Speech technique, concept of diction. “Speech technique (breathing, voice, articulation, diction)

Every specialist knows: in order to influence with words as effectively as possible, you need to learn to control your voice and speech apparatus. The voice is capable of transmitting the slightest movement inner life, simply and beautifully express our thoughts and feelings. Speech must be sufficiently audible, and this depends on a well-trained voice and the ability to use it in different conditions. The ability to control the voice is associated with the development of phonation (sound) or so-called speech breathing. At the same time, the quality of the sound of speech depends on the brightness, clarity of pronunciation - diction and on the compliance of speech with the norms of Russian literary pronunciation. Verbal communication requires good communication skills from communicators speech technique. Even the ancient Greeks and Romans noted that working on the voice is a delicate, difficult matter, requiring certain knowledge. Speech techniques traditionally include: intonation, voice, breathing, diction, orthoepy.

Intonation(lat. intonare- speak loudly) - complex phenomenon, consisting of a number of components, in particular, it includes tone, stress, timbre, tempo, pause and melody. Intonation is very important to create expressiveness. Intonation is defined as the movement in the process of speech development of pitches, strength, tempo, timbre and its division into pauses. It allows you to express the logical meaning of a statement, emotional and volitional “connotations”. According to psychologists, intonation is the most flexible and acute form of speech influence. In terms of its semantic role, it is so independent that (regardless of the formal meaning of words) it can determine true meaning phrases. Thanks to intonation, we understand that what is said to us Nice words in fact contain a threat, and a neutral official phrase is human warmth, that is, the word, thanks to intonation, can acquire the exact opposite meaning. For example, a person who has committed some kind of offense is told “Well done,” but the irritated and ironic intonation gives this word its true meaning. Outstanding teacher A.S. Makarenko wrote that he became a real master when he learned to say “Come here” with 15-20 shades and give 20 nuances in the production of a face, figure, and voice. And only then the fears that someone would not approach him or would not feel what was needed went away.

b) figurative expressiveness aimed at pictorial reflection of phenomena, transmission of visions;

c) emotional expressiveness;

d) stylistic expressiveness corresponding to the public style of speech.

In communication, intonation serves as a concretizer of the meaning of an utterance. certain situation. For example, sentences of the same lexical and grammatical composition may differ in intonation and, as a result, in meaning. Wed: The film has started. - Has the film started? The film has started! Intonation changes - changes communication setting statements, their meaning.

Voice. Upbringing speech voice- the work is very painstaking, careful, persistent, and most importantly - everyday. Voice training cannot be done occasionally. You should constantly work on developing the skills of proper speech breathing. K.S. Stanislavsky wrote: « All living things breathe. A person also breathes, this is the first thing he does when entering the world. But that’s not what those around him know about him, those who “accept” him. To them he declares his existence not with his breath, but with a cry. What is a cry ? -loud breathing connected with sound... This means that in the sense of an expressive means, the second moment of breathing is more important than the first.”

Sonorous, flexible, beautiful voice- this is, first of all, correct breathing. Speech breathing different from the usual, physiological one. Breathing in life is involuntary. It performs the function of gas exchange in human body. Inhalation and exhalation are done through the nose; they are short and equal in time. The rhythm of normal breathing: inhale - exhale - pause. For speech, especially monologue, ordinary physiological breathing is not enough. Speaking and reading aloud require more air, a constant respiratory supply, and its economical use. This is regulated by the respiratory center of the brain.

5.What are the features of the verbal design of the text public speaking?

6.What applies to communication skills speeches?

7.What laws formal logic ensure speech intelligibility?

8.What are the accuracy and information content of speech based on?

9.What is meant by purity of speech?

10.What means of influencing the mind and feelings of the listener do you know?

11.What is meant by speaking technique? Name the components of speech technique.

12.What is the role of intonation in speech communication? What are its functions in speech?

14.Name the main characteristics of the speech voice.

15.What qualities should a professional speaking voice have?

16.Why, in your opinion, clear diction - required condition good speech?

17.How does the perception of speech depend on its tempo? What should be the optimal speech rate?

18.What is the role of pauses in speech communication?

19.What types of pauses are there? What is their difference?

The concept of “speech technique” includes correct breathing (physiological basis

Proper breathing involves using air economically and evenly. This is achieved by using the entire muscular system chest. Replenishment of the lungs with air occurs imperceptibly in the intervals between words or phrases, where it is required by the meaning of speech.

The correct type of breathing is mixed costal-diaphragmatic breathing. The lower lobes of the lungs are the most capacious. When you inhale deeply, they fill with air, the chest expands, and as the air is gradually consumed while reading, it falls. At the same time, the ribs and diaphragm move vigorously.

We must learn to control our breathing so that during reading it does not interfere with the reader or distract the listeners.

Proper breathing during speech consists not only in the economical consumption of air, but also in the timely and imperceptible replenishment of its supply in the lungs (during stops and pauses). While reading aloud, the shoulders are motionless, the chest is slightly raised, and the lower abdomen is tucked.

