Exception verbs. person, singular

Determining the conjugation of a verb confuses many people. Although when writing a business letter or a post on a forum, the word “conjugation” itself may not even arise in the mind. However, in order not to be considered illiterate, verb endings should be written correctly.

What is verb conjugation?

Conjugation is precisely that grammatical category of a verb, which, determining its change in persons and numbers, dictates which letter to write in its dubious ending.

There are two known conjugations of the verb: the first and second, respectively. Depending on which of them the verb refers to, the choice of the letter that must be written at the end of it occurs.

It is worth remembering that past tense verbs do not have a conjugation, since there is simply nothing to doubt.

How to determine the conjugation of a verb?

How to determine the conjugation of a verb in Russian, 5th grade will probably answer you in chorus. If, of course, the children figured it out themselves complex algorithm presented in textbooks.

So, let's figure it out.

To find out the conjugation of a verb and determine which vowel should be written at the end of it, first look at where the stress falls in the word. If the ending is stressed, then everything is immediately clear with the vowel. She stands in strong position, and there should be no doubt. Conjugation is determined by the vowel itself. So, if the vowels e, y, yu are stressed, then the verb is of the first conjugation, and if in the strong position i, a or i, then the verb is of the second conjugation. For example: sleep - ch. 2 references; carry - ch. 1 reference
All cards can be confused by the prefix you- on the verb. Usually, the emphasis always falls on it (for example, ВИГОПИТ). In this case, you need to discard the interference and consider the word without a prefix.

For example: will burn out - will burn out - burns - Ch. 2 references

If the stress does not fall on the ending of the verb, its conjugation is determined by the infinitive. For those who have forgotten: this is an indefinite form of a verb that answers the questions what to do? / what to do?. For example: verb (what does it do?) draws - infinitive (what to do?) draw. verb (what will it do?) say - infinitive (what to do?) say.
Verbs of the second conjugation are those whose infinitive ends in -it. Then in personal endings the verbs will have vowels and, a, ya. For example: trat_t - spend - rub, hod_te - walk - walk.
All other verbs can be safely classified as verbs of the first conjugation. For example: get up - get up - get up; overcome - overcome - overcome.
There are exceptions to every rule. From this too. Thus, the verbs of the second conjugation include 4 verbs in -at: drive, hold, hear, breathe - and 7 verbs in -et: look, see, depend, endure, twirl, offend, hate. For example: look - look, drive - are being driven.
And the verbs of the first conjugation include verbs in -it: shave, lay, build (i.e. be based), sway (i.e. sway, hesitate). For example: shave - shave, zizditsya - builds.

Methods of memorization

Verb conjugation is one of the most complex rules"great and mighty." And today a huge number of options for memorizing it have been invented: algorithms, comic rhymes and songs, tables. But the essence is the same: it is important to track the dependence of the letter in the unstressed personal ending of the verb on the letter in the infinitive, and also to leave 15 exception verbs in your memory, and you will determine the conjugation even before you start writing the verb.

The table will best show how to determine the conjugation of verbs in Russian. Visualization also helps to connect visual memory.

And here is a poem that helps answer the question of how to determine the conjugation of a verb in Russian:

To the second conjugation

We will take it without a doubt

All verbs that are in –it,

Excluding shaving, laying.

And also to look, to offend,

Hear, see, hate,

Drive, hold, breathe, endure,

And depend and twist.

One verb - two conjugations

The so-called heteroconjugated verbs are also known in the Russian language. These are those in which in some forms the letters of the first conjugation are used, and in others - the second. Among them are the verbs eat, want, give, run, honor, disdain.

For example: honor - honor (2 references) - honor (1 reference), want - wants (1 reference) - want (2 references).

