School guide. Textbooks by Ter-Minasova with audio aid

In addition to the article about Biboletova's Enjoy Eglish textbooks, we are also publishing an article about another series of English textbooks for school - Ter-Minasova. They were discussed in the article about good textbooks.

Ter-Minasova S.G. English for grades 2, 3, 4, 5. Set: Book for student, teacher, workbook, reading book, disk. All textbooks are developed according to the standards of EU language portfolios.

The entire set consists of textbooks with aids from grades 2 to 5 inclusive. ATTENTION! Later appeared Ter-Minasova's textbooks up to grade 9 inclusive, information and links to teaching materials - for grades 6, 7, 8, 9 - at the end of the article, the line is called Favorite.

There is also her good tutorial- English without a teacher. Tutorial + CD-ROM.

English without a teacher is an excellent tool that is convenient to use with children. Pupils ( high school) can already master it, after the 5th grade textbook you can move on to this book (it comes immediately with a voice-over disc). In this book, the disk is pasted at the end, see the photo below in the gallery.

TER-MINASOVA'S VOICE OVER can be purchased on disc. By new edition textbooks. For example: 3rd grade.

See the review (comparison with old-style textbooks).

Textbooks by Ter-Minasova with audio aid

This option for grade 2 is a set of 1+2 parts of the textbook (blue cover) + DISC!

Here is the 2012 edition for grade 2 ( full set, there is also an audio guide).

Edition of Ter-Minasova's textbook 2012 for grade 3.

3rd grade kit.

Set for 4th grade.

The textbook for 5th grade is in one part, not two!

bobcat note:

I don’t like Biboletov, there is very little regional information and it is arranged very strangely, the grammar is separated from the texts, in short, this is a traditional Russian English textbook. Ter-Minasova’s textbooks contain contextual grammatical, regional studies or cultural material, the connection of all this with fairy tales and traditional folklore, to which we have become accustomed since childhood in Marshak’s translations.

This tutorial was created in accordance with the EU concept, the Council of Europe has such a program - Language Portfolio, it is designed for different age groups, taking into account one general requirement, to what extent a person can communicate with representatives of another language: read, write, speak, and we are also talking about the child’s self-assessment of his successes; the simplest portfolio applies to a children’s audience of 7-10 years old.

according to the texts, let alone a simple school, there, as a rule, the third goes to the fifth.

After Ter-Minasova’s primary school, which we talked about a lot here, you should focus on the name Safonova.

I like Astrel's version better, these textbooks correspond modern requirements UNESCO. April 13, 2012 bobcat

Ter-Minasova S.G. English language (textbooks)

Ter-Minasova S.G. English - 2nd grade.

Ter-Minasova S.G. English - 3rd grade.

Ter-Minasova S.G. English - 4th grade.

Ter-Minasova S.G. English - 5th grade (unlike the previous ones, 5th grade is in one part, not in two).

Ter-Minasova S.G. English language: English without a teacher.

Ter-Minasova S.G. English without a teacher. Back side of the book.

I am publishing some pages and spreads of the book: Ter-Minasova S.G. English without a teacher. I highly recommend it for kids of average and high school, and for adults who don’t feel very confident with the language.

Ter-Minasova S.G. English without a teacher. Pages from a book.

Ter-Minasova S.G. English without a teacher. The book comes with a DISC (glued in a bag at the end of the book).

I have been teaching English at our school for the third year using Ter-Minasova’s textbooks. The kids really like it. The classes are not strong, but the results are amazing. Difficult usually grammar topics children “swallow” it “one or two times.” Unfortunately, in our school they do not divide the class into groups in elementary school and all thirty-two students sit in one group different levels development. But even in these conditions, almost everyone is engaged with interest. And the guys who various reasons had to move to other schools, they refuse to sell textbooks to newcomers - they study using them on their own, because, according to the parents, “other textbooks are not suitable.” I enjoy it myself. I’m only worried about what I’ll do with these classes after the fifth - and for the fifth I still can’t find workbooks, CDs and a book for the teacher, and I haven’t seen the sixth at all in the pictures. Although I know that the “line” up to the 9th grade is definitely finished, and there was a question about the 10th grade 4 years ago. If anyone has information on this topic, please tell me and share.

  • Does anyone know where I can get the scale for Ter-Minasova’s textbooks? There is no download anywhere, and I saw it for sale only in Ozone, in the section

    For grades 4 and 5 there is no catalog at all...

