List of roads of regional and intermunicipal importance. Classification and categories of highways

2) highways of regional or intermunicipal importance;

3) local roads;

4) private roads.

2. Depending on the type of permitted use, highways are divided into public highways and non-public highways.

3. Public roads include highways intended for the movement of vehicles of an unlimited number of persons.

4. Non-public highways include highways that are owned, possessed or used by executive bodies of state power, local administrations (executive and administrative bodies of municipalities), individuals or legal entities and used by them exclusively to meet their own needs or for state or municipal needs. Lists of non-public highways of federal, regional or intermunicipal importance are approved accordingly by authorized federal executive authorities, the highest executive body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The list of non-public highways of regional or intermunicipal importance cannot include non-public highways of federal significance and their sections. The list of non-public roads of local importance may be approved by the local government body.

5. Public highways of federal significance are the following highways:

1) connecting the capital of the Russian Federation - the city of Moscow with the capitals of neighboring states, with the administrative centers (capitals) of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

2) included in the list of international highways in accordance with international agreements of the Russian Federation.

6. Public highways of federal significance may include the following highways:

1) connecting administrative centers (capitals) of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

2) being access roads connecting public roads of federal significance, and the largest transport hubs of international importance (sea ports, river ports, airports, railway stations), as well as special objects of federal significance;

3) being access roads connecting the administrative centers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that do not have public roads connecting the corresponding administrative center of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation with the capital of the Russian Federation - the city of Moscow, and the nearest seaports, river ports, airports, railway stations.

7. The list of public roads of federal significance is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

8. The criteria for classifying public roads as public roads of regional or intermunicipal importance and the list of public roads of regional or intermunicipal importance are approved by the highest executive body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The list of public highways of regional or intermunicipal importance cannot include public highways of federal significance and their sections.

9. Public roads of local importance in urban and rural settlements are public roads within the boundaries of populated areas of the settlement, with the exception of public roads of federal, regional or intermunicipal importance, and private roads. The list of public roads of local importance in an urban settlement may be approved by the local government body of the urban settlement. The list of public roads of local significance in a rural settlement may be approved by the local government body of the municipal district, if the law of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation does not include the issue of carrying out road activities in relation to highways of local significance as one of the powers assigned to the rural settlement.

10. Public highways of local significance of a municipal district are public highways within the boundaries of the municipal district, with the exception of public highways of federal, regional or intermunicipal significance, public highways of local significance of settlements, and private highways. The list of public roads of local significance in a municipal district may be approved by the local government body of the municipal district.

(see text in the previous edition)

11. Public highways of local significance of an urban district are public highways within the boundaries of the urban district, with the exception of public highways of federal, regional or intermunicipal significance, and private highways. The list of public roads of local importance in a city district may be approved by the local government body of the city district.

12. Private public roads include roads owned by individuals or legal entities that are not equipped with devices that restrict the passage of vehicles of an unlimited number of persons. Other private roads are classified as private non-public roads.

13. Public roads, depending on the conditions of travel along them and access of vehicles to them, are divided into highways, expressways and ordinary roads.

14. Highways include roads that are not intended to serve adjacent territories and:

1) which have several carriageways along their entire length and a central dividing strip not intended for road traffic;

1. Classification of roads in accordance with Federal Law No. 257 of November 8, 2007 “On highways and road activities in the Russian Federation”:

1. 1. ADepending on their significance, motorable roads are divided into:

a) federal highways;

b) highways of regional or intermunicipal importance;

c) local roads;

d) private roads.

Highways in depending on the type of permitted use are divided into public roads and non-public roads.

To roads common use include highways intended for the movement of vehicles of an unlimited number of persons.

To roads non-public use include highways owned, in possession or in use by executive bodies of state power, local administrations (executive and administrative bodies of municipalities), individuals or legal entities and used by them exclusively to meet their own needs or for state or municipal needs.

1.2. Public highways of federal significance are the following highways:

- connecting the capital of the Russian Federation - the city of Moscow with the capitals of neighboring states, with the administrative centers (capitals) of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

— included in the list of international highways in accordance with international agreements of the Russian Federation.

1.3. Public highways of federal significance may include the following highways:

— connecting administrative centers (capitals) of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

- being access roads connecting public roads of federal significance, and major transport hubs of international importance (sea ports, river ports, airports, railway stations), as well as special facilities of federal significance;

- being access roads connecting the administrative centers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that do not have public roads connecting the corresponding administrative center of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation with the capital of the Russian Federation - the city of Moscow, and the nearest seaports, river ports, airports, railway stations.

