The bad soldier is the one who The bad soldier is the one who, having become a general, ceases to be a soldier

TARGET: Develop cognitive interest and critical thinking;
educating students in order to develop their own views, judgments, and assessments.

Each of us has encountered at least once

with this problem: flashing

someone's catchphrase, people

embarrassedly say:

“I don’t remember who said it...”



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Class hour “Do you know what: Galileo did not shout “And yet it turns!”, and Suvorov did not say “The soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is a bad soldier” GOAL: To develop cognitive interest, critical thinking; educating students in order to develop their own views, judgments, and assessments. It turns out that the authors of many famous phrases were completely different people. Any of us has at least once encountered such a problem: having flashed someone’s catchphrase, people embarrassedly make a reservation: “I don’t remember who said that...” Or they refer to a certain poet, often without indicating his name: “As the poet said...” .” Or even attribute every bright expression to Napoleon.

But behind every word or statement there is a very specific person - a philosopher, poet, historical figure or some specific source, for example the Bible, explains philologist, author of the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Winged Words and Expressions (Lockeed Press Publishing House) Vadim SEROV. - This distinguishes aphorisms from such stable phraseological turns, such as, for example, “shout at the top of Ivanovo” or “Kolomenskaya verst,” which are of anonymous or folklore origin. Agree,” continues Vadim Vasilyevich, “it’s very interesting to find out: who said this?” When? For what reason? And what exactly did the author mean? Interesting discoveries are possible here. It’s not for nothing that the famous American satirist Ambrose Bierce joked at one time: “A quotation is an incorrect repetition of someone else’s words.” a genuine historical phrase belonging to the prince. In reality, this phrase is evangelical. The original says: “Those who take the sword will die with the sword.” In addition, in the sources of the biography of Alexander Nevsky (“Pskov Second Chronicle” and “Sofia First Chronicle”) these words are not present. So, these are the myths of catchphrases that Vadim Serov debunked.

It is generally accepted that, having signed a renunciation of his “heretical teachings” and having heard the Inquisition’s sentence of life imprisonment, Galileo, rising from his knees in the church of Santa Maria sopra Minerva, stamped his foot and uttered this famous phrase. No matter how beautiful the legend is, no matter how courageous Galileo was, he did not say such things. For the first time, the story of the famous phrase was told only five years after the death of Galileo. Most likely, it arose thanks to the famous artist Murillo, who, after the death of Galileo, was commissioned for his portrait. The order was completed by one of Murillo's students in 1646. And only 250 years later, art historians established that the wide frame skillfully hides the “heretical” part of the picture, which shows astronomical sketches showing the rotation of the Earth around the Sun, and the famous words: “Eppus si muove!” "(She'll curl up!"). This is probably where the origins of the legend lie.

This phrase, as a rule, is taken literally: they say, without a hundred grams you won’t understand. Meanwhile, the meaning here is somewhat different. The author of the phrase, the Roman polymath writer Pliny the Elder, who lived in the 1st century AD, in his work “Natural History” (XIV, 141) used it to mean that under the influence of alcohol people become liberated and say what they think, in connection with than the meaning of the phrase should be understood as meaning “What is on the sober mind is on the tongue of the drunk.” In some cases, this phrase is reproduced with a continuation: “In vino veritas, in aqua sanitas” - “Truth is in wine, health is in water.” The truth is in the wine

The Soviet writer Pyotr Pavlenko, screenwriter of the film “Alexander Nevsky” (together with Sergei Eisenstein, 1938), put this phrase into the mouth of Alexander Nevsky. Subsequently, it was cited more than once in newspaper articles and on posters as a genuine historical phrase that belonged to the prince. In reality, this phrase is evangelical. The original says: “Those who take the sword will die by the sword.” In addition, in the sources of the biography of Alexander Nevsky (“Pskov Second Chronicle” and “Sofia First Chronicle”) these words are not present. Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword

“Newspaper duck” The expression has absolutely nothing to do with ducks themselves, since it is based on consonance. It appeared at the end of the 18th century in Germany, where newspaper publishers, sensitive to issues of business reputation, marked the most dubious, from their point of view, materials with the letters N. T., which meant “non testatur” - “not verified.” And since “ente” means “duck” in German, this word later became a symbol of false messages contained in the media.

