Improvement of territories of settlements. Improvement of settlements as an object of supervision


The topic of the test is “Principles of improvement of human settlements” in the discipline “Social Management”.

The purpose of the work is to substantiate the need to develop the theoretical foundations of the science of improvement of human settlements and its new paradigm, to outline the main methodological principles of improvement, their essence and significance for solving pressing problems of the development of social relations in new political and economic conditions; deepening the scientific foundations of the field of knowledge about improvement in terms of determining the methodological principles of its organization and practical implementation in the post-socialist economy of Ukraine.

Principles of improvement of settlements

At the present stage of transformation processes in the Ukrainian economy, the problem of improvement of settlements and territories, on which the quality of life of citizens and the formation of relationships in a transformational society directly depends, is of particular relevance. The research carried out convinces us that, from a scientific point of view, landscaping is a complex system of social relations to create and improve comfortable conditions for people’s livelihoods. However, in Ukraine, despite the constitutional right of its citizens to a safe and favorable environment, comfortable living conditions in many localities due to a number of organizational, economic, political, scientific and financial reasons are absent. Thus, in general, in Ukraine, almost 60% of streets and roads do not have artificial lighting, about 30% of the road network has hard surfaces, 78% of rural settlements have water supply, 97% have sewerage, 54% are not gasified, only about 40% of hazardous production waste is recycled and neutralized; over 16 thousand unauthorized landfills are created annually, which are environmentally hazardous and incompatible with the concept of improvement. In addition, the share of old and emergency sewer networks exceeds 34%, water pipes - 38%: which indicates an increased risk for many citizens of losing comfortable and safe living conditions.

The low level of improvement of settlements, especially in rural areas, is caused by the unsystematic nature of measures for the improvement of territories, the lack of a holistic concept for the improvement of settlements in the post-socialist period and the scientific development of this problem, a lack of understanding of its essence for the implementation of economic reforms, weak interest of politicians and business structures, insufficiently developed culture and the responsibility of communities and individuals for the state of the environment.

At the stage of formation of current social relations, the sphere of improvement of settlements and territories requires new conceptual approaches to solving problems that have accumulated throughout the entire period of reforms in Ukraine. At the same time, the new paradigm of improvement should be based on appropriate scientific support, which is formed on the basis of achievements in the theoretical understanding of the phenomena of social life.

In modern scientific developments in this area, such authors as V. Denisov, I. Polovtsev, E. Kuts and others consider landscaping primarily in the context of urban planning processes and solving practical issues of infrastructure development, which do not cover the entire range of methodological and methodological issues and do not allow the formation of a holistic system of scientific support for the improvement of human settlements in today's political and economic conditions.

Until now, scientists have not considered landscaping from the point of view of fundamental science, the methodological principles on the basis of which the concept of development of this area should be built depending on the type of economic system remain undeveloped, theoretical research is extremely limited, one-sided, narrowly professional and concerns mainly the justification of technical standards and quantitative measurement of individual elements of improvement. Therefore, the development of its scientific provisions from the point of view of general sociological, general economic and philosophical approaches is objectively necessary.

In today's conditions, the scientific foundations of improvement should develop in the direction of considering unexplored issues, rely on general economic theory, analysis of the processes and phenomena of modern real life, their assessment and understanding in the context of market transformations, information, scientific, technical and globalization processes occurring in the world and in Ukraine. Such theoretical issues include, in particular, the development of methodological principles for improvement at the present stage of the country’s socio-economic development.

The dominant principle of improvement in the socialist era was considered to be the principle of typifying projects for the improvement of settlements and planning their implementation. Without denying the positive aspects of this approach, which made it possible to solve the pressing problems of the socio-economic development of the country of that era, it is necessary to recognize that in the conditions of the formation of a market-type economy, adherence to only this principle in the management of improvement cannot ensure the necessary effectiveness and efficiency of this process. According to the studies, the preservation of previous approaches to managing the sphere of improvement in the current political and economic conditions leads to the formation and deepening of negative trends in the state of arrangement and putting in order settlements, to the destruction of the system for managing this process created in previous times without correspondingly replacing it with new ones, adequate to the market environment, approaches and mechanisms.

Landscaping is not a mechanical connection of its elements, but a complex system of interaction of many factors and relationships, which today has a new content compared to the previous era. In the formation of a qualitatively new state of social relations in the post-Soviet space, a special place belongs to landscaping, which in modern realities should be developed according to the principles that determine the strategy and tactics of activities for the improvement and putting in order of territories, the main goal of which is to create a comfortable environment for people’s livelihoods. The methodological aspect of the principles is considered as the initial theoretical prerequisite for the implementation of measures to develop and put in order settlements and territories; they indicate the objectively correct direction of the process, determine its ideology, directions and nature of the organization of improvement, and can also be evaluative criteria for such activities.

Today, the development and implementation of new methodological principles for organizing improvement means reforming the area under study based on the implementation of conceptual approaches to its functioning. The new paradigm for the improvement of settlements and territories at the present stage of the transformation processes of the post-socialist economy of Ukraine should be based, in our opinion, on the following most important methodological principles: systematicity; complexity; controllability; controllability; preservation of historical and cultural heritage, national features and identity: ensuring environmental balance and security; eliminating disproportions in the development of public amenities at a regional level; continuity.

The principle of consistency involves considering improvement activities as a complex dynamic system in which all elements are interconnected and form a certain integrity and unity. Its property cannot be represented as the sum of the properties of individual elements of the system, and each such element, in turn, must be considered as a lower-level system. Systematicity also lies in the fact that every fact of such a social phenomenon as improvement certainly has a cause-and-effect relationship with other facts of social life, and all actions and decisions entail certain consequences for the entire system. The systemic principle of organizing improvement is the understanding of improvement objects, its elements and models as functionally integral, aesthetic and harmonious systems, which allows us to perceive improvement as an integral structure, to realize the multi-aspect nature of its functions, connections and processes.

The need to adhere to the principle of consistency in the improvement process is due to the need to take into account a significant number of factors that influence each other in different ways and, ultimately, the quality of the result of this process. The principle of systematicity indicates that not a single element of improvement can undergo fundamental changes without corresponding changes in the entire system. A systematic approach allows you to avoid one-sidedness and achieve the necessary balance and consistency when making decisions. The implementation of this principle requires a high level of information support (completeness, reliability and reliability of data on all system-forming factors and elements of the object under study).