1.4. The list of public roads of federal significance is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

1.5. Attribution criteria public roads to public roads of regional or intermunicipal importance and a list of public roads of regional or intermunicipal importance are approved the highest executive body of state power of the subject Russian Federation. The list of public highways of regional or intermunicipal importance cannot include public highways of federal significance and their sections.

1.6. Public roads of local importance of the settlement are public roads within the boundaries of populated areas, with the exception of public roads of federal, regional or intermunicipal importance, private roads. The list of public roads of local importance in a settlement may be approved by the local government body of the settlement.

1.7. Public roads of local significance of the municipal district are public roads within the boundaries of a municipal district, with the exception of public roads of federal, regional or intermunicipal importance, public roads of local significance in settlements, private roads. The list of public roads of local significance in a municipal district may be approved by the local government body of the municipal district.

1.8. Public roads of local importance of the urban district are public roads within the boundaries of the urban district, with the exception of public roads of federal, regional or intermunicipal importance, private roads. The list of public roads of local importance in a city district may be approved by the local government body of the city district.

1.9. To private roads public roads include roads owned by individuals or legal entities that are not equipped with devices that restrict the passage of vehicles of an unlimited number of persons. Other private roads are classified as private non-public roads.

1.10. Car roads public use, depending on the conditions of travel through them and access to them by vehicles, are divided into motorways, expressways and ordinary roads.

1.11. To motorways include roads that are not intended to serve adjacent territories and:

a) which have several carriageways along their entire length and a central dividing strip not intended for road traffic;

b) which do not cross other roads, as well as railways, tram tracks, bicycle and pedestrian paths at the same level;

c) access to which is possible only through intersections at different levels with other roads, provided no more than every five kilometers;

d) on the roadway or roadways on which stopping and parking of vehicles is prohibited;

e) which are equipped with special rest areas and parking areas for vehicles.

Highways classified as highways must be specifically designated as highways.

1.12. To expressways These include highways, access to which is possible only through traffic junctions or signalized intersections, on the roadway or roadways of which stopping and parking of vehicles is prohibited and which are equipped with special rest areas and parking areas for vehicles.

1.13. To regular roads include roads not specified in paragraphs 1.11 – 1.12 of this article. Conventional highways may have one or more carriageways.

2.1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 28, 2009 N 767 approved the Rules for the classification of highways in the Russian Federation and their classification into categories of highways.

2.2. Based on traffic conditions and access to them, highways are divided into the following classes:

a) highway;
b) expressway;
c) a regular road (low-speed road).

2.3. For a motorway class highway, it is established 1A category.

2.4. For a highway class “high-speed highway” 1B is installed category.

2.5. For a motor road of the “regular motor road (low-speed motor road)” class, 1B, II, III, IV and V categories.

2.6. Based on transport and operational characteristics and consumer properties, highways are divided into categories depending on:

a) the total number of lanes;
b) lane width;
c) shoulder width;
d) the presence and width of the dividing strip;
e) type of intersection with the road and access to the road.

2.7. The classification of operated highways into categories of highways is carried out in accordance with the main indicators of transport and operational characteristics and consumer properties of highways given in the appendix to this resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation (Table 1).

Table 1.

Element Options


Road class


national highway

regular road (low-speed road)

Total number of traffic lanes, pieces
Lane width, m
Curb width
(not less), m
Width of dividing strip, m
Intersection with roads

at different levels

at different levels

on the same level as highways with traffic lights no more than 5 km apart

on one level

on one level

on one level

on one level

Intersection with railways

at different levels

at different levels

at different levels

at different levels

at different levels

on one level

on one level

Road access from adjacent road on one level

not allowed

not allowed more often
than in 5 km

allowed no more than after 5 km





Maximum level of road traffic load

3. Highways depending on the estimated intensity movements according to SNiP 2.05.02 - 85 as of July 1, 2013 are divided into the following categories:

Estimated traffic intensity, given units/day.



Ordinary roads (non-express roads)

St. 2000 to 6000

St. 200 to 2000

Note: the coefficients of reduction of various vehicles to a passenger car, the value for which is taken to be 1, are indicated in GOST 2.05.02-85 as amended on July 1, 2013.

