Where does the clean water of Lake Baikal come from? You can no longer drink water from Lake Baikal

It is impossible to say that Baikal has been fully explored today. Even some simple moments are often confusing. For example, such a seemingly elementary question as the number of sources flowing into the lake can be considered open. After all, it is not so easy to record all the streams that carry the purest mountain water to Baikal. It's almost like conducting a population census. Even the number of rivers varies from source to source! It is difficult to count all these flows, because some shores of the lake are simply impassable. Sheer cliffs or, conversely, swampy places get in the way, and it’s not always possible to see a stream meandering in the grass from a helicopter. The situation is also complicated by the seasonal difference in these tributaries, because some of them appear during the snowmelt period, happily disappearing in the summer.

But it has been precisely established that the Angara water is carried away from Lake Baikal. But whether there are small, insignificant drains near the lake is also difficult to say. Regarding the number of islands, there is the same confusion - for some reason it is impossible to count them accurately. Or are they washed away by the running water of the lake? By the way, information about water exchange also varies. Some scientists claim that the water in the bottom layers of Baikal settles for almost centuries, and therefore acquires unique properties. Others focus on the fact that the lake’s water is still in motion, and this does not allow it to accumulate a large number of silt - and with it acquire turbidity, and that is why the transparency of Baikal water is so high.

The "culprit" of cleanliness

But what has also been established for sure is one of the “culprits” of the unsurpassed purity of this greatest thing on the planet water reserve. This microscopic crustacean, processing everything that could form sludge. They call it Baikal epishura. And this endemic planktonic crustacean processes all substances down to the simplest inorganic compounds. Local plankton produces oxygen in huge quantities! Another filter for Baikal water is sponges. This is where the water is so amazingly rich in this life-giving element. So, water sediment, especially centuries-old water, apparently has nothing to do with it at all.

Baikal simply heals itself with the help of microorganisms that are found almost nowhere else. Why "almost"? Because Baikal water still penetrates into other lakes in its basin, and together with this plankton. But here's a riddle: warm and not deep lake Kotokel, where it is reliably known that the same epishura plankton is present, almost died from environmental disaster. Of course, the percentage of pollution in small lake could exceed all conceivable limits, but the temperature of the water could also play a role, in which pathogenic organisms could multiply more actively than in the cold, deep Baikal, and therefore the bottom plankton was unable to cope with such an attack.

But what’s surprising: Kotokel is gradually recovering! It has already become to fish . After all, only a few years have passed since the disaster, and already such an amazing result. Of course, Kotokel is flowing, but the water from it flows through the river system into Baikal. Why was the water of the “Glorious Sea” not damaged? Because it does not “settle” for centuries, but is processed, moreover, by a large amount of plankton. In addition, both lakes are replenished by the purest glacial water. Modern scientists believe that it is melt water that has the most favorable structure. It seems that the second “culprit” for the cleanliness of Lake Baikal has been found.

Melt and bottom water

Can the sun warm up the entire thickness of the waters of Lake Baikal? Of course, such a moment comes, otherwise there would always be ice at the bottom of the lake. But the temperature of the bottom water still remains very low. As a result, its structure is close to melt water. Pathogenic organisms do not reproduce at this temperature, and if you organize a fence drinking water precisely from the depths, then it does not have to be chlorinated in order to drink. Just like we drink cold water from springs that rises from the depths of the earth. Since there is no other lake in the world with such depth, there is no other water with such remarkable properties. If you take the most big lake- The Caspian Sea, the water in it is salty and unsuitable for drinking.

Melt water is considered useful not only because of its structure, but also because of the small amount of salts. When it flows from the mountains during the melting of glaciers, it is practically not saturated with minerals, because in the vicinity of Lake Baikal the river banks consist of crystalline rocks that are poorly soluble in water. As a result, the water remains soft, making it suitable for drinking and bathing. Doctors believe that hard water can clog joints and contribute to the deposition of salts in them. The blood flow also suffers from it, not to mention digestive system and kidneys. But soft water can work wonders, and in the spring the waters of Baikal are close to distilled, but these are natural waters, not artificially obtained.

Examples for contrast

A modern car enthusiast is unlikely to fill the gas tank with low-quality fuel, realizing that the car may deteriorate. At the same time, for example, in the water supply of the city of Taganrog, far from Lake Baikal, water flowed with such a salt content that it tasted bitter and salty. And people drank it! Tourists who came to this “resort-industrial” center jokingly called tap water, coming from the Mius River, by “crane Borjomi”. Or they even believed that the water brought there was not even from slightly salted Sea of ​​Azov, and immediately from Black! Even six spoons of sugar could not “correct” the taste of tea with such water.