Anyone who thought that this was Lenin’s phrase was mistaken. Its author is the German writer Novalis (1772-1801). But that's not all. In the introduction to the work “A Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right,” Marx wrote: “Religion is the sigh of an oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, just as it is the spirit of soulless orders. Religion is the opium of the people." That is, on the one hand, we have before us an inaccurate quotation, but, in addition, its general meaning is usually perceived incorrectly. Initially, it was meant that religion was not a poison (by the way, opium in those days was not considered a drug; on the contrary, it was considered a very popular painkiller, and therefore was sold in pharmacies even without a prescription), but an outlet, a therapy that could alleviate suffering. The famous slogan “Workers of all countries, unite!” It was also not invented by Lenin or even Karl Marx, but by the German revolutionary Karl Schapper (1812 -1870). Religion is the opium of the people

No, no, the author is not Maxim Gorky! The phrase, of course, is contained in his “Song of the Falcon,” but the primacy does not belong to him at all. Much earlier it is found in the fable of Ivan Khemnitser (1745 -1784) “Men and Cow”. The fable tells about a man who saddled a cow, which “... fell under the rider... no wonder: the cow did not learn to gallop... And therefore it should know: whoever was born to crawl cannot fly.” Born to crawl cannot fly

The authors of the famous communist slogan were by no means Bolsheviks: they simply repeated it more often than others. That is why the authorship is attributed to them. However, it should be noted that it goes back to the Second Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Thessalonians: “If anyone does not want to work, neither should he eat.” Who does not work shall not eat!

Attributed to the famous French ruler Louis XIV. The “Sun King” allegedly uttered this phrase in 1655 at a meeting of parliament. However, from the minutes of the mentioned parliamentary meeting published later, it is clear that the king did not say such words. Researchers believe that the first to say “The State is I” was Queen Elizabeth of England! (1558 - 1603). The state is me

The phrase, so familiar to us from childhood, is perhaps one of the most perverted in meaning. The Roman satirist Juvenal, to whom she, in fact, goes back, wrote in his 7th satire: “We must pray to the gods for a healthy spirit in a healthy body...” - on the basis of which the famous Roman proverb “Mens sana” was formed in sogroge sano - avis gaga" - "In a healthy body, a healthy mind is a rare success." In a healthy body healthy mind

Attributed to the great commander Alexander Suvorov. However, reading the collection “Soldier's Notes” (1855) ■ Alexander Fomich Pogossky, which is a collection of aphorisms and teachings stylized as folk ones, we find: “A bad soldier is one who does not think of being a general, and even worse is one who thinks too much that it will be with him” Only the first part of the phrase became winged. The sequel, as often happens, was forgotten. In the modern meaning, it is usually used to encourage, encourage someone in his enterprise, bold plan, idea. The bad soldier is the one who doesn't dream of becoming a general.

Few doubt that Joseph Stalin expressed himself this way. Meanwhile, the author is, apparently, the writer Anatoly Rybakov, who put the phrase into the mouth of the “leader of the peoples” in the novel “Children of the Arbat” (1987). Stalin pronounces it in connection with the execution of military specialists in Tsaritsyn in 1918: “Death solves all problems. There is no person, and there is no problem.” Subsequently, in his “Novel-Memoir” (1997), Rybakov wrote that he “may have heard this phrase from someone, perhaps he came up with it himself.” No person - no problem

Material used: - Internet resource - Komsomolskaya Pravda", December 2011.