TO category:

Construction of highways

Classification of highways

A highway is a complex of structures designed for the transportation of passengers and cargo by vehicles and ensuring year-round continuous, safe and convenient movement of vehicles at designed speeds and loads. A highway includes a subgrade, pavement, bridges, tunnels, pipelines, and retaining walls. The road will be equipped with road signs, rest areas, fuel and lubricant filling stations and parking facilities.

Highways are divided into the following groups.

Roads of national importance connect the capitals of the union republics, large industrial and cultural centers, resorts of union significance, as well as the capital of the USSR with large centers of neighboring states. These roads are distinguished by the highest technical perfection.
Roads of republican significance connect the main administrative, cultural and economic centers of the union republics, territories and regions with the capital of the union republic and among themselves.


Local roads are divided into roads of regional, regional, district significance and economic or departmental roads. Departmental roads are intended for communication between collective farms, state farms, and factories. Local roads are served by individual farms and departments.
Roads and streets of populated areas are used for transport communications within the boundaries of populated areas. Some of these roads and streets may serve transit traffic.

According to the technical level, roads are divided into five categories (SNiP N-D.5-72). The classification is based on the national economic importance of highways, daily traffic intensity (Table 1) or annual traffic intensity and other indicators.

Table 1. Main technical indicators of highways

Category IV includes highways of regional or district significance, roads of local significance, access roads of the general network, industrial enterprises, large construction projects, state farms and collective farms. For access roads of industrial enterprises, where vehicles of particularly large carrying capacity and size are used, the traffic load is set at 1 million tons per year or more for category III and less than 1 million tons per year for category IV.

The width of the carriageway of streets and roads is established according to (SNiP P-60-75) depending on the traffic intensity per hour, but not less than that indicated in the table. 2. Expressways are designed for travel at a design speed of 120 km/h.

Table 2. Width of streets and roads

The capacity of one lane of the roadway is, pcs.:
Passenger cars – 600-1500;
Freight - 300-800;
Buses – 100-300;
Trolleybuses – 70-130.

The width of the carriageway of main roads is 7-15 m and provides passage for all types of transport, production - 6-7 m. The latter connect workshops and other objects with each other and with main roads. The width of the roadway of driveways and entrances is 4.5-6 m.

Highways are structures of varying lengths made from soil and other road-building materials, intended for the passage of motor vehicles and connecting cities, towns, factories, farms, etc. Road transport currently accounts for up to 75% of transported cargo. , and every year the share of road transport will increase.

Depending on their purpose, highways are divided into union, republican, regional and local. There are also on-farm, urban, industrial, and resort roads. If we look from the point of view of their design, arrangement, lighting and the duration of their use in a year, then roads can be divided into highways and local roads of constant use throughout the year, seasonal, used only in winter (ice, winter roads), and natural , suitable for travel at certain times of the year.

In the USSR, there is currently a general technical classification of highways depending on their significance and traffic intensity. According to SNiP P-D.5-72 they are divided into five categories.

Highways of industrial enterprises connect the sites of factories, mines, power plants, and quarries. The construction of these roads is included in the technological process of work at the enterprise. These roads are divided into three types: main roads, industrial roads, driveways and entrance roads.

The width of the carriageway of main roads is 7-15 m and provides passage for all types of transport, industrial - 6-7 m.

The latter connect workshops and other facilities with each other and with main roads. The width of the roadway of driveways and entrances is 4.5-6 m. They are intended for the transportation of non-essential goods.

The freight load of driveways and entrances is less than 600 thousand tons per year.

Highways, depending on their importance in the overall transport network of the USSR and the size of the average daily traffic intensity, are divided into the following five categories:
I - highways of national importance, main highways of republican importance with a traffic intensity of over 6,000 vehicles per day;
II - highways of national importance, main highways of republican importance with traffic intensity from 3,000 to 6,000 cars per day;
III - highways of republican or regional significance, connecting economic and administrative regions, industrial and cultural centers and having a traffic intensity of 1000 to 3000 vehicles per day;
IV-V - highways, which, as a rule, have local economic and administrative significance.

The traffic intensity for category IV roads ranges from 200 to 1000 vehicles per day, and for category V roads it is less than 200.

Depending on the category of the road, cars can move along it at different speeds. These speeds are calculated; they can be used to judge the main parameters of the road. The estimated speeds for vehicles on roads are: for category I - from 80 km/h in mountainous to 150 km/h in flat areas; for category II - respectively from 60 to 120 km/h, for category III - from 50 to 100 km/h, for category IV - from 40 to 80 km/h and for category V - from 30 to 60 km/h . Depending on the category of the road and the estimated speed of movement, the main parameters of the roadbed and roadway are determined.