The ideology of the systems approach requires adherence to the principle of complexity, which lies in the fact that all elements of the whole system must develop comprehensively, proportionally and consistently, and the interests of all participants in the improvement must be integrated and balanced. When creating a comfortable environment for human life in unity, natural, material, technical, labor and financial resources must be used comprehensively and rationally, organizational and technical measures must be applied justifiably and purposefully, design, technological and architectural solutions, regulatory and legal acts must be developed and implemented, their compliance is monitored, etc. The principle of complexity in the analytical assessment of improvement allows not only to objectively establish development trends in the area under study, but also to choose the most optimal way to improve it, justify improvement and construction projects, and rationally use natural and other resources. It also means that improvement objects (region, city, residential area, territory of a household, a separate building) must be considered interdependently and comprehensively at all levels and stages of the process of arranging and putting the territory in order.

To achieve the predicted results of the process of improvement of settlements and territories of the country, the principle of controllability should be observed. This process should be managed at the national, regional and city levels. At the national level, the following measures should be taken: to formulate a state policy on issues of improvement (the main subject of regulation and the initiator of improving this process should be the state represented by the central executive authorities); develop regulations (primarily, the concept of improvement of settlements and territories in the conditions of a transformational economy, as well as a national program for their improvement) concerning activities in this area; coordinate the activities of central and regional executive authorities on improvement issues and ensure the implementation of national programs in this area.

Regional and local authorities should lead the process of creating a comfortable environment for people to live. Their competence should include: ensuring the implementation of state policy in the field of improvement; participation in the development and implementation of national, regional and local improvement programs; organization of landscaping works; creating safe living conditions for the population; development and approval of rules for the improvement of settlements; providing work on arrangement and putting in order the territories with financial, material, raw materials and other resources; control over the state of improvement and maintenance of territories, engineering structures and objects (their landscaping; placement of small architectural forms and objects of social, cultural and consumer services; determination of places for parking vehicles and their arrangement; establishment of schedules for external lighting and sanitary cleaning of territories, deadlines capital and current repairs of improvement facilities, etc.).

The new paradigm of improvement should be based on expanding the subjects of management of this process through numerous public organizations and associations. This means that in the sphere of improvement, instead of the previous principle of state centralized management, powers should be redistributed between the state, local governments and bodies of self-organization of the population, increasing the role of regional management and self-government, and actively involving public organizations, the media and the general population in the improvement process. In matters of improvement of settlements, self-government on the part of local authorities and bodies of self-organization of the population should dominate, as well as increasing their responsibility for the quality of the environment. Territorial communities should independently resolve issues of local importance, acting within the framework of the Constitution of Ukraine and other laws. At the same time, local initiatives must comply with the state strategy, ensure the implementation of state interests, and not contradict the interests of the community and European trends in the area under study.

In general, the Laws of Ukraine “On Local Self-Government” and “On the Improvement of Settled Settlements” define the main powers of local government bodies in the field of improvement. However, the current state of improvement of settlements and the mechanism for its organization require adjustments to the regulatory and legal field in terms of intensifying activities in this process, involving the wider population in it, introducing the principle of common concern for the development and putting in order the territory and the individual responsibility of each community member for actions that contradict norms and rules of improvement, as well as for the lack of order in the territories of populated areas.

One of the primary methodological principles of the new improvement paradigm must be considered the principle of controllability. The controllability of any process is inextricably linked with control, since it is one of the management functions. The effectiveness and efficiency of measures for the improvement of settlements and territories depend (especially at the current stage of socio-economic development) on the current system of monitoring compliance with legislation, norms and rules of improvement and the performance of duties by improvement subjects and ordinary citizens of the country. Currently, putting settlements in order requires increased responsibility on the part of both improvement subjects and ordinary citizens for violation of sanitary and hygienic requirements and standards for the provision and maintenance of the territories of settlements, the regime of use of recreational facilities, destruction of green spaces, littering of the territory, improper content of small architectural forms, etc.

In the process of improving settlements, it is important to observe the principle of preserving the historical and cultural heritage, national features and identity. The implementation of this principle ensures the restoration, preservation and maintenance of cultural monuments, architecture, landscape art, etc.

The improvement of settlements and territories must be carried out in compliance with the principle of ensuring environmental balance and safety. This means that a comfortable environment for people’s life should be achieved with the maximum possible conservation of natural resources as the main factor in the resource-ecological safety of life of present and future generations, maintaining ecological balance, ensuring adequate environmental quality, reducing anthropogenic impact on the natural environment in the process of development of the structure management of the region, compliance with priorities in the implementation of waste-free and safe production, sanitary and hygienic standards and requirements in all areas of management, implementation of measures to prevent environmental disasters. The implementation of this principle also involves a harmonious combination of elements of the natural and artificial environment.

An important methodological principle of the new improvement paradigm must be considered the elimination of disproportions in its development at the regional level. According to the analysis, the implementation of this principle is an urgent task of public administration for the socio-economic development of regions of Ukraine, which requires the uniform distribution of cultural and social facilities, housing and communal services, medical and transport services for the population. A gradual reduction in territorial differentiation of amenities should become a priority task of state regional policy. Ensuring dynamic, balanced development of regions, eliminating regional imbalances in the levels of comfort and quality of life of the population meet not only the internal needs of the state, but also the principles of EU regional policy.

In modern political and economic conditions, a new paradigm for the improvement of human settlements should also be based on the methodological principle of the continuity of this process. To achieve strategic goals, the improvement process should not be periodic. According to the analysis, one-time measures for the improvement of territories (holding spring months for improvement, days for improvement of settlements, competitions for the best settlement for improvement, etc.) are ineffective. Therefore, only measures carried out on an ongoing basis, in a planned manner, with the identification of the necessary resources and responsible executors, will increase the effectiveness of this process, the level of consciousness and culture of behavior of citizens, ensure the responsibility of legal entities and individuals for the performance of their immediate responsibilities for improvement, and constantly improve the state of arrangement and tidying up of the territories.