A bad soldier is one who does not dream of becoming a general. Life is boring without a flight of fancy. Movement is impossible without a great goal. Everyday life is joyless if it is not filled with meaning and love. These are banal phrases, but, by the way, they explain why we periodically experience apathy and complete indifference to everything that surrounds us. Why do we have such sad eyes? Why do we lose interest in life... As we age, we stop dreaming! Life grounds us hopelessly, makes us pragmatic and boring. She constantly dictates the terms of the game to us and hits us with the key (exclusively on the head, as we like to say). And we resign ourselves to it and succumb to the inexorable and cruel course of its events, turning into hopelessly adult, serious, wise people and killed by experience. It seems to help us survive in the harsh conditions of modernity, gives us importance and makes us sustainably satisfied with ourselves. But still, something doesn’t work out the way we would like. And we are gradually inclined to think that life just didn’t work out. No luck... But we don’t understand that the whole point is that the dream has left our lives. The meaning of human life is not at all reduced to survival. “What kind of dreams are there, we just need to stand for a day and hold out for the night...”, the skeptics will say. But this is just a convenient excuse for those who are too lazy to bother themselves with additional mental efforts to comprehend their existence. They also understand perfectly well that we don’t need much to survive. Moreover, one can be content with such a minimum that all this talk about need will simply become bravado. Take a closer look at the elderly. Angry, restless, grumpy, tired, empty and endlessly lonely. Not all of them, of course, but there are some. This is exactly what we become when we derail our lives from everyday life and exclude bright childhood dreams from it. Let's still dream! Please think about it, what would change in your life if your income was 10 times more than it is now and you had a lot of free time (if you have no income, imagine an income of $1000)? Have you decided? Maybe it’s a new apartment or house, maybe a car or home renovation, a TV or refrigerator, shoes or a bag. Or maybe you want to educate a child or do charity work. Be sure to decide, don’t rush, dream! Now you need to determine the cost of your dream. Do not know? Think about it, search the Internet. You must know the exact amount. Next, tell me, how much of your current income could you save per month? Multiply it by 12 months. The result is the amount of funds set aside for the year. Now divide the amount of your dream by the amount of funds set aside for the year. We have received a deadline within which you can realize your dream. Well, how impressive? Don't want to wait that long? Do you want to reduce the period by at least 5-10 times? We present to you an opportunity with which you can already earn $1000 after just a year of active activity. So it might make sense to look at it carefully and with an open mind. What if this is not an accident? WHAT IF THIS IS YOUR CHANCE?

LEGAL WORK ON THE INTERNET. Without financial investments, and therefore without risks on your part. No sales or “selling” of products. Passive income is eternal - you create it once and for life. This is not additional income, it is a consistently large, constantly growing income in the future. There will be no easy money - we are not MMM, and not other dubious projects where those who have time make money and who are not embarrassed by making money on “other people’s tears.” And if you are so lazy that you are not ready to invest your time in order to build your own business from scratch, this offer is also not for you. I'm looking for people who WANT, but don't know HOW. Without starting capital to create their own business. I am ready to teach and help, but only to those who really want it. More information about my proposal here If you wish, you can also register there by filling out the registration form. If you do not want to follow the link, write your email. address in a personal message - I’ll send the full proposal there.

Who is a manager and what does it mean to be a manager?

When we talk about a career, we most often mean a vertical trajectory - specialist, head of department, deputy director, director. What does it take to climb to the next step? Experience and length of service are the first things that come to mind. Initiative and activity are what I would like to see. But to be honest, very often appointments to positions occur without any obvious rules - that’s how the stars aligned.

Managers are not born, they are made. Management is a job like any other. But you often have to learn during the management itself. And first, it’s worth understanding whether the potential manager has the necessary qualities to become a great specialist.

So, what kind of manager is he?

  1. Strategist. He has developed the appropriate type of thinking. He knows how to set goals, clearly formulate them, and knows what SMART processing is. He is able to derive tasks from goals, identify resources and plan deadlines and actions. In addition, he knows about the “future horizons” and takes into account external factors that can influence the work of his department.
  2. Erudite. The leader knows everything about the world. This is necessary for making decisions, and for finding new ways and means of organizing work, and for conversations with subordinates, and for creating the image of a leader, and for forming one’s own reputation.
  3. Empath. The manager does not adapt to others, as one might think. He just knows everything about people and emotions. Human life is subject to emotions, as confirmed by Nobel Prize winners Kahneman and Thaler. The laws of behavioral economics are necessary and obligatory knowledge for a modern leader. And, of course, full-fledged empathy will allow you to create a constructive atmosphere in the organization - employees will want to come to work and work, and not serve time.
  4. Negotiator. A leader who is unable to negotiate is a bad leader. Communication is the main tool of a manager. Employees, partners, contractors, journalists, supervisory authorities... Almost any business contact is a process of negotiation. Or even just conversations, where communication skills and the art of communication sometimes play a decisive role.

