Water from Baikal. How dangerous are the waters of Lake Baikal?

(The material is presented in question and answer form)

1.Were you previously familiar with the method of developing a reconstructive imagination? If yes, from what sources? Have you used this technique or its individual techniques in your lessons?

Introduction to the technique of recreating (in to a greater extent creative) imagination took place back in student years at the Pedagogical Institute at lectures on the methods of Russian language and literature experienced teachers– mentors.

She systematically used certain techniques of reconstructive imagination in the lessons of preparation for presentation. The presentation of almost all years of study was exam task ninth graders, so it was necessary to prepare children for this type of work, starting from the fifth grade, based on methodological manuals, which were offered to help the teacher. With the Internet connection, a variety of electronic materials to prepare students for final exam in the form of the State Examination Inspectorate, the tasks of which included a concise presentation. Various pedagogical websites contain materials from the experience of the best teachers in preparing students for the State Examination, which significantly facilitated the teaching job and improved the quality of graduates’ knowledge.

Many program texts for presentations located on the pages school textbooks, allow the content to be used individual techniques recreating imagination. In recent years, it has become possible to develop students' recreative imagination on visual and musical images through presentations.

2. How did students perceive the new type of task? In which class did you use the technique? Have you been able to teach students to “turn on their imagination” and write a narrative based on it?

It is necessary to develop the student’s recreating imagination, and this is not an easy task. There are different children in front of the teacher in the lesson, and their reconstructive imagination is not developed to the same extent.

New type tasks called “Turn on your imagination”, when the teacher, addressing the children, says quite simply: “Imagine that everything you read about, you see on your “mental screen”, is perceived with pleasure.

It was necessary to use the method of reconstructive imagination in almost all grades, from 5 to 11, when working with texts where the content allowed it, and not only in Russian language lessons, but also in literature lessons when reading and analyzing works of fiction.

Here are some examples:

    Preparing for detailed presentation in 5th grade based on the text by G. Snegirev “The Brave Little Penguin.”

    Preparing for concise presentation in 6th grade according to the text

“Collector of Russian words” (about V.I. Dal).

    Preparation for selective presentation in 7th grade based on the text by M.A. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man".

    Preparation for a presentation with elements of an essay in grade 7 based on the text by K.G. Paustovsky “Creaky Floorboards”.

    Preparation for a concise presentation in grade 8 based on a text from the newspaper “But there was a case.”

    In 9th grade, when preparing for an exam condensed presentation and essay in linguistic topic according to texts (mainly artistic style) open bank assignments on the FIPI website.

    In grades 10-11 when preparing for an essay - USE reasoning based on texts (mainly artistic style) of an open task bank on the FIPI website.

    In literature lessons, when compiling characteristics of the main characters based on an analysis of the most important episodes from the text.

Let us give examples of such works: I. S. Turgenev “Mumu”, L.N. Tolstoy “Childhood. Adolescence. Youth”, N.V. Gogol “Taras Bulba”, I.A. Goncharov “Oblomov”, L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”, M. A. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita” and others.

Effective technique development of reconstructive imagination, which helps in work, is watching episodes or an entire film adaptation of a read work (A.N. Tolstoy’s Fairy Tale “The Snow Maiden”, I.S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”, F.M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”, M.A. Sholokhov “Quiet Don” L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”, M.A. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”, as well as documentaries about the life and work of one or another author (“In Yesenin’s Motherland”, V. M. Shukshin “Writer and Director”).

Only recreation in visual, concrete sensory images of what the student reads, sees, hears contributes to the full perception of educational material.

3.Have you and your students experienced any difficulties in their work? What were they connected with?

Of course, there were difficulties. Development tasks creative imagination had to be selected taking into account individual characteristics students.

When preparing for presentation, use presentations with ready-made visual images you have to be very careful. Slides should not contain images that are not related to the content of the text, as children begin to admit factual errors, introduce episodes into the presentation that are not in the source text.


based on recreative imagination


Baikal water! It is well known that it is the purest, most transparent, almost distilled. I didn’t know: this water, in its kilometer thickness, is the most beautiful. Its shades are countless. On a quiet summer morning in the shade of the shore, the water is blue, thick and juicy. As the sun rises higher, the color also changes; more delicate pastel colors are used. A breeze blew - someone suddenly added blue to the lake. It blew harder - the gray strokes lined this blue with foamy stripes. The lake seems to be alive: it breathes, changes, rejoices, gets angry.