Against this background you start unique water Appreciate Baikal even more. After all, each person’s body is unique, and it, no less than a car, needs clean “fuel”. Since the body is 80% water, our health depends on the purity of what we are forced to drink. And how useful soft water is for bathing! Not only does it feel gentle when touched, but it also has a beneficial effect on the health of the skin and hair, as well as their appearance. That is why the unique water of the lake must be treated with the utmost care.

When you begin to understand the value of a unique lake

Talk about how all living things came out of water has become categorically boring. Now anyone will ignore this phrase. If you tell a person that Baikal is one fifth of all fresh water reserves on Earth, then this will be perceived only as statistics. But you just have to plunge into this amazing world relict lake, imbued with its grandeur, as you begin to almost feel with your skin that this fragile balance can be destroyed. And even if now Baikal water is able to heal itself, experimenting with it or giving up by throwing garbage on the shore or into an oncoming wave, they say, this too will be recycled, it’s not worth it.

But each of us can contribute to the preservation of unique water. If you are used to not burdening nature with the “husk of civilization”, but to peacefully contemplate it, if it is your habit to collect garbage in a bag and take it to the first waste container you come across, if you do not break branches unnecessarily, and make fires in old fireplaces and always extinguish after yourself, or even better, use other means of preparing food, then come to Baikal and take a place there, not allowing those who live only one day to settle.

To get inspired by the idea, you can visit a special ecological tours, which are organized here on Lake Baikal. Around the lake there are nature reserves and reserves that are open to visitors, which are limited by the number of people passing through the area in one day. These territories are protected by the state, and for others we are personally responsible when we visit them, live there and leave them again. How clean the water in Lake Baikal will remain depends on how attentive we are to nature.

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(The material is presented in question and answer form)

1.Were you previously familiar with the method of developing a reconstructive imagination? If yes, from what sources? Have you used this technique or its individual techniques in your lessons?

Introduction to the technique of recreating (in to a greater extent creative) imagination took place back in student years at the Pedagogical Institute at lectures on the methods of Russian language and literature experienced teachers– mentors.

She systematically used certain techniques of reconstructive imagination in the lessons of preparation for presentation. The presentation of almost all years of study was exam task ninth graders, so it was necessary to prepare children for this type of work, starting from the fifth grade, based on methodological manuals, which were offered to help the teacher. With the Internet connection, a variety of electronic materials to prepare students for final exam in the form of the State Examination Inspectorate, the tasks of which included a concise presentation. Various pedagogical websites contain materials from the experience of the best teachers in preparing students for the State Examination, which significantly facilitated the teaching job and improved the quality of graduates’ knowledge.

Many program texts for presentations located on the pages school textbooks, allow the content to be used individual techniques recreating imagination. IN last years it became possible to develop students’ re-creating imagination using visual and musical images with the help of presentations.

2. How did students perceive the new type of task? In which class did you use the technique? Have you been able to teach students to “turn on their imagination” and write a narrative based on it?

It is necessary to develop the student’s recreating imagination, and this is not an easy task. There are different children in front of the teacher in the lesson, and their reconstructive imagination is not developed to the same extent.

New type tasks called “Turn on your imagination”, when the teacher, addressing the children, says quite simply: “Imagine that everything you read about, you see on your “mental screen”, is perceived with pleasure.

It was necessary to use the method of reconstructive imagination in almost all grades, from 5 to 11, when working with texts where the content allowed it, and not only in Russian language lessons, but also in literature lessons when reading and analyzing works of fiction.

Here are some examples:

    Preparing for detailed presentation in 5th grade based on the text by G. Snegirev “The Brave Little Penguin.”

    Preparing for concise presentation in 6th grade according to the text

“Collector of Russian words” (about V.I. Dal).

    Preparation for selective presentation in 7th grade based on the text by M.A. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man".

    Preparation for a presentation with elements of an essay in grade 7 based on the text by K.G. Paustovsky “Creaky Floorboards”.

    Preparation for a concise presentation in grade 8 based on a text from the newspaper “But there was a case.”

    In 9th grade, when preparing for an exam condensed presentation and essay in linguistic topic according to texts (mainly artistic style) open bank assignments on the FIPI website.

    In grades 10-11 when preparing for an essay - USE reasoning based on texts (mainly artistic style) of an open task bank on the FIPI website.

    In literature lessons, when compiling characteristics of the main characters based on an analysis of the most important episodes from the text.

Let us give examples of such works: I. S. Turgenev “Mumu”, L.N. Tolstoy “Childhood. Adolescence. Youth”, N.V. Gogol “Taras Bulba”, I.A. Goncharov “Oblomov”, L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”, M. A. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita” and others.