With improper chest breathing, only part of the chest muscles is used, and the weakest. Such breathing tires the chest with frequent breaths, and air is wasted irrationally.

Developing correct voluntary breathing requires training the breathing apparatus and establishing the correct mode. This requires special exercises, which are best done under the guidance of an experienced reader or specialist teacher. With some self-control, you can work on your breathing yourself.

Practical tasks

Exercise I. Stand straight, calmly, without tension. Rotate your shoulders without raising or lowering them. Place one hand on top part abdomen, another on the side, above the waist, to control the movement of the diaphragm and ribs. Exhale slightly and inhale at a count of 1-5 (count to yourself).

1.Control the simultaneous movement of the diaphragm and ribs. Be careful not to overfill your lungs.

2. Inhale and hold the air for a count of 1-3, without relaxing your muscles (this is preparation for an economical exhalation). Then exhale smoothly, without shock, to a count of 1-5.

Relax your abdominal muscles, rest and repeat the exercise.

Exercise 2. Check your breathing while reading the following texts:

Text No. 1 (from translations by S.Ya. Marshak) At the site of the / sign, breath is taken.

/ Here's the house

Which Jack built.

/ And this is wheat

which Jack built.

/ And this is a cheerful tit bird,

Which cleverly steals wheat,

Which is kept in a dark closet,

Which Jack built.

/ Here's a cat

Which scares and catches the tit,

Which cleverly steals wheat,

Which is kept in a dark closet,

Which Jack built.

Text No. 2. The task is performed with the movements named in the text. Breathing is voluntary.

I jump with a skipping rope,

I want to learn

So control your breathing so that

It could hold the sound.

It was deep, rhythmic

And it didn’t let me down.

I'm jumping without a break

And I don’t feel short of breath.

One-two, one-two, one-two, one.

You can jump for an hour. STAY.

When I finish jumping, I'll get up.

When pronouncing words, we exhale air from the lungs, which passes through the respiratory tract into the larynx, where, as a result of closing and opening the vocal cords, it produces a sound called

The voice must be of sufficient strength (sonority) and purity (euphony). A person with a weak voice, as well as incorrigible hoarseness, hoarseness, and nasality, should not work at school. Less significant voice defects can be corrected, weakened or smoothed out through training. The voice must be protected by following a certain regime: do not overexert vocal cords; If you are hot, do not go out into the cold, try to talk less outside in frosty weather.

It is necessary to distinguish between sound strength and volume. “The strength of sound is an objective quantity that characterizes the real energy of sound.,. Volume is a reflection in our consciousness of this real power sound, i.e. a subjective concept... The solution to the discrepancy between the strength and volume of sounds is in the unequal sensitivity of our hearing to tones different heights, although of equal strength."

Loudness should be understood as the fullness of the voice. Changing the strength of the voice is used as one of the means of expression. You can speak loudly, moderately and quietly, depending on the content of what is being read. Reading only loudly or only quietly gives the impression of monotony.

Listen to how you or someone close to you speaks. You will distinguish in speech a change in lower, upper and middle sounds, i.e. a change in tone. To observe how your voice changes, say the phrase (voice movement can be symbolized by lines):

For a certain segment speech tone consistently changes in pitch: it becomes higher, then lower. In order for the voice to easily move from low to high tones and vice versa, it is necessary to develop its flexibility and range. The reader must study his sound-pitch range and know its limit.

It is necessary to develop (improve) a voice of average height, normal for a reader, which does not require tension. When developing your voice in terms of mobility, you need to exercise it in changing the duration (tempo). Through exercise you can achieve a sense of tempo, a sense of rhythm. First of all, you should develop a calm, even and smooth pace of speech.

In addition to strength, height and duration, the sound of the voice also differs in its quality, that is, in the color of the voice - timbre. “Timbre, that is, the sound coloring of the voice, as well as the strength of sound, its softness and “warmth,” can improve with constant care for it, with special exercises, each time individually selected for a given voice.”

Practical tasks

Exercise 1. Achieve ringing, collected sound, natural euphony, and audibility at long distances by performing next tasks;

1. Say a loud, smooth and drawn-out sound m.

2. Pronounce the syllables slowly and smoothly (as when singing) mi, me, ma, mo, mu, we. Pronounce the syllables on one note. Make sure you are breathing correctly.

3. Repeat the exercise, pronouncing the syllables in reverse order! we, mu, mo, ma, me, mi.

Exercise 2. Read the text, lowering and increasing your voice volume according to the content.

Deputy meeting

Hello, winter guest!

We ask for mercy

Sing songs of the north

Through forests and steppes.

We have freedom, -

Walk anywhere;

Build bridges across rivers

And lay out the carpets.

(I. Nikitin.)

Exercise 3.

I. Say proverbs, matching your breathing with the duration of the sentence.

I. Grain to grain - there will be a bag. 2. The friendly team has a good field. 3. In a willing herd, even a wolf is not afraid. 4. During the period of suffering there is only one concern: I wouldn’t have to work. 5. Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with fruits. 6. Everyone has their own side.

