The longest fountain in the world is a lunar rainbow on the Banpo Bridge, Seoul. Viewpoints under the Banpo Bridge

The longest fountain in the world (1.4 km).

Moonbow on Banpo Bridge in Seoul

Would you like to be “in the middle” of a waterfall, where water is gushing from both the right and left, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow? At first glance, this seems like an impossible and incomprehensible dream. But no matter how it is!

Well, even if you won’t be able to find yourself in the middle of a real waterfall, you can look into an artificial one. And at the same time, sit calmly on a chair and watch the falling drops of water on both sides of you. And somewhere up there, cars and buses, bicycles and trucks are humming.

This is exactly what you will feel if you visit the Banpo Bridge in Seoul and its other “half”, the Moonlight Rainbow Fountain - the longest fountain in the world.

Where is the Banpo Bridge and the Moonlight Rainbow Fountain?

This unusual place is located in the heart of the Korean Republic - in Seoul and passes through the Han River.

Although once he was not at all different from the others. Apart from a bunch of cars and streetlights, there was nothing special. Especially in such a developed city as Seoul. The appearance of an ordinary “bridge” would make an impression, perhaps, in some little-visited and forgotten corner of our Earth. But few people here accepted this as an event.

But in 2008 they decided to correct the situation and turned an ordinary bridge into an unearthly beauty bridge-fountain.

It may appear that this is somehow obstructing the passage. Absolutely not! People going about their business are on their own, and people admiring the beauty of the fountain are on their own. That is, it is comfortable for both.

Features of the Moon Rainbow fountain

Of course, it differs from the rhythmically dancing fountains of Dubai, but it is no less beautiful. It is unusual and interesting, if only because the water flows from the walls of Banpo. Thousands of jets of water rush from the bridge, and small lanterns shimmering with different shades of colors illuminate everything around and add even more mystery.

The fountain is especially beautiful at night!

Bridge 1.4 kilometers long, It has 9,380 attachments- water sprayers, which is pumped directly from the river using a powerful pump. 190 LEDs regularly change color, painting the water in bright colors - hence the name Moon Rainbow.

You can enjoy the fountain both from the banks of the river and from observation platforms. Either in the first or in the second case, there will be a lot of impressions!

Viewpoints under the Banpo Bridge

The Banpo Bridge is built in 2 tiers. On the lower one you can feel yourself inside a waterfall and see all the beauty of easily falling and shimmering water. Take a break from problems and relax. And the upper tier is the bridge itself, where there are tons of cars, buses, people. Nobody bothers anyone.

Can you imagine how pleasant it is to drive across such a bridge! You can't help but stop and watch all this action. Beauty, and that's all!

Even more beauties

The Guinness Book of Records, among others, has a unique achievement - the longest fountain in the world, which is located in Seoul. This attraction is located in the Korean city, on the Banpo Bridge. The fountain spreads out on both sides. It received the name "Moon Rainbow". This name did not appear by chance.

The total length of the fountain on both sides is one thousand one hundred and forty meters.

In the process of designing this structure, the architects planned to create only the appearance of a waterfall. From the outside, due to the play of light, the planned supply of water, and a special lighting system, a special effect is created. There is a feeling of unreality that the water is dancing, it is alive and has its own character.

Moreover, the architects also thought very carefully about creating a romantic view of the night fountain show from the park, which is located on the southern side of the Han River. Therefore, the bridge, fountain and the nearest park are gradually becoming a popular vacation spot not only for local residents, but also for tourists.

When you are at the very bottom of the bridge, where all the viewing platforms of the waterfall are located, you begin to experience sensations that are comparable to being inside the waterfall itself. Because the architectural solution was created very competently, and the playing and multi-colored water jets create an absolutely harmonious picture and the effect of presence.

Properly programmed electronics and a well-thought-out system of water pumps help with this.

Electronics fully controls the fountains and lighting. It recreates a variety of programs to enhance the visual effect. Moreover, grandiose screenings and light shows take place here both in the evening and during the day.

Banpo Bridge

The Banpo Bridge with a rainbow fountain built into it is an integral part of a long-term project aimed at developing tourism business in the southern capital. According to the strategic plan, this picturesque area, near which the Han River flows, will soon turn into the tourist center of Seoul. Therefore, the state plans to soon justify all the invested financial resources, on the one hand. On the other hand, the flow of tourists to the country has really increased recently.

Therefore, the longest fountain in the world was created in accordance with the latest fashion and technology. The bridge was equipped with a huge number of multi-colored and LED flashlights. Thanks to twenty-eight powerful pumps located at its base, about two hundred tons of water are released within one minute during the colorful and vibrant show. The water will scatter in different directions for more than forty meters.

The lighting system, made in a special way, always creates a different and original effect of water dance. The jets begin to describe various figured trajectories, repeating the beat of the music. At night, the stream must be illuminated using lamps that will periodically change their color scheme. Shows take place several times a day.

But besides this, the construction of Banpo is a unique and environmental project. The fact is that the water that is thrown out is not only returned to the river from which it was sucked, but is also filtered using a special system. This cleanses the river. Therefore, thanks to a properly organized system, there is no need to devote a lot of time to this issue in the future.

