Contents traveler. Legal support for preschool education

Frog traveler

There lived a frog in a swamp. In the autumn, ducks flew south past the swamp and stopped to rest and eat. The frog, having learned that it was warm in the south, wonderful swamps and clouds of mosquitoes, asked to fly with them. She came up with the idea that if two ducks took the ends of the twig with their beaks, and she grabbed the middle with her mouth, then the flock, changing, could carry her to the south. The ducks agreed, admiring her intelligence.

The frog first flew forward with its face, after a halt it turned over and asked the ducks to fly lower so that people could see it. People were surprised: who came up with such a clever thing? Flying over the third village, the frog could not resist and croaked: it’s me! And she fell into some kind of swamp. There she said that she had come up with a wonderful way to travel on ducks and flew to the wonderful south, and now she flew in to see how they live here, and released the ducks until spring. But the ducks did not return, because... They thought that the frog had crashed and felt sorry for it.

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  5. Title of the work: Frog traveler
    Author of the work: Vsevolod Garshin
    Genre: fairy tale
    Year of writing: 1887
    Main characters: frog, flock of ducks

    After reading short description fairy tales "The Frog Traveler" for reader's diary, you will meet fantastic story which happened to an inquisitive frog in the company of a flock of ducks.


    In one swamp lived the most common frog, which in fact was not entirely ordinary. She was smart and resourceful. One day, ducks flying south sat down to rest in a swamp. Since the frog was also very curious, she entered into a conversation with them and began asking about foreign countries. The ducks were reluctant at first, but then enthusiastically talked about hot countries, where it is always warm and there are a lot of midges and mosquitoes. The frog also really wanted to visit these places and came up with the idea strange way travel: two ducks took a stick in their beak, and she held on to it with her mouth and thus flew with them. The ducks agreed to this unusual proposal. But when the flock flew over the village, people saw this sight and shouted:

    “What smart ducks!”

    The boastful frog could not stand it and shouted back:

    “I came up with this!”

    And of course, she fell into the swamp. The ducks alone flew south, and the frog remained to live in a strange swamp, although there she boasted a lot about her travels on tame ducks.

    Conclusion (my opinion)

    I believe that the frog was smart and creative, he was able to find a solution to satisfy his curiosity and see the world. But her pride ruined her, she so wanted everyone to know how smart she was. In my opinion, this happens with people too, they want fame so much that they forget about caution.

    There lived a big frog in a swamp. In the autumn, ducks flew south past the swamp and stopped to rest and eat. The frog, having learned that it was warm in the south, wonderful swamps and clouds of mosquitoes, asked to fly with them. She came up with the idea that if two ducks took the ends of the twig with their beaks, and she grabbed the middle with her mouth, then the flock, changing, could carry her to the south. The ducks agreed, admiring her intelligence.

    The frog first flew forward with its face, after a halt it turned over and asked the ducks to fly lower so that people could see it. She was proud that she could figure out how to fly south with the ducks.

    People were surprised: who came up with such a clever thing? Flying over the third village, the frog could not resist and croaked: it’s me! And she fell into some kind of swamp. There she said that she had come up with a wonderful way to travel on ducks and flew to the wonderful south, and now she flew in to see how other toads lived here, and released the ducks until spring. But the ducks did not return, because they thought that the frog had crashed and felt sorry for it.

    In this work, the author tells the story of a frog who was bored with life in his native swamp, and went in search of adventure by air, on ducks. On the way, the unlucky traveler falls into another swamp and decides that it is more interesting.

    the main idea

    The main idea of ​​the work can be expressed in the proverb “every sandpiper praises his swamp,” and the author also shows the frog’s boastfulness, deceit and desire to embellish events by comparing it with some people.