II. Learn to balance your inhalation and exhalation when reading, do not exhale sharply during short phrases, and do not weaken the strength of your voice towards the end of a long phrase.

A hare came out of the dense fir trees under a birch tree and stopped when he saw large clearing. He didn’t dare go straight to the other side and walked around the entire clearing from birch tree to birch tree. So he stopped and listened. If you are afraid of something in the forest, it is better not to go while the leaves are falling and whispering. The hare is listening. It all seems to him as if someone is whispering from behind and sneaking... (M, Prishvin.)


Every word of the teacher must be pronounced clearly and distinctly. The clarity of pronunciation depends on the structure of the speech apparatus and its proper operation. The organs of pronunciation include: lips, tongue, jaws, teeth, hard and soft palate, small tongue, larynx, pharynx, vocal cords. The pronunciation of words and sounds is the result of contraction of the muscles of the corresponding parts of the speech apparatus (articulation). At the direction of certain parts of the central nervous system, the speaker pronounces sounds, words, and sentences.

IN everyday life We sometimes hear careless, sluggish speech. During fluent pronunciation, certain sounds are omitted, the endings of words are “swallowed”, some sounds are pronounced unclearly or are replaced by others. These deficiencies make speech unintelligible and difficult to understand.

Clarity and purity of pronunciation is achieved by correct articulation, that is, by the correct functioning of the speech apparatus. To achieve this, you need to develop flexibility and mobility of the tongue, lips, lower jaw and posterior palate, at the same time eliminating some speech defects and pronouncing sounds correctly.

The articulation of speech sounds is usually studied in Russian language lessons in connection with work in the phonetics section. The exercises recommended below will help you develop correct pronunciation skills.

Practical tasks

Exercise 1. Pronounce the vowels clearly. If you pronounce the vowels correctly, the exercise can be shortened. If your pronunciation of any sound is incorrect, repeat the exercise several times.

1. AND- the mouth is slightly open, stretched lips touching the teeth. The teeth are not tightly closed. The tip of the tongue is slightly raised, slightly tense, touching the lower front teeth.

Say a vowel And in a sing-song voice. Pay attention to the euphony of pronunciation.

E-mouth open more than when speaking And. The shape of the lips is approaching oval. The front of the tongue lies near the lower teeth.

Say uh then ie.

A-mouth open wider than when e. The tongue lies spread out, its tip can touch the lower front teeth.

Say A, then ea.

ABOUT-lips are pushed forward, rounded, the tongue is slightly raised at the root.

Say oh then eo, then ao, comparing sounds and their articulation.

U-lips are pulled forward, tongue is strongly pushed back towards the back palate.

Say y, then oh, uh, uh.

Y-lips stretched and open, as if pronouncing And, the tongue is raised towards the soft palate.

Say s, then ee.

2. Pronounce all the main vowels together, moving from one sound to another and, uh, a, o, y, s.

3. Say the vowels e, I, yo, Yu.

Compare the pronunciation of the main vowels with the iotated vowels e - e, A-I, oh - yo, y- Yu. Note that iotated vowels are pronounced the same way as non-iotated vowels, with the exception of the initial moment, i.e. the sound th, preceding the main sound.

Exercise 2. Pronounce consonants clearly. When pronouncing any consonant, any part of the speech apparatus is set in motion, for example: with the sound R the tip of the tongue trembles when making sounds b And ts - closing and opening of lips, with T And d- emphasis, and then lifting the tongue from the upper front teeth, etc. Make sure that exactly the sound that is required is formed, without any overtones.

1. Say alternately voiced and voiceless consonants: b-p, c- f, g-X-k, d-t, f- w, h- With. Say the consonant combinations: pb, kg, td, dt, fv, vf.

Practical lesson 3

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Speech technique is a set of practical skills in the field of breathing, articulation, diction, voice production, etc. The most direct relation to speech technique is the branch of language science that deals with the definition pronunciation standards(from Greek words orthos - correct, direct, and epos - speech). S.I. Ozhegov gives following definition“speech culture”: “High is the ability to correctly, accurately and expressively convey one’s thoughts through the means of language. Correct speech is one in which the norms of modern life are observed. literary language... It also lies in the ability to find not only the exact means for expressing one’s thoughts, but also the most intelligible (i.e., the most expressive) and the most appropriate (i.e., the most suitable for this case and therefore stylistically justified).”

Knyazev A.A. encyclopedic Dictionary MASS MEDIA. - Bishkek: KRSU Publishing House. A. A. Knyazev. 2002.

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federal state budget educational institution higher professional education

"Transbaikal State University"


Department of Theory of State and Law

CHITA - 2012
1. Speech technique
1.2 Speech breathing and voice
1.3 Diction
2. Practical part
public speaking diction speech

Language and speech occupy a special place in professional activity lawyer. After all, a lawyer is a jurist. And law is a set of norms established and protected by the state that regulate relations between people in society. When forming and formulating legal norms, protecting them in various procedural acts, a lawyer must have an impeccable command of the norms of language.

The study of the language of laws, procedural acts, and judicial speeches is carried out by two sciences: jurisprudence and linguistics.