Effective technique development of reconstructive imagination, which helps in work, is watching episodes or an entire film adaptation of a read work (A.N. Tolstoy’s Fairy Tale “The Snow Maiden”, I.S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”, F.M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”, M.A. Sholokhov " Quiet Don» L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”, M.A. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”, as well as documentaries about the life and work of this or that author (“In Yesenin’s Homeland”, V.M. Shukshin “Writer and Director”).

Only recreation in visual, concrete sensory images of what the student reads, sees, hears contributes to the full perception of educational material.

3.Have you and your students experienced any difficulties in their work? What were they connected with?

Of course, there were difficulties. Development tasks creative imagination had to be selected taking into account individual characteristics students.

When preparing for presentation, use presentations with ready-made visual images you have to be very careful. Slides should not contain images that are not related to the content of the text, as children begin to admit factual errors, introduce episodes into the presentation that are not in the source text.


based on recreative imagination


Baikal water! It is well known that it is the purest, most transparent, almost distilled. I didn’t know: this water, in its kilometer thickness, is the most beautiful. Its shades are countless. On a quiet summer morning in the shade of the shore, the water is blue, thick and juicy. As the sun rises higher, the color also changes; more delicate pastel colors are used. A breeze blew - someone suddenly added blue to the lake. It blew harder - the gray strokes lined this blue with foamy stripes. The lake seems to be alive: it breathes, changes, rejoices, gets angry.

What's going on here in the evening? The sun quietly sank behind the mountains and threw up a farewell green beam, and Baikal instantly reflected this delicate greenery. Old man Baikal is as receptive as a young man. The next day, the dawn painted half the sky with red strokes of long, high clouds - Baikal was burning, it was hot.

Winter on Lake Baikal is no less colorful. Ice hummocks turn blue, then green, then, like a prism, they cast away Sunbeam seven-color rainbow. It’s nice to wander along the shores of the lake at this time: it has its own microclimate, the winters are milder, the summers are cooler. Snowy taiga, mountains and sun, sun! A wonderful setting for Lake Baikal!

(According to R. Armeev, 152 words)

Baikal amazes not only with its impressive size and water reserves, but also with the number of myths about the water of the amazing lake. We'll reveal 5 facts you should know:

1. Unique composition of water

Having delved into the study of the composition of the lake’s water, scientists note that it is similar to distilled water. There are practically no mechanical impurities in Baikal, and the content of dissolved salts is low. But if we turn to more detailed analysis water, then we can mark one important fact: water is enriched with free oxygen and microelements important for the human body. This is due to the fact that water enters the lake through a multi-stage and difficult path, overcoming tributaries, cascades of natural filters. Enriched with life-giving power, it turns into a health cocktail: improving brain and physical activity, rejuvenating the human body, accelerating tissue regeneration, water becomes an important component of maintaining health.

2. Water acidity

The acidity of the water extracted from the lake is Ph = 7.5, this figure is as close as possible to the acidity internal environment human body. Thanks to this level acidity, water is perfectly absorbed, ideal for preparing baby and diet food.

3. Ecological formula

Lake Baikal is an incredible factory for the production of high-quality drinking water. Healing properties waters are associated with the passage of complex natural filtration and unique biosphere. A study of water quality by the Irkutsk Limnological Institute showed that the lake is inhabited not only by living organisms, but also by ten species of bacteriophages involved in the destruction dangerous bacteria for the human body.

An amazing fact about Baikal water: the water has the properties of a natural antiseptic and is effective against hypertension, bronchial asthma and urolithiasis.

4. Energy of melt water

As a result geographical location and features climatic conditions, the lake water goes through repeated cycles of freezing and thawing. Melt water is biologically active and has a beneficial effect on human body. Studies have shown that it stimulates life processes, affects longevity and health. Most centenarians live in regions where melt water is used primarily in their diet.

5. The extraordinary taste of pure water

Having considered all four facts about water, it is not surprising that it has a unique, pleasant taste. The clean drinking water of Lake Baikal can rightfully be called life-giving. Thanks to chemical properties water, composition, natural and mechanical filtration - you want to drink water and enjoy the taste.

Lake water is used in Food Industry for creating carbonated drinks, fruit drinks and alcoholic drinks, but the taste and benefits of clean drinking water are undeniable.

Baikal water is natural " living water" Artificially, with the help modern technologies, similar water it is impossible to create, therefore the preservation of the lake is a priority not only for the ecology of Russia, but also for the world.