In the USSR, the following basic parameters of the roadbed and roadway for roads of various categories have been adopted (Table 1).

Roads are built with different types of pavements and roadways. The choice of one or another type of coating and road pavement design is made based on transport and operational requirements, road category, composition and intensity of traffic, climatic conditions and the availability of local building materials.

In order to increase the economic efficiency of capital investments, road pavements and coatings are sometimes built in stages, that is, road pavements and coatings of a transitional type are built and then transferred to a higher class.

The following main types of coatings are accepted in our country:
improved capital:
a) cement concrete - monolithic and prefabricated;
b) asphalt concrete - laid in a hot and warm state; from durable crushed stone materials of selected composition, processed in mixers with viscous bitumen or tar;
c) pavements made of paving stones and mosaics on a stone or concrete base;
improved lightweight:
a) from crushed stone and gravel materials treated with organic binders;
b) from cold asphalt concrete;
c) from soil treated in a plant with viscous bitumen;
a) crushed stone made from natural stone materials and slag, as well as gravel;
b) from soils and local weak mineral materials treated with liquid organic binders;
c) pavements made of cobblestones and crushed stones;
lower coverings: soil, reinforced with various local materials.

Asphalt concrete pavements are laid from granular mixtures that provide strength, durability and sufficient shear resistance of the pavement, as well as a rough surface without surface treatment.

Cement concrete pavements are laid in areas insufficiently supplied with local stone materials, in the presence of heavy traffic, and under unfavorable soil and hydrological conditions.

Pavements made of paving stones, mosaic tiles and concrete slabs are used on sections of roads within populated areas, high embankments and other places where settlements of the subgrade are possible.

Cobblestone and mosaic pavements are laid in places with the movement of tracked vehicles.

Pavements made of cold asphalt concrete, crushed stone and gravel materials treated with organic binders (bitumen, tar, emulsions) are built with a traffic intensity of 1,500 to 3,000 cars per day.

Coverings made from soils and local weak mineral materials treated with liquid binders are installed with a traffic intensity of 500 cars per day.

To protect road pavements from destruction, a wear-resistant protective layer is made by double surface treatment. Surface treatment includes the following work: preparation of the surface to be treated, usually leveling the base; pouring of binding material performed by asphalt distributors, distribution of stone material with a layer thickness of one crushed stone, leveling of the distributed material and its compaction. For double and triple surface treatments, these operations are performed 2 or 3 times, respectively.

The territorial planning scheme for transport services in the Moscow region provides for the following measures for the development of the road network of regional and intermunicipal importance in the urban settlement:

· Construction of a regional highway “Krasnoarmeyskoe highway-Ivanteevka-Fryazino-Shchelkovo-Losino-Petrovsky-M-7 “Volga”. The construction of the road is intended to bypass the cities of Ivanteevka and Shchelkovo. On the territory of the urban settlement of Shchelkovo, the road is planned on the north-eastern side of the building. Category I road, number of lanes – 6. Length within the boundaries of the urban settlement – ​​8.42 km.

· Reconstruction of a regional highway R-110 "Shchyolkovo - Fryanovo" up to 6 lanes.

· Reconstruction of a regional highway. The road is of category II with 2 lanes. On the section running along the main streets of Shchelkovo - with 4 lanes. The length within the boundaries of the urban settlement is 6.41 km.

· Construction and reconstruction of a highway "Western bypass of Shchelkovo" from the highway A-103 "Shchelkovskoye Highway" Moscow - Shchelkovo - highway A-107 "Moscow Small Ring" to the intersection with the highway M-8 "Kholmogory" - Ivanteevka - Shchelkovo. The road is of category I with 4 lanes.

· Construction of a highway " Eastern bypass of Fryazino". The “Eastern Bypass” route (category 2 road, number of lanes – 4) runs along the eastern border of the Shchelkovo development and has access to Shchelkovskoye Highway. The length of the road within the boundaries of the settlement is 4.22 km.

· Construction of a highway "Shchelkovo - Amerevo". The length of the road is 1.54 km. The road is designed as category 4 with 2 lanes.

The planned indicators of regional roads in accordance with the project are presented in Table 4.5.2.