Thus, from a theoretical point of view, the definition of methodological principles is a necessary component of the formation and development of the scientific foundations of the field of knowledge about improvement and the foundation of a new paradigm for the improvement of territories of settlements in Ukraine, which should be developed taking into account the current state of improvement, modern political-economic conditions and social relations in the country. The arrangement and putting in order of settlements in the post-socialist period must be carried out in compliance with the systematic, comprehensive, continuity of measures, manageability and controllability of the improvement process, which will preserve the historical and cultural heritage and ecological balance, smooth out regional differences in improvement, ensure their effectiveness and will gradually bring closer the state of improvement of settlements in Ukraine to European standards

improvement life activities comfort reforming


The practical implementation of these methodological principles of arrangement and putting in order territories, the creation of an environment comfortable for the life of Ukrainians will have a positive impact on the normative regulation of this process, on understanding the deep essence of improvement and the need for its organization at a qualitatively new level, and will also increase the efficiency of managing this process and make it impossible deepening existing negative trends in this area.

The work substantiated the need to develop the theoretical foundations of the science of improvement of human settlements and its new paradigm; the main methodological principles of improvement, their essence and significance for solving pressing problems of the development of social relations in new political and economic conditions are outlined.


1. Statistical recorder of Ukraine for 2009. - K., State Statistics Committee of Ukraine. DP "Information and Analytical Agency", 2010, 566 p.; lutp://

2. Socio-economic state of Ukraine: inheritances for the people and powers. National report. (Registered by V.M. Geitsya in.). - K, NVC NBUV, 2009, 687 p.

3. Denisov V.N., Polovtsev I.II., Makarov A.I., Evdokimov V.T. Improvement of residential areas. St. Petersburg, MAPEB, 2004, 95 p.

4. Kut E.S., Kut S.V. Urbanized territories: methodology and practice of planning and management. Melitopol, Scientific Research and Design Institute of the State Budget of Ukraine, 2003, 253 p.

5. Law of Ukraine “On local self-government in Ukraine” dated May 21, 1997. No. 280/97-VR. "Videomosti of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine" No. 24, 1997, art. 170 with distant changes

6. Law of Ukraine “On the improvement of populated areas” dated June 6, 2005 p. No. 2807-IV. "Videomosti of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine" No. 49, 2005, art. 517 with distant changes.



    Local self-government in the Russian Federation is a form of exercise by the people of their power, independent and under their own responsibility decision by the population of issues of local importance based on their interests and taking into account historical and local traditions. One of the most important issues for settlements, municipal districts and urban districts is the organization of improvement of their territories.
    Issues of local importance involve directly supporting the livelihoods of the population of the municipality. The range of these issues is exhaustively defined in Art. Art. 14, 15, 16 Federal Law of October 6, 2003 “On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation.” One of them is organizing the improvement of municipal territories. This important area of ​​rule-making, directly related to the convenient and comfortable life of people, regulating the maintenance and cleaning of territories, places of mass gathering of citizens, ensuring cleanliness and order within the boundaries of populated areas, by definition requires clear and precise regulatory regulation by municipalities.
    Article 21 of the Law on the Prosecutor's Office and clause 2.2 of the Order of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation dated October 2, 2007 N 155, when exercising prosecutorial supervision, is required to immediately respond to all facts of the adoption of normative legal acts that contradict federal legislation, by applying measures of prosecutorial influence.
    As part of the implementation of the noted requirements, the Tatar environmental interdistrict prosecutor's office in the first quarter of 2010 checked the legality and validity of the Rules for the improvement of municipalities of the Republic of Tatarstan (hereinafter referred to as the Rules). As a result, numerous violations of current legislation were revealed.
    The most significant violations during the publication of the Rules were: regulation of issues not falling within the competence of local government bodies, unjustified interference in the intra-economic activities of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, including in terms of conducting inspections of business entities.
    Thus, the Rules of eight municipalities (Aznakaevo, Almetyevsk, Leninogorsk, etc.) contained a ban on the unauthorized demolition and rearrangement of trade kiosks, pavilions, garages and other household facilities. Citizens, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities were given unreasonable responsibilities for the maintenance and cleaning of territories outside the land plots owned by them or for other use, street lighting facilities, trash cans, signs, etc. It even went so far as to prohibit driving around the city in polluted vehicles.
    Thus, the requirements of Art. Art. 209 and 210 of the Civil Code, on the basis of which the owner has the right to perform any actions in relation to his property at his own discretion, with the exception of those that contradict the law and violate the rights and legally protected interests of other persons. In this case, the burden of maintaining the territory, which is in municipal ownership, must be borne by the owner. Moreover, funds from the local budget are specially allocated for the maintenance of municipal property.
    In violation of paragraph 1 of Art. 421 of the Civil Code, which guarantees the freedom to conclude a contract, the Rules for the Improvement of the City of Elabuga contained a provision imposing obligations on the heads of business entities to conclude contracts for the removal of solid household waste no later than two months before the beginning of the year. In the same Rules, in violation of Art. 10 Federal Law of December 26, 2008 “On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the exercise of state control (supervision) and municipal control”, unreasonably established additional grounds for conducting unscheduled inspections of business entities; there was no provision on the need to coordinate such inspections with prosecution authorities.
    Clause 3.3 of the Rules of the Polyansky rural settlement of the Rybno-Slobodsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan provided for the shooting of dogs on the streets and in public places of the rural settlement, although Art. 20.13 Code of Administrative Offenses generally prohibits firing weapons in populated areas.
    In addition, almost all Rules established corruption factors. The documents were replete with such wording as “in accordance with the requirements”, “without approval in the prescribed manner”, “without agreement with the authorized body”, “without obtaining the appropriate permit”, etc. Such ambiguity of the required procedures and approvals created a wide margin of discretion for the law enforcement officer, which, in turn, could lead to corruption. This was most widespread in the Rules of the city. Almetyevsk, Leninogorsk, Aznakaevo, as well as the Vysokogorsk municipal region.
    In some cases, there were gross stylistic inaccuracies. Sometimes there were errors in the numbering of paragraphs and subparagraphs. In some regulatory documents, stylistic inaccuracies made it difficult, and sometimes even impossible, to understand the meaning of the sentences being formulated.
    In total, based on the results of the inspection by the environmental prosecutor's office, 12 protests were submitted to the representative bodies of municipalities of the Republic of Tatarstan, which were satisfied in full. In some cases, when violations of the law were the most widespread, the consideration of protests was carried out with the participation of the prosecutor.
    The scope of landscaping, among other things, includes the placement of snow dumps in winter. With the onset of cold weather, the prosecutor's office always receives requests from citizens regarding the legality of placing snow dumps. Sometimes, poor coordination by municipal authorities of the locations of snow dumps leads to unpredictable consequences, and in some cases to the creation of emergency situations that can pose a threat to people’s lives and health.
    One of such appeals was received by the Tatar environmental interdistrict prosecutor’s office from residents of the village of Salmachi, Kazan. Citizens complained of a violation of Art. 42 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the right to a favorable environment, expressed in the systematic (more than four years) flooding of their houses during the spring melting of snow. The situation was further complicated by the fact that the village is located in a low-lying area, and the snow dump is located on a hill. In some cases, it even came to floating sofas, beds and other household items.
    In the course of studying the legality of placing a snow dump, it was found that it was operated in violation of legal requirements. The placement of snow dumps is regulated by the Rules for the improvement of the city of Kazan, approved by the decision of the Kazan City Duma of October 18, 2006 N 4-12, in accordance with clause 3.4.14 of which the locations of snow dumps are determined by the authorized body and agreed upon with the Central Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology and natural resources of the Republic of Tatarstan, Territorial Administration of Rospotrebnadzor for the Republic of Tatarstan. A similar provision is contained in clause 4.11 of SanPiN 42-128-4690-88 (sanitary rules for the maintenance of territories of populated areas). In this case, snow dumps must be equipped with access roads, lighting, utility rooms and fencing.
    Article 1 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation names as one of the principles of land use the priority of protecting human life and health, according to which, when carrying out activities for the use and protection of land, decisions must be made and activities carried out that would ensure the preservation of human life or prevent negative consequences ( harmful) effects on human health, even if this requires great expense.
    The requirements of sanitary and epidemiological legislation regarding the need to coordinate the locations of snow dumps were grossly violated by the operating organization of the snow dump in the village of Salmachi - LLC Ainur and Co. Having been agreed with the Central Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan, the snow dump was not fenced; no measures were taken to coordinate it with the Territorial Administration of Rospotrebnadzor for the Republic of Tatarstan. In relation to the LLC (as a legal entity) and its director (as an official), the environmental prosecutor's office in connection with the violation of the Rules for the improvement of urban districts initiated administrative proceedings under Part 1 of Art. 3.6 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Tajikistan. The total amount of the imposed penalty was 30 thousand rubles.
    Article 1065 of the Civil Code states that the danger of causing harm in the future may become the basis for a claim to prohibit an activity that creates such a danger. Taking this into account, a statement of claim was sent to the court against Ainur and Co LLC to prohibit the activities of importing and storing snow at a snow dump in the village of Salmachi until the violations are eliminated. In order to secure the claim, since the snow dump was overcrowded and each additional delivery of snow created a real threat to local residents, simultaneously with the claim, an application for interim measures was submitted to the court in the form of prohibiting the defendant from carrying out the activities of importing and storing snow at the snow dump until acceptance court decision on the merits. The court granted the application to secure the claim, which made it possible to significantly reduce the volume of snow delivered to the landfill. When considering the claim on the merits, the demands of the prosecutor's office were satisfied in full.
    A comprehensive analysis of the legality of placing snow dumps on the territory of the city of Kazan showed that out of 13 authorized snow dumps, only 3 were approved by Rospotrebnadzor authorities. In other words, we can conclude that in most cases it was impossible to say with confidence that proper safety of snow dumps was ensured for citizens .
    Based on the results of the inspections, information letters were sent to the city district prosecutors of the Republic of Tatarstan about the practice of prosecutorial supervision in the field of improvement of settlements. The city's executive committee was informed about the state of legality in the operation of snow dumps in Kazan.
    The results of the audit were covered in the media and caused widespread public outcry. An indicator of the effectiveness of the work is the incoming positive feedback from citizens who are grateful for the protection of their violated rights and legitimate interests by the prosecutor’s office.

