The tallest tower towers in the world. TV towers around the world

The tallest towers in the world... How many are there? Are they really so high that they amaze anyone who sees them for the first time? How reliable are these structures? Look for answers to these questions in the article that we bring to your attention right now.

Burj Dubai (UAE)

“Burj Dubai” or Dubai Tower is the name of the tallest tower in the world. It is located in the city of Dubai - in the United Arab Emirates. Construction of the tower lasted for 6 years - from 2004 to 2010. The total height of the building, which has 160 floors, reaches 828 meters! This is much more compared to skyscrapers, which previously led in this indicator.

The first 8 floors of the tower are occupied by the luxurious 6-star Armani Hotel. It was designed by Armani himself, after whom the hotel was named. In addition, the Dubai Tower houses nightclubs, restaurants, office space, a swimming pool, spas, luxury apartments worth several million euros, and even a mosque. On the 124th floor, everyone can visit the observation deck, which offers a stunning view of the whole of Dubai. To make moving around the tower as comfortable as possible for visitors, there are 65 high-speed elevators that will take you to the desired floor in a matter of seconds.

Tokyo Sky Tree (Japan)

Tokyo Sky Tree, which means "Tokyo Sky Tree" in English, is the second tallest tower in the world. As you may have guessed, it is located in the Japanese city of Tokyo. The height of this television tower reaches 634 meters. Construction of the building began in 2008 and lasted for 4 years. The official opening of the tower took place in May 2012. In addition to serving as a television tower, Tokyo Sky Tree also houses numerous navigation systems and mobile phone centers, as well as more than 300 fashionable boutiques, restaurants, a planetarium, an aquarium and a theater. This means that in this building everyone can find something they like.

Canton Tower (China)

The Canton Tower is not only the most beautiful, but also the tallest in China. It also ranks third highest in the world. The length of the building, which is located in the Chinese city of Guangzhou, reaches 610 meters, including a 160-meter long spire, which is the real decoration of the tower. The design of the structure is striking in its novelty and manufacturability - the combination of a hyperboloid mesh shell and a central core is more than successful. In addition to the fact that the building is used as a television center, it is open to tourists - about 10,000 people come here every day.

CN Tower (Canada)

Until 2007, the CN Tower, which is located in the Canadian city of Toronto, was considered the tallest building in the world. Its height reaches 533 meters. It is not surprising that this particular building is a real symbol and a true landmark of the city, attracting about 2 million tourists every year. The building received its name in honor of the first two words of the name of the company that originally owned it, the Canadian National Railway Company. However, in 1995, the Canada Lands Company became the owner of the tower, which decided not to change the well-known name, but only slightly modify its sound. Today the name of the tower stands for Canada's National Tower.

Ostankino Tower (Russia)

The Ostankino Tower, popularly called the “Needle” for its appearance, is the tallest building in Russia. Its height reaches 540 meters. This television tower was built in 1967, however, according to experts, it will be able to stand for more than 300 years - its design is so strong. By the way, the tower is supported by 10 columns, each of which is subjected to a load of 3200 tons. A unique “highlight” of the building is the chic restaurant called “Seventh Heaven”, which is located at an altitude of 330 meters and occupies 3 floors! In addition to the restaurant, the Ostankino tower is equipped with an observation deck, which is fenced with tempered, especially durable glass. This guarantees visitors additional safety and comfort.

On the vast territory of the Earth in different cities there are many amazing ones that can be classified by size, originality, uniqueness and other characteristics.

In this article we will consider high-rise buildings in the form of towers. Before we find out which Russian tower is the tallest in the country, we will briefly describe the largest buildings in the whole world.

About some skyscrapers in the world

The construction of modern high-tech architectural structures is widespread in all developed countries. A huge number of high-rise towers and buildings compete with each other in height and originality. Before we decide which is the largest tower in Russia, we will consider the tallest buildings in the world.

1. In the city of Dubai (UAE), the Burj Khalifa building reaches a height of 828 meters.

2. In China there is a tower 610 meters high. It is a station for transmitting radio and TV signals. It is also used as an observation deck for a panoramic view, allowing approximately 10 thousand tourists per day.

3. In Canada, the CN Tower (Toronto) has a height of 553 meters. This tower is a symbol of Canada.

4. The Freedom Tower was built in New York, its height is 541 meters. This was built in May 2013 (design by D. Libeskind) on the site of the destroyed twin towers (terrorist attack of September 11, 2001). The new building was named "1 World Trade Center".