Transparent water of Baikal. Photo – Xchgall

Properties of Baikal water

One of the main treasures of Russian nature is rightfully Baikal - the deepest lake in the world, reaching 1637 meters in depth. The uniqueness is that, in addition to the fact that it contains more than 20% of all fresh water reserves in the world, it is also unique in its purity; there are only a few such lakes in the world. The transparency of the water in Lake Baikal reaches 40 meters (!) - an unprecedented indicator for freshwater reservoirs. For comparison, the most transparent sea in the world - Sargasso - has a transparency index of 65 meters.

Such high transparency is explained by the rather weak mineralization of Baikal water, which is close in composition to distilled water, and the special composition of the world organisms living in it, which maintain the lake’s ecosystem in an unchanged state. The more than 300 rivers and streams that flow into Baikal typically originate deep underground and bring about 60 cubic kilometers of clean fresh water into the lake every year.

Ecology of Lake Baikal

It would be worth recalling that for several decades the entire unique ecosystem of Lake Baikal, including the reservoir itself and the beautiful coniferous and deciduous forests and islands surrounding it, was literally under the threat of destruction for several decades. Perhaps not everyone remembers the struggle of environmentalists around the world that unfolded in the 2000s against the pollution of Baikal waters by waste from the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill.

And it all started back in the late 50s, when for the needs defense industry needed to produce more cellulose. For production process A large amount of fresh water was needed, therefore, without further ado, it was decided to build a plant on the shore of the largest source of fresh water in the USSR. True, even in those difficult times, when expressing an opinion different from the party line was often dangerous not only for a career, but also for freedom, there were brave people - biologists and writer F. Taurin, who wrote several open letters V " Literary newspaper” with a demand to cancel the construction of the plant. Unfortunately, this did not help, and construction began in April 1960, and in November 1966 the plant opened and began pouring poison into clean Baikal water (120 thousand cubic meters of waste daily) and poisoning the air with its emissions (over 30 tons harmful substances in year).

The continuous struggle of scientists to save the lake from pollution led to the fact that in 1996 UNESCO included it in its “World Heritage List” with a recommendation to immediately close the pulp and paper mill, since according to scientists’ forecasts, the ecosystem of the southern part of the lake could be completely destroyed by 2010. Unfortunately, even this did not prevent the then President of Russia from vetoing the law “On the Protection of Lake Baikal” approved by the Duma in 1997, and the plant continued its destructive work. Continuous protests by environmentalists forced the leadership of the now governed joint stock company The pulp and paper mill promises to repurpose the enterprise. True, this repurposing simply resulted in a transition to a closed cycle of operation in 2008, after which the worn-out treatment facilities of the plant literally began to collapse, and the work of the enterprise had to be stopped. Unfortunately, not for long - already in January 2010, the current president of the country, who was at that time the head of the Russian government, signed a decree allowing the pulp and paper mill not only to resume work in the open water circulation system and pour waste into the lake, but also to build new capacities and store waste at the shores of Lake Baikal.

It seemed that the fight was lost, but, as they say, there would be no happiness... The managers of the plant turned out to be not only irresponsible in relation to nature, but also inept managers. By 2013, CBK's loan debt exceeded 1,300 billion rubles, and the company was declared bankrupt and finally closed in December 2013. The nature of Baikal was saved.

Drinking water “Pearl of Baikal”

It is quite natural that beautiful water Lake Baikal became the basis for the production of drinking water. One of the most famous brands obtained from those located near the lake is Baikal Pearl (“Pearl of Baikal”) - natural natural water, extracted from Aresian springs at a depth of 100 meters, located off the coast of Lake Baikal near the village of Khudyakovo.

This is the only premium water produced in Russia. Such a high positioning provides the Pearl of Baikal with its wonderful fresh taste and the highest purity and balance in composition.

But, while enjoying the wonderful taste of drinking water, we should not forget that, although the main threat to Baikal has disappeared, there are many others that can pose a danger to Baikal water. With difficulty it was possible to protect the lake from laying a main gas pipeline along its bottom; attempts are constantly being made to drill oil wells in the delta of the Selenga River, the main tributary of Lake Baikal.

Therefore, all of us, Internet users, should be more active and support more often environmental actions in defense of our native nature, even with a simple repost. This is the only way we can save native nature intact.

Lake Baikal is a unique creation of nature. And not only because it holds 80 percent of our country's fresh water, a fifth of all the planet's fresh water. Peculiar geological history Baikal, its further fate is unusual, associated with the process of moving apart tectonic plates.