Diploma specialty, experience and length of service are important, but not decisive, things for a manager. Managing an organization is a separate science and independent activity. The leader is the one who makes decisions that allow the organization to move towards the goal that was set on the basis of analysis and strategic planning. A leader is someone who is able to resolve any communication problem and create the very psychological climate that distinguishes a good organization from a “not so good” organization.

The eighth round of negotiations between Russia and Moldova on the withdrawal of the 14th Russian Army did not introduce any significant changes. The presence of the Russian military in Transnistria continues to irritate the Moldovan leadership, while the commander of the 14th Army, General Lebed, continues to irritate the Transnistrian leadership. There has long been talk in the republic about the imminent transfer of the army commander to a new duty station. Our special correspondent Viktor PERUSHKIN talked with General Alexander LEBED about all this.

Are you bored of being a general in the outback? You once studied with P. Grachev, fought with him in Afghanistan, defended democracy in August 1991. Weren’t you really offered a general’s position in the “Arbat Military District”?

There have never been and never will be such proposals. I have never bended, I have never served secretaries, general secretaries, or the president, but I have served, am serving and will serve the Fatherland. Personally, I am quite satisfied with my current appointment. And in Moscow I may not fit into the capital’s generals. All this is not for me, I am not fit to be a person around me. I'm used to being myself and walking on my own.

Alexander Ivanovich, there has been a truce in Transnistria for two years now. Is a similar method of conflict resolution possible, say, in Abkhazia?

In Transnistria, unlike Abkhazia, the conflict had no national overtones. Moldovans, Russians, Ukrainians, and Bulgarians took part in the war on both sides. The similarity lies in the fact that both here and there people fought and continue to fight for their rights, which, in the wake of pure nationalism, are trampled upon in the most boorish way. Suffice it to say that the cause of the conflict here was the law on languages. More than 30% of the Russian-speaking population living in the territory of former Moldova had to speak Romanian.

However, today, as they say in Chisinau, Moldova’s policy has changed for the better. How true is this?

At first glance, indeed, it seems that common sense is beginning to win. However, everything is not so simple. The result of the war in Transnistria (and it was a real war) was a deep crack between Chisinau and Tiraspol. Only time can make amends for it, and trust will be restored very slowly. The fact that sensible people came to the Parliament of Moldova is the first step towards this.

So, Moldova did it. What about Transnistria?

The leadership of Transnistria has expressed its readiness for negotiations, but in reality nothing has changed yet. Nevertheless, the visit of the plenipotentiary representative of the Russian President V. Vasev, whose goal is to bring the positions of Moldova and Transnistria closer together, I think, should give positive results in the near future. It is impossible to stand in a fighting stance forever. If you don't take radical measures, this won't lead to anything good.

The truce that came about two years ago is associated with your arrival. Would your appearance, suppose, in Abkhazia give the same result?

Let's start with the fact that the 14th Army has been here since 1956. I was sent here at a time when the war was in full swing. In this situation, I do not claim any laurels. The only thing I understood after going through Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, and Armenia is that in all such situations immediate and tough measures must be taken. This is a guarantee that blood will not flow for a long time. You can fight for two years and lose 5-10 people every day. It doesn’t seem like much, but in a year the death toll will reach 3,650. Or, with one hard blow, having lost 100 people, this issue can be closed once and for all. I am a supporter of this line, and here, in Transnistria, I managed to prove its correctness. However, it cannot be said that the same tactics will work in any case, including in Abkhazia. One must always proceed from the situation, but spinelessness in politics always leads to dire consequences.