What's going on here in the evening? The sun quietly sank behind the mountains and threw up a farewell green beam, and Baikal instantly reflected this delicate greenery. Old man Baikal is as receptive as a young man. The next day, the dawn painted half the sky with red strokes of long, high clouds - Baikal was burning, it was hot.

Winter on Lake Baikal is no less colorful. Ice hummocks turn blue, then green, then, like a prism, they cast away Sunbeam seven-color rainbow. It’s nice to wander along the shores of the lake at this time: it has its own microclimate, the winters are milder, the summers are cooler. Snowy taiga, mountains and sun, sun! A wonderful setting for Lake Baikal!

(According to R. Armeev, 152 words)

Lake Baikal is a unique creation of nature. And not just because it holds 80 percent fresh water our country, a fifth of all fresh water on the planet. Peculiar geological history Baikal, its further fate is unusual, associated with the process of moving apart tectonic plates.

Baikal has existed for a very long time. More than 20 million years ago, a fault appeared in the earth's crust in the form of a narrow crack. Since then, those touching under Lake Baikal have been moving away from each other. tectonic plates- Siberian and Transbaikal. Slowly diverging, these two giant pieces earth's crust free up space for the ocean basin. The slabs move away from each other by an average of 2-3 millimeters per year. This means that over three hundred million years, approximately six hundred kilometers... In certain periods, the process accelerates five or even ten times. Earthquakes are signals that “ocean time” is approaching. Of course, on our human scale this is completely imperceptible.

Baikal already has “its own Atlantis.” Literally before the eyes of the Buryats - nomads - the northern part of the Selenga delta, the largest river flowing into Baikal, sank into the lake on the eve of 1862. This is the Gypsy steppe with an area of ​​about two hundred square kilometers. The entire basin that contains the grandiose lake gradually becomes deeper.

During the existence of the lake, the water in it changed only 50 thousand times. Flowing slowly through the lake, settling for a long time in its dark depths, the water becomes cleaner and more transparent. But, of course, it is not only thanks to this settling that water is purified. Baikal is famous for the fact that it even contains less dissolved salts than any other lake.

The freshest water in the world, perhaps, is born when glaciers melt: in such “ ice water» almost no dissolved salts. Several tens of thousands of years ago, glaciers descended into Baikal. Dissolved salts in Baikal water are only 20-40 milligrams per liter. In a liter of ordinary lake water there are up to 100 milligrams, and in sea water - up to 37 grams or more. Chemists call this water “low-mineralized, soft, hydrocarbonate class”... The share of hydrocarbonates (carbon dioxide salts) of calcium and magnesium accounts for 84 percent, and chlorides and sulfates (salts of chlorous and sulfuric acids) - 7 percent. This composition makes the water healing. Imagine 23,600 cubic kilometers of healing water!

The reason for the unique purity and chemical composition water should be sought in the history of the lake. And recently a hypothesis has been put forward that suggests the existence of a constant influx of fresh water into Baikal from the upper mantle of the Earth. The magazine “Science and Life” (No. 6, 1984) talked about her. We will remind you of the traditional view of the problem of ultra-fresh water in Lake Baikal.

Typically, smaller lakes are actively colonized by living organisms - from microscopic algae to higher plants, from amoebas and ciliates to fish and waterfowl. Over time, the water takes on a greenish or reddish tint because myriads of microalgae have settled in it. Due to the dead remains of organisms, the layer of silt at the bottom - sapropel - thickens more and more. And from the banks thickets of reeds, reeds and other plants are spreading further and further aquatic plants, forming a continuous carpet. Mosses complete this process. The lake is overgrown. For most lakes, this “result of life” is natural: in place of a clear water surface, a viscous quagmire appears, which after some time is overgrown with forest.

Limnologists (specialists in the study of lakes) claim that Baikal mainly owes its exceptional purity to... life. Its water is purified by a large family of living organisms.