However, speaking about the language of normative or procedural act, judicial speech, speakers act primarily as lawyers, since they are interested in what is expressed in the document legal content, the analysis of language, as a rule, without corresponding linguistic basis and essentially boils down to general reasoning about accuracy, clarity, expressiveness. Insufficient attention to the language of law is also evident in the legal education system.

A lawyer must have an impeccable command of the norms of literary language, be a person who general education goes ahead of the specialist, because a lawyer deals every day with a wide variety of life phenomena, and he must correctly evaluate these phenomena, make the right decision on them and convince people who turn to him of the correctness of his point of view.

Violation by lawyer language norms may cause negative reaction from the interlocutors. In addition, every lawyer also acts as a speaker, giving lectures; the prosecutor and lawyer make public speeches every day in trials, so it is necessary to have the skills to speak in front of an audience.
1. Speech technique
1.1 Components of speech technique
Speech technique is the skill of public speaking, business communication between people through language constructs created on the basis certain rules oratory, related to strength, height, euphony, flight, mobility, tone of voice and diction.
The combination of a strong, sonorous voice, clear diction, correct and expressive intonation - all this is called speech technique. For a judicial speaker, mastering the technique of speech means meaningfully managing one’s speech apparatus, skillfully and fully use voice, diction, intonation, pauses.
Unfortunately, to clearly and articulately convey your thoughts to others, due to various reasons, not everyone has it. Many people don’t notice this, some don’t attach any importance to it, and only a few feel out of place.

One cannot fail to take into account the fact that pronunciation deficiencies, like others speech disorders, can often cause serious deviations in mental development, especially in children. Children who mispronounce words often avoid verbal communication with friends, do not participate in children's performances at matinees, and are not active. For adults, the mentioned shortcomings can serve as some kind of obstacle to moving up the career ladder.

Every person has developed so-called inner speech, which is not pronounced out loud, but exists only in our brain and which we turn to ourselves. When we mentally talk to ourselves, we don't stutter. Inner speech, although silent, is not so different from external, sounding speech. Both are controlled by the same speech mechanisms.

It should be remembered that only with considerable persistence and regular training can you achieve desired goal and achieve positive results in rhetoric, diction and eloquence.
The essence of speech technique is the organization of coordinated work of breathing, voice, and articulation.
The vocal apparatus consists of four parts: respiratory organs, vibrators, resonators and articulators.
The respiratory organs are something like bellows. They include the lungs, the muscles that pull air into the lungs, and other muscles that push air out of the lungs. The diaphragm and lower abdominal muscles regulate the process of inhalation and exhalation and create the necessary support for sound - the speech belt.

Vibrators are vocal cords. They are located horizontally in the windpipe where it passes into the larynx, and are attached to the anterior wall of the larynx so that when weakened they form a Roman numeral V. When they are tense and closed, the air flow rushing upward from the lungs causes them to vibrate rapidly, generating sound sounds. fluctuations.

Resonators include the larynx, nasal and oral cavities. They enhance and enrich the sound. Changes in the shape and volume of the oral cavity give distinctness to each sound during speech or create resonance.
Articulators - tongue, teeth, lips, lower jaw and soft palate - form customized sounds through changes in the size and shape of the sound.

These four parts of the vocal apparatus are involved in creating the five elements of voice: sonority, tempo, pitch, timbre, articulation along with pronunciation. Each of the five elements of the voice depends to a greater or lesser extent on all parts of the vocal apparatus and influences the other elements. For example, improper breathing creates insufficient sonority, which in turn distorts the timbre color or resonance and can cause too high a tone, insufficient duration of sounds or unclear diction.

1.2 Speech breathing and voice
We breathe from birth to death. And it's worth doing right. To maintain life, you just need to inhale and exhale. When we inhale, we take in oxygen and use it to create energy. When we exhale, we release substances that are harmful to the body.
Inhaled air is absolutely necessary for speech, singing, moaning and other life manifestations. The lungs do not breathe on their own; rather, they are ventilated by the movement of the respiratory muscles.
The countless pulmonary alveoli cannot be active; on the contrary, they depend on the muscles located around the lungs.

Our task is not to grab air, but to draw it into the lungs, and, if possible, through the nose: then the air is heated and filtered. When breathing only through the mouth, the larynx quickly dries out, resulting in a hoarse voice and inflammation of the respiratory tract. Many people place only a small amount of air under their collarbones when inhaling. But we use our "leaf blower" completely, that is, we prefer " deep breathing"(diaphragmatic or abdominal breathing) and lateral breathing. And we are not content with upper breathing, the consequence of which can be spasms, especially when the shoulders are raised. You are breathing correctly if your abdominal wall is rounded and your sides are stretched.