Table 4.5.2

Name of the road/section Construction (C) / Reconstruction (R) Length of the site within the boundaries of the settlement, km Category Number of lanes Width of right of way, m Width of the zone of planned placement of linear road transport facilities, m Type of road
Regional and intermunicipal significance
“Krasnoarmeyskoe highway-Ivanteevka-Fryazino-Losino-Petrovsky-M-7 “Volga” WITH 8,42 I expressway
M-8 "Kholmogory" -Ivanteevka-Shchelkovo R 6,41 II regular
R 6,41 MU regular
Western bypass of Shchelkovo WITH 6,82 I regular
R 1,87 I regular
Eastern bypass of Fryazino C 4,22 II regular
Shchelkovo-Amerevo WITH 1,54 IV regular
Shchelkovo-Fryanovo R 3,76 I regular

I – highway of the I technical category;

MU - main street

At the intersections of regional highways, transport interchanges at different levels are provided.

Table 4.5.3. Planned characteristics of federal transport interchanges

Interchange number Names of crossed roads Municipality Construction (C)/ Reconstruction (R)
A-103 “Shchelkovskoye Highway” Western bypass of Shchelkovo Shchelkovsky WITH
Eastern bypass of Fryazino Shchelkovsky WITH
Pushkino – Ivanteevka – Fryazino – Shchelkovo – Losino-Petrovsky – M-7 “Volga” Shchelkovo – Fryanovo Shchelkovsky WITH
Western bypass of Shchelkovo M-8 “Kholmogory” – Ivanteevka – Shchelkovo Shchelkovsky WITH
Western bypass of Shchelkovo Shchelkovo – Bolshevo Shchelkovsky WITH
Shchelkovo – Fryanovo Western bypass of Shchelkovo Shchelkovsky WITH

UDS of local importance

This draft master plan proposes the following activities for implementation at local road networks:

Construction of a section on the extension of Zavodskaya Street to A-103 “Shchelkovskoe Highway” along the Moscow-Yaroslavsky direction of the Russian Railways, this will provide access to the city highway to the federal highway, using the designed directional ramps along the existing overpass;

Construction of the site from the street. Khotovskaya to st. Factory with the installation of an overpass across the railway tracks;

Construction/reconstruction of the street on the continuation of the street. Amerevskaya to the junction with the street. Zarechnaya; this will make it possible to create a full-fledged main street that provides transport links for residential and industrial buildings in the eastern part of the city and has access to the main city network - Zavodskaya and Zarechnaya streets;

Construction of a new section of the street. Amerevskaya to Fabrichnaya Street with the construction of a bridge across the Klyazma River; its continuation in the central part of the city will be 1st Sovetsky Lane. and Parkovaya Street, which will provide a direct connection between the eastern and central parts of the city;

Construction of the section from the regional highway "Shchelkovo-Fryanovo" to the street. Polevaya, the route of this section is designed on the northern side of the city cemetery; such a solution will make it possible to create a system of regional highways, providing independent communication between the eastern and northern parts of the city, bypassing the city highway network;

Construction of a main street of regional significance from the regional highway “Zhegalovo-Solnechny” from Khotovskaya Street, bypassing the territory of the existing gas storage facility;

Construction of a main street of regional significance from Khotovskaya Street to the federal highway A-103 “Shchelkovskoe Highway”;

Construction of a section of the road network along the railway right-of-way from the projected highway “Western Bypass of Shchelkovo” to the street. 2nd Five Year Plan;

Construction and reconstruction of local sections of road networks presented on the map of the planned development of transport infrastructure of the Shchelkovo State Enterprise.

The proposed development of the local road network will require the construction of new artificial structures:

· Three road bridges across the Klyazma River:

1. a bridge over the Klyazma River, in the eastern part of the Sobolevka microdistrict, will connect Fabrichnaya Street and Amerevskaya Street, providing access to Zarechnaya Street in Shchelkovo;

2. bridge over the Klyazma river connecting st. Pushkin and the regional highway M-8 “Kholmogory” - Ivanteevka - Shchelkovo;

3. bridge over the Klyazma river connecting st. Shmidt and the regional highway M-8 “Kholmogory” - Ivanteevka - Shchelkovo;

The configuration and types of artificial structures must be determined at the stage of developing site planning projects.

The total estimated length of new construction is 15.0 km, the length of the reconstructed road network is 12.5 km.