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Improvement of populated areas

a set of works and activities carried out to create healthy, comfortable and cultural living conditions for the population in cities, urban-type settlements, rural settlements, resorts and places of public recreation. B. n. m. covers some of the issues united by the concept of “urban planning”, and characterizes, first of all, the level of engineering equipment of the territory of populated areas, the sanitary and hygienic condition of their air basins (See Air basin) , reservoirs and soil. B. n. m. includes work on engineering preparation (See Engineering preparation) of the territory; road construction; development of urban transport; construction of head structures and laying of utility networks for water supply, sewerage, energy supply, etc.; individual measures for landscaping, improving the microclimate, improving the health and protection of air, open water bodies and soil from pollution, sanitary cleaning, reducing urban noise levels, reducing the possibility of street injuries, etc.

Pre-revolutionary Russia had an extremely low level of biological science. m. For example, in terms of water supply, it occupied one of the last places in Europe, sewerage systems were available in only 18 cities, and there were no central heating systems at all. During the years of Soviet power, great successes have been achieved in the field of biosciences. m. The state allocates significant capital investments for this purpose. High degree of B. science. m. is due to their rational planning, the integrated organization of industrial and residential areas, the system of city and district centers that define networks of public and cultural institutions and create the most favorable conditions for work, life, social activities and recreation of the population (see Urban Planning). Big role in B. science. m. belongs to public utilities (See Public utilities) , which ensures the uninterrupted operation of utility networks and enterprises (city boiler houses, thermal power plants, gas substations, gas plants, waste processing plants, etc.), urban transport, public utility institutions (baths, laundries, consumer service plants, etc.), carries out the most appropriate operation of residential and public buildings, sports facilities, parks, etc.

In the Soviet Union, improvement activities are determined by master plans for urban development (See Master Plan). For new cities and newly created residential areas of old cities, the choice of territory that meets the basic urban planning requirements is of particular importance. Solving problems of B. n. m. is significantly facilitated if the selected territory contains forests and reservoirs preserved for the construction of parks and recreation areas, there are no wetlands, ravines, landslides, etc. Unfavorable terrain features can be eliminated by methods of engineering preparation of the territory, including the installation of drainages, embankment, bedding and soil alluvium, vertical layout, drainage of surface atmospheric water, etc. During the reconstruction of cities (See City reconstruction), the work on their improvement includes: strengthening the banks of urban reservoirs (see Bank protection structures) , construction of embankments ( rice. 1 ), traffic junctions and tunnels ( rice. 2 , 3 ), improved road surfaces ( rice. 4 ), laying underground communications ( rice. 5 ) and etc.