It is necessary to train “breathing support”, for this you can do the following exercises:
* We pronounce each word in the sentence extremely slowly and drawn out.
* We speak at a normal pace for as long as possible in one breath.
Basic Rule speech practice: Inhale air only when a pause is allowed within the meaning. With a fast manner of speech, we have time only for a short respite, which does not allow full breathing.
Mastering the skills of proper breathing is a prerequisite for good, richly nuanced speech. We often listen to speakers who, after 10 minutes of speaking, are out of breath, as if they had climbed the stairs to the 10th-15th floor.
Even more than all other speech problems, breathing control requires external control.
Properly organized breathing plays a primary role in speech. The lack of the necessary supply of exhaled air leads to voice breakdowns, unjustified pauses, distorting the phrase.
It is also necessary to remember that unevenly consumed air often does not allow you to fully finish a sentence and forces you to “squeeze” the words out of yourself.
Correct, clear, expressive and beautiful pronunciation of sounds, words and phrases depends on the functioning of the speech apparatus and proper breathing.
When starting classes on breathing development, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the anatomy, physiology and hygiene of the respiratory-vocal apparatus, with existing types breathing.
Also, it should be remembered that the mixed-diaphragmatic type of breathing is the most appropriate and practically useful.
There is an inextricable connection between breath and voice. A correctly delivered voice is very important quality oral speech, especially the teacher.
To educate and develop a voice means to develop and strengthen all the vocal data given to man by nature - the volume, strength and sonority of the voice.
Before training your voice using text exercises, you need to learn how to feel the work of resonators.
Resonators are sound amplifiers. Resonators include:
palate, nasal cavity, teeth, facial bones, frontal sinus.
When the voice sounds low, you can feel its vibration in the chest cavity.
If the voice is used incorrectly, it will sound artificial. For example: a “throaty” tone of voice is the result of an incorrect message of sound. The reason for this phenomenon is constriction of the pharynx.
It may be that a person speaks “lower” than is consistent with the nature of his vocal data. Then the voice turns out to be compressed, lacking sonority.
The habit of speaking in a voice that is not “your own” leads to rapid fatigue. To eliminate such phenomena, it is necessary to establish the normal position of the vocal apparatus.
In order to learn how to check the operation of resonators, you need to do various exercises.
Voice flight is the duration of sound individual phrases, words and sounds. When the sound is saturated with intonations, the words are pronounced with a certain emotional coloring, clearly, distinctly and strongly enough, then the speaker’s speech seems to hang in the air. It reaches the farthest corners of the audience.
Voice timbre is the sound coloring of the voice, which creates certain emotionally expressive shades of speech (optimistic, sad, cheerful), and also reflects stable characteristics voices (bass, tenor, baritone).
A typical mistake of many speakers is the inability to clearly and correctly pronounce individual speech sounds. To overcome this disadvantage, as well as improve speech technique, it is recommended:
a) read aloud at a different pace (slow, medium, then fast) a fragment of a story based on a book;
b) use tongue twisters; at first they should be pronounced slowly, then gradually increase the pace, achieving a clear pronunciation of the words and individual sounds(for example: Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole the clarinet from Karl; you can’t speak and pronounce all the tongue twisters).
The most important indicator speech culture speaker is rich lexicon, accuracy and imagery of phrases and expressions, this is the ability to succinctly and simply formulate your thoughts.
So, the speaker with high culture speech is distinguished by a rich vocabulary, semantic accuracy expressions, compliance with language norms of pronunciation, imagery and accuracy of word use.
The strength of the voice should be commensurate with the size of the audience in which the speech is being delivered, and the objectives that the speaker seeks to achieve with his oratory should be taken into account. The power of a voice is not only its volume, but also the power of influence on the psyche: the will, feelings, consciousness of the listeners.
1.3 Diction
Diction (lat.) - pronunciation, the manner in which the speaker pronounces sounds, syllables, words and phrases during a speech.
Good diction means clear and precise pronunciation of each vowel and consonant separately, as well as words and phrases.
“A word with a crumpled beginning is like a man with a flattened head. A word with an unfinished ending resembles a man with amputated legs. The loss of individual sounds and syllables is the same as a knocked out eye or tooth” (K.S. Stanislavsky).
Clear and precise pronunciation is possible if you have a normal speech apparatus and if it works correctly. The speech apparatus includes: lips, tongue, jaws, teeth, hard and soft palates, small tongue, larynx, posterior wall of the pharynx (pharynx), vocal cords.
There may be defects in the structure of the speech apparatus that cause lisp, lisp, or burr, in which case medical intervention is required. But the cause of unclear pronunciation is a bad habit, which you can get rid of through systematic training.
Speech technique - practical subject, only constant training is an indispensable condition for developing clear diction. Even if the speech is pure, it still needs technical improvement.
You need to know your shortcomings, understand and master the position of the parts of the speech apparatus at the moment of pronouncing a particular sound. You need to practice speech technique so that your speech is easy and free.
K.S. Stanislavsky attached great importance to training the speech apparatus. Often there are people with sluggish speech, laziness of the tongue and bad work lower jaw (jaw tightness).
To develop the speech organs, it is necessary to engage articulatory gymnastics, with its help, flexibility and pliability of the speech apparatus and individual muscles are developed. Big role muscles that require systematic training. Strengthening the muscles of the mouth and tongue is a preparation for working on speech sounds.
Having mastered your speech apparatus and understood the functions of its individual parts, then you can move on to working on correcting individual vowels and consonants
Diction is the degree of clarity in the pronunciation of sounds, syllables and words in speech. The clarity and purity of the sound of speech depend on the correct and active work articulatory apparatus.
Speech therapy deals with correction of diction deficiencies such as burr, lisp, and nasal tone.
2. Practical part
Analysis of the judicial speech “The case of the murder of Hieromonk Hilarion.
Judicial speech in the case of the murder of Hieromonk Hilarion.
“The Case of the Murder of Hieromonk Hilarion” is an indictment and consists of an introduction, the main part and a conclusion.
In the introduction, the accuser seeks to arouse the interest of the listeners and capture their attention; install with them psychological contact, win them over, win their trust; psychologically prepare listeners to perceive the content of the main part of the speech.