    Where can I get it, who knows?.. There are very few disks, especially for 2nd grade, and for everyone else too - most of the textbook just disappears!!

  • Yes, there is no second and third... and no fifth either.

    In Ozone I asked if there were other voice acting classes (except for the 4th), this is what they answered:

    You have left a request for those products whose circulation has ended. If any
    publishing house or company will buy the rights to reprint goods, and they will appear, then we
    We will definitely inform you when they go on sale.

    The product you are interested in is "English 5 / English language. Grade 5. Sound aid
    (audio course on 3 cassettes)" is not available from us and our suppliers.

    If this product becomes available from any of our suppliers,
    it will also definitely go on sale at

    So NO!! Bummer is not the right word!

    If anyone has a scale for Ter-Minasova’s textbooks for grades 2, 3, 4 and 5, write through contacts, I would buy it, record it on disks (then by mail), or maybe you can download it and post it somewhere.
    In general, please share if anyone has it!

  • I received a CD for 4th grade (audio guide).
    But I can’t find grades 2, 3 and 5 on sale! If anyone sees it, please tell me!

  • Educational and methodological kit (UMK) "English language" for 2-4 grades educational institutions(authors: Ter-Minasova S.G., Uzunova L.M., Obukauskaite D.S., Sukhina E.I., Sobeschanskaya Yu.O.) releases publishing house "Akademkniga/Textbook" . Educational complex "English language" Ter-Minasova S.G. etc. is integral part programs "Promising Primary School" for 4-year primary school.

    Textbooks on the English language Ter-Minasova S.G. etc. are included in federal list textbooks recommended for use when implementing state accreditation educational programs primary general, basic general, secondary general education(Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 31, 2014 N 253).

    Composition of the educational complex “English language” by Ter-Minasova and others for each year of study:
    - textbook in 2 parts with an electronic appendix;
    - workbook;
    - a book to read;
    - a book for teachers;
    - lesson planning.

    Textbook developed in accordance with the requirements of the federal government educational standard primary general education foreign language. The content of the textbook provides training in the context of communicative-activity, sociocultural and personal oriented approaches to the development of schoolchildren; includes many natural communication situations; creates motivation and interest for students in the classroom in English. Electronic supplement to the textbook is integral part UMC.

    Workbook is an integral part of the teaching and learning complex “English. Favorite." It relates to the material in the textbook and contains exercises designed to assimilate and consolidate the material studied. At the end of the workbook there is a section “Test yourself”, which includes tests to control lexical and grammatical skills and abilities in four types of speech activity.

    Book to read is a mandatory component of the English language teaching and learning complex. It is thematically related to the textbook and includes texts that correspond age characteristics, interests of students and their level language training in a foreign language. In addition, it presents various exercises training and creative nature, aimed at developing reading and speaking skills. Reading book introduces students to popular children's literature English speaking countries, can be used in extracurricular activities to stage plays in English.

    Teacher's book contains the necessary guidelines on working with a textbook, workbook and reading book, calendar and thematic planning, audio texts, keys to exercises and test tasks.

    Lesson planning is an integral component of teaching materials in English by Ter-Minasova S.G. etc. It describes in detail the course of each lesson and provides methodological recommendations for performing each exercise in the textbook and in the audio guide, alternative options for performing exercises, Additional tasks, including creative ones, tasks for extracurricular activities, as well as keys to exercises and test tasks.

    If you liked the material, click the button of your social network:

    The textbook was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education in a Foreign Language.
    The content of the textbook provides training in the context of communicative-activity, sociocultural and personality-oriented approaches to the development of schoolchildren; includes many natural communication situations; creates motivation and interest for students in English lessons.
    The educational and methodological set includes: Program, Textbook, Workbook, Reading Book, Teacher's Book and Audio Guide.

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    Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
    Download the book English, grade 4, Part 1, Ter-Minasova S.G., Uzunova L.M., Sukhina E.I., 2013 -, fast and free download.