To improve the environment, it is planned to gradually remove industrial enterprises that emit harmful emissions from residential areas, as well as change their technological processes, seal equipment and introduce effective neutralization devices; Thermal power plants and boiler houses are being converted from multi-ash fuel to gas, tall, effectively dispersing chimneys are being built, etc. Newly built industrial enterprises, railways. stations and units, thermal power plants are located at distances determined by current sanitary standards, their construction is carried out according to technological schemes that ensure the maximum degree of waste recycling to prevent pollution of the atmospheric air with harmful impurities and water bodies with untreated wastewater. Of great importance for industrial areas are the landscaping of the territory of industrial enterprises, the organization of safe, convenient and high-speed transport from place of residence to place of work, the creation of a parking system for public and individual transport, etc. Examples of a high culture of improvement of places of work are the territories of the Dnieper Hydroelectric Power Station named after V.I. Lenin ( rice. 6 ), the Volzhskaya Hydroelectric Power Station named after the 22nd Congress of the CPSU, the Likhachev and Kalibr plants in Moscow, the metallurgical plant in Rustavi, the Zaporizhstal plant and many others. etc.

In residential areas, the territories of Microdistrict ov are being comprehensively improved , where, along with the construction of buildings for cultural and social purposes, landscaping is carried out, pedestrian paths, car passages are laid, playgrounds and sports grounds are arranged ( rice. 7 , 8 ). A successful example of comprehensive planning, development and improvement is the new residential area Žirmunai in Vilnius. Much attention is paid to the improvement of citywide (township, rural) and other public centers. With the increase in the intensity of urban traffic, the scale of work to improve streets, improve the surfaces and cross-section of city roads, construct underground passages for pedestrians, and illuminate streets, squares, embankments, gardens, parks, and public gardens throughout the entire populated area increases.

Great importance for B. science. m. has municipal energy, including district heating, electricity and gas supply. The rational organization of heating, electrical and gas networks, communal boiler houses, electrical substations, and city gas plants is one of the significant factors in increasing the level of biotechnology. m. and improving their sanitary condition. A promising direction in biosciences. m. - use of electricity for heating and cooking. In populated areas located in the hot climatic regions of the USSR, centralized heat, cold and electricity supplies are being introduced, as well as air conditioning in public and residential buildings.

An important part of improvement is the sanitary cleaning of populated areas (collection of garbage and waste, their recycling and destruction, maintaining cleanliness in the urban area, rational use of the fleet of municipal vehicles (See Municipal vehicles)).

One of the significant issues of Soviet urban planning, the solution of which is closely related to increasing the level of economic development. m., - landscaping of cities and towns. The system of green spaces, along with its architectural and artistic significance, contributes to the improvement of the living conditions of the population (improves the microclimate of a populated area, reduces the level of urban noise, performs windproof and snowproof functions, and is one of the most important factors in soil protection). The role of green spaces is especially important in the improvement of resort cities and areas (for example, the resort cities of Sochi, Kislovodsk, etc.). Outside the city limits, suburban and green zones are being improved (see Suburban zone), which serve for the expansion of cities, the organization of places for mass recreation of the population, and the construction of structures related to the agricultural sector. m. (water intakes, electrical substations, power lines, water and sewerage treatment facilities), as well as for the placement of green spaces that perform protective and sanitary functions.

The improvement of rural populated areas includes electrification, road work, construction of a water distribution network, landscaping, sanitary cleaning, etc., primarily in the central villages of state and collective farms, which are gradually being transformed into enlarged urban-type settlements.

Foreign urban planning practice is characterized by an extremely uneven degree of improvement of individual cities and populated areas. In the USA, for example, there are many achievements in the improvement of city roads, parking lots, national parks, recreation areas, etc.; At the same time, in some large cities (New York, etc.), the problems of improving the air quality, necessary lighting, etc. remain unresolved. In many cities of capitalist countries, along with well-maintained areas, there are often entire slum blocks, deprived of basic amenities - evidence of deep contradictions of capitalist cities, the source of which is private ownership of land and means of production.

In the USSR, modern requirements for the development of populated areas determine the increasingly large scale of their improvement. The CPSU Program states: “In the coming period, a broad program of communal construction and improvement of all cities and workers’ settlements will be implemented, which will require the completion of their electrification, gasification to the required extent, telephone installation, provision of public transport, water supply and sewerage, and a system of measures to further improve conditions life in cities and other populated areas, including their landscaping, water supply, and a decisive fight against air, soil and water pollution” (1965, p. 94).

Lit.: Fundamentals of Soviet urban planning, vol. 1-4, M., 1966-69; Stramentov A.E., Butyagin V.A., Planning and urban improvement, 2nd ed., M., 1962; Abramov N.N., Vodosnabzhenie, M., 1967; Issues of electrification of industry and everyday life, M., 1964; Nayfeld L. P., Tarasov N. A., Development of inconvenient lands for urban development, M., 1968; Bakutis V. E., Sanitary improvement of cities, M., 1956; Small forms in urban development and improvement, M., 1964.

I. M. Smolyar.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

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    A set of works and activities in order to create healthy, comfortable and aesthetically meaningful living conditions for the population in cities and mountain villages. like, sat down. population places, resorts and places of public recreation. B. n. m., which is a component... ... Big Encyclopedic Polytechnic Dictionary

    A set of measures to create healthy, comfortable and cultural living conditions for the population in populated areas (Bulgarian language; Български) improvement of the population of the place (Czech language; Čeština) technické vybavení sídel (German... ... Construction dictionary

    1) a set of works on the creation and use of green spaces in populated areas; 2) a system of green spaces in settlements. Green spaces among buildings help improve the microclimate and sanitary... ...

    A set of organizational and technical measures for the collection, transportation and disposal of waste generated in populated areas. It also includes summer and winter cleaning of streets, squares and courtyards. Garbage... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    - (planning and development of rural settlements) in the USSR, a set of measures for the reconstruction of existing villages and hamlets and the construction of new enlarged rural settlements (See Rural settlements) in a single system with cities... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Includes providing the population with good-quality cold and hot water (see Water supply), removal of liquid waste (see Sanitation, Sewerage), solid waste removal, heat supply, energy supply, engineering preparation of the territory,... ... Medical encyclopedia

    planning of rural settlements- planning of rural settlements, arrangement (or reorganization) of rural settlements, including the organization of their territory, placement of buildings, structures, plots and landscaping on it. P.S. n. items are produced according to projects... ... Agriculture. Large encyclopedic dictionary

    PLANNING OF RURAL SETTLEMENTS- arrangement (or reconstruction) of villages. populated areas, including the organization of their territory, the placement of buildings, structures, plots and landscaping on it. P.S. n. items are produced according to projects developed by specialists. project organizations based on... ... Agricultural Encyclopedic Dictionary

    IMPROVEMENT OF HUMAN AREAS- IMPROVEMENT OF HUMAN AREAS. Contents: I. Historical data. Sanit. meaning. . . 493 II. Elements and techniques of urban improvement and their development........ 497 III. Economics and legislation...... 5 09 IV. Improvement of villages... Great Medical Encyclopedia

    improvement- A set of works (on engineering preparation of the territory, construction of roads, development of communication networks and water supply, sewerage, energy supply, etc.) and measures (on clearing, draining and landscaping of the territory, improvement... ... Technical Translator's Guide

Dear clients, landscape design studio LENOTR-PARK carries out complex and individual types of work on the improvement of private landscapes, farms, cottage villages and urban infrastructure.