To do this, the prosecutor gives in the introduction short description pictures of the crime, which will facilitate the transition to the main part of the speech: “Gentlemen of the judge, gentlemen of the jury! On January 10th of this year, Father Hilarion, hieromonk of the Alexander Nevsky Livre, was found in his cell having violently ended his life at the hands of someone else... In fact, if you look closely at the case, you will see that the defendant’s consciousness is far from pure, that in there are some impurities in it and that, in any case, it does not say the full truth, declaring in court that he shows one truth both before God and before the authorities, and before you.”

The main task of the main part of the indictment is to present and substantiate the position of the state prosecutor, who proves that the act took place for which the defendant is accused “... they look through the crack, see his legs, think that something is wrong with him, send for the doctor, open door and they find that he is dead, killed...”; proves that this act was committed by the defendant: “When the detective police agent came to the station, he found the defendant “walking,” drunk and hiding; he was wearing the trousers and vest of his late father Hilarion, and in the pocket of the trousers were gold coins, including twenty francs; The deceased’s watch was found on his brother, and he himself had another one, also belonging to Father Hilarion. He is confused, he is scared, his arm is wounded. They take him. What can he say, what explanation can he give? There is only one thing left for him - consciousness."

To substantiate the correctness of his position, the prosecutor uses the following elements in his accusatory speech:
1. Statement of the factual circumstances of the case: “The time was chosen when, according to monastic customs, there was no one in the corridor. There were only six cells in the corridor: one was occupied by the monk Gregory; and in the other two lived two visiting archimandrites, two were empty that day, and Father Hilarion lived in one...”

2. Analysis and assessment of evidence examined during the judicial investigation: “Then look from the moral side at the subsequent actions of the defendant. He killed suddenly, he killed without knowing how or why, he was “confined by sin,” but, nevertheless, he shed streams of blood throughout the apartment, tormented the old man, tore his entire beard to shreds in a long and bitter struggle , and finally decided with him...”

3. Justification for the legal qualification of the crime: “I think, however, that this is not so, that the thought of murder did not appear suddenly, that he had the opportunity for some time to evaluate and weigh it, or to banish it from his head, or to retain it - and chose the latter"
4. Characteristics of the personality of the defendant and the victim: “To do this, it is necessary to briefly consider the situation of the case and, first of all, look at the personality of the victim of the crime...
The defendant served as a switchman in Okulovka, he left his service there, was left without work and then came to St. Petersburg, telling his family that he was going to look for a place...”

At the conclusion of his speech, the prosecutor strives to finally convince the judges of the correctness and fairness of his position; reminds them the most important results judicial investigation; sums up the results of the trial: “I accuse the defendant Mikhailov of committing a crime with premeditated intent. The defendant wants to prove that it was committed suddenly, without premeditation. Which of us is right will decide your verdict..."

In “The Case of the Murder of Hieromonk Hilarion”, linguistic means of various styles are used: official business, colloquial and everyday.
The clarity of the prosecutor's speech is achieved by using common words and expressions
In “The Case...” business terminology is used (with a premeditated intention, without premeditation, to enter into a transaction, irresistible facts, an inspection report...), as well as verbal nouns (punishment, murder, representatives, testimony, verification...) .

Participial and participial phrases are used here to promote brevity of presentation (In fact, if you look closely at the case, you will see that the defendant’s consciousness is far from pure, that there are some impurities in it and that, in any case, he is not telling the complete truth, declaring court, which shows one truth both before God and before the authorities, and before us.). Passive constructions are used:

“Then the situation of the murder is also quite clear: the murder was committed with a stabbing weapon, a number of very strong wounds were inflicted, causing profuse bleeding, leading to death, and as inspection of the wounds confirms, they were inflicted by a person who approached from behind.” Constructions with the so-called split predicate are also used: “ On January 10 of this year, Father Hilarion, hieromonk of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, was found in his cell having ended his life “violently at the hands of someone else.”

The text of “Cases...” is casual, expressive, expressing a subjective attitude to what is being presented. The text uses colloquial everyday vocabulary “in all its ugliness”, “horror must take hold”, “restlessness will rise”, “baluster”, etc. There are words with an emotionally expressive connotation: “knife”, “ scary place", "droplets of blood...", occurs set phrase“sin beguiled.”