Lesson objectives:

  • Educational:
    • training and consolidation general concepts(consolidation of previously learned);
    • pronouncing the algorithms being studied (the ability to choose and prove different ways writing unstressed endings verbs through stimulating dialogue and productive (creative) task).
  • Educational:
    • develop cognitive and creative abilities, the ability to work in groups and individually.
  • Educational:
    • creating interest in lessons Russian language, the ability to predict, organize and evaluate their activities.

Equipment: plan, board, signal cards (colored and conjugation cards), poetic ways of memorizing (visual aids), task cards.


View T view. T:

it's a bad thing,

Beats swan among the swells...

To the sea only approach . T He.

That's I hear . T like a groan...

Irregular shape 2 l. units 3 l. plural



1. Organizational moment

2. A minute of penmanship(at, yat; ut, ut)

3. Vocabulary work

– Who declares themselves like that?

What are objects without me?
Only names. And I will come -
Everything will come into action - the rocket is flying,
People build buildings, gardens bloom,
And bread grows in the fields.

– Write down the verb. Fill in the missing letter. Check the accent.

*If the letter is a vowel
Raised doubts
You her immediately
Put it under emphasis.

otv . rita – cooking
ott . chit – sharpen
otb. reap - run
rel. sti – carried

– Where are the unstressed vowels located? (Fundamentally).

– What part of speech do the written words belong to? (Verbs).

– What is called a verb? (Denotes the action of an object; is the main member in a sentence; answers the questions: “ What did you do”, “what is he doing”, “what will he do”).

– How are these verbs similar? (According to the structure of word formation). List their common features.

- And what else? (These are verbs in the initial form - infinitive).

– What form of the verb is this? What is her role?

1) infinitive + “ will” = future tense;

2) expresses emotions and feelings (to love, to be indignant, to suffer, to roar);

3) when determining the unstressed personal ending of verbs, you can confuse -e And -And : -it(II), -et(I).

4. Statement of the problem

- Let's read a joke poem:

To the neighbor's chicken
Clean bald shave ,
Should be on a stool
Two napkins lay down .

– This poem relies on indefinite verbs.

(2 students work at the board. Change these verbs by person. The rest of the students work in notebooks. Use a pencil to highlight the endings of the verbs).

– Are you finished? Let's conduct a self-test according to the rules.

5. Children discovering the topic of the lesson

– Why is the task similar to the previous one, but the answers are different? Why didn't you cope right away? You used a previously studied algorithm. So this is special words, special verbs, which do not obey these rules, i.e. This - exceptions to the rules .

- Let's return to the topic of the lesson: Exception verbs.

6. Introduction to the rule

– Let’s read an excerpt from the work of A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”. Let's check the unstressed endings of verbs.

To the sea only approach . T He,

That's I hear . T like a groan...

View T view. T: it's a bad thing,

Beats swan among the swells...

Indefinite form

2nd person, singular

3rd person plural

Indefinite form

2nd person singular

3rd person plural


approach look

an approach yat


viewing eat

viewing yat




I hear no

I hear ut


View eat

view yat





– Let’s conduct a self-test according to the rules.

– Are you finished? Who wants to speak? (Variety of opinions).

– As we have already said, there are 11 exception verbs of the II conjugation:

7. Physical education break

– We close our eyes and memorize.

(Memorization. Work in pairs. Mutual testing - options 1 and 2).

Help in verses

Drive, hold, look and see,
breathe, hear, hate,
and depend, and twirl,
both to offend and to endure.
You will remember, friends,
Them on “ -e ” – cannot be conjugated.

– In these verbs we write only: “ -And (You you see, He sees and they see)

Funny rhymes

How will you start me drive,
I'll stop breathe,
The ears will stop hear,
Well, hands are everything hold.
You'll start on me look,
Will you have me twirl
I won't care tolerate,
I'll be from you depend,
Since you were able to me offend.
I won't let you down see,
And it's open hate.

8. Primary consolidation

Russian is considered the most difficult language due to the large number of exceptions. These are letter combinations and features of writing individual parts of speech. The greatest difficulty for students, and even for adults, is writing the endings of nouns and verbs.