    • English language, 4th grade, Part 2, Ter-Minasova S.G., Uzunova L.M., Sukhina E.I., Sobeschanskaya Yu.O., 2013 Books on English
    • English language, grade 4, Part 1, Ter-Minasova S.G., Uzunova L.M., Sukhina E.I., Sobeshchanskaya Yu.O., 2013 - The textbook was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education in a foreign language. The content of the textbook provides training... Books on English
    • English language, grade 4, Reading book, Ter-Minasova S.G., Uzunova L.M., Sukhina E.I., Sobeshchanskaya Yu.O., 2013 - The reading book is a mandatory component of the English language teaching and learning kit. It is thematically related to the Textbook and includes age-appropriate texts... Books on English
    • Book for the teacher, English language, grade 4, Ter-Minasova S.G., Uzunova L.M., Sukhina E.I., Obukauskaite D.S., 2012 - The book for the teacher is an integral component of the teaching and methodological kit in English language for general education institutions. It contains the necessary methodological recommendations for... Books on English

    The following textbooks and books:

    • English language, Methods of word formation in tables and exercises, Tochilina A.K., 2018 - This manual is the result of careful selection and integration existing rules English word formation, usually scattered across various sections of grammar. ... Books on English
    • English phrasebook based on films, Part 3, How to apologize, ask and thank, Verchinsky A., 2018 - English phrasebook based on films, Part 3, How to apologize, ask and thank, Verchinsky A., 2018. What should be the ideal phrasebook? ... Books on English
    • English Phrasebook for Movies, Part 4, How to Congratulate and Talk on the Phone, Verchinsky A., 2018 - English Phrasebook for Movies, Part 4, How to Congratulate and Talk on the Phone, Verchinsky A., 2018. What should be the ideal... Books on English
    • A simple English textbook, Vinogradov A.Yu., 2018 - This the textbook will do for learning from zero to intermediate level of knowledge of the English language. Translation and transcription of all English wordsBooks on English

    Previous articles:

    • Learning English, 4th grade, Ilchenko V.V., 2017 Books on English
    • Learning English, 3rd grade, Ilchenko V.V., 2017 - All children love to color. And this is very useful, as it develops fine motor skills, Creative skills, perseverance and accuracy, relieves stress. ... Books on English
    • Learning English, 2nd grade, Ilchenko V.V., 2017 - All children love to color. And this is very useful, as it develops fine motor skills, creativity, perseverance and accuracy, and relieves stress. ... Books on English
    • Homework in English for grade 2, Bychkova T.A., 2016 - Suggested tutorial contains samples of all tasks and exercises from the English textbook. 2nd grade. Educational, for general education. organizations... Books on English

    Basic course in English. Ter-Minasova S.G. and etc.

    M.: 201 6 . - 4 16s. + CD

    The basic course is intended for the general public and, in particular, for university students. The course will be useful primarily to those who want to gain short term quality basic knowledge English grammar and oral and writing. Inside you will find interesting texts, dialogues and exercises, as well as a large amount of regional information. The book consists of 20 lessons, built on the principle from simple to complex, and is accompanied by a CD containing materials read by native speakers.

    Format: pdf

    Size: 8 MB

    Watch, download:


    Format: mp3/zip

    Size: 80 MB


    Preface 4
    How to work with this book 5
    LESSON 1 (UNIT 1) 10
    §1. English alphabet 10
    §2. Transcription signs 11
    LESSON 2 (UNIT 2) 20
    §1. Open and closed syllable and 20
    §2. Pronunciation of individual letters and sounds 21
    §3. Letter combinations 24
    LESSON 3 (UNIT 3) 28
    §1. Vowels and sounds 28
    §2. Diphthongs 30
    LESSON 4 (UNIT 4) 34
    § 1. Emphasis 34
    §2. Intonation 37
    LESSON 5 (UNIT 5) 46
    § 1. Personal pronouns 47
    §2. Personal pronouns and possessive adjectives. . .48
    §3. Verbs to be (to be), to do (to do), to have (to have) 49
    §4. Articles 51
    LESSON 6 (UNIT 6) 58
    §1. What time is it now? (What time is it now?) 59
    §2. Cardinal and ordinal numbers 60
    §3. Present simple tense ( Present Simple) 63
    §4. Demonstrative pronouns 76
    LESSON 7 (UNIT 7) 80
    § 1. Degrees of comparison of adjectives 83
    § 2. Simple past tense ( Past Simple) 85
    § 3. Verbs to do, to make 93
    LESSON 8 (UNIT 8) 96
    § 1. Pronouns somebody, anybody, nobody 98
    § 2. Prepositions 101
    § 3. Present and past continuous tense (Present Continuous, Past Continuous) 108
    § 4. “Tail” questions (Tag questions) 114
    LESSON 9 (UNIT 9) 120
    §1. Simple future tense ( Future Simple Tense) 122
    §2. Prepositions 124
    §3. Adverbs of measure and degree (much/little, many/few) 128
    §4. Adjectives (synonyms) 131
    LESSON 10 (UNIT 10) 140
    §1. Indirect speech(Reported (Indirect) Speech) 140
    §2. Intensifying construction with the verb to do 145
    §3. Comparative turnover with conjunctions as ... as and not so ... as .. 146
    §4. Turnover used to 148
    LESSON 11 (UNIT 11) 154
    Brainstorm: new words and grammar refresh Meals 154
    LESSON 12 (UNIT 12) 168
    §1. The present perfect tense (Present Perfect) 171
    §2. Modal verbs (Modal Verbs) 176
    LESSON 13 (UNIT 13) 188
    §1. Reflexive pronouns(Reflexive Pronouns) 189
    §2. Possessive pronouns. Absolute form Possessive Pronouns 192
    §3. Past perfect tense ( Past Perfect Tense) 195
    §4. Modal verbs. Equivalents of the Modal Verbs (Modal Verbs (continue). Equivalents of the Modal Verbs) 200
    LESSON 14 (UNIT 14) 210
    Brainstorm: new words and grammar refresh Clothes and shopping 210
    LESSON 15 (UNIT 15) 220
    §1. The Gerund 221
    §2. Infinitive or gerund? 230
    §3. Passive (Passive) Voice (The Passive Voice) 232
    §4. Imperative mood(Imperative Mood) 237
    LESSON 16 (UNIT 16) 246
    § 1. Perfect continuous tense (Perfect Continuous Tense) 252
    § 2. Complex addition ( Complex Object) 255
    LESSON 17 (UNIT 17) 260
    § 1. Subjunctive mood Conditions 264
    § 2. Subordinate clauses qualifying sentences(Relative Clauses) 267
    § 3. Phrasal verbs (Phrasal verbs) 270
    LESSON 18 (UNIT 18) 282
    Brainstorm: new words and grammar refresh Unlucky day, or going to see a doctor 284
    LESSON 19 (UNIT 19) 290
    Reviewing what you have learned, or Brush up your grammar and vocabulary 290
    LESSON 20 (UNIT 20) 302
    Reviewing what you have learned, or Brush up your grammar and vocabulary (continued) 302
    List irregular verbs(List of irregular verbs) 314
    comparison table the most common words and expressions in British and American English (British and American English. Comparison table) 318
    List the most important words, changing not according general rules 322

    The proposed self-instruction manual is designed for the widest audience of readers and, above all, for those who want to gain high-quality basic knowledge of English grammar and oral and written speech skills in a short time.
    The course consists of 20 lessons, built on the principle of simple to complex, and is accompanied by a CD application containing materials read by native speakers.
    The book also contains a color insert with colorful regional studies materials, keys to exercises and an appendix that includes important grammar materials and information about the peculiarities of the use of words and expressions in British and English. American versions in English.

    Stress in English words deserves special attention. Look at the ground rules. But don't be intimidated by the volume of information! Experience comes with practice. Be sure that soon you will intuitively place stress correctly and read words with ease!
    1. In two-syllable words, the stress usually falls on the first syllable. The stressed vowel is read according to its position in the syllable (open or closed): "window, "member, "number, "napkin, "paper, "writer.

    2. In three- and four-syllable words, the stress usually falls on the third syllable from the end (the stressed vowel is pronounced briefly): a"ability, development, political, ac"tivity, necessity, "difficult, ex"tremity.

    3. In nouns with the suffix -tion. -sion, -ssion the main stress falls on the vowel preceding the suffix. Before the suffixes -tion, -sion the letters a, o, and are read as in open syllable: conclusion, ad"dition, in"clusion, injection, oc"casion, i,magi"nation, .inter"ruption, in"vasion, tele"vision, ex"plosion, de"votion.