In “The Case..” there are sentences with interjections, particles, introductory words and sentences, appeals: “You, representatives of the judge in this case, cannot be an instrument in anyone’s hands; You cannot, therefore, be in the hands of the defendant and decide the case according to his testimony alone, following the path along which he wants to lead you...”
To ensure an effective solution to all problems associated with the process of persuasion, figurative means in “The Case...” are combined with rhetorical figures.
Rhetorical figures include speech repetition, antithesis, warning, question-and-answer move, rhetorical question, unexpected break of thought and silence.

In the speech of the prosecutor, there is often a speech repetition: “When Father Hilarion lies nearby - dying, bleeding, the defendant takes off all his clothes, burns them in the stove, puts on the clothes of his victim - then takes away the candle and puts it in the bedroom...” , “...then committing a murder there and calmly changing his linen, wiping his hands and choosing the property of Father Hilarion, and then the time when he is next to him. he dies wounded and tormented...”

Question-and-answer move: “What relation can Father Hilarion, this introverted person, not even interested in what those closest to him and those around him are doing? None"
Meet rhetorical questions: “Doesn’t this indicate that the defendant was in this attic, which was convenient to do, especially since the attic was not visited by anyone and not everyone even knew about it, as witness Yakov Petrov stated about it.”
Antithesis: “He says that he himself defended himself against that knife, that he pulled it out. This is not so, because the wounds that were formed on the hands of the knife from being pulled out were on Father Illarion, and not on the defendant.”
So, the expressiveness of speech is calculated using structural elements speech: figures of speech, figurative means of speech (comparison, epithet, irony and other tropes) and an aesthetically perfect style of speech.

The ancient discipline of rhetoric was almost forgotten for a long time. Its revival since the mid-twentieth century is associated with the rapid flow of information that hit modern man. He needs to navigate this flow well, and this means quickly establishing contact with people, finding ideas and accurately and vividly putting them into speech. These skills enable mutual understanding. But this is only one side of communication. Another ethics of human behavior, his responsibility for his word. And this other side is no less important for a lawyer, whose field of activity is classified as an area of ​​increased speech responsibility.

A lawyer’s speech, as a rule, should convey knowledge and facilitate its transformation into beliefs. It must teach, educate, and have the goal of influencing the individual and the team, their mood, opinions, interests, behavior and feelings. To achieve the goals of oral presentation, a legal worker needs high speech and mental culture. His speech must be scientific in content, comply with legal norms, and in form - logical, bright, figurative.

A lawyer needs to skillfully connect the content of his speech with life, take into account the state and needs of the people listening to him, use various language means expressiveness (pauses, intonation, stress, etc.). The success of such an entry also depends on his knowledge, professional experience, sincerity, freehold material, self-control, restraint, correct external expression your feelings.

1. Andreev V.I. Business rhetoric. (Practical course in business communication and oratory skills). - M.: Public Education, 1995. - 208 p.
2. Alexandrov D.N. Rhetoric: Tutorial. -- 3rd ed. - M.: Flinta: Nauka, 2004. - 624 p.
3. Annushkin V.I. Rhetoric. Introductory course. -M.: Flinta: Science, 2008 - 296s
4.Ivakina N.N. Fundamentals of judicial eloquence (rhetoric for lawyers). - M.: Yurist, 2000- 384s
Posted on Allbest.ru

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How nice it is to listen to a person whose speech is competent and interesting at the same time. Unfortunately, there are very few such people. Most often, the vast majority are tongue-tied, cannot construct both grammatically and stylistically, and use a poor vocabulary. And if such people also have to speak in front of the public, then the latter is worthy of regret.

Components of beautiful speech

Speech technique is a combination of several components, knowing which you can gradually learn. It includes several factors. And the main one among them is diction. Speech technique would be impossible without clear pronunciation of sounds - vowels and especially consonants. It seems that speaking clearly and clearly is easy. In reality, things are exactly the opposite, and learning diction can take a lot of time.

In addition, it is very important to be able to speak convincingly and emotionally. This is how you can control and influence your audience. Expressive, live speech is capable of captivating people so much that they agree with all the arguments of the speaker, without wanting to do so.

And further. It's important to know what to say. Speech technique hides many nuances that simply need to be taken into account and kept in mind constantly.

Maybe see a speech therapist?

It may very well be that you will have to remember such a specialist, despite the fact that you have already passed the age when he is so necessary. Some people have a real mess in their mouth, and some sounds are pronounced completely wrong.

Sometimes just understanding what you are doing wrong is enough to start speaking correctly. But it often happens that it is very difficult to correct the situation, so you shouldn’t even start. History knows many examples famous speakers, which had unproduced sounds, but this did not stop them from winning over the audience.

Are we going to Russian language class?

And one more nuance. Almost each of us speaks very quickly, “eating” many words and endings. In everyday life this is normal, because dialogue reigns here - if you didn’t hear, you can ask again. Although, of course, you need to strive to be clean and beautiful. Well, even more so on the podium! After all, here one side is already listening, and sometimes it’s very difficult to figure out what the speaker wanted to say. What are we really seeing?