Taking into account the proposals of the draft Scheme for Territorial Planning of Transport Services for the Moscow Region and this draft master plan for the urban settlement, the total length of public roads will be 217.4 km, including:

Table 4.5.4 The length of the public road network within the boundaries of the urban settlement of Shchelkovo.

When implementing the proposals of the STP TO MO project, the density of the public road network, in accordance with the methodology of the RNGP MO, is 2.49 km/sq. km.

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region No. 713/30 dated August 17, 2015 “On approval of urban planning standards for the Moscow Region,” the estimated density of the public road network for the urban settlement of Shchelkovo must be at least 0.47 km/sq. km.

Consequently, the design density of the public highway network will correspond to the standard indicator adopted in the urban planning standards of the Moscow region.

Railway transport

Railway communication is carried out on the Bolshevo-Monino section of the Yaroslavl direction of the Moscow Railway. Within the boundaries of the urban settlement there are the Shchelkovo, Sokolovskaya stations and the Voronok, Chkalovskaya, Gagarinskaya, Bakhchivandzhi and Tsiolkovskaya platforms. No new construction is planned on the Bolshevo-Monino section in accordance with the updated draft of the Territorial Planning Scheme for Transport Services in the Moscow Region. An increase in the volume of traffic in railway traffic is not expected. In the Moscow region, a system of transport interchange hubs is being formed on the basis of railway stations, platforms and stopping points, which provide transfer of passengers of ground passenger and individual transport to railway transport.

In accordance with the Territorial Planning Scheme for transport services of the Moscow Region, approved by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated March 25, 2016 No. 230/8, Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated March 20, 2014 No. 168/120 and the cooperation agreement between the Government of the Moscow Region and JSC TsPPES in the field of implementation of projects for the creation of transport hubs in the Moscow region with the development of the adjacent territory" dated March 19, 2014 No. 307, transport hubs (TPU) based on railway transport will be formed on the territory of the Shchelkovo State Enterprise.

Table 4.5.5. Planned transport hubs based on railway transport

No. Name of railway direction Name of the railway station Municipality Name of the settlement
Yaroslavl direction of Moscow Railways Voronok Shchelkovsky SE Shchelkovo
Yaroslavl direction of Moscow Railways Chkalovskaya Shchelkovsky SE Shchelkovo
Yaroslavl direction of Moscow Railways Shchelkovo Shchelkovsky SE Shchelkovo
Yaroslavl direction of Moscow Railways Bakhchivandzhi Shchelkovsky SE Shchelkovo
Yaroslavl direction of Moscow Railways Sokolovskaya Shchelkovsky SE Shchelkovo
Yaroslavl direction of Moscow Railways Gagarinskaya Shchelkovsky SE Shchelkovo

The scheme of freight service for the urban settlement of Shchelkovo by rail has developed and no significant changes are planned, thus the planned freight turnover will not require an increase in the capacity of the access roads.

Roads around the world are so diverse that it is customary to classify them into different categories. The construction of new roads, as well as the repair of old ones, is financed from the treasury at different levels, depending on what purpose is planned for it. But this should not have a detrimental effect on the work being carried out; all roads should be built to a high standard. After all, the comfort of citizens and the service life of vehicles directly depend on the quality of workmanship and the materials used.

Road Definition

A highway is a unique complex of engineering structures designed to ensure the safe movement of automobiles and other types of non-rail transport, as well as pedestrians in any weather. The road and related structures are located within the right of way. Vehicles move along a road strip called a carriageway. It is adjacent to curbs on both sides.

Interesting to know! The first road appeared in 1911 in the USA in Detroit on Woodward Avenue. It was a central dividing line to define traffic lanes. This was proposed by Edward N. Hines, a member of the Michigan Road Commission.

It is placed on a special subgrade, constructed in order to provide good stability and smooth out various types of relief irregularities. To prevent water falling on the road from accumulating on it, special drainage channels and flume structures are built in low areas.

If the road base is crossed by water flowing from the mountainous side, then during the construction of the road special structures are installed to allow water to pass through. If the road being laid intersects with another road or railway tracks, the roadbed is either leveled or brought to a different level relative to the object being intersected.

In the second case, special tunnels, overpasses and overpasses are installed to ensure traffic flow. If a road intersects with railway tracks, then to ensure its increased safety and capacity, it is laid at different levels with others, as well as with the railway infrastructure. When the road is not overcrowded with moving vehicles, and trains rarely move along the tracks, then their intersection at the same level with the railway crossing equipment is allowed.

