Interesting places and attractions - address.

Voronezh is one of most beautiful cities Russia, located on the banks of the Voronezh River and the Voronezh Reservoir, which offers a stunning panorama from almost any part of the city. Modernity is surprisingly combined with history here. Ancient estates are adjacent to modern buildings and do not suffer at all from such proximity. Voronezh for a long time unofficially called the capital of the Black Earth Region, and since 2011 they even registered the rights to use this title. On the map of Voronezh there are more than six theaters, many museums, exhibitions, cinemas, there is a circus, a philharmonic society, and an aquarium. The most interesting and visited places in Voronezh are: Regional local history museum, Art Museum them. I.N. Kramskoy, Intercession Cathedral, Alexievo-Akatov Monastery, House-museums of Nikitin and Durov. Two are especially loved unusual monument: The Kitten from Lizyukov Street from the well-known cartoon and the monument to White Bim from the story by G. Troepolsky “White Bim, black ear" history will be of interest to the monument to Peter the Great, located on the main street of the city - Revolution Avenue (Petrovsky Square), Stele with the order Patriotic War And Eternal flame on Victory Square. The city has many stadiums and sports complexes.

On the page interactive map Voronezh from satellite. More details on +weather. Below satellite images and search in real time Google Maps, photos of the city and Voronezh region Russia, coordinates

Satellite map of Voronezh - Russia

Interesting places and attractions - address

select: Railway station bus station Annunciation Cathedral Voronezh Opera and Ballet Theater Admiralty Square monument to Peter I A stone bridge oceanarium Monument to S.Ya. Marshak Alekseevo-Akatov Monastery Monument to the Kitten st. Lizyukova puppet theater "Jester" Monument to the Stranger Monument to the Front-line Postman Opera and Ballet Theater Victory Square Glory Square Monument to Andrey Platonov Monument to S.Ya. Marshak Monument to Mitrofan Pyatnitsky Monument to I.A. Bunin Alekseevo-Akatov Monastery Museum-Diorama Cathedral of the Intercession Holy Mother of God Church of the Resurrection House-Museum of A.L. Durova Church of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Park Orlyonok Temple St. Sergius Radonezh Source of St. Mitrofan Intercession Cathedral

We observe on the satellite map of Voronezh exactly how the buildings are located on Ostuzhev and Shishkova streets. Viewing a map of the area, routes and highways, squares and banks, stations and terminals, searching for an address.

Presented here in mode online map of the city of Voronezh from a satellite contains images of buildings and photos of houses from space. You can find out where the streets are. Lenin and Dimitrov. Using the Google Maps search, you will find required address in the city and its view from space. We recommend changing the scale of the diagram +/- and moving the center of the image in the desired direction.

Squares and shops, roads and borders, buildings and houses, views of Lomonosov and Plekhanovskaya streets. The page contains detailed information and photos of all local objects in order to show the required house in real time on a map of the city and the Voronezh region in Russia.

Detailed satellite map Voronezh (hybrid) and region provided Google service Maps.

Coordinates - 51.6759,39.213

The city of Voronezh was founded on the coast of the Vorona River in the 16th century. It is located in the European part of Russia, in south side. A satellite map of Voronezh allows you to see that the city has various forms relief. One part of the city is located on hilly terrain, and the second on flat plain. Using the map, it’s easy to navigate the city streets and plan your route for the whole day. Almost the entire city is located on Oksko-Donskoy plain. You can learn about the topography of a given area by the street names. For example, Kuban Mountain, Meat Mountain or Craft Mountain.

Map of Voronezh with streets

Using a map of Voronezh by district, it is easy to find any district of the city, and there are 6 of them in the city.

  1. One of the most large areas is Railway.
  2. On right side Voronezh reservoir is located central District.
  3. It is also located there Soviet.
  4. AND Kominternovsky district localized on the right side of the river.
  5. The smallest one can be called Leninsky district.
  6. On the left side of the river there is an area Levoberezhny.

The structure of the districts on the right bank is characterized by a more developed economy, people live here most of population. Yandex maps of Voronezh will help you find any part of the city. The right bank areas are Cultural Center cities. Entertainment and cultural institutions are concentrated there.

There are many areas in the city center that are popularly named because of businesses or other important facilities.

One of these areas is a residential area, it belongs to the young areas and is located in the northern part of the city. Using a map of Voronezh with streets in good quality You can very easily find any desired object.