Baikal has existed for a very long time. More than 20 million years ago, a fault appeared in the earth's crust in the form of a narrow crack. Since then, those touching under Lake Baikal have been moving away from each other. tectonic plates- Siberian and Transbaikal. Slowly diverging, these two giant pieces earth's crust free up space for the ocean basin. The slabs move away from each other by an average of 2-3 millimeters per year. This means that over three hundred million years, approximately six hundred kilometers... In certain periods, the process accelerates five or even ten times. Earthquakes are signals that “ocean time” is approaching. Of course, on our human scale this is completely imperceptible.

Baikal already has “its own Atlantis.” Literally before the eyes of the Buryats - nomads - the northern part of the Selenga delta, the largest river flowing into Baikal, sank into the lake on the eve of 1862. This is the Gypsy steppe with an area of ​​about two hundred square kilometers. The entire basin that contains the grandiose lake gradually becomes deeper.

During the existence of the lake, the water in it changed only 50 thousand times. Flowing slowly through the lake, settling for a long time in its dark depths, the water becomes cleaner and more transparent. But, of course, it is not only thanks to such settling that water is purified. Baikal is famous for the fact that it even contains less dissolved salts than any other lake.

The freshest water in the world, perhaps, is born when glaciers melt: in such “ ice water» almost no dissolved salts. Several tens of thousands of years ago, glaciers descended into Baikal. Dissolved salts in Baikal water are only 20-40 milligrams per liter. In a liter of ordinary lake water there are up to 100 milligrams, and in sea water - up to 37 grams or more. Chemists call this water “low-mineralized, soft, hydrocarbonate class”... The share of hydrocarbonates (carbon dioxide salts) of calcium and magnesium accounts for 84 percent, and chlorides and sulfates (salts of chlorous and sulfuric acids) - 7 percent. This composition makes the water healing. Imagine 23,600 cubic kilometers of healing water!

The reason for the unique purity and chemical composition water should be sought in the history of the lake. And recently a hypothesis has been put forward that suggests the existence of a constant influx of fresh water into Baikal from the upper mantle of the Earth. The magazine “Science and Life” (No. 6, 1984) talked about her. We will remind you of the traditional view of the problem of ultra-fresh water in Lake Baikal.

Typically, smaller lakes are actively colonized by living organisms - from microscopic algae to higher plants, from amoebas and ciliates to fish and waterfowl. Over time, the water takes on a greenish or reddish tint because myriads of microalgae have settled in it. Due to the dead remains of organisms, the layer of silt at the bottom - sapropel - thickens more and more. And from the banks thickets of reeds, reeds and other plants are spreading further and further aquatic plants, forming a continuous carpet. Mosses complete this process. The lake is overgrown. For most lakes, this “result of life” is natural: in place of a clear water surface, a viscous quagmire appears, which after some time is overgrown with forest.

Limnologists (specialists in the study of lakes) claim that Baikal mainly owes its exceptional purity to... life. His water purifies big family living organisms.

The beginning of it all is microscopic plants, which clear water absorb sunlight in an unprecedentedly powerful layer. On average, they release more than ten million tons of oxygen into the water of Baikal and create about four million tons per year organic matter. All this is the basis for the nutrition of the smallest animals - zooplankton (literally: “wandering animals”). The microscopic population of Baikal is 300 species of ciliates. It is also unique that Baikal is home to 255 species of amphipods (a third of all species found in fresh waters). However, a special role belongs to the copepod “Epischura baikalensis”. This species is found in only one other place on Earth - in the deep Kronotsky Lake in Kamchatka. If we weigh the entire living population of Baikal, it turns out that it is not fish or even mammals, such as seals, that mainly form this biomass, but plankton. And in some years, up to 97 percent of it is epishura. Each liter of Baikal water contains from 30 to 50 thousand crustaceans. Throughout Baikal - more than four million tons. It is epishura that is the favorite food of Baikal fish. But it is also the main filter of Baikal water. It is estimated that billions of crustaceans living in the water, consuming microscopic algae of the reservoir, “recycle” 7.5 times more water per year than all the rivers flowing into the lake bring. So this is the powerful cleaner of Lake Baikal! However, epishura can only purify such unique water as Baikal; in polluted water it suffocates. Heating the water is destructive for it: just above twelve degrees, and it dies.

That is why it is so important to protect Baikal water from the slightest change in its properties in one direction or another, to proceed carefully with any kind of construction on the shores of Lake Baikal, to protect its water from the penetration of all kinds of industrial and domestic wastewater, carrying with it, albeit barely noticeable, but undoubtedly, harmful chemical and thermal pollution- Baikal has the right to especially stringent conditions of protection.

Magazine: "Science and Life", No. 9, 1984. Candidate's article geographical sciences V. Markina.