The beginning of it all is microscopic plants, which clear water absorb sunlight in an unprecedentedly powerful layer. On average, they release more than ten million tons of oxygen into the water of Lake Baikal and create about four million tons of organic substances per year. All this is the basis for the nutrition of the smallest animals - zooplankton (literally: “wandering animals”). The microscopic population of Baikal is 300 species of ciliates. It is also unique that Baikal is home to 255 species of amphipods (a third of all species found in fresh waters). However, a special role belongs to the copepod “Epischura baikalensis”. This species is found in only one other place on Earth - in the deep Kronotsky Lake in Kamchatka. If we weigh the entire living population of Baikal, it turns out that it is not fish or even mammals, such as seals, that mainly form this biomass, but plankton. And among it, in some years, up to 97 percent is epishura, in every liter Baikal water contains from 30 to 50 thousand crustaceans. Throughout Baikal - more than four million tons. It is epishura that is the favorite food of Baikal fish. But it is also the main filter of Baikal water. It is estimated that billions of crustaceans living in water, consuming microscopic algae of the reservoir, “recycle” 7.5 times per year more water what all the rivers flowing into the lake bring. So this is the powerful cleaner of Lake Baikal! However, epishura can only purify such unique water as Baikal; in polluted water it suffocates. Heating the water is destructive for it: just above twelve degrees, and it dies.

That is why it is so important to protect Baikal water from the slightest change in its properties in one direction or another, to proceed carefully with any kind of construction on the shores of Lake Baikal, to protect its water from the penetration of all kinds of industrial and domestic wastewater, carrying with it, albeit barely noticeable, but undoubtedly, harmful chemical and thermal pollution- Baikal has the right to especially stringent conditions of protection.

Magazine: "Science and Life", No. 9, 1984. Candidate's article geographical sciences V. Markina.

...Our boat was sailing along Lake Baikal along the Olkhon Island when the guide invited us to try Baikal water. Leaning over the side, she scooped up water with a mug and handed it to us with a smile.

- Can you drink it straight away like this? - we asked almost in unison.

“Well, I wouldn’t dare try it myself near the shore, but when we are almost in the middle of the Small Sea, you can drink the water without any restrictions.”

This is where we learned about the main Baikal cleaner - Epishura Baikal. Well, why is the Baikal one clear, another endemic, but what is epishura? big question, with the answer to which we will begin to reveal the secrets of the water of the deepest lake in the world.

Epishura- this is a type of small crustacean that eats everything that gets into Baikal water. True, this cannot be taken literally, but they do an excellent job with all organic matter. There is even an opinion that if a drowned person cannot be found on the first day, the search can be stopped; the epishura will eat the body completely and without a trace. They were even popularly nicknamed “Baikal ants.”

Epishura crustaceans are small, their size does not exceed 1.5 mm, but their number is so large that they account for up to 90% of the total Baikal biomass; this is the main food for omul and other fish inhabiting the lake. In turn, epishura eats almost all Baikal algae.

Epishura reproduces like this: the female lays eggs every 10-20 days in a bag in which she bears them, and up to 60 eggs are collected in the bag varying degrees maturity, and in total the female lays up to 200 eggs per year. In case of any danger, the female tears the sac and the eggs fall out into the water. Surprisingly, they do not die, but continue to develop. The larvae go through 12 stages in their development, molting each time during the transition from stage to stage. Once they become adults, crustaceans no longer grow. During the course of a year, two generations of epishura manage to develop and grow, so it may seem that it is developing continuously.

Epishura lives at various depths, completely unresponsive to changes in pressure, but more often it can be found in the open part of Lake Baikal in the upper 250-meter layer where it lives all year round. In shallow water it appears only during the ice-covered period and in early spring, at the time of ice melting. The only limitation for it is the water temperature, which should not exceed 12 degrees, with more high temperature crustaceans die. The life of epishura is generally short - on average 360 ​​days.

The crustacean is also found in the Angara, as well as in the Irkutsk and Bratsk reservoirs; in the latter, the epishura develops and has become a self-reproducing population.

So what does this almost mean for Baikal? microscopic crustacean? Most importantly, he manages to pass all the Baikal water through himself at least ten times during the year, filtering it and purifying it of all organic impurities, and he absolutely does not care about the nature of the pollution, as long as it does not turn out to be destructive for himself, such as, for example, Pulp and paper mill emissions. They turned out to be too tough for the epishura, and crustaceans in that area began to die en masse. Now, with the plant's operation suspended, they are slowly beginning to return.

