old typewriter.

Asteroid No. 43844, at the suggestion of Chicago astronomer Mark Hammergren, who discovered it, will be named Rowling in honor of the famous writer.

Writer's Awards

Nestlé Smarties Book Prize, 1997/1998/1999 - gold medal in the category for children aged 9-11 years.
- Children's Book Award, 1998/1999/2000/2001
- The Bookseller Author of the Year Award, 1998/1999
- Order of the British Empire, 2001
- Prince of Asturias Prize, 2003 (Spain) (Rowling Prize is not listed among the laureates on the official website of the Rowling Prize)
- British Book awards Book of the Year, 2003/2006
- Edinburgh Prize, 2008 (for contribution to the life of the city and special achievements in the field of art)
- literary prize British Book awards (Nibbie), 2008 - for outstanding achievements (London).
- Order of the Legion of Honor, 2009 - the highest award in France, which was personally presented to her by French President Nicolas Sarkozy
- , (2010) - Danish literary prize named after H. H. Andersen


Harry Potter series :
- (1997)
- (1998)
- (1999)

JK Rowling or a success story

The material was “taken away” from the site http://site/

There is hardly a person who has not heard this name at least once in his life. This British writer went down in history as the author of the most sensational children's series, about a boy wizard who lost his parents at an early age and grew up in his aunt's family. With the appearance of an owl in the house with a letter, the boy’s life changed dramatically, and his world was transformed.

A famous place of pilgrimage for Harry Potter fans is Platform 9 3/4 at King's Cross Station. Installed in honor of the writer who used it in her books as a gateway to the world of magic...

The famous “Potteriana” includes 7 books that have been awarded several prestigious awards and have sold more than 400 million copies worldwide. Thus, they became the most popular series of books, which laid the foundation for a number of films, which in turn became the highest-grossing books in the history of cinema. The film scripts were approved by the writer herself, she also controlled the entire creative process of filming and even acted as the producer of the last part.

In addition to books about a boy wizard, her pen, under the pseudonym Robert Galbert, also published books for adults “The Casual Vacancy” (2012) and a series of books about detective Cormoran Strike and his assistant Robin – “The Cuckoo’s Calling” (2013). ), The Silkworm (2014) and Career of Evil (2015).

Having learned the story of the creation of her first novel, I was shocked by the fortitude of this courageous woman, who managed to go from an unemployed person living on social benefits to a world-famous multimillionaire in five years.

The history of the creation of Harry Potter

Rowling began writing as a child. I read my fantastic stories to my sister. Her great-aunt instilled in her a thirst for knowledge and an interest in philology. I was difficult as a teenager. The mother was sick, and the relationship with the father did not work out: they did not talk. The future writer studied at the Vaidin school, where her mother was an employee of the science department. According to Rowling herself, Hermione (the know-it-all girl from the Harry Potter books) is her own caricature - the one she was at age 11, and whom, by the way, she was not particularly proud of. The character of Ron Weasley (Harry's best friend) is partly borrowed from Sean Harris, the future writer's best friend in the sixth grade. By the way, he just had a turquoise Ford Anglia car, which served as inspiration for the magic car in the books.

Rowling studied English, French and German. I passed my final exams with two excellent marks and one good mark. After failing her exams at Oxford University in 1982, she was accepted to the University of Exeter. After studying for a year in Paris, Joan graduated from Exter with a bachelor's degree in French and classical philology in 1986. Having moved to London, she received the position of secretary-translator at the research department of Amnesty International.

The idea for a novel about a boy wizard who ends up at Hogwarts School of Wizardry came to her suddenly during a train ride from Manchester to London in 1990. The train was delayed for four hours on its approach to King's Cross Station, which would later become a popular destination for tourists who read Harry Potter, where it is featured as a portal to the wizarding world. According to Joan, she herself doesn’t know where the idea of ​​creating a book came from, but it all started with the name Harry, and the rest of the characters and situations emerged by themselves. Never before had any idea captured her as much as she did that day. She didn’t have a pen at hand, and she was embarrassed to ask her fellow travelers, so she just sat and thought about the plot of her future book. Over the four hours that the train stood at the station, the thin, black-haired boy with glasses and a scar on his forehead became more and more real to her. The first few pages of The Philosopher's Stone were written that same evening, but they were still very far from the finished concept of the book.

JK Rowling (known by her pen names J.K. Rowling and Robert Galbraith) was a British novelist, screenwriter and film producer, born to Peter James Rowling, a Rolls-Royce engineer, and Anne Rowling (née Wolan). ) July 31, 1965 in Yate in Gloucestershire (England) 16 kilometers northeast of Bristol.

Her mother Anne was half French and half Scottish. Rowling's parents met in 1964 at London's King's Cross station on a train bound for Arbroath. They married on March 14, 1965.