Maintenance of highways, as well as their maintenance, is entrusted to the road service, which owns complexes of linear structures located in populated areas near the passing road. Trees are planted along the roadway. This protects it from being covered with snow and creating an artificial landscape near the road, and also increases the safety of vehicle movement.

In order for special structures to be erected on both sides of the road, as well as special road repair or construction work to be carried out, strips of land are allocated that belong to the road administration department. The width of such strips is adjusted depending on the category of the road surface and the design of the ground substrate.

When constructing roads, special paths are built on these lanes, which are necessary for construction work and are subsequently used as summer tractor paths. The diversion lines also have paths for pedestrians and cyclists. To ensure the normal activities of the road maintenance service, a communication line is laid along the entire length of the road.


Roads are usually classified into different types. By administrative subordination, economic and cultural significance Russian highways are divided into the following:

National highways of federal significance. They are intended for long-distance travel and connect the capitals of the republics that are part of the Russian Federation, large industrial and cultural centers and the road network of Russia with the highways of neighboring countries.

Roads of regional and regional significance, which act as a link between the center and other areas with a common road network and important arrival points and piers.

Regional roads, which connect regional centers or individual villages with each other and with railway stations, public roads and marinas.

Resort roads, which serve mainly for the movement of passenger transport between resort areas.

Driveways, connecting megacities and industrial centers with nearby areas.

Roads of cities and towns.

Roads passing through industrial enterprises, state farms, collective farms and forestry enterprises, through which on-farm transportation is carried out.

Depending on the value

According to its meaning highways are divided as follows:

Federal significance. They are the most important in Russia. These roads are owned by the Russian Federation, and their funding comes from the state treasury.

Regional or intermunicipal significance– these are roads that are owned by state entities, and their financing comes from their budgetary funds. Depending on what type they are, they are assigned a prefix P, A or K, as well as a number.

Local roads– these are road routes that are in common use and run within the boundaries of populated areas.

Private roads owned by various individuals and legal entities. They are not equipped with structures that restrict passage for different groups of people. Other private roads are not available for public use.

Depending on the type of permitted use

In this case, public and non-public roads are distinguished. The first type includes those on which all persons who wish have the right to move. The second type includes roads that are owned or used by executive state bodies, local administrations, individuals and legal entities, which are used only to meet their own, state or municipal needs.

This is interesting!The title of “Worst Road in the World” can rightfully be awarded to the road located in Lommel in Belgium. It was specially built on the territory of the Ford test center. All models of the manufacturer entering the European market are tested there.

To roads common use include the following:

Connecting Moscow with the capitals of other certain states and with other capitals of the Russian Federation.

Those included in the list of international highways in accordance with the international agreement of the Russian Federation.

TO federal highways in general use include the following:

Those that connect the capitals of the Russian republics.

They are access roads connecting federal highways of general importance and having large transport hubs along with special federal facilities.

Access roads that connect administrative centers of Russia, devoid of public roads, and unite them with Moscow, as well as the nearest ports, airports and railway stations.

Highway classes

Highways can be divided into three classes:

1. Motorway.

2. Speedway.

3. A non-high-speed highway or a regular road.

TO motorways The following roads include:

1. Throughout which there is a dividing strip running down the center.


3. Access to which is possible only through multi-level intersections, which are arranged at least every five kilometers.

Interesting to know! In America, in the state of Utah, a road runs through dry Lake Bonneville, which is not subject to the current speed limits, which are set by the state authorities at 130 km/h.

TO highways The following can be included:

1. Along which there is a multi-lane roadway, divided by a central strip.

2. Not having single-level intersections with other roads, railways and tram tracks, as well as places for pedestrians and bicycle paths.

3. Access to which is possible only through multi-level intersections, which are arranged at a frequency of at least every three kilometers.

Regular roads include all those that are not included in the two previous classes:

1. Those that have only one roadway or are separated by a central strip.

2. You can access them through multi-level and single-level junctions and intersections no more than every 600 meters for roads with categories IB, II, III, category IV - no more than 100 meters and category V - no more than 50 meters from each other.

Categories of highways

Highways are divided into several categories depending on their consumer properties and transport qualities. It depends on the following:

1. Number of lanes and their width.

2. The presence of central dividing markings.

3. Types of intersections with other roads, rail tracks and paths equipped for pedestrians and cyclists.

4. Conditions of access to the road with a connection at the same level.

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