The role of epishura does not end there; it is the most important link in food chain. It has been established that to raise 1 kg of omul fry, 10 kg of epishura are needed. The grown-up omul changes its food supply, switching to another, already predatory crustacean, called macroheptopus. But even here we cannot do without epishura. The fact is that to grow 1 kg of this crustacean, you also need at least 10 kg of epishura, which it feeds on.

But here another question arises: if there is so much epishura, and it completely eats up all the algae, where does the oxygen in Baikal water come from, because in its absence there will be no life, everything will die - both fish and crustaceans?

But this is the second riddle, the answer to which explains the reason for the unique transparency of Baikal water. There is such a device - a white Secchi disk; it is with its help that scientists determine the transparency of water bodies. So, it is visible in Baikal to a depth of 40 meters, in the Caspian Sea - 25 meters, Sevan - 20 meters. Even the vaunted alpine lakes are inferior to Baikal. Officially, the water of the Sargasso Sea is considered the standard of transparency, but in Baikal at a depth of 250-1200 meters it is no less. Of course, in shallow waters and at the mouths of rivers, transparency is much lower, and in the spring, when algae begin to develop rapidly, the white disk is already invisible at a depth of 8-10 meters, but here the epishuras get down to business, and everything falls into place.

The fact is that Baikal water has extremely few dissolved mineral salts, no more than 100 mg per liter, while in other lakes - up to 400 or more, in addition, there is no hydrogen sulfide, and there is an unusually high amount of oxygen. Thus, at great depths its content is 70−80% of water saturation, and in the surface layer it reaches 11−14 mg per liter. This excess oxygen occurs due to active vertical water exchange during periods of freezing of the lake and its liberation from the shackles of ice.

All this is caused by several reasons that do not happen in other bodies of water. First of all, the lake is fed mainly by glaciers, that is, the purest, almost distilled water initially flows into it. In addition, the water that gets into the lake settles there for years; the replacement of deep waters with surface waters occurs there over a hundred years. Presumably, over the entire existence of the lake, the water in it has changed 50,000 times.

It is known that even in hot summer, the water in the surface layers of Lake Baikal does not warm up above 10-16 degrees, at a depth of 20 m it never exceeds 10 degrees, and deeper than 250 m it always has the same temperature - 3-4 degrees. This is where there is room for epishura.

Scientists around the world have recognized that Baikal water is ideal for humans in its taste and has no analogues in the world, and in its purity it is not inferior to the water of Crater Lake in the USA, which is recognized as the world standard for water purity. Since 1992, industrial bottling of Baikal water has been carried out, which is taken from a depth of 400 meters.

In conclusion, a few numbers. Baikal contains 80% of Russia's fresh water - 23.6 thousand cubic meters. km, this is a fifth of all fresh water on the planet, and all this water is potable. And to a large extent, the tiny crustacean, Baikal epishura, is “to blame” for this: each liter of lake water contains from 30 to 50 thousand individuals, and total weight is more than 4 million tons.


What do you think about the properties of water from Lake Baikal?



I visited Baikal several times in 1998 and 2000 and always admired the purity and transparency of Baikal water. It is unusually transparent, clean and saturated with oxygen. And at the same time very refreshingly cold. In ancient times, it was considered healing; diseases were treated with its help.

The huge mass of water contained in Baikal and its mountainous surroundings create an extraordinary microclimate. Baikal works as a giant natural thermostat - in winter it is warmer on Baikal, and in summer it is a little cooler than, for example, in neighboring Irkutsk, located 70 km from the lake. The temperature difference is usually about 10 degrees. A significant contribution to this effect is made by forests growing almost along the entire coast of Lake Baikal.

The influence of Baikal is not limited to temperature regulation. Due to the fact that evaporation cold water from the surface of the lake is very insignificant; clouds cannot form over Baikal. Besides, air masses, bringing clouds from land, when they pass the coastal mountains, they heat up, and the clouds dissipate. As a result most the sky is clear over Baikal.

Baikal – ancient lake on Earth, resulting from the action of tectonic processes of antiquity. Its age is 20-25 million years.