You can order in our studio:

  • arrangement of the road transport network;
  • installation of a functional and decorative lighting system;
  • strengthening slopes;
  • construction of stairs and retaining walls;
  • construction of reservoirs;
  • installation of MAFs.

Our business card is completed objects

LENOTR-PARK's portfolio includes hundreds of successfully completed projects. But we are especially proud of the fact that we have completely landscaped or as part of collective orders in Moscow and the Moscow region:

  • 2 golf clubs;
  • 17 private and public swimming pools;
  • 26 children's playgrounds, including: tree houses, play complexes, fairy houses and castles;
  • 20 decorative and public reservoirs. Moreover, their depth ranged from 50 cm to 9 m, and the area of ​​the water surface ranged from 5 to 1000 m2;
  • 6 plots adjacent to large office centers and shopping complexes;
  • 3 residential areas of new buildings.

What we guarantee to our customers

  1. Free consultations. The employees of the LENOTR-PARK landscape workshop provide truly free initial and subsequent advisory assistance. In many competing companies, such competent and extensive consultations are included in the estimate by default.
  2. Transparent pricing. The explanatory note to the project or the contract for the implementation of certain types of improvement work clearly and specifically outlines all the components: the cost of materials, the cost of paying employees and the costs of the special machinery and equipment used. We never include our ambitions in project costs and objectively evaluate our work.
  3. Loyalty programs. Each customer is free to choose a designer and contractor, but completing turnkey landscaping allows LENOTR-PARK to rationally distribute time and material resources, due to which the customer can save ¼ of the entire project cost.
  4. Warranty service for all work performed within 1.5-3 years.

We have already written more than once what the concept of “improvement” implies from the point of view of landscape design (not to be confused with the improvement of the territory as an object of municipal management). Let us briefly recall that landscaping in landscape design is a set of works aimed at the functional and aesthetic transformation of open space in order to create comfortable conditions for people to stay in it.

What is landscaping?

Improvement work may include the entire list below, or may be carried out partially, depending on the degree of development of the area and the goals set.

Landscaping includes:

  • formation of the relief, according to the project;
  • laying utility networks;
  • protecting the territory from flooding and flooding;
  • storm water drainage;
  • equipment of reservoirs;
  • organization of pedestrian paths and their paving;
  • area lighting;
  • placement of small architectural forms;
  • landscaping (although this is a separate service, often clients do not separate landscaping and landscaping).

When talking about landscaping, you need to understand that we can talk about a variety of options. These can be private cottages, summer cottages, estates of suburban houses, family estates, as well as public areas - parks, squares, courtyards of city high-rise buildings, courtyards of children's and educational institutions, adjacent territories to special institutions (hospitals, rest homes, palaces of culture ) etc.

It is easier to complete a landscaping application when it comes to creating a completely new facility on undeveloped land, when all activities are developed comprehensively at the landscape design stage. There are significantly fewer restrictions in this development of events. However, such options rarely occur, except during the construction of objects outside the city (rest homes, tourist centers, forest parks, beaches, etc.). More often it is necessary to improve areas located among residential areas, surrounded by transport interchanges and infrastructure facilities.

Features of improvement of local and general purpose areas

In the article we looked at the features of landscaping private plots. Their distinguishing feature is isolation. A person protects his territory from prying eyes with a fence/hedge/wall and creates his own space, his own world, in his own image and spirit.

With open areas that are part of the complex spatial organization of entire urban areas, or that have their own specifics (kindergarten, school, sanatorium), the situation is somewhat different. If only because such territories are places of mass visits by citizens. In their organization, questions of functionality and safety play a central role.

Factors influencing the development of a territory improvement project:

  • functional purpose;
  • location of engineering and communication networks;
  • area and configuration of the territory;
  • insolation factor;
  • category of road network objects located near the desired territory;
  • style of environment, presence of historical monuments.

The main requirements for the improvement of public areas:

  • openness to visual perception;
  • possibility of unhindered movement;
  • stylistic correspondence of landscaping elements with the environment;
  • high degree of security.

Photo gallery of landscaping works

Types of public areas subject to improvement

Improved areas within a populated area include all specialized and multifunctional zones, as well as centers of local or general importance.

Improvement facilities located within populated areas include:

  • parks, squares, boulevards, alleys;
  • recreation areas, water parks;
  • territories of preschool children's institutions;
  • territories of school institutions (palaces of creativity, summer camps, general education, music, sports schools, etc.);
  • territories adjacent to healthcare facilities (clinics, hospitals, sanatoriums);
  • green areas at industrial enterprises and administrative buildings;
  • territories of rest houses, boarding houses;
  • sports facilities – halls, grounds, stadiums;
  • local areas, playgrounds, etc.

In short, wherever a person lives or stays, improvement work is carried out. Each object has its own specifics. As a rule, the requirements and norms for the improvement of territories of different categories are clearly stated in numerous SNIPs, GOSTs and other documents of industry, state and local importance, which the work performers are obliged to adhere to.

The LE-PARK company takes a responsible approach to the improvement of urban areas, because we, like all citizens, love our city and make efforts to make it even more beautiful. Each object we complete is original and unique, each object adds an additional touch to the beautiful appearance of the capital.

Approved by resolution


“Improvement of settlements in Dorokhovskoye, Ruzsky

Ensuring cleanliness and order, creating comfortable living conditions for the population.

Improving the system of comprehensive improvement of the municipality.

Intensification of work to modernize the street systems of populated areas.

Tasks of the municipal

Modernization of outdoor lighting systems, formation of the light environment of settlements in the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye. Carrying out work to restore and replace individual worn-out elements of structures with more durable and energy-efficient ones.