Judging by your approach to conflict resolution, you are a tough person. Is this really the case or is it a defensive reaction?

I don’t get any pleasure at all when I’m forced to take tough measures, since I’m one of the officers who have already fought in their lives - there’s nowhere else to go. All political differences simply need to be resolved at the negotiating table, but there are times when words hang in the air. That's when the moment comes for decisive action. But this does not mean that I am a supporter of war. The fact is that our state will not survive a third war in one century. We have already lost a significant part of our gene pool, and if this continues, the nation will perish.

A bad soldier is one who does not dream of becoming a general. You have become one. What's next?

There is a continuation of this proverb. A bad soldier is the one who, having become a general, ceases to be a soldier. I will say one thing: a few years ago the Afghan Mujahideen did not even dare to think about attacking the Union, but today they are tormenting its borders. Our state has turned into a sick, skinny elephant, which began to be bitten by all sorts of rats and hyenas. Power is always associated with a strong army. And it is not at all necessary to fight, but the presence of such an army is a guarantee of the security of the Fatherland. And as long as the world exists, the strong have always been and will be respected. Therefore, in the future I see my task as strengthening the Armed Forces in the interests of our state. I may look like a stupid sandpiper who praises his swamp, but the best brains, the best working hands will be bought or destroyed if a professional army is not created.

Is this how you can explain your reluctance to play politics?

Absolutely right. I never set myself the goal of rising to any political heights. But the current situation in Transnistria forces us to delve into all the issues. I have no one to point the finger at. There is a Russian embassy, ​​but it is located in Chisinau. Of course, the ambassador and consul regularly appear in Tiraspol, but issues arise every day and they need to be resolved.

Your relationship with the leadership of Transnistria did not work out. Who is not happy with who in this case?

There is complete reciprocity here. Internal affairs might not concern me, but in the republic there is my army, which needs to live. In this regard, a lot of questions arise, and, naturally, I don’t like this.

When will the issue of the withdrawal of the 14th Army be decided?

The fact is that when the army of one state is on the territory of another, this is always bad. Does this army need to be withdrawn? Undoubtedly! But when to withdraw the army, it will depend on the political and economic conditions created for its withdrawal. At this stage, such conditions have not been created. Therefore, I do not have an official decision on the withdrawal of the 14th Army. Therefore, the army will remain here for now.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Do you dream of a career? This is wonderful! Suvorov also said: “The bad soldier is the one who does not dream of becoming a general.” To paraphrase, we can say in relation to civilians something like: “A bad manager who does not want to become a director.” But do you have leadership abilities? To find out, answer the test questions and see the result.

Test questions:

Since childhood, the need to obey has been a problem for me.

There will be no progress without people with the need to dominate others.

A real man knows how to subjugate women to his will.

It’s annoying when loved ones take care of you.

Submission is in the nature of every woman.

I have to take everything upon myself because of constant fears for the well-being of my family.

Problems arise due to the absence of a leader with an “iron hand”.

In situations that require quick decisions, I usually don't need much time to do the right thing.

I love and can lead other people.

I don’t know how and don’t want to open up completely to anyone.

It's nice to think of a "safe haven".

A subordinate must be able to carry out any orders from his superior.

I don’t like asking even my loved ones for something.

Often they expect explanations from me, although everything is already clear.

My character is similar to the character of my father (mother), who was the support in the family.

Test results:

For each answer “yes” - 10 points, for the answer “I don’t know” - 5 points, for the answer “no” - 0 points.

0-49 points You can swallow reproach, even if it is not necessary, sacrifice everything, although no one demands it. But, if you feel driven into a corner because of your own powerlessness, you are still capable of decisive action. Look for the character traits you lack in others.

50-99 points Harmony and determination, wisdom and calculation, the ability to give wise advice are your virtues. When necessary, lead; if necessary, yield, taking into account other people’s opinions and desires. But only you know whether you always achieve your goal with worthy means.

100-150 points You are a great dictator, and you easily find excuses for your behavior. You know how to convince and lead others, to force them to complete work on time. Just don’t forget to give your subordinates the opportunity to catch their breath sometimes.