    Summary of Frog Traveler - Garshin

    A large frog lived in a cozy swamp; she had plenty of mosquitoes and midges, but one autumn the ducks flying south decided to rest and eat on their long journey and sank down. After listening to their conversations and deciding that it was warmer in the south, the swamps were nicer and there were more mosquitoes, the frog decided to ask the ducks to take her with them to the south. The ducks agreed, but did not know how to carry the frog with them... then the inventive traveler came up with the idea that two ducks could take the twig with the ends of their beaks, and she would hook it in the middle with her mouth, then, alternately changing, a flock of ducks could fly with her to warm places. The ducks agreed to this method, showing admiration for the frog's intelligence.

    So, a twig of suitable strength was found, the frog grabbed it with its mouth, the ducks grabbed it with their beaks - and now our traveler is already in the air...

    At first she flew with her face forward, but it was uncomfortable for her - the air at the height was too harsh. At the very first stop, the traveler changed her position and continued her journey with her back to the wind, and also asked the ducks to lower their flight altitude so that people could see her from the ground. The frog was full of pride in himself and in the way of travel he had invented. At first they didn’t notice it, but here and there in different villages, surprised exclamations began to be heard, people asked each other: who could have thought of such a cunning thing?

    After flying past the third village, the frog couldn’t stand it, opened its mouth and croaked: “Me!” It's me! And, of course, she no longer had anything to hold on to, and she fell straight into some kind of swamp...

    Local frogs immediately gathered around her and the traveler, with great aplomb, told them that she had come up with an original way to travel on ducks and flew south, and on the way back she decided to release the ducks until next spring and see how the toads lived in this swamp.

    But the ducks still did not return - they thought that the traveler had hit the ground and was broken and felt sorry for her.

    Picture or drawing Frog traveler

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    Frog traveler

    In a nutshell: A tale about a boastful Frog who flew with ducks from swamp to swamp, and then talked about her travels to distant lands.

    Once upon a time there lived a frog frog in a fabulous swamp. One day she was sitting on a branch of a driftwood sticking out of the water and enjoying the warm, gentle rain. Suddenly she heard a sound. It was ducks flying. They flew past a swamp and decided to rest. The frog began to eavesdrop on the ducks' conversation. She learned that they were flying south. She wanted to fly with them. The ducks were surprised at her request. The frog thought and dived into the water, and when it emerged, it held a twig in its paws. The ducks agreed with her, admiring her. Two ducks took the twig in their beaks, and the frog clung its mouth to the middle and after that the flock flew away. The frog was breathless from the terrible height to which he was raised; in addition, the ducks flew unevenly and tugged at the twig; the poor wah dangled in the air like a paper clown, and clenched her jaws with all her might so as not to break away and plop down on the ground. However, she soon got used to her position and even began to look around. Fields, meadows, rivers and mountains quickly flashed under her, which, however, was very difficult for her to see, because, hanging on a twig, she looked back and a little up, but she still saw something and was happy and proud. On the next rest, the frog said: “Can’t we fly not so high?” I feel dizzy from the heights, and I'm afraid of falling if I suddenly feel sick. And the good ducks promised her to fly lower. The next day they flew so low that they heard voices: - Look, look! - children shouted in one village, - ducks are carrying a frog! The frog heard this and her heart jumped. - Look, look! - adults shouted in another village, - what a miracle! - Do they know that I came up with this, and not the ducks? - thought the frog. - Look, look! - they shouted in the third village. - What a miracle! And who came up with such a clever thing? Then the frog could not stand it and, forgetting all caution, screamed with all her might: “It’s me!” I! Forgetting caution, the frog fell into a dirty pond on the edge of the village. But there was no one around her. Frightened by the unexpected splash, the local frogs all hid in the water. When they began to emerge from the water, they looked with surprise at the new one. And she told them wonderful story about how she thought all her life and finally invented a new, unusual way of traveling on ducks; how she had her own ducks that carried her wherever she went; how she visited the beautiful south, where it’s so nice, where there are such beautiful warm swamps and so many midges and all sorts of other edible insects. “I stopped by to see how you live,” she said. - I will stay with you until spring, until the ducks I released return. But the ducks never returned. They thought that the frog had crashed to the ground and were very sorry for it.