5. Moscow Ostankino TV tower has a height of 540 meters. Inside it is the famous “Seventh Heaven” (a restaurant at an altitude of 328 meters), and there is a magnificent viewing platform.

Russia: photos

The year the tower was built is 1967.

As noted above, this is the fifth tallest building in the world after the Burj Khalifa in Dubai.

Main characteristics of the tower:

  • the base is located at an altitude of 160 meters above sea level;
  • the structure is located on 10 supports, between which the average diameter is 65 meters;
  • 149 ropes hold the tower trunk;
  • the total volume of premises is about 70,000 sq. m. meters;
  • the maximum deviation of the top of the tower at maximum wind speed is 12 meters;
  • The main observation deck is located at an altitude of 337 m.

The largest tower in Russia was designed by the architect Nikitin. The image of the structure is a lily, only upside down. It should be noted that the initial project included only 4 supports, later their number was increased to 10.

Symbols of Russia through the eyes of foreigners

Before answering which tower is a symbol of Russia, we should remember what, according to statistics, foreigners associate with our country.

The generally accepted matryoshka, ushanka, vodka, samovar, birch, balalaika, Russian troika. Frosts, dumplings, Red Square...

The Spasskaya Tower of Russia is the most significant architectural symbol of Russia. This is a kind of power of the country and a reminder of the signs of the Russian people. On New Year's Eve, the first chime of the Kremlin chimes is accompanied by making one's most cherished wish for the coming year.

High-rise buildings in Russia

Mercury City Tower is a 75-story building with a height of 338.8 meters.

Built in 2012 on one of the sections of the MIBC called “Moscow City”. In terms of its height, it surpassed the London skyscraper The Shard, which held the status of the first tallest building in Europe for no more than 4 months.

The sights of great Russia today are not only historical ancient buildings, but also modern skyscrapers, of which there are especially many in Moscow.

In the capital alone, 87 buildings with a height of more than 100 meters were built.

The construction of these began with the construction of the main building of Moscow State University in 1953 (height - 240 m).

High-rise buildings in Moscow have been built over the past 15 years. These include the following structures:

  • another tallest tower in Russia in “Moscow City” - “Eurasia” (309 m);
  • Moscow Tower (height - 301 m);
  • tower "C" on the Embankment (268 m);
  • the tallest skyscraper (residential) in Europe “Triumph Palace” (264 m);
  • St. Petersburg Tower, also in the Moscow City complex (256.9 meters);
  • Federation-West Tower in Moscow City (243 m).

In the modern world, skyscrapers are a necessary architectural structure, which is inherent in megacities, where building plots are literally worth their weight in gold. In addition, such fantastic majestic buildings attract numerous tourists, captivating people with their unprecedented height, technical solutions and a wide variety of unique forms.

On July 25, 1907, the Russian scientist Rosing filed a patent application for transmitting images over a distance, that is, television. From that day on, the rapid development of television broadcasting began, many television towers were built, the height of some is impressive.

Tokyo Sky Tree, Tokyo

The Sky Tree Tower in Tokyo is the tallest building in tallest TV tower in the world. The height of the tower is 634 meters. The tallest television tower in the world is very young - its grand opening took place in May 2012. This is a truly grandiose building. The silhouette lines of the tower are reminiscent of a samurai sword, but at the same time, it looks very futuristic.

Taking into account the difficult seismological situation in this region, the tower was designed and built in such a way that it is not afraid of either earthquakes or typhoons. The seismic resistance test took place during the construction of the tower - in March 2011, during a terrible earthquake. In addition to its immediate function, the tower is a kind of entertainment center for visitors. There are not only restaurants and observation decks, but also boutiques, a planetarium, an aquarium, and even a theater. The tower is a real decoration of the city, it is especially beautiful at night.

Guangzhou TV Tower, China

The tower, built in 2009, has a height of 611 meters, and for several years it held the title of the tallest television tower in the world. This tower is the biggest attraction. The tower is also called "Supermodel" for its unusually attractive architecture. She looks very feminine - elegant, transparent, slender.

The tower has an inner "core" and an outer hyperboloid mesh shell. The shell is made of large-diameter steel pipes, which give the tower an airy appearance. Moreover, the weight of this grandiose mesh is only 50,000 tons. The Guangzhou Tower is an earthquake-resistant structure designed to withstand very strong tremors. The Supermodel Tower has everything necessary to entertain tourists - observation decks, restaurants, shops, 4D cinemas. And at the top of the tower is the world's tallest horizontal Ferris wheel, which offers stunning views of the city. At night, the tower glows with stunning lighting that changes color every day of the week.