The origin of Baikal is still a matter of scientific debate. The lake is located in a rift basin and is similar in structure, for example, to the Dead Sea basin. Some researchers explain the formation of Baikal by its location in the zone of an ancient tectonic fault, others suggest the presence of a giant fault in the Earth's mantle under Baikal, and others explain the formation of the depression tectonic processes as a result of the movement of the continents of Eurasia and Hindustan. Volcanic activity on Lake Baikal continues to this day - earthquakes constantly occur in the vicinity of the lake.

At the same time, Baikal is the most deep lake in the world; its maximum depth is 1630 m (average depth 730 m). The closest contender for this title, the African Lake Tanganyika, lags behind by as much as 200 meters.

Baikal contains about 23 thousand cubic kilometers of water, which is 20% of the world's and 90% of Russia's reserves of the purest fresh water. Every year, the Baikal ecosystem reproduces about 60 cubic kilometers of clear, oxygenated water. 336 permanent rivers and streams flow into Baikal, while half of the volume of water entering the lake comes from the Selenga.

It is curious that a drop of water entering Baikal from its tributaries settles here for years. Water exchange (replacement of deep waters with surface waters) occurs in the northern basin in 225 years, in the middle basin in 132 years, and in the southern basin in 66 years. At the same time, the rivers do not have time to become significantly saturated with salts, since the crystalline rocks of their banks are poorly soluble, and therefore they carry water of weak mineralization to Baikal. Due to the fact that the water balance in Baikal is practically zero, i.e. the incoming and outgoing parts are the same, the mineralization of water in the lake remains at a constant level. Only in recent decades, due to anthropogenic influences it has an upward trend.

Baikal is the cleanest natural reservoir of fresh water on Earth drinking water. At the same time, the composition of the lake has not changed for tens of thousands of years - this is confirmed by numerous representatives of ancient flora and fauna, which have been preserved on Baikal due to the fact that its water has remained the same. The living organisms inhabiting the lake repeatedly filter the water coming from the tributaries and with precipitation, removing all substances alien to Baikal.

The rare purity and exceptional properties of Baikal water are due to the vital activity of the animal and plant world of the lake. In a year, phytoplankton is able to clean the upper 50-meter layer of water three times. Substances released by phytoplankton inhibit the development of bacteria. And special Baikal algae give Baikal water high biological activity.

The purity of the water is such that sometimes visibility reaches 40 m. With such visibility, the lake water appears blue. Periodically, visibility decreases to 8-10 m. This is due to massive development animal microorganisms and plant origin, causing the color of water from blue-green to green. Turbidity of water occurs in summer and autumn.

The Baikal ecosystem is highly resistant to the effects of pollutants, this is facilitated by two factors: the high concentration of oxygen in the water, the release of atomic oxygen, which during photosynthesis can destroy harmful organic substances into low-hazard forms; a significant amount of humic substances capable of binding metal ions to form humates - physically and biologically neutral.

Baikal is home to more than 2,600 species and varieties of animals, 58 species of fish and more than 1,000 species of plants, including algae and microalgae. About 40% of plants and about 85% of animal species living in open Baikal, endemic, i.e. found only in Baikal. Living organisms in Lake Baikal are distributed from the surface to maximum depths.

Considering ancient age lakes, depth, static occurrence of waters and their mineral composition, it can be argued that, according to its bioenergy-information characteristics, Baikal water is optimal for human body, since it does not carry any information, i.e. it is energetically pure.

We can say that Baikal is not just a reservoir of pure fresh water. Lake Baikal is a natural factory for the production of water that is unique in its purity and composition, which has no analogues in the world. The properties of Baikal water are unique: it contains very few dissolved and suspended minerals, no toxic organic compounds and heavy metals, negligible organic impurities; at the same time, in it required quantity contains all the most important biogenic micro and macroelements, a lot of oxygen.

The high saturation of Baikal water with oxygen is facilitated by the fact that the lake’s water temperature is very low. And as we know from physics, with increasing water temperature, the amount of dissolved oxygen decreases. As water mineralization increases, oxygen solubility also decreases.