On the left bank there are areas inhabited by former factory workers.

Voronezh can be called an important transport center. There are two railway stations on the territory of the city.

The map of Voronezh allows you to see all highways. Voronezh is crossed by the Don highway. The city also has several bus stations located in different areas.

The airport is located a few kilometers from the city limits. It makes regular flights both to Moscow and to different cities Russia.

Within the city limits there are minibuses, trolleybuses and numerous buses. The banks of the Voronezh reservoir are connected through a dam, Otrozhensky bridge and several road bridges. The North Bridge has an original two-tier design. Using Voronezh Routes you can easily find any bridge on the map.

Map of Voronezh with house numbers

A bunch of architectural monuments was destroyed during the Great Patriotic War. Many of them have undergone thorough reconstruction. IN this moment in Voronezh there are many ancient buildings And cultural sites, which all travel lovers enjoy visiting.

More than 200 buildings have been preserved on the territory of the city, which are monuments of architectural urban planning.

A map of Voronezh with streets and houses will help you find the most interesting sights.

  1. The bell tower belonging to the Alekseevo-Akatovsky Monastery and the Admiralty Church are the oldest objects in Voronezh.
  2. It is also worth visiting the Church of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary, built in classic style and the Tikhvin-Onufriensky Church, built in the Baroque style.
  3. Walking along the streets, you can see old mansions. These are the houses of the Nechayevs, Tulinovs and Nenarkomova.
  4. Various monuments to great people can be found using a map of Voronezh with streets. This and famous monument Peter I, and monuments dedicated to the poets Nikitin and Koltsov, as well as monuments to the victims white terror, and famous monument Glory.
  5. In the central part of the city the most concentrated Beautiful places for visiting by tourists. These include the Arsenal Museum.
  6. One of the mysterious places is considered to be the castle of Princess of Oldenburg.
  7. The most best place Petrovsky Square is a great place for walking.

There are also many entertainment and shopping places in Voronezh. These include Petrovsky passage, Balagan City And Parnassus.

Economy and industry of Voronezh

A map of Voronezh with house numbers will allow you to find any business in the city. This is a city with excellent developed industry. The most famous enterprises include the Aircraft Manufacturing Society, the Ceramic Plant, Rudgormash and the Mechanical Plant.

Also within the city there is a large enterprise “Chernozemye Furniture”, which produces environmentally friendly furniture.

New ones are also appearing in Voronezh shopping centers and diverse markets. Currently, there are more than 60 different markets in the city. Among them there are universal, specialized and agricultural fairs.

Voronezh – administrative center Voronezh region. The map of Voronezh shows that the city is divided into 2 parts by the Voronezh River. The area of ​​the city is 596.51 square meters. km. Since 2012, the city has become a million-plus city in terms of population.

After the collapse of the USSR, Voronezh was in decline. Now the city is actively developing and becoming an important economic center. The main sectors of the economy are mechanical engineering, chemical and electronic industries, and metalworking. In Voronezh there is a large plant engaged in the construction of aircraft.

Panorama of Voronezh

Historical reference

In 1586 the Voronezh fortress was founded. During the Time of Troubles, Voronezh supported first False Dmitry I, and then False Dmitry II. In 1648, the city experienced major uprising against local authorities.

Under Peter I, the Admiralty and a shipyard were founded in Voronezh. In 1725 the city became part of Voronezh province. In 1905, several strikes and a Black Hundred pogrom took place in the city. From July 1942 to January 1943 the city was partially occupied by German troops. In 2010, the outskirts of Voronezh suffered from a major fire.

Must Visit

A satellite map of Voronezh with streets and houses shows that the main attractions of the city are located on Pobeda, Chernyakhovsky, Lenin, Zastava, Nikitin and University Squares.

It is recommended to visit the Annunciation Cathedral, the Assumption Admiralty Church, the Resurrection Church, the Church of the Prophet Elijah, the Church of the Intercession of the Virgin, the Lutheran Church and the Tikhvin-Onufriensky Church. In Voronezh it is worth seeing the house of Savostyanov, the bell tower of the Alekseevo-Akatov Monastery, the house of Governor Potapov, the houses of the Tulinovs and Nechaevs, literary necropolis, a monument to a kitten, monuments to writers and poets. It is worth visiting the local history museum, Petrovsky and Koltsovsky squares.