Conjugation of verbs

Not only children, but also adults find it difficult to write the letters e/i at the end of verbs in the present and future tense. Students in the fourth grade are introduced to the personal endings of this part of speech. During this time, children learn about how verbs are conjugated.

Conjugation is the change of a verb in the present and future tense according to numbers and persons. At the same time, the endings change. In many cases, problems with spelling do not arise if this part of the word is stressed. What should you do if the ending is not stressed?

To avoid making a mistake in choosing the required letter at the end, you need to know some rules:

  • Put the words in their initial form and determine which letter combinations they end with. IN indefinite form(infinitive) -t is preceded by the vowels “i”, “s”, “o”, “e”, “u”, “a”, “ya”. These are the ones you need to focus on.
  • Then the rule is applied: if in a word there is a letter “and” before -t, then this is II conjugation, the other vowel is I.

Important! This definition of conjugation applies only to verbs with unstressed endings.

But from this moment the difficulties begin. The fact is that in any language there are many exceptions that do not obey established laws language. Such curiosities also apply to verbs of the present and future tense. Knowledge of specific endings of the I and II conjugations does not always lead to correct result. It's all about words that don't obey certain rules, which are available in both conjugations.

I conjugation contradictions

According to the rules of the Russian language, action words ending in the infinitive with -et, -at, -yat, -ot, -ut, -yt are verbs of the first conjugation. For example, melt, weed, dive, play, and so on. But some of them, ending in -et, -at, do not want to obey and go into the second conjugation. While shaving and laying are also exceptions to the rule, they are written with the vowel “e” in personal endings and are representatives of the first conjugation.

II conjugation contradictions

Schoolchildren have no less difficulty writing the vowels “e” or “i” in the endings of exceptions related to the 2nd conjugation. There are some words that refuse to be mended accepted rules language.

Exception verbs:

  • look, offend, see, hate, twist, depend, endure;
  • hear, drive, hold, breathe.

Let's give examples of changes:

  • drive, drive, drive, drive;
  • look, look, look, look;
  • see, sees, see, see and so on.

In addition, it does not matter whether the word has a prefix or not (drive - overtake, hold - withstand, wind - turn), such exception verbs still belong to the II conjugation.

Learning exception words

All exception words need to be learned and used when writing texts. Of course, adults can find their own ways of learning. And schoolchildren remember better if rhyming is used.

There are rhymes related to memorizing exception words. a large number of. Everyone can choose their own option.

Methods of learning

As we have already said, remembering the rule is not easy if you learn exception verbs separately as they are given in the rules of the Russian language.

Teachers always try to make learning any rules easier in various ways. This also applies to verbs . Here are some handy tricks:

  1. Draw a picture showing the movement of, for example, little men.
  2. Come up with interesting poem, inserting exception verbs into it.
  3. Choose words in such a way that they can be shown.

In practice, it has been proven that rhyming lines combined with movement are remembered faster and for a long time. All you have to do is start reading the poem, and the children remember the sequence of words and use them when writing.

I would like to offer this option.

The second conjugation includes, without a doubt, all verbs that are in -it (we exclude shave, lay).

And also these:

We drive, we hold, we look, we see.

We breathe, we hear, we hate.

And we are dependent, and we twist, and we offend, and we endure.

Words are rhymed in each sentence. While reading, children reinforce the words with movement:

  • drive - they wave their hand as if there is a twig in it;
  • hold - clench their fists, as if they were hiding something;
  • look - apply the edge of the palm to the head;
  • see - look into the distance in surprise.

And in this way every verb is put into action. Of course, the movements may be different, but the essence remains the same - the rhyme is learned quickly and firmly.

The ability to write correctly must be instilled from birth. Every Russian person should be proud of his origin. And write with errors in your own native language ashamed.