Ensuring an increase in the level of external improvement and sanitary maintenance of the territory, coordinating actions for the effective and sustainable functioning of improvement facilities.

Improving the system of comprehensive improvement of the municipality, creating an effective system for regulating improvement activities.

Municipal coordinator

Customer municipal

Ruzsky municipal district

Implementation deadlines
municipal program

List of subroutines

“Street lighting”, “Other landscaping”, “Yard areas”

Sources of financing
municipal program
including by year:

Expenses (thousand rubles)

Budget funds
rural settlement Dorokhovskoye

Other sources

Planned results
implementation of municipal

As a result of the implementation of the program, the following will be ensured:

Increasing the share of illumination of the streets of the settlement;

increasing the level of satisfaction of the population with the level of amenities; increasing the level of amenities in the territory of the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye;

improving the sanitary and environmental condition of the settlement;
high-quality maintenance of territories and improvement facilities; protecting the population from the negative impact of stray animals;

development of infrastructure, implementation of comprehensive landscaping of courtyard areas.

General characteristics and justification for the need to implement the program

The concept for the development of the Moscow region, and the settlement in particular, implies comprehensive improvement - carrying out activities aimed at creating favorable living conditions, work and leisure for the population of the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye, carried out by individuals and legal entities.

In connection with pressing problems in the field of improvement, it is necessary to improve the system of improvement work. A targeted approach is necessary to solving the problems of improvement of the settlement, since without a coherent, comprehensive system of improvement of the municipality it is impossible to achieve significant results in providing comfortable conditions for the activities and recreation of the residents of the settlement.

Determining the prospects for improvement of the settlement will allow for the concentration of funds to solve the assigned problems. The problem of improvement is one of the priorities, requiring systematic attention and effective solutions.

The use of a program method, including interconnected socio-economic, production, organizational, economic and other activities, will effectively ensure the implementation of program goals, increase the level of improvement and sanitary condition of the settlement territory, and comfortable living of the settlement residents.

When developing the program, the following were taken into account:

Law of the Moscow Region dated January 1, 2001 N191/2014-OZ “On improvement in the Moscow Region”,

Requirements of current regulatory legal acts of the Moscow region.

To determine the set of measures subject to programmatic decision, an analysis of the existing situation in the comprehensive improvement of the municipality was carried out. The analysis was carried out according to three indicators, based on the results of which the goals, objectives and directions of activity in the implementation of the program were formulated.

2. Duration of the program

The program is expected to be implemented during 2017.

3.Characteristics of events

The characteristics of the activities are given in the lists of activities of the Program subprograms. Activities are grouped in accordance with the objectives of the Program by sector of activity


Passport of the subprogram “Street lighting”

Subroutine name

"Street lighting"

Purpose of the subroutine

Creating safe and favorable living conditions for citizens. Ensuring illumination of the streets of populated areas, improving the architectural appearance of populated areas at night.

Customer of the subroutine

Administration of the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye, Ruzsky municipal district

Subroutine tasks

1.Saving electricity.

2. Reducing electricity losses in outdoor lighting networks.

3. Ensuring road safety at night.

4. Bringing street lighting into compliance with the requirements for the level of outdoor lighting in public places.

Timing for implementation of the subprogram

subroutines for
years of implementation and
budget funds,
including on




Expenses (thousand rubles)

Total (thousand rubles)

Administration of the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye


Settlements budget funds

Extrabudgetary sources

Planned results
implementation of the subprogram

Providing more comfortable living conditions for the population, improving street lighting in the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye by 6%

Passport of the subprogram “Other improvement”

Subroutine name

"Other landscaping"

Purpose of the subroutine

1.Creation of comfortable living conditions for the population on the territory of the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye.

2.Improving the aesthetic appearance of territories.

3.Improving the sanitary and environmental conditions of the settlement.

4. Protection of the population from the adverse effects of stray animals.

5. Carrying out a set of measures to destroy Sosnovsky's hogweed on the territory of the settlement.

Customer of the subroutine

Administration of the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye, Ruzsky municipal district

Subroutine tasks

Creating comfortable living conditions for the population in the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye.

Timing for implementation of the subprogram

subroutines for
years of implementation and
budget funds,
including on




Expenses (thousand rubles)

Total (thousand rubles)

Administration of the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye


Federal budget funds

Budget funds of the Moscow region

Budget funds for the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye

Settlements budget funds

Extrabudgetary sources

Planned results
implementation of the subprogram

Improving the external appearance of the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye, improving the environmental situation, ensuring cleanliness and order in the settlement by 15%

Passport of the subprogram “Yard territories”

Subroutine name

"Yard territories"

Purpose of the subroutine

Improving the system of comprehensive landscaping of courtyard areas, improving the aesthetic appearance of the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye, increasing the overall level of livability of the settlement, creating comfortable living conditions.

Customer of the subroutine

Administration of the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye, Ruzsky municipal district

Subroutine tasks

1.Organization of parking spaces in courtyard areas. 2.Increasing the level of improvement of courtyard areas.

Timing for implementation of the subprogram

subroutines for
years of implementation and
budget funds,
including on




Expenses (thousand rubles)

Total (thousand rubles)

Subprogram “Yard areas”

Administration of the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye


Federal budget funds

Budget funds of the Moscow region

Budget funds for the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye

Settlements budget funds

Extrabudgetary sources

Planned results
implementation of the subprogram

Creating a comfortable living environment for the population, improving the appearance of the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye in connection with the implementation of measures for the comprehensive improvement of courtyard areas by 10%.

4.Main goals and objectives of the Program

Achieving this goal is ensured by solving the following tasks:

Intensification of work to modernize the external lighting systems of the streets of populated areas;

Increasing the level of external improvement and sanitary maintenance of the municipality;

Ensuring cleanliness and order, creating comfortable living conditions for the population.

Improving the system of comprehensive improvement of the municipality.

5. Financial support of the Program

The total amount of financing is 9169.40 thousand rubles. - funds from the budget of the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye, Ruzsky municipal district.

6. Planned results of the implementation of Program activities

The implementation of the Program activities involves achieving the following results:

Development of positive trends in creating a favorable living environment;

Increasing the degree of satisfaction of the population with the level of improvement;

Improving the technical condition of individual improvement facilities;

Improving the sanitary and environmental condition of the settlement;

Development of infrastructure, fulfillment of the target for the comprehensive improvement of courtyard areas.