    How to use this book
    LESSON 1 (UNIT 1)
    §1. English alphabet
    §2. Transcription signs
    LESSON 2 (UNIT 2)
    §1. Open and closed syllable
    §2. Pronunciation of individual letters and sounds
    §3. Letter combinations
    LESSON 3 (UNIT 3)
    §1. Vowels and sounds
    §2. Diphthongs
    LESSON 4 (UNIT 4)
    §1. Accent
    §2. Intonation
    LESSON 5 (UNIT 5)
    §1. Personal pronouns
    §2. Personal pronouns and possessive adjectives
    §3. Verbs to be (to be), to do (to do). to have (to have)
    §4. Articles
    LESSON 6 (UNIT 6)
    §1. What time is it now? (What time is it now?)
    §2. Cardinal and ordinal numbers
    §3. Present Simple Tense
    §4. Demonstrative pronouns
    LESSON 7 (UNIT 7)
    §1. Degrees of comparison of adjectives
    §2. Simple past tense (fast simple)
    §3. Verbs to do. to make
    LESSON 8 (UNIT 8)
    §1. Pronouns somebody, anybody, nobody
    §2. Prepositions
    §3. Present and past continuous tense (Present Continuous, Past Continuous)
    §4. "Tail" questions (Tag questions)
    LESSON 9 (UNIT 9)
    §1. Simple future tense Simple Tense)
    §2. Prepositions
    §3. Adverbs of measure and degree (much/little. many/few)
    §4. Adjectives (synonyms)
    LESSON 10 (UNIT 10)
    §1. Reported (Indirect) Speech
    §2. Intensifying construction with the verb to do
    §3. Comparative phrases with conjunctions as ... as and not so ... as
    §4. Turnover used to
    LESSON 11 (UNIT 11)

    LESSON 12 (UNIT 12)
    §1. Present Perfect Tense
    §2. Modal Verbs
    LESSON 13 (UNIT 13)
    §1. Reflexive Pronouns
    §2. Possessive pronouns. Absolute form of possessive pronouns
    (Possessive Pronouns)
    §3. Past perfect tense (Past Perfect Tense)
    §4. Modal verbs. Equivalents of modal verbs
    (Modal Verbs (continue). Equivalents of the Modal Verbs)
    LESSON 14 (UNIT 14)
    Brainstorm: new words and grammar refresh
    Gloves and shopping
    LESSON 15 (UNIT 15)
    §1. The Gerund
    §2. Infinitive or gerund?
    §3. Passive Voice (The Passive Voice)
    §4. Imperative Mood
    LESSON 16 (UNIT 16)
    §1. Perfect continuous tense ( Perfect Continuous Tense)
    §2. Complex Object
    LESSON 17 (UNIT 17)
    §1. Subjunctive Mood (Conditionals)
    §2. Relative Clauses
    §3. Phrasal verbs
    LESSON 18 (UNIT 18)
    Brainstorm: new words and grammar refresh
    Unlucky day, or going to see a doctor
    LESSON 19 (UNIT 19)
    Reviewing what you have learned, or Brush up your grammar and vocabulary
    LESSON 20 (UNIT 20)
    Reviewing what you have learned, or Brush up your grammar and vocabulary (continued)
    List of irregular verbs
    Comparison table of the most common words and expressions in British and American English (British and American English. Comparison table)
    List of the most important words that do not change according to general rules
    English-Russian dictionary
    Russian-English dictionary
    Answers to exercises (Keys).

    Download the e-book for free in a convenient format, watch and read:
    Download the book English for Beginners, Ter-Minasova S.G., Kostyukova K.S., Pavlovskaya O.A., 2015 -, fast and free download.

    • English language, Full course, Step by step, Ter-Minasova S.G., Kostyukova K.S., Pavlovskaya O.A., 2016 - Educational complex in English contains 20 lessons, which present the main topics of grammar, useful vocabulary, necessary in everyday communication, … Books on English
    • Books on English
    • Basic English language course, Ter-Minasova S.G., Kostyukova K.S., Pavlovskaya O.A., 2016 - The basic course is intended for the general public and, in particular, for higher education students educational institutions. The course will be useful first of all... Books on English
    • - The proposed tutorial is designed for the widest audience of readers and, above all, for those who want to receive high-quality... Books on English

    The following textbooks and books:

    • English verbs and adjectives with fixed prepositions, Litvinov P.P., 2004 - The purpose of the manual is to develop and improve skills and abilities practical application most common English verbs and adjectives with fixed prepositions. ... Books on English
    • English, Self-teacher of the English language, Dugin S.P., 2015 - B last years appeared a large number of manuals and tutorials that promise to teach English in 6-8 weeks. Well, for... Books on English
    • 2000 English expressions, Memorization techniques, Minimum thematic dictionary, Litvinov P.P., 2010 - The manual is a minimum dictionary, including about 2000 set expressions modern English language. The dictionary contains an original method for accelerating memorization of English expressions... Books on English
    • 1500 most common English words for all occasions, 2012 - The manual includes 1500 most common English words with traditional and Russified transcription plus examples with parallel translation. If a word has multiple meanings... Books on the English language Books on the English language
    • English in 15 minutes, Beginner level, Tuchina N.V., 2015 - A set of book and disk has been prepared for those who have little free time and who need to quickly acquire or restore... Books on English