Rowling's sister, Dianne, was born when Joan was 23 months old. When Joan was four years old, the family moved to the neighboring village of Winterbourne. Rowling attended St. Michael's Primary School, founded by abolitionist William Wilberforce and education reformer Hannah More. It has been suggested that the school's headmaster, Alfred Dunn, was the inspiration for Harry Potter's headmaster, Albus Dumbledore.[

As a child, Rowling often wrote fantasy stories, which she usually read to her sister. At the age of nine, Rowling moved to Church Cottage in the village of Tutshill (Gloucestershire), near Chepstow (Wales). When she was a teenager, her great-aunt gave her a very old edition of Jessica Mitford's autobiography. Mitford became Rowling's heroine, and she read all of her books.

Rowling attended Waideen High School, where her mother worked in the science department. In 1982 Rowling failed the entrance exams to Oxford University and entered the University of Exeter, where she graduated with a bachelor's degree in French and classical philology. After a year of study in Paris, Rowling graduated from Exeter in 1986. She listens to pop music and is keen on the singer Siouxsie, whose views she adopted for several years, and moved to London, starting work as a secretary in the research department of Amnesty International.

After leaving her job at Amnesty International in London, Rowling and her boyfriend decided to move to Manchester. In 1990 While traveling on a four-hour delayed train from Manchester to London, the idea for a novel about a boy attending a wizarding school "came fully formed" into her mind.

When she got home, she immediately began writing. In December of the same year, Rowling's mother died after ten years of multiple sclerosis. Rowling said the death had a profound impact on her novel, and she wrote more about the loss of Harry's parents in the first book because she knew the feeling.

After seeing an ad in The Guardian, Rowling moved to Porto, Portugal, to teach English. She taught in the evenings and wrote during the day while listening to Tchaikovsky's violin concerto. In Portugal, Rowling met TV journalist Jorge Arantes in a bar. They merried October 16, 1992, and they have July 27, 1993 daughter Jessica Isabel Rowling Arantes (in honor of Jessica Mitford) was born. The couple broke up November 17, 1993, 13 months and one day after the wedding. In December 1993 Rowling, with her daughter and three chapters of Harry Potter in her suitcase, moved to Edinburgh (Scotland) to be near her sister.

Seven years after graduating from university, Rowling considered herself "the biggest failure I knew." Her marriage broke up, she was unemployed and with a child in her arms. However, she later described her failure as liberating.

During this period, Rowling fell ill with clinical depression and had thoughts of suicide. It was this condition that led to the appearance of dementors in her third book - creatures that suck out the soul. Rowling began receiving social benefits. She was, she said, "as poor as you can be in modern Britain without being homeless."

Rowling was left "desperate" after her husband arrived looking for her and his daughter. She received a protection order and Arantes returned to Portugal, while Rowling in August 1994. After finishing his first novel in August 1995 She entered the pedagogical school of the University of Edinburgh, while living on benefits.

In 1995 Rowling finished her manuscript for Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, which she typed on an old typewriter. Following a rave review from Briony Ivens, a reader asked to rate the book's first three chapters, Fulham-based literary agents Christopher Little Literary Agents agreed to represent Rowling in her search for a publisher. The book was sent to twelve publishing houses, but all of them rejected the manuscript. A year later, she finally got the green light (and a £1,500 advance) from editor Barry Cunningham of London publisher Bloomsbury. Rowling's decision to publish the book apparently owes much to Alice Newton, the eight-year-old daughter of the chairman of Bloomsbury, whose father gave the first chapter to read and who immediately demanded a sequel. Cunningham said that although Bloomsbury agreed to publish the book, he advised Rowling to find a day job as she had little chance of making money from children's books. Soon after it, in 1997, Rowling received an £8,000 grant from the Scottish Arts Council to continue her writing.

In June 1997 Bloomsbury published The Philosopher's Stone with an initial print run of 1,000 copies, 500 of which were distributed to libraries. Five months later, the book won its first award, the Nestlé Smarties Book Prize. In February the novel won the British Book Award for Children's Book of the Year and later the Children's Book Award. Early 1998 In the United States, an auction was held for the rights to publish the novel, which was won by Scholastic Inc. for 105 thousand dollars. In October 1998 Scholastic published The Philosopher's Stone in the US under the title Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, reasoning that children would not want to read a book with the word "philosopher" in the title.

The sequel to the first novel, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, has been published in July 1998. Rowling again received a Smarties Award for it. In December 1999 The third novel, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, was released, which also won the Smarties Award, after which Rowling became the first person to win this award three times in a row. She later withdrew the fourth Harry Potter novel from the competition to give other books a chance. In January 2000 The Prisoner of Azkaban won the Whitbread Awards for children's book of the year, although it lost out for book of the year to Seamus Heaney's translation of Beowulf.