The longest fountain in the world is a unique place that is a must-see. Because the impressions from it will remain with you for the rest of your life.

It is impossible to get tired of contemplating a burning fire and flowing, running, falling water from a height. Almost every city has its own fountains or small fountains, around which citizens and tourists gather on hot days. However, there are several truly amazing fountains in the world that amaze with both their beauty and their size, height, cost and unique splendor and luxury. Below are the TOP 10 of the very best fountains in the world.

1. The longest fountain on the bridge

The Moonlight Rainbow Fountain in Seoul, South Korea was recognized as the longest fountain located on a bridge. Until 2008, the Banpo Bridge, which connected the two banks of the Han River, was no different from dozens of others. However, it turned into one of the main city attractions when the Moonlight Rainbow fountain was built on it and was even able to get into the pages of the Guinness Book of Records. The idea of ​​decorating the bridge with a huge fountain did not come to the city authorities by chance. This decision was made as part of a large-scale project to revive the attractiveness of the South Korean capital in the eyes of tourists. Today, the jets of the “Moonlight Fountain” hit both sides of the city bridge, and about 190 tons of water are released in one minute. In addition, 10,000 brightly colored llamas paint powerful water jets in all the colors of the rainbow. This fountain in Seoul is also known for the fact that it is a kind of treatment facility - water for the fountain is taken from the Han River, where it returns already purified.

2. The tallest fountain

The King Fahd Fountain in the city of Jeddah in Saudi Arabia was unanimously recognized as the tallest fountain in the world. The idea of ​​creating such a giant came to the minds of city authorities in the early 80s of the last century. The fact is that the city of Jeddah needed a main attraction, which was to be the new fountain. It was decided to make the design of this design very simple and concise - the base was a bowl in the form of a traditional incense burner, from the center of which a powerful stream of water was supposed to shoot out. The fountain was opened in 1983 and the jet flowed to a height of about 120 meters. However, this was not enough for the authorities, and the project was finalized. Two years later, the water column rose 312 meters above the stone bowl. In addition to its dizzying height, the fountain in Jeddah is also interesting because it is located directly in the sea, which is especially difficult from an engineering point of view. This fountain runs continuously and is only turned off for routine checks and due to strong winds.

3. The most expensive and largest fountain

The fountain complex in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates is considered not only the largest, but also the most expensive in the world. Dubai authorities love to surprise tourists and local residents with everything that is most striking, unusual and amazing. In 2009, the grand opening of the fountain complex, located on an artificial lake, took place. The project was worked on by a Californian company that had previously created the famous Bellagio fountain in Las Vegas. The size of the fountain complex in Dubai is equal to the area of ​​three football fields, and about 218 million US dollars (about 7.5 billion rubles) were spent on its construction. After its opening, this fountain joined the list of famous world-famous dancing fountains. Today, its repertoire includes Arabic, classical and pop music, and the fountain performs a separate dance to each of these melodies. At night, the light show is visible at a distance of 30 kilometers from the complex, and, as they say, it can be seen even from space.

4. The most international fountain

In 2004, an unusual art object was opened in Millennium Park in the American city of Chicago, which is an unusual combination of a video sculpture and a fountain. The idea of ​​the project belonged to the Catalan artist Jaume Prens, who decided to create the structure in the form of two 15-meter towers. They were to be covered with liquid crystal screens on which images of city residents would be projected. Showcasing the faces of ordinary citizens was intended to demonstrate the diversity of the city of Chicago. For this purpose, 75 religious and public organizations provided their candidates, whose photos were used for this fountain. By the way, sometimes the lips of one or another character on the screen form a tube, and a portion of water is poured onto the audience. Initially, this “Crown” fountain was considered the most controversial design in the Chicago park, but over time they got used to the unusual attraction, and even fell in love with it.

5. The most luxurious fountains

The cascade of fountains in Peterhof is called one of the most exquisite and luxurious in the whole world. This is despite the fact that the fountains are almost three centuries old. The idea to create a park with fountains belonged to Peter the Great, who, having found access to the sea, decided to build a magnificent fountain complex on the shores of the Gulf of Finland. Work on the creation of the fountain park in Peterhof lasted more than a hundred years, during which the Grand Cascade expanded to 64 fountains, 255 sculptures and many other decorative elements. However, during the Great Patriotic War, this fountain complex suffered significant damage when four of the largest and most famous sculptures disappeared: “Samson”, “Tritons”, “Volkhov” and “Neva”. Later they were restored from surviving drawings and photographs. The last global restoration of the Grand Cascade in Peterhof lasted seven years and ended in 1995.

6. Fountain built according to Feng Shui

“Basketball hoop”, “donut with legs”... The famous Singaporean fountain of wealth, listed in the Guinness Book of Records in 1998, was called by many names. Then it was recognized as the largest in the world, but later lost this title. In fact, the design of this unusual fountain is very symbolic. The four pillars symbolize the four peoples and four major religions of Singapore. The ring, which is the size of the dome of St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg, embodies the sacred Indian symbol of the Mandala and promotes peace and unity. The design of the fountain is made of bronze, since according to Chinese belief, it is the combination of bronze and water that paves the way to prosperity and success. Residents of Singapore believe that if you walk around the small fountain three times clockwise with your hand in the water, it will bring wealth and good luck. Especially for those who believe in this sign, the jets of the large fountain are turned off three times a day.