“Improvement of populated areas in the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye, Ruzsky municipal district, Moscow region for 2017”

to achieve

Planned amount of funding for the solution
of this task (thousand rubles)

Quantitative and qualitative target indicators characterizing the achievement of goals and solution of problems


The planned value of the indicator for
years of implementation

other sources

Subprogram “Street lighting”

Indicator 1: Bringing street lighting in accordance with regulatory requirements

Subprogram “Other improvement”

Task 2: Creating conditions for the exercise of powers of local governments

Indicator 2: ensuring cleanliness and order in the territory of settlements

Percentage compared to previous year

Subprogram "Yard areas"

Task 3: Creating conditions for the exercise of powers of local governments

Indicator 3: implementation of measures for the comprehensive improvement of courtyard areas of settlements

Percentage compared to previous year

7. Program implementation mechanism

The implementation of activities is carried out in accordance with this Program, concluded agreements, and municipal contracts.


Event name


Calculation of necessary
financial resources
for implementation

Total financial
resources needed
for the implementation of the event, including by year (2017)

expenses arising in
result of implementation

Subprogram 1 “Street lighting”

budget of the rural settlement Dorokhovskoye

The volume of financial support is calculated for the purchase of goods, expenses for maintaining property necessary for carrying out activities

Event 1

street lighting modernization

budget of the rural settlement Dorokhovskoye

based on concluded agreements

Subprogram 2 “Other improvement”

budget of the rural settlement Dorokhovskoye

The volume of financial support is calculated on the basis of concluded contracts for the purchase of goods and the costs of maintaining property necessary for carrying out activities

Event 2

Maintaining cleanliness and order in the territory of settlements

budget of the rural settlement Dorokhovskoye

based on concluded agreements

Subroutine 3

"Yard areas"

budget of the rural settlement Dorokhovskoye

The amount of financial support is calculated on the basis of concluded contracts for the implementation of costs for the implementation of activities

Event 3

Comprehensive landscaping of courtyard areas

budget of the rural settlement Dorokhovskoye

based on concluded contracts

"Street lighting"


events, with
their timing



events in
financial year
(thousand roubles.)


for execution

Execution results

subprogram activities

Task 1: Creating conditions for the exercise of powers of local governments

Payment for consumed electricity of lamps

street lighting

Administration of the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye, Ruzsky municipal district

Federal budget funds

Budget funds of the Moscow region

Extrabudgetary sources

Budget funds for the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye

Administration of the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye, Ruzsky municipal district

Monthly payments for payment of electricity consumed by street lighting fixtures

Settlements budget funds

Event 1

Organization of street lighting

Administration of the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye, Ruzsky municipal district

Monthly payments for payment of electricity consumed by street lighting fixtures

Federal budget funds

Budget funds of the Moscow region

Extrabudgetary sources

Budget funds for the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye

Administration of the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye, Ruzsky municipal district

Monthly payments for payment of electricity consumed by street lighting fixtures

Settlements budget funds

Total for the subprogram: 5,695.0

Federal budget funds

Budget funds of the Moscow region

Extrabudgetary sources

Budget funds for the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye

Settlements budget funds


"Other landscaping"


events, with
their timing



events in
financial year
(thousand roubles.)


for execution

Execution results

subprogram activities

Task 1: Creating conditions for the exercise of powers of local governments

Increasing the level of comfort and sanitary maintenance of the municipality

Administration of the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye, Ruzsky municipal district

Federal budget funds

Budget funds of the Moscow region

Extrabudgetary sources

Budget funds for the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye

Administration of the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye, Ruzsky municipal district

5 settlements processed (85,000 m2)

Settlements budget funds

Event 1

Phytosanitary treatment of hogweed

Administration of the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye, Ruzsky municipal district

5 settlements processed (85,000 m2)

Federal budget funds

Budget funds of the Moscow region

Extrabudgetary sources

Budget funds for the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye

Administration of the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye, Ruzsky municipal district

5 settlements processed (85,000 m2)

Settlements budget funds

Event 2

Regulating the number of stray animals

Administration of the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye, Ruzsky municipal district

27 heads caught

Federal budget funds

Budget funds of the Moscow region

Extrabudgetary sources

Budget funds for the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye

Administration of the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye, Ruzsky municipal district

27 heads caught

Settlements budget funds

Event 3

purchasing “covers” for wells

Administration of the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye, Ruzsky municipal district

10 “lids” purchased

Federal budget funds

Budget funds of the Moscow region

Extrabudgetary sources

Budget funds for the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye

Administration of the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye, Ruzsky municipal district

Settlements budget funds

Settlements budget funds

Event 4

Removal of garbage from the territory of the settlement

Administration of the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye, Ruzsky municipal district

108.0 m3 exported

Federal budget funds

Budget funds of the Moscow region

Extrabudgetary sources

Budget funds for the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye

Administration of the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye, Ruzsky municipal district

108.0 m3 exported

Settlements budget funds

Total for the subprogram:

Federal budget funds

Budget funds of the Moscow region

Extrabudgetary sources

Budget funds for the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye

Settlements budget funds


"Yard areas"


events, with
their timing



events in
financial year
(thousand roubles.)


for execution

Execution results

subprogram activities

Task 1: Creating conditions for the exercise of powers of local governments

Infrastructure development, fulfillment of the target for comprehensive improvement of courtyard areas

Administration of the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye, Ruzsky municipal district

Work in progress

Federal budget funds

Budget funds of the Moscow region

Extrabudgetary sources

Budget funds for the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye

Administration of the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye, Ruzsky municipal district

Work in progress

Settlements budget funds

Total for the subprogram: 2994.8

Event 1

Repair of courtyard areas

Administration of the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye, Ruzsky municipal district

Work in progress

Federal budget funds

Budget funds of the Moscow region

Extrabudgetary sources

Budget funds for the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye

Administration of the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye, Ruzsky municipal district

Work in progress

Settlements budget funds

Total for the subprogram: 2994.8

Federal budget funds

Budget funds of the Moscow region

Extrabudgetary sources

Budget funds for the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye

Settlements budget funds

8. Program implementers

The executor of the program is the Administration of the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye, Ruza municipal district, Moscow region.

9. Coordination of program implementation.

Control over the implementation of the program is carried out by the Administration of the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye, Ruzsky municipal district, Moscow region.