The excess oxygen in the lake is also facilitated by the process of photosynthesis carried out by algae and phytoplankton, as well as active vertical water exchange in the periods before freezing and after ice-freezing. Research by scientists has shown that in the deep water of Baikal the amount of oxygen (the main indicator of water quality) is three to four times greater than in any ordinary water (12 mg/l - Baikal; 3-5 mg/l - ordinary; 2 mg/l artesian). We have natural spring truly living water, surprisingly rich in oxygen.

The oxygen content in cold Baikal water is unique for natural water; oxygen does not evaporate and is easily absorbed by the body. The high content of dissolved oxygen gives the water a fresh taste, and low mineralization, the absence heavy metals, organochlorine compounds and harmful microorganisms gives Baikal water an incomparable health advantage over any other, especially tap water.

The pH value of Baikal water is 7.5, which is close to the pH value internal environment human body: pH of water in the body is 7.35. Minor change pH is known to lead to negative consequences.

With the mineralization of the lake being 96.4 mg per liter (in many other lakes it reaches 400 or more milligrams per liter), the water temperature of Baikal is about 4oC. Even in summer, the average surface water temperature does not rise above +9 °C. The only exceptions are certain bays, where the water can heat up to +15°C. In the water column of Lake Baikal they do not heat above +4°C. This is the temperature of the so-called “melt water”. "Melt water" is considered the most valuable.

The relict water of icebergs and glaciers provides the richness of plankton and the gigantic size of whales. Alpine meadows are famous for their lush vegetation. Long-livers tend to live in areas with melt water. The secret of the high activity of melt water is hidden in its structure.

Ice consists of dodecahedron dodecahedrons. When ice is heated, the bonds are broken, but the dodecahedrons are preserved. This is melt water. American biochemist Nobel laureate A. Szent-Gyorgy believed that water in the form of ice is the matrix of life. Ordinary water in the body must be transformed. This is not required for melt water. No need to waste energy. The complex icy structure of water dictates the size of protein complexes, the type, shape of DNA and much that underlies life on earth.

In recent years, physicists at Moscow State University and the Institute general physics The Russian Academy of Sciences is researching ortho and parawater. These are two components of ordinary natural water, differing in the direction of the spins of the hydrogen nuclei. The ratio of ortho to parawater is stable in nature. Ortho-water and para-water have different properties. For example, one can inhibit bacteria, and the other, on the contrary, promote their reproduction. In the process of long evolution, all living organisms have adapted to physical properties natural water, and any change in the properties of water can be sensitively perceived by living organisms and significantly affect their life activity.

On the website of the bottled water manufacturer “Sacred Baikal” www.waterbaikal.ru contains the following information about the composition of Baikal water and its healing properties:

The water in Baikal belongs to low-mineralized soft waters. The water of the lake belongs to the hydrocarbonate-calcium-sulfate (HCO3Ca2+SO42+) group, the water of most tributaries of Baikal belongs to the hydrocarbonate-calcium-silicon (HCO3Ca2+SiO2) group mineral waters. One of the processes leading to this is the process of biogenic extraction of silicon by diatoms.

The total mineralization of water in Baikal is 120 mg/l. the total content of ions in the lake water is 96.7 mg/l. On average, the share of calcium and magnesium bicarbonates accounts for 84%, chlorides and sulfates – 7%, alkali metals- 9% ion equivalent.

During photosynthesis, algae for every gram of carbon synthesized organic matter release 2.5-2.8 times more oxygen into water. For a year in a lake under 1 m? synthesized up to 127 g organic carbon therefore, up to 320-330 g of oxygen is released; for the entire Baikal this will be about 10-10.2 million tons.


Composition of bottled water "Sacred Baikal" (from the site: www.waterbaikal.ru)

Composition of Lake Baikal water

By supplying a person with oxygen, Baikal water helps to increase physical performance; increased absorption of proteins, minerals and amino acids, and as a result - active cell growth and organ restoration; increased blood supply to the brain and increased attention, improved reaction; strengthening immune system. All this gives additional strength and lifts your spirits. Pure water and oxygen are the two most essential substances for life. In Baikal water they harmoniously form a single whole, allowing us to touch the health of nature.

Thanks to its unique mineral composition and high content oxygen water “Sacred Baikal” is recommended for nutrition for everyone age groups. It not only satisfies the body’s needs for microelements, but also helps remove accumulated excess salts and toxins.