CN Tower, Toronto, Canada

This tower is almost twice as tall as the Eiffel Tower, its height is 553 meters; until 2007, it was the tallest television tower in the world, holding the palm for more than thirty years. About two million people visit the tower every year. The tower is very durable - it can withstand wind gusts of up to 420 km/h and earthquakes of magnitude 8.5. Interestingly, the tower's antenna is struck by about 78 lightning strikes annually.

At the top of the tower there is a revolving restaurant. The slow rotation of the restaurant allows visitors to take a closer look, the views of which are simply breathtaking. But this restaurant is famous not only for its entertainment, but also for its excellent food, and the restaurant’s wine list includes more than 500 wines. There is also an observation deck with a glass floor that can support a weight of up to 109 tons per square centimeter. Since August 2011, the most daring visitors who are ready to test their nerves have been offered an attraction - a walk with insurance along the unfenced open cornice of the upper observation deck.

I invite you to get acquainted with modern television towers, which are the tallest television towers on our planet.

Tashkent TV tower

Height: 375 meters

Location: Uzbekistan, Tashkent

Year of construction: 1985

It is the tallest television tower in Central Asia. It was built over 6 years and was put into operation on January 15, 1985.

Kyiv TV tower

Height: 385 meters

Location: Ukraine, Kyiv

Year of construction: 1973

The Kiev Tower is considered the world's tallest structure of buildings with a lattice structure. The tower consists entirely of steel pipes of various diameters and weighs 2,700 tons.

In the central part there is a vertical pipe with a diameter of 4 meters. It serves as an elevator shaft and smoothly transitions into the antenna part.

The Kyiv TV Tower is the tallest structure in Ukraine. The tower is 60 meters higher than the Eiffel Tower, but weighs 3 times less.

Beijing Central TV Tower

Height: 405 meters

Location: China, Beijing

Year of construction: 1995

At the top of the tower there is a revolving restaurant.

Menara Kuala Lumpur

Height: 421 meters

Location: Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur

Year of construction: 1995

The construction of this 421-meter-high structure lasted about 5 years.

For its original lighting, the Menara Tower received the unofficial name “Garden of Light.”

Borje Milad

Height: 435 meters

Location: Iran, Tehran

Year of construction: 2006

The tower has 6 panoramic elevators, and at an altitude of 276 meters there is a panoramic revolving restaurant. The tower's gondola has 12 floors with a total area of ​​12,000 sq.m., which is the largest area of ​​TV tower premises in the world.

This is the tallest building in Iran:

Oriental pearl

Height: 468 meters

Location: China, Shanghai

Year of construction: 1995

The Oriental Pearl is the second tallest television tower in Asia. The sphere at the top of the tower has a diameter of 45 meters and is located 263 meters above the ground.

At an altitude of 267 meters there is a revolving restaurant, at an altitude of 271 meters there is a bar and 20 karaoke rooms. At an altitude of 350 meters there is a penthouse with an observation deck.

Ostankino tower

Height: 540 meters

Location: Russia, Moscow

Year of construction: 1967

The tower project was invented by chief designer Nikitin in one night; the image of the tower was an inverted lily.

The mass of the tower together with the foundation is 51,400 tons. Ostankino TV tower on Victory Day 2010. (Photo by Dmitry Smirnov):

On August 27, 2000, a strong fire occurred in the Ostankino tower at an altitude of 460 m. 3 floors were completely burned out. Long repair and construction work and landscaping of the territory were completed by February 14, 2008. Infrared photograph of the Ostankino TV tower

CN Tower

Height: 553 meters

Location: Canada, Toronto

Year of construction: 1976

The CN Tower is almost twice as tall as the Eiffel Tower and 13 meters taller than the Ostankino Tower.

It can withstand winds of 420 km/h and is struck by more than 80 lightning strikes per year.

From 1976 to 2007 it was the tallest structure in the world.

Guangzhou TV Tower

Height: 610 meters

Location: China, Guangzhou

Year of construction: 2009

The mesh shell of the tower is made of large-diameter steel pipes. The tower is crowned by a steel spire 160 meters high.

The design of the mesh shell of the Guangzhou TV tower corresponds to an 1899 patent by Russian engineer Shukhov.

Tokyo Sky Tree

Height: 634 meters

Location: Japan, Tokyo

The construction of the television tower was completed recently, and its opening took place on May 22, 2012. The tower houses more than 300 boutiques, restaurants, an aquarium, a planetarium and a theater.

It is the tallest structure in Japan and the tallest television tower in the world.