The fourth book, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, was released simultaneously in the UK and US July 8, 2000 and broke sales records in both countries. The book sold 372,775 copies in the UK on its first day - almost the same number of copies of the previous novel sold in its first year. In the United States, the book sold three million copies in the first 48 hours, breaking all sales records. Rowling won the British Book Awards for author of the year.

Three years passed between the release of Goblet of Fire and the fifth novel, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. During this hiatus, the press published rumors that Rowling was experiencing writer's block, which she vehemently denied. Rowling later admitted that writing this book required a lot of effort from her.

The sixth book, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, has been released July 16, 2005. It also broke all sales records, selling nine million copies in the first 24 hours. In 2006 The Half-Blood Prince won the British Book Awards for Book of the Year.

At the end of December 2006 The title of the seventh and final Harry Potter book has been announced: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows has been released July 21, 2007 and broke its predecessor's record as the fastest-selling book of all time. It sold 11 million copies in the UK and US on its first day.

In June 2011, Rowling announced that all Harry Potter-related content would be collected in a new web project, Pottermore. The project website provides 18 thousand words of additional information about the characters, places and objects of the Harry Potter universe. In April 2012 After the launch of the site, Rowling confirmed that she had begun work on an encyclopedia about the Harry Potter universe and would donate all royalties to charity. She later noted that she enjoys sharing new Potter information for free on Pottermore and has no plans to publish it as a book. IN 2014 Rowling published several fragments of her future book, “The Story of the Quidditch World Cup,” on her website. The first came out in March, the second in July.

In 2016, 9 years after the release of the seventh book, the series received an unexpected continuation in the form of a two-part play, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, which begins immediately after the epilogue of The Deathly Hallows. The play was produced in the West End and was written by playwright Jack Thorne, but with creative input from Rowling. In parallel with the premiere, a book with the script appeared in bookstores, which was officially recognized as the eighth part of the series. The play received very positive reviews from fans and critics and subsequently won a record 9 Laurence Olivier Awards (with a record 11 nominations), including Best New Play and Best Actor.

December 26, 2001 Rowling married anesthesiologist Neil Michael Murray (born 30 June 1971). The private ceremony took place at Killiechassie House in Scotland. This was the second marriage for both Rowling and Murray. March 24, 2003 They had a son, David Gordon Rowling Murray. Shortly after Rowling began writing Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, she took a break to care for her child. Rowling's youngest daughter, Mackenzie Jean Rowling Murray, to whom she dedicated Half-Blood Prince, was born January 23, 2005. The family lives in Edinburgh near writers Iain Rankin, Alexander McCall Smith and Kate Atkinson.

In 2000 Rowling created the Volant Charitable Trust, which aims to fight poverty and social inequality. The foundation funds organizations that help children, single-parent families, and also engage in research into multiple sclerosis.

Rowling, who herself was a single mother, heads the charity Gingerbread (formerly known as One Parent Families), having previously been the organization's first ambassador since 2000. Rowling collaborated with Sarah Brown to write a book of children's stories to raise funds for One Parent Families.

In 2005 Rowling and MEP Emma Nicholson founded the Children’s High Level Group (now Lumos).

Rowling financially supported research and treatment for multiple sclerosis, which her mother suffered from until her death in 1990. In 2006 Rowling donated a significant sum to establish the new Center for Regenerative Medicine at the University of Edinburgh, later renamed the Anne Rowling Clinic for Regenerative Neuroscience. In 2010 In 2018, she donated another £10 million to the clinic.


Harry Potter series:
"Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" ( 1997 )
"Harry Potter And The Chamber of secrets" ( 1998 )
"Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban" ( 1999 )
"Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" ( 2000 )
"Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" ( 2003 )
"Harry Potter and Half Blood Prince" ( 2005 )
"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" ( 2007 )
"Harry Potter and the Cursed Child" ( 2016 )

Supplements to the Harry Potter series:
"Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" ( 2001 )
"Quidditch from Antiquity to the Present Day" ( 2001 )
"Tales of Beedle the Bard" ( 2008 )
"Harry Potter: The Backstory" ( 2008 )
"Hogwarts: An Incomplete and Unreliable Guide" ( 2016 )
"Short Stories from Hogwarts about Power, Politics and Pesky Poltergeists" ( 2016 )
"Short Stories from Hogwarts of Heroism, Hardship and Dangerous Hobbies" ( 2016 )

Film scripts:
"Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" ( 2016 )
Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald ( 2018 )

Books for adults:
"Random Vacancy" ( 2012 )
Cormoran Strike series
"The Cuckoo's Calling" (under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith) ( 2013 )
"Silkworm" (under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith) ( 2014 )
"In the Service of Evil" (under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith) ( 2015 )

Very Good Lives: The Fringe Benefits of Failure and Importance of Imagination ( 2016

Keywords: Joanne Rowling, Joanne Rowling, fantasy, biography of Joanne Rowling, download a detailed biography, download for free, English literature, 20th century, early 21st century, life and work of Joanne Rowling