The main advantages of Baikal water are as follows:

Baikal water is the purest water in the world;
Low mineralized;
Saturated with oxygen;
Unique in its taste;
Possesses unique properties“melt water”

The fresh water of Lake Baikal is “really one of the cleanest” - this was the conclusion reached by the deputies participating in the Mir-1 and Mir-2 expeditions, Natalya Komarova, chairman of the State Duma Committee on Natural Resources, Environmental Management and Ecology, told ITAR-TASS.

She noted that before the start of the expedition she “had some concerns about the state of the bottom of Lake Baikal and the ecosystem of the lake as a whole.” The fact is, the deputy explained, that for a long time wood rafting was carried out here along the flowing rivers. It was important for the deputies, Komarova said, to see and understand the state of this “strategically important not only for Russia, but for the whole world” source of fresh water.

“Fortunately, our fears were not justified, we saw a clear bottom and were convinced that life on Lake Baikal was in full swing,” noted the head of the committee. The bottom of the lake, she said, is almost white, its diversity and richness undersea world. "We saw various kinds fish and other biological resources, there are a lot of crustaceans in the lake, which ensure constant purification of the water,” said Komarova. According to her, the fresh water in the lake “is truly one of the cleanest, we were convinced of this ourselves by tasting it.”

Komarova noted that during the dive, deputies took water and soil samples, which have now been submitted for examination. “We are waiting for the results of the study to get a complete picture, and only then will it be possible to draw final conclusions and summarize, but it is already clear to us that unique nature Baikal needs additional legislative protection,” Komarova emphasized.

However, despite all this, environmentalists are sounding great alarm about the ecology of Baikal, since the waters of the lake have been polluted for ten years wastewater timber processing Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill (BPPM), built in nature protection zone lakes. To which supporters of the consumption of Baikal water give a counter-argument that the water in the lake is quickly self-purified by the ecosystems existing in it.

Despite special government decisions, the BPPM continues to destroy the most valuable natural resource, and the fauna of the lake has already changed.

The damage from the activities of the BPPM in 1997 amounted to 3.9 billion rubles, which far exceeds the cost of the plant's products. At the end of 1998, BPPM was brought to justice. But justice was not done in favor of clean water: the plant continues to operate and pollute Lake Baikal. And that's not all.

Another problem of Baikal is that rafting is prohibited in the Baikal basin, but raw timber is still transported by water by rafts. In the Upper Angara area, the lake is polluted by port facilities, and from a helicopter you can see muddy tailings of gold mine waste on the surface of the water. When the Angarsk hydroelectric power station and the Angarsk reservoir were built, the water level in Lake Baikal rose by 1 meter. As a result, the previous equilibrium state of the ecosystem along the entire perimeter of the reservoir was disrupted. And this is 2000 km! In addition, millions of tons fell into the lake rocks, vegetation and soils.

The annual flow of Baikal is 60 billion cubic meters pure water. But already near the city of Angarsk the water is practically not suitable for drinking. And the waters of the Bratsk Reservoir are rotting due to the “shock” preparation of the bed of this reservoir. Now the same thing is happening with the reservoir bed of the Boguchanskaya hydroelectric power station.

It would be necessary to muster civil courage and liquidate the BPPM and the Angarsk hydroelectric power station, drain the Angarsk reservoir, bring the Baikal regime to a stable previous state and ban any anti-ecological economic activity in the water protection zone of Lake Baikal. At the same time, 660 megawatts of capacity of the Angarsk hydroelectric power station could be replaced by the corresponding capacity of a new state district power station using coal from the Cheremkhovo basin. The Angarsk hydroelectric power station, which produces 4.1 billion kWh of electricity per year, does not produce heat, and it is possible to calculate how much electricity is spent on heating the city.

The laying of powerful water pipelines to the west and east of Lake Baikal will radically solve the problem of clean drinking water for most regions and the population of Russia. Drinking water is much more expensive than oil and gasoline, and we know how to build main pipelines. The project with the code name "BAYKALTRANS" can revive the pipe industry of Russia and Ukraine, apply the latest technologies, attract investments, and create thousands and thousands of new jobs.