The difficulty is that these words, no different from others, just need to be remembered. And in order to remember, it is necessary to give some meaning to the two words -it and the eleven words -et and -at. If verbs ending in –it (and) are remembered quite easily due to their relatively rare use, then verbs ending in –et and –at are synonymous and difficult to remember.

Put them into context. It’s even better if this text rhymes, which makes it easier to remember. Here, for example, is a rhyme for the verbs not in -it, which belong to the 1st conjugation.
Drive, hold, look and see,
, hear, hate,
and depend, and twirl,
both to offend and to endure.
You will remember, friends,
They cannot be written on “-e”.

Experience shows that, although simply listed, verbs are not very memorable for children. Fill these words specific meaning. Make them the heroes of some simple fairy tale. Fourth grade students still love this genre very much. A greater effect will be achieved if the children themselves take part in the writing.

Give the children a task: draw a thematic one, which would reflect 13 exception verbs in one way or another. Discuss the work in class, gradually forcing the children to repeat and repeat verbs, commenting on their drawings. Include music in the lesson. Sing the words you need to remember. All together will create stable images of exception verbs in the children.

In conclusion, suggest learning one more song:
I really want to
Looking through the glass -
The whole world see,
Bow and hate.

Learn to endure pain
So that no one can offend,
So as not to depend on the strong,
So as not to fool the weak.

I really want to hear everything,
Hold the blue bird
Breathe clean air
Seeing the whole world green...

Don’t rush to drive away your thoughts,
You just have to dream!

Video on the topic


Children should recognize exception verbs not only in elementary, but in all personal forms the only and plural.


  • verbs of exception 2 conjugations verse

The verb is one of significant parts speeches, which denotes a procedural feature of an object, that is, an action, state or attitude. The verb is characterized grammatical categories type, voice, mood, tense and person.

Spelling endings

All verbs are usually divided into two groups: verbs that belong to the first conjugation, and verbs that belong to the second conjugation. The second conjugation includes all verbs in –it (exceptions are “shave”, “lay”, “”), as well as exception verbs in –et and –at (“drive”, “breathe”, “look”, “ see”, “hear”, “turn”, “offend”, “endure”, “depend”, “hate”, “hold”). All other verbs are usually classified as first conjugation.

Note: There are several mixed verbs, which cannot be attributed to either the first or the second conjugation: “give”, “create”, “eat”, “run”, “want”.

If the verb has the prefix obez-, ob-transitive, it is in the second conjugation, in otherwise- according to the first conjugation.

If the verb of the first conjugation is in the future tense, then the ending is –ete. If you put such a verb in , the ending changes to -ite. For example: “You will send a letter this week,” but “Send the documents urgently.”

Soft sign(s) in verbs

Mild in several cases. First - initial form verb. The second is when the verb is placed in imperative mood. Third - second person singular verbs in the present and simple future tenses. The fourth is in reflexive verbs.

For example: “write”, “correct”, “”, “bent”.

Soft sign It is not written in the third person singular present or simple future tense.

For example: “washes his face.”

Spelling suffixes

Verbs with the suffixes –yva- and –iva- that have meaning imperfect form, are written with the vowels –ы- and –и-.

For example: “smear”, “beg”, “insist”, “roll up”, “fill up”, “throw away”.

Imperfective verbs with suffixes –va-, which are in the first person form, can be checked by writing the vowel before the letter “v”.

For example: “zast-a-va-t - zast-a-t.”

Note: in some exception verbs, the suffix –eva- is written in –vat in place of an unchecked unstressed vowel: “eclipse-eva-t - to overshadow”; “extend - extend”; “vstr-eva-t - butt in”; “bur-eva-t - clean up”, etc.

There are also verbs ending in -et and -it. Verbs ending in -et are intransitive verbs of the 1st conjugation. They mean “to acquire someone’s attribute, to become something.”

For example: “to become more severe”, i.e. “become harsh”; “to weaken”, i.e. "to become powerless"; “de-soul”, i.e. “become soulless”, etc.

Verbs that end in –it are transitive verbs.