7. The most famous dancing fountain in the USA

In the most gambling and wasteful American city of Las Vegas, there is one unique and completely free attraction. At the same time, its popularity can be compared with the famous casino of the gambling capital. We are talking about the most famous dancing fountain in the USA - the Bellagio fountain, which managed to become the “star” of many TV series and films. This fountain was launched in October 1998, when a hotel-casino with the same name was opened nearby. The fountain cost the authorities 40 million US dollars (about 1.5 billion rubles), but the funds were not wasted, since this fountain was able to become a mandatory item on the program of tourists who come to watch the daily performances. The shows are performed to songs by Whitney Houston, Madonna, Elton John and classical compositions. There is also one romantic sign associated with the Bellagio fountain in Las Vegas: it is believed that if you propose to a girl near this fountain, the marriage will be happy and long.

8. The most airy fountains

Tourists come to the Japanese city of Osaka, among other things, to see the unusual fountains floating in the air and, by the way, already in their fifth decade. Japanese scientists have not yet managed to overcome the force of gravity, but the fountains indeed look suspended in the air. The idea of ​​creating such a landmark came to the mind of an American architect originally from Japan named Isama Noguchi, and the opening of the fountains was timed to coincide with the World Exhibition, which was held in Osaka in 1970. The main theme of the exhibition was progress, which is why it was necessary to create something that could capture the imagination of guests and demonstrate the achieved technological level. The secret of these floating fountains lies in the absolutely transparent support, which is hidden by powerful jets, creating the illusion that the structure is supported by water pressure. Despite the fact that these fountains in Osaka were built more than four decades ago, they still look very modern and impressive today.

9. The most poisonous fountain

Looking at a small fountain hidden under protective glass in the Joan Miró Foundation Museum in Barcelona, ​​Spain, it is difficult to understand why it is so unusual. In fact, this fountain is unique of its kind. The fact is that instead of water, mercury flows through the fountain - the only metal that remains liquid at room temperature. This poisonous fountain was designed by the American sculptor Alexander Calder, who received an order from the Spanish government. The fountain was opened to the public during the World Exhibition held in Paris in 1937, and then moved to Barcelona. By the way, at first no precautions were taken for visitors to this wonder. Only in the 50s of the last century, when the toxicity of mercury and its vapors was proven, was the fountain enclosed in a protective sarcophagus. Today it is absolutely safe to examine it.

10. The most visited fountain

The city of Rome is often called the capital of fountains. The title of the king of fountains here is firmly entrenched in the famous Trevi Fountain, which is one of the most famous attractions of the Italian capital and the most visited fountain in the world. Its sculptural composition was created by the architect Nicola Salvi from 1732 to 1762. In fact, the fountain has existed since the times of Ancient Rome, and in the 20th century it became a real celebrity. He was featured in numerous films, and in Federico Fellini's La Dolce Vita he became a full-fledged character. There are several beliefs associated with the Trevi Fountain in Rome. For example, if a tourist throws a coin at him, he will definitely return to Rome. If you throw two coins, then a person will have a love date, three - a wedding, four - wealth, and five - separation. This is what allowed the fountain to claim the title of the most profitable in the world. The annual income to the city treasury is about 700,000 euros (about 33 million rubles).

Moon Rainbow

This year, the Guinness Book of Records added another record from Seoul. The landmark of the Korean city is the Banpo Bridge, on both sides of which there is the Moonlight Rainbow fountain. It was recognized as the longest fountain in the world. The total length of the “Moon Rainbow” is 1140 meters (exactly 570 meters along each side of the bridge).

Architects' idea

When designing this structure, the architects intended to create the appearance of a waterfall. And, indeed, from the outside, the falling jets of the fountain are very similar to it. Thanks to the play of light rays and a specific supply of water jets, a special lighting system creates the effect of “dancing water”.

Romantic view

The park, located on the southern bank of the Han River, offers a more than romantic view of the waterfall at night. Being on the lower tier of the Banpo Bridge, where the Lunar Rainbow viewing platforms are located, you can experience sensations comparable to being inside a waterfall. Electronics control the lights and fountains, recreating many programs to enhance the visual effect. Both during the day and in the evening there are grandiose light shows.

The Banpo Bridge and the rainbow fountain built into it are part of a long-term project aimed at developing the attractiveness of the southern capital for tourists from all over the world. This picturesque area, near which the Han River flows, is soon planned to be turned into the tourist Mecca of Seoul.

Bridge equipment

The bridge is equipped with ten thousand multi-colored LED lights. Powerful pumps located at the base of the bridge structure release about 200 tons of water per minute during the colorful show. Banpo is a unique project in terms of environmental standards. Water from the fountain not only returns back to the river from which it was taken, but is also filtered by a special system, thereby purifying the river.