Ph.D. O.V. Mosin

The article uses photographs of Lake Baikal from the sites -

Transparent water of Baikal. Photo – Xchgall

Properties of Baikal water

One of the main treasures of Russian nature is rightfully Baikal - the deepest lake in the world, reaching 1637 meters in depth. The uniqueness is that, in addition to the fact that it contains more than 20% of all fresh water reserves in the world, it is also unique in its purity; there are only a few such lakes in the world. The transparency of the water in Lake Baikal reaches 40 meters (!) - an unprecedented indicator for freshwater reservoirs. For comparison, the most transparent sea in the world - Sargasso - has a transparency index of 65 meters.

Such high transparency is explained by the rather weak mineralization of Baikal water, which is close in composition to distilled water, and the special composition of the world organisms living in it, which maintain the lake’s ecosystem in an unchanged state. The more than 300 rivers and streams that flow into Baikal typically originate deep underground and bring about 60 cubic kilometers of clean fresh water into the lake every year.

Ecology of Lake Baikal

It would be worth recalling that for several decades the entire unique ecosystem of Lake Baikal, including the reservoir itself and the beautiful coniferous and deciduous forests and islands surrounding it, was literally under the threat of destruction for several decades. Perhaps not everyone remembers the struggle of environmentalists around the world that unfolded in the 2000s against the pollution of Baikal waters by waste from the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill.

And it all started back in the late 50s, when for the needs defense industry it was necessary to produce more cellulose. For production process it was necessary a large number of fresh water, therefore, without further ado, it was decided to build a plant on the shore of the largest source of fresh water in the USSR. True, even in those difficult times, when expressing an opinion different from the party line was often dangerous not only for a career, but also for freedom, there were brave people - biologists and writer F. Taurin, who wrote several open letters V " Literary newspaper” with a demand to cancel the construction of the plant. Unfortunately, this did not help, and construction began in April 1960, and in November 1966 the plant opened and began pouring poison into clean Baikal water (120 thousand cubic meters of waste daily) and poisoning the air with its emissions (over 30 tons of harmful substances per year ).

The continuous struggle of scientists to save the lake from pollution led to the fact that in 1996 UNESCO included it in its “World Heritage List” with a recommendation to immediately close the pulp and paper mill, since according to scientists’ forecasts, the ecosystem of the southern part of the lake could be completely destroyed by 2010. Unfortunately, even this did not prevent the then President of Russia from vetoing the law “On the Protection of Lake Baikal” approved by the Duma in 1997, and the plant continued its destructive work. Continuous protests by environmentalists forced the leadership of the now governed joint stock company The pulp and paper mill promises to repurpose the enterprise. True, this repurposing simply resulted in a transition to a closed cycle of operation in 2008, after which the worn-out treatment facilities of the plant literally began to collapse, and the work of the enterprise had to be stopped. Unfortunately, not for long - already in January 2010, the current president of the country, who was at that time the head of the Russian government, signed a decree allowing the pulp and paper mill not only to resume work in the open water circulation system and pour waste into the lake, but also to build new capacities and store waste at the shores of Lake Baikal.

It seemed that the fight was lost, but, as they say, there would be no happiness... The managers of the plant turned out to be not only irresponsible in relation to nature, but also inept managers. By 2013, CBK's loan debt exceeded 1,300 billion rubles, and the company was declared bankrupt and finally closed in December 2013. The nature of Baikal was saved.

Drinking water “Pearl of Baikal”

It is quite natural that beautiful water Lake Baikal became the basis for the production of drinking water. One of the most famous brands obtained from those located near the lake is Baikal Pearl (“Pearl of Baikal”) - natural natural water, extracted from Aresian springs at a depth of 100 meters, located off the coast of Lake Baikal near the village of Khudyakovo.

This is the only premium water produced in Russia. Such a high positioning provides the Pearl of Baikal with its wonderful fresh taste and the highest purity and balance in composition.

But, while enjoying the wonderful taste of drinking water, we should not forget that, although the main threat to Baikal has disappeared, there are many others that can pose a danger to Baikal water. With difficulty it was possible to protect the lake from laying a main gas pipeline along its bottom; attempts are constantly being made to drill oil wells in the delta of the Selenga River, the main tributary of Lake Baikal.

Therefore, all of us, Internet users, should be more active and support more often environmental actions in defense of our native nature, even with a simple repost. This is the only way we can save native nature intact.