Correct breathing

Breathing tends to cause a lot of confusion among people. We all breathe and cannot exist without it. What's so complicated about this? However, there are difficulties, and considerable ones. The speaker is like a singer or a musician who plays a wind instrument, who simply needs the correct breathing. It is this that will help maintain the clarity of the narration, the correct intonation, and will not allow the voice to break in the wrong place.

There are several, namely: thoracic, in which the shoulders rise upward, abdominal and diaphragmatic. As a rule, women breathe from the chest, unlike men. Perhaps this is why among the fair half of humanity fewer good speakers. After all, this art requires diaphragmatic breathing, that is, one in which the diaphragm works.

To set it up, you need to perform simple exercises, but it is important to do it regularly. After a short period of constant and persistent exercise, which in its load is no different from physical exercise, you will notice that you will begin to breathe completely differently.

How to train breathing?

Correct speech technique includes daily exercises to develop and optimize the respiratory system. We always speak while exhaling, and it is especially important that it be long, but not lead us to exhaustion. Unlike exhalation, inhalation should be vigorous and short. Otherwise there would be long lines between words. awkward pauses. Although in themselves they are also simply necessary for beautiful speech However, these intervals should not be too long. That is why it is necessary to perform exercises for long inhalations, and you need to ensure that the air fills the diaphragm area, and then slowly, in portions, is consumed. At the same time, there is no need to bring yourself to a state where a person has already used up all the air, but continues to speak. It doesn't look very nice. It’s better to stop and “take your breath” again.

Diction also requires training

At the same time as performing breathing exercises, do not forget about diction. She should devote a small amount of time, 10-15 minutes daily. Very soon you will notice how your speech will become clear and well understood by others. There are quite a few various exercises on diction. But first you need to soberly evaluate your speech. To do this, it will be enough to simply record your voice on a voice recorder, and then listen to the recording very carefully. It would be a good idea to ask someone else to evaluate your diction; perhaps strangers will notice something that escapes your attention and hearing.

So, pay attention to the following points:

  • Consonant sounds. What are they: correct or not, do we swallow them?
  • What soft consonants sound like.
  • How do you pronounce consonants at the junction of two words.
  • How to pronounce unstressed vowels.
  • How do consonants sound in different parts of a word?

Typically you will notice some general trend or an error. Perhaps others will hear something else while listening to the recording. All this is a front for upcoming work over the voice and speech in general.

Concept of articulation

In general, we can say that diction and articulation are one and the same thing. There are articulatory muscles that are involved in the process of sound formation, and they need to be trained. These muscles form the correct sounds, which is why it is important that they are strong and strong.

To strengthen them, you can and should do special exercises, which includes a set of exercises for the tongue, jaws, lips and even cheeks.

You can simply make faces, and then lightly massage your cheeks and lips. In addition, there are a lot of exercises for children with speech therapy problems. The most common of them are the “needle”, when you need to make the tongue sharp and stretch as high as possible in the nose, and the “shovel”, when the tongue is as relaxed as possible.

Search for a teacher

If you are very concerned about speaking technique, courses are the best thing you need. You can spend a long time learning to speak beautifully and correctly at home and not notice gross mistakes that nullify all your efforts. An experienced teacher and mentor will correct you in time and will not allow the mistake to take hold. The teacher’s speech technique will act as a standard and guiding star that will not let you go astray. It is the specialist who will tell you when you are quite ready to speak in front of people, and will stop you if it is too early and you still need to practice.

What and how to say?

So, even if you have been practicing diction and positioning the breathing apparatus for a long time, but you don’t know what to say, then it’s too early for you to speak. It is necessary that beautiful turns and phrases ripen in your head in time, the right words are remembered in time, and speech flows like a stream. For this purpose, you simply need to read a lot and reflect on different topics. You need to try to find synonyms for many words and expand your vocabulary.

It is also very important to monitor the pace of speech. Many people chatter without noticing it. This makes it very difficult to fully perceive speech. We need to watch the pace at which we speak, it is not that difficult. At first you will have to pay attention to this, and then it will become a habit.


Gestures are our second language. We simply need it, but there are rules here too. There shouldn't be too many gestures. Sweeping movements are also very distracting. That's why you need to learn to control your body. Exists a whole science, studying facial expressions and gestures. Even a superficial acquaintance with her will be of great benefit, because you will learn to read body language at least a little. Every gesture should be thought through. First, study and objectively analyze the movements that you often use, and then make adjustments.

It is advisable to think through all gestures in advance, rehearse in front of a mirror, and demonstrate to your best friends.

If you tell everyone: “I want to speak beautifully... Speech techniques are so complicated!”, then you are unlikely to achieve anything. Beautiful and correct we're talking about hand in hand with faith in your strength and success. All of them are necessary for almost each of us, because success and self-confidence are one of the main components of the modern world.

Practice - and you will undoubtedly succeed!