The tower consists of a central core surrounded by tube-shaped elements that create a hyperboloid structure. The construction of the tower was combined with the construction of the new Zhendong district, with the participation of Japanese architect Kisho Kurokawa. The tower's observation deck is amorphous in shape, with several distinct conical shapes forming glazed platforms. On the third and fourth floors of the observation deck there is the largest panorama in the world, which was included in the Guinness Book of Records. The height of the panorama is 18 meters, length is 164 meters and area is 3012 square meters. The steel lattice mast that rises from the observation deck is used for antennas.


Used by China Central Television. It has an observation deck at an altitude of 238 meters, as well as a revolving restaurant, which can be reached by a high-speed elevator. It is one of the tallest television towers in the world. It was built by the Ministry of Radio and Television of China. The most notable are the spherical parts of the tower, painted in gold and blue, located at an altitude of 221 and 238 meters, respectively.


The tower was built in 1991. At an altitude of 253 meters there is an observation deck, which is currently used mainly for communication equipment. At an altitude of 257 meters there is a revolving restaurant. Tianjin TV Tower is a member of the international organization "World Federation of Tall Towers".


Construction of the 421-meter-high building lasted about 5 years. For its original lighting, Menara Kuala Lumpur received the unofficial name “Garden of Light”. The design of tourism facilities reflects the classical Islamic culture of Malaysia. For example, the dome of the main lobby, reminiscent of a giant diamond, is made using the muqarnah technique.


The tower has three elevator shafts in which 6 panoramic elevators move. At an altitude of 276 m there is a panoramic revolving restaurant. Above are various rooms dedicated to television, radio broadcasting, telecommunications, weather stations and traffic control services. The radio mast is made of steel and reaches a height of 120 m. The customer for this television tower is the municipality of Tehran.


The tower design includes 11 spherical elements. The two largest spheres have diameters of 50 m (the lower one, “Space City”) and 45 m (the upper one, “Space Module”). These spheres are interconnected by three cylindrical columns, each 9 m in diameter; in the inner space of the columns there are five small spheres in which the rooms of the “Space Hotel” are located. Nearby is the 88-story Jin Mao skyscraper, one of the tallest in Asia. At night the TV tower is illuminated. Three-dimensional lighting was developed especially for it, giving it a literally fantastic look.


The first name is “All-Union Radio and Television Transmitting Station named after. 50th anniversary of October". Ostankino TV Tower is the tallest building in Europe. The TV tower is a full member of the World Federation of Tall Towers. The high-rise restaurant “Seventh Heaven” is located at an altitude of 328-334 m and occupies 3 floors, two of which are currently not operational. The ring-shaped rooms of the restaurant, on which the tables are located, perform circular rotations around their axis at a speed of one revolution per hour. Over the 30 years of the tower’s existence, the observation deck and the Seventh Heaven restaurant have been visited by over 10 million guests. Tour group sizes are currently limited to 90 visitors.


Initially, the abbreviation CN stood for Canadian National (since the building belonged, at that time, to the state company Canadian National Railways). However, in 1995, the tower was purchased by the Canada Lands Company (CLC). Residents of Toronto wanted to keep the former name of the television tower, so now the abbreviation CN officially stands for Canada’s National. It is the tallest free-standing structure in the Western Hemisphere. At an altitude of 447 meters there is an observation deck.


Built in 2005-2010 by ARUP for the 2010 Asian Games. The height of the TV tower is 600 meters. Up to a height of 450 meters, the tower was erected as a combination of a hyperboloid load-bearing mesh shell and a central core. The mesh shell of the tower is made of large-diameter steel pipes. The tower is crowned by a steel spire 160 meters high. The tower is designed to broadcast TV and radio signals, as well as to view the panorama of Guangzhou and is designed to receive 10,000 tourists per day. At an altitude of 488 meters there is an open observation platform. Revolving restaurants are located at altitudes of 418 and 428 meters, at an altitude of 407 meters there is a “VIP cafe”.


During construction, the tower was known as New Tokyo Tower. The name "Tokyo Sky Tree" was chosen following a competition that took place on the Internet from April to May 2008. During the construction of the tower, a special system was created that, according to the architects, compensates for up to 50% of the force of tremors during earthquakes. The tower is mainly used for digital television and radio broadcasting, mobile telephony and navigation systems. In addition, it is a popular tourist attraction. In the TV tower you can visit 2 observation decks, and there are also a large number of boutiques and several restaurants open there, and at the foot of the tower there is a mini-complex with a large shopping area, an aquarium and a planetarium.